TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#954: The young person elderly lives Luo Wei

When Hell Front other three people arrive in being overwhelmed canyon, Feng Bujue just spoke one long to reach reciting without seeming to pause for breath of more than thousand characters. 地狱前线的其余三人来到断魂峡中时,封不觉刚好讲完了一段长达千余字的贯口。 But Alliance Lord Yuan and military Lin Qun hao expression at this moment...... had expressed on the extreme shock and body of heart perfectly the fierce ache of some part. 袁盟主和武林群豪们此刻的表情……已完美表达了他们内心深处的极度震惊和身体上某个部分的剧烈疼痛。 But Jue Bro actually thinks little, he takes advantage of opportunity raises one, the teammates in towards oneself hinted, said: Right, I had not introduced that...... these three, is my Broken Sword Tea Hut guest.” He referred to Ruoyu, this is my wife, another two are my disciple, Alliance Lord you must listen to their given names while convenient?” 觉哥对此却是不以为意,他顺势就扬起一手,朝自己的队友们示意了一下,说道:“对了,我还没介绍呢……这三位,皆是我破剑茶寮的寮客。”他指了指若雨,“这位是我的夫人,另外两位是我的弟子,盟主你要不要顺便听听他们的名号?” Does not use!” Yuan Qi stared in a big way the eye, the startled say/way, really does not use loudly!” “不用了!”袁圻瞪大了眼睛,高声惊道,“真的不用了!” Alliance Lord Yuan expression at this moment as if in saying asked you let alone, the elder brother knelt to you. 袁盟主此刻的表情仿佛在说“求你别说了,哥给你跪了”。 Nearby All Directions Mansion Master season energy is also the arrow step goes forward saying: Hut Master Feng, the prestige of expensive/noble school of chivalrous person...... I looked that will have the opportunity to listen to...... our here also to have a more important matter next time to again manage at present......” 一旁的八方楼主季能也是箭步上前言道:“封寮主,贵派侠士的威名……我看还是下回有机会再听好了……眼下咱们这儿还有更要紧的事情得办……” Good.” Yuan Qi hurries to do right after something else, this place terrain is disadvantageous, was not suitable stays for a long time......” he to take with the martial arts world Alliance Lord manner,( this little while does not need to send greetings with Inner Strength loudly again, because the surrounding person added less than 50, moreover aural acuity was good, therefore by throat said directly good) said that thinks various group of heroes also controlled one's breathing similar( Feng Bujue talked nonsense everyone not to idle), after we should start off as soon as possible...... treat the matter became, again comes back well to bury the corpse of same side.” “不错。”袁圻赶紧接茬儿,“此地地形不利,不宜久留……”他拿了拿武林盟主的派头,高声(这会儿已经不需要再用内力传音了,因为周围的人加起来不足五十个,而且耳力都不错,所以直接靠嗓子说就行了)说道,“想必各路英雄也都调息得差不多了(封不觉扯淡的时候大家也没闲着),我们还是应尽快上路……待事成之后,再回来好好安葬同门的尸体吧。” „Is is! Alliance Lord Yuan said is extremely!” “是是是!袁盟主所言极是!” Indeed, matter cannot be delayed Ah! “的确,事不宜迟啊! Right, everyone hurries to hurry along!” “对啊,大伙儿赶紧起来赶路啦!” The martial arts world people who fortunately survive are also in abundance the fast responses, to prevent Feng Bujue comes three storytelling again, they it can be said that spare no effort. 幸存下来的武林人士们也是纷纷快速响应,为了防止封不觉再来三段评书,他们可说是不遗余力。 Thereupon, this has more than 50 people of teams, started off...... 于是乎,这尚存五十余人的队伍,就这么重新上路了…… ............ ………… On the other hand...... 另一方面…… Before burying the heart mountain village . 葬心山庄前。 Under the light fog covers, the scenery complements, one team of troops were enormously and powerful good the entrance of mountain village. 光雾笼罩之下,山水掩映之间,一队人马浩浩荡荡地行到了山庄的入口处。 At this time, in the village outside mountain village, is a person does not remain...... 此时,山庄外的村子里,已是一个人都不剩了…… Obviously, that ambush warfare of breaking soul canyon, buries an action that the heart valley resident turns out in full strength, what a pity...... the result only has a person to fortunately survive. 很显然,断魂峡的那场伏击战,乃是葬心谷居民倾巢出动的一次行动,可惜……结果只有一个人幸存下来。 Naturally, even if this group of people are all living, will not stop these royal government soldiers and horses......, because Yama has the command, wants please this team of troops to come. 当然了,就算这群人全都活着,也不会去阻拦这些朝廷兵马的……因为阎王早已有令,要“请”这队人马进来。 This is also military Lin Qun hao who why...... Yuan Qi leads including a body of officers not to discover all the way. 这也是为什么……袁圻率领的武林群豪们一路上连一具官兵的尸体都没发现。 In fact, they not only have not discovered the corpse, without discovering any trace of fighting...... the horse's hoof, wheel rut, footprint had not found. 事实上,他们不但没发现尸体,也没发现任何打斗的痕迹……就连马蹄、车辙、脚印等都没找到。 Without a doubt...... the soldiers and horses of royal government shortly after entering the valley then turned to one with the martial arts world people different paths, moreover in valley person also very thoroughly for them trail eliminating. 毫无疑问……朝廷的兵马在入谷后不久便拐向了一条和武林人士们不同的道路,而且谷中人还很周到地替他们把足迹给消除了。 Sir everyone, please hold your steps.” 诸位大人,请留步。” Before the team frontline equitation person line arrives at the mountain village gate , an old woman blocked in their front. 当队伍最前方的骑马人行到山庄门前时,一名老妪拦在了他们的面前。 That is a seemingly 60-year- old woman, the figure is thin, the whole face wrinkle, wears the simple peasant family attire, on the clothes is also having the patch. 那是个看上去60多岁的老妇人,身形偏瘦,满脸皱纹,身着朴实的农家装束,衣服上还打着补丁。 Sees that three taking the lead equitation person Bank of China have a robust man who wears Battle Armor, was saying immediately: Aunt, but you this person in inside the mountain villa?” 见状,三名领头的骑马人中行出一名身穿战甲的壮汉,在马上言道:“大娘,您可是这山庄里的人哪?” This man named Lu Yuan, is the military governor's headquarters( this organization is very early already was abolished a general in histories in form of biographies). The Lu Yuan semblance is long very coarse, the temper is also similar. Looking at his opens the mouth is one aunt, can know that this Sir does not arrest the formality, is very popular. 这条汉子名叫鲁元,乃是大都督府(这个机构在正史中很早就已被废除)的一名将军。鲁元外表长得很糙,性子也差不多。瞧他张口便是一声“大娘”,也能知道这位大人不拘礼节,十分亲民。 „.” The old woman returns said, old body presents the life of Yama, awaits respectfully everyone your honorable self in this.” Although she is old, language that but spoke fast quite quick, the sound was the air/Qi is also full, buried in the heart mountain village not to allow the live domestic animal to take a walk......” she to look at the horses that the horse of that pedestrian crotch and pulled a cart, met saying that also asked everyone dismount to the car(riage), along with the old body walked.” “正是。”老妪回道,“老身奉阎王之命,在此恭候各位大驾。”她虽是年迈,但讲话的语速颇快,声音也是中气十足,“葬心山庄内不容活的牲畜走动……”她看了看那行人胯下的马和拉车的马匹,接道,“还请诸位下马离车,随老身步行。” Un?” hears word, on the face of second equitation person exuded a disfavor. “嗯?”闻言,第二名骑马人的脸上泛起了一丝不悦之色。 This person named Bao Qi, the officer occupies the brocade uniformed guard pacification to cause. Although in the name has strange, but his look actually lives is ordinary not wonderful( secret service likes recruiting this person) ; Moreover, his bureaucrat conduct , is in three people most. 此人名叫鲍奇,官居锦衣卫镇抚使。虽说名中有“奇”,但他的相貌生得却是平凡无奇(特务机关就爱招这种人);另外,他身上的官僚做派,也是为首三人中最甚的。 „Did your woman, how speak?” Bao Qi said, you may know on the carriage to sit are......” “你这妇人,怎么说话的?”鲍奇言道,“你可知马车上坐得是……” Yeah ~ at this time, the third equitation person beckoned with the hand, interrupted the Bao Qi words, Brother Bao, does in Rome as Rome does...... you, and allows me to go with that master to notify one, does to haggle over again ~ “哎~”这时,第三名骑马人摆手出了一声,打断了鲍奇的话,“鲍兄,正所谓入乡随俗嘛……你且容我去跟‘那位爷’通报一声,再作计较嘛~” This tone comparison mother and facial features slightly fat, naturally is Eunuch that is Dongchang. He named Mao Jincai, listening to the name to know that is not wealthy from the small family/home, therefore slightly was delivered to enter the palace very much...... 这位语气比较娘、面容微胖的,自然是一位官拜东厂的公公了。他名叫毛进财,听名字就知道从小家里不富裕,所以很小就被送进宫去了…… Yes, Brother Bao......” another side Lu Yuan also meets saying that why to go to awkward elderly man, we first listen to your highness the meaning reached an agreement again.” “是啊,鲍兄……”另一边的鲁元也接道,“何必去为难一个老人家呢,咱们先听听‘殿下’的意思再说好了。” Snort...... Bao Qi saw Eunuch Mao to transfer the horse's head toward to go next, on cold snort/hum one, no longer said a word. “哼……也罢。”鲍奇毛公公已经调转马头朝后行去了,也就冷哼一声,不再言语。 Soon, Eunuch Mao then came back, moreover is walking comes back. 不多时,毛公公便回来了,而且是“走”回来的。 Two, your highness has the aim, our everyone walks together.” Eunuch Mao said to immediately two with a smile. “二位,殿下有旨,咱大伙儿一块儿走走吧。”毛公公笑着对马上的两位言道。 hears word, Lu Yuan and Bao Qi all then looked at one, discovered that several great people in carriage also got down from the car(riage) in abundance. 闻言,鲁元鲍奇皆是回头看了一眼,发现马车中的几位大人物也都纷纷从车里下来了。 Therefore, they also hurry dismount, prepare to command troops into the village. 于是,他们也赶紧下马,准备领兵入庄。 Unexpectedly...... 不料…… Holds on a minute.” Old woman raise hand blocked their way once again. “且慢。”那老妪又一次抬手拦住了他们的去路。 How?” Bao Qi this chapter may not be a little impatient. “又怎么了?”鲍奇这回可有点儿不耐烦了。 Yama has the command, enters village...... most ten people.” The old woman returns one word at a time said. 阎王有令,入庄者……最多十人。”老妪一字一顿地回道。 What?” Bao Qi high sound said, bold defiant person! You......” “什么?”鲍奇高声道,“大胆刁民!你……” When he prepares with officer prestige fools this not knowing good from bad old lady, after that Fangxiang had the voice of another person: Aiya General Bao you why that big anger? Ten people on ten people.” 正当他准备拿“官威”来唬一唬这个不知好歹的老太婆时,其后方响起了另一个人的声音:“哎呀~鲍将军你干嘛那么大的火气呢?十个人就十个人嘛。” One hear of this sounds, Bao Qi instigates immediately, not only instigated, he also turned around to kneel. Not was only he knelt, most people in team all knelt...... 一听这声音,鲍奇立刻就怂了,不但怂了,他还转身跪了。不仅是他跪了,队伍中的大部分人全都跪了…… Clearly, of speech is imperial juniors- King of Jin Zhu Zhizha. 很明显,说话的这位乃是一名皇家子弟-晋王朱知楂 Perhaps some people will think that the name of this goods is very strange, right...... is very strange, but to the prince sovereign grandson of Ming Dynasty, naming was always an involuntary matter...... 或许有人会觉得这货的名字很奇怪,没错……就是很奇怪,但对明朝的王子皇孙来说,取名从来就是件身不由己的事情…… According to the stipulation of ancestor, the prince family/home according to the character order of age, taked promote Wang Family for instance...... altogether on 20 characters: Carrying on the great work bell Qibiao, knows new cautious keen request, examines the heart to admire salty, states study before cultivates. 根据老祖宗的规定,王爷家得按字排辈,以晋王家为例……一共就二十个字:济美钟奇表,知新慎敏求,审心咸景慕,述学继前修。 Similarly is the stipulation of ancestor( Zhu Yuanzhang in this aspect inexplicable rigid), their later generation of Zhu, in the name the third character must be five lines of character radicals, moreover must arrange according to the gold/metal wooden water fire clay. 同样是老祖宗的规定(朱元璋在这方面莫名执着),他们老朱家的后人,名字里第三个字必须是五行部首,而且得按照金木水火土这么排下去。 But the character is limited, the generation after generation are inexhaustible......, therefore, by the end of Ming, we then saw fortunately the name was called the Zhu Youlang emperor. 但字是有限的,子子孙孙是无穷尽的……因此,到了明朝末年,我们便有幸看到了名字叫朱由榔的皇帝。 This...... was really good, somewhat quite mixes miserable multitudious prince grandson, named on word-formation by the later period. If you in the dictionary noticed that significance is unclear, has the character of five lines of character radicals, that most likely was Ming Dynasty time put in order. 就这……还真不错了,有些混得比较惨的庶王子孙,到后期就得自己造字儿来取名了。你要是在字典上看到那种意义不明的,带五行部首的字,那十有八九是明朝的时候整出来的。 Good...... make complaints to finish, we return to the story. 好了……吐槽完毕,咱们还是回到故事中来。 „After your highness......” two seconds, Bao Qi kneels was saying, „...... you are the body of large sum of money, only leads ten people to enter this strategic place, if there is an accident......” “殿下……”两秒后,鲍奇跪着言道,“……您乃是万金之躯,只带十个人入此险地,万一有个闪失……” Good was good, gets up, first gets up the speech.” When Zhu Zhizha with very amiable language gas welding say/way, saves the province...... I am the body of what large sum of money......” he speaking of here, on the face has the color of several points of forced smile, resembles the words that somewhat self-ridicules to say, but starts to speak but hesitates. After, he meets saying that said again, did ten people also enough...... besides me and Sir Chang, what happen to have your eight extremely expert to protect in side...... have to be good to be worried?” “行了行了,都起来,先起来说话。”朱知楂用十分随和的语气接道,“都省省吧……我算什么万金之躯……”他说到这儿时,脸上带着几分苦笑之色,似有些自嘲的话要讲,但欲言又止。顿了顿之后,他才接道,“再说了,十个人也就够了……除了我和常大人之外,正好有你们这八位绝顶高手在旁保护……有什么好担心的?” Sir Chang that Zhu Zhizha said that named Chang Wei. 朱知楂所说的常大人,名叫常威 Ok, I know that everyone is thinking anything at this moment, please give up that thought immediately. 好了,我知道各位此刻在想什么,请立刻放弃那个念头。 Right, this Sir calls Chang Wei, but he is not that Chang Wei that will not say martial arts, but will be one over 60 years old and beard and hair all white court physicians. 没错,这位大人是叫常威,但他不是那个自称不会武功的常威,而是一名六十多岁、须发皆白的御医。 As for other that eight big expert, naturally has Lu Yuan, Bao Qi and Mao Jincai these three people of seats, but...... they can only be in the four devas are weakest...... not, is in eight big expert the weakest three people. 至于另外那“八大高手”,其中自然有鲁元鲍奇毛进财这三人的席位,不过……他们只能算是四天王里最弱……哦不,是八大高手里最弱的三人。 Surplus that five expert, we also score points to begin to speak...... 剩余那五名高手,咱还得分开说…… First, is the brocade uniformed guard directs to cause Shangguan Si. This person is has the person of shrewdness, is smart person who” Cao Qin recognizes. This all the way, he rides a horse to follow in the final side of team, moreover puts on is an ordinary brocade uniformed guard official's costume ; At first sight...... some people do not think that he is one of the here government position biggest several people. 第一位,是锦衣卫指挥使上官汜。此人是个颇有城府之人,也是曹钦认定的“聪明人”。这一路上,他都骑马跟在队伍的最后方,而且穿得是一袭普通的锦衣卫官服;乍看之下……绝不会有人认为他是这里官职最大的几个人之一。 As for Wugong...... this year's 50 -year-old over Shangguan Si, have then practiced the diamond not to go bad the boundary ten years ago an external work. What a pity the way that he practices martial art just was too too positive, is really unable to comprehend merit without interest, otherwise his cultivation base can also a level higher. 至于武功方面……今年五十岁出头的上官汜,早在十年前便已将一身外功练到了金刚不坏之境界。可惜他习武的路数太刚太正,实在无法参悟“无息功”,要不然他的修为还能更上一层楼。 Then, is second expert. 接着,是第二位高手 This person named Bian Ji, is the military governor's headquarters vice- causes. Usually in gives the impression of person is only a being an armchair strategist civil official, but in fact...... his internal strength cultivation base enough must go forward three in Imperial Palace expert, comes is not inferior compared with that Du Ying. 此人名叫卞吉,乃是大都督府的副使。平日里给人的印象只是个纸上谈兵的文官,但实际上……他的内功修为在大内高手中够得上前三,就是比起那杜赢来也毫不逊色。 Raises while convenient, before Cao Qin leaves the horse caravan, Bian Ji and Cao Qin sit in a carriage together, but another two horse-drawn vehicles supply Zhu Zhizha and Chang Wei respectively ride. 顺带一提,在曹钦离开马队以前,卞吉曹钦是一同坐在一辆马车里的,而另外两辆马车则分别供朱知楂常威乘坐。 Then, can say third, fourth and fifth people. 接着,可以一口气说一下第三、四、五人。 Jiang Xu, Cao Guo, Yu Fei ; Namely rides a horse to keep up with three people by three carriage respectively. 蒋许,曹果,俞飞;即分别骑马跟在三辆马车旁边的三人。 If in the preamble said that...... they specifically are responsible for several in guard motorcade dignitaries'. Three people all for this action first-class expert that but chooses from on 12 health/guard, and is the hereditary imperial person ready dead, the critical moment can be Zhu Zhizha goes to without hesitation. 如前文中所说……他们是专门负责护卫车队中的几名达官显贵的。三人皆是为了这次行动而从“上十二卫”中挑选出的一流高手,且都是世袭的皇家死士,关键时刻可以毫不犹豫地为朱知楂赴死。 Above, was eight big expert that Zhu Zhizha said that was counted him and often the court physician, just right ten people. Except that leaves the ranks beside SOLO Eunuch Cao, in team remaining basically. Naturally...... „” is also relatively speaking, strict, this dresses ranks the soldiers and horses to be a person skilled in martial arts . Moreover the regular army, really must hit, the battle efficiency will be will not lose to that several hundred people of martial arts world influences absolutely. 以上,便是朱知楂所说的八大高手了,算上他和常御医,正好十个人。除去离队SOLO的曹公公之外,队伍里剩下的基本就都是喽啰了。当然了……“喽啰”也是相对而言,严格来说,这整队兵马可都是练家子,而且还是正规军,真要打起来,战斗力是绝对不会输给那几百人的武林势力的。 This......” Bao Qi thinks, „, since your highness you said......” “这……”鲍奇想了想,“既然殿下您都这么说了……” Ok, Bao Qi, you, and before that woman leads the way.” The involvement of Shangguan Si, terminated this argument directly. “好了,鲍奇,你且随那妇人头前引路吧。”上官汜的介入,直接终止了这番争论。 Obtained the instruction of immediate superior, Bao Qi also had no many saying: Subordinate is compliant.” His, then said to that old woman, that...... you guided on the exhausted elderly man......” 得到了顶头上司的指示,鲍奇也没有什么好多说的了:“属下遵命。”他诺了一声,回头对那老妪言道,“那……就劳烦老人家您带路了……” Please ten first come.” The old woman made way the road, raise hand made please the hand signal. “请十位先进来吧。”老妪让开了路,抬手做了个“请”的手势。 Then, Zhu Zhizha, Chang Wei, Shangguan Si, Bian Ji, Lu Yuan, Bao Qi, Mao Jincai and Jiang Xu, Cao Guo, Yu Fei these ten people then strided in threshold that buries the heart mountain village. 接着,朱知楂常威上官汜卞吉鲁元鲍奇毛进财蒋许,曹果,俞飞这十个人便先后跨入了葬心山庄的门槛。 „Others, please wait outside the village.” After that ten people come , the old woman then said to outside runners, the double palm raises immediately. “其他人,请在庄外等候吧。”待那十人进来以后,老妪便对外面的走卒们道了一句,随即双掌一扬。 The next second, the mountain village that massive village gate invisible was then urged...... to close by one greatly loudly. 下一秒,山庄那厚实的庄门便被一股无形巨力催动起来……轰然闭合。 Sees this scene, in that eight big expert has six people of looks to change suddenly, only has Shangguan Si and Bian Ji is maintaining calm, is not accidental/surprised to this. 见此情景,那八大高手中已有六人神色陡变,唯有上官汜卞吉保持着淡定,对这一幕毫不意外。 After closing, the old woman turns around to move the step, arrived at various person front, meets saying: everyone...... please come along with me.” 关门之后,老妪转身挪步,走到了诸人前方,接道:“诸位……请随我来。” Then, her then does not return goes toward the village expert. That ten people of also little darling follows, does not have again the multi- spoken languages. 说罢,她便头也不回地朝庄内行去。那十人也乖乖跟着,没有再多言语。 Quick, they then followed this old woman to pass through a view elegant garden, before arriving at a big room . 很快,他们便跟着这个老妇人穿过了一片景致典雅的庭院,来到了一座大屋前。 The style of this room is very strange, it to one side of garden, is being a porch ; The gate in porch unexpectedly not hand, moreover seems like a big piece of wooden stockade, the crevice place is also sticking white papers. 这屋子的样式很怪,其对着庭院的一侧,是一条门廊;廊上的门居然没有把手,而且看上去像是一大片木制的栅栏,空隙处还糊着一张张白色的纸。 Our modern people naturally can easily distinguish this are and sliding door of type, but enters initially buries that ten people of heart mountain village, all the first time is saw such door. 咱们现代人自然可以很轻易地分辨出这是和式的拉门,不过初入葬心山庄的那十人,皆是第一次见到这样的门扉。 Master, the person brings.” The old woman stands before the porch, lowers the head report/give say/way. “主人,人已经带到了。”老妪站在门廊前,垂首禀道。 You get down.” In gate, transmits a response immediately. “你下去吧。”门中,也立即传来一声回应。 This response, makes out of the door that ten people think merely. The sound of talking that because in the gate spreads has the valley just like the oriole, just like the voice that the young girl flatters gently and charmingly clear. 仅仅这一声回应,就让门外那十人浮想联翩。因为门里传出的语声宛如黄莺出谷,俨然是少女娇柔清媚的嗓音。 Yes.” The old woman returned to one, then draws back gradually, goes far away quietly. “是。”老妪回了一句,便缓步退下,悄然远去。 After several breaths, the sliding door in porch toward the both sides separates in the situation that no one touched. 数息过后,廊上的拉门在无人触碰的情况下自行朝两侧分开了。 After the gate, what appeared a spacious sitting cot. 门后,出现的是一张宽大的坐榻。 On the cot, is covering a pink light gauze tent/account. 榻上,罩着一幅粉色的轻纱罗帐。 But in that curtain, can see the form that lies on one's side together faintly. 而在那帷幔之中,隐隐可以见得一道侧卧的身影。 Although Yama has not come in the face of these people truly, but is only her attractive body curve and voice...... has made several men have to float reads and moves restlessly anxiously. 虽然阎王还未真正地在这些人面前现身,但仅是她那诱人的身体曲线和嗓音……就已经让门外的数名男子心生浮念、躁动不安。 „After......” a chuckle, Zhu Zhizha first went forward. “呵……”一声轻笑后,朱知楂第一个上前了。 Does not know is dauntless, to this young prince, at present that beautiful beautiful figure, how could and danger in two character relations? 正所谓不知者无畏,对这位年轻的王爷来说,眼前那婀娜的倩影,又岂能和“危险”二字联系上? „...... This miss.” Zhu Zhizha bows in salute saying that „...... you are Yama?” “……这位姑娘。”朱知楂作揖言道,“难道……你就是阎王?”
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