TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#953: The turning over to alone heart is tired

In breaking soul canyon, war three waves to a single stroke. 断魂峡中,战局一波三折。 At first, is in the valley the person has the advantage, forms the potential of encircling to military Lin Qun hao. Then, is Yuan Qi, strives to turn the tide single-handedly, reverses the situation. Then, the appearance of Du Ying as if supported the scene, but...... Alliance Lord Yuan quickly aspect pulling. 最初,是谷中人这边占据优势,对武林群豪形成围剿之势。然后,是袁圻单枪匹马、力挽狂澜,生生将形势逆转。接着,杜赢的出现似乎又撑住了场面,但……袁盟主很快又把局面给扳了过来。 In the valley the person thinks game is as good as lost, suddenly four beautiful women who wear blood cherry white robe drop from the clouds, started the slaughter of miserable no Human Dao with the art of making oneself invisible hidden weapon to the martial arts world influence, and success suppressed Yuan Qi. 就在谷中人以为大势已去时,突又有四名身着血樱白袍的美女从天而降,用奇门暗器对武林势力发动了惨无人道的屠杀,并且成功压制住了袁圻 It can be said that in the valley the person is also good, martial arts world people, their moods in these a half hour simply like, in playing to jump extremely...... 可以说,谷中人也好,武林人士们也罢,他们的心情在这半个小时里简直就像在玩蹦极一样…… Time when Feng Bujue comes , the mental journeys of their major rises also welcomed the highest tide...... 而当封不觉现身的时刻,他们这段大起大落的心路历程也迎来了最高潮…… Alliance Lord Yuan, Xu Huaishang and space that I cope, ground that two give you.” Feng Bujue also declines to think that following strategy, he does not waste the time, was shouting directly issued an instruction to Yuan Qi. 袁盟主,絮怀殇和天上那个我来对付,地上那两个交给你。”封不觉还没落地就想好了接下来的策略,他也不浪费时间,直接就喊着向袁圻下达了一个指示。 Yuan Qi does not know that who Feng Bujue is, does not know where the opposite party kills, but several Rankyaku He may see. 袁圻并不知道封不觉是谁,也不知道对方是从哪儿杀出来的,但刚才的几下【岚脚】他可都看见了。 At this moment, the Alliance Lord Yuan heart said: Since this boy is also expert, moreover intends to me help in the fighting, I naturally have no reason to reject. I am also at a disadvantage in any case now, might as well make him try......” 此刻,袁盟主心道:“既然这小子也是个高手,而且有意要给我助战,我自然是没有理由去拒绝的。反正我现在也处于下风,不如就让他来试试……” Good!” After two seconds, Yuan Qi then should say loudly, this Young Hero , you may probably be careful!” He before taking off/escaping fights, but also reminded Jue Bro one specially, because he thought sincerely Xu Huaishang this opponent is thorny, if that Young Hero got down may too be ugly by the second. “好!”两秒后,袁圻便高声应道,“这位少侠,你可要小心了!”他在脱战之前,还特意提醒了觉哥一声,因为他真心觉得絮怀殇这个对手非常棘手,万一那“少侠”一下来就被秒了可就太难看了。 Alliance Lord Yuan please feel relieved when copes she...... my own means......” Feng Bujue responded to him, but also along foot to distant place Du Ying was coming a wave of Rankyaku chain blows, was startled that old man to urge the vigor continually, drew back the side bumper, right, but also asked various Alliance Lord Yuan branch society group of hero...... to be exhausted the person in Du Ying and these valleys suppressing.” 袁盟主请放心,对付她……我自有办法……”封不觉回应他时,还顺脚对着远处的杜赢来了一波岚脚连击,惊得那老头儿连催内劲,边退边挡,“对了,还请袁盟主支会各路英雄一声……劳烦他们把杜赢和那些谷中人给压制住。” Jue Bro is very clear, that group of martial arts world people of this saying not necessarily effective...... by him likely pays no attention to him. Therefore, he must conduct the dispatch control taking advantage of the mouth of Yuan Qi. 觉哥很清楚,这话由他来说未必管用……那帮武林人士很可能理都不理他。所以,他得借袁圻之口来进行调度指挥。 But after Yuan Qi hears the word, immediately in slightly does accounts at heart, and drew a conclusion- this is a great idea. 袁圻闻言后,立刻在心里小算了一笔账,并得出了一个结论-这是个好主意。 In this flickers, Feng Bujue is slanting entering from the midair, took up the kitchen knife and Military Shovel cut toward Xu Huaishang. 就在这一瞬,封不觉已从半空斜着杀入,抄起菜刀和军铲就朝着絮怀殇砍了过去。 Xu Huaishang double blade, a type three change, splits everywhere blade shadow, not only keeping off got down the attack of Jue Bro, but also drove back the zhang (3.33 m) Yuan Qi. 絮怀殇双刀一回,一式三变,绽出漫天刀影,不但挡下了觉哥的攻击,还将袁圻逼退了丈许。 This hands over one wrong, Yuan Qi then takes off/escapes the war smoothly. Then, he illuminated the Feng Bujue's meaning to issue the order to the people without delay, and charged into Hyacinth and Tie Haitang two people nonstop. 这一交一错之间,袁圻便顺利脱战。接着,他二话不说就照着封不觉的意思对众人下达了命令,并马不停蹄地冲向了风信子铁海棠二人。 By Yuan Qi cultivation base, in he has in the guarded situation, naturally( does not have guard Qi Barrier that) the bullet will injure, this is why Feng Bujue will also arrange him to deal with Red Cherry that two people. 袁圻修为,在他有所防备的情况下,自然是不会被子弹所伤的(已经有护身气罩了),这也是为什么封不觉会安排他去对付红樱那二人。 When Alliance Lord Yuan kills the vicinity, Hyacinth and Tie Haitang have to change the tactical rules to deal with this strong NPC ; As the matter stands, the martial arts world people who these receive the spear/gun fire devastation also set aside the hand. 袁盟主杀到近处时,风信子铁海棠就不得不改变战法来应付这个超强的NPC;这样一来,那些受到枪火蹂躏的武林人士们也就腾出了手。 In the crowd of martial arts world that at present have not died person, basically is martial arts reaches the skilled person of leader level or near leader level, making them cope with the player...... perhaps a little to force someone to do something against his will, but made them cope with one to be broken in Du Ying and more than 30 valleys of tire valve the person, at least was also well-matched. 目前还没死的这群武林中人,基本都是武功达到掌门级或近掌门级的强手,让他们去对付玩家……或许是有点强人所难,但让他们对付一个已经被破了气门的杜赢和三十余名谷中人,至少也是旗鼓相当。 Thereupon, after Feng Bujue arrives at being overwhelmed canyon is less than two minutes. 于是乎,在封不觉降临断魂峡后不到两分钟。 The war favored the martial arts world influence once again, new round slaughters intensely also takes advantage of opportunity the performance...... 战局又一次倾向了武林势力,新一轮的激烈厮杀也顺势上演…… Your teammate?” After Xu Huaishang and Jue Bro on move, instantly asks. “你的队友呢?”絮怀殇觉哥过上招后,即刻问道。 Although she anticipates and Jue Bro duel, but this is the team match...... takes the Red Cherry team leader after all, Xu Huaishang has the duty to consider that other factors in battlefield, to guard the strategy of opposite party. 虽然她本人是非常期待与觉哥单挑的,但这毕竟是团队赛……作为红樱的队长,絮怀殇有义务去考虑战场中的其他因素,以防中了对方的计策。 Snort......” Feng Bujue cold Hengjie said that how? Could not see that the person...... is instead more anxious?” “哼……”封不觉冷哼接道,“怎么了?看不到人……反而更不安是吧?” He has not given the explicit reply, but asked back with the ambiguous attitude, makes more tremendous pressure by this. 他没有给出明确的回答,而是用模棱两可的态度反问了一句,以此来制造更大的心理压力。 „......” Xu Huaishang look ice, I had not thought you will say......” “也罢……”絮怀殇神色一凌,“我本来也没觉得你会说……” The word finishes, the Xu Huaishang figure illness/quick moves, moves fast, has put forth Treads swallow to fly acorss secret art, soars. 言毕,絮怀殇身形疾动,飘忽之间,已使出【踏燕飞渡】之绝学,腾空而起。 But saw her slender waist to turn, turns round then to join one move North day of cross phoenix. 紧接着,但见她纤腰一扭,回身便接上了一招【北天十字凰】。 That flickers, the phoenix cry broken day, the chopped wave falls to the ground. 那一瞬,凤鸣破天,斩波落地。 The ice-cold red flame from beyond several meters raids, but, covers Feng Bujue whole body kills. 冰冷的红炎从数米之外直袭而至,将封不觉全身上下都掩杀其中。 However...... 然…… This combo, I have seen through......” Jue Bro to comment one calm, simultaneously welcomed the blade, rushed to the path of cross blade glow flight counter to clash to go. “这种连招,我早就已经看穿了……”觉哥淡定地评论了一句,同时迎刀而起,奔着十字刀芒飞行的轨迹逆冲而去。 The next second, then sees its whole person one octopus that accelerates to sprint general...... to extend in the water before most, drives the whole body, but the body maintained relaxes and naturally stretches straight and also had the little rotation...... 下一秒,便见其整个人似一条在水中加速冲刺的章鱼一般……将头伸在最前、拖动全身,而身体则保持放松、自然抻直、还带了一点点自转…… Feng Bujue used „” drill of such extremely strange limit movement from cross blade glow one side included angle, made a mistake with that chopped wave. 封不觉就用这么个极为古怪的极限动作从十字刀芒其中一侧的夹角中“钻”了出来,与那斩波相错而过。 In perhaps this world, did not have the second person to use this Interrupt way again...... also be only had he of Zero Time Error Calculus and strange thought can think, and can do. 这世上,恐怕再无第二人会用出这种破招的方式了……也只有具备零时差演算和怪异思维的他能想得出来、且能做得出来。 Ha haha Ha.....” Before Jue Bro after Interrupt success kills rapidly received not to incur the steady Xu Huaishang body, rampantly laughs saying that cruciform cutting struck to be difficult to hide Ah! instead to kill is really embarrassed!” “哈哈哈哈……”破招成功后的觉哥急速杀到了收招未稳的絮怀殇身前,嚣张地大笑道,“十字型的斩击好难躲啊!就这么反杀过来了真是不好意思呢!” Ping-- 乒-哐- After twinkling, the sounds of two metal collision in addition get up. 瞬息过后,两记金铁交加之声响起。 First, was Xu Huaishang uses under left Daodang Must Break The Blade Sound ; Second, was Xu Huaishang keeps off with the right blade WJQ-308 Military Shovel Sound. 第一声,是絮怀殇用左刀挡下了【必须破防之刃】的声音;第二声,是絮怀殇用右刀挡下了【WJQ-308军铲】的声音。 „After Oh? this made some people accidents/surprises actually......” a half second, Feng Bujue facial expression that the counter-attack has not become slightly cold, the sinking sound discussed, I threaded up the gap that you are receiving to incur to act, did you also defend unexpectedly with enough time?” 哦?这倒是令人有些意外呢……”半秒后,反击未成的封不觉神情微冷,沉声念道,“我可是紧扣着你收招的间隙出手的,你居然也来得及防住?” „...... Also very installs to look like......” in the Xu Huaishang foreheads to flash through thin angry, returns sternly said, you weren't have seen through us this combo?” “呵……装得还挺像……”絮怀殇眉宇间闪过一丝薄怒,厉声回道,“你不是‘早就已经看穿了’我们的‘这种连招’吗?” When the voice falls, together great shadow already from in the air direct impact under. 其话音落时,一道巨影已从空中直冲而下。 That shadow, without doubt is the great eagle that the blood wild rose rides. But this impact, is one of the Summon thing bringing skills- Silent to raiding. 那影子,无疑就是血蔷薇所骑乘的巨鹰。而这次冲击,便是这个召唤物自带的技能之一-【寂静冲袭】。 As the name suggests, when this move of characteristics are to start will not send out the slight sound, even the vibration and wind pressure of air will not produce, when the goal often must wait till the great eagle incomparably is close to detect the attack already. 顾名思义,这招的特点就是发动时不会发出丝毫的动静,甚至连空气的震动和风压都不会产生,目标往往要等到巨鹰无比接近时才能察觉到攻击已至。 In actual fight, so long as coordinates with the teammate, the blood wild rose can strike to carry off the enemy by this move frequently. 在实际战斗中,只要和队友配合一下,血蔷薇经常可以靠这招将敌人一击带走。 Naturally, Feng Bujue will not carry off. Just like he previously said that...... this combo he has seen through. 当然了,封不觉是不会被带走的。正如他先前所说……这种连招他早就已经看穿了。 Xu Huaishang North day of cross phoenix When concentrates has not sent, Jue Bro has detected the intention of opposite party, because he always has to pay attention to the blood wild rose in the in the air walking position...... 絮怀殇的【北天十字凰】凝而未发之际,觉哥就已经察觉到了对方的意图,因为他始终有留意血蔷薇在空中的走位…… After cutting to strike the slit that drills, Feng Bujue also intentionally with the manner and language induces, wants to give the opposite party to make one type I was negligent the misconception. 从斩击的缝隙中钻出后,封不觉还故意用神态和语言进行诱导,想给对方制造出一种“我大意了”的错觉。 However, Goddess Xu not simple...... based on repeatedly with the experience that Jue Bro fights, she when sending out the cross blade glow pays attention eye, to not have sent to incur full power. 不过,絮女神也不简单……基于多次和觉哥交手的经验,她在发出十字刀芒时就留了个心眼儿,并没有以全力发招。 Finally as expected, the opposite party passed through the attack with a way of unusual limit, caught the opportunity of counter-attack. 结果不出所料,对方用一种非常极限的方式穿过了攻击,抓到了反击的机会。 At this time, Xu Huaishang kept the function of hand to manifest, she who has not put the skill full power just can catch up before the surprise attack arrival of opposite party reacts. 这时,絮怀殇留手的作用就体现出来了,没有全力放技能的她刚好能赶在对方的突袭到来前做出反应。 What a pity, is receiving an instance of Feng Bujue that blade shovel, Xu Huaishang realized that...... the opposite party has not exposed weaknesses. 可惜,在接下封不觉那一刀一铲的瞬间,絮怀殇意识到……对方还是没有露出破绽。 Regarding expert of Xu Huaishang this rank, the attack feeling on weapon transmitting has been able to tell her the much information. Therefore after keeping off Feng Bujue that two next, she understands that...... these two goals are not killing, the reacting force that but wants to keep off with the aid of square comes pushing. 对于絮怀殇这个级别的高手来说,武器上传来的打击感已可以告诉她很多信息。所以在挡了封不觉那两下后,她就明白……这两下的目的并不是“杀伤”,而是想借助格挡的反作用力来“推”自己一把。 In other words...... Feng Bujue this series of actions, after seeing through the coordination of opponent did. His every step deals, is seemingly thrilling, accomplishes a task with ease actually...... 也就是说……封不觉这一系列的举动,都是在看穿了对手的配合后才做出来的。他的每一步应对,看似惊险,实则游刃有余…… No matter he is using this way to test the bottom line of opponent to play jokes upon the opponent, this to Xu Huaishang is a not happy fight experience. 不管他是在用这种方式试探对手的底线还是在戏耍对手,这对絮怀殇来说都是一种不怎么愉快的战斗体验。 Good......” Feng Bujue rebounds backward one zhang (3.33 m), flashed through the impact of great eagle, how, no matter I tempt, does not expose weaknesses.” “不错嘛……”封不觉向后反弹一丈,堪堪闪过了巨鹰的冲击,“不管我怎么引诱,就是不露破绽。” He spoke, that great eagle breaking in the ground, had been similar to the spirit that can put on the wall general, vanished in the soil silently. 他说话之间,那巨鹰已然“冲入”了地面,就如同可以穿墙的幽灵一般,无声无息地消失在了泥土中。 The Summon lifeform can put on the wall, but the blood wild rose cannot, therefore, in Silent to raiding When starts, she had left the back of great eagle. At this moment, blood wild rose also in space, thing that but she rides no longer was the great eagle, but was one...... 召唤生物可以穿墙,但血蔷薇不能,因此,在【寂静冲袭】发动时,她就已经离开了巨鹰的背部。此刻,血蔷薇还在天上,不过她所骑乘的东西已不再是巨鹰了,而是一只…… Space also that Fossil pterodactyl Summoning, this was the plan turns the head to attack these NPC......” Feng Bujue saying that looked up the dragon shadow that circled in the upper air, said that...... your little while are making Side Quest? What is Quest Details? Eliminates the intruder for Yama?” “天上还那位把【化石翼龙】给召出来了,这是打算转头去攻击那些NPC了吗……”封不觉说着,抬头看了看在高空盘旋的龙影,“说起来……你们这会儿是在做支线任务吧?任务内容是什么呢?替阎王来肃清入侵者?” Xu Huaishang has not responded to the Feng Bujue's issue, during these several seconds, she by title technique Bullet field of vision Is observing the battlefield situation. 絮怀殇没有回应封不觉的问题,这数秒之间,她正在以称号技【子弹视界】观察着战场的形势。 Although is only several seconds, but this enough she has looked at carefully each detail in entire battlefield distinct...... 虽然只是数秒,但这已足够她把整个战场中的每一个细节都看得仔细分明了…… Wild rose!” When Jue Bro spoke the words, Xu Huaishang on teammate shouts immediately upwards, shield information and hypericum...... remove!” “蔷薇!”待觉哥把话说完时,絮怀殇当即朝天上的队友喊道,“掩护风信和海棠……撤!” These words, are team leader's order, therefore without a doubt. 这句话,是“队长的命令”,因此毋庸置疑。 No matter this decision is to is wrong, as the professional, the Red Cherry team members will not question and argue in the competition process. They must do carried out perfectly, after having what issue and other competitions to end, said. 不管这决策是对是错,作为职业选手,红樱的队员们是不会在比赛过程中去质疑和争论的。她们要做的就是完美地执行,有什么问题等比赛结束后再说。 Therefore, the next second, the blood wild rose is controlling the fossil pterodactyl, covers toward Yuan Qi kills to go. 于是,下一秒,血蔷薇就操控着化石翼龙,朝着袁圻掩杀而去。 Some time ago escaped into the great eagle of ground also to recoil, suddenly appeared between Yuan Qi and Red Cherry two players. 不久前遁入地面的巨鹰也反冲而起,突然出现在了袁圻红樱的两名玩家之间。 Bear- bear- 熊-熊- Yuan Qi is unprepared, two groups of flames then from partly raid. Is good because of the Alliance Lord Yuan qing gong, wonderful to outstandingly jolting, he evaded with the movement unexpectedly the invisible column of flame, flashed the one side. 袁圻立足未稳,两团火光便从半空袭来。好在袁盟主轻功卓绝、妙到颠毫,他竟是用身法避过了无形的火柱,闪到了一旁。 However, Hyacinth and Tie Haitang also take advantage of this opportunity, jumped onto the back of great eagle, along with it rides the wind to soar to go. 不过,风信子铁海棠也趁此机会,跃上了巨鹰的背部,随其乘风高飞而去。 What's wrong?” Feng Bujue sees that knowing in the heart the opposite party was decides to retreat, making him to pursue four is not quite realistic, therefore he also no longer began simply, but looked at Xu Huaishang saying that you didn't anticipate and me very much fight? Can this walk?” “怎么?”封不觉见状,心知对方是决定撤退了,让他以一追四也不太现实,所以他干脆也不再动手,只是望着絮怀殇道,“你不是很期待和我交手吗?这就要走了?” We come to here make Side Quest.” Xu Huaishang returns said that „, since the present could not have made, that this/should evacuates as soon as possible, in order to avoid suffered loses......” her, the gently beautiful facial features shifted to the high place, shot a look at one, your teammates on that side mountain?” “我们来这儿是做支线任务的。”絮怀殇回道,“既然现在已经做不成了,那就该尽快撤离,以免遭受更多损失……”她顿了顿,柔美的面容转向高处,瞥了一眼,“你的队友们在那边的山上吧?” Really discovered that......” Feng Bujue knows Bullet field of vision Effectiveness, therefore he does not need to deny. “果然发现了吗……”封不觉知道【子弹视界】的效用,所以他也没必要否认。 Actually I look am not clear, that distance...... was too to me far.” The Xu Huaishang smile said, „...... hears you to confirm personally, I felt relieved, it seems like my decision not wrong.” “其实我看得不是很清楚,那个距离……对我来说太远了些。”絮怀殇微笑道,“不过……听到你亲口确认,我就放心了,看来我的决策没有错。” Ha?” Feng Bujue hears word stares, humph ~ do you cheat me unexpectedly?” Behind his these words also has subtext not saying that that is- „, moreover succeeded?” “哈?”封不觉闻言一愣,“嚯~你居然诈我?”他这句话后面还有句潜台词没说出来,那就是-“而且还成功了?” „......” Xu Huaishang smiled lovably, but she did not have the formal response Jue Bro issue, but met saying that „between you and me the victory and defeat...... has waited is too long, my not eagerly this for a while. Words that wants to hit, you arrive bury heart mountain village to hit.” “呵……”絮怀殇笑得更可爱了,但她没有正面回应觉哥的问题,而是接道,“你我间的这场胜负……已等了太久,我也不急于这一时。想打的话,你们就到‘葬心山庄’来打吧。” Then, Xu Huaishang receives the blade to turn around, leaps lightly. With Treads swallow to fly acorss The unique skill, her roaming Bi on, jumped out of the gorge easily. 说罢,絮怀殇收刀转身,轻跃而起。凭着【踏燕飞渡】的绝技,她轻而易举地游壁而上,跳出了山峡。 In its form disappears before the mountain reason, she also reviews hopes, deeply looked at Jue Bro one. At that moment, its clothes sleeve flap flap dances in the air in the wind, beautiful hair also flutters with the wind, the distant place looks, solemn the dust fairy maiden, has both the valiant hero posture. Many NPC have looked crazily. 在其身影消失于山缘前,她还回眸一盼,深深望了觉哥一眼。那一刻,其衣袂在风中猎猎飞舞,秀发亦是随风轻扬,远处瞧去,俨然一位出尘仙子、又兼具飒爽侠姿。就连不少NPC都已看得痴了。 Looks at anything to look!” After three seconds, Feng Bujue calls out makes noise, „are you to do what?” This he did not wait for Yuan Qi to speak, used to shoulder the tone of target to exclaim to military Lin Qun hao directly, murder! Washes!” “看什么看!”三秒后,封不觉暴喝出声,“你们是来干什么的?”这回他也不等袁圻说话了,直接就用扛把子的语气对着武林群豪吼道,“杀人!洗地!” His big great drinker many people from awaken suddenly, although people still do not know that who this delivery bottom is, but has to acknowledge that...... he scolded rational. 他的大喝将不少人从恍然中惊醒,虽然人们依然不知道这货到底是谁,但不得不承认……他骂得有理。 ............ ………… After five minutes, a breaking soul canyon service...... came to an end. 五分钟后,断魂峡一役……宣告结束。 The military Lin Qun hao casualty by Alliance Lord Yuan Qi being led about 200, at present survivor 48, above 13 people of minor wounds. 盟主袁圻率领的武林群豪死伤近两百,目前幸存者四十八名,其中十三人轻伤以上。 Buries a heart valley side, is annihilated, only one person returns alive...... 葬心谷一方,全军覆没,仅一人生还…… That person, without doubt is Du Ying. 那个人,无疑是杜赢 This old boy plays also dawdles, when he hears Xu Huaishang saying that removing word-time, he ran...... also ran is quicker than the Red Cherry team members. Besides Yuan Qi, other martial arts world expert could not really have blocked him. 这老小子玩儿得也是遛,当他听到絮怀殇说出那个“撤”字时,他就跑了……跑得比红樱的队员们还快。除了袁圻以外,其他的武林高手还真就拦不住他。 However...... present Du Ying, state of mind already like stray cur. At this time, was in trance toward burying the heart mountain village by him of attack runs, only has many questions...... to ask that because of his heart in Yama. 不过……如今的杜赢,精神状态已如丧家之犬。此时,倍受打击的他正神情恍惚地往葬心山庄跑去,只因他心中有诸多的疑问……想要去问那“阎王”。 On the other hand, after all settle down, Yuan Qi finally arrived in front of Feng Bujue's, did politely bowed with hands clasped, said: Various Yuan Qi generation of group of heroes many thanks Young Hero lend a hand to assist.” His vision toward Jue Bro on certain, doesn't know Young Hero illustrious name, the master has what gate?” 另一方面,待一切尘埃落定后,袁圻终于来到了封不觉的面前,客客气气地作了一揖,言道:“袁圻代各路英雄多谢少侠出手相助。”他的目光朝觉哥身上一定,“不知少侠高姓大名,师出何门?”
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