TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#952: Only sighed Jiang Hu several people to return

But sees, a Yuan Qi move offers a sacrifice , the fingertip qi energy to/clashes the spin, but. 但见,袁圻一招祭出,指尖气劲冲旋而至。 Indeed, with the fist attack ocean waves, most can only destroy a point in tide, but sometimes...... the victory and defeat divides above this point. 的确,用拳头攻击海浪,最多只能破坏掉浪潮中的一个点,但有时候……胜负就分在这一点之上。 Even if there is Du Ying Inner Strength of huge as sea, but at present this for a while, in a point attack and defense, he is actually helpless...... 杜赢纵有庞然似海的内力,但在眼前这一时、一点的攻防上,他却是无能为力…… Scolding- 叱- After howls lightly, assigns/life the Chen profound merit in vigor to pass to refer. 一声轻啸过后,命辰玄功的内劲透指而出。 At the last minute, Du Ying melts in vigor recycling circle of merit without interest, perseveres the Achilles'heel. 在最后一刻,杜赢将无息功的内劲回收圆融,坚守命门。 However, the effectiveness of this act is also...... makes him is not killed violently at the scene. 然,此举的效用也不过就是……让他不至当场毙命而已。 In the Du Ying name, there is to win the character, but this will not represent him to win. 杜赢的名字里,有个赢字,可这并不代表他就会赢。 The won person...... is Yuan Qi. 赢的人……是袁圻 The Alliance Lord Yuan aptitude is general, but he had understood one set of own Fighting Style in the innumerable actual combat, what kind of opponent regardless of meets and merit law, he almost can look through weakness of opposite party instantaneously. But this...... is he is situated in the true magic weapon of summit of martial arts world. 袁盟主的资质是一般,但他早已在无数的实战中悟出了一套属于自己的战斗方式,无论遇到怎样的对手和功法,他几乎都可以在瞬间看破对方的弱点。而这……才是他立于武林之巅的真正法宝。 Truly speaking......” after a move, Yuan Qi discussed calmly, „...... I am very disappointed.” The words have not said, he looked the Du Ying look had changed, when becomes with looking at others the looks is the same, likely people like you, regardless of the natural talent is much high...... should not practice martial arts, should not leave a good name in Jiang Hu.” He, „, because...... you lack military proper and most basic fighting spirit.” “说实在的……”一招过后,袁圻平静地念道,“……我很失望。”话还没说完,他看杜赢的眼神已变了,变得跟看其他人时的眼神一样,“像你这样的人,无论天资多高……都不该去练武,也不该在江湖中留名。”他顿了顿,“因为……你缺乏一个武者应有的、最基本的斗志。” „......” hears word, Du Ying forced smile. At this moment, its dantian tire valve was broken, down to the breath chaos, that as if inexhaustible True Qi has diverged all, for a short time was is impossible to transport the merit...... to know again oneself already Du Ying of to become Daizai lamb, no longer was then angry, he felt relaxed returns said that person in Jiang Hu, involuntary......, if I can choose from the beginning, I do not want to step in the martial arts world. What a pity......, when I can choice, I am the marvelous ability accomplishment demon teach the founder.” “呵……”闻言,杜赢苦笑。此刻,其丹田气门被破,以至内息大乱,那仿佛无穷无尽的真气已尽数散去,一时半刻内是不可能再运功了……知道自己已成待宰羔羊的杜赢,便也不再恼怒,他释然地回道,“人在江湖,身不由己啊……如果一开始我就可以选择,我也不想涉足武林。可惜……当我可以‘选择’时,我已是神功大成的魔教教主了。” Choice?” Yuan Qi coldly looks at the opposite party, what did you choose?” “‘选择’?”袁圻冷冷看着对方,“你选择了什么?” Returning to native place mountain forest, withdraws from Jiang Hu.” Du Ying returns said. “归隐山林,退出江湖。”杜赢回道。 No, is not right.” The Yuan Qi denial said. “不,不对。”袁圻否定道。 Isn't right?” Du Ying doubts to say. “不对?”杜赢疑道。 „It is not right.” Yuan Qi is saying, caught the eye to look to Du Ying behind that more than 30 people, you, and these were forced to run into bury the person in heart valley to have no difference...... you to think that arrived here to abandon in the past, to be just the opposite, because of your in the past, you were stranded here. No matter you come time to return to native place, escape, other what reason, investigating its fundamentally...... is self-deception.” “不对。”袁圻说着,抬眼看向了杜赢身后那三十余人,“你、和这些被迫逃入葬心谷中的人没什么区别……你们以为来到这里就摈弃了‘过去’,可恰恰相反,正因为你们的‘过去’,你们才被困在这里。不管你们来的时候是为了归隐、逃命、还是什么别的理由,究其根本……都是‘自欺欺人’。” The words to here, Yuan Qi have raised a palm, prepares to deliver Du Ying starting off: „The places of some people have Jiang Hu, you really want to withdraw...... see that real Yama to the nether world!” 话至此处,袁圻已扬起一掌,准备送杜赢“上路”:“有人的地方就有江湖,你们真想退出……就到阴曹地府去见那真的阎王罢!” The word finishes, holds. 言毕,掌出。 Yuan Qi this struck only used two success strength, it seems like he was the plan keeps an entire corpse to the opposite party. 袁圻这一击只用了两成功力,看来他是打算给对方留个全尸。 But Du Ying had also accepted own destiny, he waits for this not very strong palm to divide to approach oneself crown of the head silently. 杜赢也已接受了自己的命运,他只是默默等待着这不算很强的一掌劈向自己的天灵盖。 However! At this moment...... 然!就在此刻…… The blade glow flashes before together suddenly, just like rushing to thunder lightning, long jab Yuan Qi right arm. 一道刀芒骤然闪现,宛如奔雷闪电,直击袁圻右臂。 That flickers, on face of Yuan Qi...... presently astonished color! 那一瞬,袁圻的脸上……首现惊异之色! What's the matter?” Alliance Lord Yuan the heart said immediately, so the blade air/Qi of might...... doesn't send out with Inner Strength unexpectedly?” “怎么回事?”袁盟主当即心道,“这般威力的刀气……竟不是用内力发出的?” He is thinking, while received the hand, to draw back anxiously anxiously in a hurry...... alerts subsequently looks to the sky. 他一边想着,一边急急收手、匆匆而退……继而戒备地看向了天空。 After several seconds, establishes separately both sides burying heart valley people and Jiang Hu group also reveals the amazed color, simultaneously looks up to the direction that the blade light cut. 数秒后,分立两端的葬心谷人和江湖群豪也都纷纷露出惊诧之色,齐齐抬头望向了刀光斩来的方向。 In their eyes, what first appears is white. 他们的眼中,首先出现的是白。 Snow same white. 雪一样的白。 The white clothing is floating, light breeze moves the front. 白衣飘飘、轻风动裾。 Then is red. 然后就是红。 Blood general red. 血一般的红。 Blood cherry of embellishment on white clothing, as the front piece drags in the wind. 点缀在白衣上的血樱,随着衣襟摇曳在风中。 After the moment, the beautiful figure falls to the ground together lightly. 片刻后,一道倩影翩然落地。 At this time, people saw...... white Hehong. 这时,人们看到的……还是白和红。 The snow white flesh, the young person of beautiful woman, making the vision of everyone concentrate to be stationed for it. 雪白的肌肤,倾城的红颜,让每一个人的目光都为其凝驻。 At this moment, everyone on the scene was startled, each of them is very definite...... in the life never to see present Heroine, if has seen, they will certainly remember her. 这一刻,在场的所有人都怔住了,他们每一个人都很确定……自己此生之中从未见过眼前的这位女侠,因为如果见过,他们一定会记得她。 Therefore, an issue emerged in the mind of people- who was she? 于是,一个问题出现在了人们的脑海-她是谁? Future...... who?” Yuan Qi is the first recovering person. “来者……何人?”袁圻是第一个回过神来的人。 Has saying that the Alliance Lord Yuan disposition wanted high incessantly a boundary compared with the surrounding others, even in his heart were still the Xu Huaishang beautiful appearance exclaimed in surprise, but he not because merely presents an outstandingly beautiful female to make itself vacillate at present. 不得不说,袁盟主的心性比起周围的其他人来要高了不止一个境界,即使他的心中也为絮怀殇的美貌所惊叹,但他不会仅仅因为眼前出现一个绝色女子就让自己动摇。 Xu Huaishang.” Xu Huaishang sent out own given name. 絮怀殇。”絮怀殇报出了自己的名讳。 Miss.” Yuan Qi is staring him, I have never seen you, has not listened to your given name.” He shot a look at slash in the side front ground, meets saying that does not know...... you intervene me and Du Ying contest, is what intention?” “姑娘。”袁圻瞪着他,“我从未见过你,也没有听过你的名号。”他瞥了眼侧前方地面上的刀痕,接道,“不知……你出手干预我与杜赢的较量,是何用意?” The reply of Xu Huaishang, pouring is also brief and to the point: I and others...... presented the life of Yama......” 絮怀殇的回答,倒也是言简意赅:“我等……奉阎王之命……” When she said me and others these two word-time, Red Cherry another three team members Blood wild rose, Hyacinth With Tie Haitang Also dropped from the clouds, stood in the same front with the team leader. 当她说出“我等”这两个字时,红樱的另外三名队员【血蔷薇】、【风信子】和【铁海棠】也先后从天而降,与队长站到了同一战线上。 „...... Takes your lives.” The latter half a word words saying, the Xu Huaishang figure moves greatly. “……来取你们的性命。”后半句话说完,絮怀殇身形丕动。 The Red Cherry three people also follow, flickers however to kill. 红樱的三人也紧随其后,瞬然杀出。 They do not seem to need in these valleys the person to help, only by four people, charged into the enemy ranks of front that more than 200 person. 她们似乎不需要那些谷中人来帮忙,仅靠四个人,就冲向了前方那二百多人的敌阵。 Meets the enemy carefully!” The next second, Yuan Qi drinks to make noise immediately greatly. “小心应敌!”下一秒,袁圻立刻大喝出声。 This is the first time that he directly issued the instruction in the fight to group, because he knows that...... the present these four opponents are extremely dangerous, if he did not say this, perhaps his behind that group of people can shortly on the casualty most. 这是他第一次在战斗中直接对群豪们下达指示,因为他知道……眼前的这四名对手是极为危险的,如若他不说这一句,他身后的那群人也许会在顷刻间就死伤大半。 Scolds ying- scolds ying- 叱嘤-叱嘤- The blade glow two presently, the blade sound sounds together. 刀芒两现,刀声齐鸣。 The Xu Huaishang arrow step comes, decided as a killing goal Yuan Qi without hesitation. 絮怀殇箭步而来,毫不犹豫地把袁圻定为了首杀的目标。 But the response of Yuan Qi is also amazingly quick, he pulls out the sword to transport the vigor immediately, backhands one volume, welcomed the double knife-edge of opponent. 袁圻的反应亦是神速,他当即抽剑运劲,反手一卷,迎上了对手的双刃。 The Xu Huaishang blade is quick, because she is a player, her physical quality has surpassed the limit of normal human. 絮怀殇的刀是很快的,因为她是一名玩家,她的身体素质早已超越了正常人类的极限。 Previously when contested with desert blade king Di Hou, Yuan Qi can also accomplish a task with ease evades the blade, but, has struck the system enemy. But facing the attack of Xu Huaishang, Yuan Qi chose keeping off. 先前在与大漠刀王狄侯过招时,袁圻还可以游刃有余地避刀而过、一击制敌。但面对絮怀殇的攻击,袁圻选择了“挡”。 Actually she is who......” after one move, in the Yuan Qi heart has doubts, looks at the look...... she at most over 20 is years old ; But this grade of external work cultivation base, is not the person of this age can exercise......” “她究竟是什么人……”一招过后,袁圻心中疑惑更甚,“看相貌……她至多二十余岁;但这等外功修为,绝不是这个年纪的人可以练就的……” Qiāng- chokes- chokes- 呛-呛-呛- The Yuan Qi train of thought is undecided, Xu Huaishang is the number blade attacks. 袁圻思绪未定,絮怀殇又是数刀攻来。 Her double blade was really quick, when a blade of person quickly to this situation, her blade then has stopped at nothing omnipresent . 她的双刀实在是太快了,当一个人的刀快到这种地步时,她的刀便已无所不至、无所不在。 If Yuan Qi uses is not arrange/cloth sword, but is shape fixed weaponry, perhaps he has been defeated. 假如袁圻用的不是布剑、而是一把形态固定的兵刃,恐怕他早就已经落败。 Why......” the Yuan Qi war is the heart startled, he many years had not realized this type in the feeling on the knife point swaying back and forth, why did she display this grade of qing gong and Blade Technique, does not have slight Inner Strength flowing?” “为什么……”袁圻越战越是心惊,他已多年没有体会过这种在刀尖上打滚的感觉了,“为什么她施展这等轻功和刀法、却没有丝毫的内力流动?” Actually, the answer of this issue is very simple...... the energy system that because the player controls and they are different. 其实,这个问题的答案很简单……因为玩家操控的能量体系和他们不一样。 However as NPC in Scenario, Yuan Qi is impossible to exceed the dimension to get this answer. Therefore, not only cannot find out the style repertoire of opposite party, and could not feel the opposite party True Qi trend Alliance Lord Yuan...... only to be able by pure five senses to judge to hand/subordinate a step movement. 但是作为剧本中的一个NPC,袁圻是不可能超越自身维度去得到这个答案的。因此,既摸不清对方的招式套路、又感受不到对方真气走势的袁盟主……就只能靠单纯的五感去判断对手下一步的动作了。 Considering basic physical quality of both sides in a level, Alliance Lord Yuan does not fall in leeward then also logical. 考虑到双方的基本身体素质根本不在一个水平上,袁盟主落于下风便也顺理成章。 On the other hand, the fights of Red Cherry another three team members have also launched. 另一方面,红樱另外三名队员的战斗也已展开。 Their approaches may be called arbitrary, but is effective, to put it bluntly is- chaotic spear/gun strafe. 她们的做法堪称蛮横,但非常有效,说白了就是-乱枪扫射。 Tie Haitang is a lord mechanics auxiliary Shooting Specialization player, she usually installs the spear/gun in Traveling Bag ...... brings more than Gu Xiaoling. At this moment, she and blood wild roses and Hyacinth three people of each people took two charge guns, aimed at the crowd pit-a-pat. 铁海棠是一名主器械射击专精的玩家,她平时装在行囊里的枪……比古小灵带得还要多。此刻,她和血蔷薇、风信子三人每人都拿上了两把冲锋型枪支,对准人群就突突了起来。 In these Jiang Hu the person recognizes the flintlock actually, but leads their years at least several hundred years of guns...... to put regarding this science and technology in them they do not know to be useful at present. 那些江湖中人倒是认得火枪,但对于这种科技领先他们时代至少几百年的枪支……就是摆在他们眼前他们也不知道有什么用处。 Thereupon, in less than ten seconds of time, 60-70 people passed away in the astonishment. 于是乎,在十秒不到的时间里,就有60-70人在惊愕中命丧黄泉。 Looks that expert of various factions seem like the wheat one to drop down piece by piece, buried heart valley that side person to be startled continually. They inferred...... these people to be from dead blood hole some type hidden weapon died. But they cannot see the flight trajectories of these hidden weapons completely, can only hear pit-a-pat pit-a-pat the sound of launch. 看着各门各派的高手们像是麦子般一片片倒下,连葬心谷那边的人都惊了。他们从死者们身上的血洞推断出……这些人应该是中了某种“暗器”而死的。但他们完全看不到这些暗器的飞行轨迹,只能听到“突突突突”的发射之声。 Oh......, if Xiao Ling, this little while we have at least taken down with the sniper's rifle a Red Cherry team member?” “唉……要是小灵在的话,这会儿我们至少已经用狙击枪放倒一个红樱队员了吧?” Above the mountain reason, Flowers Between looks at the scene of distant place to say with a sigh. 山缘之上,花间望着远处的景象叹息道。 Other Red Cherry team members will also confuse own situations as a result of the scruples to sniper.” Ruoyu meets saying that surrounding NPC can become we extremely good boost.” “其余的红樱队员也会由于对狙击手的顾忌而自乱阵脚。”若雨接道,“周围的NPC可以成为我们极佳的助力。” Once again came under the undermining opinion attack of being well-founded, Feng Bujue empty focused to respond: „Didn't both of you have...... not to say my decision error?” 又一次遭到了有理有据的拆台言论打击,封不觉虚着眼回应道:“你们俩没完了是吧……不就是想说我决策失误吗?” Yes.” Ruoyu and Flowers Between return with one voice said. “是的。”若雨花间异口同声地回道。 Good!” Feng Bujue pats the thigh, I showed that with practical action...... does not have the sniper is also the same!” “好!”封不觉一拍大腿,“我就用实际行动来证明……没有狙击手也一样!” The word finishes, no matter he also teammates' response, jumps to leap directly, plunged into the valley. 言毕,他也不管队友们的反应,直接就纵身一跃,跳入了谷中。 „...... Then had the good play to look.” Although Cao Qin cannot understand sniper and so on glossary, but Hell Front these linguistic environments he can realize, therefore he basically understands...... Hut Master Feng must go to do. “呵……这下有好戏看了。”曹钦虽然听不懂“狙击手”之类的词汇,但地狱前线这几位的语境他还是能体会到的,所以他基本明白……封寮主要去干什么。 Bang- 嘭- Arrives at Feng Bujue in midair to tread Moon Steps fiercely, purposely sends out a deafening sound. 来到半空之中的封不觉猛踏月步,有意识地发出一声震响。 His action, naturally brought to the attention of many. 他这一举动,自然引起了不少人的注意。 Naturally, the person who this many people basically bury the heart valley influence, Jiang Hu person little while may be busy...... basically 90% survivors fleeing like a scared rat, only then a few quite fierce characters are shouldering the bullet with martial arts...... 当然了,这“不少人”基本都是葬心谷势力的人,江湖人士这会儿可都忙着呢……基本上90%的幸存者都在抱头鼠窜,只有少数几个比较厉害的人物在用武功扛子弹的…… Who is that?” “那又是何人?” Does not know that...... has never seen.” “不知道……从未见过。” „Is he also the reinforcements that Yama sends?” “难道他也是阎王派来的援兵?” Perhaps not necessarily...... he is also rushes to the valley.” “未必……也许他也是来闯谷的。” In the martial arts world has the qing gong so outstanding later generation unexpectedly?” “武林中竟有轻功如此卓绝的后辈吗?” They are saying, Jue Bro is one and one...... from the sky treads Moon Steps to raiding. 他们你一言我一语地说着,觉哥则是一步、一步……在空中踏着月步冲袭而来。 When Feng Bujue to ground when twenty meters distance, he twists a spin suddenly, then kicks to slide the azure glow toward the Red Cherry three team members. 封不觉离地面只有二十几米的距离时,他忽地拧身一旋,朝着红樱的三名队员便踢出一溜青芒。 At this time, the Red Cherry team members naturally also detected that his trend, the powder, avoided the attack of Rankyaku to three directions immediately respectively, and transfers the muzzle, starts salvo Feng Bujue. 此时,红樱的队员们自然也都察觉到了他的动向,她们当即分别散向三个方向、避开了岚脚的攻击,并调转枪口,开始齐射封不觉 Ha! Do the ordinary firearms also want to injure me?” Hovering does not have the avoidance intention in Jue Bro of midair, not only does not hide, he also stopped was coming a taunt same place. “哈!普通枪械也想伤我?”悬停于半空的觉哥连躲避的意图都没有,不但不躲,他还停在原地来了句嘲讽。 Obviously, he has the absolute self-confidence in the hail of bullets to return safe and sound. But this self-confident root...... is on him two Equipment. 很显然,他有绝对的自信可以在枪林弹雨中毫发无伤。而这份自信的根源……就是他身上的两件装备 First, is his waistband- I WANNA BE A BELT. 其一,是他的腰带-【I_WANNA_BE_A_BELT】。 After the accumulations of N Scenario, this growth Equipment had started to show it to go against heaven's will the level the real might...... 经过了N个剧本的积累,这“成长型”装备已经开始展现其逆天级的真实威力…… Initially when just started, this Equipment defensive power is only Fairly Weak, when...... relied on after the passage of time was being attacked each time, this/should Equipment will enhance a wee bit defensive powers Special Effect, this gadget against has become by raising was extremely strong. 当初刚入手时,这件装备的防御力只是“较弱”,但经过时间的推移……凭借着“每次受到攻击时,该装备都会提升一丁点儿的防御力”的特效,这玩意儿的防早已被“养”成了“极强”。 Why this is also...... in previous round with the competition of blade edge, Feng Bujue of child figure ate approximate adult build Long Aomin to strike Shield attacks fiercely Unexpectedly not by second. 这也是为什么……在上一轮与刀锋的比赛中,孩童身形的封不觉吃了近似成人体型的龙傲旻一击【盾牌猛击】居然也没被秒。 In addition...... he also has the second god attire 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor. 再加上……他还有第二件神装【13/20的刻薄战甲】。 Intensity determines as ‚’ the below long-distance attack strongly is invalid this Special Effect, the coordination is „is extremely also strong the defensive power of level, as well as cushion attribute, all it can be said that the difficult adversary of bullet. “强度判定为‘强’以下的远程攻击无效”这个特效,配合同样是“极强”级的防御力,以及“缓冲”属性,皆可说是子弹的克星。 By Feng Bujue current defense capability, science and technology to long-distance attack...... perhaps also only then used heavy firepower weapon and special ammunition can affect for its display. 封不觉目前的防御能力而言,科技向的远程攻击……恐怕也只有使用重火力武器和特种弹药才能对其发挥作用了。 Cuts...... when we make the branch comes out to bother......” blood wild rose to see Jue Bro not to take the ordinary ammunition, immediately has an idea, and said to the teammates, information and hypericum, you continue to make Quest...... I to constrain him!” “切……偏偏在我们做支线的时候出来搅局吗……”血蔷薇见觉哥根本不吃普通弹药,当即心生一计,并对队友们说道,“风信、海棠,你们继续做任务……我来拖住他!” Finishes barely the words, the blood wild rose has taken out a feather from Traveling Bag , started Summoning Skill. 话音未落,血蔷薇已从行囊中取出一根羽毛,发动了召唤技能 In the white light, a great eagle shape lives. This accident, lets all NPC that looks at to here startle to stand at the scene...... at this moment, these men and women who most of them will have killed suddenly sum up for Daoist wizard or deity and so on existence, gave up further estimation. 白光之中,一只巨鹰化形而生。这一变故,让所有看向此处的NPC们骇立当场……此刻,他们中的绝大多数人都已将突然杀出的这几名男女归结为了“妖道”或“神仙”之类的存在,放弃了进一步的揣度。 Although your growth Summon lifeform is very fierce......” Feng Bujue to look the blood wild rose that great eagle conducts the back discussed that „, but you want to constrain me...... also too to be rather naive depending on one's effort!” “虽然你那个成长型的召唤生物很厉害……”封不觉看着那巨鹰背上的血蔷薇念道,“但你想凭一己之力来拖住我……未免也太天真了吧!” the sound to get up, Rankyaku leaves. 喝声起,岚脚又出。 This time, what Jue Bro puts forth is the in the air version Rankyaku "Lupus Fall" ; That swift and fierce diverse and confused offensive interlocked is fleeing to the great eagle that wanted to soar, just like evades not to be possible to evade the potential. 这一次,觉哥使出的是空中版的【岚脚-群狼连星】;那凌厉纷杂的攻势交错着窜向了正欲腾空而起的巨鹰,俨然是避无可避之势。 Unexpectedly...... 不料…… In the Feng Bujue's attack will soon go well, a True Qi mighty current curls from the flank high-rising, was makes the big piece that Rankyaku kicked cut to strike unexpectedly changes the direction, to deviate the goal entirely. 就在封不觉的攻击即将得手之际,一股真气的洪流自侧方兀地卷来,竟是让岚脚踢出的大片斩击统统改变了方向、偏离了目标。 After this accident, the great eagle of blood wild rose also successfully lifted off, arrives circled compared with a Jue Bro higher place. 经此变故,血蔷薇的巨鹰也顺利升空,来到了比觉哥更高的地方盘旋。 Hou ~ this Hut Master does not annoy you, you poured the lord to act dead......” the Feng Bujue facial expression changed, turned the head to look to Du Ying of distant place, looked like can only also one and solves you......” “嚯~本寮主不来惹你,你倒主动作起死来了……”封不觉神情一变,转头看向了远处的杜赢,“看来只能把你也一并解决掉了……”
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