TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#951: Worldly affairs such as moist person like water

Time that Du Ying practices, is the demon marvelous ability that teaches the founder to be the continuation of- merit without interest.” Cao Qin is looking at the war in breaking soul canyon from afar, answered indifferently to four players, „the name of this martial arts sounded is really ordinary, was actually extremely profound excellent martial arts. If practices the accomplishment boundary this merit, Inner Strength then resembled the torrential river water and inexhaustible, study only depends on deep breathing controlled by the diaphragm then to move for three days and three nights.” 杜赢练的功夫,乃是魔教教主代代相传的神功-无息功。”曹钦远远望着断魂峡中的战局,淡然地对身边的四名玩家解释道,“这门的武功的名字听上去甚是平凡,实则是极为精深的上乘武学。若将此功练到大成境界,内力便似滔滔江水、无穷无尽,修习者仅凭一口丹田之气即可活动三天三夜。” Un...... sounded...... is a bit like the Black Tortoise of Wudang deciding( i.e. turtle breath merit)......” Feng Bujue to meet one in side. “嗯……听起来……有点儿像武当的玄武定(即龟息功)啊……”封不觉在旁接了一句。 No, fell far short.” The Cao Qin denial said, what Black Tortoise decides the art is deciding, the diving breath like the turtle, rather the calm air/Qi, the knowledge read sinks to congeal...... looks is the Taoism internal strength.” He is saying, raise hand referred to Du Ying of distant place, merit that without interest, but Du Ying practices, is the typical demon teaches the merit law ; This martial arts needs the study going against the flow meridians, Divine Consciousness leaves to...... to seize the good fortune of the world, outside the air/Qi the body uses for oneself.” “不,差得远了。”曹钦否定道,“玄武定讲究的是‘定’,潜息如龟,宁心静气,识念沉凝……一看就是道家内功。”他说着,抬手指了指远处的杜赢,“而杜赢所练的无息功,乃是地地道道的魔教功法;这种武功需要修习者逆行经脉,神识出离……以夺天地之造化,将身外之气为己所用。” Hears here, said to the Flowers Between doubts of Wuxia domain quite understanding: „Won't going against the flow meridians...... have what danger?” 听到这儿,对武侠领域颇为了解的花间疑惑道:“逆行经脉……难道不会有什么危险吗?” „...... Has certainly.” Cao Qin said with a smile, according to the common sense, going against the flow meridians...... light inside and outside entirely to damage, overstated, heavy exploded the body to perish.” “呵……当然有。”曹钦笑道,“按常理来说,逆行经脉者……轻则内外俱损,中则走火入魔,重则爆体而亡。” Occupied...... will explode...... Xiao Tan to stare in a big way the eye to meet unexpectedly to say. “居……居然会爆……”小叹瞪大了眼睛接道。 Cao Qin has not gone to meet his words, but continues saying: Demon teaches martial arts, its way is the deviation is unifying the lineage/vein mostly, even there are...... therefore by the correct path that and the principle of traditional martial arts runs counter the person is thought is evil merit and demon merit, and slanders and spurns.” He shows a disdaining happy expression, snort/hum......, but in fact, can create this kind evil way the person of merit law, is the true unrivalled wizard.” 曹钦没去接他的话,只是继续说道:“魔教武功,其路数多半都是偏离正统一脉的,甚至有很多是与传统的武学之理背道而驰的……故而被正道中人认为是‘邪功’、‘魔功’,并加以污蔑和唾弃。”他露出一丝不屑的笑意,“哼……但实际上,能创出这类‘邪道’功法之人,才是真正的旷世鬼才。” Un, this I agreed.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “嗯,这点我十分同意。”封不觉接道。 Cao Qin hears word, turned the head to shoot a look at his one eyes, that look seemed to be saying that- „was Hut Master Feng this is boasting?” 曹钦闻言,转头瞥了他一眼,那眼神似乎在说-“封寮主这是在自夸么?” After two seconds, Eunuch Cao then said: If a martial arts can only who practices to overstate or explode the body to perish, who will also practice? This matter to put it bluntly...... the issue of person. Because set the record of these person talent of martial arts too to be high, the distinguished merit that therefore they created also only then the talent very high talent could realize ; However, in this world is the mediocre habitat are eventually many. The especially those so-called correct path person, most likely is the stodgy dull-witted generation, but also especially likes being conservative and complacent...... merit such time without interest, if to their hands, that naturally practices the gadget that can only overstate.” 两秒后,曹公公接着说道:“假如一种武功只能让练的人走火入魔或者爆体而亡,那谁还会去练呢?这事儿说白了……还是人的问题。因为创下那些武功的人天分都太高了,所以他们创出的奇功也只有天分很高的人才练得成;然而,这世上终究是资质平平的人居多。尤其是那些所谓的正道人士,十之八九都是迂腐愚钝之辈,还特别喜欢固步自封……无息功这样的功夫若是到了他们的手里,那自然就是练了只会走火入魔的玩意儿。” Then......” Ruoyu asked at this time, „the Du Ying merit without interest, what boundary had arrived at?” “那么……”若雨这时问了一句,“杜赢的无息功,现已到了什么境界呢?” Cao Qin hanging in waist the wine pot took, thinks one shallowly, returns said: About 30 years ago, Du Ying practiced the eighth heavy boundary this time. The sole view Inner Strength words...... in then martial arts world only had one person to compare.” 曹钦把悬于腰际的酒壶拿了起来,浅酌一口,回道:“大约三十年前,杜赢就把这功夫练到了第八重境界。单论内力的话……当时的武林中就只有一人可以比拟。” Ha!” Xiao Tan meets to say immediately, that person...... thinks was Eunuch Cao you?” “哈!”小叹立即接道,“那个人……想必就是曹公公您了吧?” Of course not.” Cao Qin returns said, I said that is in the martial arts world, only then a person can compare, in the officer gate the person and Imperial Palace expert I have not calculated.” “当然不是。”曹钦回道,“我说了,是‘武林中’只有一人可以比拟,官门中人和大内高手我可没算进去。” That......” Flowers Between pursues asks, who is that person? Is Yuan Qi?” “那……”花间追问道,“那个人是谁?是袁圻吗?” Ha.....” Cao Qin smiled, that time Yuan Qi was, how possibly and demon taught the founder to place on a par.” He did not wait for the opposite party to ask again, after one second, said directly, in the 30 years ago martial arts world, can exceed the Du Ying person in the Inner Strength aspect, only then Yama.” 哈……”曹钦笑了,“那时候的袁圻还是个喽啰而已,怎么可能和魔教教主相提并论。”他也不等对方再问了,微顿一秒后直接言道,“三十年前的武林中,能在内力方面胜过杜赢的人,只有‘阎王’。” Said that...... this Yama is what kind of person?” Feng Bujue took advantage of opportunity to ask. “说起来……这‘阎王’到底是何许人也?”封不觉顺势问了下去。 This...... saw that she I told you again.” Cao Qin has not responded, it seems like it is the time of inquiry has not arrived, do not interrupt, my here said half......” he meets to say self-effacingly, legend...... the merit without interest altogether has ten heavy boundaries, but that tenth heavy world without interest does not have the writing to record, only then creates the demon of this set of martial arts teaches beginning for founder realizes, after he died, the heart law of merit without interest altogether only handed down nine heavily. In afterward these years...... the demon taught also to have some talents, but they all halted in eighth scenery heavily without interest ; Therefore, gradually, they think that practiced heavily eighth is ends merit.” “这个嘛……等见到她了我再跟你们说吧。”曹钦没有回应,看来是提问的时机未到,“你们别打岔,我这儿说了一半呢……”他摇头晃脑地接道,“传说……无息功共有十重境界,但那第十重‘天地无息’没有文字记载,而且只有创出这套武功的魔教初代教主一人练成,他死去之后,无息功的心法总共就只传下了九重。后来的那些年里……魔教也出过一些人才,但他们皆是止步于第八重‘山水无息’;于是,久而久之,他们就认为练到第八重即可算是‘完功’了。” Listens to the Eunuch Cao tone......” the Feng Bujue expression to change, Du Ying feared that has exceeded that boundary?” “听曹公公的口气……”封不觉表情微变,“杜赢怕是已经超越那个境界了吧?” However.” Cao Qin should say, works as in this life, three people practiced ninth ghosts and gods the merit without interest heavily without interest, but Du Ying...... was one of them.” “然也。”曹钦应道,“当今世上,有三个人将无息功练到了第九重‘鬼神无息’,而杜赢……就是其中之一。” „Did I go...... to reach an agreement many years no one present age to practice...... the result to have three people to realize?” Xiao Tan startled say/way. “我去……说好了很多年都没人练得上去呢……结果当世就有三个人练成了啊?”小叹惊道。 Hehe......” Feng Bujue actually smiled at this time, „, since Eunuch Cao said works as in this life, rather than ‚the current martial arts world, in these three people...... also does have Eunuch Cao your space?” “呵呵……”封不觉这时却是笑了,“既然曹公公说了‘当今世上’,而非‘当今武林’,想必这三个人里……也有曹公公您的一席之地吧?” Hut Master Feng...... seriously is resourceful excellent.” Cao Qin praised Jue Bro one, was default. After two seconds, he also said at a moderate pace, 15 years ago, the demon teaches with the Central Plain martial arts world war, the last founder willow tree such as was killed by Yuan Qi, the demon teaches the person to be ruthless....... Some people lived simply. Because in Jiang Hu does not have their footholds, they then decide to turn to the royal government. But that «Merit heart law Without interest», is they give to the gift on first meeting of brocade uniformed guard.” 封寮主……当真是机敏过人。”曹钦夸了觉哥一句,算是默认了。两秒后,他又不紧不慢地说道,“十五年前,魔教与中原武林大战,最后一任教主柳相如被袁圻所杀,魔教中人几被赶尽杀绝。索性……还是有一些人活了下来。由于江湖中已无他们的立足之地,他们便决定投靠朝廷。而那《无息功》的心法,便是他们献给锦衣卫的见面礼。” Eh? Xiao Tan hears here, cannot bear hit to block the way, gives to thing of brocade uniformed guard, how to make Eunuch you give?” 诶?小叹听到这儿,忍不住打断道,“献给锦衣卫的东西,怎么让公公您给得到了呢?” „......” Cao Qin returns said, at first, thing was really falls in the hand of brocade uniformed guard, moreover Shangguan Si( brocade uniformed guard directed to cause) also to practice several Month(s) quietly. Until some day I see him...... to feel like that outside the palace True Qi of his within the body seems the disorder, under searches again, discovered that he has bordered on to overstate, therefore my selection and broadcast his several. Three days later, he then on own initiative offers «Merit Without interest», and spoke frankly own aptitude is limited, invites me kindly accepting marvelous ability.” “呵……”曹钦回道,“起初,东西确是落到了锦衣卫的手里,而且上官汜(锦衣卫指挥使)还悄悄地练了几个月。直到有一天我在宫外见着他……隐隐觉得他体内的真气似有乱象,再探之下,发现他已濒临走火入魔,于是我就点播了他几句。三天后,他便主动把《无息功》献上,并坦言自己资质有限,请我‘笑纳’神功。” „...... This Sir Shangguan also plays is dawdles.” Feng Bujue make complaints said, discovered oneself do not have the means to practice, comes to offer borrowed flowers to Buddha.” “哦……这位上官大人玩儿得也是遛啊。”封不觉吐槽道,“发现自己没办法练下去,就来个借花献佛。” He is a smart person......” Cao Qin said, he very clear...... some thing, even can still remain uselessly ; But also some thing, if cannot bring the benefit to act as soon as possible, will otherwise then draw on the disaster.” “他是个聪明人……”曹钦道,“他很清楚……有些东西,即使没什么用也可以留着;但还有些东西,如果不能带来利益就得尽快出手,否则便会招来灾祸。” The words to here, Cao Qin looked at Yuan Qi: Right...... speaking of smart person, here also has one.” 话到此处,曹钦将目光投向了袁圻:“对了……说到聪明人,这里还有一个。” You say...... Alliance Lord Yuan?” Flowers Between first responded. “你是说……袁盟主?”花间第一时间反应道。 Yes.” Cao Qin returns said, Yuan Qi, is the person who is worth everyone admiring.” “是的。”曹钦回道,“袁圻,是一个值得所有人去敬佩的人。” HO ~ the Feng Bujue tone changes, can receive Eunuch Cao this appraisal unexpectedly? It seems like that Yuan Qi is the talent different reports certainly.” “HO~”封不觉语气一变,“竟然能得到曹公公这番评价?看来那袁圻一定是天赋异禀啊。” „Did talent different report?” Cao Qin smiled, „......, his various aspect talents are very not mediocre. But is also worth admiring because of so...... him.” “天赋异禀?”曹钦笑了,“呵……不,他的各方面天赋都很平庸。但也正因如此……他才值得敬佩。” ............ ………… In Hell Front obtains by illegal purchase various information to NPC, the war in breaking soul canyon...... also had the new change. 就在地狱前线向NPC套取各种情报之时,断魂峡中的战局……也有了新的变化。 After short confrontation, Du Ying then leaps floating from the high place. 短暂的对峙过后,杜赢便从高处飘然跃下。 But in valley that these fall into the declining tendency person, escaped from the tight encirclement while this during, falls back on that direction that Du Ying was. 而那些陷入颓势的谷中人,也都趁着这当口逃出了重围,退到了杜赢所在的那个方向。 After several breaths, Du Ying falls to the ground swiftly, its place of standing, is including dust not to raise unexpectedly. 数息过后,杜赢倏然落地,其所立之处,竟是连一丝尘埃都没有扬起。 Such Celestial cultivation base, making the leaders of many schools suck in cold air. 此等天人修为,让许多门派的掌门都不禁倒抽一口凉气。 Alliance Lord Yuan.” After Du Ying falls to the ground, completely disregards the surrounding person, only looks at Yuan Qi, said that greeting on first meeting.” 袁盟主。”杜赢落地后,完全无视周围的人,只看着袁圻,说道,“久仰了。” Even if Du Ying present appearance and common farmer not different, but on him that person of high skill bearing was more abundant than the past years. The imposing manner that it reveals all resembles deep pool ting Yue Zhi ; Simple a few words and six characters, said from his mouth...... then as if have thousand jin (0.5 kg) weight/quantity. 纵然杜赢现在的打扮和一般的农夫无异,但他身上的那番高人气度却比当年更盛。其举手投足间所流露的气势皆似渊渟岳峙;简单的一句话、六个字,从他口中说出……便仿佛有千斤的分量。 Mr. Du.” Yuan Qi had not said that Du Ying is founder, does not have to say its again, but looks for compromise, the quite polite name, properly speaking, I should say that your senior......” said said that but Yuan Qi has not made a later generation proper gesture, he still grasped the sword, places single-handedly back speaks like this. “杜先生。”袁圻没有称杜赢为“教主”,也没有再去直呼其名,而是找个折中的、较为礼貌的称呼,“按理说,我该称你一声‘前辈’……”说是这么说了,但袁圻并没有做出一个后辈应有的姿态,他仍是一手持剑,一手放在背后这样讲话。 Alliance Lord Yuan was polite.” The Du Ying sound appears desolate and weak, obsolete Jieshan Nomura, you said that my mister has been favoring me.” 袁盟主客气了。”杜赢的声音显得冷淡、无力,“老朽一介山野村夫,你称我一声先生已是在抬举我了。” Good......” Yuan Qi really no longer was polite with the opposite party, Du Ying, our idle talk little said that......” he takes advantage of opportunity to ask, „are you block our?” “那好吧……”袁圻还真就不再跟对方客气了,“杜赢,我们闲话少说……”他顺势问道,“你是来拦我们的?” „It is not.” Du Ying returns said, I am kill your.” “不是。”杜赢回道,“我是来杀你们的。” Snort......” Yuan Qi cold snort/hum. “哼……”袁圻冷哼一声。 Buries the heart valley to have custom that buries the heart valley.” Du Ying meets saying that Yama makes you come, you can come in ; Yama does not make you come, you must leave ; If Yama makes you three die......” “葬心谷有葬心谷的规矩。”杜赢接道,“阎王让你进来,你才能进来;阎王不让你进来,你就得离开;而若是阎王让你三更死……” Nonsense!” Yuan Qi broke the opposite party, we have come in now, and does not plan to leave, does not plan dead.” “废话!”袁圻打断了对方,“我们现在已经进来了,且不打算离开,更不打算死。” I know.” Du Ying said that „, therefore I deliver you a regulation.” “我知道。”杜赢道,“所以我来送你们一程。” You, if thought that can...... that try.” Yuan Qi does not fear the opposite party, he takes back the waist the soft sword, meets saying that I had said...... you were also living, to me is a good fortune, I many years have not met like you opponent.” “你若觉得可以……那就试试。”袁圻也不怵对方,他把软剑重新收回腰间,接道,“我说过了……你还活着,对我来说是一件幸事,我已多年没有遇上像你这样的对手了。” He spoke this saying, pours also Fearless to offend the person, because back these martial arts world people have recognized him are the firsts under heaven. 他说这话,倒也不怕得罪人,因为背后那些武林人士早已公认他是天下第一。 Good!” This flickers, the Du Ying manner changed, his reserved imposing manner will also erupt shortly, sweeps across toward the front along with high sea air current. “好!”这一瞬,杜赢的神态变了,他那内敛的气势也在顷刻间爆发了出来,伴随着一股怒涛般的气流朝前方席卷而出。 Yuan Qi at the back of both hands, proudly however vertical, just like remains unmoved. 袁圻背着双手,傲然而立,俨然不为所动。 But he these people may meet with a disaster behind, leader rank but actually, nothing but staggered was retroceding several steps, basically can the standing firm figure. But these disciple ranks, second-class characters on some Jiang Hu, have are shaken much knee down, complexion to be pale. 但他身后那些人可就遭殃了,掌门级别的倒还可以,无非就是踉跄着后退了几步,基本还是可以立稳身形的。但那些门徒级别的、还有些江湖上的二流人物,就有不少被震得单膝跪地、脸色铁青。 „...... This is the overlord color in legend is aggressive.” “难道……这就是传说中的霸王色霸气。” Un...... also possibly is the spirit pressure.” “嗯……也可能是灵压。” Sees this scene, waits and sees Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi that on the distant place mountain, in one face two places complained. 见此情景,在远处山上观望的封不觉王叹之,先后都一脸中二地吐了个槽。 But their behaviors...... trade nothing but is Li Ruoyu and An Yueqin despising vision. 而他们的行为……换来的无非是黎若雨安月琴的鄙视目光。 „It is not bad.” Cao Qin sees this secretly, was still a face is appraising calm, separated the spatial application of force, such as the tide resembled big wave, this was ninth heavy and eighth heavy biggest difference. If the eighth heavy boundary, can only display to dead ahead one.” He is saying, drank a liquor, „, but...... he could not win Yuan Qi.” “不差。”曹钦看到这一幕后,仍是一脸淡定地评价着,“隔空施力,如潮似涛,这便是第九重和第八重的最大区别。若是第八重境界的话,就只能对正前方一线施展。”他说着,又喝了口酒,“但……他还是赢不了袁圻。” Hears these words, besides Feng Bujue, Hell Front other three people and audience who watched the live broadcast was all feeling the doubts. 听到这句话,除了封不觉以外,地狱前线的其他三人以及正在观看直播的观众们全都感到了疑惑。 From the scene, Du Ying as if be fiercer than Yuan Qi is right, after all his Inner Strength can affect the mist. But Yuan Qi in is also the speed and strength in the actual combat displaying, felt that compels the standard not to have this former demon to teach the founder to come high. 从场面上来看,杜赢似乎要比袁圻厉害才对,毕竟他的内力都可以影响到雾气了。而袁圻在实战中表现出的也不过就是速度和力量而已,感觉逼格并没有这个前任魔教教主来得高。 At the beginning of fight, Eunuch Cao said this type seems final judgment on a person's life can be made only after he is dead and buried opinion...... 没想到,战斗伊始,曹公公却说出了这种仿佛是盖棺定论般的言论…… Also when he finishes barely the words, Yuan Qi...... acted. 也就在他话音未落之际,袁圻……出手了。 Before Du Ying that huge Inner Strength, quick and skillful is useless. 杜赢那庞然的内力前,快和巧都是没用的。 The movement that therefore Yuan Qi acts is not quick, he has not put forth the soft sword that incurs sends. 所以袁圻出手的动作并不快,他也没有使出招至极致的软剑。 He uses the simplest way, before rushes to the Du Ying body directly, a direction approached the Du Ying dantian. 他只是用最简单的方式,单刀直入地冲到杜赢身前,一指点向了杜赢的丹田。 The fingertip, its power and influence has not gathered however infinitely. 指尖未至,其威势似已蓄然无穷。 At that moment, on face of Du Ying suddenly presently the color of shock. 那一刻,杜赢的脸上忽现震惊之色。 He thinks that no one upfront will resist the ninth heavy merit without interest like this, because this behavior seems is stroking the sea...... the strong fist also only to break the temporary storm with the fist, but the strength of sea is to extend unceasingly, the fist will be submerged quickly. 他以为没有人会这样正面去对抗第九重无息功,因为这种行为就好似在用拳头击打大海……再强的拳头也只能破一时的风浪,但海的力量是延绵不绝的,拳头很快就会被淹没。 However, Yuan Qi actually chose this seemingly stupidest approach without hesitation...... 然,袁圻却是毫不犹豫地选择了这种貌似最愚蠢的做法…… Because his eyes saw through- the merit law of opposite party set of seemingly no flaw, only weakness...... its strongest place. 因为他一眼就看穿了-对方这套看似毫无破绽的功法,唯一的弱点……正是其最强之处。 Absurd!” After the shock, in the Du Ying heart raises unexpectedly is the anger. “岂有此理!”震惊之后,杜赢心中升起的竟是愤怒。 A person of originally unhappy battle, passes the 60-year old, properly speaking cannot have this mood. In addition the average people so, Du Ying such character should so. 一个本来就不喜争斗的人,又逾花甲之年,按理说不太会有这种情绪了。一般人尚且如此,杜赢这样的人物更应如此。 But Du Ying at this moment...... actually got angry, when a practicing martial art person discovered when the boundary that the strength of own poor lifetime achieves unexpectedly another later generation of first meeting decodes instantaneously, he naturally can get angry...... 但此刻的杜赢……却是怒了,当一个习武之人发现自己穷毕生之力所达到的境界竟被另一个初次见面的后辈瞬间破解时,他自然会怒…… The merit without interest, indeed is a very strong martial arts, assigning/life the Chen profound merit is also. 无息功,的确是一种很强的武功,命辰玄功也是。 Long-term, the year of so long as cultivating will be long enough, studies to assign/life Chen profound merit Inner Strength certainly to surpass the merit without interest. But in the actual situation...... at least in 30 years, the ninth heavy merit without interest definitely compared with assigning/life the Chen profound merit stronger. 长远来讲,只要修炼的年份够长,修习命辰玄功者的内力是一定会超过无息功的。但实际情况中……至少在30年以内,第九重无息功肯定比命辰玄功要强。 But...... merit law, does not represent will win. 可是……功法强,不代表就会赢。 The people, are the victory and defeat keys. 人,才是胜负的关键。 The Du Ying natural talent is very high, his merit skill without interest also above the Yuan Qi profound merit, but he many years does not have the actual combat. 杜赢的天资是很高,他的无息功功力也在袁圻的玄功之上,但他已经很多年都没有实战了。 Even if has not withdrawn from Jiang Hu these years in him, he has not experienced too many fighting, because the enemy has often not intended to be crashed with Inner Strength by him directly. 纵然是在他尚未退出江湖的那些年,他也没有经历过太多的打斗,因为敌人往往还没出手就已被他直接用内力压垮。 But Yuan Qi...... his fight experience, is anyone on the scene is unable to compare. He enters Jiang Hu that several years initially, 35 bandit destructive people may want his life ; At age 30, Yuan Qi has experienced every large or small several hundred life and death it to fight( because is not very strong opponents possibly makes him die) ; Afterward his martial arts promoted gradually, the opponent was getting stronger and stronger...... 袁圻……他的战斗经验,是在场的任何一个人都无法比拟的。他初入江湖那几年,三五个土匪蟊贼都可能要了他的命;30岁前,袁圻已经历大大小小数百场生死之斗(因为不是很强的对手都可能让他死);后来他的武功逐步提升,遇到的对手才越来越强…… Words that must analogy, Yuan Qi is fights simply from the street fighting the character of the world boxing champion. Says selects...... theory straightforwardly fight ability, Du Ying must be too far compared with his incoming messenger. 要比喻的话,袁圻简直就是个从街头械斗一路战斗到世界拳王的人物。说得直白点……论“打架”的才能,杜赢比起他来差得太远了。
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