TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#950: The skeleton such as mountain Niaojing flies

The light fog rises, killing intent is tainted by this world's affairs. 光雾急升,杀意染尘。 In breaking soul canyon, reactionary reign of terror 断魂峡中,血雨腥风 On canyon ghost, in canyon person,...... then launched battle after short confrontation. 峡上的“鬼”,峡中的“人”,在短暂的对峙后……便展开了厮杀。 At this time, martial arts world heroes, although already casualties over hundred, but about 300 people of strengths. But buries these refugees in heart valley, altogether also only has more than 100. At first sight...... the former is quite as if advantageous. 此时,武林豪杰们虽已伤亡过百,但还是有近三百人的战力。而葬心谷中的那些流亡者们,总共也只有一百多个。乍看之下……似乎还是前者比较有利。 But...... the population does not decide the victory and defeat most primary factor, because this is „the Jiang Hu battle, rather than contest between armies. 但……人数并不是决定胜负的最主要因素,因为这是一场“江湖争斗”,而不是军队间的较量。 If this is contest between an armies, the factor of that decision result mostly is the population, formation, the soldier quality and terrain, and bow crossbow and utilization in firearm. 如果这是一场军队间的较量,那决定胜负的因素多半是人数、阵型、士兵素质、地形、以及弓弩和火器方面的运用度。 But in Jiang Hu group the reference value of fighting...... these thing is not big. 可是在江湖群斗中……这些东西的参考价值并不大。 The leaders and disciples of these various factions are not the well-trained soldier, although by the individual operational capacity, they certainly be much fiercer than the common soldier, but their interior was divided into dozens influences on operate independently, moreover ability of almost does not have any coordinated combat......, let alone was the people of different school, even among the same side, not necessarily several people can coordinate. 那些各门各派的掌门和弟子们可不是什么训练有素的士兵,虽然以单兵作战能力而言,他们肯定要比一般的士兵厉害得多,但他们内部分为了几十股势力各自为战,而且彼此间几乎没有任何协调作战的能力……别说是不同门派的人了,即使是同门之间,都未必有几个人能配合起来的。 Briefly, is a person of number, blows various accents respectively, on the wolf the dog not on...... 简单地说,就是一人一把号,各吹各的调,狼上狗不上…… But another side...... under these Yama little rascal, although does not coordinate, but they had very big advantage on the terrain ; From top to bottom and is the potential of surrounding, hitting naturally is twice the result with half the effort. In addition their martial arts is the first-class ranks, having the advantage is also logical. 而另一边……那些阎王麾下的“小鬼”们虽也不怎么配合,但他们在地形上占了很大优势;由上而下、又是包围之势,打起来自然是事半功倍。再加上他们的武功皆属一流行列,取得优势也是顺理成章。 Quick, the major schools have dozens cannon fodders, in the enemy encircled is killed violently ; But buries the heart valley these expert, only then few people are injured...... 很快,各大门派就有几十个炮灰在敌人围剿中毙命了;而葬心谷的那些高手们,则只有寥寥几人受了轻伤而已…… However, this circumstance, after Yuan Qi acts...... changed instantaneously. 然,这种情势,在袁圻出手后……就瞬间改变了。 But sees, the Alliance Lord Yuan form abhors, the wrist/skill shakes, in his hand the sword resembles the living creature crazy volume immediately. 但见,袁盟主身影疾出,手腕一抖,其手中之剑立刻似活物般狂卷而出。 This sword, is a soft sword, exactly said that...... is arrange/cloth sword. 此剑,是一把软剑,确切地说……是一把“布剑”。 The arrange/cloth, is the ordinary arrange/cloth. 布,是普通的布。 The people, are the uncommon people. 人,是不凡的人。 At age 30, Yuan Qi will not use the sword. In fact, then he will not cause any weaponry. 30岁以前,袁圻是不会用剑的。事实上,当时的他不会使任何的兵刃 But at age 30, his within the body had the strength of profound merit......, once had this nearly perfect Inner Strength to be used as the basis, regardless of cultivated any weaponry and style...... is has words at fingertips and writes with facility, ten thousand li in a day. 但30岁之后,他体内有了玄功之力……一旦有了这种近乎完美的内力做基础,无论修炼任何兵刃、招式……皆是信手拈来、一日千里。 Therefore, Yuan Qi at age 30, learned many martial arts one after another, gradually to the boundary that 18 weapons every kind were skilled. Some times...... he has a liking, can make the ratio practice many years of person to be stronger. 所以,30岁后的袁圻,陆续学会了很多武功,逐渐到了十八般兵器样样精通的境界。有些功夫……他只是看上一遍,就能使得比练了多年的人更强。 But after age 40, Alliance Lord Yuan barely used weaponry again, often accompanied his weapon , was only left over this inlaying the arrange/cloth sword in waistband...... 而到了40岁后,袁盟主就很少再用兵刃了,常伴他身边的武器,也只剩下了这把嵌在腰带中的布剑…… As the saying goes sharp sword has no intention, the soft sword is variable,...... that soft sword under Yuan Qi that immeasurably deep Inner Strength stimulation of movement is verve like the dragon from time to time, from time to time Yin crafty like snake, from time to time burns like the flood dragon ruthlessly, from time to time dragon vigor like python. 有道是“利剑无意,软剑无常”,在袁圻那深不可测的内力催动下……那软剑时而刚猛如龙,时而阴诡如蛇,时而狠辣如蛟,时而虬劲如蟒。 In a flash, about ten people have died under his sword, and each...... was decapitated by a sword hit neck. 弹指间,已有近十人死在了他的剑下,且每一个都是被一剑命中颈部……身首异处。 Snort......” in the meantime, cold snort/hum transmits, and carries over a big and tall form, usually heard that Alliance Lord Yuan skill unparalleled in the world, today a view, is really outstanding.” “哼……”就在此时,一声冷哼传来,并带出一条魁伟身影,“素闻袁盟主功力天下无双,今日一观,果然是不同凡响。” The speakers, is a dragon fine beard guy. The figure appearance just like the Lohan diamond, in the hand is also carrying eight points of broadswords, heard his sound...... without doubt was some time ago that first through the person of Inner Strength frontline propaganda. 说话者,是一名虬髯大汉。其身形体貌宛若罗汉金刚,手中还端着一把八环大刀,听他的声音……无疑就是不久前那第一个通过内力喊话之人。 Desert blade king...... Di Hou.” The Yuan Qi staring opposite party, the sinking sound said. “大漠刀王……狄侯。”袁圻凝视对方,沉声言道。 Oh? Di Hou said with a smile, „can Alliance Lord Yuan recognize me unexpectedly? I may really feel extremely flattered.” 哦?狄侯笑道,“袁盟主竟能认得我?我可真是受宠若惊啊。” Actually, Yuan Qi recognizes the reason of Di Hou to be very simple......, because they, are the peer in Jiang Hu of a similar age, therefore had once had several reasons in big or small events in some martial arts world in the past. However...... then Di Hou is desert blade king who moves Jiang Hu, but Yuan Qi is a peon. Therefore, the latter remembered the former, but the former does not even know latter's existence. 其实,袁圻认得狄侯的理由很简单……由于他们俩年龄相仿、属于江湖中的同辈,所以过去曾在一些武林中的大小事件中有过数面之缘。不过……当时的狄侯已是名动江湖的大漠刀王了,而袁圻还是个无名小卒而已。于是,后者记住了前者,而前者甚至都不知道后者的存在。 Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” Yuan Qi listened to the Di Hou words, laughs to make noise. “哈!哈哈哈哈……”袁圻听了狄侯的话,大笑出声。 Di Hou does not know that he is smiling anything, in side saw that this person does not know he is smiling anything. 狄侯不知道他在笑什么,在旁边看到这一幕的人也不知道他在笑什么。 Only then Yuan Qi understand, these words of opposite party are how the satire, how laughably...... 只有袁圻自己明白,对方的这句话是多麽得讽刺、多麽得可笑…… „After Blade King Di......” smiled one, Yuan Qi expression cold, I remember that...... you before running into bury the heart valley, once was commanding of desert eight blade meetings?” 狄刀王……”笑了一阵后,袁圻的表情冷了下来,“我记得……你在逃入葬心谷前,曾是大漠八刀会的统领?” Good, I am.” When Di Hou responded to this issue, in the heart some quite doubts, he does not understand why the opposite party must pull some senseless past events in this time with oneself. “不错,我是。”狄侯回应这个问题时,心中颇有些疑惑,他不明白对方为什么要在这种时刻跟自己扯些无谓的往事。 You may remember how many disciple disciples your hanger-on does have?” Yuan Qi then asked. “你可记得,你的门下有多少弟子门人?”袁圻接着问道。 500-600 people......” Di Hou spoke thoughtlessly to say, you asked this did do really?” “500-600人吧……”狄侯随口应道,“你问这个作甚?” You can send out the names of 20 people?” Yuan Qi also asked. “你能报出其中二十个人的名字吗?”袁圻又问道。 Alliance Lord Yuan...... are you what intent?” Di Hou has decided no longer to answer these strange issues. 袁盟主……你这是何意?”狄侯已决定不再回答这些奇怪的问题。 Cannot report.” Yuan Qi coldly said that „, but...... you can actually report obtain my name.” He used the look to hint toward the surroundings, also had to present all first-class expert names.” “报不出来吧。”袁圻冷冷道,“但是……你却能报得出我的名字。”他用眼神朝周围示意了了一下,“还有在场所有一流高手的名字。” Di Hou is silent, he wants to listen to Yuan Qi to say anything. 狄侯沉默着,他想听听袁圻到底要说什么。 „The world is so, you never remember these mediocre people, because in your eyes sees when the reputation, martial arts and look......” Yuan Qi spoke this saying, appearing somewhat is slightly excited, your eyes can only see these, you instead neglected person it.” He, „, therefore I smile, I laugh at you...... to be blinder than the true blind person like one group of blind people.” “世人皆是如此,你们从来不记得那些平庸的人,因为你们的眼中看到的只有名声、武功、相貌……”袁圻说这话时,显得略有些激动,“你们的眼睛只能看到那些,以至于你们反而忽略了‘人’的本身。”他顿了顿,“所以我才笑,我笑你们就像一群瞎子……比真正的瞎子还瞎。” Alliance Lord Yuan, Di could not understand you to say anything.” Di Hou is saying, held up the broadsword, I am not listen to you to be mysterious!” 袁盟主,恕狄某人听不懂你在说什么。”狄侯说着,举起了大刀,“我也不是来听你故弄玄虚的!” Also closed the eye to......” Yuan Qi, people like you will not understand......” he also held up the arrange/cloth sword in hand, you are the person who gets, must come to come!” “也对……”袁圻闭上了眼睛,“你这种人是不会懂的……”他也举起了手中的布剑,“你就是个来领死的人而已,要来就来吧!” Did not need him saying that Di Hou also came. 不用他说,狄侯也来了。 The desert blade king, does not have unearned reputation. In his hand eight points of broadswords are the unique weapons, is Di Hou is tailor by the present age famous artisan. 大漠刀王,绝非浪得虚名。其手中八环大刀乃是独门兵器,由当世名匠为狄侯量身打造。 This blade more than 40 cattys in weight, the back of the blade inlays eight points, the blade such as the shark tooth is common, is easy to break sends. 此刀重40余斤,刀背共嵌八环,刀刃如鲨齿一般,吹毛断发。 Once in the past some innumerable Jiang Hu famous elders died not entire corpse under this blade, fully shocking ominous soldier. 过去曾有无数江湖名宿在此刀之下死无全尸,足可谓惊世凶兵。 But Di Hou this person...... is also the blade gate rare talent. He inborn divine power, 12 years old can the dance lift heavy objects 80 jin (0.5 kg) big Guan's broadsword since childhood ; Regarding the Blade Technique perception is also extremely high, young then achieves mastery through a comprehensive study various managers, becomes. At age 15, Di Hou then becomes the desert eight blades young held the blade( to be similar in bodgie cadre position, concrete social class everyone may brain make up), 28 years old became eight presidents to lead, the crest of wave was unmatched. 狄侯这个人……也属刀门奇才。他自幼天生神力,十二岁便可舞起重八十斤的大关刀;对于刀法的悟性也是极高,年纪轻轻便将各家所长融会贯通、自成一路。15岁时,狄侯便成为了大漠八刀会最年轻的执刀(类似于不良少年中“干部”的职位,具体阶级各位可自行脑补),二十八岁就当上了八部总统领,风头一时无两。 At age 30, its Blade Technique boundary had the bottleneck, under was hot-tempered to practice, overstated...... then he to start to slaughter innocents everywhere, with the blood sacrifice of blade expert, shortly after then became the martial arts world public enemy, was forced to escape into this to bury in the heart valley. 只是,30岁后,其刀法境界遭遇瓶颈,躁练之下,走火入魔……接着他开始到处滥杀无辜、以高手之血祭刀,不久后便成了武林公敌,被迫遁入这葬心谷中。 Nearly 20 years pass by, in one of the most senior fugitives as the valley, the Di Hou nature have broken through the past bottleneck at present. His present martial arts boundary, compared with and said that martial arts world double male Ten Thousand Cloud Mansion and All Directions Mansion two mansion owner come is also has no time to let. 近二十年过去,作为目前谷中最资深的逃亡者之一,狄侯自然早已突破了当年的瓶颈。他如今的武学境界,比起并称武林双雄的万霞楼八方楼二位楼主来也是不遑多让。 -” “喝-” But in a twinkling, heard that Di Hou calls out, its form has dodged to the Yuan Qi flank, if eight points of broadswords also racing Leiban cuts to fall. 说时迟,那时快,但闻狄侯一声暴喝,其身影已然闪至袁圻侧方,八环大刀也若奔雷般斩落。 His blade is very heavy, but is quick, almost cannot see to the eyes of person quickly. 他的刀很重,但却很快,快到人的眼睛几乎看不见。 But, Yuan Qi can see. 但,袁圻看得见。 Not can only see...... also to see very clearly. 非但看得见……还看得很清楚。 Is too slow, is too clumsy.” This is Yuan Qi gives the appraisal of opposite party, is the last few words that Di Hou hears. “太慢,太拙。”这是袁圻送给对方的评价,也是狄侯听到的最后一句话。 The next second, the head of Di Hou left own body. 下一秒,狄侯的头就离开了自己的身体。 But his blade...... cut the vacancy. 而他的刀……则斩到了空处。 Indeed, Di Hou is first-class expert, among those present, can catch person perhaps not over ten of this blade. 的确,狄侯是个一流高手,在场的人当中,能接住这一刀的人或许都不超过十个。 But in the eye of Yuan Qi, the Di Hou Blade Technique also insufficient crucial moment...... from the perspective of martial arts boundary, the Yuan Qi arrange/cloth sword above performs pinnacle of change in style pinnacle by far again. So long as is also in recruits the person under boundary, even if practices Inner Strength with his same degree, most can fight well-matched with him. In the external work like Di Hou this type missed many people with him, cannot call what opponent...... 可是在袁圻的眼里,狄侯刀法还远远不够火候……从武学境界的角度来讲,袁圻的布剑是在“招式的极致”之上再加以“变化的极致”。只要是还处于“有招”境界之下的人,哪怕将内力练到和他一样的程度,也最多能和他战得旗鼓相当。像狄侯这种内外功都和他差了许多的人,根本就称不上什么对手…… „The Alliance Lord Yuan marvelous ability is unparalleled!” 袁盟主神功盖世!” Everyone follows Alliance Lord to kill!” “大家跟着盟主杀呀!” Stood the person saw Yuan Qi Instant kill Di Hou one in nearby faction, took advantage of opportunity to shout to make noise, was for the martial arts world camp strong several points of momentum. 站在附近的帮派中人看到了袁圻秒杀狄侯的一幕,顺势就喊出声来,算是为武林阵营壮了几分声势。 Yuan Qi has not made the people of same belief disappointed, he along with even displays one set of extremely high qing gong, resembles roaming dragon-like to graze, the place visited...... stays behind is in the valley the body of person. 袁圻也没有令同道们失望,他随即便施展出一套高绝的轻功,似游龙般飞掠而出,所过之处……留下的皆是谷中人的尸体。 Where......” in chaotic war, Yuan Qi mind like still water, he slaughters, while is pondering, these people are impossible the fog rising...... in them has certainly special person, the skill of that person strong to has been able the degree of steering current, must look for from the hidden place him......” “在哪里……”混乱的战局中,袁圻心如止水,他一边进行杀戮,一边在思考着,“这些人是不可能把雾给升上去的……他们之中一定有个‘特殊的人’,那个人的功力已经强到了可以引导气流的程度,必须把他从暗处找出来……” When thinking, he has massacred dozens people, are more than total that other factions kill the enemy. After the disparity of population was enlarged, the situation that both sides resist then reversed. 思索之际,他已杀掉了数十人,比其他帮派杀敌的总数还多。在人数的差距被拉大后,双方对抗的形势便逆转过来了。 The martial arts world people still more than 200 people may fight now, but buried heart valley expert only to remain more than 30 people, as the matter stands, how regardless of the terrain had the advantage, was useless. 武林人士们现在尚有二百多人可战,而葬心谷高手们只剩了三十余人,这样一来,无论地形怎么有优势,也都没用了。 Surrounding...... evolved the counter-encirclement. Even if in valley martial arts superior of person, but a person gathered round by 56 people hits...... its result is still obvious. 包围……演变成了反包围。就算谷中人的武功高强,但一个人被五六个人围着打……其结果也是不言自明的。 A time of tea, in being overwhelmed canyon is the corpse horizontally everywhere. 才一盏茶的功夫,断魂峡中已是尸横遍地。 The blood such as the rain falls, such as the fog has lifted, carried off ghosts...... 鲜血如雨落,如雾散,带走了一条条亡魂…… Saw in valley ghost must be ruthless, finally, that light fog raising the person...... appeared in the line of sight of people. 眼瞅着谷中的“鬼”们就要被赶尽杀绝了,终于,那个把光雾“升起”的人……出现在了人们的视线中。 Really without thinking of......” this person of opens the mouth, then attracted everyone's attention, „...... besides Yama, in the world also has the person of martial arts so extremely high.” “真没想到……”这人一开口,便吸引了所有人的视线,“……除了阎王之外,世上还有武功如此高绝之人。” Similarly is Inner Strength passes message, according to the skill of speaker is different, the presented effect is also different. 同样是内力传音,根据说话者的功力不同,呈现的效果也是不同的。 For example before previous Di Hou and Feng two( are starts , the second speech, at this moment has also led then to work as), when they use Inner Strength to send greetings, the speech accent is quite high, the sound that oneself use is also loud, this air/Qi can the words delivering, making the person in distant place hear. 比如此前的狄侯和冯二(就是开打前第二个说话的,此刻也已经领便当了),他们用内力传音时,说话的调比较高,本人用的声音也较大,这样“气”才能把话给送出去,让远处的人听到。 However, at present the person of this speech, his intonation and sound sound unexpectedly are the superficial feelings ; In the martial arts world people on the scene, can achieve this, only then Yuan Qi...... internal strength cultivation base of that speaker can be inferred. 然,眼下这个说话的人,他的语调和声音听上去竟是轻描淡写般的感觉;在场的武林人士之中,能做到这点的只有袁圻一个……那说话者的内功修为可见一斑。 Finally is willing to come?” Yuan Qi looks up to the direction that the sound conveyed, that is above precipice a hundred meters away. “终于肯现身了吗?”袁圻抬头望向了声音传来的方向,那是百米外的一处山岩之上。 At this moment, a farmer appearance and look ordinary old person, are carrying both hands to stand there. 此刻,一个农夫打扮、相貌平凡的老人,正背着双手站在了那里。 Soon, in the crowd has some people to recognize him, from this draws out a being frightened sound. 不多时,人群中已有一些人认出了他,由此引出一片惊惶之声。 Demon...... demon demon......” “魔……魔魔……” Unexpectedly is he! Hasn't he died unexpectedly?” “居然是他!他居然还没死?” „Before demon teaches, founder...... Du Ying......” “魔教前教主……杜赢……” This name, Yuan Qi knows, but he has not seen this person. 这个名字,袁圻知道,但他没有见过这个人。 12 years ago, Yuan Qi also sees an demon to teach the founder firmly, but is not present Du Ying. 十二年前,袁圻确也见过一位魔教教主,但不是眼前的杜赢 That year, the demon taught the founder the willow tree such as to confess that the marvelous ability accomplishment and unmatched in the world...... then intruded on various martial arts world factions on a large scale. 那一年,魔教教主柳相如自认神功大成、天下无敌……遂大举进犯武林各派。 It is well known, Wuxia world in correct path person has a custom, that is...... in the circumstance disadvantageous situation, they can always find the reason, the person hits the person to be few justifiablily, as for the reason, everyone was also clear...... 众所周知,武侠世界的“正道中人”都有个习惯,那就是……在情势不利的情况下,他们总能找到理由,名正言顺地人多打人少,至于理由,大家也都清楚…… Naturally, here this classical lines said again one might also as well- copes with these demon outlets, does not need to speak what Jiang Hu morality and justice! 当然了,在这里把这句经典台词再说一遍也无妨-对付这些邪魔外道,不用讲什么江湖道义! In brief, that year...... the demon taught to be exterminated. But in this event the biggest hero, you guess right...... is Yuan Qi. 总之,那一年……魔教被剿灭了。而这个事件中最大的功臣,你们猜的没错……就是袁圻 The willow tree such as to dying has not understood, this surnamed Yuan where braves......, although then Yuan Qi is also recognized first-class expert, but because he was extremely obscure in the past, no one knows his martial arts limit high. Until he got rid of the willow tree such as...... various martial arts world factions to realize that single-handedly this person seemed to be underestimated in the past seriously...... 柳相如到死也没明白,这个姓袁的到底是哪里冒出来的……虽然当时的袁圻也已经是公认的一流高手了,但由于他过去太过默默无名,谁也不知道他的武功极限到底有多高。直到他单枪匹马干掉了柳相如……武林各派才意识到此人过去似乎被严重地低估了…… But that matter, will then become Yuan Qi to become the martial arts world Alliance Lord crucial capital in the future. 而那件事,日后便成了袁圻当上武林盟主的关键性资本。 However, present Du Ying, with the willow tree such as the comparison...... that was leaving of cloud mud. 不过,眼前的杜赢,和柳相如比较的话……那又是一番云泥之别了。 According to the rank, Du Ying is the willow tree such as teacher's younger brother, but his grade such as takes on small several years old compared with the willow tree on the contrary, by this year also 60 over. 按照辈分来说,杜赢是柳相如的师叔,可他的年级反倒比柳相如要小上几岁,到今年也不过六十出头。 The willow tree such as practiced to that time that 48 years old realized, at age 30 actually Du Ying had realized...... after that his martial arts high, the demon taught several Protector elders not to know. 柳相如练到四十八岁才练成的那门功夫,杜赢在30岁时就已练成了……此后他的武功究竟有多高,就连魔教中的几名护法长老都不知道。 Fortunately, although Du Ying this person is the practicing martial arts rare talent, but he does not like the battle, therefore he, when the demon teaches these years of founder, the demon teaches consistently to maintain the attitude of others don’t provoke me and I don’t provoke others. 值得庆幸的是,杜赢这个人虽是练武奇才,但他并不喜欢争斗,所以他当魔教教主的那些年,魔教始终保持着人不犯我、我不犯人的作风。 In until at age 43, Du Ying because of being weary taught the dispute, passed to the ambitious willow tree the position of founder angrily such as. Along with even leaves in a huff, henceforth no one can find its trace again. 直到43岁那年,杜赢因厌倦了教内纷争,愤然将教主之位传给了野心勃勃的柳相如。随即便拂袖而去,从此再无人能觅得其踪。 Has not thought...... this time, this Du Ying, appears unexpectedly, in buried in the heart valley. 万万没想到……今时今日,这个杜赢,竟然出现在了葬心谷中。 Alliance Lord...... he......” season can recognizes this person, he hurries to go forward several steps, wants to remind Yuan Qi one. 盟主……他……”季能是认得此人的,他赶紧上前几步,想提醒袁圻一句。 But Yuan Qi beckons with the hand, interrupted the Mansion Master Ji words. 袁圻摆了摆手,打断了季楼主的话。 After several seconds, Yuan Qi raised the head, with the Du Ying completely same technique, passes message to say by Inner Strength: Du Ying, I have heard you, you also lived...... are really being good.” 数秒后,袁圻抬头,用与杜赢完全相同的手法,以内力传音回道:“杜赢,我听说过你,你还活着……真是太好了。”
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