TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#949: Raises the sword cross to ride to wield the ghost rain

Death penalty!” “死刑!” Absolute death penalty!” “绝对死刑!” Death penalty + 65535!” “死刑!” What ghost is secondary wife?” “四姨太是什么鬼?” Unexpectedly dares to spread Shangshang to entangle in the Scenario world in your rumor everywhere crazily?” “居然敢在剧本世界里到处散布殇殇痴缠于你的谣言?” Burns this waste!” “烧死这个人渣!” Feng Bujue must die!” 疯不觉必须死!” „The Xu Huaishang official fans group expressed that the Feng Bujue head/number of people we have contracted!” 絮怀殇官方粉丝团表示疯不觉的人头我们已经承包了!” On war casualty bodyguard ginseng/partake! To insane some stands cuts not amnesty!” “殇の亲卫队参上!对疯某立斩不赦!” Because the semifinal is divides the time interval to broadcast that all audience who pay attention to Struggle For Power to Summit S2, are watching the same competition at this moment completely. 由于半决赛是分时段播出的,所有关注巅峰争霸S2的观众,此刻全部都在观看着同一场比赛。 But they noticed when this mood...... basically also responded in the above these barrages and commentaries. 而他们看到这一幕时的心情……基本上也都反应在以上这些弹幕和评论中了。 Naturally, most people in make complaints. Everyone also understands, the Eunuch Cao conclusion was definitely also flickered after some Scenario obtains. 当然了,大部分人只是在吐槽而已。大家也都明白,曹公公的结论肯定也是在某个剧本里被忽悠以后所得出的。 Misunderstanding in a game world, no one will go to take seriously. 一个在游戏世界里的误会,本就没人会去当真。 But...... vertical is so, the Feng Bujue behavior is unforgivable, Goddess Xu fans think or makes him die is quite good. 但……纵是如此,疯不觉的行为还是不可原谅的,絮女神粉丝们一致认为还是让他去死一死比较好。 ............ ………… Said that outside matter, the line of sight returned to the middle of Scenario. 说完了场外的事儿,视线还是回到剧本当中。 After a quite awkward silence, Cao Qin opened the mouth again: Right, Hut Master Feng...... some of my truly incident want to ask that you......” he look to Jue Bro, spoke thoughtlessly to ask with an impartial tone, in the past in the summit of purple banning, which technique law that you changed with that Miss Xu is the white light diverged...... uses?” 在一阵颇为尴尬的沉默过后,曹钦再度开口了:“对了,封寮主……我确实有一事想问你……”他看向觉哥,用一种不置可否的语气随口问道,“当年在紫禁之巅,你和那位絮姑娘先后化作白光散去……用的又是哪一路的术法?” „...... That......” Feng Bujue replied that this kind of issue experiences richly, Eunuch Cao has become a lay priest by the military, can't you really look?” “哦……那个啊……”封不觉回答起这类问题来可是经验丰富,“曹公公早已以武入道,难道您真的看不出来吗?” His saying to be specious, probably spoke anything's appearance, but was equal to throwing the issue. 他这话似是而非,好像是讲了些什么的样子,但等于又把问题给抛了回去。 Cao Qin hears word smiles, meets saying: „...... Hut Master Feng or the same as usual...... were good, did not say that then did not say, I will not demand.” 曹钦闻言微笑,接道:“呵……封寮主还是老样子啊……行了,不说便不说吧,我不会强求的。” With previous time saw when Jue Bro compares, the Cao Qin disposition has changed obviously. 和上次见到觉哥时相比,曹钦的心性显然又有所变化。 More than ten years ago he, the body has several points of vicious tendencies, can see...... him from his attitude to that three martial arts world knights, although not bloodthirsty, but does not tire of kills. He can the mercy, but could not have called the mercy. He looked at pale the fame and fortune, but rigid in respect. 十多年前的他,身上还是有着几分戾气的,从他对那三名武林侠客的态度便可看出……他虽不嗜杀,但也不厌杀。他可以慈悲,但还称不上慈悲。他看淡了名利,但还是执着于尊重。 However, more than ten years of time pass by...... 然而,十余年的时光过去…… Present Cao Qin, the appearance and physique have restored less than 40 years old of appearance, seeming like even younger than when Dark Green Spirit Town. 如今的曹钦,容颜、体态都已恢复到了四十岁不到的模样,看上去甚至比在苍灵镇时更加年轻。 But in his every word and deed...... always reveals for one point indifferent, one point to have the half a point and age incompatible looking down on the world free and easy and. 而他的一言一行之中……总是流露出一分淡然、一分洒脱、还有半分与年龄不符的玩世不恭。 These Jiang Hu matter and martial arts matter and matter among people...... he, and listens, and asked, will not actually care and not go rigid. 那些江湖的事、武学的事、人与人之间的事……他且听、且问,却已不会在乎、不去执着。 By the Cao Qin present boundary, he more in pondering how should regard the world...... how to regard him as for the world, he may close to a smile. 曹钦现在的境界,他更多地是在思考“自己应该如何去看待世人”……至于世人如何看待他,他都可一笑置之。 So...... good.” Feng Bujue returned to one, and takes advantage of opportunity to ask, said that...... to seal/confer also had the incident to be unclear, wants you to consult...... him to shoot a look at one to Eunuch toward Shitan, as the saying goes...... the only drink was difficult to drink. This big evening, a Eunuch Cao person stands near Shitan drinks the wineshop banner spring, why is actually?” “如此……甚好。”封不觉回了一句,并顺势问道,“说起来……封某也有一事不明,想要向公公您请教……”他朝石潭瞥了一眼,“常言道……寡酒难饮。这大晚上的,曹公公一个人站在石潭边喝酒望泉,却是为何呢?” Jue Bro had not asked why Cao Qin will appear in burying the heart valley, because that matter he knows by the inference- nothing but is film title that flock of royal government soldiers and horses enters valley to come together. But Jue Bro is unable to speculate content that was the present issue...... 觉哥并没有问曹钦为什么会出现在葬心谷中,因为那种事他靠推理就知道了-无非就是和片头那群朝廷兵马一起进谷来的。而觉哥所无法推测出的内容,就是眼前的这个问题了…… „...... This......” Cao Qin chuckle, before „a double-hour, I settle down this place, suddenly comprehended one set of new martial arts, at present is improving.” “哦……这个嘛……”曹钦轻笑一声,“一个时辰前,我驻足此地,忽然参悟到了一套新的武学,眼下正在进行完善。” Ha?” Xiao Tan listened to this saying, a face asked curiously, stood is drinking to be in a daze can improve martial arts?” “哈?”小叹听了这话,一脸好奇地问道,“站着喝酒发呆就能完善武学?” Haha Ha.....” Cao Qin listened to this saying, laughs, this little brother, you said how...... I do work as? Put on the stance near this Shitan, trained the fists and feet style?” “哈哈哈……”曹钦听了这话,大笑起来,“这位小哥,那你说……我当如何?在这石潭边摆好了架势,演练拳脚招式吗?” Un......” Xiao Tan wants to reply „”, but he always felt that the tone of opposite party did not seem like saying the interrogative sentence. “嗯……”小叹本想回答“是啊”,但他总感觉对方的语气好像不是在说疑问句。 Hehe...... made Eunuch Cao be laughed.” Feng Bujue hurries to interrupt, „my apprentice is in all guests the aptitude is worst, in the past I thought him pretty, this thinks that was an intelligent child, never expected that received the hanger-on the discovery is a simpleton. You looked at...... this with my dozens years...... the martial arts boundary are very clumsy shallow.” “呵呵……让曹公公见笑了。”封不觉赶紧插嘴道,“我这个徒弟是所有寮客中资质最差的,当年我看他长得眉清目秀,本以为是个聪明孩子,没想到收入门下才发现是个呆子。你瞧……这都跟了我几十年了……武学境界还是十分拙浅。” „......” Cao Qin nods, Hut Master Feng also supports not easily.” “哦……”曹钦点头,“封寮主也是挺不容易的啊。” Their this saying come, the tone seems like two adults in the discussion kid, is really teasy. Is good is excellent because of the Xiao Tan temperament, or he has very good disposition inborn, has not basically made this saying toward go at heart. 他俩这话一来一回,口气像是两个成年人在讨论小屁孩,甚是让人恼火。好在小叹的脾气极好,或者说他天生就有很好的心性,基本没让这话往心里去。 Words said after......” chitchatted several, Feng Bujue thought that the conditions were ripe, then coursed plot the topic, I, if I have not guessed that wrong, this Eunuch Cao comes this to bury in the heart valley......, but takes that for the emperor ‚the technique of immortal?” “话说……”攀谈了几句后,封不觉觉得时机成熟了,便将话题引向了剧情方面,“我若是我没猜错的话,此次曹公公来这葬心谷中……可是为了替皇上来取那‘长生之术’?” Snort...... the Hut Master Feng news also is really quick.” The response of Cao Qin was equal to tacitly approving the view of Jue Bro. “哼……封寮主的消息还真是灵通啊。”曹钦的回应等于是默认了觉哥的说法。 Eunuch Cao you chatted......” Feng Bujue to say with a smile, „...... wasn't this open secret?” 曹公公您说笑了……”封不觉笑道,“……这难道不是公开的秘密了吗?” This issue, similarly is a probe. 这个问题,同样是一次试探。 „...... This but actually also right.” Cao Qin meets saying that buries heart valley Yama to have ‚the technique of immortal the incident, Jiang Hu is known as the hearsay. But the emperor critically ill news of...... cannot conceal the truth. In this period, the brocade uniformed guard direction and military governor's headquarters vice- cause, as well as this three people rush to this place together, its goal is obvious.” “呵……这倒也对。”曹钦接道,“葬心谷‘阎王’拥有‘长生之术’一事,江湖素有传闻。而皇帝病危的消息……也是瞒不住的。在这种时期,锦衣卫指挥、大都督府副使、以及本座三人一同赶赴此地,其目的自是昭然若揭。” „After un......” two seconds, Jue Bro then nods, said following the words of opposite party, „after these Jiang Hu the person also knew these, acts as soon as one gets the news......” “嗯……”两秒后,觉哥便点点头,顺着对方的话道,“那些江湖中人也是知晓了这些以后才闻风而动的吧……” Oh...... the person, has this problem.” Cao Qin shakes the head sighs lightly, „the Yama legend has spread for dozens years on Jiang Hu, the known person are many, but the person of letter/believes are extremely few, as for dares to come the person of here finding out...... is few.” He stops for several seconds, drank a liquor, yet now, secret imperial edict of emperor, the soldiers and horses of royal government move, these people cannot take a seat...... suddenly, they believed that also came.” He smiles, „, but in fact? Snort...... about that ‚the technique of immortal, emperor also only letter/believes three points. Said that coarse, he is also knew that dies to being imminent and thinking refusing to abandon hope, under meeting that secret imperial edict.” “唉……人啊,就是有这毛病。”曹钦摇头轻叹,“阎王的传说在江湖上已流传了数十年,知道的人很多,但信的人极少,至于敢来这儿一探究竟之人……更是屈指可数。”他停顿数秒,又喝了口酒,“可如今,皇帝的密诏一出,朝廷的兵马一动,这些人就坐不住了……突然之间,他们就都信了、也都来了。”他笑了笑,“但实际上呢?哼……关于那‘长生之术’,皇帝本人也只信三分罢了。说句难听的,他也是自知死到临头、想着死马当活马医,才会下那密诏的。” Eunuch Cao......” Feng Bujue hears here, said with a smile ridiculing, „your was the word of treason and heresy, must execute nine generations' Oh~ 曹公公……”封不觉听到这儿,戏谑地笑道,“你这可是大逆不道之言啊,要诛九族的哦~ Ha!” A Cao Qin big sleeve swayed, „do I also care about that?” He raises head to look at the day, „, if not to repay first emperor's recognition and kindness, I have flicked the sleeve to toward....... Who can block me all over the world?” He is strong liquor gets into the stomach, as for executing nine generations...... my court eunuch, in childhood entered the palace is a loner, after entering palace , was more impossible to have what later generation. Must execute executes these to recognize me the person, when the adoptive father, does the grandfather goes, mostly is also some traitorous parties of currying favor with powerful people, few one is one.” “哈!”曹钦大袖一摆,“我还在乎那个?”他仰头望天,“若不是为了报答先帝的赏识和恩德,我早已拂袖离朝。普天之下……谁能拦我?”他又是一口烈酒下肚,“至于诛九族……我一个太监,幼时入宫便已是孤家寡人了,入宫后更是不可能有什么后人。要诛就去诛那些认我当干爹、干爷爷的人去吧,多半也是些趋炎附势的奸党,少一个是一个。” Then......” Feng Bujue hears here, understands probably the Cao Qin standpoint, asked immediately, situation of Eunuch Cao in regarding present valley, there is what view and plans?” “那么……”封不觉听到这儿,大概也明白了曹钦的立场,随即又问道,“曹公公对于眼下谷中的局势,又有何看法和谋划呢?” Plans? What...... do I have to be good to plan?” Cao Qin asked that I, if planned, will also come this to drink wine to enjoy the spring alone?” “谋划?呵……我有什么好谋划的?”曹钦反问道,“我要是有谋划,还会独自来此饮酒赏泉么?” Alliance Lord Yuan and that class of martial arts world person rushed to the murder to seize the technique to come......” Flowers Between to open the mouth to remind at this time, „the soldiers and horses of Eunuch Fearless royal government did kill off by them?” 袁盟主和那班武林人士可是奔着杀人夺术而来……”花间这时开口提醒道,“难道公公不怕朝廷的兵马被他们杀光吗?” Cao Qin hears word, looked at Flowers Between one, later shows a meaningful smile: Miss...... you as if gave a person is simple.” 曹钦闻言,看了花间一眼,随后露出一个意味深长的笑容:“姑娘……你似乎把一个人给想简单了。” Oh? Flowers Between doubts saying that who?” 哦?花间疑道,“谁?” The reply of Cao Qin is very unexpected: Yuan Qi.” 曹钦的回答十分出人意料:“袁圻。” Alliance Lord Yuan?” Flowers Between also asked that she also just knew that martial arts world Alliance Lord full name. 袁盟主?”花间又问道,她也是刚刚知晓那武林盟主的全名。 „.” Cao Qin returns said. “正是。”曹钦回道。 What sounds...... Eunuch Cao you to know probably?” Feng Bujue listened to the multi-information from the words of opposite party. “听起来……曹公公您好像知道些什么啊?”封不觉则从对方的话里听出了更多信息。 Yes...... I knew may.” Cao Qin returns said. “是啊……我知道得可多了。”曹钦回道。 Eunuch, do you make us also know?” Feng Bujue meets to say with a smile. 公公,那您让我们也知道知道呗?”封不觉笑着接道。 Un......” Cao Qin hesitates saying that „said that was too rather senseless......” word to finish, he went down from Shitan, everyone came...... me to lead you with me the guarding the threshing floor good play.” “嗯……”曹钦沉吟道,“就这么说出来,未免太无趣了吧……”言毕,他从石潭边走下,“各位跟我来吧……我带你们去看场好戏。” ............ ………… At the same time, buries heart valley another. 同一时刻,葬心谷另一处。 At this time, Alliance Lord Yuan has been leading the martial arts world people of same belief good along the main road for a long time. 此时,袁盟主已率领着武林同道们沿着大路行了许久。 This all the way, they encountered more than ten little rascal blockade. Although there is a Yuan Qi this grade of Deity to assume personal command, but the casualties of personnel were still inevitable. 这一路上,他们先后遭遇了十余名“小鬼”的阻击。虽然有袁圻这等神人坐镇,但人员的伤亡仍是不可避免的。 After all they are several hundred people act together, moreover buries the heart valley the terrain to be very complex, the mountain, stone, forest, canyon and water...... same do not lack, the light fog covers...... in the valley little rascal wants to hit to ambush anything, simply is easy as pie. 毕竟他们是数百人一起行动,而且葬心谷的地形十分复杂,山、石、林、峡、水……一样不缺,还有光雾笼罩……谷中的“小鬼”们想要打个埋伏什么的,简直是易如反掌。 Furthermore, these bury the resident in heart valley basically all are able hand, many people before into the valley are the first-class characters on Jiang Hu, after entering the valley, martial arts has not to draw back ; The fellow like Song Wuqi, in the valley basically calculates being able to stand in line number mixed soldier, grasps big person who he is fiercer. 再者,这些葬心谷里的居民基本上全是“硬手”,很多人在入谷之前就是江湖上的一流人物,入谷后武功更是有进无退;像宋无奇那样的家伙,在谷里基本算排不上号儿的杂兵,比他厉害的人可是一抓一大把。 Was sneak attacked by such a group of people repeatedly...... does not die a person is absolutely impossible. 被这样一群人反复偷袭……不死个把人是绝对不可能的。 Alliance Lord...... casualties adding together of various factions...... over hundred people......, I had feared this way......” the person of this moment speech is called the season energy, was in the past All Directions Mansion the mansion owner Ji Tong later generation, was All Directions Mansion current mansion owner. It eight side supreme heart laws skill before several of ancestor mansion owner came to miss several points, but by martial arts, he may still be the eminents in surrounding these leader level expert. 盟主……各门各派的死伤人数相加……已逾百人……这样下去,我怕……”此刻说话的这个人名叫季能,乃是当年“八方楼楼主季通的后人,也是八方楼的现任楼主。其“八方至尊心法”的功力比起祖上的几位前楼主来要差了好几分,但论武功,他仍可算是周围这些掌门级高手中的翘楚。 Here, is to make use to explain that the World Setting good opportunity, I to introduce simply...... 此处,是个趁势说明世界观的好机会,我就简单介绍一下…… „After Dark Green Spirit discussed sword, the martial arts world pattern of this world had the considerably large change. Originally that mansion two building three schools of four the rank was subverted thoroughly. 苍灵论剑”之后,这个世界的武林格局发生了相当大的变化。原本那“一府二楼三派四门”的排行被彻底颠覆。 Vitality of Ye Residence after that event damages severely, henceforth is unable to recover. At least in recently these years, in Ye Residence had not presented one to be able again with expert that past head of household Ye Cheng placed on a par, was achieves Flower Shadow Six Swords the person of that level unable to select. 叶府在那次事件后元气大伤,从此一蹶不振。至少在最近这几十年中,叶府中再也没有出现过一个能和当年的家主叶承相提并论的高手,就是达到“花影六剑”那个水准的人也挑不出来。 Therefore, Ten Thousand Cloud Mansion and All Directions Mansion taking advantage of opportunity high-rank, became in the martial arts world strongest pair of hero. 于是,万霞楼八方楼顺势上位,成了武林中最强的双雄。 As for that three schools of four, basically can with decline in the inheritance, inherits in the decline summarizes. Directed the Yuan Qi blind person saying that like the past years...... many people will unable to teach study, but also some people will unable to learn to teach. In the front door big faction discussed the character order of age pattern to be deep-rooted, the broken matter that also among many peers manipulated strategically...... this created all previous leader usually is not in the school the natural talent or the martial arts highest people takes on. Naturally, did not say that the natural talent highest person suits certainly, when leader......, but inherits the matter of martial arts, indeed is fastidious about this. Only if one generation can revive the unrivalled rare talents of sect......, otherwise, this passes on downward, is martial arts one generation is inferior to one generation of rhythms inevitably. 至于那“三派四门”,基本还是可以用“在传承中没落,在没落中传承”来总结。就像当年指点过袁圻的瞎子所说……很多人会教不会学,还有些人会学不会教。大门大派中论字排辈的模式根深蒂固,也不乏一些同辈间勾心斗角的破事儿……这就造成了历代掌门通常都不是门派中天资或武功最高的人来担当。当然了,也不是说天资最高的人就一定适合当掌门……但传承武功的事情,的确是讲究这个的。除非某一代出个能重振宗派的旷世奇才……否则,这样往下传,必然是武功一代不如一代的节奏。 In brief, such pattern, maintained for more than 20 years...... 总之,这样的格局,保持了二十多年…… Until 15 years ago, practiced five years of Yuan Qi that assigns/life the Chen profound merit rushed out the prestige on Jiang Hu, hence, the situation of martial arts world starts to change again...... 直到十五年前,练了五年命辰玄功的袁圻江湖上闯出了威名,至此,武林的局势再次开始变化…… Also crossed for five years, Yuan Qi has become has dominated the unparalleled chivalrous people above all schools. Moral behavior, he is considered as impeccablly ; When resisting evil way, is one's effort may the enemy thousand army ; The most important thing is...... his then martial arts already unmatched in the world( here „the world naturally only limits Jiang Hu, excluding royal government). 又过了五年,袁圻已成了凌驾于所有门派之上的盖世豪侠。人品方面,他算得无可挑剔;在对抗邪道时,也是一己之力可敌千军;最重要的是……他当时的武功已天下无敌(这儿的“天下”自然只限江湖,不包括朝廷)。 Thereupon, Yuan Qi became martial arts world Alliance Lord logically...... 于是乎,袁圻就顺理成章地当上了武林盟主…… Above, was these years the approximate change of this Scenario world. 以上,便是这几十年来这个剧本世界的大致变化了。 Mansion Master Ji......” Yuan Qi listened to the season to be able the words, the sinking sound returned said, you were the timid war?” 季楼主……”袁圻听了季能的话,沉声回道,“难道你是怯战了?” „...... This saying did not mention...... season to be able on the mouth to deny from where, at heart worried. Because their All Directions Mansion to/clashes quite near the top, proportionate, the casualty disciple are quite many, is only...... Ji thinks, now like this acts, seems somewhat not satisfactory......” “不不不……这话从何说起……”季能嘴上否认,心里可是着急的很。因为他们八方楼冲得比较靠前,按比例来说,死伤的弟子已经相当多了,“只是……季某以为,如今这样行动,似乎有些欠妥……” Mansion Master Ji said is extremely, I and others also think like this.” The next second, several leaders gather the season to be able immediately the side echoes to say. 季楼主所言极是,我等也这样认为。”下一秒,立刻就有几名掌门聚到了季能的身旁附和道。 It seems like...... the Ruoyu previous inference to hit, these fellows have the variable time...... to want in the circumstance, for own benefit started to be cliquish. 看起来……若雨先前的推理果真是一语中的,这些家伙在情势有变时……就要为了自己的利益开始党同伐异了。 According to below opinion, should choose several martial arts appropriate people...... to disperse in various group of heroes to the road ahead holds the post to scout, to probe enemy intelligence.” “依在下愚见,应该在各路英雄中挑选几位武功恰当之人……分散到前路担任斥候,以试探敌情。” Good, as the matter stands, we to did not encounter the sneak attack constantly.” “不错,这样一来,我方也不至一味地遭遇偷袭了。” Yes, Alliance Lord Yuan, this enemy is dark at present my bright situation......” “是啊,袁盟主,眼下这敌暗我明的情形……” Ok, is not no need to say.” How Yuan Qi can not understand that their meanings, he is not 20 years ago that third-class character, his plans shrewdness was much deeper than these people, „, since fellow leaders all had this intent, that managed.” “好了,不必多说了。”袁圻又怎会不明白他们的意思,他可不是二十年前那个三流人物了,他的心机城府比身边这些人要深沉得多,“既然各位掌门皆有此意,那就这么办吧。” Yuan Qi said, thought the moment slightly, then prepares to turn around to convey a message. 袁圻说罢,略微想了片刻,便准备转身传话。 Unexpectedly, in the meantime...... 不料,就在此时…… Ha haha Ha..... generation of one flock of snake mice, driving does not draw back, now also wants the internal disputes, is really laughable!” “哈哈哈哈……一群蛇鼠之辈,驱之不退,如今还要窝里斗,真是可笑之极!” A resounding sound suddenly resounds, in the law of Inner Strength passes message, came a taunt to these several hundred people of martial arts world heroes. 一个高亢的声音突然响起,以内力传音之法,对这数百人的武林豪杰们来了一番嘲讽。 His these words, in meaning except for wording, but also gave two information: First, I, am not sneak attack your, I come the anus upfront ; Second, Yuan Qi, even you and your side that several people of dialogue I can hear, my skill...... your oneself think over. 他的这段话,除了字面上的意思,还传递出了两个信息:其一,我,不是来偷袭你们的,我是来肛正面的;其二,袁圻,连你和你身边那几人的对话我都听得到,我的功力……你自己掂量掂量。 When the voice falls, but sees...... 其话音落时,但见…… Covers is wells up unexpectedly rapidly toward the midair in the light fog of people top of the head, seemed is attracted by an invisible strength generally. 笼罩于众人头顶的光雾竟是急速朝半空涌去,好似是被一股无形的力量吸上去了一般。 Shortly, the fields of vision of these Jiang Hu people widened several times. They soon discovered that...... at this moment the place of standing, is a three sides surrounded by mountains dangerous canyon. 顷刻间,那些江湖人士们的视野就开阔了数倍。他们很快发现……自己此刻所站之处,乃是一个三面环山的险峡。 Snort...... the heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell throws impossible originally.” After several breaths , some second sounds said with Inner Strength, „, since arrives at this breaking soul canyon, stays behind!” “哼……天堂有路你们不走,地狱无门自来投。”数息过后,又有第二个声音用内力言道,“既然走到这‘断魂峡’里,就都留下吧!” With this similar „the Death circular the brave words, three mountain roads and stone Aijian emerged massive person's shadows...... the sketchy range estimate also to have more than hundred people one after another. 伴随着这类似“死亡通告”的豪言,三面的山道和石隘间陆续涌现了大量的人影……粗略目测也有百余人。 These people stand in the shadow of high place, is surrounding the crowd in canyon from afar, seems one group of malicious ghosts who stared at the prey, were ready to make trouble...... 这些人站在高处的阴影之中,远远围观着峡中的人群,好似一群盯上了猎物的恶鬼,蠢蠢欲动…… This time comes many......” Yuan Qi to see that is without turning a hair unexpectedly, „...... comes well.” “这次来得很多啊……”袁圻见状,竟是面不改色,“……来得好啊。” The words to here, his right hand...... moved. 话至此处,他的右手……动了。 Then, a soft sword, was then extracted from tying a belt of his waist, dangles from his hand. 接着,一把软剑,便从其腰间的束带中被抽出,从其手中垂下。 I must have a look at...... Yuan Qi but actually with the cold vision and murderous aura threatening intonation, to high place group ghost shouted, tonight this breaking soul canyon, what stayed behind was the person...... or the ghost......” “我倒要看看……”袁圻用冷然的目光、杀气逼人的语调,对高处的“群鬼”们喝道,“今夜这‘断魂峡’中,留下的是人……还是鬼……”
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