TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#948: The life one is drunk extremely

A person treated for a long time in Jiang Hu, then how can learn to exchange with the deceased person. 一个人在江湖中待得久了,便能学会如何与死人交流。 The deceased people will not speak, but they can still tell the living person many things. 死人是不会说话的,但他们依然能告诉活人很多事。 Moreover, the deceased person is often more honest than the living person...... 而且,死人往往比活人更诚实…… At this moment, Song Wuqi is a deceased person, but stands around his body, is the live people. 此刻,宋无奇已是个死人了,而站在他尸体周围的,都是活人。 These live people after asking for instructions the meaning of Alliance Lord Yuan came the inspection corpse. 这些活人是在请示了袁盟主的意思后过来检查尸体的。 Without a doubt...... they are this expert in aspect. 毫无疑问……他们都是这方面的行家。 Only used for several minutes, these people succeeded in giving up on two sections of corpses to know many matters from that. 仅用了几分钟,这些人就从那断成两截的死尸上知晓了许多事。 Words that did not remember incorrectly...... 15 years ago, Song Wuqi 37 years old.” “没记错的话……十五年前,宋无奇已经三十七岁了。” Yes, 37 years old.” “是的,已经三十七岁了。” What he practices is the hidden weapon.” “他练的是暗器。” He only practices the hidden weapon.” “他只练暗器。” Hidden weapon time is easy to learn at first but hard to master.” “暗器功夫易学难精。” Hidden weapon time boundary is extremely difficult to ask.” “暗器功夫极境难求。” „The person who practices the hidden weapon time, at age 40, the external work and boundary typically will not have again progressive.” “练暗器功夫的人,40岁后,外功和境界通常都不会再有进步了。” But this 52-year-old Song Wuqi, the external work actually wins now formerly......” “但如今这个52岁的宋无奇,外功却更胜从前……” Internal strength...... also however.” “内功……亦然。” After these people look at the corpse, then talked in front of Alliance Lord Yuan chaotically. 那些人看完尸体后,便在袁盟主面前七嘴八舌地交谈了起来。 Their conclusions vivid- during these 15 years, Song Wuqi obtains certainly the person of high skill to direct, can therefore has missed the peak age in a physical strength and energy, but also promoted a new boundary martial arts. 他们的结论呼之欲出-这十五年间,宋无奇一定得到过高人指点,故而才能在一个体力和精力都已错过巅峰的年纪,还将武功提升到了一个新的境界。 Naturally......, even if Song Wuqi turned into first-class expert from first-class expert, is difficult to escape by the Yuan Qi Instant kill destiny. 当然了……就算宋无奇从一个准一流高手变成了一流高手,还是难逃被袁圻秒杀的命运。 Fellow heroes!” Soon, Alliance Lord Yuan then organized the language, Inner Strength, said to the Jiang Hu people of same belief again loudly, everyone also saw......” his tone to have the obvious sedition, not to mention that Yama for many years harbored many martial arts world degenerates and beast in human clothing, said at present this Song Wuqi...... he enters the valley 15 years later, martial arts really had the progress greatly!” “各位英雄!”不多时,袁盟主便组织好了语言,再内力,高声对江湖同道们言道,“各位也都看见了……”他的语气带有明显的煽动性,“且不说那‘阎王’多年来包庇了多少的武林败类、衣冠禽兽,就说眼前这个宋无奇……他入谷十五年后,武学竟然大有长进!” The word to here, in the crowd has started to whoop. 言至此处,人群中已开始议论纷纷。 So it seems like...... this buries the heart valley is shelters evil people and countenances evil practices and plants radically cultivates the ominous place wickedly!” Yuan Qi has worked as ten years of martial arts world Alliance Lord, according to his experience, some words must bring to light saying ; Because some truly many people did not expose he not clear situation to you stupid, thinks that other run into the degenerate in valley also same...... obtained that Yama ’ the direction and skill to increase with this Song Wuqi ‚. The everyone hero...... may not probably be negligent!” “如此看来……这葬心谷根本就是个藏污纳垢、栽恶培凶之地!”袁圻已经当了十年的武林盟主,根据他的经验,有些话必须挑明了说出来;因为确实有很多人蠢到了你不点破他就不明白的地步,“想必其他逃入谷中的败类也都和这宋无奇一样……已然得到了那‘阎王’的指点、功力大增。诸位英雄……可千万不能大意了!” On this subject, naturally was everyone can understand. 话说到这个份儿上,自然是所有人都听得懂了。 Many thanks Alliance Lord reminder!” “多谢盟主提醒!” Alliance Lord is farsighted, admires below!” 盟主深谋远虑,在下佩服!” After many people listen, patted several flatters opportunistically. 还有不少人听完以后见缝插针地拍了几句马屁。 But Hell Front one group of...... 地狱前线一行人…… We walk.” Feng Bujue put forward a proposal at this time suddenly. “我们走吧。”封不觉这时忽然提出了一个建议。 „Didn't Eh? follow they?” Flowers Between doubts saying that so many free cannon fodders.” 诶?不跟着他们了吗?”花间疑道,“这么多免费炮灰呢。” These people are unreliable.” Jue Bro is shaking the head, returns lazily said, they gather in this, some are for ‚the technique of immortal, this is for advantage ; Also some are for show talent for the first time in this action, for name.” He, for is the advantage, in the final analysis is pursuing **, rather than faith. The people arrived at the crucial moment, the faith not necessarily reliable, ** not to mention...... briefly, if the situation starts goes wrong, treats with these people in the same place...... instead can be a concealed worry.” “这些人根本靠不住。”觉哥摇着头,懒洋洋地回道,“他们聚集于此,有些是为了‘长生之术’,这是为‘利’;还有些是为了在这次行动中崭露头角,也就是为‘名’。”他顿了顿,“无论是为名还是为利,归根结底都是在追逐**、而非信念。人到了生死关头,信念都未必靠得住,**就更别提了……简单地说,如果情况开始变糟,与这些人待在一起……反而会是一种隐忧。” The teammates listened to his words, the ponder moment. 队友们听了他的话,沉思片刻。 After several seconds, Ruoyu first opens the mouth saying: Makes sense the union that...... these factions form is very frail. Each school and everyone have the selfishness. Now they feel the circumstance to be advantageous, then follows to bluff and bluster behind Alliance Lord Yuan, is thinking afterward can slice...... once, but the circumstance has changed, these people will reveal fox tail.” Her a half second, looks Xiao Tan and Flowers Between meet saying that for example...... the relational quite good several schools, may join up to frame when the time comes with the school that they split, or...... makes the opposite party work as the cannon fodder with the weak small faction operation forcefully.” 数秒后,若雨最先开口道:“有道理……这些帮派所结成的同盟本就很脆弱。每个门派、每个人都有私心。现在他们觉得情势有利,便跟在袁盟主后面耀武扬威,想着事后能分一杯羹……而一旦情势有所变化,这些人就会露出狐狸尾巴。”她微顿半秒,看着小叹花间接道,“比方说……关系比较好的几个门派,到时候可能会联合起来陷害一些与他们交恶的门派,或是拿势单力薄的小派开刀……强行让对方去当炮灰。” Oh......” Xiao Tan hears word, the expression changes, weak small faction...... that belonged to Broken Sword Tea Hut......” 呃……”小叹闻言,表情微变,“‘势单力薄的小派’吗……那非破剑茶寮莫属了啊……” What is Broken Sword Tea Hut?” Flowers Between doubts to say. 破剑茶寮是什么?”花间疑道。 Hehe...... we are Broken Sword Tea Hut.” Feng Bujue returns with a smile said. “嘿嘿……我们就是破剑茶寮。”封不觉笑着回道。 Ha?” Flowers Between gawked, but she thinks quickly previously Ruoyu said...... has come the matter of this world about before, she said immediately, „the status of when...... being your previous time comes to this world to use?” “哈?”花间愣了一下,不过她很快就想到了先前若雨所说的……关于以前来过这个世界的事,她随即就道,“哦……是你们上次来这个世界时所用的身份吗?” Right, I am Hut Master, you are my apprentice.” Feng Bujue is saying, but also raise hand hinted toward Ruoyu, this is Madame Hut Master.” “没错,我是寮主,你们都是我的徒弟。”封不觉说着,还抬手若雨示意了一下,“这位是寮主夫人。” Madame Hut Master and so on hasn't the setting needed now?” Ruoyu said. 寮主夫人之类的设定现在已经没有必要了吧?”若雨道。 Indeed, when Dark Green Spirit Town, Ruoyu to coordinate Feng Bujue invented the excuse of murder default. 的确,在苍灵镇时,若雨是为了配合封不觉制造杀人的借口才默认了的。 Do not care about that detail ~ Feng Bujue spreads out both hands, makes the inexpensive strength value rise ten percentage points the expressions should with one sufficiently to say. “不要在意那种细节嘛~”封不觉摊开双手,用一个足以让贱力值上升十个百分点的表情应道。 Ok, didn't you want us to be separated from the large unit? That hurries to guide.” Ruoyu does not want and he pulls on this topic, therefore had the topic, thinks that you have thought where must toward go to put forward this proposal?” “行了,你不是要我们脱离大部队吗?那就赶紧带路。”若雨不想就这个话题和他扯下去,故而将话题带了回去,“想必你已经想好了要往哪儿去才会提出这个建议的吧?” Snort...... that was natural.” Feng Bujue crooked, left side of toward people shot a look at one with the woods of look, Song Wuqi should from here.” “哼……那当然了。”封不觉歪了下头,用眼神朝众人左侧的一片树林瞥了一眼,“宋无奇应该就是从这边来的。” The teammates look toward that side, only saw the diverse and confused forest, not the obvious way. 队友们一齐朝那边看去,只看到了纷杂的林木、并没有明显的路径。 However, after crossing for several seconds, Xiao Tan opened the eyes saying: Oh! really has to leave the trace!” 然,过了几秒后,小叹睁大了双眼道:“哦!确实有留下痕迹诶!” Shouted anything to shout!” Feng Bujue hurried to go forward one step to cover his mouth, „haven't others for fear that noticed us?” “嚷什么嚷!”封不觉赶紧上前一步捂住了他的嘴,“生怕别人没注意到我们么?” Truly speaking...... truly no one pays attention to them. Front these Jiang Hu big shot, do not walk single-handedly the Jiang Hu expert famous elder, wields leader level expert of wealthy and prominent family big faction, they bring in personal servants are also in the faction the rank and martial arts highest disciples or the trusted subordinates. It can be said that...... today gathers here, is the outstanding people in peer. Such a group of people, where has the time to pay attention to and pay attention to your how many unknown juniors? The wizards know the mountains and plains small faction where you brave...... others struggles to beam with joy to take undeserved credit in front of Alliance Lord also without enough time, which your bird men are cool where to stay. 说实在的……确实没人去注意他们。前方那些江湖大佬们,不是单枪匹马行走江湖高手名宿,就是执掌高门大派的掌门级高手,他们带在身边的跟班们也都是派中辈分和武功最高的弟子或亲信。可以说……今天聚集在这儿的,都是同辈人中的佼佼者。这样一群人,哪儿有功夫去理会和关注你们几个名不见经传的小辈?鬼才知道你们是从哪儿冒出来的山野小派……人家争着在盟主面前露脸邀功还来不及呢,你们这些鸟人哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去。 Thereupon...... 于是乎…… After short circuitous and observation, Feng Bujue their then god does not know that ghost Bujue was separated from that several hundred people of brigade, left that main road that passes through the mountain valley, turned in the mountain forest. 在短暂的迂回和观察后,封不觉他们便神不知鬼不觉地脱离了那几百人的大队,也离开了贯穿山谷的那条大路,拐进了山林之中。 ............ ………… Causes expert of hidden weapon with most excelling , the Song Wuqi qing gong is not bad. In mountain forest type of complex terrain, wanting the trace that tracks down him to leave to be very difficult. Although Yuan Qi can find out by secret inquiry the real-time position of opposite party with Inner Strength, but he cannot discover the opposite party previously route. 和大多数擅使暗器的高手一样,宋无奇的轻功不差。在山林这种复杂的地形,想要追寻他所留下的痕迹很难。虽然袁圻可以用内力探知对方的实时位置,但他并不能找出对方先前所走的路线。 However...... this matter is easy regarding Feng Bujue and Wang Tanzhi. 不过……这事儿对于封不觉王叹之来说是轻而易举的。 Their has the data angle of view, another has the Hawkeye vision, to them, in the complex terrain, the difficulty of tracing instead is lower. 他们一个有数据视角,另一个有鹰眼视觉,对他们来说,越是在复杂的地形中,追踪的难度反而越低。 Made a long story short, after more than 20 minutes of climbing mountains and crossing rivers , the Hell Front four people left from forest Bank of China of cover finally, arrived in relatively broad level areas. 长话短说,经过了二十多分钟的跋涉,地狱前线的四人总算从茂密的林中行出,来到了一处相对宽阔的山坳间。 At this time, Sun has set completely. 此时,太阳已经完全落山。 Loses the light fog of sunlight illumination presented an approximate moonlight, gentle cold tone. 失去了日光照射的光雾呈现出了一种近似月光的、柔和的冷色调。 This fog light cold and dreary, serene and beautiful. 这雾光是凄冷的,幽美的。 The heart of players as if as also all around the change of tone quiet. 玩家们的心似乎也随着周遭色调的变化沉静了下来。 Cut...... vanishes......” “切……消失了吗……” Finally, by a creek, death path that Song Wuqi left behind, Jue Bro did not spit one immediately quickly. 最终,在一条小河旁边,宋无奇留下的痕迹消失了,觉哥当即不快地啐了一声。 I feel It does not matter but actually.” Flowers Between met to say at this time,in this valley some people live year to year, the life of these people cannot leave the water source inevitably. So long as we riverside walks randomly toward on, should have very high probability to arrive in the mountain village in film title CG. “我倒觉得无所谓。”花间这时接道,“这谷中常年有人居住,那些人的生活必然离不开水源。我们只要沿河朝上游走,应该有很高的几率能抵达片头CG中的山庄。 Said right.” Ruoyu also agreed that her inference, perhaps the Song Wuqi vanishes trail to this,...... he is the riverside comes in the suggestion.” “说得对。”若雨也同意她的推断,“也许宋无奇的踪迹到此消失,正是在暗示……他是沿河而来的。” Makes sense Ah! Xiao Tan also to meet saying that perhaps he has that type to just scratch the surface martial arts that a reed crosses a river, aquatic floated comes.” “有道理啊!小叹也接道,“没准他有那种可以蜻蜓点水、一苇渡江的武功,一路水上漂就过来了。” Feng Bujue listened to this, immediately empty is approaching Xiao Tan to say shortly: This why you could not work as the spying.” 封不觉听了这句,当即虚着眼看向小叹道:“这就是为什么你当不了侦探。” Eh? Xiao Tan returns said that why?” 诶?小叹回道,“为什么啊?” Because a little infers to be able slightly person, before thinking of a reed crosses a river this matter, will first consider that...... the opposite party can ride the bamboo raft or the boat.” Feng Bujue's replied pertinently. “因为稍微有点推理才能的人,在想到一苇渡江这种事之前,都会先考虑一下……对方会不会是乘着竹筏或小船来的。”封不觉的回答一针见血。 „It is not right.” Xiao Tan also asked that „, if Song Wuqi were goes by boat, that...... ship?” “不对啊。”小叹又问道,“要是宋无奇是乘船来的,那……船呢?” Was delimited.” Feng Bujue returns said, who stipulated Song Wuqi can a person row a boat? On the ship also has others is very normal?” “被人划走了呗。”封不觉回道,“谁规定宋无奇非得一个人划船下来的?船上还有别人也很正常吧?” Un......” Xiao Tan smiles awkwardly, hehe...... also right.” “嗯……”小叹尴尬地笑了笑,“嘿嘿……也对啊。” make complaints ended the teammate, Jue Bro was then leading the team afloat on. 吐槽完了队友,觉哥便带领着队伍顺流而上。 At the night of this last period of autumn, leads the way in the moist fog, the hair, face and the clothes players naturally covered frost water gradually. 在这残秋的夜晚,于潮湿的雾中前行,玩家们的头发、脸和衣服自然都渐渐蒙上了一层霜水。 These moisture contents also changed to the faint trace chill in the air quickly, making their spirits rouse. 这些水分也很快化作了丝丝寒意,让他们的精神更为抖擞了一些。 Because the topography of riverside is quite gentle, four people of approaching speeds compared with wanted quickly much in the forest, a half hour was less than walked several kilometers distance. 由于河边的地势较为平缓,四人的行进速度比起在林中要快了不少,半小时不到就走了好几公里的距离。 Afterward, their front, then presented a Wangqing spring. 随后,他们的前方,便出现了一汪清泉。 That is small deep pools that are revolved by various types of strange rocks, the rivers passes through from Shitan both sides, the upstream topography advances suddenly, the downstream tends to be gentle. 那是一个由各种奇诡山石围绕的小潭,河流从石潭两端穿过,上游处地势陡然增高,下游则渐趋平缓。 At this moment, near that Shitan, has person's shadow together...... to be solitary and vertical unexpectedly. 此刻,在那石潭边上,竟是有一道人影……孑然而立。 That is a thin form, wears a white cheongsam. 那是个清瘦的身影,身着一袭白色的长衫。 Behind his left hand puts, makes a fist to back up, the right hand...... takes a wine pot. 他的左手置于背后、握拳垫腰,右手……拿着一个酒壶。 He is looking at the present Shitan silently, once for a while takes up the wine pot to drink one. 他默默地望着眼前的石潭,时不时拿起酒壶饮上一口。 Shitan middle, only then the water, in the water does not have moon. No one knows that he is looking at anything, no one thought that here can have anything to be attractive. 石潭的当中,只有水,水中也没有月亮。没人知道他在看些什么,也没有人觉得这儿能有什么好看的。 But...... he have a relish had stood here for a long time, moreover meaning that slightly do not leave. 但……他已经饶有兴致地在这里站了许久,而且丝毫没有要离开的意思。 Un?” When to also hundred meters, that person detected existence of players. “嗯?”在相距还有百米的时候,那人就察觉到了玩家们的存在。 But when until Feng Bujue they close to ten meters, he slowly is excessive, opens the mouth saying: This also is really...... the world has to meet by chance everywhere.” 但直到封不觉他们靠近到十米之内时,他才缓缓偏过头,开口道:“这还真是……人间处处有相逢啊。” When the opposite party have not opened the mouth, Jue Bro has given to recognize him, therefore this little while Jue Bro holds the fist in the other hand very much calm said submissively: to seal/confer, has seen Eunuch Cao.” 对方还没开口时,觉哥就已经把他给认出来了,所以这会儿觉哥很淡定地抱拳拱手道:“封某,见过曹公公。” Right, that person who is situated in near Shitan to drink, is Cao Qin. 没错,那个立于石潭边喝酒的人,正是曹钦 Forbidden City leaves , the past more than ten years......” Cao Qin said, Hut Master Feng worthily is the present age outstandingly able person, can conceal identity and frequently is dozens years not hear from in world......, and comes each time, appearance that this youth does not change.” 紫禁城一别,又过去十多年了吧……”曹钦言道,“封寮主不愧是当世奇人,能够在世间隐姓埋名、动辄便是数十年杳无音讯……且每次现身时,还是这青春不改的模样。” He is saying, while turns around. 他一边说着,一边转过身来。 However, the next second, Cao Qin unexpectedly is the facial expression changes, and gently „?”. 然,下一秒,曹钦竟是神情一变,并轻轻“咦?”了一声。 Hehe......” Feng Bujue smiles, he knows that the opposite party saw own teammate has not aged will have doubts, therefore takes advantage of opportunity answers, Eunuch Cao guesses right...... my Broken Sword Tea Hut lineage/vein martial arts, really has the effect of increase and prolong the life, therefore my apprentice also with me one......” “呵呵……”封不觉笑了笑,他知道对方是看到了自己的队友也没变老才会疑惑,于是顺势就解释道,“曹公公猜得没错……我破剑茶寮一脉的武学,确有益寿延年之效,所以我的徒弟也和我一……” Unexpectedly, his words have not ended, Cao Qin hits to block the way: „Hasn't your wife died?” 不料,他的话还没完,曹钦就打断道:“你妻子不是已经死了吗?” Oh......” Feng Bujue thinks suddenly, in Forbidden City and Xu Huaishang duel that time, to brush fashionable value, he was really had said buried me and wife in the same place such lines, „...... this, she has not actually died.” 呃……”封不觉忽然想到,在紫禁城絮怀殇单挑那次,为了刷时髦值,他确是说过“把我和妻子葬在一起”这样的台词,“……这个嘛,其实她并没有死。” Un?” Cao Qin doubts saying that that past that Xu Huaishang miss, in the situation in knowing perfectly well your wife not having died entangles in you crazily?” “嗯?”曹钦又疑道,“那当年那位絮怀殇姑娘,是在明知你妻子没死的情况下痴缠于你咯?” Such remarks, the entire world...... was peaceful. 此言一出,全世界……都安静了。 About after five seconds, all live broadcast platforms look like exploded the wok with cooking oil to be the same, welcoming possibly is in game competition live broadcast history the most terrifying round of barrage erupts. 大约五秒后,所有的直播平台都像炸了的油锅一般,迎来了可能是游戏比赛直播史上最恐怖的一轮弹幕爆发。 Oh? Ruoyu squints to pass unemotionally, threw did a vision that toward Jue Bro was full of killing intent, „have this matter?” 哦?若雨面无表情地斜视过去,朝觉哥投去了一道饱含杀意的目光,“还有这事儿?” Yes......” Flowers Between some look taking pleasure in others' misfortunes to him, „...... also has this matter?” “是啊……”花间有些幸灾乐祸地看向他,“……还有这事儿?” Eh? Xiao Tan meets to say curiously, also has this matter?” 诶?小叹则是好奇地接道,“还有这事儿?” „...... That...... actually......” Feng Bujue did not say to Cao Qin afraid to say a word, she does not know she has not died.” “不……那个……其实……”封不觉吞吞吐吐地对曹钦道,“她并不知道她还没死。” Why do you want to conceal?” Cao Qin said that „, if you told that Miss Xu...... your wife not dead, perhaps she will not be entangling you again.” He speaking of here, what seemingly thought of suddenly, is it possible that is slow......, do you release in order to catch? Intends not to tell her your wife also to live?” He, also or...... Miss Xu had revealed with you she is willing to do to be young? Therefore do you do exactly the opposite?” “那你为何要隐瞒呢?”曹钦道,“如果你告诉那位絮姑娘……自己的妻子还没死,或许她就不会再来缠着你了。”他说到这儿,貌似突然想到了什么,“慢着……莫非,你是欲擒故纵?有意不告诉她你的妻子还活着?”他顿了顿,“亦或者……絮姑娘早已跟你表露过她愿意做小?所以你反其道而行之?” WTF......” Feng Bujue was startled at that time, he criticizes to say in the heart, „your dead court eunuch little said two much will be long a organ? An age also gossipped and dog blood, moreover is the memory good to compel...... this wants my dog's life?” 卧槽……”封不觉当时就惊了,他在心中暗骂道,“你这死太监少说两句会多长个器官么?一把年纪了还这么八卦兼狗血,而且记性好得一逼……这是要我狗命啊?” Un......” at this time, Ruoyu discussed in side looking pensive, I understand probably suddenly...... why you will shout her secondary wife in Harem City freely spoken.” “嗯……”这时,若雨在旁若有所思地念道,“我好像忽然明白……为什么你在后宫城里会顺口叫她四姨太了。” Actually, she had also guessed correctly probably this matter is the misunderstanding of NPC, but...... sexually harasses the Feng Bujue's opportunity to be really rare like in the presence of everyone, Ruoyu does not want to miss. 其实,她心里也大概已猜到了此事不过是NPC的误会,但是……像这样当众调戏封不觉的机会着实难得,若雨可不想错过了。 That...... Eunuch Cao......” Feng Bujue suppressed for a long time, suppressed one finally, „...... we can chat other? For example weather what?” “那个……曹公公啊……”封不觉憋了许久,终于憋出一句,“……咱能聊点儿别的吗?比方说天气什么的?” Weather?” Cao Qin hears word is startled, subsequently looked up the thick fog of top of the head that illumination, then hehe......” two, raised head to drink a liquor. Then, he said with the make complaints mouth kiss bonding unexpectedly, „...... I was also drunk.” “天气?”曹钦闻言一怔,继而抬头看了看头顶那发光的浓雾,然后“呵呵……”了两声,仰头喝了口酒。接着,他竟用吐槽般的口吻接道,“……我也是醉了。”
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