TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#947: The sovereigns attempt the hegemony to chat

That is a severe winter evening, the sky black purple, land silver white. 那是一个严冬的晚上,天空黑紫、大地银白。 Yuan Qi came out from a tavern, has several points of feeling of being drunk, the line into secluded streets and alleys. 袁圻从一间酒馆里出来,带着几分醉意,行入了一条僻静的街巷。 On this day, is his 30 th birthday. 这天,是他30岁的生日。 30-year-old Yuan Qi, was still a third-class character on Jiang Hu. 30岁的袁圻,仍是江湖上的一个三流人物。 On the look, he is ordinary, but also cannot call handsome. 论相貌,他算是普普通通,还称不上英俊。 On the wisdom, he also calculates the clear affair, but cannot call intelligently. 论智慧,他也算明白事理,但称不上聪明。 ...... He is really is stronger than the average person as for the martial arts aptitude. What a pity, his master and he same is a third-class character, can only teach him some shallow low grade times. 至于武学资质……他确是比一般人强些。可惜,他的师父和他一样是个三流人物,只能教他一些粗浅的下乘功夫。 In brief...... he is a look is mediocre, wisdom is mediocre, martial arts also very mediocre man. 总而言之……他是个相貌平庸、智慧平庸、武功也很平庸的男人。 In Jiang Hu, people like him, mostly forever not the day of raising one's head. 江湖中,像他这样的人,多半是永无出头之日了。 If some people to him said at that time- you can work as martial arts world Alliance Lord from now on, he definitely thinks that this saying to be the joke, will even think this is a ridicule. 若是当时有人对他说-“你今后能当武林盟主”,那他肯定会认为这话是玩笑、甚至会觉得这是一种嘲弄。 However, really some people spoke this saying...... 然,真的有人说了这话…… That is a telling fortunes blind person, the figure is hunchbacked, a face suppurating ulcer. 那是个算命的瞎子,身形伛偻,一脸烂疮。 At the night of this cold winter, the blind person also sits before the tattered square table of roadside, a long streamer, is waiting for the guest to visit. 在这寒冬的夜晚,瞎子还坐在路边的一张破烂方桌前,支着一根长幡,等待着客人上门。 Passed by Yuan Qi saw the blind person, then walked, before sitting the table . 路过的袁圻看见了瞎子,便走过去,坐到了桌前。 Mister, night.” Yuan Qi said. “先生,夜已深了。”袁圻道。 What's the big deal?” The voice of blind person is very strange, that sound is hoarse, seems some people to pinch his neck to be the same. “那又如何?”瞎子的嗓音很怪,那声音非常沙哑,好似有人正掐着他的脖子一般。 On street already no one.” Yuan Qi said. “街上已没有什么人了。”袁圻道。 I know.” The blind people return said, I can hear.” “我知道。”瞎子回道,“我听得出来。” Yuan Qi shakes the head with a smile: Mister, my some disintegration silver coins, you took then returned......” 袁圻笑着摇了摇头:“先生,我这儿有些散碎银两,你拿了便回……” I am not beg for food.” The blind people know that meaning of Yuan Qi, he broke the opposite party directly. “我不是要饭的。”瞎子知道袁圻的意思,他直接打断了对方。 Yuan Qi curls the lip, thought that this blind person a little does not know good from bad, but he changes mind thinks, feels this blind person but actually also somewhat character. 袁圻撇了撇嘴,觉得这瞎子有点不知好歹,不过他转念一想,又觉得这瞎子倒也有几分风骨。 That...... asked the mister to divine according to the diagrams to me.” Yuan Qi thinks to meet to say. “那……请先生给我算一卦吧。”袁圻想了想接道。 Ok, what do you want to ask?” The blind people asked. “行,你要问什么?”瞎子问道。 „......” Yuan Qi smiled one. “呵……”袁圻笑了一声。 He does not want to be what life, but looked that this blind person pitiful...... the cold season still catches a chill in the street, therefore wants several money to make him go back to him. 他本是不想算什么命的,只是看这瞎子可怜……大冷天地还在街边吹风,所以想给他几个银子让他回去。 But at present he does not want to calculate also considers as finished, therefore, Yuan Qi spoke thoughtlessly saying that that I ask the future was good.” 但眼下他不想算也算了,因此,袁圻随口回道,“那我就问问前程好了。” Regarding fortune-teller line, Yuan Qi also has understand...... this is the craftsmanship of gate speech, the art watches a person's every mood speciously . 对于算命先生这一行,袁圻也是有所了解的……这是门说话的手艺,讲究察言观色、似是而非。 Like the job of this spatial words tooth, is not very good to do. Holds, coaxes, stirs up and frightens...... facing the different people, must have the different dealing methods. To have this bowl of food, established excuse at least preparation dozens sets ; Not only need carry skillfully, but must understand the random deal with changes. If said well, boil pot is not difficult ; If spoke incorrectly the words, not being able to attain the reward is also light, was beaten and scolded that is also the routine matter. 像这种空口白牙的营生,很是不好做。捧、哄、激、吓……面对不同的人,要有不同的应对方法。想吃这碗饭,既定的说辞至少得准备个几十套;非但要背得滚瓜烂熟,还得懂得随机应变。如若说得好,挣些钱糊口不难;而若是说错了话,拿不到报酬还算是轻的,被人打骂那也是常事。 Yuan Qi mingles among the Jiang Hu many years, has had to do with all sorts of people, various ways, all are know something...... at this moment, he does not want to feel embarrassed this blind person, therefore asked entry-level issue. Was thinking...... listened to him to boast several carelessly. 袁圻混迹江湖多年,和三教九流都打过交道,各种门道,皆是略知一二……此刻,他并不想为难这瞎子,故而问了个“入门级”的问题。心想着……听他胡乱吹嘘几句也就得了。 Unexpectedly...... 不料…… Good.” The blind people are saying, extends both hands, this guest, and makes me pat your appearance.” “好。”瞎子说着,伸出双手,“这位客人,且让我摸摸你的面相。” Yuan Qi looks at the blind person that pair of rough and skinny hand, shakes the head to smile bitterly: Good.” 袁圻看着瞎子那双粗糙、干瘦的手,摇头苦笑一声:“好吧。” A he tall man, Fearless was also occupied what small advantage by this blind person firmly, touches touches. 他一个五大三粗的汉子,确也不怕被这瞎子占去什么便宜,摸就摸呗。 Therefore, Yuan Qi is guiding the hand of blind person, put own two temples it. 于是,袁圻引导着瞎子的手,将其放到了自己的两鬓。 Another Yuan Qi felt that what is surprised is...... the hand of that blind person is very warm, he does not imagine such to be icy cold, moreover that both hands are also very powerful, one type with the semblance incompatible massive feeling. 袁圻感到惊讶的是……那瞎子的手很暖,并不似他想象中那样是冰凉的,而且那双手也很有力,给人一种与外表不符的厚实感。 Quick, after blind person the Yuan Qi forehead, the cheek and chin, and even top of the head and ear, gave to touch, later took back the hand. 很快,瞎子就把袁圻的额头、面颊、下巴、乃至头顶、耳后都给摸了一遍,随后就收回了手。 „......” Yuan Qi looked that blind person lowers the head does not speak, then inferred the opposite party is the preparation starts mysterious, he smiled one, opened the mouth to ask, how? Mister.” “呵……”袁圻看那瞎子低头不语,便推断对方是准备开始故弄玄虚了,他笑了一声,开口问道,“怎么样?先生。” What you asked was the future, I referred to a future...... blind person sinking sound returning to you said, starting today, you studied the skill in Wushu, to walk as usual Jiang Hu ; Within ten years, the entire martial arts world can with the person of your being on par not over three. At the appointed time, if you had not deviated the correct path, the position of that martial arts world Alliance Lord is also an it's in the bag.” “你问的是前程,那我就给你指一条前程……”瞎子沉声回道,“自今日起,你照常修习武艺、行走江湖;十年之内,整个武林能和你比肩之人将不超过三个。届时,若你仍未偏离正道,那武林盟主之位也是囊中之物。” Yuan Qi hears this saying, gawked just now to respond some little time, then, he laughed to make noise: Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” He smiled the eye to be about unable to open, this mister, hehe...... illuminated your view, so long as I did practice martial art diligently, went to do all kinds of evil things...... most ten years later do not may become on the hegemony?” 袁圻听到这话,愣了好一会儿方才反应过来,接着,他就大笑出声:“哈!哈哈哈哈……”他笑得眼都快睁不开了,“这位先生,呵呵……照您的说法,我只要勤奋习武、别去为非作歹……最多十年后就霸业可成了?” The blind people have not answered him this issue, but asked his question in turn: Today, is your birthday?” 瞎子没有回答他这个问题,而是反过来问了他一个问题:“今日,可是你的生辰?” Un?” Yuan Qi hears word is startled, on the face appears the color of several points of doubt immediately, and returns said that „......” “嗯?”袁圻闻言一怔,脸上随即现出几分狐疑之色,并回道,“正是……” He does not know how this blind person guessed correctly today is the birthday, he only knows that...... this was not such as you lived recently on has what worry this brain remnant issue, but guessed the probability less than 4% facts. 他不知道这瞎子是怎么猜到今天是自己生日的,他只知道……这可不是诸如“你最近生活上有什么烦恼吧”这种脑残问题,而是猜中概率不足三百分之一的事实。 Good!” After obtaining the answer, blind person high sound said good character, then said, looks like this is the divine intervention.” “好!”得到了答复后,那瞎子高声道了一个“好”字,然后说道,“看来这是天意。” He talked over two bewildered words, then...... held Yuan Qi to put the left arm on table suddenly. 他念叨了两句莫名其妙的话,接着……突然抓住了袁圻搁在桌上的左臂。 At this moment, the Yuan Qi liquor had awaked most probably, he inhaled ice-cold air fiercely, making own brain sober little: Mister...... is this what intent?” 这一刻,袁圻的酒已醒了大半,他猛吸了一口冰冷的空气,让自己的大脑清醒了几许:“先生……这是何意?” You practice martial art from 12 years old, only pays respects passed/lived a master, went to school in his body four -and-a-half sets of time, four sets, all were the low-grade in low-grade......” that blind person said suddenly. “你自十二岁起习武,只拜过一个师父,在他身上学了四套半功夫,其中四套,皆是下品中的下品……”那瞎子忽然就自顾自地说了起来。 But Yuan Qi is hears fearful and apprehensive, because the opposite party said is not the least bit off with the actual situation...... 袁圻则是听得心惊肉跳,因为对方所说的与实际情况丝毫不差…… The Yuan Qi youth family is well-off, on once several years later the private school, doing to him really will not be the material of studying, studied for several years too in a big way not to progress. Therefore...... at age 12, his father invited extremely well known senior master boxer of one in the county, lets the Yuan Qi pay respects to join hanger-on, from now on will abandon the article from the military. 袁圻少时家境优渥,曾上过几年私塾,奈何他实在不是读书的材料,学了几年也没有太大长进。于是……12岁那年,他父亲请来了一位在县城里极有名望的老拳师,让袁圻拜入门下,自此弃文从武。 Naturally, this master boxer name , is only restricted in Yuan Qi that county ; Puts to Jiang Hu on, that was a third-class character. However fortunately...... this senior master, even if the skill in Wushu is limited, but the teacher's ethics is impeccable. He is gives as much support as possible, the severe direction to Yuan Qi, just before the end first also passed to Yuan Qi half secrets that” own master handed down in the past. 当然了,这位拳师的“名”,也仅限于袁圻家那个县城而已;搁到江湖上,那就是个三流人物了。不过值得庆幸的是……这位老师父纵然武艺有限,但师德无可挑剔。他对袁圻是倾囊相授、严厉督导,临终前还把自己师父当年传下的“半部秘笈”也传给了袁圻 „Who you...... are you?” Yuan Qi with astonishment asked that how you will know......” “你……你是什么人?”袁圻惊愕地问道,“你怎么会知道……” The blind people disregard the Yuan Qi words, grabs his arm then saying: You cannot practice that half set of time of meeting, called to assign/life the Chen profound merit, was a long-lost peerless marvelous ability.” 瞎子无视袁圻的话,抓着他的手臂接着说道:“你没能练会的那半套功夫,叫‘命辰玄功’,是一种失传已久的绝世神功。” While the blind person spoke, Yuan Qi only thinks that a heat flow was poured into by own arm place, and operated with a specific pattern in his meridians...... 在瞎子说话的同时,袁圻只觉一股热流由自己的手臂处被灌入,并在其经脉中以一种特定的模式运行起来…… This martial arts is unusual, usually, no matter how cultivates, will not feel the skill to have the half a point growth......” blind person directs the merit to cross the strength, while narrated calmly, „every year, assigned/life the Chen profound merit only to be able advancement one time, but the time of advancement...... must on that day of follower birthday. Once missed that day, the profound merit skill that the follower previously one trained hard all year round will come to naught.” “这种武功非常奇特,平日里不管怎么修炼,都不会感受到功力有半分增涨……”瞎子一边引功渡力,一边平静地叙述道,“每一年,命辰玄功只能进境一次,而进境的时机……必须是在修炼者生辰的那一天。一旦错过了那一天,那修炼者此前一整年苦练的玄功功力都会化为泡影。” Hears here, in the Yuan Qi brain buzz however a sound, inadequate two turn faints. 听到这里,袁圻脑中嗡然一响,差点儿两眼一翻昏了过去。 ...... Yuan Qi is practices obviously very much has assigned the Chen profound merit, moreover has studied diligently very much assiduously...... 很显然……袁圻是练过“命辰玄功”的,而且是很刻苦地钻研过…… Even if he does not know that this is a peerless marvelous ability, even does not know the time that oneself practice called anything, but he can see several skill in Wushu that half secrets on heart Master taught were much profounder. 即使他并不知道这是一种绝世神功,甚至不知道自己所练的功夫叫什么,但他还是能看出那“半部秘笈”上的心法比师父传授的几门武艺要精深得多。 Any in the person who Jiang Hu mingles, ambitious. Yuan Qi is also very clear, to oneself this type 30 years old of also very mediocre person, that half secrets perhaps is the final hope that he becomes outstanding. 任何一个在江湖混迹的人,都是有野心的。袁圻也很清楚,对自己这种到了三十岁还十分平庸的人来讲,那半部秘笈恐怕是他出人头地的最后希望了。 However, in these years of past, no matter how he practices that half set of heart law diligently, cannot enhance own skill. In the feeling...... might as well practices these shallow times to come, at least to feel own strength to grow stronger methodically. 然而,在过去的那些年里,不管他如何努力地练习那半套心法,都没能借此提升自己的功力。感觉上……还不如去练习那些粗浅的功夫来得实在,至少能感受到自己的实力在循序渐进地变强。 Until today, listened to the words of that blind person, Yuan Qi knows the secret that half secrets hid finally. 直到今天,听了那瞎子的话,袁圻终于知晓了那半部秘笈所隐藏的秘密。 Senior......” Yuan Qi had changed to blind person's name, because he has understood, the present person is not the fortune-teller, but is the person of high skill who a entire life only sees. “前辈……”袁圻对瞎子的称呼已经变了,因为他已明白,眼前之人绝不是什么算命先生,而是一位自己生平仅见的高人。 Few speeches.” The blind people broke him once again, remembers my good merit attentively the trend, this is in your half secrets does not have......” “少说话。”瞎子又一次打断了他,“用心记住我行功的走势,这是你那半部秘笈上所没有的……” Yuan Qi hears word, closes the eye immediately, remembers with total concentration. 袁圻闻言,当即闭上眼睛,聚精会神地记忆起来。 He is a downing on one's luck person, therefore he understood that must firmly seize the opportunity...... 他是一个时运不济的人,因此他更懂得要牢牢抓住机遇…… Yuan Qi knows an own not that study martial arts rare talent, but fortuitous encounter at this moment...... this will not for fear that have again for the second time, therefore he must the law of good merit goes all out to remember the opposite party. 袁圻知道自己绝非那种一学就会的武学奇才,而此刻的奇遇……此生怕也不会再有第二次了,所以他更要拼了命地去记住对方的行功之法。 The north wind howls, the dim light of night is strong gradually...... 北风呼啸,夜色渐浓…… Also has not known how long, the blind person restrained Inner Strength, and loosened the hand of Yuan Qi. 也不知过了多久,瞎子收敛了内力,并松开了袁圻的手。 Ok, I have used my Inner Strength to break through to assign/life the strength of profound merit for you Chen profound merit this year's end of the year...... you accumulated in the year before to be stimulated, when you can also be able to feel......” blind person to speak the aura are very steady, obviously its Inner Strength is immeasurably deep, from now on, you usually will defer to heart law cultivation in your half secrets, but by the day of birthday, then ran Inner Strength with my now Catholicism your method...... this, can display to assign/life the Chen profound merit true might.” “好了,我已用我的内力替你冲破了命辰玄功今年的年关……你此前一年所累积的玄功之力都已被激发了出来,想必你也能感受得到……”瞎子说话时的气息还是很平稳,可见其内力深不可测,“从今往后,你平日里还是按照你那半部秘笈上的心法修炼,而到了生辰之日,便用我今天教你的方法运行内力……这样,才能发挥出命辰玄功真正的威力。” His words have not said, Yuan Qi has knelt on the ground, the whole body shiver knocked three knocks. 他话还没说完,袁圻已经跪在了地上,浑身颤抖地磕了三个响头。 Many thanks senior!” Yuan Qi almost sobbed was saying these four characters. “多谢前辈!”袁圻几乎是哽咽着道出了这四个字。 This naturally is not some performance, but is the action of the heart. 这自然不是某种表演,而是发自内心的举动。 The Yuan Qi forehead has dashed in the ice-cold snowy area, bled...... in his eye socket, contains the tears completely. 袁圻的额头已在冰冷的雪地上撞破了、流血了……其眼眶之中,也已满含泪水。 In these tears carrying/sustaining mediocre person too many mood, bitter, helpless, desperate, sighs woefully, joyfully, expectation, excited and sigh with emotion. 这些泪水中承载着一个平庸之人太多的情绪,辛酸、无奈、绝望、哀叹、喜悦、憧憬、兴奋、感慨。 Sensibility that flickers, Yuan Qi is lifelong unforgettable. 那一瞬的感悟,袁圻终身难忘。 Does not need to thank me, I said...... this is the divine intervention.” The blind people are saying, the standing up body, had been trying to find out grasped wooden streamer, you can run into me in this time and this place, and makes me tell fortunes to you, this is matter that only then the God can calculate.” “不必谢我,我说了……这是天意。”瞎子说着,已站起身子,摸索着拿住了身旁的木幡,“你能在此时、此地遇到我,并让我给你算命,这都是只有老天爷才能算到的事。” He, then said: Actually, you have not sat down, I had found out 78 your martial arts way and Inner Strength cultivation base. My raise hand touches your root bone, originally is really wants to calculate the fate to you, has not thought that actually fished out half set to assign/life the Chen profound merit to come......” 他顿了顿,接着道:“其实,你还没坐下,我就已将你的武功路数、内力修为探出了七八分。我抬手摸你的根骨,本来确是想给你算一算命相的,没想到却摸出了半套命辰玄功来……” The blind people speaking of here, have turned around slowly: Now the martial arts world, can the people of self-created excellent martial arts vanish, but marvelous ability that the ancestors leave behind, in some will unable to teach study and in the idiot hand that cannot learn to teach to be lost gradually.” He is shaking the head, cold snort/hum, snort/hum...... I meet you, is the chance. If my today's slight effort...... can let assign/life the Chen profound merit to appear, for this generation was inferior that one generation of martial arts world added several points of interest intent.” 瞎子说到这儿,已缓缓转过身去:“当今武林,能自创上乘武功之人几已绝迹,而先人留下的神功,也在些个会教不会学、会学不会教的蠢材手里渐渐失传。”他摇着头,冷哼一声,“哼……我遇见你,乃是机缘所至。若我今日的举手之劳……能让命辰玄功重现于世,也算为这一代不如一代的武林添了几分趣意吧。” That time Yuan Qi, cannot understand that completely blind person these two words meanings, but 20 years later Alliance Lord Yuan...... seemed like. 那时候的袁圻,完全不能理解瞎子这两句话的意思,而二十年后的袁盟主……似乎是懂了。 To these worldling who in Jiang Hu uses all might, obtains is most important. 对那些在江湖里摸爬滚打的俗人来说,“得到”是最重要的。 The peerless martial arts, the mountain of money and xuan name of...... these are they want. 绝世武功、万贯家财、烜赫之名……这些都是他们想要得到的。 But regarding blind person such extra mundane person of high skill, obtained is not so important. 而对于“瞎子”那样的世外高人来说,“得到”就不那么重要了。 When martial arts practices to be difficult to seek a defeat, obtained is lonely ; When the family property accumulates when to being hard to count, obtained is numb ; When reputation as big as the world all gisa watches, obtained is void. 当武功练到难求一败时,得到的便是寂寥;当家财累积的到难以计数时,得到的便是麻木;当名声大到天下皆知时,得到的便是空虚。 Powerful to lonely, numb and void person, either moves toward the destruction, either moves toward aloofly. 一个强大到寂寥、麻木、空虚的人,要么就走向毁灭,要么就走向超然。 The blind people obviously are an aloof person, the aloof person will travel across the seas for the temporary scenery, for wisp of dust will stand still, but they for the academic honor benefits of rank and salary will not toil to rush about, not for at present success and failure but greatly sad great happiness. 瞎子显然是个超然的人,超然的人会为一时之景远涉重洋,会为一缕尘埃驻足不前,但他们不会为功名利禄而劳碌奔波,也不会为眼前得失而大悲大喜。 What a pity......, although present Yuan Qi had understood many things, but he is actually not that Yuan Qi of past years. He knows that what the aloof person is, therefore he also knows that...... could not become such person forever. 可惜……虽然如今的袁圻已经明白了很多事,但他却已不是当年的那个袁圻了。他知道超然的人是什么样的,所以他也知道……自己永远成为不了那样的人。 ............ ………… 20 years later, buries in the heart valley. 二十年后,葬心谷中。 Bang- 轰- Holds the wind to split, holds the shadow like the mountain. 掌风绽起,掌影如山。 The Yuan Qi seven success strength, can the martial arts world who keep off now? 袁圻的七成功力,当今武林谁人可挡? The answer is...... no one can. 答案是……没有人可以。 Becoming famous, the problem-free martial arts world famous elders to be different from these young, the Yuan Qi first half of life is miserable, he deeply understands mediocre the pain, but regarding this painful fear...... is his endless power. 和那些年少成名、一帆风顺的武林名宿不同,袁圻的前半生是凄凉的,他深深地明白一个平庸者的痛苦,而对于这种痛苦的恐惧……就是他无尽的动力。 Driven by this power, Yuan Qi cultivated the profound merit the assiduous degree to far exceed the estimate of blind person...... to undergo 20 years of precipitation,...... the Yuan Qi assigning/life Chen profound merit had reached the boundary of ultramarine after 20 breakthroughs. 在这种动力的驱使下,袁圻修炼玄功的刻苦程度远远超出了瞎子的预估……经过了二十年的沉淀,经过了二十次的突破……袁圻的命辰玄功早已臻纯青之境。 Since he ten years ago by „the martial arts first under heaven the given name has won the martial arts world Alliance Lord throne, he has not put forth the full power again. Because of since then, takes a broad view at the entire martial arts world, cannot discover one to be able with his well-matched opponent. 自从他十年前以“武功天下第一”的名号登上武林盟主的宝座以来,他就再也没有使出过全力了。因为自那以后,放眼整个武林,也找不出一个能和他旗鼓相当的对手。 In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! But sees, the Yuan Qi palm strength easily washed away a big tree by the easily accomplished potential, after taking advantage of opportunity will hide Song Wuqi with tree trunk to make into two sections around the middle. 但见,袁圻的掌力以摧枯拉朽之势轻易冲断了一棵大树,顺势就将藏身与树干后的宋无奇拦腰打成了两截。 That spurts to disperse, but the blood and internal organs seem especially garish in the green forest, will seem oneself illumination under light/only shining of fog general scary...... 那喷散而出的鲜血和内脏在绿色的森林里显得格外扎眼,在光雾的照耀下好似自身就会发光一般骇人…… All in martial arts world that witnessed this palm the person, no did not exclaim in surprise in Yuan Qi powerful...... to them, that palm simply is the life-long unreachable boundary. 所有目睹了这一掌的武林中人,没有一个不惊叹于袁圻的强大……对他们来说,那一掌简直已是终生不可及的境界了。 However, some people look to disdain, there make complaints: Cuts...... strongly...... me not to develop the Rankyaku performance again, should also be able to kick the might to come with its close style.” 然而,也有人面露不屑,在那儿吐槽的:“切……也没有多强嘛……我再开发一下岚脚的性能,应该也能踢出威力与其相近的招式来。” I am actually very curious......” Flowers Between not to pay attention to the Jue Bro words, but said, in Scenario of Wuxia class, can be killed by the common bullet like human form NPC of this intensity......” “我倒是很好奇……”花间没有理会觉哥的话语,而是说道,“在武侠类的剧本里,像这种强度的人形NPC会不会被一般的子弹杀死呢……” Meeting, we have tried.” Ruoyu answered her question directly, in fact, the bullet has the effect...... most intensity not very high NPC to be able in this kind of Scenario by the ordinary firearms sneak attack lethal, moreover they almost do not garrison to this kind of attack ; Although BOSS Level fellow not to so, but can also be attacks with might big marksmanship in long-distance range Instant kill.” “会的,我们试过。”若雨直接解答了她的疑问,“事实上,子弹在这类剧本里有奇效……大多数强度不算很高的NPC都可以被普通的枪械偷袭致死,而且他们对这类攻击几乎是不设防的;BOSS级的家伙虽然不至如此,但也可以用威力较大的射击系攻击在远距离秒杀。” Un......” Flowers Between hesitates saying that suddenly thought...... this personnel arrange probably a little issue.” “嗯……”花间沉吟道,“忽然觉得……这场的人员安排好像有点问题啊。” Che ~ Jue Bro knows that meaning of Eldest Miss An, he shakes to say instantly, how even Xiao Ling does restrain NPC in Scenario? Is our competition ~ OK? Lineup that I discharge in view of Red Cherry, does not aim at Scenario. Also...... Scenario is also random, how I know that can be the Wuxia world?” 切~觉哥知道安大小姐的意思,他即刻甩头应道,“就算小灵克制剧本里的NPC又如何?我们这是比赛~OK?我排出的阵容是针对红樱的,又不是针对剧本的。再说了……剧本也是随机的,我怎么知道会是武侠世界?” Obviously each time rigid in completing the person of plot used this excuse...... the Ruoyu cold cold joint to say unexpectedly, that I must look how today but actually well...... you concentrated on competition.” “明明每次都执着于完成剧情的人居然用了这个借口吗……”若雨冷冷接道,“那我今天倒要好好看一下……你是如何专注于‘比赛’的。”
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