TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#946: Enters the Jiang Hu years to urge

Five minutes of a situation after start, the beginning of this Scenario, should be divided into two types. 从开赛后五分钟的情况来看,这个剧本的开场,应该是分为两段式的。 First, is the plot synopsis of film title CG and aside, this part two teams watch together ; But second, is different. 第一段,就是片头CG和旁白的剧情简介,这个部分两队是一起观看的;而第二段,则有所不同。 Hell Front four people by automatically move to the Jiang Hu influence is , under the system protection looked at one „the martial arts world congress program. 地狱前线的四人被传送到了江湖势力的所在,在系统保护下看了一出“武林大会”的戏码。 But that side Red Cherry, then to was buried in the heart valley by automatically move, saw...... Yama directly. 红樱那边,则是被传送到了葬心谷中,直接见到了……“阎王”。 Yama is one makes one have the title of chill in the air, because people mentioned when this title often meets relates to Death. 阎王是一个令人心生寒意的称谓,因为人们提到这个称谓时往往会联想到死亡 Perhaps in this world really has the person who Fearless dies, but regarding most people, Death is fearful. 或许这世上确有不怕死的人,但对于绝大多数人来说,死亡是可怕的。 Therefore, Yama is also fearful. 所以,阎王也是可怕的。 But, buries Yama in heart valley, is not fearful. 但,葬心谷中的阎王,一点也不可怕。 Not is only not fearful, but also is very charming. 非但不可怕,还很迷人。 Because, Yama is a woman, a beautiful woman. 因为,阎王是一个女人,一个美丽的女人。 Her beautiful is sufficiently suffocating, making one be overwhelmed with emotion to swing the mortal form and being worried. 她的美足以令人窒息,让人销魂荡魄、魂牵梦萦。 Moreover since...... many years, the Yama appearance and physique such as the 18 or 19 years old young girl has been always common, is unrelieved. 而且……多年以来,阎王的容貌、体态始终如十八九岁的少女一般,毫无变化。 The years, do not seem able to leave any trace on her body. 岁月,似乎无法在她的身上留下任何的痕迹。 Therefore, no one knows that the Yama actually year side little...... some people said 40 years old , some people said 50 years old ; Also some people said that Yama actually incessantly, of present is the Yama daughter. 因此,没有人知道阎王究竟年方几许……有人说四十岁,也有人说五十岁;还有人说“阎王”其实不止一个,现在的这个已是阎王的女儿。 Naturally, finally that speculation obviously is impossible. Yama each Month(s) at least can with the valley in ghost see above one time, if she has had the pregnancy, cannot conceal the truth. 当然了,最后那种推测显然是不可能的。阎王个月至少都会与谷中的“鬼”们见上一次,假如她有过身孕,自是瞒不过去的。 Therefore, had „the technique of immortal view...... 于是,就有了“长生之术”的说法…… Un?” Although the Red Cherry four players suddenly appear at present, but the Yama look the too big change, the tone of its speech also was very tranquil, today met a rare event actually......” at this time, her correct use is resting the head on the forehead single-handed, lay on one's side above a spacious jade cot ; Under the feeling relieved gauze thin clothing, have to exquisite the naked body and partly visible white soft/greasy flesh make one think, „...... some unexpectedly people can intrude my to bury heart valley silently ‚’, and arrives in my mountain village.” “嗯?”虽然红樱的四名玩家突然出现在了眼前,但阎王的神色却并没有起太大的变化,其说话的语气也十分平静,“今天倒是遇上了一件稀罕事……”此时,她正用单手枕着额头,侧卧在一张宽大的玉榻之上;一身轻纱薄衣之下,玲珑有致的胴体和若隐若现的白腻肌肤引人浮想联翩,“……竟有人能无声无息地闯入我这‘葬心谷’,并来到我的山庄之中。” Speaking of here, Yama sat cross-legged to sit, took a fast look around four player one eyes: Moreover...... comes to be four girls.” 说到这儿,阎王盘腿坐了起来,扫视了四名玩家一眼:“而且……来得还是四位姑娘。” This......” Blood wild rose Holds the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest, thinks several seconds decided called with what, „...... the senior, I and others rush to this place today by mistake, many offended, hasn't consulted the senior honored name?” “这位……”【血蔷薇】抱拳拱手,想了好几秒才决定用什么称呼,“……前辈,今日我等误闯此地,多有得罪,还未请教前辈尊姓大名?” The blood wild rose is Red Cherry Vice Captain, is the brain truster of team, conducts by her with the negotiation work of NPC mostly. 血蔷薇是红樱副队长,也算是团队的智囊,与NPC的交涉工作大部分由她来进行。 Since is responsible for this work, that basic principle she definitely also understood. For example when...... at any time, just entered Scenario particularly, regarding these have not launched the attack directly, or hostility not obvious NPC, can definitely polite, perhaps this can receive Quest, to obtain the information, or gains the benefit directly. 既然是负责这一块工作的,那基本的原则她肯定也都了解。比方说……在任何时候,尤其是刚进剧本时,对于那些没有直接发动攻击的、或是敌意不明显的NPC,完全可以客气一点,这样没准就能接到任务、得到信息、或是直接获取利益。 Hehe......” Yama smiles, stood simply, you rush in others' home, then also makes others identify one's role when first coming on stage?” “呵呵……”阎王笑了笑,干脆站了起来,“你们闯进别人的家,然后还让别人自报家门?” Hears this word, Xu Huaishang responds quickly, she hurries the first half step, bows in salute saying: Is I and other courtesy inconsiderately, looks at the senior to excuse me, below cotton wool......” 闻得此言,絮怀殇反应最快,她赶紧上前半步,作揖言道:“是我等礼数不周,望前辈见谅,在下絮……” Slow.” Yama interrupted the Goddess Xu words suddenly, and moved toward the latter gradually. “慢着。”没想到,阎王忽然打断了絮女神的话,并缓步走向了后者。 Shortly, the atmosphere becomes tight...... 顷刻间,气氛就变得紧张起来…… Although the opposite party has not stated clearly, but Red Cherry whole staff understands at heart...... „my buried heart valley through that two a moment ago and my mountain village judged, at present this beautiful woman is very likely is Yama that” in the synopsis mentioned. In addition...... she facing sudden, body with the weapon four strangers, can still maintain this calm attitude...... this deduction to be near perfect. 虽然对方没有明说,但红樱全员的心里都明白……通过刚才那两句“我这葬心谷”和“我的山庄”来判断,眼前这位美女极有可能就是简介中提到的“阎王”。再加上……她面对突然出现的、身携武器的四个陌生人,依然能保持着这种淡定的态度……这个推论是八九不离十了。 Thump, thump...... 咚,咚…… Yama is red the both feet, passes through the wooden floor, exuded the stepping on sound gently. 阎王赤着双脚,走过木质的地板,发出了轻轻的踩踏声。 Her foot is also very beautiful, the delicately beautiful curve and smooth compact skin almost can forget this to be a person quite rough part. 她的脚也很美,纤美的曲线和光滑紧致的皮肤几乎能让人忘了这本应是人身上比较粗糙的一个部分。 Yama arrived in front of Xu Huaishang, calmly halted, after two seconds, she lifts the right hand slowly, is light the sprout/slender white hand, supported the chin of Xu Huaishang with the index finger and thumb, lifts her face slightly. 阎王就这么走到了絮怀殇面前,静静地站住了,两秒后,她慢慢抬起右手,轻出柔荑,用食指和拇指扶住了絮怀殇的下巴,把她的脸微微抬起。 At that moment, two beautiful facial features close, look in the eyes. 那一刻,两张绝美的面容近在咫尺、四目相对。 Time. Just likes static. 时间。恍如静止。 It seems the time also to think that is staying at this moment. 好似就连时间也想在此刻停留。 The tight atmosphere all of a sudden changed, unexpectedly becomes somewhat ambiguous...... 紧绷的气氛一下子变了,竟变得有些暧昧…… In the audience who is watching the competition has 90% people( regardless of men and women) when seeing this scene swallowed a saliva, they do not know that is why...... 正在观看比赛的观众中有百分之九十的人(无论男女)在看到这个场景时吞了口唾沫,他们也不知道是为什么…… Then said.” Yama is looking at Xu Huaishang with the charming look, what...... did you call?” “接着说。”阎王用妩媚的眼神望着絮怀殇,“……你叫什么?” „Below...... Xu Huaishang.” In the Goddess Xu surface quite responded to the opposite party calmly, but she already in make complaints, what situation...... another Ji Fenglong( Harem City Lord)?” “在下……絮怀殇。”絮女神表面上还是比较冷静地回应了对方,但她心里已经在吐槽了,“什么情况……又一个姬沨珑(后宫城主)?” The Yama hear, smiles: Then turns around, moves toward originally the place of standing, and walks while said: Matter that good...... you to rush, I do not haggle over.” 阎王听罢,笑了笑:然后就转过身去,走向原来所站之处,且边走边道:“好……你们闯进来的事,我就不计较了。” ............ ………… hey hey...... this is good......” 喂喂……这样都行啊……” Really is world that looks at the face......” “真是个看脸的世界啊……” Shangshang long live!” 殇殇万岁!” „The Oh! Yama lily soul awakened Ah! “哦哦!阎王的百合魂觉醒了啊! Decided, that I wanted the screenshot to work as the desktop a moment ago.” “决定了,刚才那一幕我要截图当桌面。” ............ ………… Not was only the audience very natural accepted this setting, Red Cherry team members also...... 不但是观众们很自然地接受了这种设定,就连红樱的队员们也…… Does well, Team leader.” The blood wild rose has turned the head, said one to Xu Huaishang quietly. “干得好,队长。”血蔷薇转过头,悄声对絮怀殇道了一句。 Is the team leader...... NPC is not even able to resist your charm worthily......” one side Hyacinth Also met one. “不愧是队长……连NPC都无法抗拒你的魅力……”一旁的【风信子】也接了一句。 Tie Haitang Also meets saying: Seemed like...... Scenario BOSS basically to stand us.” 铁海棠】也接道:“看起来……剧本BOSS基本已经站到我们这边了。” ......” Xu Huaishang oneself am long implore the one breath, shakes the head to discuss, really does not know should for this matter happy......” “呼……”絮怀殇本人则是长吁一口气,摇头念道,“真不知道该不该为这种事高兴……” ............ ………… The words weight head, looks at the Hell Front team again. 话分两头,再看地狱前线队这边。 After the desert prepares slightly, they then rapidly caught up with front that crowd „the martial arts world hero, entered the mountain valley together. 在沙漠中稍作准备后,他们便迅速追上了前面那群“武林豪杰”们,随之一起进了山谷。 Although Jue Bro they disdain and these fellows act together, but there is a free cannon fodder to guide have no reason not to use. 虽说觉哥他们并不屑于和这些家伙一起行动,不过有免费炮灰带路没理由不利用一下。 „...... Is as expected......” enters the valley less than two minutes, Feng Bujue stops the footsteps, turns the head to say to the teammates, was poisoned......” “呵……不出所料啊……”进谷两分钟不到,封不觉就停下脚步,转头对队友们说道,“中毒了……” Reason that said that as expected , because Jue Bro has guessed the defense pattern of this place, his conclusion is- toxic gas is a good way. 之所以说“不出所料”,是因为觉哥早已揣测过这个地方的防御模式了,他的结论是-毒气是个好办法。 After him, as soon as reminded, Ruoyu, Xiao Tan and Flowers Between open the Game Menu examination immediately, discovered in the condition column truly to appear Poison Inscription. 经他一提醒,若雨小叹花间立刻打开游戏菜单查看,发现状态栏里确实出现了【中毒】的字样。 Is this fog creates?” The first response of Ruoyu also is very quickly and accurate. “是这雾造成的吗?”若雨的第一反应很快、也很准确。 „.” Jue Bro returns said. “想必是的。”觉哥回道。 Since is...... Flowers Between that the fog creates meets saying that that I use the skill to detoxify to you do not have the significance, will solve immediately again.” “既然是雾造成的……”花间接道,“那我用技能给你们解毒也没有意义,解完了马上就会再中。” Yes...... must make clear the principle of poison to be good......” Xiao Tan to feel the chin to discuss at this time, according to my estimation...... this type can illumination the fog, most likely are in the valley certain specific plants produces with the environment, according to principle that the nature that the chemical change produces promotes and constrains mutually, can relieve this type of toxic natural antidote definitely also to be able in the valley to find......” “是啊……得搞清楚中毒的原理才行啊……”小叹这时摸着下巴念道,“据我推测……这种能‘发光’的雾,八成是谷中某些特定的植物与周围环境产生化学变化所生成的,根据自然界相生相克的法则,能解除这种毒性的天然解药肯定也能在谷里找到……” Right, in that side.” The next second, Feng Bujue referred to lazily to a people not far grove. “对,就在那边。”下一秒,封不觉就懒洋洋地指了指离众人不远的一片树丛。 Ha?” Xiao Tan gawked at that time. “哈?”小叹当时就愣了。 To be honest, Xiao Tan is also rare attire compels. Because he studies the medicine, slightly browses to this aspect knowledge, he will not express what opinion. But...... he just said the theory, Jue Bro this layman gave the answer unexpectedly directly, this rather some unthinkable. 说句实话,小叹也是难得装个逼。要不是因为他是学医的,对这方面知识略有涉猎,他也不会发表什么意见。可是……他刚把理论说完,觉哥这门外汉居然就直接给出了答案,这未免有些令人匪夷所思。 Your theory is without doubt correct, but...... goes round the expertise,...... this matter in view of pure logical inference can also be inferred.” Feng Bujue knew about Xiao Tan very much, light/only looked the expression knows the opposite party thought anything, therefore he answered immediately, may know from film title CG, in this valley was occupied by the person, they are breathing the air in valley every day, that took advantage of a situation to take the antidote year to year. But antidote thing......, no matter the water source is also good, plant also to be well good, animal also...... in brief its source inevitably in this valley.” He spreads out both hands, said with a smile, nowadays, the airplane airdropping freight was impossible, burying around the heart valley all was the desert, if the antidote must go to outside the valley to take, that troublesome?” “你的理论无疑是正确的,不过……绕开专业知识,从单纯的逻辑推理角度出发……这事儿也能被推理出来。”封不觉小叹很了解,光看表情就知道对方心里想了什么,所以他马上就解释道,“从片头CG可知,这谷里是住着人的,他们每天都呼吸着谷里的空气,那就势必得常年服用解药。而解药这东西……不管是水源也好、植物也好、动物也好……总之其出处必然是在这谷中。”他摊开双手,笑道,“这年头,飞机空投物资是不可能了,葬心谷周围又全是沙漠,若是解药得去谷外取,那得多麻烦?” Yes...... said again Yama can't the person in valley leave?” Xiao Tan should say. “是啊……再说阎王本就不许谷里的人离开吧?”小叹应道。 Flowers Between such as has also thought nods saying: Even if Yama permitted, goes to outside the valley to take antidote matter still to have many variables. The person who if takes dose was gone for various reasons, can the person in valley all wait for death?” 花间也如有所思地点头说道:“就算阎王允许了,去谷外取解药这事儿也存在着过多的变数。万一去取药的人因种种原因一去不回了,谷里的人岂不是全得等死吗?” Therefore...... the antidote...... or manufactures the raw material that the antidote needs, definitely can only , in this buried in the heart valley to find.” Feng Bujue said this saying at the same time, gestures to the teammates, hints them to follow oneself to walk. “所以说……解药……或者说制作解药所需的原材料,肯定只能在这葬心谷中找到。”封不觉说这话的同时,向队友们打了个手势,示意他们跟着自己走。 Four people quick on that grove that by the line previously Jue Bro referred, and discovered after several trees some had been picked rootstalk-like plant. 四人很快就行到了先前觉哥所指的那片树丛旁,并在几棵树后发现了一些已被采摘过的根茎类植物。 Even if away from some trees, I still noticed here to have the big piece soil had been changed the trace.” Feng Bujue said, at first I do not want to understand this is what situation, after looking at condition column I realized...... this is the troops of royal government does obviously, the goal is poisonous for the understanding fog ; Because their are many, therefore dug a big pile.” “即使隔着些树木,我也注意到了这里有大片泥土被翻动过的痕迹。”封不觉道,“起先我也没想明白这是什么情况,不过在看了状态栏后我就意识到了……这显然是朝廷的人马做的,目的就是为了解雾毒;由于他们人数很多,所以挖了一大堆。” Eh? Xiao Tan hears word, what thought of suddenly, felt strange, the troops of royal government...... come here to discover autointoxication?” 诶?小叹闻言,忽然想到了什么,“奇怪了,朝廷的人马……才走到这里就发现自己中毒了?” This is really is worth deliberating the issue...... because of so far, walks these Jiang Hu people in players front also no one to discover autointoxication matter, this explained that the fog in valley poisonously at least when was just nothing remarkable body feeling. 这确是个值得推敲问题……因为目前为止,走在玩家们前面的那些江湖人士们还没有一个人发现自己中毒的事,这说明谷中的雾毒至少在刚中时是没有什么显著体感的。 The game player can see own Abnormal Statuses through the condition column intuitively, but how...... the people of royal government detect? 游戏玩家可以通过状态栏直观地看到自身的异常状态,但……朝廷的人又是怎么察觉的呢? everyone holds on a minute!” 诸位且慢!” In Xiao Tan raised the question, resounded the Alliance Lord Yuan sound from the front more than hundred meters. 就在小叹提出疑问之际,从前方百余米外响起了袁盟主的声音。 In this fog poisonous!” “这雾里有毒!” After several seconds, Alliance Lord Yuan mentioned a quite bad fact, causes a crowd tumult. 几秒后,袁盟主就讲出了一个比较恶劣的事实,引得人群一阵骚动。 Everyone should not be startled! Protects the heart lineage/vein with Inner Strength, may make the toxicity postpone.” “各位不要惊慌!用内力护住心脉,可让毒性暂缓。” Surnamed Yuan after all is martial arts world Alliance Lord, is vicious, he also mentioned one set of periphery theory of quickly being similar to Xiao Tan and Jue Bro, then makes in various group of troops thoroughly understand thing that the person of medical skill goes to look to be able as soon as possible to detoxify. 姓袁的毕竟是武林盟主,老辣得很,他也很快讲出了一套类似于小叹觉哥的理论,然后让各路人马中通晓医术之人尽快去周围找找有没有能解毒的东西 But at this time...... Hell Front these four already poison to solution, moreover kept some antidotes to Traveling Bag in respectively. 而此时……地狱前线这四位都已经把毒给解了,而且各自留了一些解药到行囊里。 I understand probably......” Feng Bujue thinks after several minutes, said, „the Inner Strength cultivation base quite profound person, should be able to be about than and detect keenly the average man he has been poisoned.” He, „, therefore, that Alliance Lord Yuan first discovered this matter.” His look changes, hesitates saying that un...... from this, can learn some extra information......” “我大概明白了……”封不觉想了几分钟后,言道,“内力修为比较高深的人,应该能比常人更快、更敏锐地察觉到自身已中毒。”他顿了顿,“所以,那位袁盟主最先发现了这件事。”他眼神微变,沉吟道,“嗯……由此,又能获知一些额外的信息……” The Ruoyu mentality is following close on Jue Bro, hears here, she then meets saying: In the troops of royal government, at least Inner Strength cultivation base the person under martial arts world Alliance Lord, is not skilled in the medical skill, to distinguish the person of antidote with one rapidly.” 若雨的思路紧跟着觉哥,听到此处,她便接道:“朝廷的人马中,至少有一个内力修为不在武林盟主之下的人,和一个精通医术、能迅速识别出解药之人。” Right,” Jue Bro meets saying that that two that naturally, you said also possibly were the same people.” “没错,”觉哥接道,“当然了,你所说的那两个也可能是同一个人。” Their several long-drawn-out are chatting, where did not tell that to help the NPC antidote...... 他们几位悠哉地聊着天,就是不告诉那帮NPC解药在哪儿…… Is good also has in...... these martial arts world heroes firmly the comparison in the Chinese medicine and medicine has the fellow of achievements, they spent for dozen minutes, then found this type to be able in elsewhere solution Wudu the rhizome. 好在……那些武林豪杰中确也有一些在中草药和医学上比较有建树的家伙,他们花了十几分钟,便在别处找到了这种能解雾毒的根茎。 Made a long story short, nearly after 30 minutes, that several hundred people swallowed the antidote finally, controlled one's breathing, the preparation started off. 长话短说,近三十分钟后,那几百人总算都吞下了解药,调息完毕,准备重新上路了。 Unexpectedly, in the meantime, fresh mutation. 不料,就在此时,又生异变。 Clicks the tongue to scold- 叱叱叱叱叱- The broken wind sound/rumor, transmits from the midair. 破风声,从半空传来。 Under this sound listens to be very ordinary for the first time, the person of presence, no matter what who has listened to the sound of this type of hidden weapon. 这声音乍听之下很平常,在场之人,任谁都听过这种暗器的响动。 But when raises the wind sound/rumor thing close, people then felt one type intensely, gloomy killing intent. 但当掀起风声的东西靠近时,人们便感觉到了一种强烈的、阴森的杀意 Many weaponry have the sound of sheath to follow closely the broken wind sound/rumor to resound, continuously...... 许多兵刃出鞘的声音紧随着破风声响起,此起彼伏…… However, actually not sound of the metal collision in addition. 然,却未曾有一次金铁交加之响。 This means that...... these hidden weapons, no round, kept off a moment ago. 这意味着……刚才那些暗器,没有一发,是被挡下了的。 Therefore after...... several breaths, some people died, some people are also living. 于是……数息过后,有些人死了,有些人还活着。 Died the person arrives at the ground but actually, living the person calls out in alarm yells. 死了的人倒到地上,活着的人惊呼喊叫。 But the person who that shoots the hidden weapon, spread to the words with Inner Strength the ear of people: Proceeded again, dies continues these.” 而那个掷出暗器的人,则用内力将话语传入了人们的耳中:“再往前,死得就不止这几个了。” Meanwhile, Alliance Lord Yuan has walked before quickly being away from a oneself recent body, looked at hidden weapon on a wound. That flickers, his facial expression changing suddenly: This is...... directs the moon/month meteor dart!” He talked over one, immediately transports/fortunes Inner Strength, meets to say loudly, „! I said that is who...... is star Queen of night dart Song Wuqi......” 与此同时,袁盟主已快步行到距离自己最近的一具尸体前,看了一眼伤口上的暗器。那一瞬,他神情陡变:“这是……引月飞星镖!”他念叨了一句,随即运起内力,高声接道,“哼!我道是谁……原来是‘星月神镖宋无奇’啊……” In his tone obviously took several points of despicable meaning: 15 years ago, your excellency colludes with the bandit to kill oneself righteousness brother, *** female, kills people entire family...... this ruthless conduct...... the martial arts world people of same belief not to forget!” Alliance Lord Yuan has a strong sense of righteousness, the tongue splits the spring thunder, now you also dare to act as the dog of blocking the way before various group of heroes unexpectedly, acts recklessly seriously!” 他的语气中明显带上了几分鄙夷的意味:“十五年前,阁下勾结土匪杀害自己的义兄,***女,杀人全家……这番兽行……武林同道们还没有忘记呢!”袁盟主大义凛然,舌绽春雷,“如今你竟还敢在各路英豪面前充当拦路之犬,当真是不知死活!” The voice falls, single palm raises. 话音落,单掌扬。 Alliance Lord Yuan carries over sound to make the probe through this Inner Strength, has determined the Song Wuqi hiding place, therefore, said that this saying...... he transports/fortunes seven success strength, separated the spatial palm to rumble in the past. 袁盟主通过这内力传声作试探,已然确定了宋无奇藏身之处,因此,说完这话……他就运起七成功力,隔空一掌轰了过去。
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