TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#945: The world wind and cloud has our generation

Last period of autumn, withered leaf everywhere.】 【残秋,枯叶遍地。】 【The remnant rosy cloud, flushed red everywhere.】 【残霞,酡红漫天。】 In this remnant scenery, one team of person horse dealers to an entrance of deep valley.】 【在这残景之中,一队人马行到了一座幽谷的入口。】 At the beginning of film title CG, then the forceful old sounds, with having the ancient customs ancient rhyme tone came several narrations, set the entire Scenario main key. 片头CG伊始,便有一个铿锵有力的老声,用颇具古风古韵的口吻来了几句叙述,算是定下了整个剧本的基调。 In approximately more than hundred people of brigades, has the right to lean the officials of government and people, to have the meritorious military service illustrious general, even also to have the emperor's relatives. Naturally, population most...... soldier and servant.】 【约百余人的旅团里,有权倾朝野的官员、有战功赫赫的将军、甚至还有皇亲国戚。当然了,其中人数最多的……还是士兵和仆役。】 With the narration of aside, one group of characters who wore the ancient China clothing and armor line from mountain roads. 伴随着旁白的叙述,一群身着中国古代服饰及盔甲的人物先后从一条山路间行出。 Three men of lead all are ride a horse the line, wears the design different official's costumes respectively, this seemed to be indicating they come from the different organizations...... 领头的三名男子皆是骑马而行,各自身着款式不同的官服,这似乎表明着他们都来自不同的机构…… From these three people of looks and figure, and graces imposing manner, they without doubt are the people skilled in martial arts, and is experiences for a long time kills expert. 从这三人的眼神、身形、以及举手投足间的气势来看,他们无疑都是练家子,且都是久经杀阵的高手 But follows behind three trailblazers, is a brigade waist with the common soldier who the sword, wears light armor. At first sight these people are only the ordinary soldiers, but if the careful view looked...... is not difficult to find that they also had certain internal strength background the person of practicing martial art, was not the common runner. 而跟在三位开路先锋后面的,是一大队腰配刀剑、身穿轻甲的兵士。乍看之下这些人只是普通的小兵罢了,但若仔细观瞧……不难发现他们也都是有一定内功底子的习武之人,绝非是寻常的走卒。 Will look again in the future, can see other equitation people, and carriage...... 再往后看,就能望见另一些骑马人、以及马车了…… The carriage in team altogether only has three, leads the way surrounded by common soldiers slowly ; Each carriage is drawn by two horses together, besides a driving a cart cart driver, an equitation person follows closely throughout its side, looked apparent...... this is similar to the role of personal bodyguard. 队伍里的马车总共只有三辆,在兵士们的簇拥下徐徐前行;每辆马车都由两匹马一起拉动,除了一位赶车的车夫外,还有一名骑马人始终紧随其旁,一看便知……这是类似于贴身护卫的角色。 Finally, in end of team, two equitation people, as well as more than ten wears the person of civilian clothes. Although these people have not provided the weapon mail-armor and helmet, but also is the body strong physically healthy men, only looks at the step that they walk compared with the average person light but firm many. 最后,在队伍的末尾,还有两名骑马人,以及十余个身着便服之人。这些人虽然没有配备武器甲胄,但也都是身强体健的汉子,单是看他们走路的步伐就比一般人轻健得多。 clear(ly), abundant draw 22 years.】 【明,盛平二十二年。】 Emperor has the foul disease, the anxious imperial edict three trusted subordinates enter the palace, kisses/intimate the secret imperial edict.】 【皇帝身染恶疾,急诏三位亲信入宫,亲下密诏。】 After ten-day moon/month, the military governor's headquarters and brocade uniformed guard, and three actual leaders in Dongchang, are then leading one team of mysterious troops, appears, in this in mountain valley that side is located in the place of desolate.】 【旬月过后,大都督府、锦衣卫、及东厂的三名实际领导者,便率领着一队神秘的人马,出现在了这座位于边荒之地的山谷中。】 When aside speaking of here, the field of vision of players and in the audience presented captions to explain simultaneously, content as follows- 旁白说到这儿时,玩家和观众们的视野中同时出现了一段字幕注解,内容如下- Note: The Ming Dynasty history and actual history in this/should Scenario world had very big difference, was basically set at...... should live for more than 30 years just now dead from illness after Taichang Emperor Zhu Changluo who taking a seat died of illness in the same year, the butterfly effect of this having made subsequent Ming Dynasty ruler and authority structure and dynasty duration and other situations have the huge change. Presently Scenario has in the period in histories in form of biographies not having, hold Pingwei to fictionalize reign title, emperors and other characters also however.” “注:该剧本世界中的明朝历史与实际历史有很大差异,基本设定为……本应在即位后同年病逝的明光宗朱常洛多活了三十余年方才病故,由此产生的蝴蝶效应让此后的明朝统治者、政府部门结构、王朝持续时间等情况都发生了巨大的变化。当前的剧本发生于一个正史上并不存在的时期,盛平为虚构的年号,皇帝及其他人物亦然。” The captions appeared and stopped after some time, the aside continues to read. 字幕浮现并停顿了一段时间后,旁白继续念了下去。 This valley named buries heart valley, in the border region bleak boundary, valley entrance is extremely difficult to seek, in valley secluded from the world.】 【此谷名为“葬心谷”,地处边陲荒凉之境,谷口极难找寻,谷内与世隔绝。】 【The Jiang Hu legend, buries in the heart valley to live in one Yama, can hold to live to control.】 江湖传说,葬心谷中住着一位“阎王”,可以掌生控死。】 These in the person in world having no way out, if can obtain Yama giving shelter, enters in the valley, can save the life.】 【那些在世间走投无路之人,若能得到“阎王”的收留,入得谷中,便可保全性命。】 Who regardless of the person of going for shelter is has made anything outside, regardless of his enemy has the big influence...... once entered buried the heart valley, Yama can guarantee him / her not dead surely.】 【无论来投奔之人是谁、在外面做过什么,无论其仇家有着多大的势力……一旦进了葬心谷,阎王定能保他/她不死。】 However, this person, the life, cannot have the valley half step.】 【然,此人,此生,再也不能出谷半步。】 【The life that otherwise, he / she must give this Yama...... gives back to Yama again.】 【否则,他/她就得把这条阎王给予的性命……再还给阎王。】 After this introduction, but sees lens one revolution, the picture cut instantaneously deep place that buried the heart valley...... 这一段介绍过后,但见镜头一转,画面瞬间切到了葬心谷的深处…… After a level area, the water clear spring bank, presented a being some scale village. But in the end of that village, a mountain village stands hillside. 在一座山坳之后、一水清泉之畔,出现了一个颇具规模的村落。而在那村落的尽头,还有一座山庄依山而立。 The line of sight of players moves with the lens high-speed, the contact in the village is going through. 玩家们的视线随着镜头高速移动,在村庄中往来穿行着。 Desert blade king Di Hou, the area inside the Great Wall's first spear/gun Feng two, wyvern swordsman what Ziming, All Directions Mansion heir Meng Qi......】 【大漠刀王狄侯,关内第一枪冯二,飞龙剑客何自鸣,八方楼香主孟琪……】 A given name of aside each report person, the lens transfer to a body of villagers rapidly and stay for several seconds. 旁白每报一个人的名号,镜头就迅速移到一个村民的身上并停留几秒。 Obviously, this was suggesting, or indicated clearly...... these are tilling the fields, fetches water, feeds the draft animal the villagers, a stature once was man of the hour that moved a side. 很显然,这是在暗示,或者说明示……这些正在耕田的、打水的、喂牲口的村民,个个儿都曾是名动一方的风云人物。 These once dominated expert of martial arts world, now becomes Yama hand/subordinate little rascal.】 【这些曾经叱咤武林的高手,如今都成了“阎王”手下的“小鬼”。】 Their lives, are not them. Only once did the wrong thing because of...... them......】 【他们的命,已不属于他们自己。只因……他们曾经做了错事……】 Massacres, the treason collaboration with the enemy innocently, *** female, is money-grubbing...... everyone in this village, does to pass away is the matter that a person should not do, therefore they do not have the foothold in the society, therefore he arrived here, became ghost.】 【残杀无辜、叛国通敌、***女、图财害命……这个村子里的每个人,都做过身为一个人不该去做的事,所以他们在人世间都已没有了立足之地,所以他来到了这里,变成了“鬼”。】 Not no one once tried to chase down to bury the fugitives in heart valley, many years ago some people have tried, in these years some people have also tried......, but these chasing down gave up either, either also became ghost.】 【并不是没有人曾试过追杀葬心谷中的逃亡者们,很多年前就有人试过,这些年里也有人试过……但这些追杀者们要么放弃了,要么也变成了“鬼”。】 Until today, here order, will be broken......】 【直到今天,这里的秩序,将被打破……】 The plot synopsis stops, the players also obtained the ability to act in the same second. 剧情简介到此为止,玩家们也在同一秒获得了行动能力。 This, two teams all are collective automatically move, from the beginning then and teammates treat in same. 这一回,两队皆是集体传送,一开始便和队友们待在同一处。 What situation do I go to...... this am?” Just stood firm, Wang Tanzhi then opened the mouth to ask. “我去……这是什么情况?”刚一站定,王叹之便开口问道。 At this time, Hell Front Four people of team appeared in a desert. But in their front dozens meters places, stood scattered dozens teams of troops, measures with the eye also to have 300-400 people sketchily. 此时,【地狱前线】队的四人出现在了一片沙漠之中。而在他们前方数十米处,零零散散地站了几十队人马,粗略目测一下也有300-400人之多。 The attire of these people become one school respectively, the carried weapon also varies ; Among the range estimation from crowds, they at least come from the different dozens camps...... this has not included these to stand alone the fellow. 那些人的装束各成一派,携带的兵器也各异;从人群之间的距离判断,他们至少来自于不同的几十个阵营……这还不包括那些单独站着的家伙。 This...... is it possible that at the martial arts world congress?” Flowers Between thought of this immediately, because she discovered in the crowd rapidly bald monk community, taoist priest community, taoist nun community and salt peddler community wait/etc comparisons had the faction of characteristics...... by Eldest Miss An many years of experience that watches the Wuxia movie, at present these teams of troops most likely are came from in Jiang Hu of various factions the person. “这……莫非是在开武林大会?”花间在第一时间就想到了这个,因为她迅速在人群中发现了光头和尚群体、道士群体、道姑群体、盐贩子群体等等比较有特征的派系……以安大小姐多年观看武侠电影的经验,眼前这一队队人马八成就是来自各门各派的江湖中人。 „...... Probably.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „words saying...... I thought this seems to have met before......” “呵……大概吧。”封不觉接道,“话说……我觉得这一幕似曾相识啊……” In fact, Jue Bro at this moment had speculated that this Scenario birthplace «Discussed Sword that world in Dark Green Spirit». It according to having two- first, he in film title CG heard All Directions Mansion the given name, this organization is Dark Green Spirit discussed in the swordone mansion two building three schools of four 实际上,此刻的觉哥已经推测出了这个剧本的发生地就是在《苍灵论剑》的那个世界。其依据有二-首先,他在片头CG中听到了“八方楼”的名号,这个组织就是苍灵论剑中的“一府二楼三派四门 One ; Next, after deep layer Illusory Demon Church exchanges, Jue Bro knew a matter...... initially he in bell demon that” the Dark Green Spirit Town back side of the mountain massacred, actually also once was under Deep Abyss Nether King Undead Nine Chief one, she and in Demon's Voice Island Spirit Lotus was the same, was sent into exile „before , Undead Nine Chief. This relation, supported this Scenario world to exist in the Thriller Paradise main universe from one side. But engages in fierce battle four all competition Scenario conduct in the main universe, this point...... made Jue Bro believe firmly own speculation. ”之一;其次,在与幻魔教会深层交流后,觉哥得知了一件事……当初他在苍灵镇后山杀掉的“铃魔”,其实也曾是冥渊幽王麾下的“死灵九魁”之一,她和咀魔岛上的“芙灵”一样,都是被放逐掉的“前死灵九魁”。这一联系,也从侧面佐证了这个剧本世界是存在于惊悚乐园的主宇宙中的。而“鏖战四界”的所有比赛剧本都是在主宇宙中进行,这一点……让觉哥更加确信了自己的推测。 This is Dark Green Spirit Town that Scenario world.” After several seconds, Ruoyu also realized the meaning in Feng Bujue words, turns the head to meet to say. “这是苍灵镇的那个剧本世界吧。”数秒后,若雨也意识到了封不觉话中的意思,转头接道。 Eh? Xiao Tan listened, doubts saying that original that world also in main universe?” 诶?小叹听了,疑道,“原来那个世界也在主宇宙之中吗?” „Very normal.” Feng Bujue shrugs saying that „, since the main universe has that type to be approximate in the 80's the star of US, why that can't exist is approximate the star of the 16 th century China?” “很正常啊。”封不觉耸肩回道,“既然主宇宙中存在着那种‘近似八十年代美国的星球’,那为什么不能存在‘近似十六世纪中国的星球’呢?” Un...... stood to reason, is filled up with the star of rabbit will play the Fist Arts we to go to......” Xiao Tan to nod to say. “嗯……言之有理,住满了会耍拳法的兔子的星球我们都去过了……”小叹点头应道。 In they talked, suddenly! The person's shadow flying, the top of the head of passing over gently and swiftly crowd, trod spatial and line together...... stands above a Gaoyan in wilderness, was built on front of the outstanding heroes. 就在他们对话之际,忽然!一道人影飞天而起,掠过人群的头顶,一路踏空而行……站到了荒漠中的一块高岩之上,立于群雄面前。 That is about 50 -year-old man, the facial features is martial-looking, handsome, tall and straight big and tall, the bearing is uncommon. 那是个五十岁左右的男人,面容英武,相貌堂堂,挺拔魁伟,器宇不凡。 He wears a azure brocade robe, the waist is a metal ties a belt, is grasping the garment, foot treads the riding boots, whole body...... has not worn any weaponry. 他身着一袭青色锦袍,腰系一根金属束带,手持着衫,脚踏快靴,全身上下……没有佩戴任何的兵刃 „After fellow heroes......” that person stands firm, took a fast look around crowd one of the under foot with the condescending look, immediately said, Yuan...... was courteous.” “各位英雄……”那人站定之后,用居高临下的眼神扫视了脚下的人群一眼,随即言道,“袁某……有礼了。” The sound that he spoke was not loud, with not shouting, each character that but he said spread to the surrounding area in very much clearly several hundred meters in the ear of everyone. 他说话的声音并不大,也没有用喊的,但是他所说的每一个字都很清晰地传入了方圆数百米内每一个人的耳中。 Inner Strength passes message......” Feng Bujue to feel the chin to discuss, in this open field, but can also use...... its skill to be equivalent to so many people simultaneously obviously. Moreover, since he dares a person to jump onto the high place, facing the entire martial arts world such loud speech...... explained that his Jiang Hu position is also out of the ordinary.” 内力传音是吗……”封不觉摸着下巴念道,“在这种开阔地,还能同时对那么多人使用……可见其功力相当了得。另外,既然他敢一个人跃上高处,面对整个武林这么大声说话……就说明他的江湖地位也是非同凡响。” The next second, these Jiang Hu characters' responses then explained the status of Yuan. 下一秒,那些江湖人物的反应便解释了“袁某”的身份。 Has seen Alliance Lord!” In the crowd responded to similar words swarmingly and one after another. “见过盟主!”人群中远远近近、陆陆续续地回应了类似的话语。 „...... Is martial arts world Alliance Lord......” Feng Bujue with one type „is also martial arts world Alliance Lord the tone talked over one. “哦……是武林盟主啊……”封不觉用一种“也不过就是武林盟主而已”的语气念叨了一句。 Fellow heroes do not need to be polite.” After several seconds, Sir Alliance Lord holds the fist in the other hand to return a courtesy, the clear and resonant voice meets saying that at present the circumstance urgent, does not wait for us, Yuan said directly......” his a half second, said that Yuan obtains the reliable information, before half Month(s), the royal government then sent out more than hundred expert, makes a long-range raid hence the burying heart valley of place from Shuntianfu, in had arrived some time ago.” Saying, him is turning around behind towards oneself the mountain shadow of distant place to hint extremely, after the inquiry, Yuan just now knows...... original that to bury in the heart valley to have one type ‚the technique of immortal, it is reported that the person of realizing can live forever, lasting youthfulness.” “各位英雄不必客气。”数秒后,盟主大人抱拳回礼,朗声接道,“眼前情势紧急、时不我待,袁某就单刀直入地说了……”他微顿半秒,言道,“袁某得到可靠消息,半个月之前,朝廷便派出了百余名高手,自顺天府一路奔袭至此地的葬心谷,就在不久前已经抵达。”说着,他转身朝自己后方极远处的山影示意了一下,“几经打探,袁某方才知晓……原来那葬心谷中藏有一种‘长生之术’,据传练成之人便可长生不死、青春永驻。” His words have not said, in the crowd spreads a creating a clamor sound. 他的话还没说完,人群中就传出一片鼓噪之声。 In fact...... did his saying say two to be possible, because this basic is open secret. Stands in the following group of martial arts world people, if not for knows has „the technique of immortal this thing, how also to have that big enthusiasm to rush to this bleak place? 实际上……他这话说不说都两可,因为这基本已经是“公开的秘密”了。站在下面的这帮武林人士,若不是知道了有“长生之术”这种东西,又岂会有那么大的热情奔赴这荒凉之地呢? Fellow heroes!” Sir Alliance Lord the stop moment, then said, that ‚the technique of immortal is in my martial arts world the person creates the ancient book, how could to deliver to these royal government falcons and dogs?” His tone was spirited immediately, Yuan thinks that...... this matter does not may!” “各位英雄!”盟主大人停顿片刻,接着说道,“那‘长生之术’乃是我武林中人所创典籍,岂能交予那些朝廷鹰犬?”他的语气顿时激昂了起来,“袁某以为……此事万万不可!” Right! Does not may!” “没错!万万不可!” Alliance Lord is wise!” 盟主英明!” Cannot make ‚the technique of immortal fall to the hand of that group of running dogs in!” “决不能让‘长生之术’落到那帮走狗的手里!” Listens to these to echo the sound, Alliance Lord Yuan nods satisfied: Today Yuan invites fellow heroes to come, wants to make everyone help my helping hand.” 听着这些呼应声,袁盟主满意地点了点头:“今日袁某邀各位英雄前来,就是想让各位助我一臂之力。” I had a premonition......” to hear here, on the face of Jue Bro appeared suddenly the smile, „...... he will then speak some shameless content.” “我有一种预感……”听到此处,觉哥的脸上忽地浮现了笑容,“……接下来他会讲一些非常无耻的内容。” His words fulfill immediately...... 他的话立刻就应验了…… Sure enough, Alliance Lord Yuan next is: Wants the strength of various collection our factions, takes royal government these falcons and dogs to be a cinch.” His single-handed swayed and big sleeve wield, „...... thinks that the royal government will not give up, they will certainly send people to come this to bury heart valley Daoshu again. Therefore...... Yuan thinks that ‚the technique of immortal should take care by our entire martial arts world together.” 果不其然,袁盟主的下一句就是:“只要集我们各门各派之力,拿下朝廷那些鹰犬自是不在话下。”他单手一摆、大袖一挥,“不过……想必朝廷也绝不会就此罢休,他们一定会派人再来这葬心谷盗术。因此……袁某以为,那‘长生之术’应该由我们整个武林共同保管。” Alliance Lord said right!” 盟主说得对!” Should take care by us!” “应该由我们保管!” The leaders of several schools responded the summons of Alliance Lord Yuan impatiently, shouted loudly shouts. 好几个门派的掌门都迫不及待地响应了袁盟主的号召,大声呼喝道。 Hehe...... this logic I was also drunk......” Flowers Between with despising the look is looking at that NPC of high place, sneered saying that not to mention the Ming Dynasty government in this world how, even if they were one group of robbers good...... the meaning of this Alliance Lord seemed like- next-door neighbor family/home had a treasure, to prevent the robber went to snatch it, we first snatched to take care for the neighbor.” “呵呵……这逻辑我也是醉了……”花间用鄙夷的神色望着高处的那个NPC,冷笑道,“且不说这个世界中的明朝政府怎么样,哪怕他们是一群强盗好了……这位盟主的意思好像是-‘隔壁邻居家有个宝物,为了防止强盗去把它抢了,我们就先抢过来替邻居保管吧’。” Moreover......” Ruoyu also the cold cold joint said at this time, so-called ‚the entire martial arts world does take care...... first to take care together to put it bluntly by his Alliance Lord? After thing entered his hand, can take again, what or takes is really false...... that may not be uncertain.” “而且……”若雨这时也冷冷接道,“所谓的‘整个武林共同保管’……说白了就是由他这个盟主先保管起来吧?东西入了他的手之后,会不会再拿出来,或者拿出来的是真是假……那可就不一定了。” I felt......, even if he really be forced, must take care with others.” Xiao Tan also said, he first will definitely also copy down or carry that set of technique law, then really hands over.” “我觉得……就算他真的迫于无奈,必须和别人一起保管。”小叹也道,“他肯定也会先把那套术法抄下来或者背下来,然后再把真的交出去。” Snort...... you were too naive.” Listened to the words of teammates, Feng Bujue to shake the head with a smile, is my words...... today's everyone on the scene, after was used by me...... cannot live is going out of this desert.” “哼……你们都太天真了。”听了队友们的话语,封不觉笑着摇头,“是我的话……今天在场的所有人,在被我利用完之后……没有一个能活着走出这片沙漠。” Their several have a big mouth is saying, the sound is big, but...... and no one notices them. 他们几个口无遮拦地讲着,声音还不小,不过……并没有人注意到他们。 Because of so far, entered Scenario after initially system guard time still had not passed. 因为到目前为止,初入剧本后的“系统保护时间”仍没有过去。 This point, Jue Bro they are also very clear, after all was 50 levels of players, Scenario experienced are many are, they were also familiar and easy to in-game various details. 这一点,觉哥他们也都很清楚,毕竟都是五十级的玩家了,剧本经验多得是,对游戏中的各种细节他们也都轻车熟路。 ...... Their four big live people by the current situation braved towering, the nearby also stood so many people, finally does not have NPC to detect that unexpectedly their appearance, this without doubt was the reason of system protection. 以当前的情况来说……他们四个大活人突兀地冒了出来,附近还站了那么多人,结果竟没有一个NPC察觉到他们的出现,这无疑就是系统保护的原因了。 Since the everyone people of same belief do not have the opinion......” Alliance Lord Yuan to see the matter to progress very smoothly, then said, „...... that matter cannot be delayed, at present when this sunset, enters the valley good opportunity.” Seemed like him to do very much minutely the field work, that buried in the heart valley to have light fog to cover, night visible thing. everyone this comes...... us to exterminate these royal government falcons and dogs with me together, ‚the technique of immortal will discover and protect!” “既然诸位同道都没有意见……”袁盟主见事情进展得十分顺利,便接着说道,“……那么,事不宜迟,眼下这日落之时,正是入谷良机。”看起来他已经把调查工作做得很周详了,“那葬心谷中有‘光雾’笼罩,夜可视物。诸位这就跟我来……我们一同剿灭那些朝廷鹰犬,将‘长生之术’找出并保护起来!” When the voice falls, the major schools is a babel of voices, proceed to flush away competitively...... suddenly, that several hundred people have followed enormously and powerful surnamed Yuan rushes over toward the mountain valley several kilometers away together, the place visited...... raised the intermittent sand dust. 话音落时,各大门派已是人声鼎沸、争先恐后地往前冲去……眨眼间,那数百人已经浩浩荡荡地跟着姓袁的一块儿朝几公里外的山谷冲了过去,所过之处……扬起了阵阵沙尘。 Only then Jue Bro their four also stand in same place, is looking at these mob, throws vision that despises. 只有觉哥他们四个还站在原地,望着那些乌合之众,投去鄙视的目光。 Main Quest has triggered 主线任务已触发】 Strikes kill Red Cherry four members.】 【击杀“红樱”的四名成员。】 Meanwhile, the Quest prompt also brushed...... 与此同时,任务提示也刷了出来……
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