TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#944: The substitution of semifinal unexpectedly is......

On November 14, 8 : 00 am. 十一月14日,上午 8 时。 Thriller Paradise most made a confrontation list that everyone anticipated announce in history finally. 惊悚乐园有史以来最令人人期待的一份对阵名单终于公布了。 Before the list presents nearly 30 hours , the major Studio intelligence analysis departments have possibly jolted to pass various confrontations but actually consider as finished. Except that Hell Front With Community Beyond these two teams, other six teams of secret teams have prepared the strategy of complete seven sets to fighting, is only waiting for the announcement of news time put out one to give the team members. 在名单出现前的近三十个小时的时间里,各大工作室的情报分析部门早已将各种对阵可能颠过来倒过去地算了个遍。除了【地狱前线】和【废柴联盟】这两队之外,其余六队的幕后团队都早已准备好了全部的七套对战策略,只等着消息的公布的时候拿出一份来交给队员们了。 But final confrontation, as follows- 而最终的对阵情况,如下- Order VS Deities, Warring States VS Mountains & Rivers, Community VS Jiang Hu, Hell Front VS Red Cherry. 【秩序】VS【诸神】,【战国】VS【山河】,【废柴联盟VS江湖】,【地狱前线VS红樱】。 Is reading the fellow readers of this chapter after seeing such pair is also quite surprised, but after the accident/surprise, everyone has possibly guessed correctly anything...... 想必正在阅读本章的各位读者在看到这样的配对后也颇感意外,而在意外过后,各位可能已经猜到了什么…… Right, this is the behind-the-scenes plotting. 没错,这是黑幕。 As author I forcefully Order With Deities These two everyone think that will enter the team of finals to put one together, made similar WTF?” The reading experience, this...... is the strength of god. 身为作者的我强行将【秩序】和【诸神】这两支所有人都以为会一同进入决赛的队伍放到了一起,制造出了一种类似“卧槽?”的阅读体验,这……就是神的力量。 Ok, this chapter is not the beginning of the month announced after all, asking everyone to use the serious attitude to treat the main text...... 好了,本章毕竟不是月初预告,请各位用严肃的态度来对待正文…… Not to mention the competition form of semifinal how, the matter needs first to confess, that was...... Dream Corporation changes the playing time of semifinal. 且不说半决赛的比赛形式如何,有一件事需要先交代一下,那就是……梦公司将半决赛的比赛时间改了。 The view on official site is- For the mass audience can see the live broadcast of each semifinal immediately, time of this round of four competition will be staggered. 官网上的说法是-【为了广大观众能在第一时间看到每一场半决赛的直播,本轮四场比赛的时间将被错开】。 In other words...... four competitions, prioritize, must wait for previous to fire off, the next talent will start. 也就是说……四场比赛,有先有后,要等前一场打完,下一场才会开始。 Naturally, regarding player online time limit the issue, Dream Corporation has also prepared the corresponding measure. They( are team leader) will usually communicate with the heads of eight teams in 12 hours, the online time of determination coordinated players. Then, by 15 th zero point, Dream Corporation will fire these eight team all members game time limit, ended till the competition of this/should player. 当然了,对于“玩家在线时间限制”的问题,梦公司也已准备好了相应的措施。他们将在12个小时内与八支队伍的负责人(通常是队长)进行沟通,确定并协调玩家们的在线时间。然后,到十五日零点,梦公司将解除这八支队伍所有成员的“游戏时间限制”,直到该玩家的比赛结束为止。 This matter...... actually carries out to have certain difficulty, subject matter in consultation this aspect. 这个事儿……其实执行起来是有一定难度的,主要问题就在“协商”这方面。 If under Corpse Blade had the team to enter the round of eight, they definitely will borrow this matter on noisily one noisy, finding the way to trade benefit anything, what a pity their two corps...... even were the company manager...... all by Jue Bro levelling. 若是尸刀旗下有队伍进入了八强,他们必然会借此事闹上一闹,想办法换点利益什么的,可惜他们的两支战队……甚至是公司老总……全都被觉哥给摆平了。 But successfully enters eight strong that six professional corps, although does not practice dirty tricks completely, but is also insufficient to achieve Corpse Blade that situation. Therefore, the communication work proceeded quite smoothly, basically before noon on 14 th, these six Studio have consulted with Game Company. 而成功进入八强的那六支职业战队,虽然也不是完全不搞小动作,但还不至于做到尸刀那个地步。因此,沟通工作进行得颇为顺利,基本在十四日中午前,这六个工作室就已经和游戏公司协商完毕了。 Remaining, yes Community With Hell Front These two teams. 剩下的,就是【废柴联盟】和【地狱前线】这两队。 Wastewood...... seems like the person who is good to speak, after receiving the Dream Corporation online communication, and listened to opposite party's narration, he almost never imagined to return to the sentence: Is casual you ~ to be how good, talked over the telephone to want me to give you high praise to kiss ~ 废柴叔……似乎是个很好说话的人,接到梦公司的在线通讯、并听完了对方的叙述后,他几乎想都没想就回了句:“随便你们啦~怎样都好啦,通话完了要不要我给你好评啊亲~” This handling matters attitude being deliberately bad, makes the customer service be moved to tears...... Oh... simply... also possibly is the tears of sympathy...... 这种自暴自弃般的处事态度,简直让客服感动得流泪……呃……也可能是同情的泪水…… In brief, Community That side consultative work progressed is smoothest ; Actually Hell Front Here...... the Feng Bujue's response surprised people somewhat. 总之,【废柴联盟】那边的协商工作进展得算是最顺利了;倒是【地狱前线】这边……封不觉的反应令人有些意外。 The Dream Corporation aspect itself/Ben thinks that Jue Bro will adopt that haughty stance, reporting one this Sir in the face of any rule is invincible and so on words. Has not thought...... Feng Bujue after listening to the arrangement of opposite party, set a request unexpectedly. 梦公司方面本以为觉哥会摆出那副狂傲姿态,回上一句“本大爷在任何规则面前都是无敌的”之类的话。可没想到……封不觉在听完了对方的安排后,竟是提出了一个要求。 His request is...... please Hell Front The competition places first. 他的要求是就是……请把【地狱前线】的比赛放在第一场。 Be responsible for( they not daring to let basic unit staff and Jue Bro with guest Manager Abe who Feng Bujue communicates exchanges, feared that by pit) after hearing this request, the first response is- is this also some competition strategy? 负责与封不觉沟通的客服部经理(他们不敢让基层员工与觉哥交流,怕被坑)在听到这个要求后,第一反应就是-这难道也是某种比赛战略? However he was wrong...... 然而他错了…… Feng Bujue gave a very right reason immediately: Our team members are not the professional players, several member's daytime work are quite busy. If by some chance we were arranged following two, but front several competitions time-consuming particularly is also long, may hold up their work. When this pressure from realistic time, will compete the display to have the influence on them without doubt.” 封不觉随即就给出了一个很正当的理由:“我们的队员都不是职业玩家,有几位队员白天的工作比较忙。万一我们被排到了后面两场,而前面几场比赛的耗时又特别长,就可能会耽误他们的工作。这种来自现实时间的压力,无疑会对他们比赛时的发挥产生影响。” Indeed, Hell Front Is only one completely the team comprised of the amateur player, from the actual situation, this request is also fair. 的确,【地狱前线】是唯一一支全部由非职业玩家组成的队伍,从实际情况来看,这个要求也合情合理。 Thereupon, the Dream Corporation aspect transmitted the Feng Bujue's request and reason to the heads of other six teams rapidly, after they all nodded, related had the direct relation with this matter Red Cherry ; Then...... the dramatic matter came, team leader Xu Huaishang unexpectedly in has not solicited upper level Studio in the situation of opinion to readily agree this matter completely. 于是乎,梦公司方面将封不觉的要求和理由迅速传达给了其余六支队伍的负责人,待他们全部点头后,才联系了与此事有直接关系的【红樱】;然后……戏剧性的事情来了,队长絮怀殇居然在完全没征求工作室上层意见的情况下把这事儿一口答应了下来。 Although this act in had not produced anything to affect at that time, but...... actually for afterward „something” set the foreshadowing. 虽然此举在当时并没有产生什么影响,但……却为后来的“某件事”埋下了伏笔。 ............ ………… On November 15, zero point. 十一月15日,零点。 The Struggle For Power to Summit S2 semifinal, engages in fierce battle four last round, makes war! 巅峰争霸S2半决赛,鏖战四界最后一轮,开战! That evening first competition, then yes Hell Front, To war- Red Cherry. 当晚的第一场比赛,便是【地狱前线】,对战-【红樱】。 Feng Bujue, Level 50 疯不觉,等级50】 Wang Tanzhi, Level 50 枉叹之,等级50】 Like the Rain after Parting, Level 50 似雨若离,等级50】 Soulfully Sorrowful Smiling Skeleton, Level 50 悲灵笑骨,等级50】 On Stone Between Flowers, Level 50 石上花间,等级50】 Please select the game mode for your party.】 请选择队伍要加入的游戏模式。】 What you choose is Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four, please confirm.】 【您选择的是巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界,请确认。】 Had confirmed, please choose observing in this fight.】 【已确认,请选择本次战斗中的观战者。】 Had confirmed, your team has entered the formation, is waiting for your opponent to be ready.】 【已确认,您的队伍已进入队列,正在等待您的对手就绪。】 Match is completed, syncing mind link connection, generating scenario......】 【匹配完成,正在协调神经连接,剧本生成中……】 Loading, please wait a moment.】 载入开始,请稍等。】 Beacon decided the blood initially still flourishing, engaged in fierce battle to begin the person not to need. various Xing gathers four, outside a heroic feelings dynasty highest heaven.” “烽烟初定血犹殷,鏖战再起人不待。诸星汇聚四界中,豪情一朝九霄外。” Loading is complete, Welcome to Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four.】 载入已完成,欢迎来到巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界。】 This pattern provides the Scenario synopsis, and has the probability to present branch / Hidden Quest and special World Setting.】 【本模式提供剧本简介,并有几率出现支线/隐藏任务及特殊世界观。】 Scenario successfully rewards: Enters the finals.】 剧本胜利奖励:晋级决赛。】 Will soon broadcast the Scenario synopsis, after the broadcast completes, competes starts instantly.】 【即将播放剧本简介,播放完成后比赛即刻开始。】 This time, observing of Feng Bujue choice is...... Gu Xiaoling. 这一次,封不觉选择的观战者是……古小灵 Yes, everyone has not misread, he unexpectedly in the semifinal, making in the team only marksmanship be the player holds a title without any obligations of office. 是的,各位没有看错,他居然在半决赛中,让队伍中唯一的射击系玩家坐了冷板凳。 When the audience see Hell Front When gone to battle lineup...... also all gawked. Looks over Jue Bro their road of being promoted, Gu Xiaoling, but only has not substituted the team member, may say the iron main force. 当观众们看到【地狱前线】出战的阵容时……也全都愣了。纵观觉哥他们的晋级之路,古小灵可是唯一一个从来没替补过的队员,可说铁打的主力。 However...... such a team member, in such a decided whether can enter in the competition of finals...... to become the viewer. 然……正是这样一名队员,在这样一场决定了是否能晋级决赛的比赛中……成了看客。
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