TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#943: Greeting

After five minutes, in some Team Survival Mode Scenario. 五分钟后,某团队生存模式剧本中。 After listening to the plot said that Feng Bujue and Long Aomin, Seven Kill, broken army and Greedy Wolf these four blade edge members by automatically move to one. 在听完了剧情简介后,封不觉龙傲旻七杀、破军、贪狼这四位刀锋的成员被传送到了一处。 Actually therefore...... is what matter?” Just stood firm, Feng Bujue opened the mouth to ask, „can also...... not say in Conference room to Scenario inside good?” “所以说……究竟是什么事儿啊?”刚一站定,封不觉就开口问道,“还非要到剧本里面来说……在会议室里讲不行吗?” That perhaps is incorrect.” Suddenly, quite familiar speaking voice resounded from the flank, responded to Jue Bro one. “那恐怕是不行的。”忽然,一个颇为熟悉的说话声自侧方响起,回应了觉哥一声。 heard the sound instantly, Feng Bujue is the facial expression changes: no way......” he turns the head following the sound, saw...... Gu Chen unexpectedly. 闻声的刹那,封不觉已是神情一变:“不会吧……”他循声转头,竟然看到了……古尘 This nine branches section chief Sir, image in game world and in reality exactly the same ; About 30 -year-old appearances, the handsome facial features and lazy manner, including suit and tie and in the reality are with. 这位“九科”的科长大人,在游戏世界中的形象和在现实中一模一样;三十岁左右的长相,英俊的面容、慵懒的神态,连身上的西装和领带都和现实中是同款。 „- Quite dazzling!” After staring Gu Chen was looking for two seconds, Jue Bro suddenly uses the single arm to block the eye, shouts pretentiously greatly, is not good! Your data intensity is good to flash Ah! unable to look straight ahead!” “啊-好耀眼!”盯着古尘看了两秒后,觉哥突然就用单臂挡住了眼睛,装模作样地大喊道,“不行啦!你的数据强度好闪啊!无法直视啦!” You first from digging both eyes, dug us then to chat.” Gu Chen plays valuable make complaints facing this kind is almost the immunity, attitude calm as before. “那你先自挖双目,挖完了我们接着聊。”古尘面对这类耍宝吐槽几乎是免疫的,态度淡定如故。 Un......” Feng Bujue immediately stopped the performance, the sincere say/way, I suddenly thought that I had adapted to this brightness.” “嗯……”封不觉立即停止了表演,正色道,“我突然觉得我已经适应了这种亮度。” „Are you first time saw this data stream?” Gu Chen not to the behavior multi- in addition commentary of Jue Bro, but asked. “你是第一次看到这种数据流吧?”古尘没有对觉哥的行为多加评论,只是自顾自地问道。 Yes......” Jue Bro takes a look at the opposite party, while returns said, „words saying what this is?” “是啊……”觉哥一边打量对方,一边回道,“话说这到底是什么呀?” Super GM Account Number(s).” The answer that Gu Chen gives can be said as in unexpected and reason, image may the customizing, be possible to issue various instructions to the system completely, may force to pass in and out Scenario ; Level regards as LV999, the survival, Stamina and Spirit Power are just all infinite, Item and Skill bar are also infinite.” “超级GM账号。”古尘给的答案可说是意料之外、情理之中,“形象可完全自定义,可对系统下达各种指令,可强制进出剧本;等级视为LV999,生存、体能灵力值皆是正无穷,物品技能栏也是无限的。” „...... Feng Bujue feels the chin to say no wonder, is five people arranges the itself/Ben obviously, finally braves the sixth person......” “怪不得……”封不觉摸着下巴道,“明明是五个人排本,结果冒出来第六个人……” Raises while convenient, GM role data and player files is not putting in same „, after the GM role leaves Scenario, cannot enter Login Space, therefore, GM can only appear in the Scenario world or in the Dream Corporation staff special-purpose game potential surface.” Gu Chen added. “顺带一提,GM的角色数据和玩家的并不在同一个“档”里放着,GM的角色离开剧本后也没有可以进入的‘登陆空间’,因此,GM只能出现在剧本世界或是梦公司员工专用的游戏位面中。”古尘补充道。 His these words, answered the Jue Bro initial question. 他的这句话,算是解答了觉哥最初的疑问。 so that's how it is.” The Jue Bro nod read one, then takes advantage of opportunity to ask, „...... does not know that the section chief you visits personally, behavior what matter?” 原来如此。”觉哥点头念了一句,然后就顺势问道,“那么……不知科长您亲自莅临,所为何事呢?” Also no important matter, mainly comes to greet with your both sides.” Gu Chen returns said that some words by me, quite convenience.” Saying, he first looks to Jue Bro, hinted one blade edge four people with the hand, I know that you already knew through the investigation and inference blade edge Is one of the nine branch departments, you did not need to make anything to probe to them again, I spoke frankly...... these four, was our department's investigators on Internet.” “也没什么大事,主要是来跟你们双方打声招呼。”古尘回道,“有些话由我来说,会比较方便。”说着,他先看向觉哥,用手示意了一下刀锋的四人,“我知道你已经通过调查和推理知道了【刀锋】是九科的部门之一,你也不用再对他们做什么试探了,我就直说吧……这四位,都是我部在互联网上的调查员。” Then, Gu Chen looks to the blade edge four people, and hinted Feng Bujue with the hand: This person, the status in surface is novelist, in fact is the social unstabilizing factor of national key attention.” 说罢,古尘又看向刀锋四人,并用手示意了一下封不觉:“这个人,表面上的身份是个小说家,实际上是国家重点关注的社会不稳定因素。” Said that this, he has not waited for both sides to respond, then shifted to that side the face Jue Bro once again, meets saying: Out of security concerns, I need to conceal my subordinates the status in reality ; I hope that you can also select to stop, further do not investigate the information in this aspect again.” He, „, if you do not listen to the advice and acting willfully, the result that eventually causes is very possible is...... some day, nine branches to eliminate the hidden danger, eliminate a potential informant these four people collectively.” Generally speaking, the words to here, the meaning also transmitted, was needless to say anything again, but Gu Chen also supplemented one, „...... then, all advanced your body their cause of death, enclosed were massive your personal information, one and informed their family members and allies.” 说完这句,他没等双方回应,便又一次把脸转向了觉哥那边,接道:“出于安全考虑,我有必要隐瞒我的部下们在现实中的身份;我希望你也能点到即止,不要再进一步调查这方面的信息了。”他顿了顿,“如果你不听劝告、一意孤行,那最终导致的结果很可能是……某一天,九科为了消除隐患,将这四人集体灭口。”一般来说,话至此处,意思也就传达到了,不用再多说什么了,不过古尘还追加了一句,“……然后,把他们死因全部推到你的身上,附上大量你的个人信息,一并告知他们的家属和战友。” Listens to this saying, let alone was Feng Bujue, was Brother Long they your damn teased me the look is looking with one type to Gu Chen. 听完这话,别说是封不觉了,就是龙哥他们都用一种“你TM在逗我”般的眼神望向了古尘 After this Mr. Feng Bujue......” two seconds, Gu Chen looked to his subordinates, met saying that „, considering that he in reality dangerous rank............ very high( important adjective said three), high to far exceeding your regulatory range, therefore his matter you did not need is too careful.” He stops for a half second, shot a look at to regard Jue Bro one specially, showed a sinister smile, „...... has the specialist to be responsible for in any case to him monitors. All smooth words, his latter half of life, as well as his posterity escapes difficultly nine branch evil clutches.” “至于这位封不觉先生……”两秒后,古尘又看向了他的部下们,接道,“考虑到他在现实中的‘危险级别’非常……非常……非常高(重要的形容词说三遍),高到远远超出了你们的监管范围,所以他的事你们也不用太上心了。”他停顿半秒,特意瞥视了觉哥一眼,露出一丝阴险的笑容,“反正……已经有专人负责对他进行监控了。一切顺利的话,他的下半辈子,以及他的子孙后代都难逃九科的魔掌。” Section chief is wise.” “科长英明。” Section chief supernatural might.” “科长神武。” Section chief foolproof plan.” “科长算无遗策。” Section chief takes a long-range approach.” “科长高瞻远瞩。” blade edge these four man simultaneously cast the vision of respect toward Gu Chen, the attitude was it can be said that docile. Although section chief Sir used evil clutches for the responsible organization and so on analogy, but Brother Long they feel no being out of sorts feeling...... 刀锋这四位爷儿们齐齐古尘投去了敬仰的目光,态度可说是服服帖帖。虽然科长大人对自己负责的机构使用了“魔掌”之类的比喻,但龙哥他们都觉得毫无违和感…… In brief.” Gu Chen thought that the words were also similar, that summary tone high sound said that uses the leader to meet often to use, „, your both sides handle oneself matter as usual, the conditional words help mutually, if no each other do not add to the chaos.” “简而言之。”古尘觉得话也差不多了,就用领导开会时常用的那种总结性语气高声道,“以后你们双方还是照常做自己的事情,有条件的话互相帮助一下,没有的话也别给彼此添乱。” Speaking of here, he also took out one from Traveling Bag unexpectedly with him in the complete consistent coffeepot that in the reality uses, twisted off the cover for a jar to give itself but actually one cup. 说到这儿,他居然还从行囊里取出了一个和他在现实中所用的完全一致的咖啡壶,拧开壶盖给自己倒了一杯。 ......” blew the tone, after drinking coffee, Gu Chen opened the mouth to ask, what issue did you...... have?” “呼……”吹了口气,喝上一口咖啡后,古尘重新开口问道,“你们……还有什么问题吗?” I have!” Gu Chen finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue makes noise on the roar. “我有!”古尘话音未落,封不觉就吼出声来。 Expected.” Gu Chen should say calm, and shows the whites of the eyes. “意料之中。”古尘淡定地应道,并翻了个白眼。 Feng Bujue goes forward one step, both hands fork waist, raised the head to stare the opposite party saying: What is called my latter half of life and posterity escapes difficultly your evil clutches? You talked clearly to me!” 封不觉上前一步,双手叉腰,抬头瞪着对方言道:“什么叫做我的下半辈子和子孙后代都难逃你们的魔掌?你给我说清楚了!” Broken army, Greedy Wolf, Seven Kill, Long Aomin.” Gu Chen hears word, did not return was called that four people of one. “破军,贪狼,七杀,龙傲旻。”古尘闻言,头也不回地叫了那四人一声。 „!” Four people should say with one voice. “到!”四人齐声应道。 Draws back.” The order of Gu Chen is brief and to the point. “强退。”古尘的命令言简意赅。 Yes!” That four people of response is also exactly the same, and is very decisive. Even if there is a system penalty, they were still say fall back to draw back, changed into four spoken parts light instantaneously. “是!”那四人的反应也是如出一辙,且十分果断。就算有系统惩罚,他们也是说退就退,瞬间就化为了四道白光。 After they leave, Gu Chen said to Feng Bujue: Feng Bujue, Ruoyu that young girl, lived for a long time there you.” 待他们都离开后,古尘才对封不觉说道:“封不觉,若雨丫头,在你那儿也住了蛮久了吧。” Yes, how?” Feng Bujue returns said. “是啊,怎么了?”封不觉回道。 I this situation, had told my wife's younger brother and his wife, is Ruoyu grandfather grandmother.” Gu Chen meets to say. “我已经把这个情况,告诉了我的小舅子和他老婆,也就是若雨的外公外婆。”古尘接道。 „, What's the big deal?” Feng Bujue meets to say. “哦,那又怎么样呢?”封不觉接道。 I introduced simply...... that two fellows, was second the world's strongest ten Spiritual Energy strength . Moreover the personalities of two people were like Little Devil.” Gu Chen returns at a moderate pace said that „, but I...... have successfully let them to you and Ruoyu the relations produced subtly some misunderstanding. In other words...... your future life has two roads to walk, first, becomes my relative. When the time comes everyone is the whole family, meeting year enmity eats meal together, asking me a grandfather, the advantage to have your. Money and power these vulgar we did not say that works as the red package to be good to you with nuclear weapon. In the Asian range, you looked that who is not pleasing to the eyes, so long as a few words, I guaranteed before Earth completes the next rotation, he disappears from this star.” Saying, he drank a coffee, later meets saying that as for the second road......, if you must elect, Ok. However I do not know that will have anything, in brief definitely is brings about own destruction......” “我简单介绍一下……那两个家伙,是当今世界上最强的十个灵能力者之二,而且两个人的性格都和熊孩子一样。”古尘不紧不慢地回道,“而我……已经成功地让他们对你和若雨的关系产生了一些微妙的‘误会’。也就是说……你未来的人生有两条路可以走,第一条,成为我的亲戚。到时候大家就是一家人,逢年过节一块儿吃个饭,叫我一声太爷,好处少不了你的。钱和权那些俗的咱不说了,拿核武器给你当红包都行。亚洲范围内,你看谁不顺眼,只要一句话,我保证地球完成下一次自转前他就从这个星球上消失。”说着,他又喝了口咖啡,随后接道,“至于第二条路嘛……如果你非要选,也可以。不过我也不知道会发生什么,总之肯定是自寻死路……”
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