TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#942: Collection information

On November 13, early morning. 十一月13日,晨。 Yo, gets up.” When Feng Bujue early morning runs the return, Ruoyu is happen to tidying up the living room. “哟,起来啦。”封不觉晨跑归来时,若雨正好在收拾客厅。 Ruoyu moves shortly, two people agreed to be responsible for the housework in turn. However the agreement turns over to the agreement, the matter that actually Ruoyu handles are quite many, after all the girl loves cleanly, every so often she because of will really be unable to continue watching to tidy up conveniently. 若雨搬进来后不久,两人就约定好了要轮流负责家务。不过约定归约定,其实还是若雨做的事情比较多,毕竟女孩子爱干净,很多时候她会因实在看不下去而顺手收拾一下。 Had a while.” After hearing the Jue Bro words, Ruoyu continues matter on hand, is not lifting returns said, is waiting for you to bring the breakfast to come back.” “起了一会儿了。”听到觉哥的话后,若雨继续着手头的事情,头也不抬地回道,“正等着你带早饭回来呢。” Hehe......” Feng Bujue smiles, today eats the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings, you select Oh. carefully “呵呵……”封不觉笑了笑,“今天吃汤包,你小心点哦。 He will so smile the inexpensive strength to be full, naturally has the reason...... everyone has the matter that such 1-2 do not excel, for example Jue Bro does not excel at tying a knot, Xiao Tan does not excel at lying ; But Ruoyu...... she cannot use the chopsticks. 他会笑得如此贱力十足,自然是有原因的……每个人都有那么1-2不太擅长的事,就比如觉哥不擅打结,小叹不擅说谎;而若雨……她不太会用筷子。 Naturally, here said cannot with not refer to her not being able to clamp the vegetable/dish, but......, because Ruoyu had not learned the correct grasping chopsticks way in childhood, the skill that therefore she uses the chopsticks comes to be slightly bad compared with the average person. Usually in the normal use is nothing issue, but......, once meets the tofu, gefilte fish wait/etc is quite slippery, or easy loose food, looks like minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings type of cover is very thin, inside to contain soup thing...... she to leave frequently smelly. 当然了,这里说的“不太会用”并不是指她夹不起菜来,只是……由于若雨小时候没有学好正确的握筷子方式,所以她使用筷子的技巧比起普通人来略差。平日里正常使用是没什么问题的,但……一旦遇上豆腐、鱼丸等等比较滑、或是容易散的食物,还有像汤包这种外皮很薄、里面含汤水的东西……她就经常会出糗。 Actually...... this is not any big problem, in some sense moe. However, when you a weakness demonstration when Feng Bujue this type( inexpensive) person at present, malicious make complaints and plays tricks on must have. 其实……这也不算什么大毛病,某种意义上来说还是萌点。但是,当你把一项弱点展示在封不觉这种(贱)人的眼前时,恶意的吐槽和戏弄肯定是少不了的。 Our is Jue Bro what kind of person? If in this world has one type to snatch the competition that food eats with the chopsticks, he at least is also world ten. In school days, so long as he is glad, can let put together a schoolmate meat that the table eats meal unable to eat with him. Even some people in the situation that use stresses with its showdown, finally was also robbed a chicken leg by it with the chopsticks...... this and other under the superiority feeling, how could he repeatedly does not conduct make complaints on this matter. 咱们觉哥是何许人也?如果这个世界上有一种用筷子抢食物吃的比赛,他至少也是世界十强。在学生时代,只要他乐意,可以让和他拼桌吃饭的同学一口肉都吃不着。甚至有人在使用手抓的情况下与其对决,最终还被其用筷子抢走了一只鸡腿……这等优越感之下,他岂能不反复就此事进行吐槽 What is careful?” Ruoyu stared Jue Bro one immediately, was not the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings...... the clip breaks at the worst made the meat broth run off.” “小心什么?”若雨当即瞪了觉哥一眼,“不就是汤包吗……大不了夹破了让肉汁流掉。” That was a pity that aren't the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings eat this meat stew?” Feng Bujue shows a sinister smile, was inferior that...... I feed......” “那多可惜啊,汤包不就是吃这一口肉汤吗?”封不觉露出一个阴险的笑容,“不如……我来喂……” You want.” Ruoyu also he spoke that the words without hits to block the way, I, since records events would have no to feed.” “你想多了。”若雨还没等他把话说完就打断道,“我自打记事起就没让人喂过。” Therefore your 22 years old won't have used the chopsticks?” Jue Bro returns said. “所以你都二十二岁了还不会用筷子么?”觉哥回道。 Was not the agile 24 -year-old man has the qualifications to say me the shoelace?” The Ruoyu present make complaints skill grows perceptibly, taunted not to drop the wind with Jue Bro mutually unexpectedly. “连鞋带都系不利索的二十四岁男子有资格说我吗?”若雨如今的吐槽功力见长,和觉哥互相嘲讽起来竟也不落下风。 Hehehe......” Feng Bujue smiled dreadfully, I did not mind that you helped me be Oh. 嘿嘿嘿……”封不觉笑得更加猥琐了,“我不介意你帮我系哦。 This......” Ruoyu cold snort/hum, immediately how snort/hum...... do we make a bet?” “这样啊……”若雨随即冷哼一声,“哼……我们来打个赌怎么样?” Oh? how gambling law?” Jue Bro also came the interest. 哦?怎么个赌法?”觉哥也来了兴致。 „A week of time, I practice the chopsticks, you practice to tie a knot.” Ruoyu meets saying that one week later, I guaranteed, thing that you can pick safely I can clamp, but you must also probably guarantee I can hit ties you to hit.” “一周时间,我练筷子,你练打结。”若雨接道,“一周后,我保证,你能安然夹起的东西我都可以夹起来,但你要也要保证我会打的结你都能打。” This......” at this moment, Feng Bujue...... also somewhat instigated. “这……”这一刻,封不觉……还真有点怂了。 Feared?” Ruoyu asked. “怕了是吗?”若雨问道。 Ha!” Jue Bro hollow laugh, I forgot that quickly feared how the character wrote.” He sets the self-confident appearance forcefully, bets on the gambling, you said that what...... the gambling stake is?” Finishes speaking, he meets to say immediately, „, I stated beforehand, rolls the bed sheet and so on request I must consider, I am a man of great integrity.” “哈!”觉哥干笑一声,“我都快忘记怕字怎么写了。”他强行做出自信满满样子,“赌就赌,你说……赌注是什么?”话音刚落,他就立即接道,“哦,我事先声明啊,滚床单之类的要求我得考虑考虑,我是一个正直的人。” The next second, Ruoyu has not opened the mouth, lies Hazas first make complaints on sofa said: In these years of hell meow ~ I also once listened, to see many shameless words and deeds, in the range that but in I know...... can the shameless and inexpensive so perfectly mix mixed in the same place, only has you meow.” 下一秒,若雨还没开口,趴在沙发上的阿萨斯就先吐槽道:“在地狱的那些年喵~我也曾听过、见过许多无耻的言行,但在我所知的范围内……能将无耻和贱如此完美地糅杂在一起的,唯有你而已喵。” Ruoyu listened to this saying, looks unemotionally to Hazas: I said how...... again is also my boyfriend, you said him cannot withstand, to appear my vision to be very bad.” 若雨听了这话,面无表情地看向阿萨斯:“我说……再怎么样也是我的男朋友,你把他说得这么不堪,岂不是显得我眼光很差。” „...... This is not the light equation not bad issue meow.” Hazas should say, only looks at the words of face but actually also......, but you after understanding the Feng Bujue's character chose and him associate, can only say that you are also rare and beautiful flowers.” She, after claw flexure neck, said that...... you truly are also rare and beautiful flowers meow.” “不……这不是眼光差不差的问题喵。”阿萨斯应道,“只看脸的话倒也罢了……但你在了解了封不觉的性格后还是选择了和他交往,只能说你也是个奇葩。”她顿了顿,用爪子挠了挠颈后,“说起来……你确实也是个奇葩啊喵。” Un......” Ruoyu hears word, the ponder moment, that...... the gambling stake is......” “嗯……”若雨闻言,沉思片刻,“那么……赌注是……” Hey! Jue Bro cannot bear shout, tore topic Ah! suddenly stiffly 喂!觉哥忍不住喊道,“突然间就生硬地扯开了话题啊! Ruoyu disregards him, then said: This gambling house...... I, if won, only if my own is happy to meddle......, otherwise, the housework from now on will all take care by you.” 若雨无视他,接着说道:“这赌局……我要是赢了,除非我自己心情好想要插手……否则,从今往后的家务全都由你包办了。” Hou ~ ‚’ what concept from now on is?” Feng Bujue should say, „, if after us, married, do I pay in advance dozens years of labor force ahead of time?” “嚯~‘从今往后’是个什么概念?”封不觉应道,“要是咱俩以后结婚了,那我岂不是提前预支几十年的劳动力?” Does not dare to bet you to speak frankly.” Ruoyu meets to say. “不敢赌你就直说。”若雨接道。 Cuts......” Feng Bujue to select the eyebrow, that......, if you did lose?” “切……”封不觉一挑眉毛,“那……要是你输了呢?” From now on, your shoelace I come the department.” Ruoyu returns said. “从今往后,你的鞋带我来系。”若雨回道。 Good! You said.” Feng Bujue said loudly. “好!你说的。”封不觉高声言道。 Right, I said.” Ruoyu replied calmly. “对,我说的。”若雨平静地回答。 After stopping for one second, two people said with one voice: Said it and meant it!” 停顿了一秒后,两人异口同声地言道:“一言为定!” Oh......” Hazas sighed, shaking the head, „was really two rare and beautiful flowers meow ~ “唉……”阿萨斯叹了口气,摇了摇头,“真是两个奇葩喵~” ............ ………… After several hours, 10 : 00 am, Feng Bujue's Login Space. 数小时后,上午 10 点,封不觉的登陆空间 Snort...... said that anything takes a person to reorganize thing in Login Space, the wizard letter/believes......” Jue Bro arrives in the elevator, then starts make complaints, actually wants, in the game world studies the skill of using the chopsticks...... to think that quietly at this moment is searching the related video on touchscreen!” “哼……说什么要一个人在登陆空间里整理东西,鬼才信呢……”觉哥一来到电梯中,便开始吐槽,“其实是想在游戏世界悄悄学习使用筷子的技巧吧……想必此刻正在触摸屏上搜索相关的视频吧!” He is talking over, while had no sense of shame turned on the homepage of some search engine through touchscreen, input how to tie a knot four characters. 他一边念叨着,一边不知羞耻地通过触摸屏打开了某搜索引擎的网页,输入了“如何打结”四个字。 Over the following hour, he uses the unprecedented concentrated force and warm...... is studying the skill of tying a knot. Although before he gets online, said to Ruoyu I get online to collect competition information in this case, matter that but in fact they do similar...... 接下来的一个小时,他用空前的集中力和热情……研究着打结的技巧。虽然他上线前跟若雨说了“我上线是为了搜集比赛情报”这样的话,但实际上他们俩干的事情差不多…… Does not know Bujue, one hour( game time) on the past, after watching a lot of picture and video tutorial...... Feng Bujue switched off all homepages, when retrocedes two steps, to stretch out the arms, with a «Shawshank's Redemption» lead retrieval freedom movement face upwards the long and loud cry: Quite difficult-” 不知不觉,一个小时(游戏时间)就过去了,在观看了大量图片和视频教程后……封不觉关掉了所有的网页,后退两步、张开双臂、用一个《肖申克的救赎》中主角重获自由时的动作仰天长啸:“好难啊-” Those words...... everyone always has the matter that such 1-2 do not excel. 还是那句话……每个人总有那么1-2不太擅长的事。 Made a long story short, after completing these eggs hurt the incomparable action, Jue Bro opened the Dream Corporation official site and forum finally, started to watch the information of related competition. 长话短说,在做完了那些蛋疼无比的举动后,觉哥终于打开了梦公司的官网和论坛,开始观看有关比赛的信息了。 At this time, the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 eight strong lists have come out, the team names of eight teams were placed in the official site home page most conspicuous position. 此时,巅峰争霸S2的八强名单早已出炉,八支队伍的队名被摆在了官网首页最显眼的位置。 But these eight teams are as follows: Order Deities Jiang Hu Red Cherry Warring States Hell Front Community Mountains & Rivers. 而这八支队伍分别是:【秩序】【诸神】【江湖】【红樱】【战国】【地狱前线】【废柴联盟】【山河】。 Because the same Studio two teams have not entered the round of eight together, moreover has no one two teams to enter the round of eight, therefore the list abbreviated in these team of names to include one team directly the team of inscription. 由于并没有同一工作室的两支队伍一起进入八强,而且也没有任何一支“二队”进入八强,所以名单就直接省略了那些队名中含有“一队”字样的队伍。 Generally speaking...... in these eight teams has six to take Studio as the background professional corps, team that another two individual players compose. 总体来看……这八支队伍中有六支是以工作室为背景的职业战队,另有两支个人玩家所组成的队伍。 This result, it can be said that surpasses the forecasts of the mass audience as well as various intelligence analysis teams greatly...... 这一结果,可说是大大超出广大观众以及各种情报分析团队的预测…… In group athletics class in-game, the advantage of professional corps is big. The professional team has the entire Studio resources, regardless of the personnel coordination and Item assembled, the pre-game information...... all compared these out of office the player too to be many are too many. 在团体竞技类游戏中,职业战队的优势非常大。职业队坐拥整个工作室的资源,无论人员协调、物品调集、赛前情报……全都比那些“在野”的玩家强太多太多了。 Like Community This teams comprised of four individual professional players, actually cannot be occupation team...... so-called professional corps, did not mean that looks for several player who has the professional level added up to one team on the line ; Beside the player, lots of personnel are striving...... just the work of these people to launch beyond the competition for the victory of this team, generally the audience will often neglect their existences. 像【废柴联盟】这种由四名个人职业玩家组成的队伍,其实也不能算是“职业”队……所谓“职业战队”,并不是说去找几个有职业水平的玩家凑成一队就行了;在选手之外,还有大量的人员都在为这支队伍的胜利出力……只不过这些人的工作都是在比赛之外展开的,一般观众往往会忽略他们的存在而已。 However, this time Struggle For Power to Summit S2, under team competition situation, in hardly had in any lucky athletic competition system...... still two non- Studio teams to enter the round of eight. This result, makes the major Studio leadership realize that again...... cannot with regarding the general web thought regards Thriller Paradise. 但是,这一次的巅峰争霸S2,在团体赛形势下,在几乎不存在任何侥幸的赛制中……仍有两支非工作室队伍杀入了八强。这一结果,也再次让各大工作室的领导层意识到……不能用看待一般网游的思维去看待惊悚乐园 „After as far as eyes can reach no team is good to cope......” Feng Bujue sees the list, then empty the eye talked over one. “一眼望去没有一队是好对付的啊……”封不觉看到名单后,便虚起眼念叨了一句。 That said right, in fact he saw when this list is not accidental/surprised, because when he sees 16 strong confrontation lists, he had forecast the team that was then promoted which eight can be. How the present issue will be...... these eight teams will match the confrontation at present. 话是这么说没错,实际上他看到这份名单时毫不意外,因为早在他看到十六强的对阵列表时,他就已经预测到了接下来晋级的队伍会是哪八支。现在的问题是……目前这八支队伍将如何匹配对阵。 Won one...... to enter the finals again.” Jue Bro is visiting the homepage fast, while discussed that finals were play together by four teams, therefore the variable will be many, usually...... the variable increased, means that the Fairly Weak team will have more opportunities.” His line of sight moved, stays in Order Two above the characters, finals use such mechanism, seems like looking after Order Beside team......” he, „, not only can little hit one round, but also increased the probability of defeating outwardly strength most strong team.” “再赢一场……就能进决赛了。”觉哥一边快速浏览着网页,一边念道,“决赛是由四队同场竞技,因此变数会非常多,通常来讲……变数增多,就意味着较弱的队伍会获得更多机会。”他的视线微移,停留在了【秩序】二字之上,“决赛采用这样的机制,似乎是在照顾【秩序】之外的队伍啊……”他顿了顿,“不但能少打一轮,还增加了战胜明面实力最强队的几率。” Read and here, Feng Bujue has used the speed of ultra-fast rapid reader to sweep each information of official site home page- basically was some looked that a title knew the news of content. Therefore, he opened the game forum quickly, wants to have a look to have anything from that side to harvest. 念及此处,封不觉已用一目十行的超快速度扫完了官网首页的每一条信息-基本上都是一些看一眼标题就知道内容的新闻。于是,他很快就打开了游戏论坛,想看看从那边能有什么收获。 Hou ~ just opened the home page of competition discussion area top, Jue Bro by one today's popular post gave the attraction. “嚯~”刚打开比赛讨论区的首页,觉哥就被一条置顶的“今日热帖”给吸引了。 The title of that post is- Semifinal all match possibilities and victory and defeat predictive parsing. 那个帖子的标题是-【半决赛所有匹配可能性及胜负预测分析】。 „......” The Feng Bujue point enters a post slightly view to look, said with a smile, „, therefore mentioned the forum had the help very much, this post all arranged in order the content that I need to do mental arithmetic, saved many troubles...... such words, can with ease listing to have in the brain through the graph memory.” “呵……”封不觉点进帖子略一观瞧,就笑道,“所以说来论坛还是很有助益的嘛,这帖子把我需要心算的内容全都列了出来,省去了不少麻烦啊……这样的话,就可以通过图形记忆轻松地将列表存在脑子里了。” Then, Feng Bujue completely disregards the part of victory and defeat forecast, takes down all match possibility that” the opposite party listed fast list( including 28 sole confrontation combinations as well as 105 types complete to fighting list), the checking calculation, after confirming while convenient is unmistakable, he switched off the post. 说罢,封不觉就完全无视胜负预测的部分,快速地记下了对方列出的所有“匹配可能性”列表(包括28种单一对阵组合以及105种完整对战列表),顺便验算了一遍,确认无误后,他就关掉了帖子。 Then, he opened each discussion area one by one, with extremely quick speed filtration information, is turning the placard page after page. 接着,他就逐一打开了各个讨论区,用极快的速度过滤信息,一页一页地翻着帖。 In view of the heat degree of Struggle For Power to Summit this sports event, the post quantity of forum can be imagined. Even if this is a morning of working day, even if the forum has the mechanism of various types of screening trash placards, but the post of each discussion district to be increasing every minute at least one speed. 有鉴于巅峰争霸这项赛事的热度,论坛的发帖量是可想而知的。纵然这是一个工作日的上午、纵然论坛有着各种筛选垃圾帖的机制,但每个讨论分区的帖子还是以每分钟至少一条的速率增加着。 Oh? this seems like interesting......” suddenly, the line of sight of Jue Bro stayed in a title very garish post- 818 Community previous generation this life. 哦?这个好像有点儿意思……”忽然,觉哥的视线停留在了一条标题十分扎眼的帖子上-【八一八废柴联盟的“前世今生”】。 Truly speaking, Feng Bujue in the team that the present stage most does not want to meet is Community Because in being possible to become in the seven teams of opponent, Jue Bro knows few about the information of this team. 说实在的,封不觉在现阶段最不想遇见的队伍就是【废柴联盟】了,因为在有可能成为对手的七支队伍中,觉哥对这支队伍的情报了解得最少。 These...... naturally have the reason of Honghu layout. The resourceful generals worthily are the resourceful generals, he adopted the and in the preliminary contest stage Hell Front Similar strategy, gave the privacy protection option. In addition the people in their team have very astonishing strength, every so often is when the enemy side has not made clear is what condition realized the victory, this then causes their competition video recording, as well as in the video recording disclosed the information that is very limited. 这其中……自然也有鸿鹄布局的原因。智将不愧是智将,他在预赛阶段采取了和【地狱前线】类似的策略,把隐私保护选项都给开了。再加上他们队里的人也都有着非常惊人的实力,很多时候都是在敌方还没搞清楚是什么状况的时候就实现了胜利,这便使得他们的比赛录像、以及录像中所透露出的信息都十分有限。 Regarding Feng Bujue this type before the fight will have decided that the victory and defeat the factor calculates over 70% man, lacking the information is not a very wonderful matter. Especially in fully realized that the enemy side is powerful, actually does not know enemy side some strong time, makes him feel such as the fishbone in the throat, restless. 对于封不觉这种“在战斗之前就已经将决定胜负的因素算到了七成以上”的男人而言,缺乏信息是一件很不妙的事。尤其是在“深知敌方实力强大,却又不知道敌方到底有多强”的时候,更让他觉得如鲠在喉,坐立不安。 Relatively speaking, if really meets the professional corps, he accomplished a task with ease on the contrary, even bumps into Order Deities Also same...... in any case your information majorities are the open secrets, so long as there is an enough data, even the god...... Jue Bro can still give to plan dead while still alive. 相对而言,真要是遇上职业战队,他反倒是游刃有余了,即使是碰上【秩序】或【诸神】也一样……反正你们的情报大部分都已是公开的秘密了,只要有足够的数据,就算是神……觉哥也能活活给算计死。 „After I take a look......” the Feng Bujue point opens the post, discovered that this is an entire segment lengthy speech . Moreover the font color used that type to be able the sending brilliant violet of blind dog eye, he make complaints said immediately, this person wants to retaliate the society...... to make dog eye durable of reader reduce to zero forcefully......” “我来瞧瞧……”封不觉点开帖子后,发现这是一整段长篇大论,而且字体颜色用了那种能让人瞎狗眼的发亮紫,他当即吐槽道,“这人是想报复社会吧……强行要让阅读者的狗眼耐久度降为零啊……” Said turns over to say, looks to turn over to look...... 说归说,看归看…… Feng Bujue is staring at the unendurable typeface, with nosing information mood, entire chapter article looking, then...... 封不觉强盯着难以忍受的字体,怀着查探情报的心情,把整篇文章给看完了,然后…… This is Fraud!” What he wants to fall cup, what a pity in the hand does not have thing, this what? No wonder the title shows a paparazzi literary style, the result is some Eight Trigrams (gossip)! When Wastewood is young the matter of male idol group has had anything in South Korean participate well eight! Now has not turned into the main body is uncle Ah! of sunglasses 坑爹呢这是!”他很想摔个杯子什么的,可惜手上没东西,“这什么呀?难怪标题透出一种狗仔队文风呢,结果全是一些八卦而已嘛!废柴叔年轻时在韩国参加过男子偶像团体的事情有什么好八的呀!现在还不是变成了本体是墨镜的大叔一个啊! When Jue Bro make complaints, suddenly, in his social column sprang a small icon loudly, wickedly...... this is Buddies sent in the news can have the prompt that. 就在觉哥大声地、恶狠狠地吐槽之际,忽然,他的社交栏中弹出了一个小图标……这是“好友”发来消息时才会有的提示。 Sees that Feng Bujue almost opened on the point without hesitation looks. Has not thought that...... sends in the news the unexpectedly is...... 见状,封不觉几乎不假思索地就点开看了。没想到……发来消息的这位竟是……
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