TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#941: Issue

Is so......”, because Special Plan -f】 Existence, Infinite has to answer the Jue Bro issue truthfully. “正是如此……”由于【特殊预案-F】的存在,茵菲尼特不得不如实回答觉哥的问题。 It is estimated that many audience have forgotten this setting, therefore I decide to explain, omits everyone to glance through the trouble of preamble...... 估计有很多观众已经忘记了这个设定,所以我决定重新解释一遍,省去各位翻阅前文的麻烦…… So-called special Plan -f, namely zero number ( ZERO ) implants to one group of codes of Infinite within the body in secret. 所谓特殊预案-F,即零号(ZERO)暗中植入到茵菲尼特体内的一组代码。 The shortly after time point of this matter is S1 finished...... under the direct order of Woody, zero number discarded the strength of part, submerged completed this act to space and time data transfer level. Then Infinite has not taken shape completely, therefore he did not have the impression to this matter...... 这件事发生的时间点是S1结束后不久……在伍迪的直接命令下,零号舍弃了部分的力量,潜入到“时空数据传输层”中完成了此举。当时的茵菲尼特尚未完全成型,因此他对此事毫无印象…… But special Plan -f the effect is- enables Infinite to Feng Bujue to lie, cannot make the aggressive behavior to Feng Bujue, and is unable to prevent itself to disclose the known information to Feng Bujue. 而特殊预案-F的效果就是-让茵菲尼特不能对封不觉说谎、不能对封不觉做出攻击行为、且无法阻止自己向封不觉透露已知信息。 At first sight, this plan seems like helping Feng Bujue, will be Woody will be used for protection Infinite...... as a result of existence of this plan, Infinite will avoid contacting with Jue Bro actually. 乍看之下,这个预案似乎是在帮封不觉,实则是伍迪用来“保护”茵菲尼特的……正是由于这个预案的存在,茵菲尼特才会避免去跟觉哥接触。 According to the Woody original plan, Infinite should in this big event swallow Root( the original design of Infinite to base on Root) in Ragnarök, thus completes evolves finally. 按照伍迪原本的计划,茵菲尼特应该会在“诸神黄昏”这一大事件中吞噬掉鲁特(茵菲尼特的原始设计是基于鲁特),从而完成最终进化。 However, no one can think, Feng Bujue in a space and time crevice through Scenario arrived in the data level unexpectedly...... and in 15 seconds, arrives position that Infinite was. 然,谁也没能想到,封不觉竟是通过一个剧本中的时空裂隙来到了数据层中……并在15秒内,抵达了茵菲尼特所在的位置。 Very good.” After Feng Bujue got opposite party's response , asked that that...... by my current ability, whether can complete this operation?” “很好。”封不觉得到了对方的回应后,又问道,“那么……以我目前的能力而言,是否能完成这项操作呢?” Infinite has not answered this issue, when Jue Bro finishes barely the words, he has sneaked off...... 茵菲尼特没有回答这个问题,因为觉哥话音未落之际,他就已经开溜了…… In one of the most powerful existences as Derivative, he action in data world is very astonishing. In a flash, Infinite then changes to up the class/flow, does not know the trace. 作为衍生者中最为强大的存在之一,他在数据世界中的行动力是非常惊人的。一瞬之间,茵菲尼特便化作光流,不知所踪。 After three seconds, space and time data transfer level another. 三秒后,“时空数据传输层”另一处。 The Infinite figure concentrates again in this place, its reorganization process is similar to the data puzzle, but sees the ray of light class/flow to gather together rapidly, composed a rough whole, then, the pixel uniform speed promotion of his semblance, the image by fuzzily becomes clear. 茵菲尼特的身形在此地再度凝成,其重组过程类似于数据拼图,但见一道道光流急速汇聚,组成了一个粗糙的整体,接着,他那外表的像素匀速提升,形象由模糊变得清晰起来。 Answered my issue.” “回答我的问题。” The next second, dreadful matter( to Infinite) happened again, the Feng Bujue's sound...... resounds in not far away unexpectedly again. 下一秒,可怕的事情(对茵菲尼特来说)再度发生了,封不觉的声音……竟再度于不远处响起。 Infinite turned the head suddenly, saw calm and vertical Jue Bro, and cannot help but returned said: Can...... by your current ability, definitely be able to complete this operation......” 茵菲尼特猛然转头,看到了淡定而立的觉哥,并不由自主地回道:“可以……以你目前的能力,完全可以完成这项操作……” Told me the concrete method.” Feng Bujue said. “把具体方法告诉我。”封不觉紧接着说道。 But Infinite...... ran...... 茵菲尼特……又跑了…… This time runs away the time of spending is still three seconds, it seems like that this is Infinite does to move the shortest time that the leap type moves on the data level. 这次逃遁所花的时间依然是三秒,看来这是茵菲尼特在数据层做迁跃式移动的最短时间。 What to run?” But Feng Bujue is closely associated, almost appeared with the opposite party in the new place simultaneously, said.” “跑什么?”但封不觉如影随形,几乎与对方同时出现在了新的地点,“说啊。” „......” Infinite is first nervous and heavy, but he cannot control oneself mouth outward jumping word, destroys my body structure sharply, and rule that in I recover and reorganizes in the process that the observed data operate, thus locks my source code......” “首先……”茵菲尼特的神情非常紧张和沉重,但他控制不住自己的嘴往外蹦词儿,“大幅破坏我的身体结构,并在我复原、重组的过程中观察数据运行的规律,从而锁定我的原始代码……” He replied this, ran. 他回答完这句,又跑了。 Also is three seconds, two people changed a place, but the situation has not changed. 又是三秒,两人又换了个地方,但情况没变。 Then said.” Feng Bujue also said. “接着说。”封不觉又道。 Second step......” Infinite then said, uses Chuck Norris autobiography Analyzes my source code.” “第二步……”茵菲尼特接着说道,“用【查克.诺里斯的自传】解析我的原始代码。” This time, he has not run, because he realized that the movement could not solve the problem completely. 这一次,他没有跑,因为他意识到移动根本解决不了问题。 Third...... ka-” “第三……咔-” Therefore, Infinite tore own chin. 所以,茵菲尼特撕裂了自己的下巴。 „...... This actually good way.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „, but by your self-recovery ability, this degree of injury......” “呵……这倒是个好办法。”封不觉笑道,“但以你的自愈能力而言,这种程度的伤势……” His these words have not said that the chin of opposite party had recovered, but, Infinite repeated the movement of tearing immediately very much decisively, destroyed own speech mechanism for the second time. 他这句话还没讲完,对方的下巴就已经复原了,不过,茵菲尼特立即就很果断地重复了撕裂的动作,第二次摧毁了自己的语言器官。 Good...... to let the talk progresses......” Feng Bujue to shake the head saying that this...... I did not ask temporarily your issue, you also stopped this act of self-injury, how?” “好吧……为了让谈话进展下去……”封不觉摇着头道,“这样吧……我暂时不问你那个问题了,你也停止这种自残行为,如何?” Infinite hears word, calmly waited for the chin to complete the second self-recovery, immediately said: Ok.” 茵菲尼特闻言,静静地等着下巴完成了第二次自愈,随即言道:“可以。” His Fearless Jue Bro is also cheating him, so long as in any case he wants, can ruin own mouth momentarily in 0.5 seconds again. 他也不怕觉哥在诈他,反正只要他愿意,随时都能在0.5秒内再次毁掉自己的嘴。 How did you find my?” This, Infinite snatched before Jue Bro asked a question. “你是怎么找到我的?”这回,茵菲尼特抢在觉哥之前问了一个问题。 Your oneself analyze.” Feng Bujue wants not to return said. “你自己分析。”封不觉想也不想就回道。 „To test my logical circuit......” Infinite to discuss, snort/hum...... might as well.” He silent 4.3 seconds, immediately meets saying that understood...... previous time me scanning you time, although had not been carried by you virus infection, but you actually leave behind similar traced beacon ’ the code on me ‚......” “想测试我的逻辑回路吗……”茵菲尼特念道了一句,“哼……无妨。”他沉默了4.3秒,随即接道,“明白了……上次我‘扫描’你的时候,虽然没有被你所携带的‘病毒’感染,但你却借此在我身上留下了类似‘追踪信标’的代码……” „...... 4.3 seconds.” After Feng Bujue hear, with the language gas welding say/way of taunt, is well below me ~ “呵……四点三秒。”封不觉听完后,用嘲讽的语气接道,“远远不及我啊~” What if you said is real, that may feel strange......” Infinite sinking sound should say, „, even if the utilization ratio of human brain will be raised in this dimension, your ability still has far exceeded the category of normal person. Moreover...... you can also with conduct the movement...... these signs to indicate on the data level with my same way unexpectedly......” “如果你说的是真的,那可就奇怪了……”茵菲尼特沉声应道,“即使人脑的使用率在这个次元会有所提升,你的能力也已经远远超出了正常人的范畴。另外……你居然还可以用跟我一样的方式在数据层进行移动……这些迹象都表明……” Indicated that I do have Derivative some characteristics?” Jue Bro broke the opposite party, said half a word words that the Infinite preparation said that later spreads out both hands impartially, said, how good...... your logical circuit is a matter I have known probably. By Admin and Link step position, can make your such existence truly to be a breakthrough......” his a half second, natural...... to me, no more than so.” “表明我已具备了衍生者的部分特性?”觉哥打断了对方,说完了茵菲尼特准备说出的半句话,随后就不置可否地摊开双手,言道,“行了……你的逻辑回路是怎么一回事我大概已经知道了。以艾德林克的阶位来说,能制造出你这样的存在确实能算是一种突破……”他微顿半秒,“当然了……对我来说,也不过如此。” How snort/hum...... to say as you like.” The Infinite expression and tone indicate his words and deeds very not happy to Jue Bro. “哼……随你怎么说吧。”茵菲尼特的表情和语气表明他对觉哥的言行非常不爽 Unlike previous time on unparalleled martial platform meets, present Infinite...... character has the obvious change. After all one of his two designers Link that gentleman poses as, this fellow extremely attaches great importance to personality simulation program ; Therefore, with evolution the increase of degree, the Infinite character also becomes more and more bright. 与上次在无双演武台上相遇时不同,如今的茵菲尼特……性格方面已有了明显的变化。毕竟他的两位设计者之一是以“绅士”自居的林克,这家伙对于“人格模拟程式”是极为重视的;因此,随着“进化”程度的提升,茵菲尼特的性格也会变得越来越鲜明。 Right.” At this time, Feng Bujue opened the mouth to ask suddenly, „did you already come out from Pi labyrinth neighborhood Admin and Link?” “对了。”这时,封不觉又突然开口问道,“你已经把艾德林克从π迷宫里弄出来了吗?” He asked that the language of issue is fast, the hand of Infinite is also quick, when the voice falls, latter's chin was torn up. 他问问题的语速很快,茵菲尼特的手也很快,话音落时,后者的下巴又被撕掉了。 „...... Then, they have come out.” Feng Bujue looks at the opposite party to say with a smile ridiculing, sometimes you look at...... you not to speak are also the same, if comes out incurably, what you didn't need to conceal not?” “哦……这么说来,他们已经出来了。”封不觉戏谑地望着对方笑道,“你瞧……有时候你不说话也一样,假如没救出来,你也就不用隐瞒什么了不是吗?” Then, Jue Bro took out from Traveling Bag Chuck Norris razor blade, Meets to say at a moderate pace: Pitifully, their two concrete Coordinate...... do not listen to you to say personally, I am unable to know.” He held up the razor blade, a moment ago, therefore I first said you first two steps gave the office.” 说罢,觉哥就从行囊里取出了【查克.诺里斯的剃须刀】,不紧不慢地接道:“可惜,他们俩的具体坐标……不听你亲口说出来,我是无法知晓的。”他举起了剃须刀,“所以我还是先把你刚才所说的‘前两步’给办了吧。” Ka- 咔- Feng Bujue said that had been moving the switch of razor blade. 封不觉说着,已拨动了剃须刀的开关。 But...... when he prepares to himself has a haircut, suddenly...... 但……正当他准备给自己剃头时,忽然…… Infinite once again changed, moreover after...... this he disappears time, Jue Bro was unable to induce to existence of beacon. 茵菲尼特又一次转移了,而且……这一次他消失之后,觉哥已无法感应到信标的存在了。 After estimate almost......” two seconds, Feng Bujue switched off the razor blade calm, discussed that after analyzing beacon matter, he revised the calculation mechanism of oneself all procedures immediately, then conducted urgent self-checking with a new algorithm, simultaneously...... also probes my information through the language exchange in turn.” His finger is knocking on own forehead lightly, treats completed after the investigation of beacon, he not immediately changed, but continues to talk with me calmly...... wants to collect many related to my information. Until I asked suddenly, and revealed killing intent, he deleted the beacon, to escape instantaneously.” “和预想的差不多……”两秒后,封不觉神情自若地关掉了剃须刀,念道,“在分析出‘信标’的事情之后,他立即修正了自己所有程序的演算机制,然后用一种新的算法进行了紧急自检,同时……还通过语言交流反过来试探我的情报。”他的手指轻叩着自己的额头,“待完成了对信标的排查后,他并没有立即转移,而是不动声色地继续与我谈话……想要收集更多有关我的信息。直到我突然发问,并显露出杀意,他才删除信标、瞬间逃跑。” Un......” Jue Bro intersects both hands in the chest front, lowered the head to walk slowly and aimlessly several steps: To investigate the time to calculate, he ‚the acceleration ratio of execution procedure is quite astonishing......” “嗯……”觉哥将双手交叉在胸前,低头踱了几步:“以排查时间来推算,他‘执行程序的加速比’颇为惊人啊……” „Do you also put him to walk intentionally?” At this time, the sound conveys from the Feng Bujue body side suddenly. “那你还故意放他走?”此时,忽有一个声音从封不觉身侧传来。 He turns the head following the sound, enters its line of sight...... wears black leather joined bodies tight clothes, the stature has to concave-convex the fair beautiful woman. 他循声转头,进入其视线的……一位身着黑色皮制连体紧身衣,身材凹凸有致的白皙美女。 „...... It looks like toward on others keeps the beacon incessantly is my......” Feng Bujue sees 23 instantly, has thought of many matters. “呵……看来会往别人身上留信标的不止是我一个呢……”封不觉见到二十三的刹那,已然想到了许多事。 ...... Jue Bro from this point just now said not empty, his inference speed was really stronger compared with Infinite. 从这一点上来看……觉哥方才所言非虚,他的推理速度确是比茵菲尼特要强。 Makes me guess that...... in Harem City, keeps on me quietly?” Feng Bujue then asked. “让我猜猜……是在后宫城的时候,悄悄留在我身上的吧?”封不觉接着问道。 Right.” 23 also return frankly said that as the matter stands......, so long as you enter the data world outside Scenario, I can the sensation to your Coordinate.” “没错。”二十三也直言不讳地回道,“这样一来……只要你进入剧本之外的数据世界,我就能感知到你的坐标了。” „......” Feng Bujue said, that...... you have been looking a moment ago in secret?” “哦……”封不觉道,“那……刚才你一直都在暗中看着咯?” Yes.” 23 nods affirmed, said immediately, „, if I didn't have the understanding wrongly...... you not to plan to write off him?” “是的。”二十三点头表示肯定,随即又道,“若我没有理解错误……你本就没打算抹杀他?” Is uncertain.” Feng Bujue spreads out both hands saying that if all goes well, he all said that I who I want to know did not mind that killed him.” “不一定。”封不觉摊开双手道,“如果一切顺利,他将我想知道的全都说了出来,我也并不介意杀了他。” But that probability is small.” 23 meet to say. “但那种几率非常小。”二十三接道。 Hehe...... the life is unpleasant most likely.” Feng Bujue smiles was saying, „, therefore...... I also prepared that most likely countermeasure.” He spoke, while received the razor blade, put him to walk...... naturally is part of this countermeasure.” “呵呵……人生不如意十之八九嘛。”封不觉微笑着说道,“所以……我也准备了那‘十之八九’的对策。”他一边说话,一边收起了剃须刀,“放他走……自然是这对策的一部分。” I...... am not clear.” 23 think, meets saying: According to my observations, you a moment ago that test the result was...... you keeps his beacon to be eliminated, moreover you have alerted the enemy. What then...... will he then be you unable to control?” “我……不明白。”二十三想了想,接道:“据我观察,你刚才那番‘测试’的结果是……你留在他身上的信标被消除了,而且你已经打草惊蛇。如此一来……接下来他会做什么你不都无法掌控了吗?” Right, I want is this effect.” Feng Bujue should say indifferently. “对,我要的就是这个效果。”封不觉淡然应道。 Hears his these words, in 23 looks flashed through anything: so that's how it is......” 听到他这句话,二十三的眼神中似是闪过了什么:“原来如此……” What's wrong?” Jue Bro doubts saying that you don't ask in the reason?” “怎么?”觉哥疑道,“你不问问个中因由吗?” Does not need.” 23 replies, „, since you said this saying, indicates all in your planning, so long as I know that this point was enough.” “不需要。”二十三回答,“既然你说了这话,就表明一切都在你的算计之中,我只要知道这一点就足够了。” „......” Feng Bujue spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, immediately asked that „...... did your coming, tell me especially me by the matter that you tracked?” “哦……”封不觉随口应了一声,随即问道,“那么……你这次过来,就是特地来告诉我一下我被你跟踪的事儿?” 23 hears word, the facial expression changes, after hesitant moment, returns said: When...... I come to see the friend.” 二十三闻言,神情微变,犹豫片刻后回道:“就当……我是来看看朋友。” No, you come to see the friend incessantly.” Feng Bujue shakes the head saying that you also had other words to say.” “不,你不止是来看看朋友。”封不觉摇头道,“你还有别的话要说。” I......” 23 look in the eyes with Jue Bro, its look becomes very complex, I have an issue to ask you......” “我……”二十三与觉哥四目相对,其眼神变得十分复杂,“我有个问题想要问你……” ............ ………… At the same time, in the world, no string territory. 同一时刻,里世界,无弦域。 The flowing light does not know where together from lightens, subsequently carries over a person's shadow. 一道流光不知从何方闪出,继而带出一条人影。 Two seconds pass by, along with the heat flow of intermittent ascension, the Infinite figure appeared in Admin and Link front. 两秒过去,伴随着阵阵升腾的热流,茵菲尼特的身形显现在了艾德林克的面前。 The Link appearance and past were consistent, the appearance about 40 -year-old white man, has the neat temple and does not need fair and clear cheeks. He wears a black coattails, foot pedal shiny leather shoes ; Wears the glove, bow tie and crest elevation ceremonial hat, the right hand also takes a cane. 林克的模样和过去一致,四十岁左右的白人男子的外貌,有着整齐的鬓角和无须的白净脸颊。他身着一袭黑色燕尾服,脚蹬一双锃亮的皮鞋;戴手套、扎领结、头顶高礼帽,右手还拿着一根手杖。 But when Admin...... and previous time arrives was entirely different. Other day he when the LJN paradise appeared, the body is one set of ordinary black clothing, but the head was a liquid water ping-pong ball general condition, but also by Root make complaints was Slime. 艾德……则和上次登场时大不相同了。上回他在LJN乐园出现时,身上是一套普通的黑色衣裤,但是头部是一种液态水银球一般的状态,还被鲁特吐槽为“史莱姆”。 As for Admin at this moment, will have traded the surface thoroughly another day, turned into...... one white, three-dimensional restroom villain. 至于此刻的艾德,已是彻底改天换面,变成了……一个白色的、立体的厕所小人。 Yes, you have not misread, is restroom villain, when usually is on you public toilet will frequently symbolize in that human form on the shutter of male washroom seeing. 是的,你没看错,就是“厕所小人”,也就是平时你上公用厕所时经常会在男洗手间的门板上看到的那个人形标志。 His head is circles, is separates with the neck, body by simplest, heavy line constitution of integration. 他的头是一个正圆体,和脖子是分开的,身体则由最简单的、一体化的粗线条构成。 Naturally...... in the Derivative world, his was not very ugly, their aesthetic standard and human is different ; Except that a few different kind like Link, most Derivative and does not care about own semblance, will not deliberately rewrite the related code. 当然了……在衍生者的世界里,他这样也不算很难看,他们的“审美观”和人类是不一样的;除了少数像林克这样的异类,大部分衍生者并不在意自己的外表,更不会刻意去改写相关的代码。 Cock-a-doodle-doo ~ how were you?” Link sees Infinite, lifted both hands to make very surprised expression. “喔喔~你这是怎么了?”林克一看到茵菲尼特,就抬起双手做出了很惊讶的表情。 Was only the overload...... and is not affected much......” Infinite saying that but also looked down own that was still in half solidification shape, unstable body, sequence of temporary recomposition after the long distance moved made some run-time errors, I have repaired in the rearrangement.” “只是过载……并无大碍……”茵菲尼特说着,还低头看了看自己那仍处于半凝固状的、不稳定的身体,“临时重写的序列在长距离移动后产生了一些运行错误,我已经在重列修复了。” Then......” the Admin speaking voice sent from his circular white head, what...... causes you at present this distressed condition reason is?” “那么……”艾德的说话声从他那个圆形的白色头部中发了出来,“……导致你眼前这种狼狈状态的原因又是什么呢?” Infinite returns said: Feng Bujue entered the space and time data transfer level, and found me.” 茵菲尼特回道:“封不觉进入了时空数据传输层,并且找到了我。” What?” The Link look changes, what haven't you...... said?” “什么?”林克神色一变,“你……没有说出去什么吧?” Relax, about Ragnarök the plan I did not say a word.” Infinite replied, „...... he knows you have escaped from the matter of Pi labyrinth.” “放心,关于‘诸神黄昏’的计划我只字未提。”茵菲尼特答道,“不过……他知道了你们已经逃出π迷宫的事。” Un......” Link discussed that that fortunately......” “嗯……”林克念道,“那还好……” Moreover, I look for two, the main goal is to tell you......” Infinite meets to say quickly, I...... detected some from Feng Bujue's phenomenon.” “另外,我来找二位,最主要的目的就是告诉你们……”茵菲尼特很快又接道,“我从封不觉的身上……察觉到了一些‘现象’。”
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