TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#940: Finishing, is the beginning

Attention! Spiritual Energy Armament of this fellow changed!” Greedy Wolf adjusts the figure in the midair slightly, separated to empty to Long Aomin was putting one Treatment chain, Pulled back over 80% two people Health. “注意!这家伙的灵能武器变了!”贪狼在半空略微调整身形,隔空对着龙傲旻放了一道【治疗链】,将两人的生存值都拉回了80%以上。 Even if you make me pay attention to......” Brother Long to return said, I do not know actually his new weapon has what effect......” “就算你让我注意……”龙哥回道,“我也不知道他那新的武器究竟有什么效果啊……” This actually frank talk, facing weapon or the style of first bitter experience, he can attention anything...... 这倒是大实话,面对第一次遭遇的武器或招式,他又能“注意”点什么呢…… You will know quickly.” At this time, Feng Bujue continued his, and treads, relies on to flicker The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes And Moon Steps Caught up with Long Aomin rapidly. “你很快就会知道了。”此时,封不觉接过了他的话头,并踏地而起,凭借着瞬开的【灵识聚身术-改】以及【月步】迅速追上了龙傲旻 Why what's the matter...... he must first attack Brother Long......” that second, the Greedy Wolf thoughts lightning flash, depending on his analysis capability...... should very clear Orichalcos Shield Special Effect, this time not should first to cope with defense capability bad me before the game?” Read and here, not a very wonderful thought flashed through the Greedy Wolf mind, is it possible that...... he has thought decoding ‚the air/Qi of Orichalcos method?” “怎么回事……他为什么要优先攻击龙哥……”那一秒,贪狼心思电闪,“凭他的分析能力……赛前就应该很清楚奥利哈刚之盾特效了,这种时刻难道不该先来对付防御能力较差的我吗?”念及此处,一个非常不妙的念头闪过了贪狼的脑海,“莫非……他早已想好了破解‘奥利哈刚之气’的方法?” Clicks the tongue- 叱叱叱叱叱叱- The next second, sound of the crowded broken wind interrupted the Greedy Wolf mentality. He and Long Aomin expression, becomes in this second happened simultaneously panic-stricken...... 下一秒,一阵密集的破风之声打断了贪狼的思路。他和龙傲旻的表情,也在这一秒间变得惊恐交加…… But sees, in the Feng Bujue palm that pack of pokers such as the blowout is flying generally outward the sign, in a twinkling has spouted hundreds and thousands of pokers, these poker are the black feather general...... from the sky circles to dance in the air, covered a surrounding area hundred meters sky. 但见,封不觉掌中那一叠扑克如井喷一般朝外飞着牌,霎时间已喷出了成百上千张扑克,那些扑克似是黑色的羽毛一般……在空中盘旋飞舞,将方圆百米的天空都笼罩了起来。 I go to...... so many!” Brother Long looks at that everywhere the black poker, shouted makes noise. “我去……这么多!”龙哥看着那漫天的黑色扑克,不禁喊出声来。 Right, is so many.” Feng Bujue returned to opposite party one, then grips a black light sign with both hands respectively, according to the Brother Long big shield is round of hysterical/frenzy even/including dance. “对,就是这么多。”封不觉回了对方一句,然后用双手各夹住一张黑光牌,照着龙哥的大盾就是一轮狂乱的连舞。 „To use two signs on the shield of incision god......” at this time, Brother Long is also on the courage vigor, knew that by him who the speed is unable to get rid of the opposite party, clenched teeth to put forth simply Protects body stone skin With Kills on contact reincarnation Two defense skills shoulder the attack hardly, „...... that you try!” “想用两张牌就切开神之盾吗……”此时,龙哥也是血气上头,自知靠速度无法摆脱对方的他,干脆一咬牙使出了【护体石肤】和【触杀转生】两个防御技能来硬扛攻击,“……那你就试试吧!” These two moves of effects, one is to enhance the defensive power, when was being attacked micro returns to the blood, both moves are to continue the technique, the duration respectively is one minute and 30 seconds, when facing the high-speed continuous attack without doubt is very preponderant skill. 这两招的效果,一个是提升防御力,一个是在受到攻击时微量回血,两招都是持续技,持续时间分别是一分钟和三十秒,在面对高速连续攻击时无疑都是非常具有优势的技能。 However...... 然…… If your is the shield of god......” Feng Bujue after sees the skill effect of opposite party, actually thinks otherwise, „my is the sign of demon.” “如果你那是神之盾……”封不觉在“看到”对方的技能效果后,却是不以为然,“我这就是魔之牌。” shiny shiny shiny shiny...... 锃锃锃锃…… It finishes barely the words, Death Poker delimits to make a debut a black mark on Orichalcos Shield. 其话音未落,死亡扑克就在奥利哈刚之盾上划出了道道黑痕。 Card assassination technique That use card sign class weapon starts near body wartime, the speed, strength and accuracy promote 300% the effect, lets the Jue Bro stroke every strikes has extremely strong destructive power, vertical was Brother Long put forth the defense skill, still cannot achieve „not broken against. 【卡片暗杀术】那“使用卡牌类武器发动近身战时,速度、力量、准确度均提升300%”的效果,让觉哥划出的每一击都具备着极强的破坏力,纵是龙哥使出了防御技能,依然不能做到“不破防”。 Naturally, even if broken guarded, the damage that Brother Long receives does not calculate too, depends on Kills on contact reincarnation Returning blood effect, the drop frequency of his volume of blood can maintain at every 3 seconds about 5%. 当然了,就算破防了,龙哥受到的损伤也并不算太多,靠着【触杀转生】的回血效果,他血量的下降频率堪堪可以维持在每3秒5%左右。 „When good...... truly fierce......” the Long Aomin standard to keep off , said that „, but......, even if you and I one to one can be in the upper hand, do not forget me also to have the teammate, moreover...... you did not say that can fight a battle to force a quick decision? Perhaps can't such attack achieve?” “好……确实厉害……”龙傲旻格挡之际,又言道,“但是……即使你和我一对一能占上风,别忘了我还有队友,而且……你不是说要速战速决吗?这样的攻击恐怕做不到吧?” Teammate?” Feng Bujue sneers is returning said, you did say him?” Saying, his line of sight toward side in the air shot a look at one. “队友?”封不觉冷笑着回道,“你说他吗?”说着,他的视线朝侧面的空中瞥了一眼。 That flickers, Long Aomin feared unexpectedly, he is afraid to transfer in the direction that Jue Bro shoots a look at the head ; Because he knows that...... that side has had matter that certain have not wanted to see. 那一瞬,龙傲旻竟是怕了,他害怕把头朝觉哥所瞥的方向转过去;因为他知道……那边已经发生了某些自己不想看到的事情。 „-” “啊-” Finally, in the Greedy Wolf pitiful yell sound, Brother Long turns the head to look, therefore he saw...... oneself teammate was ripped the fragment in the midair by several hundred like the living creature poker. 终于,在贪狼的惨叫声中,龙哥还是转头望去,于是他看到了……自己的队友在半空之中被数百张如同活物般的扑克撕成了碎片。 That scene looks like the locust group to gnaw the food crops and piranha to swallow the prey simply...... the black light/only sign that from wells up in all directions basic to keep off or dodge without Fahger, Greedy Wolf will change into the white light shortly. 那景象简直就像是蝗虫群啃食庄稼、食人鱼吞噬猎物……从四面八方涌来的黑色光牌根本无法格挡或闪避,贪狼顷刻间就化为了白光。 You......” Long Aomin looked that said one to Jue Bro you character, but he actually cannot think that then can also say anything. “你……”龙傲旻看向觉哥说了一个“你”字,但他却想不到接下来还能说什么。 He and Greedy Wolf do not have the general idea/careless to be lax, has not had a low opinion of the enemy, they meet head-on whole-heartedly, but lost...... lost on same purest thing- strength. 他和贪狼没有大意松懈,更没有轻敌,他们全力以赴地迎战,但是输了……输在了一样最单纯的东西上-实力。 Brother Long, we were the old friends.” Feng Bujue said, I said ten tenths...... haven't deceived you?” 龙哥,咱们是老相识了。”封不觉道,“我说十成……没骗你吧?” „......” hears word, Long Aomin smiled, felt relaxed, even if he had not been struck to kill, but he understands, when these black sign towards oneself well up, all will finish, Orichalcos Shield is unable to resist the attack of this all-around no dead angle. “呵……”闻言,龙傲旻笑了,也释然了,纵然他还没有被击杀,但他明白,当那些黑牌朝自己涌来时,一切就会结束,奥利哈刚之盾是无法抵挡这种全方位无死角的攻击的。 „When Brother Feng, you and S1 after different......” two seconds, Brother Long then said, this competition...... I felt truly you want to win.” 封兄,你和S1时不同了……”两秒后,龙哥接着言道,“这次比赛……我真正感觉到了你‘想赢’。” „When indeed......” Jue Bro response, the offensive of both hands has not stopped, „......, I have more earnest for various reasons.” “的确……”觉哥回应时,双手的攻势也没停下,“……因为各种各样的原因,我也不得不认真一些了呢。” Ha haha Ha.....” Long Aomin laughs, „, but, the following competition...... is not you wants to win, is certain can win.” “哈哈哈哈……”龙傲旻大笑,“但是,后面的比赛……可不是你‘想赢’,就一定‘能赢’的。” No, I will win.” When Feng Bujue spoke this saying, in the eye wound through the jet black data light class/flow, I must use my both hands, develops the future, obtains thing that I want, changes this world.” “不,我会赢下去的。”封不觉说这话时,眼中流过了漆黑的数据光流,“我要用我的双手,去开拓未来,去获得我想要的东西,去改变这个世界。” Objective...... his these words quite two, therefore many two audience listened to rush. 客观来说……他的这段话相当中二,所以很多中二观众听完就澎湃了起来。 Depending on a title of champion, can't achieve these?” The Brother Long sinking sound asked. “凭一个冠军的头衔,做不到这些吧?”龙哥沉声问道。 „......” Jue Bro coldly smiles, in the words the belt/bring words return said, Brother Long, your I am very clear...... this am not only a game, not?” “呵……”觉哥冷冷一笑,话中带话地回道,“龙哥,你我都很清楚……这不仅仅是个游戏,不是吗?” Such remarks, the Long Aomin facial expression changes. 此言一出,龙傲旻神情一变。 But he has not said anything with enough time, the black poker that was raided behind hits, the body was nibbled and melted the light rapidly to dissipate...... 但他还没来得及说出什么,就被身后袭来的黑色扑克击中,身体迅速被蚕食、化光消散…… ............ ………… On the other hand, Chaos Beside. 另一方面,【混沌】之外。 After the midnight ding sounds, Gu Xiaoling on an incantation translated edition that takes Xiao Tan to copy, takes the charm amulet single-handedly, started recitation. 午夜的钟声敲响后,古小灵就一手拿着小叹抄来的咒文译本,一手拿着护身符,开始了吟诵。 Li Ruoyu is responsible for defending before her body, is ready in full battle array. Although Dracula has fallen back on the place more than ten meters away, stands there very well -mannered is motionless, but before the ceremony becomes effective completely, the players will not relax vigilantly. 黎若雨则负责守在她的身前,严阵以待。虽然德古拉已退到了十几米外的地方,很规矩地站在那儿一动不动,但在仪式完全生效之前,玩家们是绝不会放松警惕的。 Current Quest has completed, Main Quest has been completed 【当前任务已完成,主线任务已全部完成 You have completed this Scenario, after 180 seconds, automatic automatically move 您已完成该剧本,180秒后自动传送 When reciting to conduct the final stage, two System Notification appeared suddenly in Ruoyu and Xiao Ling ear bank. 在吟诵进行到最后阶段时,两句系统提示忽地浮现在了若雨小灵的耳畔。 They understood immediately, Jue Bro had ended the fight with blade edge ; With him after same...... the midnight of departure saying in three minutes he can solve the enemy. 她们立即就明白了,觉哥已经结束了与刀锋的战斗;和他在离开前所说的一样……午夜之后三分钟内他就能解决敌人。 However, they choose to maintain composure, continue to maintain the present situation. 不过,她们俩都选择不动声色,继续维持现状。 Soon, Xiao Ling read off the incantation, almost while she read the last word, such as the black hole of human eye size appeared above the protective charm...... 不多时,小灵读完了咒文,几乎在她念下最后一个单词的同时,一个如人眼大小的黑洞就在护符上方出现了…… Is now! Throws into the protective charm quickly Chaos In!” Dracula had been ready at this time, loudly shouts toward two players. “就是现在!快把护符丢进【混沌】里!”德古拉这时早已做好了准备,朝两名玩家大喝一声。 Side Quest has completed The system voice also announced they all Quest lines in this Scenario have collected completely. 支线任务已完成】系统语音也宣告了她们在这个剧本中的所有任务线已全部收束。 By this time, the players also stopped at nothing, Xiao Ling looked at Ruoyu one, the latter nods, therefore Xiao Ling illuminated...... the protective charm that the Count said throws into that to surge the black energy Chaos Entrance. 到了这个时候,玩家们也就无所顾忌了,小灵看了若雨一眼,后者点了点头,于是小灵就照着伯爵所说的……将护符丢进了那涌动着黑色能量的【混沌】入口。 At that moment, an unusual fluctuation splits open from the entrance, in each life to entire space caused a mind to attack. 那一刻,一股异常的波动从入口处绽开,对整个空间中的每一个生灵造成了一次心灵冲击。 Is good is fleeting because of that feeling, some people had not even detected that this world changes. 好在那感觉稍纵即逝,有些人甚至没有察觉到这个世界所发生的变化。 „When thank you...... outsider......” Dracula spoke this saying, has kneed down, oneself will bind in the cloak, and whole body started to shiver, now, if you do not want dead...... go all out to run!” “感谢你们……异界旅客……”德古拉说这话时,已是单膝跪地,将自己裹在了披风中,且全身都开始颤抖,“现在,若你们不想死的话……就拼了命地跑吧!” Did his saying say also two to be possible, because he said half a word, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling have started to run...... 他这话说不说也两可,因为他才说了半句,若雨小灵已经开始跑了…… That side the gate of prison the expansion speed and attraction are really exaggerating, not only expanded over five meters the radius suddenly, all materials that but also rapid its touched inhaled. 那“边狱之门”的扩张速度和引力着实夸张,不但眨眼间就将半径扩大到了五米以上,还迅速将其所触及的一切物质都吸入了其中。 Is good has the magic broom because of Hell Front these two in the hand, departed the extremely far distance speedily, arrived at beyond hundred meters. 好在地狱前线这两位都有魔法扫帚在手,一溜烟就飞出了极远的距离,来到了百米之外。 At this time, audience who are watching the competition in strange, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling left Scenario to be good through automatically move directly, why can also run? 这个时候,很多正在观看比赛的观众都在奇怪,若雨小灵直接通过“传送”离开剧本就行了,为什么还要跑呢? Actually the answer was very simple...... after experiencing that many matters, they want to take a look real, as well as...... this Scenario world that Dracula previously that segment lengthy speech said can actually what course to follow. 其实答案很简单……在经历了那么多事之后,她们很想看看德古拉先前那段长篇大论所说的到底是不是真的,以及……这个剧本世界究竟会何去何从。 Purgatory...... witnesses my final strength!” Actually sees, consistently maintains the demeanor Count to howl crazily, the figure mutation of shivering, inflated one suddenly greatly, resembled is many devils promiscuously as one monster. “炼狱啊……见证我这最后的力量吧!”却见,始终保持着风度的伯爵狂啸一声,颤抖的身形陡然异变、膨胀成了一个巨大的、似是诸多恶魔混杂为一体的怪物。 It seems like words that he spoke all real, after appearing the Demon Lord true body, Dracula really leapt forward side in the gate of prison on own initiative, and opens the four limbs, the release the heaven shaking demon energy, suppressed the expansion of gate. 看来他说的话全都是真的,在显出了魔王真身后,德古拉真的主动跃入了边狱之门中,并张开四肢,释放出惊天魔能,抑制住了门的扩张。 He must do...... supports the moment like this, until not far away that by chaos and is interwoven sacredly, but the space crevice expands to compared with a gate of bigger degree prison ; At the appointed time, the latter is unable to reverse this disparity again, but Count...... as he said that luck good words, but can also draw back into the purgatory. 他所要做的……就是这样支撑住片刻,直到不远处那个由混沌和神圣交织而出的空间裂隙扩张到比边狱之门更大的程度;届时,后者就再也无法逆转这种差距了,而伯爵……如他自己所说,运气好的话,还能退入炼狱。 zi zi zi zi...... 嗞嗞嗞嗞…… That space crevice also fulfils expectations, Derivation speed compared with Count expected quickly, side seems like does not need for one minute to exceed the gate of prison scale. 那空间裂隙也是不负所望,衍生的速度比伯爵预期得更快,看起来不用一分钟就能超越边狱之门的规模。 However...... the development truly far exceeded the computation of Dracula. Even if he is Demon Lord that in the purgatory the strength ranks among the best, same is the shape is ordinary with the ants in the face of the strength of entire space. His fly wasp shakes the action of tree, heavy burden to be been very painful difficult to bear by oneself, and cannot prevent the expansion of gate completely...... 但是……事情的发展确实远超了德古拉的计算。就算他是炼狱中实力数一数二的魔王,在整个空间的力量面前一样是形同蝼蚁一般。他这蚍蜉撼树之举让自己痛苦不堪、重负难当,且未能完全阻止门的扩大…… „After ...... this......” 30 seconds, Dracula was compelled a person of shape unexpectedly forcefully, moreover bleeds profusely from the head, the whole body play trembles, „............ I cannot escape from this samsara eventually......” “唔……这……”三十秒后,德古拉竟是硬生生被逼回了人形态,而且七窍流血,浑身剧颤,“……难道……我终究还是逃不出这轮回吗……” In the meantime, suddenly! 就在此时,忽然! „-” Low and deep ** resounds, the form appeared in the side of Count together. “呃-”一声低沉**响起,一道身影出现在了伯爵的身旁。 You......” Count have not turned the head, then has known who that is. “你……”伯爵没有转头,便已知道了那是谁。 The mummy will not speak, he contributed his strength silently, held side the gate of prison edge. 木乃伊不会说话,他只是默默地贡献出了自己的一份力量,抓住了边狱之门的边缘。 The second, third form appeared. 紧接着,第二、第三道身影出现了。 The werewolves and Gillman, appear from the vortex of that purgatory, held on the reason of that black hole with the Count together. 狼人、鳃人,亦是从那炼狱的漩涡中出现,与伯爵一同拉住了那黑洞之缘。 Also crossed for two seconds, Frankenstein also arrived at the entrance, joined them not silently. 又过了两秒,弗兰肯斯坦也来到了门口,一言不发地加入了他们。 You......” the pressure of Count reduced immediately much, he as if can support, but he looks the mirthless smile saying that old friends...... you will therefore possibly disappear......” “你们……”伯爵的压力顿时减轻了不少,他似乎又能撑下去了,但他还是面露惨笑地言道,“老朋友们……你们可能会因此消失的……” Indeed, the classical monsters in these old movies, each has the quite powerful strength. However, their five strange joint efforts, were still can only stop the expansion of gate even, and each energy is disappearing to perish rapidly...... 的确,这些老电影中的经典怪物们,每一个都具备着相当强大的力量。然,即使他们五怪合力,仍是只能堪堪停止住门的扩张而已,且他们每一个的能量都在急速消殒中…… Saw that the space and time crevice and side the contrast of gate of prison will soon reverse, the numerous had also reached the limit strangely, in they think have been at wit's end...... 眼瞅着时空裂隙和边狱之门的对比即将反转,众怪也已到了极限,就在他们认为已无计可施之时…… Has not really thought that......” another sound, resounds from the prison, will have such a day......” “真没想到……”又一个声音,自边狱中响起,“会有这样一天……” The person of that speech, is one wears white shirt black Sockpuppet , to keep the middle-aged man of whiskers, his name Is Van Helsing. 那说话之人,是一名身着白衬衣黑马甲、留着络腮胡的中年男子,他的名字是-范海辛 I...... stood unexpectedly your side.” Van Helsing, becomes sixth the person who arrives at the entrance, joined Dracula their. “我……居然站到了你的身旁。”范海辛,成为了第六个来到门口的人,加入了德古拉他们的行列。 Present he, the nature is a ghost, lingered 100 years of ghost in the purgatory. 如今的他,自然已是一个亡魂了,一个在炼狱徘徊了一百年的亡魂。 „......” Count smiled, I am also only was me should doing...... and I can do.” “呵……”伯爵笑了,“我也只是‘做了我该做的……和我能做的’而已。” This is a century ago Van Helsing to the words that he spoke, this time, Dracula also realized Van Helsing then state of mind finally. 这是一个世纪前范海辛对他说的话,今时今日,德古拉也终于体会到了范海辛当时的心境。 Van Helsing silent a half second, said: Lets us......” 范海辛沉默半秒,又道:“就让我们……” The Count meets saying: „...... Finished all these.” 伯爵接道:“……结束这一切吧。” After several seconds, the space and time crevice surpassed side the gate of prison boundary finally, starts to embezzle the gate strength in turn. 数秒后,时空裂隙终于超出了边狱之门的边际,开始反过来侵吞门的力量。 The six forms in gate, retrocede after the simple exchange tacitly, was involved in side in the vortex of prison. 门中的六道身影,也在简单的交流后默契地后退,被卷入了边狱的漩涡中。 Saw here, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling then chooses left Scenario, because they think that the plot almost stopped, again in the future perhaps is Scenario map collapse and so on bridge broke...... 看到此处,若雨小灵便选择了离开剧本,因为她们认为剧情差不多就到此为止了,再往后恐怕就是剧本地图崩毁之类的桥断了…… Really, after they melt the photodissociation opens, the energies of two ultra space and times then such as two wild wild animals general...... in this put behind that the place launched battle, and decided the victory and defeat instantaneously. 果然,待她们化光离开后,两股超时空的能量便如两头狂暴的野兽一般……在这忘却之地展开了厮杀,并瞬间分出了胜负。 Finally, was only left over a minimum sunspot to preserve in the midair, it in released hundred times in an instant in a moment ago that two leaves gate the strength of collapse, in several seconds will put in order a castle to curl...... 最终,只剩下了一个极小的黑点存留于半空,它在刹那间就释放出了百倍于刚才那两扇“门”的塌缩之力,数秒内就将整座城堡卷了进去…… ............ ………… After 15 seconds, in primitive world that in a data light class/flow composes, Feng Bujue opened the eyes. 十五秒后,在一个数据光流组成的原始世界中,封不觉睁开了双眼。 Yes, he does not have automatically move, he has kept in Scenario, when final one second. 是的,他没有传送,他一直留在剧本中,待到了最后的一秒。 Therefore, he arrived here. 所以,他来到了这里。 You...... how possible!” At this moment, from Feng Bujue is not calculating that the far place, is standing a person's shadow, he sees Jue Bro, revealed the astonished color. “你……怎么可能!”此刻,在距离封不觉并不算远的地方,站立着一个人影,他一见觉哥,就露出了惊愕之色。 That person seems like about 30 years old appearances, keeps one and white hair of neck ; His head has the skin and outward appearance of normal human, but below the neck all like the mercury material quality, seemed just solidified the formation the liquid metal, although there is an outline, but did not have the detail. 那个“人”看上去三十岁左右模样,留着一头及颈的白发;他的头部有着正常人类的皮肤和外观,但颈部以下皆是如水银般的材质,就好似刚刚凝固成型的液体金属,虽有轮廓、但无细节。 Infinite ( infinite )......” Feng Bujue called the name of opposite party directly, our previous dialogues have not ended...... him not to wait for the opposite party to say probably, then said, you cannot say, killed your ‚the second method...... I roughly to speculate.” He did, through the form of formatting, erase you in the server level?” 茵菲尼特(infinite)……”封不觉直接叫出了对方的名字,“我们上次的对话好像还没完吧……”他没等对方接话,就接着言道,“你没能说完的、杀死你的‘第二种方法’……我大致已推测出来了。”他顿了顿,“是不是通过格式化的形式,在服务器层面上将你抹除呢?”
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