TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#939: Hoping of Count

Words weight head, again look Puts behind garden, Chaos Entrance. 话分两头,再看【忘却之庭院】,【混沌】入口处。 After Ruoyu listened to the response of Dracula, asked again: You said that you from the beginning do not have the plan to destroy charm amulet, how you and did Feng Bujue's agreement also explain?” 若雨听了德古拉的回应后,再度问道:“你说你‘从一开始就没打算要摧毁护身符’,那你和封不觉的协议又怎么解释?” That agreement is he proposed that is not I.” Dracula returns said, Feng Bujue assumed I want to ruin the charm amulet, therefore proposed such agreement.” He, in that case, I then push the boat along complied.” “那协议是他提出的,并不是我。”德古拉回道,“疯不觉想当然地认为我想要毁掉护身符,所以提出了那样的协议。”他顿了一下,“在那种情况下,我便顺水推舟地答应了下来。” His explanation but actually also reasonable, because the players when entering Scenario had seen through film title CG a century ago matter that „the night of resurrecting has, therefore...... under the guidance of aside was implanted dark forces to ruin the charm amulet of Saint including Jue Bro everyone this concept. 他的解释倒也合理,由于玩家们在进入剧本时就已通过片头CG了看到了一个世纪前的“复活之夜”所发生的事情,因此……包括觉哥在内的所有人都在旁白的引导下被植入了“黑暗势力想要毁掉圣之护身符”这一概念。 Then......” Xiao Ling looked that asked at this time to the Count, what was your true goal......?” “那么……”小灵这时又看向伯爵问道,“你真正的目的……到底是什么呢?” My goal, with your and no conflict.” Dracula returns said, „side you do want to open the gate of prison?” He, without and other opposite party said saying that „, but I...... must close that sliding door forever.” “我的目的,和你们的并没有什么冲突。”德古拉回道,“你们想开启边狱之门是吗?”他顿了一下,没等对方接话就说道,“而我……要永远关上那扇门。” How I thought that these two matters are mutually contradictory?” Ruoyu meets to say. “我怎么觉得这两件事是互相矛盾的?”若雨接道。 No, is not contradictory.” Dracula said that „, if you know its method and principle......” “不,并不矛盾。”德古拉道,“如果你们知道其方法和原理的话……” You might as well explained.” Ruoyu also said. “那你不妨解释一下。”若雨又道。 Dracula thinks, immediately raise hand points at the charm amulet on Xiao Ling saying: 【The charm amulet of Saint, Represented in world bright sacred strength, its powerful guarantee I and other dark clan is unable to run out of the purgatory.” He raise hand hinted beyond one next more than ten meters that entrance that is surging the energy, Chaos, Is symbolizing dark and degenerates, its strength lets my clan not dead Indestructible, forever in purgatory samsara.” 德古拉想了想,随即抬手指着小灵手上的护身符道:“【圣之护身符】,代表了世间光明神圣的力量,它的力量保证了我等黑暗一族无法冲出炼狱。”他又抬手示意了一下十几米外那个涌动着能量的入口,“【混沌】,象征着黑暗和堕落,它的力量让我族不死不灭,永在炼狱轮回。” The Count stopped for two seconds, looks at a day of farsighted: Each a century, this world will have welcomed a special night, your human calls it ‚the night of resurrecting. Because at this evening, some of I and my old friends will appear, to you, is similar to resurrecting general, but in fact...... we never Death, we came back by Summon from the purgatory again.” 伯爵停顿了两秒,望天远视:“每过一个世纪,这个世界就会迎来一个特殊的夜晚,你们人类将其称为‘复活之夜’。因为在这晚,我和我一些老朋友会重现于世,对你们来说,就如同‘复活’一般,但实际上……我们从未‘死亡’,我们只是从炼狱被重新召唤回来了而已。” Since is Summon......” Xiao Ling meets saying that who...... that is also calls you?” “既然是‘召唤’……”小灵接道,“……那又是谁把你们召来的呢?” Naturally is this world evil.” Dracula returns said that Chaos The source of forces...... is ‚the wickedness of human nature, your human...... accomplished the limitless chaos. Therefore each ‚the night of resurrecting, the dark strength will get the winning side, and others called from the purgatory me, and made the charm amulet of Saint cannot destroy the characteristics vanish temporarily.” “当然是这世间的‘邪恶’了。”德古拉回道,“【混沌】的力量源泉……就是‘人性之恶’,正是你们人类自己……造就了无边无际的混沌。所以每一个‘复活之夜’,黑暗的力量都会占据上风,将我等从炼狱召来,并使得圣之护身符‘不可摧毁’的特性暂时消失。” Oh......” speaking of here, the Count heaved a deep sigh, met saying that such matter...... started once again, continued for over a thousand years. In a more ancient time, in your human still has one crowd nobly, powerful, the devout Vampire hunter, their bloodline generations of inheritance...... incessantly in the night of resurrecting, in the time that any darkness arrives, they will stand to contend with us directly.” His look becomes somewhat complex, seems like recalling what past events, „, but......, as the change of time, these families declined, even the bloodlines cut off...... resisted our people turned purely mortal, for example...... Van Helsing.” His cold snort/hum, snort/hum...... I must acknowledge, although he was not powerful and devout like these Vampire hunters of past, but he was still brave, selfless, indomitable and praiseworthy. What a pity...... the strength of mortal is eventually limited, exorcisming of Van Helsing that time...... must result in the aid of came from darkness the incantation, and strengths of certain sacred objects, can return to the purgatory us.” “唉……”说到这儿,伯爵长叹一声,接道,“这样的事……周而复始,持续了上千年。在更古老的时代,你们人类中还存在着一群高尚的、强大的、虔诚的吸血鬼猎人,他们的血统代代传承……不止是在复活之夜,在任何一个黑暗降临的时刻,他们都会站出来与我们正面抗衡。”他的眼神变得有些复杂,似乎是在回忆什么往事,“但……随着时代的变迁,这些家族没落了,甚至连血脉都断绝了……来对抗我们的人变成了纯粹的‘凡人’,比如……范海辛。”他冷哼一声,“哼……我得承认,虽然他并不像过去的那些吸血鬼猎人那样强大和虔诚,但他依然是勇敢的、无私的、百折不挠且令人钦佩的。可惜……凡人的力量终究有限,范海辛那个时代的驱魔者……必须得借助一些来自‘黑暗’的咒文、以及某些圣物的力量,才能将我们送回炼狱。” Xiao Ling takes advantage of opportunity to ask: You refer to is opens side the door of prison the ceremony?” 小灵顺势问道:“你指的就是打开‘边狱之门’的仪式吧?” Right.” Dracula returns said that „, but that...... is also only expedient measure. If you see, tonight...... my clan returned to world as scheduled, is repeating this endless curse.” He shakes the head, flings the cloak, I...... have received enough. In the past, I have wanted to destroy the charm amulet of Saint, making my clan run out of the purgatory, rules the world. But now...... I understand, here, but is another purgatory.” “没错。”德古拉回道,“但那……也只是权宜之计罢了。如你所见,今夜……我族又如期回到了世间,重复着这无尽的诅咒。”他摇了摇头,一甩披风,“我……已经受够了。在过去,我一直想要摧毁圣之护身符,让我族冲出炼狱,统治人间。但现在……我明白了,这里,不过是另一个炼狱而已。” The Count is saying, the tone is somewhat excited: I look at your human year after year in the activity in world, your degenerations and make me unthinkable arrogantly, your cruelties and make me surprised greedily, your actions...... make the evil spirit of purgatory grumble were inferior.” 伯爵说着,语气已有些激动起来:“我年复一年地看着你们人类在世间的活动,你们的堕落和自大让我匪夷所思,你们的残忍和贪婪让我惊愕不已,你们的所作所为……让炼狱的妖魔们都自叹不如。” The words to here, Dracula look the disappointed color: I increasingly realized......, even if my clan arrives at this world, could not conquer you-, because human was this world most fearful monster. If the purgatory and world fusion, human quickly climbs up all dark lifeform through the learn/study and evolution the apexes, becomes the strongest race. Then...... you will transform the space that any institute can visit according to your will recklessly.” 话到此处,德古拉面露怅然之色:“我逐渐意识到……即使我族来到这世间,也征服不了你们-因为人类才是这世间最可怕的怪物。如果将炼狱和人间融合,人类很快就会通过学习和进化爬上所有黑暗生物的顶点,成为最强的种族。然后……你们就会按照自己的意志肆意去改造任何一个所能踏足的空间。” Therefore......” Ruoyu hears here, the sinking sound meets saying that „...... you must isolate these two spaces forever......” “所以……”若雨听到这里,沉声接道,“……你才要永远隔绝这两个空间……” At midnight to......” at this time, the Dracula tone had returned to normal, you...... can the kick-off.” He is saying, while retrocedes slowly, „after treating you opened side the gate of prison, I will enter in the gate, suppresses its expansion with my strength temporarily.” He looks to two players, „, but you...... must throw as soon as possible the charm amulet Chaos In, then...... escapes full power.” He caught the eye to look Chaos Entrance, after two completely opposite extreme strengths fuse, will produce a giant space and time fault/chasm, the nature of this fault/chasm is approximate with the gate of side prison, but is more powerful, after both contact, then the connections two world blocks thoroughly, 【The charm amulet of Saint With Chaos Also will vanish forever.” “午夜已至……”此时,德古拉的语气恢复了平静,“你们……可以开始仪式了。”他一边说着,一边缓缓后退,“待你们开启了边狱之门后,我会进入门中,用我的力量暂时抑制住它的扩张。”他看向两名玩家,“而你们……要尽快把护身符扔到【混沌】之中,然后……就全力逃跑吧。”他又抬眼看了看【混沌】的入口,“当两股完全相反的极端力量融合后,将会产生一个巨大的时空断层,这一断层的性质与边狱之门近似,但更为强大,两者接触后,即可将两个世界的关联彻底阻断,【圣之护身符】和【混沌】也将永远消失。” Hears here, Ruoyu and Xiao Ling exchanged a meaningful glance, reached the agreement quickly. 听到这里,若雨小灵交换了一下眼色,很快达成了共识。 Although they cannot determine these words that completely Dracula spoke real, one thing is for certain, in any event, so long as side the gate of prison successfully opens, their Quest completed, can get angry as for later Dracula, as well as after the charm amulet enters the chaos, will really have that response that the Count said...... not to affect to them. 虽然她们并不能完全确定德古拉所说的这番话都是真的,但有一点是肯定的,无论如何,只要“边狱之门”成功开启,她们的任务就完成了,至于之后德古拉会不会翻脸,以及护身符进入混沌后是不是真的会产生伯爵所说的那种反应……对她们来说是没有影响的。 Good, we can believe after you......” several seconds, Ruoyu looks to Dracula, sincere say/way, „, but I have the last issue......” “好,我们可以相信你……”数秒后,若雨看向德古拉,正色道,“但我还有最后一个问题……” Asked.” The Count should say briefly and to the point. “问。”伯爵言简意赅地应道。 If all illuminate such that you said......” Ruoyu to ask, at the appointed time...... place entrance how can you......?” “假如一切都照你说的那样……”若雨问道,“届时……身处‘门口’的你……会如何?” Snort......” on the face of Dracula, appeared a forced smile unexpectedly, luck good, not to have the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish words...... to be able to return to the purgatory.” “哼……”德古拉的脸上,竟是现出了一丝苦笑,“运气好、没有形神俱灭的话……应该能回到炼狱去吧。” ............ ………… When- when- works as- 当-当-当- At midnight when arrives, Chronometer tower The top bell tower exuded the sound of intermittent bell calling. 午夜降临之际,【时计塔】顶层的钟楼发出了阵阵钟鸣之声。 At this moment, Feng Bujue and Long Aomin and Greedy Wolf opposite stand, silent. 这一刻,封不觉龙傲旻贪狼对面而立,沉默不语。 Three people have not decided anything, but they had recognized instance that knowingly...... the last ding sounds, is the beginning of slaughtering. 三人没有商定任何事,但他们都已心照不宣地认定……最后一记钟声敲响的瞬间,即是厮杀的开端。 When- when- works as- 当-当-当- Unexpectedly said that what ten tenths......” Greedy Wolf looks at Jue Bro, in the heart was discussing, was supercilious must have a limit...... present everyone to turn into the child, Brother Long has only depended on the stature advantage in various aspects compared with on your three points ; But you are impossible to have Blood Corpse God such strength to come my Instant kill...... our here main attack and auxiliary, even if cannot the quick victory, consume still the energy consumption dead you......” “居然说什么十成……”贪狼望着觉哥,心中念道,“目中无人也要有个限度……如今大家都已变成了小孩,龙哥仅凭身材优势就在各方面比你强上三分;而你也绝不可能具备血尸神那样的战力来将我秒杀……我们这边一个主攻、一个辅助,就算不能速胜,耗也能耗死你……” When- when- works as- 当-当-当- In the heart of Long Aomin is also considering: Although the Brother Feng strength is really very strong, but said that what ten tenths grasp...... rather have the suspicion of blustering? Is this also some psychological tactic? To make us irritable at the beginning of the fight? Lets our non- fraughts with uncertainty by this momentum......” 龙傲旻的心中也在思量:“虽然封兄的实力确是很强,但说什么十成把握……未免有虚张声势的嫌疑吧?这也是某种心理战术吗?想在战斗之初就让我们急躁起来?还是借由这种声势让我们不畏首畏尾呢……” When- works as- 当-当- Was sorry, two.” Feng Bujue in 12 th bell Xiangqian one second, opens the mouth to say suddenly, in the consideration stemming from time...... I fought a battle to force a quick decision.” “抱歉了,二位。”封不觉在第十二声钟响前一秒,忽然开口道,“出于时间上的考量……我就速战速决了。” When- 当- When the voice falls, the final ding has also sounded. 话音落时,最后的钟声也已敲响。 That flickers, the Long Aomin direct impact on, Greedy Wolf follows. 那一瞬,龙傲旻直冲而上,贪狼紧随其后。 The Brother Long tactic came straight to the point, first came one round Shield attacks fiercely Tried the quality of opposite party to say again. In the counter- regular script technique he definitely occupies superiorly, behind also follows the First Aid Healing Specialization Level S teammate, how to see that have no reason the timid war. 龙哥的战术单刀直入,先来一发【盾牌猛击】试试对方的成色再说。反正体术上他肯定占优,后面还跟着个医疗专精S级的队友,怎么看都没理由怯战。 But facing this verve surprise attack, Feng Bujue stands in unexpectedly same place, conducts the standard to keep off before the body both hands cross frame, including Death Poker Shield Special Effect has not started. 而面对这次刚猛的突袭,封不觉竟只是站在原地,将双手交叉架在身前进行格挡,连死亡扑克的【盾牌】特效都没有发动。 Duang- Duang- After two seconds, Orichalcos Shield struck solid on the both arms of Jue Bro, flip-flop the skeleton exploded the sound of breaking to pieces to resound immediately, then, the Jue Bro whole person was dug the mouth to spit the blood and flying upside down. 两秒后,奥利哈刚之盾结结实实地击在了觉哥的双臂上,一阵噼噼啪啪的骨骼爆碎之声当即响起,接着,觉哥整个人就被打得口吐鲜血、倒飞而出。 ............ ………… hey hey...... is this fellow really blustering?” 喂喂……这家伙果然是在虚张声势吗?” „It is not strange, this is the trick that Feng Bujue habitually uses.” “也不奇怪吧,这是疯不觉惯用的伎俩啊。” Not necessarily...... S1 that butterfly fights me still to remember, at the beginning of he and Xu Huaishang fights, said oneself only used 8% strengths, at that time also felt exaggerating compels, but from afterward combat process...... probably real.” “不见得吧……S1那场蝶之战我还记得,他和絮怀殇战斗之初,也说自己只用了8%的实力,当时也感觉夸张得一逼,但从后来的战斗过程看……好像是真的。” But this he was hit to spit blood directly, added that anything fighting a battle to force a quick decision, is by person Instant kill that quick decision......” “可是这回他是直接被打吐血了啊,还说什么‘速战速决’,难道说是自己被人秒杀的那种速决么……” But......” “但是……” But......” “但是……” Always feels......” “总觉得……” Has the plot......” “有阴谋啊……” It seems like, the audience who watch the competition had certain question to the performance of Jue Bro, however...... no one dares 100% place Affirmations Feng Bujue really could not realize own must win the manifesto. 看起来,观看比赛的观众们都对觉哥的表现产生了一定的质疑,然……没有一个人敢百分之百地肯定-封不觉真的实现不了自己的必胜宣言了。 Must say the reason, that only has one, because he is Feng Bujue. 要说理由,那只有一个,因为他是封不觉 ............ ………… Other general idea/careless! He has not died!” “别大意!他还没死呢!” In the chronometer tower, Jue Bro has not fallen down, Greedy Wolf reminded teammate one there loudly. 时计塔上,觉哥尚未坠地,贪狼就在那儿大声提醒了队友一句。 Relax, till he changes into the white light...... I will not be lax!” Brother Long is also very clear, disputes with Feng Bujue, even if there is a huge advantage, cannot recognize oneself won, once had such thought...... perhaps to refusing stubbornly far. “放心,直到他化为白光为止……我是不会松懈的!”龙哥也很清楚,跟封不觉较量,即使有了天大的优势,也不能认定自己“赢定了”,一旦产生那样的念头……恐怕就离死不远了。 Bang- 嘭- Glaring within, treads the sound of place to get up suddenly, Brother Long is one treads toward the ground fiercely, the pursuit on, wants to hit Feng Bujue unprepared. 晃眼间,踏地之声骤起,龙哥朝着地面又是一记猛踏,追击而上,欲打封不觉一个立足未稳。 However, Jue Bro foothold, after not having flown upside down dozens meters distance, his back hit layer on layer/heavily on the wall, dislodged one greatly, the hollow spider web shape crack, and assumed one in a big way character to fall into...... motionless. 然而,觉哥并未“立足”,倒飞了几十米距离后,他的后背重重地撞在了墙壁上,撞出了一圈巨大的、凹陷的蛛网状裂纹,并呈一个“大”字身陷其中……一动不动。 What's the matter......” Long Aomin and Greedy Wolf the heart said simultaneously, is disguises? What snare has? This impossible...... Feng Bujue is not impossible such easily......” “怎么回事……”龙傲旻贪狼同时心道,“是假装的吗?有什么圈套吗?这不可能……封不觉不可能就这么轻易地……” Feng Bujue is impossible easily to be killed......” at this moment, the Jue Bro of paralyzed in wall opened the mouth suddenly, expressed everyone's aspiration, you are thinking...... right?” 封不觉不可能就这么轻易地被干掉……”就在此刻,瘫在墙中的觉哥忽然开口,道出了所有人的心声,“你们正在这么想着……对吧?” Barbaric dashing!” “野蛮冲撞!” Voodoo demolishes!” “巫毒爆破!” Brother Long and Greedy Wolf responded to the Feng Bujue's words with two skills. 龙哥贪狼用两个技能回应了封不觉的话语。 They are really not fully correct the Feng Bujue's idea, no one can be fully correct his idea, they can do, only then does not make a mistake and tries the best under the fair objective situation. 他们实在是猜不透封不觉的想法,也没有人能猜透他的想法,他们能做的只有在合情合理的客观情境下不犯错误、尽己所能。 Ha! Hahahaha Ha.....” When two people attacks compel to close, Feng Bujue laughs wildly to make noise. “哈!哈哈哈哈哈……”正当两人的攻击逼至咫尺之时,封不觉狂笑出声。 Buzz- 嗡- The next second, along with sound of the energy accumulation, strange law that constituted together black light appears before his body. 下一秒,伴随着一阵能量聚集之声,一道黑光构成的诡异法阵出现在了他的身前。 The Long Aomin stone in shield and Greedy Wolf hand hammers these two Legend Level Equipment both to stroke above law, swings layer upon layer the ripples,...... two people felt simultaneously strength of the fierce recoil was conducted by weapon, flies their double double clicks. 龙傲旻的盾牌和贪狼手中的石锤击这两件传说级装备双双击打在法阵之上,在阵中荡开层层涟漪,紧接着……两人同时感觉到一股剧烈的反冲之力透过武器被传导了回来,将他们双双击飞。 Bad......” spat blood Greedy Wolf that flies to be at this moment clear- why Jue Bro when suffering first next not to use this move, simultaneously should not...... two people make a move......” “糟了……”吐血而飞的贪狼此刻才明白-为什么觉哥在挨第一下时不用这招,“不该……两人同时出手的……” This at all is not Death Poker Shield Brother Long that...... similarly from the sky flies upside down startled say/way in heart, actually...... is this what?” “这根本不是死亡扑克的【盾牌】……”同样在空中倒飞的龙哥则是在心中惊道,“……这究竟是什么?” Name: Enchanted poker 名称:疯魔扑克】 Type: Spiritual Energy Armament 【类型:灵能武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Attack Power:???】 攻击力:???】 Attribute: I think that I should be shake S 【属性:我想我应该是抖S】 Special Effect one: Without a gap( the quantity of enchanted poker is regarded as 54 forever)】 特效一:无间(疯魔扑克的数量永远被视为五十四张)】 Special Effect two: Distortion( enchanted poker does not accept to cheat, therefore each in this sign is regarded as spade A, any over five variety combinations are regarded as straight flush)】 特效二:扭曲(疯魔扑克不接受作弊,所以这副牌中的每一张都被视为黑桃A,任何五张以上的花色组合都被视为同花顺)】 Special Effect three: The demon moves( the attack speed and hit probability of enchanted poker are extremely astonishing, it was therefore revoked driver's license)】 特效三:魔动(疯魔扑克的攻击速度与命中率极其惊人,它因此被吊销了驾照)】 Special Effect four: The hysterical/frenzy( the enchanted poker attaches great importance to very much fairly, in are many by an enemy, it will guide the strength of enemies to attack mutually ; Naturally, it will only make this matter happen in one day one time, because it thinks that fair is a dangerous friend)】 特效四:狂乱(疯魔扑克很重视公平,所以在以一敌多时,它会引导敌人们的力量去互相冲击;当然了,它在一天内只会让这种事发生一次,因为它认为公平是个危险的朋友)】 Special Effect five: Kills insanely( enchanted poker filled curiously to Death, but it still craves in through slaughtering to assure oneself security, why when was asked must in so doing, its reply is- I do not like getting to the bottom)】 特效五:疯杀(疯魔扑克对死亡充满了好奇,但它依然热衷于通过杀戮来保证自己的安全,当被问起为什么要这样做时,它的回答是-我不喜欢刨根问底)】 Equipment condition: You think that you are my master? The lunatics think! Hahahaha!】 装备条件:你以为自己是我的主人?疯子才会这么想!哈哈哈哈!】 Note: Some powerful soul after is completely grasping the Gambit ability fragment its transformation for fearful weapon, on this poker the carrying/sustaining was exceeding Death and frightened consciousness energy, its......! Is who talked nonsense in my note? Which do you mix? You! What did this fellow say to you? Considers as finished...... that is not unimportant, no matter he said anything, your anything does not know! Understood?】 【备注:某个强大的灵魂在完全掌握了Gambit的能力碎片后将其转化为了一件可怕的武器,这副扑克上承载着超越了死亡与恐惧的意识能量,它的……嘿!是谁在我的备注里胡说八道?你混哪儿的?还有你!这家伙都跟你说了什么?算了……那不重要,不管他说了什么,你什么都不知道!明白吗?】
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