TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#938: Must win the bureau

Listened to the threat of Dracula, Long Aomin is not timid, sneers is satirizing saying: I may not have the time to consider your mood......” 听了德古拉的恐吓,龙傲旻毫不畏怯,冷笑着讽道:“我可没时间照顾你的情绪……” Then, his under foot treads, jumps suddenly. 说罢,他就脚下一踏,猛然跃起。 When that taking off shaking strength however obstinately standing in Greedy Wolf of not far away shakes sits pours in the place. 那起跳时的撼然之力愣是把站在不远处的贪狼震得重新坐倒在地。 Bang- 轰- The next second, thunders along with another, turbulent strong gale before the Long Aomin body emitted, charged into Dracula. 下一秒,伴随着又一声轰鸣,一阵汹涌的烈风从龙傲旻身前放出,冲向了德古拉 This is Dragon knight Third skill- 【The dragon soaring wing cuts: Starts the big dragon mantle wind to raid in the jump, attacks all target in front straight line( including allied force injury). 此乃【龙骑士】技能之三-【龙腾翼斩】:于跳跃中发动巨龙展翼般的风袭,攻击前方一直线上的所有目标(含友军伤害)。 Snort...... such insignificant ability......” Dracula cold snort/hum, will be changed into the human form by the bat shortly, and flings the back cloak. “哼……雕虫小技……”德古拉冷哼一声,顷刻间又由蝙蝠重新化为人形,并将背后的披风一甩。 In 【The dragon soaring wing cuts Will soon hit his instantly, appears with the ground vertical black light beam together instantaneously, covers in which the Dracula figure. 就在【龙腾翼斩】即将命中他的刹那,一道与地面垂直的黑色光柱瞬间出现,把德古拉的身形笼罩其中。 The strong gale then puts on the light, but, was slanting the bang to put on above the main hall ceiling. But that light beam actually draws in rapidly, vanished with Dracula in the line of sight of players together. 紧接着,烈风便“穿光而过”,斜着轰穿了大殿上方的天花板。而那光柱却是迅速收拢,与德古拉一同消失在了玩家们的视线中。 After two seconds, the same light beam appeared in another ten meters away, delivered Dracula. 两秒后,相同的光柱又出现在了十余米外的另一处,将德古拉送了回来。 Phase shift?” Witnessed this move of Greedy Wolf said the method that the Count used immediately. “相位移动?”目睹了这一招的贪狼立即道出了伯爵所使用的手段。 Indeed, what the Count uses is the skill of similar phase shift, moreover his move invincible determination time non- eternal......, so long as the light beam appears, without complete coverage his body, he will be regarded as will still enter phase space, at this time any will not have the attack of hyperspace destructive power to be useless to him. When likewise, he through the light beam moves to another Coordinate, before the light beam completely vanishes, he same is the invincible condition. 的确,伯爵用的是类似相位移动的技巧,而且他这招的“无敌判定”时间非常久……只要光柱出现,即使没有完全覆盖住他的身体,他也会被视为“进入了相位空间”中,此时任何不具备超空间破坏力的攻击对他都是没用的。同理,当他通过光柱移动到另一个坐标时,在光柱完全消失以前,他一样是无敌状态。 Raises while convenient, the cooling time of Count skill...... is only six seconds. 顺带一提,伯爵这个技能的冷却时间……只有六秒钟。 Like skill of this invincible additional displacement, if transforms the skill card that the player may study, that cooling time a half hour has not been impossible, but BOSS has the privilege, is is so mindless. 像这种无敌加位移的技能,如果转化成玩家可学的技能卡,那冷却时间没个半小时是不可能的,但BOSS就是有特权,就是这么不讲理。 Naturally, this move also has weakness, so long as understood the rule of this/should skill, can see flaw that two may stress: First, each time motion hable accessible most long-distance range only then 20 meters, and when the Count presents the level is highly invariable ; Second, the time that the light beam appears and vanishes the time , and movement spends to be fixed, and Count before is separated from the light beam is completely unable to move. 当然了,这招也是有弱点的,只要了解了该技能的规律,就能看出两个可抓的破绽:一,每次移动可达到的最远距离只有二十米,且伯爵出现时的水平高度不变;二,光柱出现和消失的时间、以及移动所花的时间都是固定的,且伯爵本人在完全脱离光柱前无法移动。 However...... Long Aomin and Greedy Wolf do not have Feng Bujue that type observed data ability, they are impossible only to look that masters this/should skill one time the rule ; In fact, even if they looked 45 times, is unable 100% to determine oneself see clearly actually rule is BOSS is intentional inevitably. Therefore, suddenly they are unable to decode this move. 但是……龙傲旻贪狼并不具备封不觉那种“观察数据”的能力,他们不可能只看一次就掌握该技能的规律;事实上,就算他们看了四五次,也无法百分之百去确定自己所洞察到的“规律”究竟是一种必然还是BOSS有意为之。因此,一时间他们根本无从破解此招。 As Demon Lord......” Long Aomin falls to the ground after the midair, fearlessly stands, looks at Dracula saying that „...... was hit by me flees to the wilderness, was too rather ugly?” “身为魔王……”龙傲旻从半空落地后,昂然一立,望着德古拉道,“……被我打得落荒而逃,未免太难看了吧?” Brother Long now is very stimulated, but has not lost the reason. He also looked, by the mobility, Dracula was much stronger, if the opposite party ran away full power, even if Dragon knight The attack and defense of shape does not have the opportunity again. Therefore...... he used very simply actually often very effective method- method of goading somebody into action. 龙哥现在很亢奋,但并没有失去理智。他也看出来了,论机动性,德古拉比自己强得多,若是对方全力逃遁,哪怕【龙骑士】形态的攻防再强也无用武之地。所以……他用了个很简单却往往很有效的法子-激将法。 However, the response of Dracula is actually...... 然而,德古拉的反应却是…… Your provocation does not have the significance to me.” The tone of Count is calm, the manner is free ; Previously quilt Divine Dragon swings the tail Body of crushing, then also in he changed from the bat the body came back fully restored, opposite, your behavior also exposed to your disadvantageous information......” he is saying, while improved the float altitude, was far away from Brother Long several points, its one, your speed could not catch up with me, therefore can only tempt me to meet head-on through the provocation on own initiative ; The dragon breath and wind pressure that second, you release...... are your long-range strike capabilities, is unable to repeat to start in a short time ; Third, your strength at this moment...... thinks that has the time to limit?” “你的挑衅对我来说毫无意义。”伯爵的语气波澜不惊,神态自若;此前被【神龙摆尾】击碎的身体,也在他从蝙蝠重新变身回来之时便完全恢复了,“相反,你的这种行为还暴露出了许多对你不利的信息……”他一边说着,一边又提高了悬浮的高度,远离了龙哥几分,“其一,你的速度追不上我,故而只能通过挑衅诱我主动迎战;其二,你方才释放的龙息和风压……即你的远程打击能力,是无法在短时间内重复发动的;其三,你此刻的这种力量……想必是有时间限制的吧?” Dracula these words saying, Brother Long also has not responded, nearby Greedy Wolf has been scolding at heart: „Does this BOSS intelligence also dare the high spot? Is this analysis capability fiercer than most players? Can this play?” 德古拉这番话说完,龙哥还有没回应,一旁的贪狼已经在心里骂上了:“这BOSS的智能还敢更高点么?这分析能力已经比大部分玩家都要厉害了吧?这能玩儿?” - after” several seconds, Long Aomin long implored the one breath, really did not have the means...... to lose below.” “呼-”数秒后,龙傲旻长吁一口气,“真没办法……是在下输了。” Suddenly, his war intent then dissipated most probably, Battle Qi also sharply fell 90%. 眨眼间,他身上的战意便消散了大半,斗气亦是锐减了90%。 What?” Greedy Wolf was startled, he with all the audience who watched the live broadcast together startled. “什么?”贪狼都惊了,他和所有正在观看直播的观众一起惊了。 Hey! also had the actor's pay also to explode a type after several hundred chapters with great difficulty while convenient, finally did you end like this?” 喂!时隔几百章好不容易又有了戏份顺带还爆了个种,结果你就这样收场吗?” Good, the above those words were not Greedy Wolf said that but was I replaces everyone to say. 好吧,以上那句话不是贪狼说的,而是我代替大家说的。 My situation had been seen through by the opposite party, moreover how isn't this fellow the type that type will make...... I can also?” Long Aomin turns the head to look to Greedy Wolf, shrugs saying that I can also the flying be inadequate?” “我的情况都已被对方看穿了,而且这家伙也不是那种会作死的类型……我还能怎么样?”龙傲旻转头看向贪狼,耸肩道,“难道我还能飞天不成?” Un, very correct judgment.” Floats after Dracula of high place heard word also nods to meet saying that compared with making some unproductive attempts, is inferior......” “嗯,很正确的判断。”浮在高处的德古拉闻言后也点头接道,“比起做些徒劳的尝试,不如……” His words cannot say, because that flickers, the Vampire instinct made him catch fatal aura...... 他的话没能说完,因为那一瞬,吸血鬼的本能让他捕捉到了一丝致命的气息…… Roar- 吼- That second, is a dragon recites resounds suddenly. 那一秒,又是一声龙吟骤然响起。 Energy blasting open of surging splits open, making the entire space the air stagnate. 激荡的能量炸裂般绽开,让整个空间的空气都为之一滞。 Obviously, Long Aomin restrained the imposing manner, not really admitting defeat ; Words that he spoke, to let the enemy relaxes vigilantly. 很显然,龙傲旻收敛了气势,并非是真的“认输”了;他所说的话,也只是为了让敌人放松警惕而已。 At this moment the style that he puts forth, must hold the breath to burst out to be able Battle Qi of dragon to stimulate to movement with rapt attention and instantaneously- wyvern in day. 此刻他使出的招式,是须要屏息凝神、瞬间将龙之斗气迸发出来才能催动的-【飞龙在天】。 But sees, together dragon Yingzha present, Brother Long also such as the dragon of flying ascending to heaven, he Orichalcos Shield before the body, the whole person charged into Dracula like a missile. 但见,一道龙影乍现,龙哥也如升天之龙般飞天而起,他将奥利哈刚之盾架在身前,整个人如同一枚导弹般冲向了德古拉 This move of speed quick, explosive force, absolutely is as good any Level S guarantee murder technique. Is faces directly Shiva Soul Intent Eye of Destruction...... The victory and defeat may not know. 此招速度之快、爆发力之强,绝对不逊于任何一个S级必杀技。就是去直面湿婆魂意毁灭之眼】……胜负也未尝可知。 Briefly...... this move, at the Dracula this BOSS intensity, cannot meet. 简单地说……这招,以德古拉这个BOSS的强度而言,不能接。 The Count firmly is not the person who that type will go to shoulder to die hardly strikes, but he is very clear, this impact cannot shunt with the phase shift, because wyvern in day Energy display it can definitely affect in the material to phase space to a certain extent. 伯爵确也不是那种会去硬扛必死之击的人,但是他很清楚,这次冲击用相位移动是躲不开的,因为【飞龙在天】的能量显示它肯定能在一定程度上影响到相位空间中的物质。 Unexpectedly compelled this situation me......” among that electric light flint, in the Dracula heart the secretly thought, „can only reveal that shape......” “居然把我逼到了这种地步……”那电光火石之间,德古拉心中暗道,“只能显露出‘那个形态’了吗……” Unexpectedly! In the meantime, the mutation lives steep! 不料!就在此时,异变陡生! Actually sees the great shadow...... not to know kills together from where, it used before leaping the body of Dracula with the Long Aomin close speed unexpectedly...... kept off furiously. 却见一道巨影……不知从何处杀出,它竟用着与龙傲旻相近的速度冲跃到了德古拉的身前……奋力一挡。 Bang- 嘭- After a half second, but hears a loud sound. 半秒后,但闻一声巨响。 Orichalcos Shield hit above that say/way great shadow, hit it disintegrates. 奥利哈刚之盾撞在了那道巨影之上,将其撞得分崩离析。 The air current storm of hit swept across the entire main hall, Long Aomin crashed because of strength of the recoil, fell layer on layer/heavily on the ground. After falling to the ground, Dragon knight Changes the body effect rapid to remove from him, his Health also received the enormous damage. 撞击的气流似风暴般席卷了整个大殿,龙傲旻因一股反冲之力坠落而下,重重地摔在了地上。落地后,【龙骑士】的变身效果迅速从他身上褪去,他的生存值也受到了极大的损伤。 But Dracula...... under that great shadow protection, actually returns safe and sound. 德古拉……在那巨影的保护下,却是毫发未伤。 Greedy Wolf this little while already basically since Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence In the negative effect was separated, he was less to think, immediately rushes goes to discharge the First Aid Healing skill to Brother Long. 贪狼这会儿已基本从【苟延残喘】的负面效果中脱离出来了,他不及多想,立刻冲上前去对龙哥施放了医疗技能。 He very clear...... present one second cannot delay, so long as Brother Long lies down about ten seconds there, Dracula can both kill them. 他很清楚……现在一秒都耽搁不起,只要龙哥在那儿躺个十秒左右,德古拉就能将他俩双双击毙。 But...... is in the in the air Count, does not seem to make use the meaning of pursuit. 但……身在空中的伯爵,似乎并没有趁势追击的意思。 He floats in the midair, is looking at present these destroy the fragment that fluttering falls, stood still for two seconds. 他浮在半空,望着眼前那些被打碎的、翻飞掉落的碎片,静立了两秒。 Then, a Count slightly movement, raise hand held one. But that together...... Frankenstein's head. 然后,伯爵略一移动,抬手抓住了其中的一块。而那一块……正是弗兰肯斯坦的头颅。 Old friend, you do not need to do that.” The Dracula facial expression moves slightly, holds Frankenstein's face to say with both hands. “老朋友,你不必这么做的。”德古拉神情微动,用双手捧着弗兰肯斯坦的脸道。 I...... the companion...... made anything...... I...... very happily......” the head of that Frankenstein to squeeze out several words from the throat off and on, later closed the eye slowly. “我……同伴……做点什么……我……很高兴……”那科学怪人的头颅断断续续地从喉咙里挤出了几句话,随后就缓缓地闭上了眼睛。 Rests, the old friend, I thinks that...... we will also say goodbye quickly.” Dracula is saying, lowered the head to look at two player one of the ground, then, he has not gone to launch the attack unexpectedly, but takes the head of companion, the gap from ceiling flew away silently...... “安息吧,老朋友,我想……我们很快又会再见了。”德古拉说着,低头望了地上的两名玩家一眼,接着,他竟然还是没有去发动攻击,而是拿着同伴的头颅,默默地从天花板上的缺口飞走了…… ............ ………… Late, 11.5 15, Puts behind garden Terminus. 晚,十一点五十五分,【忘却之庭院】尽头。 Here, leads to Chaos Place, when is the castle appears that black light beam blowout zero point. 这里,是通往【混沌】之地,也是城堡出现时那道黑色光柱喷出的原点。 Can see the sky from here, but is not the sky of the world, but is one piece dark blue, is embellishing various strange strange scenery foreign land vaults of heaven. 从这里可以看到天空,但不是人间的天空,而是一片深蓝色的、点缀着各种奇诡异景的异域苍穹。 The broad space, is built by the purple, blue color and white bricks and stones, is also setting up some Greek style columns and statue groups all around, respectively is being crowded around by the rose and thorn clump, calculates the quite weird combination. 广阔的空间,由紫色、蓝色和白色的砖石砌成,周遭还立着一些希腊式的立柱和雕像群,分别由玫瑰和荆棘丛簇拥着,也算颇为怪诞的组合。 fu- fu- 噗呋-噗呋- With the sound of wing fanning, a bat flies from the distant place. 伴随着一阵翅膀扇动之声,一只蝙蝠从远处飞来。 Soon, he then changes to the human form, falls to the ground swiftly. 不多时,他便化作人形,倏然落地。 Feng Bujue?” Dracula looks at present two small young girl, asked cold. 疯不觉呢?”德古拉看着眼前的两个小丫头,冷然问道。 He also has other matter to be busy.” The Ruoyu facial expression ice-cold is facing present Demon Lord, responded calmly. “他还有别的事要忙。”若雨神情冰冷地面对着眼前的魔王,平静地回应道。 That charm amulet?” Dracula also asked. “那护身符呢?”德古拉又问道。 In here.” Stands returns when Ruoyu behind Xiao Ling said that spoke this saying, she also took up that Item, demonstrated before the Count. “在我这里。”站在若雨身后的小灵回道,说这话时,她还拿起了那个物品,在伯爵面前展示了一下。 The vision of Count has swept their faces, after silent moment, opens the mouth to say again: „Didn't you plan to destroy it......?” 伯爵的目光扫过她们的脸,沉默片刻后,再度开口道:“你们并不打算毁了它……是吗?” Right.” At this moment, the players have not needed to conceal anything again, Ruoyu gave the affirmative reply. “对。”事到如今,玩家们已无需再隐瞒什么,若雨给出了肯定的回答。 You......” Dracula look to Xiao Ling, wants through the incantation starts side opening the gate of prison the ceremony?” “你……”德古拉又看向小灵,“想要通过咒语发动‘开启边狱之门’的仪式是吗?” „.” Xiao Ling should also say. “正是。”小灵也应道。 Really......” Dracula sinking sound discussed. “果然如此……”德古拉沉声念道。 „Very regrettable, we are unable to make you achieve wishes.” Ruoyu meets to say indifferently. “很遗憾,我们无法让你如愿。”若雨淡然接道。 Mr. Dracula, if you must blame...... blame that fellow named Feng Bujue.” Xiao Ling joked with the Count at this time very much mischievously, at any time, after a to you very bad matter, you can sum up the issue to three- one is the mistake of the world ; second, when the mistake of feudal official, three are the Feng Bujue mistakes.” 德古拉先生,如果你要责怪……就怪那个叫疯不觉的家伙吧。”小灵这时很调皮地跟伯爵开了个玩笑,“任何时候,当一件对你来说很糟糕的事情发生后,你都可以将问题归结到三处-一是世界的错、二是时臣的错、三就是疯不觉的错。” Very oh no?” Dracula repeated this word, and light snort/hum, snort/hum...... looked like you are the misunderstanding......” “很糟糕?”德古拉将这个词重复了一遍,并轻哼一声,“哼……看来你们是误会了啊……” Such remarks, two players all are the facial expression change. 此言一出,两名玩家皆是神情一变。 I have detected your true goal.” Dracula then said, you think you dialogue in castle I really can't hear?” “我早已察觉了你们的真正目的。”德古拉接着说道,“你们以为自己在城堡中的对话我真的听不见吗?” Excuse that not necessarily......” Xiao Ling does not believe the opposite party, „, if you have really had long known our plan, why also does need to pretend to know nothing helps us?” “不见得吧……”小灵不太相信对方的说辞,“如果你真的早就知道了我们的计划,为什么还要装作一无所知地来帮助我们呢?” „Very simple.” Dracula spreads out both hands, I from the beginning, do not have the plan to destroy the charm amulet......” “很简单。”德古拉摊开双手,“我从一开始,就没打算要摧毁护身符……” ............ ………… At the same time, Chronometer tower Top layer. 同一时刻,【时计塔】顶层。 The gloomy sky and giant clock tower composed here background, on one open grey stone slab floor tiles, diminutive, wears the form of purple long suit to stand at the back of both hands. 灰暗的天空与巨大的钟塔组成了这里的背景,一片开阔灰色石板地砖上,一个矮小的、身着紫色长西装的身影背着双手站立着。 His front piece swings with the wind, one is not long, soft hair also already in wind disorderly. 他的衣襟随风摆动,一头并不算长的、柔软的头发也已在风中凌乱。 Two...... come just in time.” Hears the sound of footsteps instantly, Feng Bujue looks up to the bell of high place, said easely. “二位……来得正是时候。”听到脚步声的刹那,封不觉抬头望向高处的大钟,悠然言道。 Just stepped onto Greedy Wolf and Long Aomin of this platform from the stair also recognized the Jue Bro back immediately. 刚从台阶走上这层平台的贪狼龙傲旻也立即认出了觉哥的背影。 Drags to the midnight when specially, makes the reason that here comes...... Greedy Wolf go forward several us, asks, „...... can explain?” “特意拖到午夜将至之时,才把我们引到这里来的原因……”贪狼上前几步,问道,“……能解释一下吗?” You watch the video recording after the game.” Feng Bujue turns around, returns lightly said, facing your such opponents, I must be more discrete the line...... before all settle down disclosed that the information to you, will increase the probability that you overturn.” “你赛后自己去看录像吧。”封不觉转过身来,淡淡地回道,“面对你们这样的对手,我必须谨慎一些才行……在一切尘埃落定之前透露情报给你们,会增加你们翻盘的几率。” Hehe...... is really may be called the cruel adviser......” Greedy Wolf also say, „, but......, even if you did not say, I can still guess correctly 12.” He stopped for two seconds, meets saying that at present, your teammates here, this do not explain they are busy other matter ; The recombination you delay the playing time to the midnight forcefully...... I whether to think...... your team received one with film title CG in ceremony related Quest?” “呵呵……真是个堪称残忍的谋士啊……”贪狼又道,“但……就算你不说,我也能猜到一二。”他停顿了两秒,接道,“眼下,你的队友们都不在这儿,这说明她们正在忙着别的事情;再结合你强行把比赛时间拖到午夜……我能否认为……你们队接到了一项与片头CG中的‘仪式’有关的任务?” No comment.” Feng Bujue remains unmoved, responded to the opposite party with these four characters at a moderate pace. The tone and expression...... do not expose weaknesses completely, making the opponent not catch the slight psychological activity. “无可奉告。”封不觉不为所动,不紧不慢地用这四个字回应了对方。其语气、表情……完全不露破绽,让对手捕捉不到丝毫的心理活动。 Brother Feng.” At this time, Brother Long also opened the mouth, I did not say these obliquely, I you told solid......” he struck one's chest, our conditions now are good, although Stamina was discontented, the skill has also consumed, but at least had 70% strengths.” He lifts the arm to aim at Jue Bro, „, but you wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, even if were not the full condition cannot miss many.” 封兄。”这时,龙哥也开口了,“我就不拐弯抹角地说那些了,我跟你说点实在的……”他一拍胸脯,“我俩的状态现在还不错,体能值虽然不满,技能也有所消耗,但至少还是具备70%战力的。”他举臂指向觉哥,“而你以逸待劳,就算不是满状态也差不了多少。” „......” Brother Long smiles open-minded, Brother Feng you thought that...... under this situation, by an enemy two, you have several tenths assurance to win?” “呵……”龙哥豁达地笑了笑,“封兄你觉得……在这种局势下,以一敌二,你有几成把握能胜?” Asked well.” Feng Bujue is saying, raises single-handed, a poker of flash then appeared in his hand. “问得好。”封不觉说着,单手一扬,一副闪光的扑克便出现在了他的手中。 Greedy Wolf and Long Aomin know that this is Death Poker, But Death Poker at this moment and they had seen in the past is very different, that sent out the shape that the golden light the poker became black light overflowed unexpectedly. 贪狼龙傲旻都知道这是【死亡扑克】,但此刻的死亡扑克与以往他们见过的很不一样,那原本发出金光的扑克竟是成了“黑光”四溢的形态。 „The words that wants me to speak...... Jue Bro returns categorically said that „...... ten tenths.” “非要我说的话……”觉哥斩钉截铁地回道,“……十成。”
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