TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#937: Dragon knight

The system voice that short eight characters have not read, in the brain of Greedy Wolf has flashed through a series of thoughts. 系统语音那短短八个字还没念完,贪狼的脑中已经闪过了一连串的念头。 He is very clear, the renewal of Quest, has trigger condition inevitably. Usually...... this condition or arrived in some place, either to attain some type of Item, to run into some character either , a possibility, arrived at some specific time point. 他很清楚,任务的更新,必然是有“触发条件”的。通常来讲……这“条件”要么是抵达了某个地点、要么是拿到了某样物品、要么是遇到了某个人物、还有一种可能,就是来到了某个特定的时间点。 The Quest prompt that at present blade edge obtains, naturally also conforms to the above rule. 眼下刀锋得到的任务提示,自然也符合上述的规律。 Therefore, Greedy Wolf conducted screening with the elimination method rapidly...... 于是,贪狼迅速用排除法进行了筛选…… First, they step into among the thrones time has not heard the voice prompt, therefore „the transformation of place is not the trigger condition ; Next, they current have not started any and Plot related Item, therefore Obtained Items is not the trigger condition ; Third, from time level, at least according to the estimate of Greedy Wolf...... at this moment not any specific time point. Therefore, time of arrival point is also not the trigger condition. 首先,他们踏入王座之间的时候并没有听到语音提示,所以“地点的转换”不是触发条件;其次,他们当前也没有入手任何与剧情相关物品,所以“获得物品”也不是触发条件;其三,从时间层面来看,至少根据贪狼的估算……此刻并不是任何一个特定的时间点。因此,“抵达时间点”亦不是触发条件。 In summary, answer vivid- they met some character to cause Quest to renew. 综上所述,答案呼之欲出-他们是遇到了某个“人物”才导致任务更新的。 But from the Quest content- Kills Demon Lord Dracula Infers, what they meet is who, is very obvious...... 而从任务的内容-【杀死魔王德古拉】来推断,他们遇到的是“谁”,也已经很明显了…… Attention!” First a few words are still roaring must pursue Greedy Wolf of Hell Front team member, changed a statement in two seconds suddenly, he stopped the footsteps, to turn head toward the teammates to shout greatly, Demon Lord is attaching......” “注意!”前一句话还在吼着要追击地狱前线队员的贪狼,在两秒内突然改口,他刹住脚步、扭头朝队友们大喊道,“魔王就在附……” - 呼- The black fresh breeze raids together, making his words stop suddenly. 一道黑色的劲风袭来,让他的话戛然而止。 When Brother Long and Seven Kill responded, Greedy Wolf had been seized the neck to lift by Dracula. 龙哥七杀反应过来时,贪狼已被德古拉掐住脖子举了起来。 Your three......” Count with single-handed restrained Greedy Wolf steadily, no matter what the latter struggled there furiously, he also remained unmoved, what...... previously used was Athena_Exclamation( i.e.Athena exclaims in surprise, three golden Saint Seiya microcosm promotion to limit centralized at 1 : 00 style that launched attack)? ” “你们三个……”伯爵用单手就稳稳地扼制住了贪狼,任后者在那里奋力挣扎,他也不为所动,“……先前用的是Athena_Exclamation(即“雅典娜之惊叹”,三位黄金圣斗士将小宇宙提升至极限并集中在一点进行攻击的招式)吧?” Worthily is Scenario total BOSS, this Count Dracula also is really experienced, he not only can recognize Feng Bujue's YiDa, but can also distinguish the blade edge three people of combination techniques. 不愧是剧本总BOSS,这位德古拉伯爵还真是见多识广,他不但能认出封不觉的燚龘,还能识别刀锋三人的组合技。 To be honest, I very surprised......” Dracula have not waited for the opposite party to respond, then said, I think your outsider will use some strange item, has not thought that...... you have the strength of this level.” “说实话,我很吃惊……”德古拉没等对方回应,就接着说道,“我本以为你们这些异界旅客只是会使用一些奇异的道具而已,没想到……你们还具备着这种层次的力量。” He is saying, while increased the strength on hand. 他一边说着,一边加大了手上的力道。 Greedy Wolf that slender neck may be unable to bear this oppression, during several seconds his complexion by red revolutions purple, entered the anoxic condition. 贪狼那纤细的颈部可受不了这种压迫,几秒间他的脸色就由红转紫,进入了缺氧状态。 Perhaps even I, cannot receive such style directly.” Dracula is saying, the thrust augmentation, prepares to fall the Greedy Wolf life on this result again, „......, so long as makes you unable to collect three people, should be able to block that move directly......” “就算是我,恐怕也不能正面接下那样的招式。”德古拉说着,再度加力,准备就此结果掉贪狼的性命,“不过……只要让你们凑不齐‘三人’,应该就可以直接封杀那招……” Bang- 轰- Dracula finishes barely the words, a deafening sound has started. 德古拉话音未落,一声震响已然乍起。 But sees Long Aomin whole body Battle Qi to explode, lifts the shield to stick out suddenly, Barbaric dashing Coming. 但见龙傲旻全身斗气一爆,举盾暴起,一记【野蛮冲撞】呼啸而来。 „...... The Dracula look was indifferent depending on this degree of unique skill, held up another arm, kept off with the single-handed palm, „...... wants to save your companion?” “凭这种程度的绝招……”德古拉神色淡然,举起了另一条胳膊,用单手的手掌一挡,“……就想救你的同伴吗?” The next second, only hears bang, the shield surface hit on the palm of Dracula. 下一秒,只听得“嘭”的一声,盾面撞在了德古拉的手掌上。 Brother Long also expected BOSS not to receive anything to cause heavy losses, what he has not thought after was...... meets to incur the Count was sets up, the mark silk not to move unexpectedly steadily same place, looked like bare-handed catches cardboard box that a direct impact came to be the same simply. 龙哥也料到了BOSS不会受到什么重创,但他没想到的是……接招后的伯爵竟是稳立原地、纹丝未动,简直就像是徒手接住了一个直冲而来的纸箱子一样。 It seems like you imagine compared with me must......” Brother Long lift to say after the shield. “看来你比我想象中还要强很多啊……”龙哥在盾后抬首言道。 Your imagination and my what does/works?” The Dracula attitude is like that cold. “你的想象与我何干?”德古拉的态度还是那般冷然。 Snort......” Brother Long cold snort/hum, is good because of...... us also has the subsequent hand.” “哼……”龙哥冷哼一声,“好在……咱们还有后手。” Un?” Dracula hears word, realized anything suddenly, but already late...... “嗯?”德古拉闻言,忽地意识到了什么,但已经晚了…… This second, Seven Kill has used his classics combo- Shadow step in addition heaven shaking penetrating to the bone fist. 这一秒,七杀已经用出了他的经典连招-【暗影步】加【惊天透骨拳】。 Passes through thoroughly the strength astonishing fist front to infiltrate from the Dracula waist, the long jab vertebra( Seven Kill will generally speaking hit back of the body, but such forms a mutual financing association influence might at his present height), even if the destructive power of skill came under the influence of children's physique, but still aggressive incomparable. 贯透力惊人的拳锋从德古拉后腰打入,直击脊椎(一般来说七杀会打后心,但以他现在的身高那样打会影响威力),纵然技能的破坏力受到了儿童体格的影响,但依然凶悍无比。 -” Dracula stuffy snort/hum, seized the hand of Greedy Wolf cannot help but to let loose. “唔-”德古拉闷哼一声,掐住贪狼的手不由自主地放开了。 When neck of Greedy Wolf loosened instantly, he has only remained finally 2% Health, of landing, he nearly because of dropping the injury plunges to death while still alive...... is good in his Skill bar also in the skill that can help oneself...... 贪狼的颈部被松开的刹那,他已仅剩最后2%的生存值了,落地的那一下,他险些因跌落伤害活活摔死……好在他的技能栏里还有一个可以自救的技能…… Name: Barely managing to maintain a feeble existence 名称:苟延残喘】 Skill Card Attribute: Passive Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:被动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: First Aid Healing 技能类别:医疗 Effect: When you receive mortally injured, making this injury invalid.】 【效果:当你受到致命伤害时,使这次伤害无效。】 Consumption: Presently all Health 【消耗:当前所有生存值 Learning Prerequisite: First Aid Healing Specialization A 学习条件:医疗专精A】 Note: When Health is less was equal when 20% triggers only then, only may trigger every ten hours one time ; Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence instance that becomes effective, your Health will lose will calculate as usual, the injury of overflow can transform into the corresponding spirit and physical body impact ; After this/should computation ended, your Health will return to 21% 【备注:当生存值少于等于20%时方可触发,每十小时仅可触发一次;苟延残喘生效的瞬间,你的生存值损失将照常计算,溢出的伤害会转变为相应的精神和肉体冲击;在该计算结束后,你的生存值将回到21%】 Existence of this skill, making the Greedy Wolf survival capability greatly promote. 这个技能的存在,让贪狼的生存能力大大提升。 Plays the people of First Aid Healing occupation to understand in the web, Greedy Wolf this type the type of pure First Aid Healing route, so long as the one breath, can return to not long fully the blood......, but Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence This passive technique, was equal to guaranteeing Greedy Wolf can have bringing back to life opportunity when the low volume of blood a time. 在网游中玩过医疗职业的人都明白,贪狼这种走纯医疗路线的类型,只要还有一口气在,不用多久就能把血回满……而【苟延残喘】这个被动技,等于保证了贪狼在低血量时能得到一次起死回生的机会。 In fact, Greedy Wolf also is under the Instant kill attack of Blood Corpse God that supervelocity ultra strength, will appear will have no alternative ; The way copes with him like Dracula uses pinching, he can live on the contrary. 事实上,贪狼也只有遇到血尸神那种超速度超力量的秒杀型攻击,才会显得无可奈何;像德古拉这样用“掐”的方式来对付他,他反倒可以活下来。 However, this skill...... must pay certain price obviously, did not mean that you can shoulder a nuclear bomb with your blood skin with ease...... by correspondingly the spirit and physical body impact this, is quite awfully. 但是,这个技能……显然也是得付出一定代价的,并不是说你能轻轻松松地就用自己的血皮去扛个核弹了……“受到相应的精神和肉体冲击”这一条,可是相当要命。 Should still some people remember, Feng Bujue had had several times „the Stamina nulling operation experience, even by the Jue Bro carrying capacity, that is very painful experience. 应该还有人记得,封不觉曾经有过几次“体能值归零”的经历,即使以觉哥的承受力而言,那都是十分痛苦的体验。 From this not difficult to imagine, Health nulling operation, and has not changed to the situation that the white light dissipates, the pain of withstands intense...... 由此不难想象,“生存值归零”、且没有化作白光消散的情况下,所承受的痛苦会有多强烈…… For example, if Greedy Wolf shouldered one move to hit his 2% volumes of blood with 1% volumes of blood the skills, then he must bear the spiritual impact that 1% injuries of overflow transformed, basically...... was the degree of having a dizzy spell and disgustingly feeling weak. 举例来说,假如贪狼用1%的血量扛了一招能打他2%血量的技能,那么他就得承受溢出的1%伤害所转化出来的精神冲击,基本上……就是头晕目眩、恶心乏力的程度。 If Greedy Wolf shouldered one move to hit his 20% volumes of blood with 1% volumes of blood the skills, then he must bear the spiritual impact that 19% injuries of overflow transformed, that degree in the dizziness disgusting foundation, may have the whole body severe pain and neuralgia body feels...... 而假如贪狼用1%的血量扛了一招能打他20%血量的技能,那么他就得承受溢出的19%伤害所转化出来的精神冲击,那种程度可能就会在头晕恶心的基础上,出现全身剧痛以及神经痛的体感了…… and so on, we are conceivable, if he really shouldered a round of nuclear bomb...... that to be with 1% volumes of blood what result. 以此类推,我们可以想象,假如他真的用1%的血量扛了一发核弹……那会是个什么结果。 Naturally, if really has that possibility to cause the situation of player nervous breakdown, system definitely when the energetic carrying capacity of player will achieve the critical point will force to separate the nerve connection, after its operation precision can precisely to the decimal point , the microseconds of many zero, will not make one play to play are made into the vegetable. 当然了,如果真的出现那种可能导致玩家精神崩溃的情况,系统肯定会在玩家的精神承受力达到临界点时强制断开神经连接的,其操作精度可以精确到小数点后很多零的微秒,绝不会让人玩个游戏被弄成植物人的。 Oh......” 呃……” After two seconds, was broken Dracula of vertebra to exude one to chant in a low voice, and says: so that's how it is...... to attract my attention...... he has turned the head slowly with of shield, looked to back Seven Kill, you...... did well......” 两秒后,被打断了脊椎的德古拉发出一声低吟,并开口说道:“原来如此……拿盾的那个只是为了吸引我的注意力而已吗……”他缓缓转过头去,看向了背后的七杀,“你们……干得不错……” This time, he praised players one unexpectedly, this is not the good sign...... this when playing certain card signs plays with you hears opposite round to hit good and was sorry and so on lines are similar, will then often have bad matter. 这种时刻,他居然夸了玩家们一句,这可不是什么好兆头……这就跟你在玩某些卡牌游戏时听到对面发“打得不错”和“抱歉”之类的台词差不多,接下来往往会发生很糟糕的事情。 Un?” Really, after one second, Seven Kill raised the head to stare to Dracula, you!” His facial expression changing suddenly, because he discovered that oneself arm did not come back at the Demon Lord torso adduction by the card. “嗯?”果然,一秒后,七杀就抬头瞪向了德古拉,“你!”他的神情陡变,因为他发现自己的手臂被卡在魔王的躯干内收不回来了。 Cuts...... this fellow what's the matter?” That side Brother Long also discovered similar situation- own shield by the palm surface of opposite party holding. “切……这家伙是怎么回事?”龙哥那边也发现了类似的情况-自己的盾牌被对方的掌面给吸住了。 After Dracula arrives in short less than one minute of time, the blade edge three players had two to be immobilized the action by this BOSS, can crawl reluctantly from the ground( because body turned into child, the Greedy Wolf attacked influence was also enlarged), the dizzy stand could not come to a stop. 德古拉登场后短短一分钟不到的时间里,刀锋的三名玩家有两名被这BOSS钳制住了行动,还有一个勉强能从地上爬起来(由于身体变成了小孩,贪狼受到冲击后的影响也被放大了),晕晕乎乎的站都站不稳。 This...... is the Demon Lord strength, compared with previous all mini Boss, not in same level. 这……就是魔王的实力,和先前的所有小BOSS相比,根本就不在同一个层次上。 „Very regrettable, present you are not my opponent.” Dracula was broken the vertebra obviously, the action is free, the calm and composed appearance, that several chanted in a low voice a moment ago as if speaks thoughtlessly because of the ache ahem, Feng Bujue by named Diamond Bell Item takes the sacrificial offering, completes for hundred years some people had never realized successfully offering sacrifices ceremony,...... shouted......” him to implore the one breath my castle Summon to the present world smoothly, I at this moment, not only has the physical body of the world of mortals, and has the mental power quantity in purgatory...... I, never looks like now is so powerful.” “很遗憾,现在的你们远不是我的对手。”德古拉明明被打断了脊椎,却还是行动自如、气定神闲的样子,刚才那几声低吟似乎只是因为疼痛而随口哼唧的罢了,“疯不觉以一件名为【金刚铃】的物品作为祭品,完成了百年来从未有人成功实现过的献祭仪式,顺利将我的城堡召唤到了现世……呼……”他吁了一口气,“此刻的我,既具备凡间的肉体,又拥有炼狱中的精神力量……我,从未像现在这般强大过。” The words to here, the Count tone change: However you...... I can look, you, as well as Feng Bujue they...... were constrained by some strange strength, not in the best condition.” 话至此处,伯爵语气微变:“而你们……我可以看出来,你们、以及疯不觉他们……都受到了某种奇异力量的限制,并不在最佳的状态。” During the speeches, after he has used to loosen Greedy Wolf, that hand that sets aside, covered the Seven Kill crown of the head from top to bottom. 说话间,他已用松开贪狼后腾出的那只手,从上往下罩住了七杀的天灵盖。 Although you can put forth Athena_Exclamation that type to wreck my mortal body the style to come...... Dracula to sigh one sufficiently lightly, „, but I them will not give you like the werewolf the opportunity......” “虽然你们还是可以使出Athena_Exclamation那种足以击毁我肉身的招式来……”德古拉轻叹一声,“但我可不会像狼人他们那样给你们那种机会的……” Ka- ka ka- 咔-咔咔- The sounds of several skull disruption split open in this open environment. 紧接着,几声头骨碎裂的响动在这空阔的环境中绽开。 This mortal wound without a doubt returned to Login Space Seven Kill instantaneously, Greedy Wolf gave the teammate to add on an opportunity not to have continually. 这毫无疑问的致命伤瞬间就将七杀送回了登陆空间,贪狼连给队友加上一口的机会都没有。 „-” After the teammate Death prompt sound gets up, Long Aomin the vitality upwells immediately, calls out makes noise. “啊-”当队友死亡的提示音响起后,龙傲旻登时气血上涌,暴喝出声。 Brother Long is a quite straight person, he is broad and level and open-minded, the heavy affectionate righteousness, does not count the success and failure. He is one can, for the unknown person keeps off the person of bullet, therefore he when before police will be wounded, therefore he will be recruited by nine branch extraordinary parts, therefore...... he will appear today here. 龙哥是一个比较直的人,他坦荡、豁达,重情重义,不计得失。他是一个可以为了素不相识的人去挡枪子的人,所以他以前当警察时才会负伤,所以他才会被九科的特殊部门征召,所以……他今天才会出现在这里。 weapon that he chooses is a shield, that cannot even say that is weapon weapon often means the attack, but his idea is defense, is protection. Because, he most could not look the matter that...... is the companion dies in own front. 他选择的武器是盾,那甚至不能说是“武器”-武器往往意味着进攻,但他的理念是“防守”,是“守护”。因为,他最看不得的事情……就是同伴死在自己的面前。 However, at this time this place. Greedy Wolf, dropped down, Seven Kill, died in battle. 然,此时此地。贪狼,倒下了,七杀,阵亡了。 Long Aomin looks at all these to happen helplessly, actually anything cannot prevent. He felt suddenly that was lifted before the shield that the body is unable to move is so heavily, wants to drop to him seriously ; He felt simultaneously that shield is so frail, weakly to existing in name only...... 龙傲旻眼睁睁地看着这一切发生,却什么也没能阻止。他忽然感到那块被举在身前无法挪动的盾牌是如此得沉重,重到他想要放手;他同时又感到那盾牌是如此脆弱,弱到形同虚设…… Scolds- clicks the tongue- 叱-叱叱- Un?” When Dracula raise hand licks to lick the blood that on the finger is stained with, after he seemed heard the shield before body, heard the sound of intermittent energy surging. “嗯?”正当德古拉抬手舔舐着手指上沾到的鲜血时,他好似听到了身前的盾牌后传来了一阵阵能量涌动之声。 This is......” quick, the palm of Count felt that an astonishing thermal energy, one startled, he stopped suddenly to the absorption of shield. “这是……”很快,伯爵的手掌就感觉到了一股惊人的热能,一惊之下,他陡然停止了对盾牌的吸附。 You......” the Dracula expression changed, his calm disappears from the face does not see, what replaces it is dignified, „...... is hiding this strength unexpectedly......” “你……”德古拉的表情变了,他的从容从脸上消失不见,取而代之的是凝重,“……居然隐藏着这种力量……” At this moment, the Brother Long whole body ignited blazingly, Battle Qi of orange dragon, a brand-new strength has awakened. 这一刻,龙哥全身燃起了炽热的、橙色的龙之斗气,一种全新的力量已然觉醒。 Soul Intent- Dragon knight. 魂意-【龙骑士】。 „...... My not too clear this is anything......” Long Aomin moves ahead from the body the shield, caught the eye to look to Dracula. At this time, the Brother Long build changed in the original foundation strong about 30%, the surface of his muscle also presented amber brown scales, but his eyes became a pair of red gem, a pupil pupil body, „...... I only know that...... I must butcher you!” “呵……我也不太清楚这是什么……”龙傲旻将盾牌从身前移开,抬眼看向了德古拉。此时,龙哥的体型在原有基础上又变壮了30%左右,其肌肉的表面还出现了一层琥珀色的鳞甲,而他的双眼则是成了一对赤色的宝石,瞳眸一体,“……我只知道……我要宰了你!” The war cries get up suddenly, the form moves greatly. 杀声骤起,身影丕动。 Long Aomin one step treads, resembles the big dragon chen place unexpectedly, splits open the strength of shake, shakes the entire main hall to shiver. 龙傲旻一步一踏之间,竟似巨龙趻地,绽开震荡之力,震得整个大殿都在颤抖。 Duang...... Duang…… After one second, Brother Long is raising the shield to strike to footsteps impractical Dracula. 一秒后,龙哥对着脚步虚浮的德古拉扬盾一击。 This is Dragon knight One of shape skills- Divine Dragon swings the tail: By close combat attack that the shield launches, creates greatly hurts and causes the enemy dizziness. 此乃【龙骑士】形态技能之一-【神龙摆尾】:以盾牌发动的近战打击,造成巨大伤害并使敌人眩晕。 -” the self-control of Count is really actually good, his half torso was struck the meat sauce, is only one stuffy. “唔-”伯爵的涵养倒是真不错,他的半边躯干都被击成了肉酱,也只是一声闷哼而已。 Snort......” among that electric light flint, in the Dracula heart ponders to say secretly, „, although Feng Bujue makes me delay the time as far as possible, do not kill off their complete people, but under this aspect...... I , if not use some methods, feared that was the danger......” “哼……”那电光火石间,德古拉心中暗忖道,“虽然疯不觉让我尽量拖延时间,不要杀光他们全部的人,但这种局面下……我若再不施展些手段,怕是危险了啊……” Read and here, Dracula changes the body immediately, actually saw a light smoke illness/quick to rise, its incomplete figure changed into a bat rapidly, flew toward the high place. 念及此处,德古拉立刻变身,却见一阵青烟疾升,其残缺的身形迅速化为一只蝙蝠,朝高处飞去。 „To run?” Long Aomin sees that instantly before receiving the shield, to bow, treads and raises head drinks. “想跑?”龙傲旻见状,即刻收盾、屈膝前踏、仰头一喝。 But heard, a dragon recited to howl, raised a great flame that assumed the cone-shape to proliferate, needless one second, that flame gave the burn the ceiling of half main hall. 但闻,一声龙吟呼啸而出,掀出一片呈锥形扩散的巨焰,不消一秒,那火焰就将半个大殿的天花板都给烧焦了。 This is Dragon knight Second shape skill- dragon breath roared: Sends out the flame of dragon breath by the oral area, burns down all goal within front cone-shape range( including allied force injury). 此乃【龙骑士】形态技能之二-【龙息咆哮】:以口部发出龙息之焰,焚烧前方锥形范围内的一切目标(含友军伤害)。 „After stupid dragon......” the bat of Dracula incarnation had been burnt down, actually not burnt, but on him also remains dragon breath the flame. He from the sky returned to one, „...... I urged you not to enrage me!” “愚鲁的龙裔……”德古拉化身的蝙蝠被火烧过以后倒是没有焦,但他身上还残留着龙息的火苗。他在空中回了一句,“……我劝你别激怒我!”
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