TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#936: Side Quest

The time, returns to the present. 时间,回到现在。 11 : 12, Feng Bujue had returned among the thrones. 十一点十二分,封不觉已回到了王座之间。 Actually...... must arrive at this room to be very simple, for example Ruoyu and Xiao Ling are ride the magic broom to fly, but Feng Bujue at this moment is uses from the castle directly Moon Steps Jumps. 其实……要来到这个房间很简单,比如若雨小灵就是自己骑着魔法扫帚飞上来的,而此刻的封不觉则是直接从城堡外面一路用【月步】跳上来的。 Naturally, wants to have a premise with this entry method, that is...... Dracula letting you comes. 当然了,想要用这种进入方法有个前提,那就是……德古拉“让”你们进来。 In the preamble Jue Bro has also said that this castle is covering two stratification. Specifically speaking...... outside stratification assumes the semicircle the vault shape, the cover outside the moat ; But in stratification covers in the surface of castle outer wall, like protective film. 前文中觉哥也有说过,这座城堡是覆盖着两层结界的。具体来说……外层结界呈半圆形的穹顶状,罩在护城河外;而内层结界覆盖在城堡外墙的表面,如同一层保护膜。 The blade edge three people of groups have not contacted outside stratification , when old room is changed to the castle, they have been located in tie within. As for in stratification......, because they have not been trying the window invasion castle from high place, but walked the front door directly, therefore they have not met. 刀锋的三人组并没有接触到外层结界,因为当“老屋”被转化为城堡时,他们已经位于结界之内了。至于内层结界……由于他们并没有试着从高处的窗户入侵城堡,而是直接走了大门,所以他们也没有遇到。 Yo, I came back.” When Feng Bujue jumps from the window, then with Ruoyu and Xiao Ling greets, how were two supervisory work done?” “喲,我回来了。”封不觉从窗户跳进来时,便跟若雨小灵打了声招呼,“两位的监视工作做得如何了?” Before two minutes, Brother Long they successfully directed the werewolf, Gillman and mummy, then put forth a strong combination technique......” Xiao Ling to return said. “就在两分钟前,龙哥他们成功地将狼人、鳃人和木乃伊引到了一处,然后使出了一个超强的组合技……”小灵回道。 „The concrete effect of skill we were unknown......” nearby Ruoyu to take advantage of opportunity to continue, said, in any case the situation of the crystal ball feeding back, they gave to rumble a data gap...... that three to blame the map, was more unfortunate than fortunate.” “技能的具体效果我们不得而知……”一旁的若雨顺势接过话头,说道,“反正从水晶球反馈的情况来看,他们把地图都给轰出了一块数据缺口……那三只怪,想必是凶多吉少了。” „......” Feng Bujue nods, that Count?” “哦……”封不觉点点头,“那伯爵呢?” I here.” Jue Bro finishes barely the words, the Dracula sound then conveys from the high place. “我在这里。”觉哥话音未落,德古拉的声音便从高处传来。 Feng Bujue raised the head following the sound, quick then discovered a hanging upside down bat in the corner of ceiling. 封不觉循声抬头,很快便在天花板的角落发现了一只倒悬的蝙蝠。 Hehe...... your three senior generals were killed , don't you go out to control the aspect?” Feng Bujue looks to that bat, asked with a smile. “呵呵……你手下三员大将都被干掉了,你就不出去控制一下局面么?”封不觉看向那蝙蝠,笑着问道。 Might as well.” Dracula responded, while changed into the human form, and gradually fluttered to stand firm from the high place, your so-called killing...... was only temporary, our dark clan...... will not die truly.” “无妨。”德古拉一边回应,一边重新化为人形,并从高处缓缓飘下站定,“你所谓的‘干掉’……只是暂时的,我们黑暗一族……并不会真正地死去。” How did Oh? this words say?” Feng Bujue have a relish asked that is it possible that you have ‚, so long as the opposite party did leave this room came back me to resurrect again same place the ability?” 哦?此话怎讲?”封不觉饶有兴致地问道,“莫非你们具备着‘只要对方离开这个房间再回来我就能原地复活’的能力么?” Jue Bro these words, Castlevania the monster of series renovate the way in make complaints obviously, but Dracula does not know this, has not gone into seriously these words, he returns seriously said: „After your human died, will turn into the ghost, enters the heaven and hell, or flutters in world ; But after my clan died,...... will enter purgatory.” He, to you, Death usually represented eternal. But we...... the itself/Ben is eternal. When we were eliminated in the physical body of this world, the consciousness will return to the purgatory, we will wait for next there time are revisiting in world.” The words to here, his single arm raised, flung red cloak after a below, „, so long as in the human heart of this world still has the darkness, we will resurrect unceasingly. In fact...... every so often we are passively by Summon to this world. The centralization group and crazy scientist who these evil religions, are blinded by greed...... do not lack in any time.” 觉哥的这句话,显然是在吐槽恶魔城”系列的怪物刷新方式,不过德古拉并不知道这点,也没有对这句话进行深究,他只是一本正经地回道:“你们人类死去以后,会变成亡魂,进入天堂、地狱、或是在世间飘荡;而我族死去以后……会进入‘炼狱’。”他顿了顿,“对你们来说,死亡通常代表了永恒。而我们……本就是‘永恒’。当我们在这个世界的肉体被消灭,意识就会回到炼狱,我们会在那里等待着下一次重临于世。”话至此处,他单臂一扬,甩了一下背后的红披风,“只要这世间的人类心中还存在着黑暗,我们就会不断地复活。事实上……很多时候我们是被动被召唤到这个世界来的。那些邪恶的宗教、利欲熏心的集权团体、疯狂的科学家……在任何时代都是不缺的。” so that's how it is.” The Feng Bujue hear, smiles is meeting saying that briefly...... your subordinates struck back resurrecting to select, therefore your It does not matter?” 原来如此。”封不觉听罢,微笑着接道,“简单地说……你的手下们只是被打回复活点了,所以你无所谓是吗?” I could not understand you to say anything.” Dracula returns said that „, but I felt that...... you do seem like want to open my?” “我听不懂你在说什么。”德古拉回道,“但我感觉……你似乎是想把我支开?” Ha?” Feng Bujue selects the eyebrow, the tone changes, „did this also mention from where? I may absolutely not have this meaning.” “哈?”封不觉一挑眉毛,语气微变,“这又从何说起呢?我可完全没这个意思。” Snort......” Dracula deeply looked at Jue Bro one, cold snort/hum, meets to say again, „, since you want to exchange with the companion in secret, I do not disturb.” He said after such, unexpectedly really went out...... “哼……”德古拉深深地看了觉哥一眼,冷哼一声,再接道,“既然你想和同伴私下里交流,那我就不打扰了。”他道了这么一句后,居然真的就出去了…… After the Count leaves among the thrones, Xiao Ling discussed in a low voice: Always felt this fellow mystifying......” she turns the head to look to Jue Bro, should not be our plans is given to see through by him?” 待伯爵离开王座之间后,小灵低声念道:“总感觉这家伙阴阳怪气的……”她转头看向觉哥,“该不会是我们的计划已经被他给识破了吧?” That possibility, although also has, but not high......” Feng Bujue returns said, Dracula is not Derivative, is impossible to see our Side Quest.” “那种可能性虽然也有,但是不高……”封不觉回道,“德古拉又不是衍生者,不可能看得到我们的‘支线任务’。” At present, that Jue Bro said Side Quest, Was the Hell Front team is completing without doubt Tries to meet with your teammates Later following. 眼下,觉哥所说的这个【支线任务】,无疑就是地狱前线队在完成了【设法与你的队友们会合】之后的后续。 Same Quest, blade edge obtains following is Enters the Dracula castle. Raises while convenient, this following arrives in the blade edge team members Araki winding corridor When had ruled out, immediately changes, for Explores the Dracula castle. At that time why I had not written, very obviously is because I forgot. 同样的一个任务,刀锋所得到的后续则是【进入德古拉的城堡】。顺带一提,这条后续在刀锋队员们来到【荒城回廊】时已经被划去了,随即变更为了【探索德古拉的城堡】。为什么当时我没有写呢,很显然是因为我忘记了。 Then, looks at the branch of Hell Front again following, their Quest after Ruoyu and Xiao Ling arrive at the castle stage to see Jue Bro renews. The content is- Completes ceremony that on the Van Helsing diary records, side opening the gate of prison. 那么,再看地狱前线的支线后续,他们的任务是在若雨小灵来到城堡高台见到觉哥后更新的。其内容是-【完成范海辛日记上所记录的仪式,开启边狱之门】。 To be honest, sees this Quest instantaneous...... Feng Bujue is quite depressed, because he had joined the camp of villains at that time, but this Quest content runs counter with his standpoint obviously, increased the difficulty of completion forcefully. 说实话,看到这条任务的瞬间……封不觉是比较郁闷的,因为他当时已然加入了反派们的阵营,而这条任务的内容显然和他的立场背道而驰,硬生生提高了完成的难度。 But Jue Bro is not that type saw person who difficult can give up, he takes overcoming the difficulties as the man of pleasure......, therefore, on turning back the road between thrones, was he and two teammates exchanges the information in that time, he has thought that the following layout and countermeasure, and told the teammates as far as possible simple. 觉哥可不是那种看到困难就会放弃的人,他是以克服困难为乐趣的男人……因此,在走回王座之间的路上,也就是他和两名队友互通情报的那段时间里,他已经想好了接下来的布局和对策,并尽可能精简地告诉了队友们。 After returning among the thrones, Jue Bro first pulled several with the monsters pretentiously, then asked Hill to look for the diary. Actually in he planned...... to dispatch a monster to follow Hill to take the diary, that Side Quest that but because just brushed, he changed the mind...... to guarantee absolutely safe, Jue Bro with the past. 回到王座之间后,觉哥先是装模作样地跟怪物们扯了几句,然后就叫上希尔去找日记了。其实在他原本的计划中……是想派遣个怪物跟随希尔去拿日记的,但由于刚刚刷出的那条支线任务,他改变了主意……为了确保万无一失,觉哥才自己跟了过去。 It can be said that...... each chess of Feng Bujue in this Scenario, in a planned way and also has the change ; During conduct conservative, always occupies offensive. 可以说……封不觉在这个剧本中的每一步棋,都是既有计划、亦有变化的;在行事留有余地的同时,又始终占据着先手。 On second thought that even if Dracula really saw my intention......” Feng Bujue then said that how can?” He turns the head to look to Ruoyu, charm amulet in our hands.” Saying, him was patting own Traveling Bag , Van Helsing diary also in our hands.” He looked to Xiao Ling, even I have not brought back the diary, we also had the phonetic notation that Xiao Tan copied......” he to spread out both hands, said with ease, during crucial Item that decision plot moved toward all in we grasped, the enemy team members have fought to mutually wounded with villain BOSS ; But our three wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, the almost full condition prepares for...... this type of bureau, does not have too many variables.” “退一步讲,就算德古拉真的看出了我的意图……”封不觉接着说道,“又能怎么样呢?”他转头看向若雨,“护身符在我们手上。”说着,他又拍了拍自己的行囊,“范海辛的日记也在我们手上。”他又看向了小灵,“就算我没取回日记,我们还有小叹抄回来的音标……”他摊开双手,轻松地言道,“决定剧情走向的关键性物品全都在我们掌握之中,敌队成员已和反派BOSS们战至两败俱伤;而我们三个以逸待劳,几乎满状态备战……这种局,已无太多的变数了。” Un......” Xiao Ling places under the finger the lip, the thinking moment, meets saying that „, even if worst launches...... us still only to give up Side Quest, copes with blade edge full power then, being defeated possibly is indeed minimal......” “嗯……”小灵将手指放在唇下,思索片刻,接道,“即使是最坏的展开……我们也只需放弃支线任务,全力去对付刀锋即可,落败的可能的确微乎其微……” hey hey...... I said, but your is setting up FLAG.” The next second, Feng Bujue then referred to the crystal ball on table with a smile, you looked at...... your words just to export, the trouble came......” 喂喂……我说说也就罢了,但你这句可是在立FLAG了啊。”下一秒,封不觉便笑着指了指桌上的水晶球,“你瞧……你的话刚出口,麻烦就来了……” Bang- 砰- Jue Bro finishes barely the words, the gate between thrones was shoved open. 觉哥话音未落,王座之间的门就被推开了。 Stands in the entrance, is one meter seven and two one meter about two form. 站在门口的,是一个一米七、两个一米二左右的身影。 Without dialog, without hesitant, Xiao Ling in the opening the door sound hears took out MP5 and KRISS_Super_V from Traveling Bag instantaneously...... these two light submachine guns, even if the figure turns into her of little loli still to use freely. 没有对白,也没有犹豫,小灵在开门声入耳的瞬间就从行囊中取出了MP5和KRISS_Super_V……这两把轻型冲锋枪即使是身形变成小萝莉的她也可以自如地使用。 Suddenly, hears one pit-a-pat the gunshot starts, a piece of barrage be relentless swept to the entrance three people. 一时间,就听得一阵“突突突”的枪响乍起,一片弹幕毫不留情地扫向了门口的三人。 Snort! Expected!” Brother Long sees that smiles self-confidently, puts up the shield to keep off. “哼!意料之中!”龙哥见状,自信一笑,架盾一挡。 Greedy Wolf and Seven Kill flashed Long Aomin as if by prior agreement behind. 贪狼七杀则是不约而同地闪到了龙傲旻的身后。 Un? What's the matter!” But after four seconds, the Brother Long facial expression suddenly changes, I unexpectedly in blood?” “嗯?怎么回事!”但四秒过后,龙哥的神情就骤然一变,“我居然在掉血?” Right, he in blood......, although he hides in Orichalcos Shield behind, moreover what faces is two firearms that does not have Special Effect are weapon, but his Health 2% frequencies is still reducing every second in by. 没错,他就是在掉血……虽然他躲在奥利哈刚之盾的后面,而且面对的是两把没有特效的枪械系武器,但他的生存值依然在以每秒2%的频率降低着。 crap! Dodge!” Also after shouldering for several seconds, Long Aomin realized finally why like this, she will fill up the special ammunition in the submachine gun unexpectedly!” 我勒个去!快闪!”又扛了几秒后,龙傲旻终于意识到了为什么会这样,“她居然在冲锋枪里填满了特种弹药!” After these words exit|to speak, he and two teammates jumped toward the gate both sides respectively horizontally, left the enemy firepower network. 这句话出口后,他和两名队友就分别朝着门的两侧横跳了出去,离开了敌方火力网。 Meanwhile, the audience who are watching the live broadcast also responded...... 与此同时,正在观看直播的观众们也都反应过来了…… Joking...... this is what kind of local tyrant......” “开玩笑的吧……这是何等的土豪啊……” That less than ten seconds, had hit three figures a moment ago probably RMB......” “刚才那十秒不到,大概已经打出去三位数的RMB了吧……” I had not heard that in the passing salvo firearms installs the special ammunition, that is according to ‚’ thing that sells......” “我还从来没听说过往连发枪械里面装特种弹药的,那可是按‘颗’来卖的东西啊……” „...... Self-made?” “难道说……是自制的?” Even is not the store goods, but depends on Mechanic Specialization to do, the cost of raw material is not also low.” “就算不是商店货,而是靠着器械专精做出来的,原材料的成本同样不低吧。” The audience discuss spiritedly, the commentary and video barrage ushered a round of upsurge. 观众们议论纷纷,评论和视频弹幕迎来了一轮热潮。 Until now, Thriller Paradise operates the clothing/taking also already a half year, special ammunition is the players very familiar commodity. Most players will go to System Store to buy the fixed several ammunition, in any case the store goods are one point of price one point of goods, treats both the young and old honestly ; But some quite high-end, or has the player of special demand, then the special ammunition that will go to the auction room to wash others to make, the preamble has also mentioned, many Studio are depending on this Mechanic Specialization product to make money now ; Does, or to the ammunition demand quantity big organization that resells, will go to the third party trading platform to conduct the MC wholesale...... 时至今日,惊悚乐园开服也已半年有余,“特种弹药”已是玩家们非常熟悉的商品了。大部分玩家都会去系统商店里买固定的几种弹药,反正商店货都是一分价钱一分货,童叟无欺;而一些比较高端的、或是有特殊需求的玩家,则会去拍卖行里淘别人做出来的特种弹药,前文也提到过,很多工作室现在都在靠这种器械专精的产物在赚钱了;还有一些搞倒卖的、或是对弹药需求量大的组织,甚至会去第三方交易平台上进行大规模定制批发…… Naturally, no matter which buyer and which user...... have a general knowledge to be well-known. That is- special ammunition should be installed, in the rate of fire is slow, might to be big, or has in the Special Effect spear/gun. Really does not have that condition, makes an ordinary quality the sniper's rifle to install also good. 当然了,不管是哪一种购买者、哪一种使用者……有一个常识是众所周知的。那就是-“特种弹药”应该被装在射速较慢、威力较大、或具备特效的枪里面。实在是没有那种条件的,弄一把普通品质的狙击枪来装也行。 As for the basis of this general knowledge...... 至于这种常识的依据嘛…… For example......, if a sniper's rifle projects the penetrative force of ordinary bullet is 10, then the submachine gun has about 3( here broad, does not substitute concrete spear/gun and bullet caliber) ; When sniper's rifle launch special ammunition, even does not coordinate any skill and Item Special Effect, 10 will still transform is 20 and 25, and even higher ; When a submachine gun launches the special ammunition like this, nothing but 3 turned into 6 to 8...... 举例来说……如果一把狙击枪射出普通子弹的侵彻力是十,那么冲锋枪大约只有三(此处宽泛而言,不代入具体的枪型和子弹口径);当狙击枪发射特种弹药时,即使不配合任何技能和物品特效,十也会转变为20、25、甚至更高;但是当一把冲锋枪这样发射特种弹药时,无非就是把三变成了六到八…… In brief, generally, launches the special ammunition is regarded as with starts skill similar behavior. Considering this type of bullet expensive( on bullet), its attire in the high rate of fire, the low might and in no Special Effect firearms, without doubt is a waste. 总之,在一般情况下,发射特种弹药是被视为和‘发动技能’差不多的行为。考虑到这种子弹的价格不菲(就子弹而言),将其装在高射速、低威力、无特效的枪械中,无疑是一种浪费。 However, the Xiao Ling behavior and mentality, actually obviously counteract the general knowledge...... 然而,小灵的行为和思路,却明显有悖于常识…… The memory good friend possibly still remembers that...... duel Jue Bro of Xiao Ling in Scenario when Peerless Martial Fight Competition in is so actually dry. Now, she demonstrated oneself this type in the front of innumerable audience „the special ammunition, when the ordinary ammunition hits casually fever money act. 记性好的朋友可能还记得……小灵在“无双武斗会剧本单挑觉哥时其实就已经在那么干了。如今,她更是在无数观众的面前展示了自己这种“把特种弹药当普通弹药随便打”的烧钱行径。 Not for other...... for each spear/gun can hit to injure. 不为别的……就为了每一枪都能多打些伤害出来。 Is such brutal, is such rich, willful. 就是这么无情,就是这么有钱,任性。 What situation?” After tumbles one Seven Kill that stands firm looks up Brother Long to ask immediately, you shoulder the bullet is not steady one bi-】?” “什么情况?”在门外翻滚一圈后站定的七杀立即抬头望着龙哥问道,“你扛子弹不是稳得一【哔-】吗?” She must really hit me to pour also with the rifle fire special ammunition easy to do......” Long Aomin to return depressed said, „the attack frequency of submachine gun ultra-fast, I use Orichalcos to tie radically without enough time ‚’ transform the strength of each round of bullet, but the might of these bullets just can break my ordinary defense...... like to carry me to continue the blood a moment ago.” “她要真用步枪发射特种弹药来打我倒还好办了……”龙傲旻郁闷地回道,“冲锋枪的攻击频率超快,我根本来不及使用‘奥利哈刚结界’去转换每一发子弹的力,而那些子弹的威力刚好可以破我的普通防御……像刚才那样扛着我就会持续掉血。” Cuts......, if our funds were many a point......” his Greedy Wolf to listen, a face did not meet to say quickly, „...... can spend freely...... him to grasp the fist like her, said wickedly, when the time comes I must install two televisions in Conference room, looked at the news broadcast, looked at the animal world.” “切……要是我们的经费再多一点……”他身旁的贪狼听了,一脸不快地接道,“……就能像她一样挥霍了……”他握着拳头,恶狠狠地言道,“到时候我要在会议室里装两台电视,一台看新闻联播,一台看动物世界。” „Is the Hey! key point that?” Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf they jump are not same side, therefore his speaking voice raises quite high, political commissar you buoys up Ah! I not to know program that this/should make complaints your son prospect or make complaints you watch Ah! 喂!重点是那个吗?”七杀贪狼他们跳得不是同一边,所以他的说话声提得比较高,“政委你振作一点啊!我都不知道该吐槽你的那点儿出息还是吐槽你收看的节目了啊! -- 咻-咻- In they shouted propaganda, actually saw...... two quick shades to flash from the gate. 就在他们喊话之际,却见……两道快影从门内一闪而出。 That flickers, the blade edge three people of instinct think flies can be some type of explosive material......, therefore they made the stance of defense and avoidance. 那一瞬,刀锋的三人都本能地以为飞出来的会是某种爆炸物……所以他们都做出了防御和退避的姿态。 But after two seconds, they fix the eyes on looked...... the discovery departs unexpectedly is three people. 但两秒后,他们定睛一看……发现飞出的竟然是三个人。 At this time, Feng Bujue and Ruoyu with riding a magic broom from the sky are flying, Xiao Ling rode alone. 此时,封不觉若雨同骑着一把魔法扫帚在空中飞行着,小灵则是独自骑了一把。 After their three depart among the thrones, flushes away toward the city, completely disregarded the behind three enemy team members. 他们三个飞出王座之间后,就朝着城中冲去,完全无视了身后的三名敌队成员。 Bad!” Also crossed for two seconds, Greedy Wolf first responded, pursued quickly! They must run!” “糟了!”又过了两秒,贪狼第一个反应过来,“快追上去!他们要跑!” Then, he is an arrow step runs out, runs in the frontline. 说罢,他已是一个箭步冲出,跑在了最前方。 However...... 然…… Side Quest Progress Update This second, System Notification was made a sound unexpectedly as luck would have it unfortunately. 支线任务进度更新】这一秒,系统提示竟是赶巧不巧地响了起来。 But presents new Quest in blade edge team members Quest Log is- Kills Demon Lord Dracula. 而出现在刀锋队员们任务栏中的新任务是-【杀死魔王德古拉】。
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