TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#935: blade edge card in hand

The time backs up slightly, about before 20 minutes, on Castlevania most step. 时间稍稍倒退,大约二十分钟前,恶魔城最上阶。 At this moment, the blade edge three player and Dracula three direct descendant fights hand/subordinate had been in the superheating stage. 此刻,刀锋的三名玩家与德古拉三名嫡系手下的战斗已进入了白热化阶段。 Because Seven Kill, Greedy Wolf and Long Aomin three people have not watched «The Monster Squad» this movie, how therefore they do not know these monsters in the movie are struck to kill respectively. 因为七杀贪狼龙傲旻三人都没有看过《降妖别动队》这部电影,所以他们并不知道在电影中那些怪物分别是怎么被击杀的。 If they know that perhaps...... the fight can end quickly. 若是他们知道的话……也许战斗很快就能结束了。 Here, I, and first in a popular science movie the characteristics and weakness of these demons and monsters...... 此处,我且先科普一下电影中这些妖魔鬼怪的特点和弱点…… First, is Vampire Dracula. Count mister besides can fly and change in the original work movie to become the bat, but also had bullet immunity characteristics. Specifically speaking...... hits him with the bullet, will not cause any damage, these bullets same will pass through his body like the penetration air, hits its rear object. 首先,是吸血鬼德古拉。伯爵先生在原作电影中除了可以飞行和变身成蝙蝠外,还具备了“子弹免疫”的特性。具体来说……就是用子弹去打他,不会造成任何伤害,那些子弹会如同穿透空气一样穿过他的身体,击中其后方的物体。 Moreover, the Dracula combat capability is also very powerful. He can when encountering seizing of adult male holds calm and composed to take a step to move forward, can strike to fly an adult single-handed, can with the palm launch strange light beam attack, will also use the blasting cap to attack. 另外,德古拉的战斗能力也十分强悍。他可以在遭遇成年男子的擒抱时气定神闲地向前迈步移动,可以单手将一个成年人击飞,可以用手掌发射奇异的光束攻击,还会使用雷管攻击。 Is...... you have not misread, is blasting cap attack. Possibly what this Count majors is the goblin engineering, instead in movie he more than once through throwing the way of blasting cap attacks, even also( was investigates of museum robbery) to send the lunch with this method to a black person police officer. Although we know that the black person in the monster movie must die generally, „the blasting cap that but was thrown by Vampire killed black person in car(riage)...... I is also the entire life only sees, only described this matter to make me feel that being out of sorts feeling was full. 是的……你没有看错,是“雷管攻击”。可能这位伯爵主修的是地精工程学,反正在电影中他不止一次通过投掷雷管的方式进行攻击,甚至还用这种方法给一位黑人警员(就是调查博物馆失窃案的那个)发了便当。虽然我们都知道在怪物电影中黑人一般必死,但“被吸血鬼扔出的雷管炸死在车里的黑人”……我也是生平仅见,单是描述这件事都让我觉得违和感十足。 Next, is the werewolf. In movie this werewolf human surface is actually a good person, previously went to Police Department to request others to arrest him from him to see, he under human condition has no intention to offend somebody. However he under werewolf condition...... became the Dracula loyal lackey, is the cold blood beast of prey that the children do not let off. 其次,是狼人。电影中这个狼人的“人类面”其实是一个好人,从他先前去警局要求别人逮捕他就能看出,人类状态下的他是无意伤人的。但是狼人状态下的他……就成了德古拉的忠诚爪牙,是个连小孩都不放过的冷血猛兽。 The cruel character, after the powerful physical quality, as well as was blown to pieces , the astonishing self-recovery strength that can still recover, making him the No. 2 main force in monster team. In the movie, this werewolf also dies is quite undeserved, basically can think that was given...... obviously by the physique that the bomb scrap that by Aura of lead team dies can also recover, little brother named Rudy was actually given to carry off with a round of silver bullet by The Monster Squad, can only say that this is the life...... 残暴的性格,强大的身体素质、以及被炸成碎片以后仍然能复原的惊人自愈力,让他成为了怪物团队中的二号主力。在影片中,这个狼人死得也是颇为冤枉,基本可以认为是被主角团队的光环给开死的……明明是被炸弹炸碎了还能复原的体质,却被“降妖别动队”中一位叫Rudy的小哥用一发银子弹就给带走了,只能说这是命…… Then, comes to see Gillman again. The actor's pay of this my dear friend is few, can see from limited presence, its strength is astonishing, and has the ability of underwater breath, does not arrive each time in the swamp in the sewer. At movie finally...... it was hit the heart dead in battle with a hunting rifle by Horace, the overall feeling...... killed it and kills an ordinary human the difficulty bad many. 接着,再来看鳃人。这位仁兄的戏份很少,从有限的出场中可以看出,它的力量非常惊人,而且具备水下呼吸的能力,每次登场不是在沼泽里就是在下水道。在电影的最后……它被霍瑞斯用一把猎枪击中心脏就阵亡了,总体感觉……杀它和杀个普通人类的难度差不了多少。 However in present Scenario, it displayed from the ability of mouth section spraying high pressure fluid ball, and alligator armor and mucilage of whole body provided very remarkable close combat defense capability, therefore, can be counted the third person of monster group it( strangely) thing. 不过在眼前的剧本中,它表现出了从嘴部喷射高压液弹的能力,且全身的鳄甲和粘液提供了非常卓越的近战防御能力,因此,可以将其算作怪物团的第三号人(怪)物。 Afterward must say...... was the mummy. Compared with Gillman, this fellow also wants miserable....... Its strength the performance in movie is roughly in line with a whole body from him by Zombie that the bandage ties down....... Most did not dirty the view of person on this. 随后要讲的……就是木乃伊了。比起鳃人,这家伙还要悲催。从他在电影中的表现来看……其实力大致等同于一个全身被绷带缠住的丧尸。就这……还是最不埋汰人的说法了。 In fact, the speed of this goods is slower than Zombie, strength also has no outstanding performance, superpower and so on is one does not have. But most pitiful...... is his cause of death. This mummy climbed up the vehicle of lead team in the movie latter half, finally was pulled the head of bandage, tied up it on an arrow shoots went out...... then, he looked like to encounter the removing stitches woolen sweater to be pulled generally did not have, after several seconds, this mummy turned into a velamen to draw the long-line bandage and bone ash, and a skull of dry corpse. 事实上,这货的速度比丧尸还慢,力量方面也没有什么出色的表现,超能力之类的更是一个都没有。而最可悲的……莫过于他的死法。这个木乃伊在电影后半段爬上了主角团队的车子,结果被人扯出了身上绷带的一头,将其绑在一支箭上射了出去……接着,他就像是件遭到拆线毛衣一般被“扯没了”,几秒后,这个“木乃伊”就变成了一根被拉成长线的绷带、一把骨灰、和一个干尸的头骨。 Naturally, in this Scenario, this monster was also imposed some...... to receive the attack and defensive power of BUFF offset the insufficiency in speed. Although his weakness has not changed, but Greedy Wolf does not know that can through pulling the way of bandage is him......, therefore can also be hard to deal with mini Boss. 当然了,在这剧本里,这个怪物也被强加了一些……受到BUFF的攻击和防御力弥补了速度上的不足。虽然他的弱点还是没变,但贪狼并不知道能通过扯绷带的方式做掉他……因此也能算是个难缠的小BOSS了。 Then finally...... said Frankenstein on. 那么最后……就来说说弗兰肯斯坦吧。 Reason that places him finally, is not because he weakest. On the contrary, the words of sole view battle efficiency, Frankenstein is next to Dracula, even is more powerful than the werewolf. 之所以把他放在最后,不是因为他最弱。相反,单论战斗力的话,弗兰肯斯坦仅次于德古拉,甚至比狼人更强大。 ...... This Frankenstein has with werewolf similar issue- he is a good person. 只是……这个科学怪人有着和狼人相似的问题-他是个好人。 Although the appearance is ugly, but he is good, does not like harming others.( Here referred to 1818 first edition «Frankenstein» novel) with the original work setting is similar, he was only one is forced to arrive at this world, actually to receive the tragic figure who this world repel and was hostile to because of the semblance. 虽然外貌丑陋古怪,但他内心却是善良的,并不喜欢去伤害别人。和原作(此处指1818年的原版《科学怪人》小说)中的设定类似,他只是一个被迫来到这个世界、却又因外表而受到这个世界排斥和敌视的悲剧人物。 In the movie version, Dracula sends him to kill the The Monster Squad children, but Frankenstein stood finally children's side, helping them defeat Dracula, and entered side the gate of prison voluntarily. 电影版中,德古拉派遣他去杀死降妖别动队的孩子们,但弗兰肯斯坦最终站到了孩子们的一边,帮助他们打败了德古拉,并自愿进入了边狱之门。 But in this Scenario, Feng Bujue this person who has watched the prototype to avoid this situation happened, has said the hello with Dracula ; This chapter of Count anything Quest has not sent to Frankenstein, ceases the risk that he defects by this...... 而在此剧本中,封不觉这个看过原片的人为了避免这种情况发生,早已跟德古拉打好了招呼;这回伯爵什么任务都没派给弗兰肯斯坦,以此来杜绝他反水的风险…… Above, was the relevant information of «The Monster Squad» five main monsters. 以上,便是《降妖别动队》中五个主要怪物的相关情报了。 Arrived the Scenario actual combat stage, in which three monsters, made the blade edge team members fall into struggled hard...... 到了剧本的实战阶段,其中的三个怪物,就让刀锋的队员们陷入了苦战…… If trades to do usually, so long as blade edge team members by strength broken skillful these three mini Boss brushing, but at this moment, their bodies returned to ten years old of level...... besides Brother Long, Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf battle efficiency is the visible drop, without knowing to capture/raid the method, these strange is really not good to cope. 若是换作平时,刀锋的队员们只要以力破巧就把这三个小BOSS给刷了,但此刻,他们的身体都回到了十岁水平……除了龙哥以外,七杀贪狼的战斗力皆是明显下降,在不知道攻略方法的前提下,这些怪还真不好对付。 „...... Brought the armor not saying that but also skidding, could not join combo......” Seven Kill to hit for quite a while around Gillman, Health had not damaged actually, the scene was also he gets the advantage, but could not overthrow the opposite party ; Saw that Stamina drains gradually, he gradually is also irritable. “啧……自带护甲不说,还滑溜溜的,根本接不上连招啊……”七杀绕着鳃人打了半天,生存值倒是没损伤,场面也是他占优势,可就是打不倒对方;眼瞅着体能值逐步流失,他也渐渐急躁起来。 Me not easy to do......” Greedy Wolf should say in the distant place, this steamed rice dumpling the defensive power is much higher, I felt that I hit for quite a while broken not to guard......” “我这边也不好办……”贪狼在远处应道,“这‘粽子’的防御力高得出奇,我感觉自己打了半天还没破防呢……” At this time, he is also a stance that presses the monster to hit, after the issue is the attack, has little effect...... 此时,他也是一副压着怪物打的架势,问题是攻击后收效甚微…… Both of you were content......” another side Brother Long also to meet one quickly, you hit broken guard against the rhythm that...... me this resurrected infinitely.” “你们俩就知足吧……”另一边的龙哥也很快接了一句,“你们只是打了不破防而已……我这边这个可是无限复活的节奏。” When spoke these words, Brother Long the werewolf had knocked down several times and even is pounds the meat patty......, but the werewolf every can recover one time again. 说这句话时,龙哥已经数次把狼人打倒在地、甚至是砸成肉饼……但狼人每一次都能再度复原过来。 This self-recovery strength astonishing enemy...... Long Aomin difficult adversary, like Brother Long this defense player most defective is the explosive output technique...... without knowing silver bullet setting, wants to eliminate this werewolf with the brute force, must have that type to be able the goal to rumble to become dregs the skill to be good instantaneously, but Brother Long does not have that style...... 这种自愈力惊人的敌人……正是龙傲旻的克星,像龙哥这种防御型玩家最欠缺的就是爆发性的输出技……在不知道“银子弹”设定的前提下,想要用蛮力消灭这个狼人,必须要有那种能把目标瞬间轰成渣的技能才行,可龙哥是没有那种招式的…… „After things have gotten to this point...... I have a suggestion......” several seconds, Greedy Wolf discussed. “事已至此……我有个建议……”数秒后,贪狼念道。 Ok, you were needless to say.” Seven Kill meets saying that I am also having this intent.” “行了,你不用说了。”七杀接道,“我也正有此意。” Un......” Brother Long also said, I also feel now uses that to be just appropriate.” “嗯……”龙哥也道,“我也觉着现在用‘那个’正合适。” That comes......” the Greedy Wolf facial expression one austere, the sinking sound meets saying that „...... combination technique!” “那就来吧……”贪狼神情一肃,沉声接道,“……组合技!”
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