TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#934: Jue Bro returns

Late, 11:03. 晚,十一点零三分。 As a result of the midnight, Feng Bujue does not have the too much time to delay on the road, therefore he makes Hill drive along the road to leave for the castle directly, waited to run into the army of block to do to haggle over again. 由于午夜将至,封不觉已没有太多时间在路上耽搁,所以他让希尔直接驾车沿公路开往城堡,等遇到了堵截的部队再作计较。 From the castle less than two kilometers places, they was actually also running into dozens fleeing soldiers and police officers. 没想到,在距离城堡还有两公里不到的地方,他们却是遇到了几十名正在奔逃的士兵和警员。 These person of looks are panic-stricken, limp, is wounded, some stained the blood and internal organs residual...... 这些人神色惊恐,步履蹒跚,其中一些负了伤,还有一些身上沾满了鲜血以及内脏残渣…… Saw this scene, Feng Bujue infers front the matter of rapidly, immediately sneered saying: Snort...... seemed like...... the Count to give the solution for us the issue of encirclement ring.” Saying, him has been turning the head to Schildau, steps on the full accelerator, had not responded that while them overruns a bit faster.” 见此情景,封不觉迅速推理出了前方发生的事情,当即冷笑道:“哼……看起来……伯爵替我们把包围圈的问题给解决了。”说着,他就转过头对希尔道,“踩足油门,趁他们没反应过来快点冲过去。” Understood.” Hill complied with one, immediately complies. “明白。”希尔应了一声,立刻就照做了。 At this time, that group of police and soldiers from the castle escape is almost at a scared condition, retches...... their transportation vehicle that the leg soft leg soft, retches to be destroyed all, many people's in weapon hand gave to lose ; After seeing an automobile coming from the opposite direction, only then a few responded personally, beckoned to hint Jue Bro they to stop, but under the instruction of Jue Bro, Hill naturally completely disregarded this stop, a foot accelerator rushes over, quick flung the crowd after behind. 此时,那群从城堡附近逃出来的警察和士兵几乎都处于一种失魂落魄的状态,腿软的腿软、干呕的干呕……他们的交通工具已尽数被毁,有不少人连手上的武器都给丢了;在见到迎面开来的一辆汽车后,只有少数几个人反应过来,招手示意觉哥他们停下,但在觉哥的指示下,希尔自然是完全无视了这种阻拦,一脚油门就冲了过去,很快就把人群甩在了身后。 Good.” Feng Bujue meets saying that Mr. Hill, you do very splendidly, stopped...... your Quest basic has been completed.” “好极了。”封不觉接道,“希尔先生,你干得很出色,到此为止……你的任务基本已全部完成了。” The words to here, Jue Bro then put in the hand oneself Traveling Bag , took out him again Complex Type Anti Gravity Launch Device. 话至此处,觉哥便将手伸进了自己行囊中,再度取出了他的【复合式反重力弹射器】。 No! Do not kill me!” The same second, Hill's split vision glimpsed the Jue Bro hand movement, and frightens to beg for mercy loudly. “别!别杀我!”同一秒,希尔的余光瞥见了觉哥的手部动作,并吓得大声求饶起来。 Startled for the first time doing......” Feng Bujue said with very tranquil tone, where saw my was must kill you?” “一惊一乍的干什么呢……”封不觉用很平静的语气说道,“从哪儿看出我这是要杀你了?” Do not feign ignorance!” Hill returns excitedly said, this plot I looked in the movie, so-called your Quest completed, subtext was ‚you are useless! Moreover the person who in you and movie these silence a witness of crime is the same, is saying while has pulled out weapon to come!” “你别装蒜了!”希尔激动地回道,“这种情节我在电影里看多了,所谓‘你的任务完成了’,潜台词就是‘你已经没用了’!而且你和电影里那些杀人灭口的人一样,一边说着一边已掏出武器来了!” Hehe......” Feng Bujue smiled, this saying said what person me...... did you work as? Kills people such as flax lunatic?” “呵呵呵……”封不觉笑了起来,“这话说的……你把我当什么人了?杀人如麻的疯子吗?” After this issue was asked that Hill does not dare to do right after something else obstinately, his...... has given the affirmative answer in any case at heart. 这个问题被问出后,希尔愣是没敢接茬儿,反正他的心里……已经给出了肯定的答案。 Indeed, in the beforehand more than ten hours, I have been coercing you to handle matters by your life.” Jue Bro waited for several seconds, then words saying, „, but after management, whether eliminates a potential informant...... that needs the motive.” His peak shoulder joint say/way, in most situations, eliminating a potential informant to eliminate the personal testimony or reneges the reward......, but I, simply do not have the intention in that aspect. On the contrary, I am glad to carry out my initial commitment...... to make you very much go on living.” “的确,在之前的十几个小时里,我一直都在以你的性命来要挟你办事。”觉哥等了几秒,接着刚才的话道,“但办完事以后是否灭口……那是需要动机的。”他耸肩接道,“大多数情况下,灭口是为了消灭人证或者赖掉报酬……而我,根本没有那方面的意图。相反,我很乐于实现我最初的承诺……让你活下去。” You......” Hill considered for two seconds, the shape the courage is asking, your Fearless I say the matter that today did experience?” “你……”希尔斟酌了两秒,状着胆子问道,“你就不怕我把今天所经历的事情说出去吗?” How said?” Feng Bujue said, you thought what that will have to affect to me?” He is crooked, casts together the meaningful vision toward the opposite party, how other...... you can determine that...... you said the matter that today experienced this behavior...... wasn't I plans part?” “说出去又怎样呢?”封不觉道,“你觉得那会对我有什么影响吗?”他歪过头,朝对方投去一道意味深长的目光,“另外……你又怎么能确定……你‘把今天所经历的事情说出去’这个行为……不是我计划中的一部分呢?” His saying actually a little mysterious meaning, but uses on Chille, it can be said that the effect is outstanding. 他这话其实有点故弄玄虚的意思,但用在希尔身上,可以说是效果拔群。 Good......” Hill has not continued to discuss with Jue Bro on this issue, to him, can live was passing today, he should thank God, „the chip that...... I conduct the back, how do you prepare to process?” “好吧……”希尔没有就这个问题继续和觉哥讨论下去,对他来说,能活着度过今天,他就应该感谢上帝了,“那……我背上的芯片,你准备怎样处理?” Does not need to process.” Feng Bujue returns said, „the existence time of that gadget in human body is limited, several days later will dissolve and falls by your metabolism, most will cause the diarrhea or the constipation.” “不用处理。”封不觉回道,“那玩意儿在人体内的存在时间是有限的,过几天就会自行溶解并被你代谢掉,最多会引起腹泻或便秘。” What? Originally manages it is also good?” Hill startled say/way. “什么?原来不去管它也行?”希尔惊道。 Hehe...... do you think?” Feng Bujue said that „, although this chip also calculates the product of magic and ultra technical integration, but eventually is only temporary installments that spent for ten minutes to make, the energy that its electric power from had the bioelectricity and mood of fluctuates to bring in you movement, otherwise you think that fingernail did cover the size thing to maintain itself to revolve by what?” “呵呵……你以为呢?”封不觉道,“虽说这芯片也算魔法和超科技结合的产物,但终究只是一个花了十分钟就做出的临时装置而已,就连其电力都是来自于你自身运动所产生的生物电以及情绪波动所带来的能量,要不然你以为一个只有手指甲盖大小的东西是靠什么来维持自身运转的?” In other words......” Hill lags behind discussed that actually I, when far away from you, only needs itself to find a place to sit, will maintain...... the chip to expire calmly quickly automatically.” “也就是说……”希尔后知后觉地念道,“其实我在远离你的时候,只需要自己找个地方坐下来,保持冷静……芯片很快就会自动失效了。” Right, Mr. Hill, is such matter.” Feng Bujue returns said. “没错,希尔先生,就是这么回事。”封不觉回道。 Ha..... haha Ha.....” Hill smiled, laughs, one had only known...... I ran in the afternoon.” 哈……哈哈哈……”希尔笑了,久违地大笑,“早知如此……我下午就跑了。” In fact, if you Van Helsing diary take carry back, little darling to hand over in my hand before several hours directly, your today's Quest can also finish ahead of time.” Feng Bujue meets saying that „, however, you same chose and me as I expected socialize...... hehe...... your type not is very therefore , intelligent also the insufficiently stupid type really to have a headache.” “事实上,如果你在数个小时之前直接把范海辛的日记拿回来、乖乖交到我的手上,你今天的任务也能提前结束。”封不觉接道,“然而,你还是如我预想中一样选择了和我周旋……呵呵……所以说,你这种既不够聪明也不够笨的类型真是让人头疼。” They talked hence, the vehicle has also arrived at outside the main entrance hanging bridge of castle. 他们对话至此,车子也已开到了城堡的正门吊桥外。 Hill stopped the vehicle slowly, Feng Bujue also took advantage of opportunity to untie seat belt, prepared to get out. 希尔缓缓停下了车子,封不觉也顺势解开了身上的安全带,准备下车。 Hey, you forgot thing.” When Hill turns the head discovered that Feng Bujue kept on launcher the seat. “嘿,你忘了东西。”希尔转头时发现封不觉弹射器留在了座椅上。 That gave to you.” After the Jue Bro stride gets out, returns said, you best take care of properly it, because you will use it shortly.” “那个就送给你了。”觉哥跨步下车后回道,“你最好将其妥善保管起来,因为不久后你就会用上它。” Oh......” Why Hill also wants to closely examine, but Feng Bujue had faced forward to walk at this time quickly, did not return passed through the moat. 呃……”希尔还想追问一下为什么,但封不觉这时已朝前快步行去,头也不回地走过了护城河。 In fact, the Jue Bro words will truly fulfill in the near future...... after it happened three days, Hill was found and arrested by the military ; At that time...... the chip of his within the body has vanished, his oral confession credibility was not high, therefore...... this technology content far exceeded this/should star level launcher, became Hill is is forced the only evidence of crime. 事实上,觉哥的话在不久的将来确实应验了……在事发后的三天,希尔就被军方找到并逮捕;那时候……他体内的芯片已经消失,他的口供可信度也不高,于是……这个科技含量远超该星球水准的弹射器,就成了希尔是“受人胁迫”犯罪的唯一佐证。 Until that time, Hill realized that...... that Mr. F kept the reason in car(riage) this Item initially. 直到那时,希尔才意识到……那位F先生当初将这件物品留在车里的原因。 Just like Jue Bro has emphasized and pledged over and over, so long as Hill little darling listens to the instruction to handle affairs, after matter gets through, can life. 正如觉哥再三强调和承诺过的,只要希尔乖乖听指示行事,事情办完后就可以“活命”。 Feng Bujue speaking, also achieved, even if that price is to pay Equipment, return that and has does not have any...... 封不觉说到、也做到了,即使那代价是付出一件装备、而且没有任何的回报…… Jue Bro is such a contradictory person, sometimes he will plan carefully to be watertight, not lift a finger to help and is unruly to act shamelessly is also a cinch ; But in other times, he possibly for a few words and a thought that completes obstinately bewilderedly some, the matter of gain does not equal the loss, and thinks otherwise to its price...... 觉哥就是这样一个矛盾的人,有时候他会精打细算到滴水不漏、一毛不拔、撒泼耍赖也不在话下;但在另一些时候,他可能会为了一句话、一个念头,执拗地去完成一些莫名其妙的、得不偿失的事情,并对其代价不以为然……
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