TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#933: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 7 )

Late 10 0:05, Feng Bujue had brought back the Van Helsing diary under the leadership of Hill. 晚十点零五分,封不觉已在希尔的带领下取回了范海辛的日记。 The police vehicle that previously snatched had also been discarded by them, at this moment they are driving another car(riage) that stole from the parking lot to set out in the direction of castle. 先前抢来的警车也已被他们丢弃了,此刻他们正驾驶着另一辆从停车场里偷来的车向着城堡的方向进发。 Hence, Feng Bujue already successfully excluded the main positive/direct roles in «The Monster Squad» this movie entirely from the main line plot, side the gate of prison the plot are not related with them completely. 至此,封不觉已成功地将《降妖别动队》这部电影中的主要正面角色们统统排除在了主线剧情之外,“边狱之门”的剧情已经和他们完全没关系了。 To him, how the following difficult problem is...... breaks through the blockade line of police and army, returns in the castle. 对他来说,接下来的难题就是……如何突破警方和军队的封锁线,重新回到城堡之中。 ............ ………… On the other hand, in castle, among thrones. 另一方面,城堡内,王座之间。 In Greedy Wolf takes is it possible that is that paper...... the map of this castle?” Xiao Ling looks at the crystal ball to discuss. 贪狼手里拿着的那张纸……莫非是这座城堡的地图吗?”小灵看着水晶球念道。 „After entering the concealed book stacks, their action sped up, but he puts out the kraft paper for the first time, almost...... nearby Ruoyu met to say at that time, seemed like...... him to infer anything in that time point, and detected that Item correct usage.” “进入藏书库之后他们的行动就加快了,而他首次拿出牛皮纸,也差不多是在那时……”一旁的若雨接道,“看起来……他是在那个时间点上推理出了什么,并且察觉到了那件物品的正确用法。” At this time, they had monitored here for a long time, can know...... the crystal ball only to be able from vision aspect to monitor the opponent from their dialogues, said anything as for the blade edge team members, cannot hear through the crystal ball. 此时,她俩已在这里监视了许久,从她们的对话便可知晓……水晶球只能从“视觉”方面监视对手,至于刀锋的队员们说了什么,通过水晶球是听不到的。 Indeed expected must too to be quickly more than...... in this hour, they have searched Underground waters With Underground deep palace, And bypasses Purgatory fights technique field Directly soars us to come.” Xiao Ling walked slowly and aimlessly several steps, knits the brows saying that „, but our teams leader...... can he hurry back before the midnight not to mention, how even if he came back...... to break through outside the castle army is still an issue......” “的确是比预期得要快了太多啊……这一个小时内,他们已经探完了【地下水域】和【地下深殿】,并绕过【炼狱斗技场】直奔我们这边而来。”小灵踱了几步,皱眉道,“而咱们的队长……且不说他能不能在午夜前赶回来,即使他回来了……怎样突破城堡外面的部队也是个问题吧……” During the speeches, Xiao Ling has walked slowly and aimlessly, to stand on tiptoes the tip of the toe to the window near, reveals the window reason to look outward the small head. 说话间,小灵已踱到窗边、踮起脚尖,将小脑袋露出窗缘朝外望去。 But sees...... is only one side of castle, on lie dozens police vehicles and military jeeps. Although these car(riage)s stop outside the moat, distance are really far, but at night that row of shining headlight is quite garish. 但见……仅是城堡的一侧,就停驻了几十辆警车和军用吉普。虽然那些车都停在护城河外、距离甚远,但黑夜中那一排发亮的车灯还是颇为扎眼的。 You said reasonable.” Suddenly, the Dracula sound never the distant place resounded, met one. “你说得有道理。”忽然,德古拉的声音从不远处响起,接了一句。 Ruoyu and Xiao Ling heard the sound turns the head, in the shadow beyond several meters discovered the form of Count. 若雨小灵闻声转头,在数米外阴影中发现了伯爵的身影。 I also very for a long time endured them......” this Mr. Vampire to mysteriously appear and disappear, after Feng Bujue left, he and his lackeys left between the thrones in abundance, does not know that was busy at anything ; But at this time, he was similar to the ghosts and demons quietly to appear in this place. “我也忍他们很久了……”这位吸血鬼先生可谓神出鬼没,在封不觉离开后,他和他的爪牙们就纷纷离开了王座之间,也不知道忙什么去了;而此时,他又如同鬼魅般悄然出现在了此地。 Although there is knot to keep off, but they block the entrance of castle like this, will decide however will bring inconveniently to Mr. F.” Dracula said, I looked...... was processed by me.” “虽说有结界挡着,但他们这样堵住城堡的入口,定然会给F先生带来不便。”德古拉说道,“我看……就由我去处理一下好了。” Processing?” The Ruoyu facial expression changes, „is your meaning kills off them?” “处理?”若雨神情微变,“你的意思是去杀光他们?” May not kill off.” Dracula said, kills their whole staff to lose the fighting will then.” “不一定要杀光。”德古拉道,“杀到他们全员丧失战斗意志即可。” You determined that you can accomplish?” Ruoyu meets saying that hundred years, the development of human in military technology was over the past 1000 years swifter more and violent, in their hands has you have never seen heavy firepower weapon.” “你确定你能办到吗?”若雨接道,“这一百年来,人类在军事科技方面的发展比过去1000年还要迅猛,他们手里有着你从未见过的重火力武器。” Snort......” Dracula cold snort/hum, reminder thank you, but you considered thoroughly...... he to return obviously self-confidently said, even were in the purgatory, I same can see this world the matter.” “哼……”德古拉冷哼一声,“谢谢你的提醒,但你显然是多虑了……”他自信满满地回道,“即使身在炼狱,我一样能看到这世间的事。” This lines, were explained for the time being why he will drive and why know why against ultraviolet ray pasted the membrane to resist the sunlight, to distinguish old room is in the past his former site in that castle and so on illogical situations. 这句台词,姑且算是解释了他为什么会开车、为什么知道防紫外线贴膜可以抵挡阳光、为什么能辨别出“老屋”就是当年他那城堡的旧址等等不合逻辑的情况。 Tidies up outside these people, to me is easy as pie.” Dracula speaking of here, then same place float, changed the body to become a bat along with wisp of light smoke, then...... he flew from the window directly. “收拾外面那些人,对我来说易如反掌。”德古拉说到这儿,便原地悬浮起来,伴随着一缕青烟变身成了一只蝙蝠,接着……他就直接从窗口飞了出去。 After he flies away, Xiao Ling opened the mouth again: This Count as if also really regarded the ally...... she to shake the head to sigh one Captain, oh...... was a pity, Side Quest was doomed we to betray his......” 待他飞离之后,小灵再度开口了:“这位伯爵似乎还真把团长当成盟友了呢……”她摇头叹了一声,“唉……可惜,‘支线任务’注定了咱们是要出卖他的……” Breathes out...... low voice point......” Ruoyu one hear, immediately turns the head to give a keeping silent hand signal to Xiao Ling, careful walls have ears......” “嘘……小声点儿……”若雨一听,立刻转头对小灵做了个噤声的手势,“小心隔墙有耳……” ............ ………… Meanwhile, On Castlevania most step. 与此同时,【恶魔城最上阶】。 ...... may really hard to deal with......” Long Aomin die after the shield hammer a huge devil is the monster, the long stretch/leisurely one breath said. “呼……可真难缠……”龙傲旻用盾牌锤死了一只巨大的恶魔系怪物后,长舒一口气道。 Not far away, Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf also just struck to kill white hair Succubus of on the back grows strange wing with joint forces, seemed like...... their two physical exertion is also big. 不远处,七杀贪狼也刚好合力击杀了一只背生怪翼的白发魅魔,看起来……他们俩的体力消耗也不小。 Ha...... has not thought after...... speeds up the rhythm, that for a long time spent......” Greedy Wolf to puff to discuss, „...... this should be the last region......” was also saying, he pulled out the map to come to see one, does not have other place to search, according to me played the Castlevania memory initially, On Castlevania most step The middle room, is the BOSS location......” “哈啊……没想到……加快节奏之后还是花了那么久……”贪狼喘着粗气念道,“不过……这应该也是最后一个区域了……”说着,他又掏出地图来看了一眼,“已经没有别的地方可以探了,根据我当初玩恶魔城的记忆,【恶魔城最上阶】中间的房间,即是BOSS的所在地……” Mentioned BOSS......” Seven Kill to meet saying that you said our a while met can be Demon Lord Dracula that film title CG mentioned...... Feng Bujue......” “说起BOSS……”七杀接道,“你说我们一会儿遇到的到底会是片头CG里提到的魔王德古拉呢……还是封不觉呢……” This......” Greedy Wolf has adjusted the breath in these seconds, in my opinion...... two all in the possibility is also very high, moreover...... do not forget( blade edge team members of Hell Front three people besides Feng Bujue still not to know matter that Xiao Tan has died).” “这个嘛……”贪狼在这几秒内已把呼吸调整好了,“依我看……二者皆在的可能性也很高,另外……你们别忘了地狱前线除了封不觉以外还有三个人(刀锋队员们依然还不知道小叹已死的事情)呢。” „Do we bring death?” Brother Long this person of temper is quite straight, the speech does not like beating around the bush, he asked a very straightforward question immediately. “那我们岂不是去送死么?”龙哥这人性子比较直,说话也不爱拐弯抹角,他当即问出了一个很直白的问题。 That may not necessarily.” Greedy Wolf returns said that „before reason me, has explained that at present the Feng Bujue's strategy focus has not placed on us, this is the opportunity.” “那可未必。”贪狼回道,“原因我之前已经解释过了,眼下封不觉的战略焦点并没有放在我们身上,这就是机会。” According to your meaning...... is difficult to be inadequate......” Seven Kill to speak thoughtlessly to meet saying that „......, when we rush to the last room, will run upon Feng Bujue and BOSS by chance in the dogfight?” “按你的意思……难不成……”七杀随口接道,“……当我们闯到最后一个房间时,会恰巧撞上封不觉和BOSS在缠斗?” Right, I am betting this situation.” The Greedy Wolf nod acknowledged that we might as well review the overall situation again...... first, in the opening stage of competition, the sudden system setting to us is quite advantageous ; Until I and broken army were suspended one by the enemy side,...... was nearly started us to fall into the disadvantage by the Blood Corpse God double play hence. Then, to our three meeting time, that side Feng Bujue basically has completed has taken advantage of somebody's authority...... then, from the evening to the present several hours, we nonstop in exploration and fight, but Hell Front person trend unclear......” he spoke, while has taken a step to lead the way, simultaneously is gesturing to hint the teammates to follow, generally speaking, Hell Front was really leads our one step in various aspects, but this being in the lead had the price inevitably ; By strikes to kill the broken army, Blood Corpse God is the price ; Again by borrowing potential...... borrows Scenario BOSS this type strongly potential, must hand over some material or completes some event to be good. But Feng Bujue on leads our so many in time, this without doubt is unreasonable, therefore...... I speculated, he borrows potential not truly is reliable, has certainly some hidden danger......” “对,我就是在赌这种情况。”没想到,贪狼点头承认了,“我们不妨再来回顾一下全局……首先,在比赛的开局阶段,突如其来的系统设定对我们还是颇为有利的;直到我和破军被敌方摆了一道,险些被血尸神双杀……至此开始我们就陷入了劣势。然后,到咱们三个会合的时候,封不觉那边基本已经完成了借势……接着,就是从傍晚到现在的几个小时,我们马不停蹄地在探索和战斗,而地狱前线的人动向不明……”他一边说话,一边已迈步前行起来,同时打着手势示意队友们跟上,“总体来看,地狱前线确是在各方面都领先我们一步,但这份‘领先’必然是有代价的;以‘击杀破军’来说,‘血尸神’就是代价;再以‘借势’来说……借到剧本BOSS这种最强的‘势’,肯定得交出某种物质或完成某种事件才行。而封不觉在‘时间’上领先我们这么多,这无疑是不合理的,因此……我推测,他借到的‘势’并不真正可靠,其中一定存在着某种隐患……” That...... you guess by some chance wrong......” the Seven Kill look changed, the sinking sound met saying that „, if Feng Bujue really did have that ability...... to gain the big advantage with nearly the mindless efficiency?” “那万一……你猜错了呢……”七杀神色微变,沉声接道,“如果封不觉真就有那能耐……用近乎不讲理的效率去获取了巨大的优势呢?” „......” Greedy Wolf had not replied, Long Aomin is says with a smile open-minded, that also with asking? If so, we also can only......” “呵……”贪狼还未回答,龙傲旻却是豁达地笑道,“那还用问吗?若真是如此,我们也只能……” - 咻- Suddenly, an abnormal noise started, broke the Brother Long words. 突然,一声异响乍起,打断了龙哥的话语。 In a twinkling! With the sound, the transparent beam grazes to come together, chest of long jab Greedy Wolf. 说时迟,那时快!伴随着响动,一道透明的射线飞掠而来,直击贪狼的心口。 Long Aomin sees that started skill decisively- Protection sprint, Protected instantaneously before the teammate body. 龙傲旻见状,果断地发动了技能-【守护冲刺】,瞬间护在了队友身前。 In this during, to save a skill, perhaps will pay the player who a more serious price...... looks like Brother Long this level not to make this mistake. 在这个当口,若是想省个技能,没准会付出更惨重的代价……像龙哥这种水准的玩家是不会犯这种错误的。 The next second, actually sees Orichalcos Shield The shield glow flashed, strikes the beam on shield to dissipate directly, stood Long Aomin and Greedy Wolf after shield all returns safe and sound. 下一秒,却见【奥利哈刚之盾】盾芒一闪,击在盾上的射线就直接消散了,站在盾后的龙傲旻贪狼皆是毫发无伤。 „After Oh~ this may be really dangerous which......” Long Aomin receives to incur discussed, did not greet completely launched this attack awfully......” “哦哦~这可真危险哪……”龙傲旻收招后念道,“完全不打招呼就发动了这种要命的攻击呢……” Brother Long said, is because he is very clear, just now strokes that beam...... the might on shield is sufficiently Instant kill Greedy Wolf. 龙哥这么说,是因为他很清楚,方才击打在盾牌上的那道射线……威力是足以秒杀贪狼的。 Do not look that beam has not caused the damage finally, actually the list by Attack Power, this strikes absolutely is as good the special bullet that projects by the sniper's rifle. Reason that ended Meige keeps off, without doubt is the Long Aomin strength makes it so. 别看那道射线最后没有造成伤害,其实单以攻击力而言,这一击绝对不逊于由狙击枪射出的特种子弹。之所以会被完美格挡下来,无疑是龙傲旻的实力使然。 Specifically speaking...... Brother Long not only put forth Protection sprint The defense effect of this skill, but also with Orichalcos Shield Two Special Effect. First, with the aid of Orichalcos knot beam propelling power as well as passes through thoroughly strength to transform as shake strength, disperses the strength by this to the entire shield surface ; Second, were that beam triggered Orichalcos- request strength Tos- had the effects of 300% defense capabilities to the magics and all flight item. 具体来说……龙哥不但使出了【守护冲刺】这个技能的防御效果,还用到了【奥利哈刚之盾】的两个特效。其一,就是借助“奥利哈刚的结界”将射线的“推进力”以及“贯透力”全都转化为“震荡力”,以此将力量分散到整个盾面;其二,就是那射线触发了“奥利哈刚-托力托斯”-对魔法及一切飞行道具具备300%的防御能力的效果。 In other words, depends on Active Skill, passive Special Effect, with triggering nature Special Effect of subjective trimming, Brother Long completed this perfect defense. 也就是说,靠着一个主动技能,一个被动特效,和一个主观微调的触发性特效,龙哥才完成了这次完美的防御。 A seemingly simple guard, in fact is the excellent skill that the top player can achieve. 看似简单的一次护卫,实际上是只有顶尖玩家才能做到的高超技巧。 You want......” Seven Kill several meters away to listen to the Brother Long words, meets to say with a smile, you looked the opposite party will seem like with the type that we will greet?” Saying, he enemy toward distant place, had shown the stance of fight. “你想多了吧……”数米外的七杀听了龙哥话,笑着接道,“你看对方像是会跟我们打招呼的类型吗?”说着,他已朝着远处的敌人,摆出了战斗的架势。 At this time, Long Aomin and Greedy Wolf also respectively poked head from above and flank of shield, looks in the direction that the beam raided...... 这时,龙傲旻贪狼也分别从盾牌的上面和侧方探出头去,朝射线袭来的方向望去…… In their opinion...... that side is standing, just like whole body alligator armor and face looks like to rush about the ba fish essence. 在他们看来……那边站着的,俨然就是一个浑身鳄甲、脸部酷似奔波儿灞的鱼精。 Fed......” Brother Long to see that monster, the expression immediately changed, „should that beam...... not be the saliva that it spat a moment ago together?” “喂……”龙哥见了那怪物,表情当即一变,“刚才那一道射线……该不会是它吐的口水吧?” He will ask, is because he took a look at the opposite party, had not seen completely any can be used to launch the long-distance attack mechanics, then...... also can only think that the opposite party is uses the body to launch...... 他会这么问,是因为他将对方上上下下打量了一番,完全没看到任何可以用来进行远程攻击的器械,那么……也只能认为对方是使用身体来发射的了…… - 咻- After two seconds, Gillman responded to the question of Brother Long with the action. 两秒后,鳃人就用行动回应了龙哥的疑问。 Sees only him to dig that fish mouth, then spouted another transparent beam, this time hits the goal is nearby Seven Kill. 只见他将那张鱼嘴一撅,便喷出了另一道透明的射线来,这次打得目标是一旁的七杀 Ha! Do not have a dream!” Seven Kill accomplished a task with ease evaded the attack, and said loudly, „the attack of this speed, even if turned into the child...... my still photo to hide does not harm!” “哈!别做梦了!”七杀游刃有余地躲过了攻击,并高声言道,“这种速度的攻击,就算变成了小孩……我也照躲不误!” Seven Kill, then it gave you.” At this time, hid turns the head to shout one in Brother Long behind Greedy Wolf to Seven Kill suddenly. 七杀,那它就交给你了。”这时,躲在龙哥身后的贪狼忽然转头对七杀喊了一声。 "Ah?Seven Kill hears word stares, what was gives me? This obviously is the mini Boss rank, making me cope?” “啊?七杀闻言一愣,“什么叫‘交给我了’啊?这明显是小BOSS级别吧,让我一个人对付?” During the speeches, Gillman spurted two beams to Seven Kill, Seven Kill is spoken language, while evades it. 说话间,鳃人又对七杀喷了两道射线,七杀则是一边言语,一边将其躲过。 When I and Brother Long am also very busy......” Greedy Wolf answering, has turned around to flush away toward the rear area, but his goal...... is one mummy who is close to from three people gradually. “因为我和龙哥这边也很忙啊……”贪狼回话时,已转身朝后方冲去,而他的目标……是一个正从三人后方缓步接近的木乃伊。 Then after......” one second, Brother Long also raised the head, looks at to a high place hanging lamp, at this moment, on the chains of that lamp, is occupying a figure vigorous werewolf, „...... is my opponent you?” “那么……”一秒后,龙哥也抬起头来,看向了高处的一盏吊灯,此刻,在那个灯的锁链上,正盘踞着一只身形矫健的狼人,“……我的对手就是你咯?” „-” Werewolf called out with one responded to Brother Long, and from in the air swooped. “嗷-”狼人用一声嚎叫回应了龙哥,并从空中飞扑而来。 Snort......” the corners of the mouth of Long Aomin exude a happy expression, raises the shield, wields the arm to sweep, you are fight a hopeless battle Ah! “哼……”龙傲旻的嘴角泛起一丝笑意,扬起盾牌,挥臂一扫,“你这是以卵击石啊! The word finishes, a move Shield attacks fiercely Has acted. 言毕,一招【盾牌猛击】已然出手。 Name: The shield attacks fiercely 名称:盾牌猛击】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Hand-to-Hand combat 技能类别:格斗 Effect: Brandishes the shield, attacks fiercely your enemy( must shield be weapon starts only then, cooling time 20 minutes, all defensive powers that will be provided by Equipment will enhance might that shield will attack fiercely)】 【效果:挥舞盾牌,猛击你的敌人(须盾系武器方可发动,冷却时间二十分钟,所有由装备提供的防御力都将提升盾牌猛击的威力)】 Consumption: Stamina 600 【消耗:体能值600】 Learning Prerequisite: Fighting Proficiency A 学习条件:格斗专精A】 Note: Azeroth against wars most commonly used core injury skill, an attack and defense body, solid reliable, after the attack, will attract the huge hatred.】 【备注:艾泽拉斯的防战们最常用的核心伤害技能,攻防一体,坚实可靠,攻击后还会吸引巨大的仇恨。】 Duang ~ Duang~ The werewolf drops from the clouds, is unable to receive the potential in the midair changes approaches, therefore solid by Brother Long fan one shield. 那狼人从天而降,在半空中无法收势变向,故而结结实实地被龙哥“扇了一盾”。 Do not look Stamina that this strikes consumes general, but the might is really astonishing. Especially Brother Long this type of whole body against attire like the impregnable bastion man, the injury that shield pounds may compared with Jue Bro South Star Flying Dragon Fist Also exaggerating. 别看这一击的体能消耗一般,但威力着实惊人。尤其是龙哥这种全身防装如铜墙铁壁般的男人,那一盾砸出来的伤害可比觉哥的【南斗飞龙拳】还夸张。 The body and spirit of werewolf is big was quite vigorous and healthy, but by Brother Long this meter seven child pounds, flew 78 meters away...... bang to hit obstinately horizontally on the wall, dislodged huge hollow that massive gray stone wall. 狼人的体魄已是相当得高大健壮了,但被龙哥这一米七的“孩子”一砸,愣是横飞出去七八米远……“轰”一声撞在了墙壁上,把那厚实的灰色石墙撞出了一个巨大的凹陷。 Oh......” However, werewolf ** several seconds, staggered to crawl from the wall quickly, stood firm the figure. 呃……”但是,那狼人**了几秒,很快又踉跄着从墙内爬了出来,重新立稳了身形。 Good...... is this is interesting.” Facing the powerful enemy, Brother Long games intent rises gradually, revealed the exciting color unknowingly. “好……就是这样才有意思。”面对强敌,龙哥意渐升,不经意地露出了兴奋之色。 But another side...... Greedy Wolf had also rushed to the mummy nearby. 而另一边……贪狼也已冲到了木乃伊的跟前。 His weapon, is a stone hammer, the contour is simple endures compared with the store goods, but quality but Legend Level...... 他的武器,乃是一柄石锤,外形朴实得堪比商店货,但品质可是传说级…… Since is the dry corpse, this/should lies down in museum well makes the children visit the learn/study is, coming out to run all over the place is incorrect!” When Greedy Wolf acts, has not forgotten to educate the opposite party, „...... comes to give the country by me you on!” “既然已经是干尸了,就该好好躺在博物馆里让小朋友们参观学习才是,出来乱跑是不对的!”贪狼出手之际,还不忘要教育一下对方,“……就由我来把你上交给国家吧!”
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