TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#932: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 6 )

On the night road, the warning light of red and blue interaction flashes continually, the siren buzzing continues. 夜晚的公路上,红蓝相间的警灯连闪,警笛声蜂鸣不止。 As a result of the relations of thunderstorm, the police are unable to transfer the helicopter they to launch to capture to Feng Bujue, therefore can only besiege and pursue to block off in the ground. 由于雷暴的关系,警方无法调动直升机对封不觉他们展开追捕,故而只能在地面上围追堵截。 But this...... gave two people the opportunity. 而这……就给了两人可乘之机。 Under the Feng Bujue's direction, Hill broke through the roadblock under integer police arrange/cloth ingeniously, successfully drove into the urban district the car(riage). 封不觉的指挥下,希尔巧妙地突破了个数个警方布下的路障,成功将车驶入了市区。 After arriving at the complex terrain of city, Jue Bro draws in the time difference of surrounding network using the police, leading Hill to abandon the car(riage) to escape, escapes into the dim light of night. 来到城市的复杂地形后,觉哥利用警方收拢包围网的时间差,带着希尔弃车逃跑,遁入了夜色之中。 However, left the vehicle, did not represent them to be safe...... for various reasons, in the city 98% people are staying in the indoor, on the street almost did not have the vehicles and pedestrian. Feng Bujue and Hill, although gets out, but they as in the encirclement ring of police, even the slightest misstep, may be seized. 不过,离开了车子,并不代表他们就安全了……由于天气的原因,城里98%的人都在室内待着,街上几乎是没有车辆和行人的。封不觉和希尔虽然是下了车,但他们依旧在警方的包围圈中,稍有不慎,还是有可能被逮住。 Now what to do ha............ should we?” Hill runs while is panting for breath, and inquired how Jue Bro should handle affairs. “哈啊……哈啊……我们现在该怎么办?”希尔边跑边喘息着,并询问觉哥该如何行事。 With this compared with the tramp of excessive drinking, Feng Bujue's Stamina may be much better year to year, even if the body reduced, he is the atmosphere does not breathe heavily: „The seizing trick of American police I am very ripe, under police forces enough premise, they will usually make pocket, catches up with the prey to drill toward, then more receives the pocket tightly...... takes at one fell swoop.” He returns calm said, oppressive of this tactic is very high, the efficiency and success ratio are also good, however...... also has obvious weakness.” 和这个常年酗酒的流浪汉相比,封不觉的体能可要好得多,纵然身体缩小了,他还是大气不喘:“美国警察的抓捕伎俩我很熟,在警力足够的前提下,他们通常会做个‘口袋’,赶着猎物往里钻,然后把口袋越收越紧……一举拿下。”他淡定地回道,“这种战术的压迫性很高,效率和成功率也都不错,然而……也有着明显的弱点。” What is...... is?” Hill asked anxiously. “是……是什么?”希尔焦急地问道。 Now, Hill can say such words to come to be unalarmed by strange sights regarding Jue Bro, he only asked Mr. F to lead to escape the birth day. 如今,希尔对于觉哥能说出这样一番话来已经见怪不怪了,他只求F先生能带着自己逃出生天。 In this showdown, the fundamental difference of police and criminal where?” Feng Bujue had not replied that Hill's issue, instead throws an issue. “在这场对决中,警察和罪犯的根本区别在哪儿?”封不觉没有回答希尔的问题,反而抛回去一个问题。 Difference? That is one is certainly running, is pursuing.” Hill spoke thoughtlessly an answer. “区别?那当然是一个在跑,一个在追呗。”希尔随口说了个答案。 „......” Feng Bujue hollow laugh, has no comment to Hill's answer, the joining-up said, is the psychological advantage...... Mr. Hill.” He looked at Hill one eyes, took you to give an example, at this moment, you have taken for granted oneself converged running a side, but the police converged pursuing a side, for this reason, you will be held.” “呵……”封不觉干笑一声,对希尔的答案不予置评,并接道,“是心理优势啊……希尔先生。”他看了希尔一眼,“就拿你来举例好了,此刻,你已经想当然地把自己归为了‘跑’的一方,而把警方归为了‘追’的一方,正因如此,你才会被抓住。” But this is the fact......” Hill should say. “可这是事实啊……”希尔应道。 You said why you can only run?” Feng Bujue also said. “那你说,为什么你就只能跑呢?”封不觉又道。 Because the opposite party overwhelms with numerical strength, moreover there is a spear/gun!” Hill returns righteously said. “因为对方人多势众,而且有枪!”希尔理直气壮地回道。 Overwhelming with numerical strength is also relatively speaking.” Feng Bujue meets saying that comes to see specifically...... before their pocket tightens, so long as we let us not go to is close to that group being responsible for action of driving away the principal force, selects the individual directions to go forward casually, most is two police vehicles...... and even a trap of police vehicle.” He, in other words, in the population is two pairs two.” “人多势众也是相对而言的。”封不觉接道,“具体来看……在他们的‘口袋’收紧之前,我们只要别去接近那拨负责‘驱赶’的主力部队,随便挑个别的方向前进,遇到的最多是两辆警车……乃至一辆警车的封堵。”他顿了顿,“也就是说,人数上是二对二。” But they had......” Hill just to emphasize the military force of enemy side, then saw Jue Bro to put out a modeling strange installment from Traveling Bag , he changed a statement immediately, what Oh...... this was?” “可他们有……”希尔刚想强调一下敌方的武力,便瞅见身旁的觉哥行囊里拿出了一个造型奇诡的装置,他当即改口道,“呃……这是什么?” Complex Type Anti Gravity Launch Device.” Feng Bujue reported this Item Name, succeeded to shock Hill this consciousness also to stay in the 80's average person. 复合式反重力弹射器。”封不觉将这件物品名称报了出来,成功震慑住了希尔这个意识还停留在八十年代的普通人。 This is...... fiercer than the spear/gun?” After Hill looked for two seconds, asked. “这个……比枪厉害是吧?”希尔看了两秒后问道。 Might was close to the 19 th century large-caliber gun.” Feng Bujue returns said. “威力接近于十九世纪的大口径火炮。”封不觉回道。 Hill hears word, swallowed a saliva: so that's how it is......” 希尔闻言,吞了口唾沫:“原来如此……” Most destructive people, once stared to be hard to escape by the police.” Feng Bujue then said, reviews these pirates...... frequently successfully to escape, reason for this...... besides the disparity of Equipment and personal ability, the mentality is basic.” When speaking of here, he has led Hill to pass through an alley, a bottom toward interchange runs, „, only when you overthrew that wall in oneself brain, you truly have the opportunity to surmount the barrier in reality.” “大部分蟊贼一旦被警方盯上就难以逃脱。”封不觉接着说道,“反观那些江洋大盗……经常可以成功逃跑,究其原因……除了装备和个人能力的差距外,心态才是根本。”说到这儿时,他已带领希尔穿越了一条小巷,朝着一座立交桥的底部跑去,“只有当你推倒了自己脑子里的那堵墙,你才真正有机会去翻越现实中的障碍。” After one minute, two people have passed through the interchange bottom, arrived at an entrance of second-hand vehicle shop. 一分钟后,两人已穿过立交桥底,来到了一家二手车店的门口。 Squeak- 吱- But in a twinkling, sees, since they lean in the front alley to kill a police vehicle suddenly, pilot ignites the brake while came the attractive flinging tail, kept off in two people front ways. 说时迟那时快,但见从他们侧前方的小路中陡然杀出一辆警车来,驾驶员一边点着刹车一边来了个漂亮的甩尾,挡在了两人前方的去路上。 The next second, two police officers did not have in the situation of flameout to open the vehicle door to get out in the vehicle fast, lift gun to aim at Jue Bro and Hill. 下一秒,两名警员在车子没熄火的情况下快速打开车门下车,举枪瞄准了觉哥和希尔。 Police! Raise hand! Places the hand......” “警察!举起手来!把手放在头……” Bang- 砰- A in which police officer did not have to speak with enough time the words, by a trash can of roadside hitting. 其中的一名警员还没来得及把话说完,就被一个路边的垃圾桶给击中了。 But launch the person of that trash can...... naturally is Feng Bujue. He in has reacted that the police vehicle runs out instantly, at the maximum speed with launcher adsorbed one round close ammunition. 而“发射”那个垃圾桶的人……自然就是封不觉。他在警车冲出的刹那已经做出反应,以最快的速度用弹射器吸附了一发近在咫尺的“弹药”。 launcher this gadget and spear/gun may different...... want its ejection the object to be big enough, does not need to look very much accurate, shoots conveniently can also hit near perfect. 弹射器这玩意儿和枪可不一样……只要其弹射的物体够大,就不需要瞄得很准,随手一射也能打个八九不离十。 Damn!” Looks the trash can that the partner was flown pounds the dizzy directly, is placing another side of police vehicle another police officer to hurry to bend down, using the front as the shield, the rifle rack in the bonnet on, points at Jue Bro they to exclaim, puts down weapon! Otherwise I must open fire!” “该死!”看着搭档被飞来的垃圾桶直接砸晕,正身处警车另一侧的另一名警员赶紧俯下身子,利用车头作为掩护,把枪架在引擎盖儿上,指着觉哥他们吼道,“放下武器!否则我要开枪了!” Puts down weapon, otherwise I get rid of your partner.” Feng Bujue remains unmoved completely, turned around to absorb one with launcher ammunition( trash can), before lifting the body, and threatened opposite police officer in turn. “放下武器,否则我就干掉你的搭档。”封不觉完全不为所动,一转身又用弹射器吸附了一枚“弹药”(还是垃圾桶),举到了身前,并反过来恐吓对面的警员。 The police officer raised several points the voice: Boy! I said again! Puts down the military......” 那警员把嗓门儿又提高了几分:“小子!我再说一遍!放下武……” You shut up to me!” Jue Bro with he that ten -year-old small physique roars compared with an opposite party louder voice, broke him hoarsely, my several three! Before the number ends, if you have not rolled the surrender...... the trash can before my body to hit the partner in your stupor at a speed of 300 meter per second, when the time comes he will not die lifelong will also be disabled!” “你给我闭嘴!”觉哥用他那十岁的小身板儿吼出了比对方更响的声音,声嘶力竭地打断了他,“我数三声!数完之前你要是还不滚出来投降……我身前的这个垃圾桶就会以每秒300米的速度击中你那昏迷中的搭档,到时候他不死也会终身残废!” Police officer...... I thinks that you are...... Hill who best or illuminates him to say to bend the waist to hide behind the low wall of roadside at this time, he heard outside dialogue, then raised the sound to exclaim to that police officer, „...... this boy anything matter could do! I urged you do not enrage him!” “警官……我想你最好还是照他说的做……”希尔这时已经弯着腰躲到了路边的一堵矮墙后面,他听到外面的对话,便提高了声音对那警员吼道,“……这小子什么事都干得出来!我劝你不要激怒他!” One!” That side Chille finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue has started to count. “一!”希尔那边话音未落,封不觉这边就已经开始数数了。 Hides from that police officer after police vehicle presses strength mountain at this time in a big way...... first, he had not responded that to the present a moment ago that outcome was what situation ; Next, although in the hand lifts gun, looked to Jue Bro the place of standing, but in his line of sight actually can only see a trash can...... 躲在警车后的那名警员此时可谓压力山大……首先,他到现在还没反应过来刚才那一幕究竟是什么情况;其次,虽然手里举着枪,也瞄向了觉哥所站之处,但他视线中却只能看到一个垃圾桶…… Obviously, Feng Bujue has thought before the action the completely safe countermeasure, that was regarded ammunition trash can happen to float before his body, covered the body of his ten -year-old child most probably ; Moreover, because that police officer squats after the car(riage) aims, the marksmanship angle was also restricted...... the synthesis, even if the police really opened fire, the Jue Bro hit probability is still minimal. 很显然,封不觉在行动之前早已想好了万全的对策,那个被当成“弹药”的垃圾桶正好就悬浮在他的身前,将他那十岁孩童的身体遮挡掉了大半;另外,由于那名警员蹲在车后瞄准,射击的角度也受到了限制……综合来讲,就算那警察真的开枪了,觉哥被击中的概率也微乎其微。 Two!” Feng Bujue counted second quickly, does not give the opposite party the spare ponder time. “二!”封不觉很快就数了第二声,根本不给对方多余的思考时间。 Good! Good! I come out! Do not act unreasonably!” Under the heavy pressure, that police officer compromised. “好!好!我出来!你别乱来!”重压之下,那名警员还是妥协了。 He said loudly after several, then raises the spear/gun in hand, stood slowly the body, and moved the step to circle from the police vehicle. 他高声说了几句后,便举起手中的枪,缓缓站直了身子,并从警车后面挪步绕了过来。 Normal, at this time controls a side who stays in a brothel overnight the surface to let be threaten a side to slow down the movement as far as possible, preventing the latter to use what trick. 正常来说,此时控制住局面的一方应该尽可能地让受到威胁的一方放慢动作,防止后者耍什么花招。 However...... the approach of Feng Bujue this chapter of choice is actually...... 然而……封不觉这回选择的做法却是…… Your he bi-】 Is suppressing the excrement? In three seconds give you me to stand! Puts the ground the spear/gun! Otherwise I open fire...... one!” Jue Bro explodes again and again thickly, and starts to count again. “你他【哔-】的憋着屎呢?三秒内给你我站出来!把枪放到地上!否则我就开炮……一!”觉哥连连爆粗,并再次开始数数。 The police officer has not really thought that can be this expansion, at that time was a little at a loss: Line...... you calmly, my......” he is saying, while the half step has proceeded two steps, bends down to fire toward the ground the spear/gun. 那警员还真没想到会是这种展开,当时就有点乱了方寸:“行……你冷静点,我这就……”他一边说着,一边已快步往前走了两步,俯身把枪往地上放去。 Has not thought...... 没想到…… Bang- 砰- Bends the waist in him instantly, Jue Bro that lowers the head launched the trash can him without hesitation, strikes to faint it in the place. 就在他弯腰低头的刹那,觉哥毫不犹豫地对他发射了垃圾桶,将其击晕在地。 When Hill hears the sound, pokes head to peep from the low wall, Feng Bujue has arrived at the police vehicle, searched for the two police officer spears/guns. 当希尔听到声音,从矮墙后面探出头来偷看时,封不觉已经走到了警车边,搜走了两名警员身上的枪。 Be not gawking, drives.” Feng Bujue held the clothes pocket both spears/guns, turned the head toward Schildau. “别愣着,过来开车。”封不觉将两把枪都揣进了衣服口袋,转头朝希尔道了一句。 They......” Hill slightly is running from the distant place, looked down ground that two police, „...... won't die?” “他们……”希尔从远处小跑着走过来,低头看了看地上那两个警察,“……不会死了吧?” All right, but faints, most slight cerebral concussions.” Feng Bujue mentioned the fearful lines very calmly. “没事,只是晕倒而已,最多轻微脑震荡。”封不觉十分冷静地讲出了可怕的台词。 His saying to be comforting Hill actually not, but in the elaboration fact...... by the launcher normal might, attacks the average person to have the possibility in this distance extremely lethal ; But in this Scenario, Feng Bujue all Item, Equipment and skill with his build same encountered the attenuation, this then made that two police save the life. 他这话倒不是在安慰希尔,而是在阐述事实……以弹射器正常的威力来说,在这个距离上攻击普通人是极有可能致死的;但在这个剧本里,封不觉所有的物品装备、技能都和他的体型一样遭到了弱化,这便让那两名警捡回了性命。 3204,3204 please answer, your side situations? Finished.” “3204,3204请回话,你们那边的情况怎么样了?完毕。” In Jue Bro and Hill ride the police vehicle, the intercom in car(riage) made a sound. 就在觉哥和希尔坐上警车之际,车内的对讲机响了起来。 What to do?” Hill looks at Jue Bro startled, „before they drive to clash, certain has reported through the intercom......” “怎么办?”希尔惊慌地看着觉哥,“他们开车冲出来以前一定已经通过对讲机报告过了……” That reported again.” Feng Bujue is saying, took out conveniently Fraud Pocket watch, Placed the mouth to ferment several seconds him, later took up the intercom say/way, here was 3204, was sorry that...... reported mistakenly a moment ago, here all normal, finished.” “那就再报告一下好了。”封不觉说着,顺手取出了【欺诈怀表】,将其放在嘴边酝酿了几秒,随后拿起对讲机道,“这里是3204,抱歉……刚才是误报,这里一切正常,完毕。” When the Feng Bujue use the voice of that police officer spoke toward the intercom a moment ago, Hill turns the head simple-hearted, with one type looked that the God same expression looks at Jue Bro. However he has not interrupted, but twitched several corners of the mouth, and accepted this setting silently...... 封不觉使用刚才那名警员的声音朝对讲机说话时,希尔木讷地转过头来,用一种看上帝一样的表情看着觉哥。不过他没有插嘴,只是抽动了几下嘴角,并默默接受了这个设定…… Receives, various units pay attention, southwest 3204 all clear, finished.” In the intercom transmitted such a response quickly. “收到,各单位注意,西南侧3204处警报解除,完毕。”对讲机里很快传来了这样一段回应。 After Feng Bujue hears, hung up the intercom satisfied, and received Fraud Pocket watch, both hands was resting the head on the head, depended toward the chairback on: Drives, guides.” 封不觉听到后,满意地挂上了对讲机,并收起了欺诈怀表,双手枕着头,往椅背上一靠:“开车,带路。” ............ ………… Late 9 0:20, in castle. 晚九点20,城堡之中。 After determining the policy of speeding up the rhythm, the efficiency improvement of blade edge team. 在确定了加快节奏的方针后,刀锋队的效率提高了很多。 From Castlevania Library After killing, they passed respectively Dance treads hall With Illusion palace These two regions, encountered the big or small monster to be countless in this period, mini Boss also brushed several. 从【恶魔城藏书库】杀出后,他们又分别通过了【舞踏馆】和【幻梦宫】这两个区域,期间遭遇了大小怪物不计其数,小BOSS也刷了好几个。 Naturally, to them, these are not anything......, just like Greedy Wolf said, the difficulty of this flow, nothing but is the ordinary Scenario level. 当然了,对于他们来说,这些都不算什么……正如贪狼所说,这种流程的难度,无非就是普通剧本的水准罢了。 The Greedy Wolf previous inference Very accurate Feng Bujue this little while truly is busy at other matter, he had not planned that eliminates the opponent as soon as possible. 贪狼此前的推理十分准确-封不觉这会儿确实是在忙别的事情,他也没有打算尽快去消灭对手。 Aimed at this...... the blade edge three people with irresistible force, killed suddenly Garden that puts behind. 瞅准了这点……刀锋的三人可谓势如破竹,眨眼间就杀到了【忘却的庭院】。 Monster was really getting stronger and stronger......” giant cockerel that in killing one will spray the petrified ray after the eye, the breath of Seven Kill somewhat was finally chaotic. “怪物真的越来越强了呢……”在打死了一只会用眼睛喷射石化光线的巨型公鸡后,七杀的呼吸终于有些乱了。 Moreover sped up marching the rhythm...... indeed to consume more physical strengths objectively.” Brother Long also meets to say. “而且加快进军节奏……在客观上来说的确是耗费了更多的体力啊。”龙哥也接道。 Relax...... so many competitions hit......” Greedy Wolf to meet saying that how many times we by the situation that the full condition and enemy did encounter altogether? Most of the time...... was also not in five skills decides the victory and defeat.” “放心吧……都那么多场比赛打下来了……”贪狼接道,“咱们以满状态和敌人遭遇的情况总共才几次啊?大多数时候……还不是五个技能之内就分出胜负了。” That is also......” Seven Kill smiles bitterly a sound said, expert contests, life and death to flicker.” “那倒也是……”七杀苦笑一声道,“高手过招、生死一瞬。” How haven't I felt?” Brother Long said with a smile, I frequently and expert fought 300 rounds to decide the victory and defeat.” “我怎么没觉得呢?”龙哥笑道,“我可是经常和高手大战三百回合才分出胜负的。” „......” Greedy Wolf also smiled, among top player the defensive Hand-to-Hand combat player like you are few, in Thriller Paradise fortunately......, if trades the individual games, will have your player to go to the competition of participate...... ornamental to sell at a discount greatly.” “呵……”贪狼也笑了,“顶级玩家当中像你这样的防守型格斗玩家很少啊,在惊悚乐园里还好……要是换个别的游戏,有你这种选手去参加的比赛……观赏性会大打折扣的。” When they chatted, the step of under foot has not stopped, the words to here, another red door appeared before them. 他们闲聊之际,脚下的步伐也未停止,话至此处,又一扇红门出现在了他们面前。 After three people passed through another white corridor, System Notification comes in time: Chronometer tower. 当三人穿过了又一条白色走廊后,系统提示如期而至:【时计塔】。 „............ Heard System Notification to here, Greedy Wolf discussed, I was very deep...... he to the impression of this map one second, recalled, still remembers initially I played that Castlevania game time, because died here many times, therefore I checked capturing/raiding , when captured, looked at the related knowledge about Castlevania.” “哦……到这儿了吗……”一听到系统提示,贪狼就念道,“我对这个地图的印象很深……”他顿了一秒,回忆道,“还记得当初我玩那个恶魔城游戏的时候,因为在这里死了很多次,所以我才去查了攻略,也正是在查攻略时,看了一些关于恶魔城的相关知识。” Oh? then...... here has the dead trap and so on thing?” Brother Long doubts to say. 哦?这么说来……这里有很多即死陷阱之类的东西吗?”龙哥疑道。 Said...... here monster is very sharp?” Seven Kill also asked. “还是说……这里的怪物都特别犀利?”七杀也问道。 That but is actually not.” Greedy Wolf returns said, I also realized afterward, always dies the reason here...... is only my hand is remnant.” “那倒也不是。”贪狼回道,“我也是后来才意识到,总是死在这里的原因……只是我手残而已。” Che ~ Brother Long and Seven Kill cut one with one voice, but also both with despising the vision looked at their political commissar one eyes. 切~龙哥七杀异口同声地切了一声,还双双用鄙夷的目光看了他们的政委一眼。 But!” Each qualified political commissar, in the talk segmentum posterius, will often use these two characters, Greedy Wolf is no exception, according to my observation...... BOSS of chronometer tower, we should be able not to hit.” “但是!”每一位合格的政委,在谈话的中后段,往往都会用出这两个字来,贪狼也不例外,“根据我的观察……时计塔的BOSS,我们应该可以不打。” Saying, he put out that concealed treasure chart. At this time, in his hand that originally the concealed treasure charts that are constituted from the doodle, presented many clear geometric figures unexpectedly, but these drawn outline...... just like each space that they adopt all the way. 说着,他就拿出了那张“藏宝图”来。此时,他手中那原本由涂鸦构成的藏宝图中间,竟然出现了许多清晰的几何图形、而那些被画出的轮廓……俨然就是他们一路上所通过的每一个空间。
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