TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#931: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 5 )

8 : 00 pm, in Castlevania Library. 晚 8 点,恶魔城藏书库中。 Always thought that this establishment has the plot......” Long Aomin retrocedes, while turns the head to clash Greedy Wolf to say. “总觉得这个设置有阴谋啊……”龙傲旻一边后退,一边转头冲贪狼说道。 Ok, asked you not to turn head.” Greedy Wolf returns said, you looked...... close.” “行了,都叫你别回头了。”贪狼回道,“你瞧……又关上了。” At this moment, the blade edge three team members are standing in channel that is built by the emerald wall. That road that they come no many said that nothing but is along the way some monsters of being in the way, one side of that but their intention goes, actually by one huge stone face sealing up. 此刻,刀锋的三名队员正站在一条由翡翠色的墙壁所砌成的通道内。他们来的那条路没什么好多说的,无非就是沿途有些挡路的怪物而已,但他们意图前往的那一侧,却被一张巨大的“石脸”给封住了。 That face whole is the red-orange, the eyeball of pair of deep green illumination, grew a big nose and a mouth evagination fang...... opens the face of devil or malicious ghost generally speaking probably. 那张脸整体呈橘红色,有一对碧绿发光的眼珠,长了一个大鼻子和一嘴外突的獠牙……总体来看像是张恶魔或是恶鬼的脸。 Before five minutes, three people then arrived at this leaf face gate front, after they nose the moment, had not actually discovered clue that opens the door slightly. When they prepares then to turn back, actually hears wheezing......” sound of the bricks and stones trundle. 五分钟前,三人便来到了这扇“脸门”的前方,他们查探片刻后,却没有发现丝毫开门的线索。正当他们准备回头折返时,却听得“呼噜噜……”一阵砖石滚动之声。 Three people turn head suddenly, glimpses the mouth section of that face to close exactly...... 三人猛然回头,恰好瞥见那张脸的嘴部闭合起来…… Then, after several probes, they discovered this sliding door rule finally-, when some people are close to certain distance, when turns away from it, it opening mouth section, turning condition that can adopt. 接着,经过了几番试探,他们终于发现了这扇门的规律-当有人接近到一定的距离,并背对它时,它就会“张开嘴部”,变成可以通过的状态。 Therefore, Greedy Wolf found out three people to retrocede together is walking into the gate this plan. 于是,贪狼就想出了“三人一起后退着走入门中”这个方案。 However, does this without doubt is quite dangerous...... gate behind has what trap by some chance, their but actually move of most likely on meeting. 然而,这样做无疑是比较危险的……万一门的后面有什么陷阱,他们这样倒着进去八成就会中招。 I also thought that improper......” Seven Kill meets saying that monster and trap I pour Fearless ...... I to fear Feng Bujue is standing after the gate is waiting for us.” “我也觉得不妥……”七杀接道,“怪物和陷阱我倒不怕……我就怕封不觉正站在门后等着我们。” That is impossible.” Greedy Wolf shakes the head to say. “那是不可能的。”贪狼摇头回道。 „Did you affirm?” Long Aomin doubts to say. “你就这么肯定?”龙傲旻疑道。 I have looked, this fellow is consuming the time with us.” Greedy Wolf returns said, he had not planned eliminates us as soon as possible, but is waiting for anything......” “我早就已经看出来了,这家伙正在跟我们耗时间。”贪狼回道,“他并没有打算尽快地消灭我们,而是在等待着什么……” How did Oh? this words say?” Seven Kill also turns the head to ask. 哦?此话怎讲?”七杀也转头问道。 This......” Greedy Wolf thinks several seconds, organized a language, said, still remembers previously he through the exchange that the mouth of monster and we did make?” “这个嘛……”贪狼想了数秒,组织了一下语言,说道,“还记得此前他通过怪物之口和我们做的交流吧?” „, Remembers certainly.” Seven Kill showed an egg sore expression to comply with one. “啊,当然记得。”七杀摆出一副蛋疼的表情应了一句。 You ponder over...... the Greedy Wolf facial expression is very serious carefully, that is not prompted by a sudden impulse, but was a very wise psychological induction......” he stopped for several seconds speaking of here, gave the two teammate some ponder time, immediately said again, first, Feng Bujue in this way, allowing us to understand- we throughout under his surveillance ; Then expands is- he can sneak attack us momentarily......” “你们仔细琢磨一下吧……”贪狼的神情却很严肃,“那绝非是心血来潮,而是一次十分高明的心理诱导……”他说到这儿停顿了几秒,给了两名队友一定的思考时间,随即再道,“首先,封不觉通过这种方式,让我们了解到了-‘我们始终在他的监视之下’;进而便引申为-‘他随时可以对我们进行偷袭’……” Brother Long and Seven Kill hears word nod , indicating that they were still following close on the mentality of staff officer. 龙哥七杀闻言都点点头,表示他们仍紧跟着参谋的思路。 Later, he taking advantage of...... displays with Seven Kill the struggle of argument extemporaneously, disclosed coolly some information to us, and took advantage of opportunity to ridicule our.” Greedy Wolf then said that „, although his expression empty conceals solid......, but I think that you and I are the same, in that time has then understood clearly...... that words to enrage us, make the pressure, to let us to us in the speed that in the anxiety picks up to explore.” “随后,他借着和七杀的口舌之争……即兴发挥,不露声色地透露了一些信息给我们,并顺势嘲弄了我们一番。”贪狼接着道,“虽然他的言辞虚中藏实……但我想你们和我一样,在那个时刻便已洞悉到了……那番话是想激怒我们、给我们制造心理压力、让我们在焦急之中加快探索的速度。” Right, is not such?” Brother Long meets to say. “对啊,难道不是这样的吗?”龙哥接道。 „It is not.” Greedy Wolf shakes the head. “不是。”贪狼摇头。 Seven Kill and Brother Long immediately the look changes. 七杀龙哥当即神色一变。 Double bluffs......” Greedy Wolf met one, and looked at one toward the faces of two teammates on respectively, understands?” “双重陷阱……”贪狼接了一句,并分别朝两名队友的脸上看了一眼,“明白吗?” Your meaning is......” Seven Kill meets to say looking pensive, his true intention...... actually just right opposite?” “你的意思是……”七杀若有所思地接道,“他真正的意图……其实正好相反?” Right.” Greedy Wolf nods to say, we might as well penetrate the representation to reconsider one...... to assume Feng Bujue really wants to make us speed up the action rhythm, is the goal that he does this what? Nothing but to let us consumes many Stamina and lives in hurried, becoming is easier to strike to kill.” His a half second, shifting to a new subject, what kind, but the actual situation is? Since we enter a city now, has not encountered any special hazard hinders......” “没错。”贪狼点头应道,“我们不妨透过表象重新思考一遍……假设封不觉真的想让我们加快行动节奏,那他这样做的目的是什么呢?无非是为了让我们在匆忙中消耗更多的体能和生命,变得更容易击杀。”他微顿半秒,话锋一转,“但实际情况是怎么样的呢?从我们进城到现在,尚未遇到过任何特别危险的阻滞……” Greedy Wolf looked up all around, continued saying: Since our actions under his surveillance, why he don't make what? By his ability, even if not come and does not make the upfront conflict, can still have the innumerable methods to cope with us......, but he actually conducted exerting pressure in language to us, isn't this self-contradictory?” 贪狼抬头看了看四周,继续说道:“既然我们的行动始终在他的监视之下,那他为什么不做点儿什么呢?以他的能耐,就算不现身、不做正面冲突,也能有无数种手段来对付我们……可是他却只是对我们进行了一次语言上的施压而已,这不是自相矛盾么?” Un......” hears here, Brother Long feels the chin to hesitate saying that illuminates your meaning...... he not to kill us?” “嗯……”听到此处,龙哥摸着下巴沉吟道,“照你这意思……难道他不想杀我们?” Thinks, but is not the present kills.” The Greedy Wolf look sinks, meets saying that according to my observations...... Feng Bujue and Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil have a common ground, that is- how, regardless to arrange strategically,...... they never places the enemy from the psychology with the similar level in regards. Briefly...... they must be supercilious extremely.” His cold snort/hum, snort/hum......, therefore they have a custom, likes beats enemy the priority postpositioned, explores Scenario to allow to pass through.” “想,但不是现在就杀。”贪狼神色一沉,接道,“据我观察……封不觉吞天鬼骁有个共同点,那就是-无论在战略上如何安排,从心理上来讲……他们从未把敌人放在和自己同样的层次上看待。简单地说……他们都极度得目中无人。”他冷哼一声,“哼……所以他们都有一种习惯,就是喜欢把‘击败敌人’的优先级后置,给‘探索剧本’让路。” Greedy Wolf is saying, while gestures to two teammates, hints them to transfer, then retreat. 贪狼一边说着,一边给两名队友打了个手势,示意他们把头转过去,接着后退。 Conversation hence, although Greedy Wolf has not confessed the complete matter, but Seven Kill and Long Aomin have felt his confident energy, therefore does not have to question again backs up passing through the gate decision. 交谈至此,虽然贪狼还没把全部的事情交代完,但七杀龙傲旻都已感觉到了他那份胸有成竹的底气,故而没有再去质疑“倒退进门”的决定。 When three people steps retreat, are not many passed through stone face the mouth section, from emerald channel to another black-brown space. 三人大踏步地后退,不多时就穿过了石脸的嘴部,从翡翠色的通道到了另一个黑褐色的空间。 The result...... does not have any trap was really triggered. They turn around again, stone face the mouth has not closed. 结果……真的没有任何陷阱被触发。他们再度转了个身,那石脸的嘴也没有闭合起来。 By present this Scenario, Feng Bujue obviously after playing this set......” several seconds, Greedy Wolf then just now words saying, actually he does not want that quickly with us to, no matter on his mouth said anything, he is...... avoids at the matter of doing with our directly contact and protracted time actually.” He, to achieve this goal, he needs our coordination, therefore...... he played this double bluffs.” “以眼下这个剧本来说,封不觉明显又在玩这一套……”数秒后,贪狼接着方才的话道,“其实他并不想那么快就和我们对上,不管他嘴上说了什么,他实际在做的事情是……避免和我们正面接触、拖延时间。”他顿了顿,“为了实现这个目标,他需要我们的配合,于是……他就玩了这手‘双重陷阱’。” In other words...... he even if from the beginning arrived at us to see through the intention in his expression.” Seven Kill thinks the edge joint say/way, „, therefore he does convey and true intention opposite information in the words intentionally?” “也就是说……他从一开始就算到了我们能看穿他那言辞里的意图。”七杀边想边接道,“所以他故意在话里传达与自己真正意图相反的信息?” „.” Greedy Wolf returns said, then sighed, met saying that oh...... spoke the truth, this fellow's ability in psychological induction made my people who study crossed the psychology feel that simply felt inferior......” he to take the opportunity to install to compel, said again, „when he conducted to us the urging, enraged and exerts pressure, knows that we will see through his intention, then did exactly the opposite- fought steadily and fortifies at every step. Once we did this, center his below bosom on the contrary.” “正是。”贪狼回道,然后叹了口气,接道,“唉……说实话,这家伙在心理诱导方面的才能简直让我这个正经学过心理学的人感到自卑啊……”他借机装了个逼,再道,“他对我们进行催促、激怒和施压时,就知道我们会识破他的意图,然后反其道而行之-稳扎稳打、步步为营。而一旦我们这样做了,反倒正中他的下怀。” I was almost also circled by you faint......” Brother Long to scratch the head to meet to say at this time, in brief...... we now quick right?” “我差不多也被你们绕晕了……”龙哥这时挠着头接道,“总之……我们现在还是得快对吧?” Right, the quicker the better.” Greedy Wolf said, does not need to be worried can have what specially dangerous condition to appear, considered is playing ordinary Scenario to be good.” His look changes, discussed that „, if I have not guessed that wrong...... Feng Bujue most likely are busy other anything now, so long as we step out, has the opportunity to disrupt his layout and rhythm, even is kills his one to be caught off guard.” “对,越快越好。”贪狼道,“不用担心会有什么特别险恶的状况出现,就当是在玩普通剧本好了。”他眼神微变,念道,“如果我没猜错……封不觉现在八成在忙着别的什么事情,只要我们加快脚步,就有机会打乱他的布局和节奏,甚至是杀他一个措手不及。” ............ ………… Above the dark clouds, the curtain of night has been near. 黑云之上,夜幕已临。 A rare large-scale thunderstorm has occupied in the sky of this city, most civilians chose kept in the home, to avoid going out. 一场百年难遇的大规模雷暴已盘踞在了这座城市的上空,绝大多数平民都选择了留在家中、避免外出。 However, the police, fire fighters, medical personnel, armies and other communities go out on duty as usual...... 但是,警察、消防员、医护人员、军队等群体还是得照常出勤的…… At this time, on the dark stream a road between road and urban district, an automobile is going in the uniform speed. On the vehicle sits two people, on the driving seat is tramp Hill, but in the copilot place, is Feng Bujue of ten -year-old version. 此时,在暗溪路与市区之间的一条公路上,一辆汽车正在匀速地行驶着。车上坐着两个人,驾驶席上是流浪汉希尔,而副驾驶座上,是十岁版的封不觉 Arrived at the half-way childhood in them, the front distant place...... presented one row of neat headlights, is just like driving in their directions. 就在他们开到半道儿时,前方较远处……出现了一列整齐的车灯,俨然正朝着他们这个方向驶来。 Came...... Feng Bujue to see that to talk over one eventually, immediately looked up to nearby Schildau, „did I teach your lines...... to remember?” “终究是来了啊……”封不觉见状念叨了一句,随即抬头看向旁边的希尔道,“我教你的台词……都记住了吗?” Was...... remembers.” Hill somewhat returns anxiously said. “是……记住了。”希尔有些紧张地回道。 Relaxes.” Feng Bujue with a languid language gas welding say/way, according to doing that I said that definitely will not have the matter, you were anxious...... seem suspicious.” “放松点儿。”封不觉用一种懒洋洋的语气接道,“按我说的做,绝对不会有事的,你越是紧张……越显得可疑。” Good...... I to make contribution.” Hill said, the deep breath several, adjusted their facial expression. “好……我尽力。”希尔说罢,深呼吸了几下,调整了一下自己的面部表情。 About after one minute, they then met with that team of vehicles. Arrives can see clearly, these car(riage)s...... basically all are the military jeep and police vehicle, middle even also with several armored vehicles. 大约一分钟后,他们便和那队车子相遇了。来到近前便可看清,那些车……基本全是军用吉普和警车,当中甚至还跟了几辆装甲车。 Obviously, that soaring to the heavens black light beam brought to the attention of local government considerable degree. In Scenario that however in this kind is reorganized by the movie, the police or the army often will come quite late......, therefore, after several hours, these armies assemble, arrived at present this position. 很显然,那条冲天的黑色光柱引起了当地政府相当程度的重视。不过在这类由电影改编的剧本里,警察或军队往往会来得比较晚……所以,直到几个小时以后,这些部队才集结完毕,开到了目前这个位置。 Feng Bujue naturally foresaw this situation ahead of time, when without the castle, he already with Hill to oral confession, if met the vehicle to be blocked questioning, they can flicker. 封不觉自然是提前预见到了这种情况的,还没出城堡时,他就已经和希尔对完了口供,万一遇到车子被拦下来盘查,他们就可以忽悠过去了。 Really, before Jue Bro their car(riage) connection of car(riage)s and these police departments, the police vehicle from the motorcade, kept off on the traffic lane of reversion. On the vehicle walks two policemen directly, they raises hand to hint toward Jue Bro. 果然,在觉哥他们的车和那些军警部门的车交汇之前,就有一辆警车从车队中开了出来,挡在了逆向的车道上。车上直接走下来两名警察,朝着觉哥他们举手示意。 Hill has also been psychologically prepared, he stops and burns out the car(riage) slowly, then shakes down oneself this one side glass directly, turns the head to look that toward police officer who walked. 希尔也早已做好了心理准备,他缓缓将车停下、熄火,然后直接摇下自己这一侧的车窗,转头看向了走过来的警员。 What situation is this? Police officer.” Also without and other opposite party opens the mouth, Hill first throws an issue. “这是什么情况?警官。”还没等对方开口,希尔就先抛出去一个问题。 „The name of this situation is called minding own business.” The police officer who that is responsible for interrogating bends down before the driver seat glass, should say, your oneself looked...... this does seem like the matter that you can inquire about?” During the speeches, he also hinted one with the look the armored vehicle that passes through from oneself behind. “这情况的名字叫做‘少管闲事’。”那名负责盘问的警官俯身在驾驶座旁的车窗前,应道,“你自己看……这像是你能过问的事儿吗?”说话间,他还用眼神示意了一下正从自己身后经过的装甲车。 I said that...... should not be that black light beam will be related?” Hill ships out a face curious appearance. “我说……该不会是和那黑色的光柱有关吧?”希尔装出一脸好奇的样子。 What's wrong? What do you have to see? Mister.” The expression of police officer enforced immediately. “怎么?你有看到什么吗?先生。”那警员的表情立即严肃了起来。 Oh...... that does not have.” Hill shrugs, returns with the quite sincere manner said, I and nephew camp out in the riverside in the afternoon, is fishing...... the result to see that the space presented the light beam......” he to lower the sound, spoke the truth...... I to think at that time was the military is doing anything to test...... frightens me to draw in the nephew to hurry to run, thing that even camped out has not tidied up. Has not thought...... my nephew fell into the river incautiously, this boy will not swim, I may spend the big vigor to rescue...... nearly him to flood......” 呃……那倒没有。”希尔耸耸肩,用颇为诚恳的神态回道,“我和侄子下午在河边露营,正钓着鱼呢……结果就看到天上出现了光柱……”他压低了声音,“说实话……我当时以为是军方在搞什么实验……吓得我拉上侄子赶紧跑,连露营的东西都没收拾。可没想到……我侄子一不小心掉进了河里,这小子不会游泳,我可花了好大的劲儿才把他救上来……差点儿就淹……” Good good......” that police officer listened to him to say this big pile, immediately showed the impatient expression, hits to block the way crudely, you first take to give me to have a look the driver's license.” “行了行了……”那警员听他说了这一大堆,当即露出了不耐烦的表情,粗暴地打断道,“你先把驾照拿出来给我看看。” „, Good.” Hill hears word, nods, and put out own driver's license from the coat pocket. “哦,好的。”希尔闻言,点了点头,并从上衣口袋里拿出了自己的驾照。 After that police officer received the driver's license, taking advantage of the light of flashlight, Hill's the picture on face and driver's license contrasted. 那名警员接过驾照后,借着手电筒的灯光,将希尔的脸和驾照上的照片对比了一下。 Because this is a Zhang Zhen's document and holder is also Hill, therefore is the inspection does not have problems...... 由于这是一张真的证件、持有者也是希尔本人,因此是检查不出什么问题来的…… How does your nephew pass on this?” When the police officer hands over the driver's license gives back to Hill, shot a look in a car(riage), looks at Feng Bujue to ask. “你侄子怎么传成这样?”警员将驾照递还给希尔时,瞥了一眼车内,望着封不觉问道。 I did not mean that...... he falls in the river......” Hill to give answers readily, the facial expression was also very natural, suddenly could not find the dry/does clothes to trade, in my car(riage) happen to have his clothes of tonight's participate party, made him first exchange.” “我不是说了嘛……他掉河里了……”希尔对答如流,神情也很自然,“一时间又找不到干的衣服换,我的车里正好有他今晚参加派对的衣服,就让他先换上了。” Sends right?” The police officer probed was asking one. “派对?”警员又试探着问了一句。 Halloween sends right, Police officer.” Feng Bujue also turned the head to speak at this time, he is pursing the lips, sets at the air/Qi expression to meet to say when with ten -year-old child, „, but I heard that already cancel, is really repugnant!” “万圣节派对啊,警官。”封不觉这时也转头说话了,他撅着嘴,用十岁小孩置气时的表情接道,“但我听说那已经取消了,真是讨厌!” Hill then looked at Jue Bro one, cast a vision of admiration to its exquisite performing skill, immediately has turned away to look that said to the police: We heard the broadcast...... saying that a moment ago because of thunderstorm cancel all celebrations, this child may pass disappointedly, must know that his clothes are his mother......” 希尔回头看了觉哥一眼,对其精湛的演技投去了一道敬佩的目光,随即又转过脸看向警察道:“刚才我们听到广播……说是因为雷暴取消了所有庆祝活动,这孩子可失望透了,要知道他那套衣服是他妈妈……” Ok, was OK...... the mister.” The police officer has regarded words to discuss Hill, he before the latter has not pulled again first said, you pass a bit faster...... remember, leaves this region as soon as possible, then goes indoor to treat.” “好了,可以了……先生。”那警员已经把希尔当成了一个话唠,他趁着后者没有再度扯起来之前就抢先言道,“你们快点儿过去吧……记住,尽快离开这个区域,然后去室内待着。” Oh...... good, Police officer.” Hill also stretches out the glass to notify the opposite party very much attentively, it seems like enters the play. 呃……好的,警官。”希尔还很殷勤地把头伸出车窗跟对方打了声招呼,看来是入戏了。 After two seconds, that police officer has turned around to go out of several meters distance, and spreads out both hands to shake the head toward his partner. 两秒后,那个警员已转身走出了几米距离,并摊开双手朝他的搭档摇了摇头。 It seems like...... Hill and Jue Bro performance is very successful. 看起来……希尔和觉哥的表演十分成功。 At this time, that enormous and powerful motorcade by them had also driven past from Jue Bro, only then that stopped to be responsible for interrogating their police vehicles not to follow. 这时,那浩浩荡荡的车队也已从觉哥他们旁边开过去了,就只有那辆停下来负责盘问他们的警车还没跟上。 After more than ten seconds, Hill started the vehicle, rolls by from that police vehicle ; That two police officer little while have also returned to the car(riage) to come up, the preparation tone follows the motorcade. 十几秒后,希尔重新发动了车子,从那辆警车旁驶过;那两名警员这会儿也已回到车上去,准备调头跟上车队。 When both sides think the matter stops, has not thought...... 就在双方都以为事情到此为止的时候,没想到…… The police officer, that is responsible for interrogating as luck would have it unfortunately glimpsed the car licenses of Jue Bro their car(riage)( before this state forces to request car(riage), does not hang car license, behind can only hang). 赶巧不巧的,那名负责盘问的警员瞥见了觉哥他们那辆车的车牌(这个州并不强制要求车前也挂车牌,可以只挂后面)。 Hey! Wait! This morning isn't that license number...... the car(riage) that some people report the loss of something to the authorities?” “嘿!等等!那个车牌号……不是今天早上有人报失的车吗?” Damn! They must run, pursues quickly!” “该死!他们要跑了,快追!” The next second, two police officers then reported the situation with the intercom with the colleagues, and resounded the police siren, they pursued toward Jue Bro. 下一秒,两名警员便用对讲机跟同事们报告了情况,并鸣响了警笛,朝觉哥他们追了过去。
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