TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#930: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 4 )

Hey ~ here ~ looks here! Below five o'clock directions!” “嘿~这边这边~看这儿!正下方五点钟方向!” Ruoyu and Xiao Ling arrive above shortly after castle, a slightly immature sound then floated with the wind, summoned their several. 若雨小灵飞抵城堡上空后不久,一个略显稚嫩的声音便随风飘来,呼唤了她们几声。 Two people go following the prestige, quick discovered in a balcony in turret edge boy who wears the mini purple long suit. 两人循声望去,很快就在一个塔楼边缘的阳台上发现了一个身着迷你紫色长西装的男孩儿。 At this moment, Feng Bujue is standing on tiptoes the both feet, toward them waves both hands, while is shouting loudly. 此刻,封不觉正踮起双脚,朝她们一边挥舞双手,一边高声呼喊着。 Sees that Ruoyu and Xiao Ling have not talked, but exchanged a meaningful glance, then reached the agreement...... to control the magic broom to fly toward that balcony. 见状,若雨小灵没有对话,只是交换了一下眼色,便达成共识……一齐操控着魔法扫帚朝着那阳台飞去了。 Two may really make me wait for a long time.” After they descend, Feng Bujue smiles was discussing. “二位可真是让我久等啊。”待她们降落后,封不觉微笑着念道。 How you know that we did come?” After Xiao Ling falls to the ground, then asked that „did you install the monitoring around this castle?” When spoke this saying, she also turned the head to look at the castle outer wall unknowingly. “你怎么知道我们来了?”小灵落地后便问道,“难道你在这城堡周围装了监控?”说这话时,她还不经意地转头看了看城堡外墙。 Your whereabouts...... naturally are Dracula tell me.” Feng Bujue returns said that „, so long as has the volume to be big, and has the lifeform of soul to enter the castle peripheral area, the Count can the sensation.” He is saying, raise hand referred to toward on, raises while convenient, the outer layer of this castle has knot......, moreover altogether has two. Was I made the Count put you to come in a moment ago...... you to fly, otherwise you run upon the energy wall.” “你们的行踪……自然是德古拉告诉我的。”封不觉回道,“只要有体积较大、且具备灵魂的生物进入城堡周边的地区,伯爵就可以感知到。”他说着,抬手朝上指了指,“顺带一提,这个城堡的外层可是有结界的……而且共有两层。刚才是我让伯爵放你们进来……你们才能飞进来的,否则你们早就撞上能量壁了。” „The Xiao Tan situation you have known.” At this time, Ruoyu also said one. 小叹的情况你已经知道了吧。”这时,若雨又道了一句。 Naturally.” Feng Bujue should say, „...... also some really accidents/surprises...... is it possible that he is the broken army perishes together?” “当然。”封不觉应道,“不过……还真有些意外呢……莫非他是和破军同归于尽的?” He was massacred by me.” Xiao Ling meets to say. “他是被我杀掉的。”小灵接道。 Ha?” Feng Bujue hears word stares, which is this?” “哈?”封不觉闻言一愣,“这又是哪一出啊?” This matter fired off competed your oneself to ask that he went.” Until this little while, Xiao Ling regarding this matter a little not happy, in brief, first exchanges the information.” “这事儿打完了比赛你自己问他去。”直到这会儿,小灵谈起这事还是有点不爽,“总之,先来交换一下情报吧。” „...... Line.” The ability that Feng Bujue watches a person's every mood is very strong, therefore has not closely examined, but turns around to meet saying that that we walks while said......” “哦……行啊。”封不觉察言观色的能力很强,故而没有就此追问下去,只是转身接道,“那咱们边走边说吧……” ............ ………… The words weight head, looks at the blade edge team members again. 话分两头,再看刀锋的队员们。 After the space giant church captured some little time, three people discovered a vertical cylindrical channel. 在空间巨大的礼拜堂中兜了好一会儿后,三人发现了一条垂直的柱形通道。 The diameter of channel is about three meters, on the ring-like wall is inlaying many different small-scale platforms, each platform approximately be only one meter square, just can make an adult come to a stop. 通道的直径大约是三米,环形的墙体上嵌着许多高低不同的小型平台,每一个平台大约都只有一米见方,刚好能让一个成年人站稳。 Walks through this cylindrical channel upwardly, can turn the high place in church, has a staircase to upper-level garret there. Brother Long they went to search, there discovered besides throwing the unmanned armor of maneuver axe, one type steadily six hand and strange monster of figure similar human female, in addition some fixed on the spitting fire of floor, taking the form of dinosaur skull was strange. 通过这条柱形通道向上走,可以拐到礼拜堂的高处,在那里有一条通往上层阁楼的楼梯。龙哥他们进去探了一圈,发现那儿除了投掷回旋斧的无人铠甲外,还有一种长了六只手、身形类似人类女子的奇异怪物,另外还有一些固定在地板上的、形似恐龙头骨的吐火怪。 Cleans up after these monsters in garret, they searched this region, finally also really found Equipment. What a pity is only a sword of ordinary quality, in the ordinary level store goods compared with Exchange is good a point......, but also that is all. 将阁楼上的这些怪物清理掉以后,他们搜索了一下这个区域,结果还真找到了一件装备。可惜只是一把普通品质的剑而已,比起交易所里的普通级商店货要略好一点……但也仅此而已。 Therefore, three people hug have the harvest always does not compare well the mentality, however turned back resentfully. Is good is not too far because of this turning back distance . Moreover the route is downward, does not spend what physical strength. 于是,三人都抱着“有收获总比没有好”的心态,悻悻然地折返了回去。好在这次折返的距离不算太远,而且路线是一路向下的,不费什么体力。 After being back on the cylindrical channel, they cleaned up a small devil, and bypassed a fluttering good speed very slow, the jack-o'-lantern shape monster of taking the form of shao mai, entered right under the space situated in church later. 重回柱形通道后,他们又清理掉了一只小恶魔,并绕过了一只飘行速度很慢的、形似烧麦的鬼火状怪物,随后就进入了位于礼拜堂正下方的空间。 That is bilateral symmetry, hour glass room comprised of many rectangular platforms. When the blade edge three people enter when...... mini Boss had waited there for some time there. 那是一个左右对称的、由多个矩形平台组成的沙漏型房间。当刀锋的三人进入其中时……一只小BOSS已经在那儿恭候多时了。 This time mini Boss, is span five meters and high approximately two meters five lion scorpion beasts. Regardless of the volume of blood and speed, the forms of defensive action...... that giant skeleton that takes the club is stronger than. Naturally...... also little. 这次的小BOSS,是一只全长五米、高约二米五的狮蝎兽。无论血量、速度、还是攻击方式……都要比那个拿棒子的巨型骷髅强一点点。当然了……也就“一点点”而已。 The attacking mode of this monster is quite monotonous, approximately three types: First, is similar to the python scorpion tail to puncture or pull out the player with that behind ; Second, spit the long-distance hot ball from the mouth toward the player ; Third, throw to grasp directly bites. 这怪物的攻击模式还是比较单调的,大致就三种:其一,用身后那如同巨蟒般的蝎尾去刺或抽玩家;其二,从嘴里朝玩家吐远程火弹;其三,直接扑过来抓咬。 To the blade edge members, this second mini Boss is even easier than previous skeleton BOSS, because of...... its all attacks, Brother Long can shoulder, moreover is not broken against shoulders...... 刀锋的成员们来说,这第二个小BOSS甚至比前一个骷髅BOSS还要容易,因为……它所有的攻击,龙哥都可以扛掉,而且是不破防地扛掉…… Thereupon, after a fast probe, Brother Long carries the shield to proceed. How casual that lion scorpion beast attacks...... Brother Long is the blood does not fall in any case, loses slightly selects Stamina. 于是乎,在一番快速的试探后,龙哥就扛着盾牌往前一顶。随便那狮蝎兽怎么攻击……反正龙哥是血都不掉的,就是稍微损失点体能值而已。 Then, Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf use the cost inexpensive method uniform speed output under the cover of Brother Long, at a moderate pace that mini Boss doing. 就这样,七杀贪狼是在龙哥掩护下用成本低廉的手段匀速输出,不紧不慢地把那小BOSS给做掉了。 It‘s nothing reward...... treats after” that lion scorpion beast passed away but actually, before Brother Long arrives at its corpse, overlooks to say. “还是没什么奖励啊……”待那狮蝎兽倒一命呜呼后,龙哥走到其尸首前俯视道。 Like not having any appearance of prompt......” Seven Kill discussed. “也不像有任何提示的样子……”七杀念道。 But Greedy Wolf...... is actually silent and looking pensive...... 贪狼……却是沉默不语、若有所思…… After five minutes, three people completed the simple search and recuperation, then starting off. Because Jue Bro that willful and not the happy decision...... their journeys is doomed is very long along with the nature. 五分钟后,三人完成了简单的搜索和休整,便接着上路。由于觉哥那个随性、任性、不高兴的决定……他们的旅途注定还很漫长。 In the following 15 minutes, three people passed several rooms, is good after has not met too many branch roads...... 15 minutes, they saw a leaf of red front door finally. 在接下来的15分钟里,三人又通过了数个房间,好在也没有遇到太多岔路……十五分钟后,他们终于又看到了一扇红色的大门。 This time after white corridors between two leaves of red gates, spreads to System Notification in their ear is: Castlevania Library. 这次穿过两扇红门间的白色走廊后,传入他们耳中的系统提示是:【恶魔城藏书库】。 bi-】!” In that moment that the voice resounds, Greedy Wolf pats the thigh, exploded a swearing, I said! In mouth......, but cannot think! Originally is Castlevania!” “【哔-】!”就在语音响起的那一刻,贪狼一拍大腿,爆了句粗口,“我就说嘛!就在嘴边……但怎么也想不起来!原来是恶魔城!” Actually...... this walks, Greedy Wolf has detected the setting of this castle faintly, but separated a window paper, does not select broken. 其实……这一路走来,贪狼早已隐隐察觉到这座城堡的设定了,可就是隔了一层窗户纸,怎么也点不破。 This feeling...... thinks that many people had once realized, yes- when thinking an issue, knows the answer obviously in the brain, but almost selects and cannot think that...... that feeling, is ten obtains seriously uncomfortably. 这种感觉……想必很多人都曾体会过,就是-在想一个问题时,明明知道答案就在脑子里,可就是差一点点、怎么也想不出来……那种感觉,当真是十分得难受。 Feng Bujue had also encountered this discomfort, because to this feeling extremely not happy, therefore he constructed the thought palace and memory garret...... permanently to solve the problem that in the brain the information storage as well as used for himself...... 封不觉也曾经遭遇过这种难受,正因为对这种感觉极度不爽,所以他为自己建造了思维殿堂、记忆阁楼……永久性地解决了脑内信息储存以及取用的问题…… Castlevania...... seems like the name of old game is right?” Saw the response of Greedy Wolf, Seven Kill also thought was discussing one. 恶魔城……好像是个老游戏的名字对吧?”见了贪狼的反应,七杀也思索着念道了一句。 Game series that had since the 1980s.” Greedy Wolf managed the train of thought slightly, then the opening the mouth popular science said, work is many, the level is irregular ; Majority above certain level, but the remaining small parts are the special gods of god, the special excrement of excrement......” he stopped for one second , said that after to this century 10 ages, the Castlevania related work quantity obviously tails off, and faded out the line of sight of people gradually. Afterward...... the nerve bonding process popularized gradually, the single plane game exhibits the trend of overall decline, therefore our has not basically played this series.” He looks to Seven Kill, meets saying that „after most 20, in hearing Castlevania these three word-time, is your similar response, knows that this is an old game, but almost does not have any concept besides name.” “从上世纪八十年代开始就存在的游戏系列。”贪狼稍微理了理思绪,便开口科普道,“作品繁多,水准参差不齐;大部分都在一定水准以上,但剩下一小部分则是神的特别神,屎的特别屎……”他停顿了一秒,又道,“至本世纪一零年代后,恶魔城的相关作品数量明显变少,并渐渐淡出了人们的视线。再后来……神经连接技术渐渐普及,单机游戏呈现整体没落的趋势,所以咱们这代人基本都没玩过这个系列。”他看向七杀,接道,“大多数二零后在听到‘恶魔城’这三个字时,都是和你差不多的反应,知道这是个老游戏,但除了名字以外几乎没有任何概念。” You said such a big pile......” Brother Long interrupted in side at this time, „...... looks like you Castlevaniaquite to know about this ‚?” “你说了这么一大堆……”龙哥这时在旁插嘴道,“……看来你对这个‘恶魔城’相当了解咯?” Unexpectedly, Greedy Wolf actually returns said: No, I did not understand very much.” 不料,贪狼却回道:“不,我不是很了解。” hey hey......” Seven Kill empty focuses saying that that you that was to make out of whole cloth a moment ago?” 喂喂……”七杀虚着眼道,“那你刚才那段是瞎编的啊?” How possibly......” Greedy Wolf meets saying that „, although I am not understand very much, but knows after all a lot compared with you.” He, answered, a few years ago, I had time online to wash a game main engine of antique level, the seller also one and gave to me his all game compact discs. Therefore I played to pass several, one of them was Castlevania.” He looked at the front space, „after arriving at this castle, I have thought that here monster and region Name have various types to regard the feeling...... because, but after is too long, I have not thought for a while.” He sighed, oh...... until at this moment, me heard Castlevania Library, was suddenly enlighted finally......” “怎么可能呢……”贪狼接道,“虽然我不是‘很了解’,但总归比你们知道得多一些。”他顿了顿,解释道,“几年前,我有次在网上淘到了一台古董级的游戏主机,卖家把他所有的游戏光盘也一并送给了我。于是我就玩通了几个,其中之一就是恶魔城。”他看了看前方的空间,“来到这个城堡以后,我就一直觉得这里的怪物和区域名称有各种既视感……但由于时隔太久,我一时没想起来。”他叹了口气,“唉……直到此刻,我听到了‘恶魔城藏书库’,总算是恍然大悟……” „......” Seven Kill discussed that „, since you establishing to have understood that said our following explorations can become quite easy?” “哦……”七杀念道,“既然你对设定有所了解,那是不是说我们接下来的探索会变得比较容易呢?” That must look that......” Greedy Wolf spoke, puts out a hand took out that picture from Traveling Bag on the kraft paper concealed treasure chart, and launched to say in front of the teammates, „...... this.” “那就要看……”贪狼说话间,伸手从行囊里取出了那张画在牛皮纸上的“藏宝图”,并在队友们面前展开道,“……这个了。” ............ ………… Meanwhile, Castlevania uppermost layer- among thrones. 与此同时,恶魔城最上层-王座之间。 I come to introduce simply......” Feng Bujue hinted own two teammates with the hand, and Hill said to the room in monsters, these two, are my Companion Like the Rain after Parting and Soulfully Sorrowful Smiling Skeleton.” “我来简单介绍一下……”封不觉用手示意了一下自己的两名队友,并对着房间里的怪物们以及希尔说道,“这两位,是我的同伴-似雨若离悲灵笑骨。” He does not know that actually the system will translate what these two ID, he said in any case as usual. 他也不知道系统究竟会把这两个ID翻译成什么样,反正他就照常说。 However these......” Jue Bro turns the head to look to the teammate, a moment ago, just like I told you on the road...... respectively is Count Dracula, Frankenstein, Mr. Werewolf, the nameless mummy and Mr. Gillman, as well as Mr. Hill.” “而这几位嘛……”觉哥又转头看向队友,“正如我刚才在路上跟你们说的……分别是德古拉伯爵、弗兰肯斯坦、狼人先生、无名的木乃伊、鳃人先生、以及希尔先生。” About Hill's matter, Feng Bujue has also made a clean breast to the teammates....... Was he random on the street caught the sound limbs tramp in brief, then controlled it with the invention of Musashi Koganei. Then his arrange/cloth a bureau, making Hill the Van Helsing diary receive for oneself in the situation of knowing nothing about. 关于希尔的事情,封不觉也已向队友们和盘托出。简而言之……就是他在街上随机抓了个四肢健全的流浪汉,然后用武藏小金井的发明将其控制住了。接下来他就布了个局,让希尔在浑然不知的情况下替自己将范海辛的日记收了起来。 Then...... everyone this knew even mutually.” Feng Bujue then said, then I said the subject......” he shot a look at one toward Dracula, said again, earlier today, I and Count mister had reached the agreement. At present, we for each other goal, but hand in hand diligently. But our goals...... altogether have two.” He, its one, is kills the blade edge three members...... is Long Aomin, Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf three people.” He referred to the crystal ball in room corner, they every action and every movement in city under our surveillance, the present stage, we have been able to make them jump completely again to stumble a while, uses this cityto wear down some of their lives and Stamina as far as possible ‚.” “那么……大家这就算相互认识了。”封不觉接着道,“接下来我就说正题吧……”他朝德古拉瞥了一眼,再道,“今天早些时候,我和伯爵先生已经达成了共识。目前,我们双方都在为了彼此的目标而携手努力。而我们的目标……共有两个。”他顿了一下,“其一,是杀死刀锋的三名成员……即龙傲旻七杀贪狼三人。”他指了指屋子角落里的水晶球,“他们在城里的一举一动已完全在我们的监视之下,现阶段,我们可以让他们再蹦跶一会儿,尽可能地利用‘这座城’去消磨掉一些他们的生命和体能。” Word to here, his thread of conversation revolution: Its two, ruined the charm amulet of Saint......” saying that he put out from the pocket that Item, lifted, „was also the thing on my hand.” He flung two that gadget conveniently, „the condition that however, it may not destroy at present, this condition has continued tonight.” 言至此处,他话锋一转:“其二,毁掉圣之护身符……”说着,他就把那件物品从口袋里拿出,举了起来,“也就是我手上的这个东西。”他随手将那玩意儿甩了两下,“然而,眼下它还是不可摧毁的状态,这个状况将一直持续到今天午夜。” What should we make now?” Ruoyu asked. “那我们现在该做什么呢?”若雨问道。 We must handle affairs separately.” When Feng Bujue answering, had arrived at side Ruoyu calmly, first, I want to make you take care of the charm amulet for me.” Finishes barely the words, he grasps the Ruoyu small hand, stopper of charm amulet in toward her palm. “我们还是得分头行事。”封不觉回话时,已不动声色地走到了若雨身边,“首先,我想让你们替我保管一下护身符。”话音未落,他就抓起若雨的小手,把护身符往她手心里一塞。 Sees this, the Dracula look obviously has different, but it bears patiently does not send. 看到这一幕,德古拉的眼神明显有异,但其还是隐忍不发。 As a result of the attribute of charm amulet of Saint, Count gentlemen and his friends is unable with its to have the long-term contact, this also why he obtains the charm amulet in the past obviously, actually can only it certainly is far away from own room.” Feng Bujue is saying, referred to Traveling Bag of Ruoyu waist, I have explained to the Count, before the midnight arrives, our space pocket takes care of the best place of charm amulet, he also knew......, if we encountered what mishap, the charm amulet can the dystopia to elsewhere.” “由于圣之护身符的属性,伯爵先生和他的朋友们都无法与其发生长时间的接触,这也是为什么当年他明明已经得到了护身符,却只能将其保管在一个远离自己的房间内。”封不觉说着,又指了指若雨腰间的行囊,“我已跟伯爵解释过了,在午夜到来之前,我们的‘空间口袋’是保管护身符的最佳场所,他也知道了……如果我们遭遇了什么不测,护身符就会异位至别处。” Said finally when these two, Feng Bujue signals with the eyes to Ruoyu and Xiao Ling respectively, obviously is suggesting their anything. 说最后这两句时,封不觉分别对若雨小灵使了个眼色,显然是在暗示着她们什么。 The team tacit and individual IQ is placed there, two people naturally understand immediately, understanding Jue Bro is to make them keep a mind to the Count. 团队默契和个人智商都摆在那里,两人自然是立刻就心领神会,明白觉哥是让她们对伯爵留个心眼儿。 „...... Feng Bujue obtained the teammate as for me with the response that the look makes, then said that „...... must temporarily leave, takes thing with Mr. Hill together.” He looks smilingly to Chille, actually I want to take that thing this morning personally, but really cannot leave...... here layout to be after all more important, therefore, I can only ask Mr. Hill to do for somebody......, but he...... hehe...... was not as expected to make me to expect matter that he handled.” “至于我呢……”封不觉得到了队友用眼神做出的回应,便接着说了下去,“……要暂时离开一下,跟希尔先生一同去取一件东西。”他嬉皮笑脸地看向希尔,“其实我今天上午就想亲自去取那东西的,但实在是抽不开身……毕竟还是这边的布局更为重要,所以,我只能请希尔先生代劳了……而他……呵呵……也不出预料地做出了我所期望他做的事情。” Hill is more honest at this time, listened to the satire of Jue Bro, he snort/hum does not utter a sound, but is standing silently. 希尔这时已经老实多了,听了觉哥的讽刺,他连哼都不哼一声,只是默默地站着。 „Is thing that you must take the Van Helsing diary?” Xiao Ling asked. “你要拿的东西就是范海辛的日记吧?”小灵问道。 In some time ago conversation, Xiao Ling had said to Jue Bro in oneself hand has ceremony incantation the matter, Jue Bro also roughly speculated Xiao Tan as well as Sean that group of children have visited the strange German male matter. 在不久前的交谈中,小灵已经对觉哥说了自己手中持有“仪式咒文”的事情,觉哥也大致推测出了小叹以及肖恩那帮孩子去拜访过诡异德国男的事了。 Yes.” Feng Bujue returns said that according to my knowledge reserve......” “是的。”封不觉回道,“根据我的知识储备……” The following these words, listen in NPC are very different, because Jue Bro mentioned surpasses „the fourth wall the information, the system must interfere. Naturally, the audience who watch the live broadcast will not be affected. 以下这段话,在NPC们听来是很不一样的,因为觉哥提到了很多超出“第四面墙”的信息,系统必须进行干涉。当然了,观看直播的观众们不会受到影响。 The Scenario that...... we are experiencing, basically is based on «The Monster Squad» this movie plot.” Jue Bro said on and on, such as you see, I have borrowed in this Scenario strongest potential...... stood with the strength strong villains. The advantage that this act brings I was not many enumerated, I said that corresponding hidden danger, that was...... the positive/direct role in movie, namely said The Monster Squad that group of children...... they depended on Protagonist aura in addition held, might come to go bad our good deeds.” His a half second, comes to see simply...... kills them to seem like a very good choice, to us that will not be difficult ; But I know that...... such does is absolutely and absolutely! Invalid.” He answered, for example, supposed that I was in the DC universe, and attempts to murder principal role in some DC universe...... I certainly to be that defeated ; Even how I meticulously prepare again, was still possibly prevented by the fortuitous events of some minimum probabilities. This is because...... in this/should universe, the life and death and destiny of each principal role, interweaves to involve mutually, even is possibly affecting the entire universe causes and effects, our these outsider, if interferes with these causes and effects, will then cause this/should universe ‚the highest will contradiction, in the serious situation...... by the meteorite being battered to death is not impossible, even the system could not save us.” “……我们正在经历的这个剧本,基本是建立在《降妖别动队》这部电影的剧情基础上的。”觉哥娓娓言道,“如你们所见,我已经借到了此剧本中最强的‘势’……与实力坚强的反派们站到了一起。此举带来的优势我就不多列举了,我就说说相应的隐患吧,那就是……电影里的正面角色,即自称‘降妖别动队’的那帮孩子们……他们靠着‘主角光环’的加持,很可能会来坏我们的好事。”他微顿半秒,“浅显来看……杀死他们似乎是个很好的选择,对我们来说那也不会很难;但我知道……那样做是绝对、绝对!行不通的。”他解释道,“举例来说,假设我身在DC宇宙,并企图去谋杀某个DC宇宙里的主要角色……那么我一定会失败;即使我再怎么精心准备,也可能被一些极小概率的偶然性事件所阻止。这是因为……在该宇宙中,每一名主要角色的生死、命运,都相互交织牵扯,甚至可能牵动着整个宇宙的因果,我们这些‘异界旅客’要是去干涉这些因果,便会引起该宇宙‘最高意志’的抵触,严重的情况下……被陨石给砸死也不是不可能的,就算是系统也救不了我们。” The one breath speaking of here, Jue Bro licked the lip, meets to say again: In summary , we must circle the tortuous path...... to take in order to reach the goal at present this Scenario for instance, we best not to stop that group of children with the too radical method, only needed to control the diary on the line.” 一口气说到这儿,觉哥舔了舔嘴唇,再接道:“综上所述,为了达到目的,咱得绕一下弯路……以眼前这个剧本为例,我们最好是别用太激进的方法去制止那群孩子,只需要把日记控制起来就行了。” He said such a big pile, in fact Ruoyu and Xiao Ling have not understood completely, they have not watched that movie, did not know about that group of children. But the audience who are watching the competition do not understand, but......, no matter cannot understand, in everyone heart that type unclear sleep/felt is severe the feeling is similar...... 他说了这么一大堆,实际上若雨小灵也没完全听懂,她们可没看过那部电影,对那群孩子也不甚了解。而正在观看比赛的观众们就更不懂了,不过……甭管懂不懂,大家心中那种“不明觉厉”的感受是相似的……
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