TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#929: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 3 )

„......” Feng Bujue listened to Hill's words, responded that unexpectedly is exceptionally tranquilly, this......” he talked over one, I can understand that is discussing the condition for...... you with me?” “哦……”封不觉听了希尔的话,反应竟是异常得平静,“这样啊……”他念叨了一句,“我可以理解为……你在跟我谈条件吗?” Right, I am discussing the condition with you.” Hill is also trembling, but in the surface displays quite strongly. “对,我就是在跟你谈条件。”希尔心里也是战战兢兢的,但表面上还是表现得颇为强硬。 „......” Feng Bujue smiles, your Fearless I read one pile of triggering words in communication this immediately, is electrocuted you while still alive?” “呵……”封不觉笑了笑,“你就不怕我立刻在通讯器这头念上一堆触发词,把你活活电死么?” Is electrocuted I, you could not find the Van Helsing diary forever!” Hill's temple has the cold sweat to flow off, but he aroused courage this to say. “电死我,你就永远也找不到范海辛的日记了!”希尔的鬓角已有冷汗流下,但他还是鼓足了勇气这样应道。 Un...... good.” Feng Bujue hesitates saying that your guts color, the brain is not stupid.” “嗯……不错。”封不觉沉吟道,“你的胆色还可以,脑子也不算笨。” Snort...... I do not need your praise.” As soon as Hill listens to the Jue Bro attitude to relax, relaxes slightly, cold -ly snorted and said does, how...... you feel this condition?” “哼……我不需要你的夸奖。”希尔一听觉哥的态度有所缓和,稍稍松了口气,冷哼道,“那么……你觉得这条件怎么样?” Feng Bujue next should say: Not much.” 没想到,封不觉下一句就应道:“不怎么样。” What?” Hill hears word one startled, „didn't you want that diary?” “什么?”希尔闻言一惊,“难道你不想要那本日记了吗?” Hehe......” Feng Bujue smiled two, „, although I said that you do not calculate stupidly, but that did not represent you intelligently to gamble with me coordinatedly.” He stopped for two seconds, meets to say again, Mr. Hill, I thinks I should remind your one again...... at this moment, the thing of your belt/bring, is tracker...... the tracker! Tracker!!” “呵呵……”封不觉又笑了两声,“虽然我说你‘不算笨’,但那并不代表你已经聪明到可以跟我对等地博弈了。”他停顿了两秒,再接道,“希尔先生,我想我该再提醒你一下……此刻,你身上带的这个东西,是个‘追踪器’……追踪器!追踪器!!” The important matter must say three, therefore Feng Bujue repeated three times with gradually the tone and volume in the sentence end this word of enhancement. 正所谓重要的事情要说三遍,所以封不觉用逐步增强的语气和音量在句末将这个词重复了三次。 By his such roar, Hill was lagged behind realized the issue is at: You...... you know where I have gone to......” 被他这么一吼,希尔才后知后觉地意识到了问题所在:“你……你知道我去过哪里……” Very good.” Feng Bujue said that the tone of these words seemed like the teacher to respond the student of issue in the appraisal, slightly after the stop, he also said, which you went, to stay how long, some you to say what words, as well as around you all sounds, I all was clear......” he to summarize, briefly...... I can definitely kill you now, then according to your course of action went to look for the diary.” “很好。”封不觉说这句话的口气像是老师在评价答对了问题的学生,略微停顿后,他又道,“你去过哪儿、停留了多久、还有你说过什么话、以及你周围的所有动静,我全都一清二楚……”他总结道,“简单地说……我现在完全可以把你弄死,然后根据你的行动路线去把日记找出来。” „...... This...... this......” Hill look does not sit absent-minded falls to the ground, in the mouth incoherently outward jumping word. “不……这……这……”希尔眼神恍惚地坐倒在地,口中语无伦次地往外蹦词儿。 In fact, if you do not hide the diary, but brings in the side, and used the flare and gasoline threatens me...... that I on the contrary to be difficult the office.” Feng Bujue then said that „, although I can enable you to lose the ability to act with the way of electric shock, but I cannot guarantee the diary the security.” He implored the tone, „, but the development like present...... was good ; The diary had been placed...... safe place that’ your oneself could not reach by you.” “事实上,如果你不把日记藏起来,而是带在身边,并使用火把和汽油来恐吓我……那我反倒难办了。”封不觉接着说道,“虽然我还是可以用电击的方式使你失去行动能力,但我不能保证日记的安全。”他吁了口气,“而像现在这样的发展……则是再好不过了;日记已被你放在了一个你自己也够不着的……‘安全的地方’。” The words to here, the Feng Bujue's tone become gloomy: You have also understood at this moment why...... consistently maintains me of surveillance to you, not, when you hide the diary uses communication to stop you.” 话至此处,封不觉的语气变得阴沉起来:“想必你此刻也已明白了……为什么始终对你保持监视的我,并没有在你藏匿日记的时候就用通讯器来制止你。” „...... Gives me again an opportunity!” At this moment, Hill can only recognize again instigated, do not kill me...... my to go the diary to bring...... the time also with enough time!” “再……再给我一次机会!”事到如今,希尔只能再次认怂,“你别杀我……我这就去把日记取来……时间还来得及!” Ha!” Feng Bujue laughs, at this moment...... you thought that I will also let you close to that book?” “哈!”封不觉大笑一声,“事到如今……你觉得我还会让你靠近那本书吗?” Such remarks, Hill starts to make an effort to tear oneself suit immediately, seem to want that tracker taking. 此言一出,希尔当即开始用力撕扯自己的西装,似乎是想把那个追踪器给取出来。 Ok, don't waste your energy.” “行了,别白费力气了。” In the Jue Bro speeches, Hill's back place has transmitted the severe pain, the stimulation of electric shock has made his whole person lie down on the ground twitched for several seconds. 就在觉哥说话之间,希尔的后背处已传来了剧痛,电击的刺激让其整个人躺在地上抽搐了好几秒。 How...... how possible?” When Hill breathes the air/Qi, discussed with the shocking tone. “怎……怎么可能?”希尔重新喘上气时,用震惊的语气念道。 You certainly in strange, why I have not said triggering word, can let you by the electricity?” Feng Bujue said with a smile, hehe...... the reason was very simple- actually from the beginning...... on no triggering word.” “你一定在奇怪,为什么我没有说‘触发词’,也能让你被电是吧?”封不觉笑道,“呵呵……理由很简单-其实从一开始……就没有什么触发词。” What?” Hill was once again ignorant. “什么?”希尔又一次懵了。 Even if my assistant( is Musashi Koganei)......” Feng Bujue meets saying that has no way in such a short time to manufacture to inlay in the human body together can also receive and distinguish the exterior specific sound signal the chip.” “纵然是我的助手(就是武藏小金井)……”封不觉接道,“也没法儿在那么短的时间内制作出一块嵌在人体内部还能接收和识别外部的特定声音讯号的芯片来。” That......” Hill does not understand, „when why you said these specific words each time can I by the electricity?” “那……”希尔还是不懂,“那为什么你每次说那些特定的单词时我就会被电?” „When you do not notice...... me to say these words each time, does the association/will a hand admit the pocket or hides behind?” Feng Bujue meets to say. “你就没有注意到……我每次说那些单词时,总会把一只手放进口袋或藏到身后?”封不觉接道。 Hill hears word is startled, this second, many memory fragments flash through from it at present. 希尔闻言一怔,这一秒,诸多记忆片段从其眼前闪过。 Got it?” After Feng Bujue stops for several seconds, said, I am pressing the remote control.” “明白了吗?”封不觉停顿几秒后再说道,“我在摁遥控器啊。” You!” When Hilton felt oneself were played ruthlessly, under the startled anger happened simultaneously, really could not bear explode a swearing, „your bastard! You simply is a devil!” “你!”希尔顿时感觉自己被狠狠地耍了,惊怒交加之下,实在是忍不住爆了句粗口,“你这混蛋!你简直是魔鬼!” It seems like you understood.” Jue Bro thinks little to Hill's cursing, the meaning of even also a little being pleased with oneself, no triggering word, has no delay trigger word, I think where arranges to, I want to make you you...... he be cleared throat by the electricity by the electricity in any case, „, therefore...... I want to urge your one at this moment, after takes out the tracker, brings back the diary as coercing this plan...... gives up as early as possible. Even the communication interrupted, I can dying in the same old way...... begin to refer to the matter that your electricity.” “看来你是明白了。”觉哥对希尔的咒骂不以为意,甚至还有点沾沾自喜的意思,“根本没有什么‘触发词’,更没有什么‘延迟触发词’,我只是想到哪儿编到哪儿,反正我想让你被电你就会被电……”他清了清嗓子,“所以呢……此刻我想劝你一句,‘取出追踪器后再去取回日记作为要挟’这种计划……还是趁早放弃吧。即使通讯中断了,我照样可以把你电到死……动动手指的事情而已。” Hears here, Hill...... despaired finally. He realized...... that semblance seems like the child Mr. F, far imagine is much more terrorist. If among their two people really has some type gambling, Mr. F led his over five steps everywhere......, no matter he makes anything, to think that anything...... is all unproductive. 听到这里,希尔……终于绝望了。他认识到……那个外表看上去像小孩的“F先生”,远比自己想象中要恐怖得多。如果说他们两人之间真的存在某种“博弈”的话,那F先生可谓是处处都领先了他五步以上……不管他做什么、想什么……全都是徒劳的。 Good......” the Hill simple paralysis on the ground, gave up the resistance, must kill kills......” “好吧……”希尔干脆瘫在了地上,放弃了抵抗,“要杀就杀吧……” If I must kill you, hid to end on the way of that the diary caught up in you to begin.” Feng Bujue meets saying that why also with your waste that many words?” “如果我要杀你,在你藏完日记赶来的途中就可以动手了。”封不觉接道,“何必还跟你废那么多话?” Hill gawked: How that...... do you want?” 希尔愣了一下:“那……你想怎样?” Keeps your life, naturally is because also has the matter to give you to manage.” Feng Bujue returns said that now, if you do not want dead, or bring this chip from now on half a lifetime, that arrives in the castle quickly, comes in later to treat same place in do not move...... the werewolf to come to meet your.” “留你性命,自然是因为还有事情要交给你办。”封不觉回道,“现在,如果你不想死掉、或是带着这个芯片过后半生,那就快到城堡里来,进来以后待在原地别动……狼人会过来接你的。” Good!” As soon as Hill listens also to have the means of livelihood, immediately came the spirit, crawled from the ground deftly, „did my...... wait/etc...... you say werewolf to the city a moment ago ‚’?” “好!”希尔一听还有活路,当即就来了精神,麻利地从地上爬了起来,“我这就到城……等等……你刚才说了‘狼人’?” ............ ………… Unlike by Hill who please enter the castle, blade edge that three treatment was quite bad...... 与被“请”进城堡的希尔不同,刀锋那三位的待遇就比较糟糕了…… Enters in them Underground waters Shortly, they then discover the dead end. 在他们进入【地下水域】后不久,他们便发现此路不通。 Naturally...... strict is not road does not pass, but is they not through ability...... after killing 78 bats and huge murder fish, in front of them presented the branch route. To, but the above platform is extremely high, nowhere on the water surface with the strength, must come up to be very difficult ; Another downward, needs to dive to enter, but underwater darkness, where does not know to pass through, does not know how long needs to travel to arrive in the ground...... 当然了……严格来说也不是“路不通”,而是他们自己没有通过的能力……在干掉了七八只蝙蝠和巨大的“杀人鱼”后,他们面前又出现了分支路线。一条道儿是向上去的,但上方的平台极高,在水面上无处借力,要上去很难;另一条道是向下的,需要潜水进入,但水下一片漆黑,不知通到哪里,也不知道需要潜游多久才能抵达地面…… After a consideration, they decide to turn back, takes another route outside red front door...... 经过一番考虑,他们还是决定折返回去,走红色大门外的另一条路线…… Therefore, they spent for five minutes to turn back fast, passed through the white corridor, arrived at that place that again had the basin. 于是,他们又花了五分钟快速折回,穿过了白色走廊,再次来到了那个有水池的地方。 Also has been instead swimming in the underground waters, they do not care soak, sets out to go toward the basin opposite of directly ; But waits for in the basin their...... is one crowd of ashen fish person monsters. 反正在地下水域里也已经游过泳了,他们也不在乎身上湿透,直接就朝着水池对面进发而去;而在水池中等待他们的……是一群土色的鱼人怪物。 Is good is also very low because of these strange intensities, basically is Brother Long with the degree that the shield one can hammer dead. 好在这些怪的强度也很低,基本都是龙哥用盾牌一下就能锤死的程度。 Soon, their roaming crosses the basin, arrived at opposite ashore. When this side terrain and they come in the route to be symmetrical, three people jump onto through two staggered platforms back and forth, then entered the next space. 不多时,他们就游过水池,来到了对面的岸上。这一边的地形和他们进来时的路线是对称的,三人通过两个交错的平台来回跃上,便进入了下一个空间。 The one who surprises them is quite...... in this space, unexpectedly has mini Boss...... 让他们比较意外的是……这个空间里,居然有个小BOSS…… Although small BOSS, but the imposing manner and volume are very big. Its outward appearance...... is the upper part, in the giant green skeleton that the ground crawls. 虽说是“小”BOSS,但气势和体积都挺大的。它的外观……就是个只有上半身的、在地上爬行的巨型绿色骷髅。 Because on his right hand takes the root giant bone club( not to know that is its leg bone), it can only by oneself left hand around creeps along, going into action is quite slow. However its huge build offset the mobile insufficiency...... because in the indoor, may supply the players circuitous space is not many, in the limited space, that great column bone club pounds down loudly, wants to hide really is not easy. 由于其右手上拿着根巨大的骨头棒子(也不知道是不是它自己的腿骨),以至于它只能靠自己的左手前后爬动,行动起来相当缓慢。不过它那庞然的体型弥补了机动性的不足……因为是在室内,可供玩家们迂回的空间不多,在有限的空间里,那巨柱般的骨头棒子轰然砸下,想躲掉还真是不易。 Is good because of the blade edge three players is ripe practicing acquiring a skill of grind mobs, after observing this mini Boss action rule slightly, they close, beats while attack gap one of the that goods crazily, rumbled directly it pile of bone sediment. 好在刀锋的三位玩家都是刷怪的熟练手,稍微观察了一下这个小BOSS的行动规律后,他们就一拥而上,趁着那货的攻击间隙一阵狂殴,直接将它轰成了一堆骨头渣子。 If in other game, fires off such monster, meets burst point Equipment anything most likely, even if not fall the treasure...... at least still to make the players return to the hemorrhaging free. 如果是在别的游戏里,打完这么只怪物,八成会爆点装备什么的,就算不掉宝……至少也该让玩家们免费回下血。 However, after this is Thriller Paradise...... fires off the strong monster, wool no situation besides Skill Points is also very normal. 然而,这是惊悚乐园……打完超强怪物之后除了技巧值以外毛都没有的情况也是很正常的。 Therefore, after Brother Long they fire off mini Boss, inspected a corpse slightly, after determining to have no perquisite, continued to start off...... 因此,龙哥他们打完小BOSS后略微检查了一下尸体,确定没什么油水后就继续上路了…… The later several rooms, enriched in building decoration gradually, presented the broken metal staircase, the colored French window and cream-colored stone wall stone carving one after another, as well as a brighter candlestick wait/etc. 之后的几个房间,在建筑装饰方面渐渐丰富了起来,相继出现了残破的金属楼梯、彩色的落地长窗、米色的石墙石雕、以及更为明亮的烛台等等。 Promotes with the decoration together, monster type and strength...... 与装潢一同升级的,还有怪物的种类和实力…… In the eyeball strange and blue biting crow and axis that fully-armed Zombie, from the sky flies will print out the flaming chariot of lion face, to throw the skeleton person of bone, to put on the skeleton person of armor, to shoot the skeleton person of bow and arrow, to throw the unmanned armor of maneuver axe, to throw the big stone unmanned armor wait wait/etc. etc., in brief will be all kinds , the space underground will have, the forms of defensive action will also be different. 全副武装的丧尸、在空中飞行的眼球怪、蓝色的咬人乌鸦、轴上印出狮子脸的风火轮、扔骨头的骷髅人、穿盔甲的骷髅人、射弓箭的骷髅人、会投掷回旋斧的无人铠甲、会投掷大石块的无人铠甲等等等等,总之是五花八门,天上地下都有,攻击方式也不尽相同。 Brother Long they felt that oneself are playing some type of cross member to pass probably game, more rushes toward , the enemy is fiercer, moreover this type fierce and is not only the pure volume of blood rises, but is attack and defense fast technique wisdom the individual or comprehensive growths in these five aspects. 龙哥他们感觉自己好像在玩某种横板过关游戏似的,越往里闯,遇到的敌人越厉害,而且这种“厉害”并不仅仅是单纯的血量上升,而是“攻防速技智”这五个方面的个别或全面增涨。 However...... they rushed rush to here, making them then go out of town impecuniously, that obviously was impossible......, even if braced oneself still to walk. 然……他们闯都闯到这里了,让他们两手空空地回头出城,那显然是不可能的了……就算硬着头皮也要走下去。 Church 【礼拜堂】 Finally, after passing through numerous difficult, fording to jump the slope, to kill strange dozens...... they to adopt a white corridor that was sealed up by two red doors, and heard System Notification. 终于,在穿过重重险阻、涉水跳坡、杀怪数十只后……他们又通过了一条由两扇红门封住的白色走廊,并听到了系统提示 At this time, from they enter a city at first had crossed for nearly one hour, three people of Stamina also consumed about 1/3. 此时,距离他们最初进城时已过了近一个小时,三人的体能值也都耗掉了三分之一左右。 What is this time? That is the Undead Nine Chief leader?” Looks a giant combustion skeleton head that the distant place is floating, being sweating profusely Long Aomin pants for breath was discussing. “这次又是什么?那个难道是死灵九魁的魁首么?”望着远处飘来的一个巨型燃烧骷髅头,满头大汗的龙傲旻喘息着念道。 Is only Greedy Wolf that the appearance resembles......” follows on the heels meets saying that true Spirit Seizer should in BOSS compared with this Scenario also to be stronger.” “只是样子像而已吧……”跟在后面的贪狼接道,“真正的夺灵应该比这个剧本里的BOSS还要强许多呢。” Seven Kill implored the tone: Then...... old rule, this floating in in the air, seemed like...... by me who is unable to evade comes......” saying that he prepared to use I said fist. 七杀吁了口气:“那么……老规矩,这种浮在空中的、看上去无法避过的……还是由我来……”说着,他就准备使用【我道拳】了。 everyone spirit probably also good.” When Seven Kill raise hand, the skeleton head of that combustion spoke unexpectedly suddenly. 诸位的精神好像还不错嘛。”就在七杀抬手之际,那个燃烧的骷髅头竟突然说话了。 Oh? forces one's way into, this is first can conduct the monster of exchange......” Brother Long to discuss instantly. 哦?一路打进来,这还是第一只能进行交流的怪物呢……”龙哥即刻念道。 But the progress expected must be slower than me.” The skeleton head disregards the Brother Long words, meets saying that „does the reason that because the body reduces, need compared with usually to pay attention to the assignment of Stamina?” “但进度还是比我预期得要慢。”骷髅头无视龙哥的话,自顾自地接道,“是因为身体缩小的缘故,需要比平时更注意体能的分配吧?” Hears body reduction these four characters, the Greedy Wolf look changed, he takes advantage of opportunity forward one step, high sound said: Who are you?” Also without and other opposite party responded, he reports that name that own innermost feelings guessed impatiently, Feng Bujue?” 一听到“身体缩小”这四个字,贪狼的神色就变了,他顺势向前一步,高声道:“你是谁?”还没等对方回应,他就迫不及待地把自己内心猜测的那个名字报了出来,“封不觉吗?” Hehe...... guesses well.” The skeleton head then said, natural...... I not here, I...... and you chatted two through the magic arts taking advantage of the sound of this monster.” “呵呵……猜得不错。”骷髅头接着说道,“当然了……我本人并不在此,我只是通过法术……借着这个怪物的声音和你们聊两句。” Really is your style......” Seven Kill is staring the skeleton say/way, always hides in the hidden place is controlling anything......” “果然是你的风格啊……”七杀瞪着骷髅道,“总是躲在暗处操控着什么……” Words cannot say...... this morning, I also in public with your anuses a round of upfront, but the result was nearly killed.” Very Feng Bujue with the language gas welding say/way that under punches, through this event, I decide to change the strategy.” “话可不能这么说……今天早上,我还在明处和你们肛了一轮正面,但结果是差点儿被打死。”封不觉用十分欠揍的语气接道,“经此一役,我才决定改变策略的。” You said directly oneself are good at playing Yin cannot......” Seven Kill also say. “你直接说自己更擅长玩阴的不就得了……”七杀又道。 Since you requested well...... A Feng Bujue slightly stop, then raised the voice, exclaimed with the strange voice of that skeleton head, right! I am good at playing Yin! I like playing Yin! Even if I do not want to play Yin, the audience were still anticipating I play Yin! I am to depend Yin plays you! Hahahaha Ha.....” “既然你这么要求了……好吧。”封不觉略一停顿,便提高了嗓门儿,用那骷髅头的诡异嗓音吼道,“没错!我就是擅长玩阴的!我就是喜欢玩阴的!就算我不想玩阴的,观众们也期待着我来玩阴的!我就是要靠阴的来玩死你们!哇哈哈哈哈哈……” Sees this scene, the Seven Kill corners of the mouth twitch, does not know whether to laugh or cry, and has the dark fire...... 见此情景,七杀嘴角抽动,哭笑不得,而且还心生暗火…… Long Aomin noticed his expression change, then patted his immature shoulder, said: You...... too young...... you look at me, never bickers with Brother Feng on own initiative......” 龙傲旻注意到了他的表情变化,便拍了拍他那幼小的肩膀,言道:“你啊……太年轻……你看我,从来不主动和封兄抬杠……” Ha haha Ha.....” Feng Bujue's villain laughed continues for 30 seconds to stop, after smiling, he long implores the one breath saying that shouted...... OK, the gentlemen, I want, in this gave you prompts on some routes. But now I change the idea, whom you then play...... to make I so sinister in the city, hahahaha Ha.....” “哈哈哈哈……”封不觉的反派式大笑足足持续了三十秒才停下,笑完后,他长吁一口气道,“呼……OK,先生们,我本来是想在此给你们一些路线上的提示的。但现在我改主意了,你们就在城里接着玩儿吧……谁让我这人那么阴险呢,哇哈哈哈哈哈……” Bang- 轰- This time, his laughter has not continued is too long, because Seven Kill uses I said fist Rumbled the ashes that skeleton head. 这次,他的笑声没有持续太久,因为七杀用一记【我道拳】把那骷髅头轰成了灰烬。
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