TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#928: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 2 )

Squeak- bang. 吱-砰。 After two seconds, moves along with a sound, Brother Long their behind front doors were closed. 两秒后,伴随着一声响动,龙哥他们身后的大门自行关闭了起来。 Three people have not attempted to go back to open it, because they prepared to explore toward. 三人也没有尝试回去打开它,因为他们本就准备往里探索。 When as the powerful player of having fought many battles, the blade edge member's psychological advantage facing monster is very obvious...... and compared with player, they thought on the contrary the monster in Scenario is better to cope. 作为身经百战的强力玩家,刀锋的队员面对怪物时的心理优势还是很明显的……和玩家相比,他们反倒觉得剧本里的怪物更好对付。 Hou ~ then just passed through the gate...... to have thing to greet us......” to proceed less than ten meters, Brother Long that is responsible for exploring the way then stopped the footsteps. “嚯~这才刚进门……就有东西来迎接我们了呢……”才往前走了十米不到,负责探路的龙哥便停下了脚步。 At this time, in his front that bluish gray ground, presented more than ten diameter about one meter suddenly small water puddle ; Said is the water puddle, actually without the water, in fact is a scrap was liquefied the ground, is swinging the intermittent ripple. 此时,他前方那青灰色的地面上,忽地出现了十几个直径一米左右的“小水洼”;说是水洼,实则没有水,实际上就是一小块被液化了的地面,正荡出阵阵水纹。 About after one second, each small water puddle in rapid floating had/left a whole body to send green, facial features ugly intimidated Zombie ; Their action patterns same...... in the throat are sending low and deep with most low Zombie **, the draw is raising both hands, compels gradually toward the living person. 大约一秒后,每一个“小水洼”里都迅速“浮”出了一个全身发绿、面容丑怖的丧尸;它们的行动模式和大部分低等丧尸一样……喉咙里发着低沉的**,平举着双手,朝着活人缓步逼来。 „The grind mobs way very very dazzles actually.” Seven Kill discussed with the tone that quite disdains, „the monster that pitifully brushes is not much.” 刷怪的方式倒是挺酷炫的。”七杀用颇为不屑的语气念道,“可惜刷出来的怪物不咋地。” Their actions are very slow, we can circle to circle, cannot circle to deal with casually.” Greedy Wolf instructed to say at this time, „the space in this castle obviously seems like the outside is much bigger, inside does not know that many monsters...... we have not needed to waste the time and physical strength here.” “它们的行动很慢,我们能绕就绕过去,绕不过去就随便应付一下。”贪狼这时指示道,“这个城堡内的空间明显比外部看起来要大得多,里面不知道还有多少怪物……我们不必在这里浪费时间和体力。” Understood.” Long Aomin complied with one, took advantage of opportunity to offer a sacrifice to own Spiritual Energy Armament , prepared opening. “明白。”龙傲旻应了一声,顺势就祭出了自己的灵能武器,做好了开路准备。 Name: Orichalcos Shield 名称:奥利哈刚之盾(Orichalcos_shield) Type: Spiritual Energy Armament 【类型:灵能武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Defensive power: Extremely strong 【防御力:极强】 Attribute: Absorption, isolation and cushion 【属性:吸收、隔绝、缓冲】 Special Effect one: Orichalcos knot( when Orichalcos Shield withstands attack, user may to propelling power that contains, pass through thoroughly strength and shake strength according to own this attack of will conducts free transformation.)】 特效一:奥利哈刚的结界(当奥利哈刚之盾承受攻击时,使用者可根据自己的意志对此次攻击中所蕴含的推进力、贯透力及震荡力进行相互间的自由转换。)】 Special Effect two: Orichalcos it air/Qi( user may pay 15% Health, causes next attack invalid that shield withstands)】 特效二:奥利哈刚之气(使用者可付出15%的生存值,使盾牌所承受的下一次攻击无效化)】 Special Effect three: Orichalcos- request strength Tos( Orichalcos Shield has 300% defense capabilities to magics and all flight item)】 特效三:奥利哈刚-托力托斯(奥利哈刚之盾对魔法及一切飞行道具具备300%的防御能力)】 Note: The shield of dream is forged by the Orichalcos crystal, attaches divine power of god of Orichalcos, just like motion barrier that is hard to break through.】 【备注:由奥利哈刚水晶锻造出的梦幻之盾,附有奥利哈刚之神的神力,犹如难以攻破的移动壁垒。】 If everyone sees, this is a quality was determined as legend Spiritual Energy Armament , with Shiva complete body Tianwu Hourglass is the same rank, its effect remarkable is also obvious to all. 如各位所见,这是一件品质被判定为“传说”的灵能武器,和湿婆的“完全体天舞沙漏”属于同一级别,其效果之卓越也是有目共睹的。 But Special Effect that most goes against heaven's will, without doubt was „the air/Qi of Orichalcos...... this effect in opened simply invincibly. 而其中最为逆天的一项特效,无疑就是“奥利哈刚之气”了……这个效果简直就是在“开无敌”。 Theoretically, so long as started this Special Effect, strong attack, so long as flowered 15% Health can go against, this made Instant kill Brother Long become an extremely difficult matter...... 理论上来说,只要发动了这个特效,无论是多强的攻击,只要花15%的生存值就能顶下来了,这就使得“秒杀龙哥成了一件极为困难的事情…… You use the might general method to attack him, his defensive power may be placed there ; You use powerful killing move to attack......, no matter is destroys the death ray also to be good, Special Beam Cannon...... so long as he starts Special Effect, that most is 15% volumes of blood loses. Like this calculates, even if regardless the Health supplements factor, he at least can still shoulder six killing move not dead...... 你用威力一般的手段攻击他,他的防御力可摆在那里;你用强力杀招去攻击呢……甭管是破坏死光也好、魔贯光杀炮也罢……只要他发动特效,那最多就是15%的血量损失。这样算来,即使撇开生存值补充剂的因素,他至少也能扛上六次杀招而不死…… Naturally, if the attack speed is fast...... enough lifts the shield standard keeps off, or reacts without enough time starts Special Effect to Brother Long quickly without enough time, may achieve Instant kill. But the issue is...... the skill of powerful needs certainly to prepare to be able mostly to send out . Moreover the fluctuation of energy often is conceals cannot keep. Furthermore...... Brother Long is not newbie, but is experienced fight expert. 当然了,如果攻击速度够快……快到龙哥来不及举盾格挡、或是来不及做出“发动特效”的反应,还是有可能做到“秒杀”的。可问题是……强力的技能多半都需要一定的准备才能发出,而且能量的波动往往是藏也藏不住的。再者……龙哥又不是什么菜鸟,而是经验丰富的战斗高手 Generally speaking, takes Orichalcos Shield Long Aomin, seriously is the motion fortress, the impregnable bastion common man. 总体来讲,拿着奥利哈刚之盾龙傲旻,当真就是个移动堡垒,铜墙铁壁一般的男人。 Ha..... is much easier than the imagination.” 哈……比想象中要容易得多啊。” Less than one minute, Brother Long brings Seven Kill and Greedy Wolf runs to pass the Araki winding corridor, they only meet Zombie that two are unable to bypass on the way, but that two blamed to be lifted the shield by Brother Long to hit breaks...... broke to pieces and mud equally is pulpy. 一分钟不到,龙哥就带着七杀贪狼一路小跑着通过了荒城回廊,途中他们只遇到了两只无法绕过的丧尸,而那两只怪皆是被龙哥举盾一撞就散架了……碎得跟泥巴一样稀烂。 That must......, if passing through the gate difficult to flying, we can consider to go out directly.” Greedy Wolf complains instantly. “那必须的啊……要是一进门就难到飞起,我们就可以考虑直接出去了。”贪狼即刻吐了个槽。 During the speeches, they then passed through stone gate, arrived at the second space. 说话间,他们便穿过了一道石门,来到了第二个空间。 Compared with winding corridor, here is more like in a castle room. From the high place can spreading the long window of red glass, a distance can also see to inlay the candlestick on wall every other ; Starts...... the candles on these candlesticks to become main light source that the players may depend upon from here. 比起刚才的“回廊”,这里更像是一个城堡内的“房间”了。从高处可以到铺着赤色玻璃的长窗,每隔一段距离还能瞅见嵌在墙上的烛台;从这里开始……那些烛台上的蜡烛就成了玩家们可依靠的主要光源 I went to......” just passing through the gate, two purple bats plundered high-speed from the Brother Long top of the head, was good responds quickly because of Brother Long, lowered the head to evade, frightened me to jump......” “我去……”刚一进门,就有两只紫色的蝙蝠从龙哥头顶高速掠来,好在龙哥反应快,低头避过了,“吓我一跳……” „...... Also only then at this kind of time, I will think that turns into the child is a good matter.” Seven Kill discussed with a smile, „the sky collapses to have the Sir to withstand/top in any case.” “呵……也只有在这种时候,我会觉得变成小孩是件好事儿。”七杀笑着念道,“反正天塌下来有大人顶着。” hey hey......” Brother Long turns head, said loudly, I also did turn into the child good?” 喂喂……”龙哥回头,高声言道,“我也变成小孩了好不好?” After his these words exit|to speak, many were looking the audience who live broadcast smiled inexplicably...... 他这句话出口后,许多正在看直播的观众莫名地笑了…… Good good...... you should rejoice that is.” Greedy Wolf meets to say in side, in this Scenario, you are only one has almost not received the build influence person in Fighting Proficiency and Equipment addition, this advantage we want not to have.” “行了行了……你应该庆幸才是。”贪狼在旁接道,“在这个剧本里,你是唯一一个在格斗专精装备加成方面几乎没有受到体型影响的人,这种优势我们想要还没有呢。” Good...... I may go bad happily, haha Ha.....” Brother Long hollow laugh several, then guide. “好吧……我可高兴坏了,哈哈哈……”龙哥干笑几声,接着带路。 At present this second room, has the extremely obvious high and low dropping variance. Although the ceiling might as well a moment ago that high, but under seems to be different. After passing through the gate,...... beyond the dead ahead several meters is a wall, the wall above has a drift angle, after coming up, is a narrow corridor, does not know to where ; Looks toward under again, is a downward pitch, pitch below two meters places have a platform, side of platform is the blocking the way wall, but the other aspect delays in that direction that they come, also does not know to where...... 眼前这第二个房间,有着极为明显的高低落差。虽然天花板不如刚才那间高,但底下似乎别有洞天。进门后……正前方数米外就是一堵墙,墙的上方有个斜角,上去以后是一条狭窄的过道,不知通往何处;再往下方看,则是个向下的斜坡,斜坡下方两米处有个平台,平台的一面就是拦路的墙壁,而另一面是朝他们进来的那个方向延展的,也不知通往何处…… What kind of? Can walk separately?” Brother Long then asked. “怎么样?要分头走吗?”龙哥回头问道。 Naturally does not want......” Greedy Wolf not to answer, Seven Kill should say, separates this place like labyrinth, perhaps is unable to meet again......” “当然不要……”贪狼还没回话,七杀就应道,“在这种像迷宫一样的地方分开,恐怕就再也无法会合了……” I also agreed.” Greedy Wolf meets saying that separates the action in this Scenario and has no advantage...... Brother Long to be but actually good, but I and Seven Kill this individual operational capacity had been weakened sharply...... meets BOSS by some chance alone, feared that is more unfortunate than fortunate.” “我也同意。”贪狼接道,“在这个剧本里分开行动并没有什么优势……龙哥倒还好,但我和七杀这种个人作战能力被大幅削弱过的……万一单独遇上个BOSS,怕是凶多吉少。” That......” Brother Long looked at one toward the front two routes respectively, thinks, said, we do walk below?” “那……”龙哥朝前方的两条路线各看了一眼,想了想,说道,“咱们走下面呗?” He will elect, is mainly because own build is quite strong, enters the words feeling of above that channel to be not quite convenient. 他会这么选,主要是因为自己的体型比较壮,进上面那条通道的话感觉不太方便。 Ok, walks.” Greedy Wolf has not said anything, in any case is the exploration stage, which walking is the same. “可以,走吧。”贪狼也没多说什么,反正是探索阶段,走哪儿都一样。 Therefore, three people followed the pitch to slide several steps, jumped the following platform. 于是,三人就顺着斜坡滑了几步,跳到了下面的平台。 After they stand firm, turns the head to look, another side is also a downhill, three people then downward, then to this second room bottom. Not far away, the leaf of red front doors, according to the normal space general knowledge judgment...... the gate opposite, should situated in a moment ago that under that room that brushes Zombie. 他们站定后转头一看,另一侧也是一个下坡,三人接着向下,便到了这第二个房间的底部。不远处,就有一扇红色的大门,按照正常的空间常识判断……门的对面,应该位于刚才那个刷丧尸的房间的下方。 If not walk this sliding door, can go to...... there in another direction, with the swimming pool almost big reservoir, the basin center has a metal to float the stage, on the platform has a carving column, circular precious pearl of pillar peak also illumination, its ray lightened the trim basin. 而若是不走这扇门的话,也可以往另一个方向去……那里,有一个与游泳池差不多大的蓄水池,水池中央有一块金属浮台,台子上有一根雕刻柱,柱子顶端还有一个发光的圆形宝珠,其光芒点亮了整片水池。 Does not need to ask me.” Brother Long had not asked, Greedy Wolf first said that I also the first time am, you act emotionally and that's the end.” “不用问我。”龙哥还没问,贪狼就先说道,“我也是第一次来,你跟着感觉走就是了。” Good ~ Brother Long elongated the voice to comply with one, then went forward with push that red door. “好~”龙哥拉长了嗓门儿应了一声,便上前用去推那扇红色的门。 Although this is leaf of a heavy/thick wooden door that is inlaying the metal, but promotes is quite relaxed, Brother Long with single-handed also easily opened it very much. 这虽是一扇镶着金属的厚重木门,但推动起来还是比较轻松的,龙哥用单手也很轻易地将其打开了。 After three people walk into that sliding door, then entered a ray obscure corridor. 三人走入那扇门后,便进入了一条光线晦涩的走廊。 This corridor is built completely by the white stone material, was roughly the architectural style of ancient Rome. The both sides of corridor are establishing separately two rows of columns and stockades, the stone block and stockade of base of cylinder in a disorderly way are taking turn, among the mast tops assumes the arched entrance configuration even/including ; On the wall of high place is hanging the giant bat relief, the small-scale reliefs of many taking the form of devils echo in its symmetrically aligned. 这条走廊完全由白色的石料砌成,大体是古罗马的建筑风格。走廊的两侧分立着两排立柱与栅栏,柱底的石墩与栅栏有规律地交替着,柱顶之间则呈拱门形相连;高处的墙壁上悬着巨大的蝙蝠浮雕,还有许多形似恶魔的小型浮雕在其两边对称呼应。 From the stockade can see that the red ray photo comes, but actually actually could not see clearly light source is anything, to leave far......, no matter looked upward downward, seemed is staring at the blood red abyss, but looked...... to see similar corridor toward the distant place crosswise, resembled white channels between the nihility spaces suddenly, floated in this flushed. 从栅栏外可以看到红色的光芒照过来,但却看不清光源究竟是什么、离了多远……不管往上还是往下看,都好似在凝望血红色的深渊,而横向朝远处望去……则可以看到许多类似的走廊,恍似一道道虚无空间之间的白色通道,浮在这红潮之中。 ...... a moment ago that was anything......” after the white corridor, and opened a leaf of red door again, Long Aomin long implores the one breath saying that feeling was quite depressing......” “呼……刚才那是什么啊……”穿过白色走廊、并再度推开一扇红门后,龙傲旻长吁一口气道,“感觉好压抑啊……” Determination...... Seven Kill met to say a moment ago, how I thought an entering a city gate started to constrain......” “确定只是刚才么……”七杀接道,“我怎么觉得一进城门就开始压抑了……” Underground waters 【地下水域】 At this moment, System Notification resounded suddenly, reported a geographic name. 就在这时,系统提示忽又响起,报了个地名。 Buzz- 嗡- Suddenly, when the system voice completely, in three people of front shadows...... has not flown together the bluish white crescent moon shape flash. 忽然,就在系统语音未尽之时,三人前方的阴影中……飞来一道青白色的月牙形闪光。 What gadget?” Brother Long talked over, while the instinct lifted the shield to keep off. “什么玩意儿?”龙哥一边念叨,一边本能地举盾一挡。 Finally, that flash and Orichalcos Shield touch, then vanished into thin air instantaneously...... 结果,那闪光和奥利哈刚之盾一触,便瞬间烟消云散了…… Was some long-distance energy attack......” Seven Kill is saying, shifted one step, fixed the eyes on the farsighted. “是某种远程的能量攻击吧……”七杀说着,横移一步,定睛远视。 Less than two seconds, he then saw in the shadow of high place the prime culprit who launches the attack...... that is a red small monster, the four limbs are short , after volume lives the opposite angle, grew a pair of bat wing and stock, has a small tail. 两秒不到,他便在高处的阴影中看到了发动攻击的元凶……那是一只红色的小怪物,四肢短小、额生对角、长了一双蝙蝠翅膀、股后还有一条小尾巴。 „Is that...... the small devil?” Greedy Wolf also saw clearly that to fly rapidly in the small monster of midair, and said one with Name that monster image tallied. “那是……小恶魔?”贪狼也迅速看清了那飞在半空的小怪物,并道出了一个与那怪物形象相符的名称来。 No matter it is anything, this strange cannot leave alone...... Seven Kill to say like Zombie, then both hands, emits one move toward that small devil- I said fist. “不管它是什么,这个怪可不能像丧尸一样放任不管……”七杀说罢,便双手一并一出,朝那小恶魔放出一招-【我道拳】。 Perhaps many friends had not heard I said fist, here explained that...... I said the fist was pill( i.e. fire directs ball, a very special role in street tyrant series, was CAPCOM and SNK Corporation separates product of spatial provocation, imitation the appearances of 《Art of Fighting》 two leads, and designed resulted in dregs weakly one of the signboard skills intentionally), according to famous fluctuation fist improvement. 或许有许多朋友没有听说过“我道拳”,这里就说明一下……我道拳乃是丹(即“火引弹”,街霸系列中的一名十分特殊的角色,是CAPCOM与SNK公司隔空挑衅的产物,山寨《龙虎之拳》两位主角的外貌,并故意设计成弱得掉渣)的招牌技能之一,是根据大名鼎鼎的波动拳“改良”而来。 Naturally...... looked intuitively, this move is to separate the blowdown fist wave goes out...... 当然了……直观上看,这招就是隔空放个拳波出去…… - Bang! 咻-嘭! I said that the fist glow gets up, killing intent broken wind. 我道拳芒起,杀意破风至。 The flying speed of small devil is not slow, but is quickly this fist glow. Suddenly, this monster was rumbled the meat sauce by a fist. 小恶魔的飞行速度不慢,但还是快不过这拳芒。眨眼间,这怪物就被一拳轰成了肉酱。 This monster, although can use the long-distance attack......, but after anti- hits the ability and outside Zombie cannot miss many......” Seven Kill received to incur, looks down own hand, „, even after my body reduced, I who emitted said the fist, can still make into pulpy it......” “这怪物虽然能使用远程攻击……但抗打能力和外面的丧尸差不了多少呢……”七杀收招后,低头看了看自己的手,“即使是我身体缩小后放出的我道拳,也能把它打成稀烂啊……” Resulted in...... to be short there to blow own horn in disguised form, hurries.” Brother Long to the Seven Kill acting cool opportunity, he then had not further urged one, then faced forward. “得了……少在那儿变相自吹自擂,赶紧走起。”龙哥没有给七杀进一步装逼的机会,他回头催了一声,便接着朝前走了。 Greedy Wolf and Seven Kill also follow, trod the downward stone steps...... to march into the moist air...... 贪狼七杀也紧随其后,踏着向下的石阶……步入了潮湿的空气中…… ............ ………… At the same time, castle entrance, outside moat. 同一时刻,城堡门口,护城河外。 My God......” Hill is suspending a face unbelievable expression, looks at the present castle to mutter discussed, „...... here had anything......” “我的上帝……”希尔摆着一脸难以置信的表情,望着眼前的城堡喃喃念道,“……这儿发生了什么……” Before dozen minutes, he punched that suit male, then drove to start off. 十几分钟前,他揍完了那个西装男,便重新开车上路了。 Until he arrived at the address of original dark stream path Room, discovered that...... here repaired probably. 直到他一路开到了原暗溪路老屋的地址,才发现……这里好像重新装修了一遍。 What situation?” Hill corners of the mouth are twitching, thought aloud, „( castle that strange duck adventures Count_Duckula , 1988 year screening Britain animation photo album, in play lead lived in can move through built-in incantation installment to the all over the world instantaneously, even conducts interstellar travel)?” “什么情况?”希尔嘴角抽动着,自言自语道,“怪鸭历险记(Count_Duckula,1988年上映的英国动画影集,剧中主角所居住的城堡可以通过内置的咒语装置瞬间移动至世界各地、甚至进行星际旅行)吗?” You came back finally, Mr. Hill.” While when Hill Station is in a daze outside the moat, where the Feng Bujue's sound did not know resounds, reached in his ear. “你终于回来了,希尔先生。”正当希尔站在护城河外发呆之际,封不觉的声音不知从哪里响起,传进了他的耳中。 You......” Hill heard the sound, is anxious immediately, he glances right and left, while said that „...... you how......” “你……”希尔闻声,当即紧张起来,他一边左顾右盼、一边言道,“……你怎么……” „The above of pocket right your coat, two cotton materials middle.” The sound response of Jue Bro said. “在你外衣右侧口袋的上方,两层布料的当中。”觉哥的声音回应道。 Hill according to the fumble that the opposite party said oneself clothes, finally really touched a hard object of oblate in that position, moreover he soon realized...... the Feng Bujue's sound from there biography. 希尔照着对方所说的摸索了一下自己的衣服,结果果然在那个位置摸到了一块扁圆形的硬物,而且他很快意识到……封不觉的声音就是从那里传出来的。 Touched?” Feng Bujue meets saying that this is a tracker, has the communication feature, naturally......, only then me can establish the communication on own initiative.” “摸到了吧?”封不觉接道,“这是一个追踪器,同时也具备通讯功能,当然了……只有我这边能主动建立通讯。” You where?” Hill asked immediately loudly, this castle what's the matter?” “你在哪儿?”希尔随即就高声问道,“这城堡又是怎么回事?” Feng Bujue has not answered his issue, but asked in turn: „Did the Van Helsing diary take?” 封不觉没有回答他的问题,而是反过来问道:“范海辛的日记弄到手了吗?” Hill look changes, cold -ly snorted and said: Snort...... that book had been hidden by me in a safe place.” He, you helped me relieve the chip, and ensure I leave safely, where I told you thing.” 希尔神色微变,冷哼道:“哼……那本书已经被我藏在了一个安全的地方。”他顿了顿,“你帮我解除芯片,并保证我安全离开,我就告诉你东西在哪儿。”
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