TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#927: blade edge rushes to the demon city ( 1 )

5 : 00 pm, the dark clouds shade the day, is hot-tempered thunderously. 下午 5 点,黑云蔽天,雷鸣躁起。 The local municipal government has sounded the thunderstorm red early warning, cancel the Halloween celebrations of all outdoors, and suggested that the resident do not go out on foot. 当地市政府已发出了雷暴红色预警,取消了所有户外的万圣节庆祝活动,并建议市民不要徒步外出。 In this time point, before the blade edge three team members...... arrived at the old room of dark stream road . 就在这个时间点上,刀锋的三名队员……来到了暗溪路的老屋前。 Their three have not naturally known that the Hell Front also person of dying in battle things, at their angles of view, one's own side now are three pairs of four unfavorable situations. Therefore, the strategy of Greedy Wolf choice is- temporarily avoids the upfront conflict, develops the plot as far as possible, in the benefit by Scenario levels the disadvantage. 他们三个自然还不知道地狱前线也有一人阵亡的事情,以他们的视角出发,己方现在是三对四的不利局面。因此,贪狼选择的战略是-暂时避免正面冲突,尽可能开拓剧情,以剧本中的利益填平劣势。 Some probably people acted swiftly to get there first......” see to stop in the old room entrance ambulance, Brother Long talked over one. “好像有人捷足先登了啊……”看到停在老屋门口的救护车,龙哥就念叨了一句。 How I feel that...... this car(riage) may be the trap......” the Seven Kill reminder say. “我怎么觉着……这辆车有可能是陷阱呢……”七杀提醒道。 Tried not to know.” Greedy Wolf said that has been moving toward goes, I search for front, after you look compartment, inspection time keeps a god......” “试试不就知道了吗。”贪狼说着,已然走向前去,“我搜前面,你们看后车厢,检查的时候留点儿神……” At this time, that was stressed to recognize the suit male of road to drive by them. Before the tone leaves, the fellow also shakes down the glass, scolded several swearings toward three players wickedly. However Brother Long they regarding this also and do not care about...... consider this suit male by three child threat, not only loses food that many just bought, but also was beaten...... to make him scold two to vent also to might as well. 此时,那个被他们抓来认路的西装男已经开车回去了。在调头驶离前,那家伙还摇下车窗,朝三名玩家恶狠狠地骂了几句粗口。不过龙哥他们对此也并不在意……考虑到这个西装男被三个“孩子”威胁,不但损失了许多刚买的食物,还被拳打脚踢了一番……让他骂两句发泄一下也无妨了。 Here has no harvest.” After two minutes, Greedy Wolf then inspected the driving seat, he jumped out of the car(riage) immediately, said to the following teammates, behind how?” “我这儿没什么收获。”两分钟后,贪狼便检查完了驾驶席,他随即就跳下车,对后面的队友们说道,“后面怎么样?” Brother Long just jumped from the post- compartment at this time, in the hand is also raising thing: Here had an interior to stain the binding corpse bag of blood and mane......” he bag demonstration before the teammate, and added that such as you saw...... lay down in inside that already not.” 龙哥这时刚好从后车厢里跳了出来,手里还提着个东西:“这儿有一个内部沾满了血和鬃毛的裹尸袋……”他将袋子展示在队友面前,并补充道,“如你所见……原本躺在里面的‘那位’已经不在了。” Un......” Greedy Wolf approached to look, thinks after two seconds discussed, is it possible that...... in this bag has installed the werewolf?” “嗯……”贪狼凑近看了看,想了两秒后念道,“莫非……这袋子里装过狼人?” Ha? How you think there goes?” Brother Long flexure scratched the head, the doubts said. “哈?你怎么想到那儿去的啊?”龙哥挠了挠头,疑惑道。 This is not difficult to guess correctly that......” Greedy Wolf returns said that generally speaking will bind the corpse bag to be only used to install the body of person, but in this bag thing of attire has the hair of animal, as well as......” he put out a hand to refer to several on bag ripping the mark, „...... sharp claw.” “这不难猜到……”贪狼回道,“一般而言裹尸袋只会用来装人的尸体,但这个袋子里装的东西却有着动物的毛发,以及……”他伸手指了指袋子上的几条撕痕,“……尖锐的爪子。” Long Aomin lifts high the binding corpse bag in hand, oneself also leaned looked at the eye excessively: „...... Also is really......” 龙傲旻将手中的裹尸袋举高,自己也侧过头看了眼:“哦……还真是啊……” You looked again this tearing the trace......” Greedy Wolf also said that „, if the animal grasps, that represents the foreleg of this animal long to have five fingers and belt/bring sharp claws, and refers to the spacing and human is similar...... other, its also whole body mane and build happen to can load into bind the corpse bag......” he to stop for one second, thinks toward animal that aspect with it, might as well unify the setting of this Scenario, considers the monster.” “你再看这撕裂的痕迹……”贪狼又道,“如果是动物抓的,那就代表这种动物的前肢长有五根手指、带利爪、且指间距和人类相仿……另外,它还满身鬃毛、体型正好可以装进裹尸袋……”他停顿一秒,“与其往动物那方面想,不如结合这个剧本的设定,考虑一下怪物。” Got it.” Long Aomin heard here to understand, „when was loaded into bound the corpse bag, the werewolf should not change the body, moreover received very heavy wound...... when coming out, he has the wool to have the claw.” “明白了。”龙傲旻听到这儿就懂了,“被装进裹尸袋时,那狼人应该还没变身,而且受了很重的伤……但出来时,他已经有毛有爪了。” Right, is this.” Greedy Wolf nods to say. “对,就是这样。”贪狼点头应道。 Then...... this you should give what explanation?” When they talked, Seven Kill poked head from the ambulance, beckoned toward two people. “那么……这你又该作何解释呢?”他们对话之际,七杀从救护车里探出头来,朝二人招了招手。 Brother Long and Greedy Wolf looked at one mutually, then together with. 龙哥贪狼互相看了一眼,然后一同跟了上去。 Looks at...... here, after on that side seat......” treats the teammates follow up, Seven Kill with the hand is then guiding their regarding channel, sees? Gadget that two beaches stick wet......” “瞧……这里,还有那边的座椅上……”待队友们跟进后,七杀便用手引导着他们的视线道,“看见没有?有两滩湿湿黏黏的玩意儿……” The Greedy Wolf observation moment, discussed: According to our mentalities considered that...... this can secrete the liquid from some type of body surface the monster?” 贪狼观察片刻,念道:“按照我们刚才的思路来考虑……这会不会是来自某种体表能分泌液体的怪物?” That most likely and that's the end.” Brother Long spreads out both hands saying that from film title CG, demons and monsters truly incessantly Vampire this type in this Scenario, since the werewolves came out, what water monster has again and so on isn't thing strange?” “那八成就是了呗。”龙哥摊开双手道,“从片头CG来看,这个剧本里的妖魔鬼怪确实远不止吸血鬼这一种,既然狼人都出来了,再出个什么水怪之类的东西也不奇怪吧?” Therefore the conclusion is......” Seven Kill meets saying that has a person...... or to have a monster, snatched an ambulance...... to carry demons and monsters of compartment, arrived in this room?” “所以结论就是……”七杀接道,“有个人……或者说有个怪物,抢了一辆救护车……载着一车厢的妖魔鬼怪,来到了这间屋子里?” I look credibly.” Greedy Wolf met one, then took out a kraft paper from Traveling Bag , this also verified my previous inference exactly......” “我看靠谱。”贪狼接了一句,然后就从行囊里取出了一张牛皮纸来,“这也恰恰印证了我先前的推理……” At this moment kraft paper that in his hand takes, was he and broken army spent nearly one hour of Quest Reward that went to the shovel fallen leaf to obtain. According to them when Scenario father said that this is his two sons „the first grade goes to dark stream path Room to explore picture concealed treasure chart. 此刻他手里拿的牛皮纸,是他和破军花了近一个小时去铲落叶才得到的任务奖励。根据他们在剧本中的“老爸”所说,这是他的两个儿子“一年级时去暗溪路老屋探险时画的藏宝图”。 Naturally, said that is the concealed treasure chart, is actually the doodle of child......, but, Greedy Wolf through this doodle, speculated some quite accurate information. 当然了,说是藏宝图,其实就是孩童的涂鸦而已……不过,贪狼还是通过这“涂鸦”,推测出了一些较为准确的情报。 Has the monster aggregated in this, proved......” the Greedy Wolf then previous words saying, „...... the charm amulet of Saint, in this old room.” “有怪物群集于此,更加证明了……”贪狼接着先前的话道,“……圣之护身符,就在这栋老屋内。” ............ ………… At the same time, under Laowude, assembly hall. 同一时刻,老屋地下,礼堂。 Some guests arrived at......” eyes closed silently stand Dracula, suddenly said one. “又有客人到了……”闭目默立德古拉,忽然开口说了一句。 Oh? at this time, Feng Bujue is sitting in stone steps, glances through one not to know ancient book where does. After hearing the word, his does not lift asks, how many people? What person?” 哦?”此时,封不觉正坐在一节石阶上,翻阅着一本不知从哪里搞来的古书。闻言后,他头也不抬地问道,“几个人?什么样的人?” Altogether three......” Dracula stands beyond his front two meters, said neither arrogant nor servile, has two is the young boy,...... Oh...... very big young boy.” “一共三个……”德古拉站在他前方两米外,不卑不亢地说道,“有两个是小男孩儿,还有一个……呃……非常高大的小男孩儿。” „...... I have known that was.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „, since others walked, we...... started ceremony ahead of time ‚’.” “呵……我已经知道是谁了。”封不觉笑道,“既然人家都找上门来了,那我们……就提前开始‘仪式’吧。” ............ ………… On the other hand, east of dark stream road, on some road. 另一方面,暗溪路以东,某条公路上。 Damn Hill who......” recovers untied the seat belt, opens the vehicle door to go down the car(riage), rushed to Volvo rear more than ten meters away angrily. “该死的……”回过神来的希尔解开了安全带,打开车门走下车,怒气冲冲地奔向了后方十几米外的一辆沃尔沃。 Before one minute, his car(riage) and that Volvo met on the road. Because this road is desolate and in disrepair after many years, therefore the street both sides road shoulders all have the damage of certain extent. What coincidence is...... on that section of road of two car(riage) meets, the damage phenomenon is very obvious, this caused two car(riage)s to need successively to pass the middle that section of street to be good. 一分钟前,他的车和那辆沃尔沃在路上相遇了。由于这条公路地处荒僻、年久失修,所以马路两侧的路肩皆有一定程度的损毁。巧合的是……就在两车相遇的那一段路上,损毁现象特别明显,这就导致两辆车需要先后通过中间的那段马路才行。 Sees this scene, Hill takes the lead to blow a whistle to warn, the meaning is that car(riage) that to let opposite drive slightly slow one slow, makes. 见此情景,希尔率先鸣笛示警,意思就是让对面驶来的那辆车稍微缓一缓、让一让。 However, the fellow from his opposite opens...... that by blade edge has kidnapped the suit male. 但是,从他对面开过来的家伙……正是那个被刀锋劫持过的西装男。 Hill is the comparison worries, moreover he first pressed the loudspeaker, therefore he will not let ; But the suit male...... is a custom, joins a production team, bullies the weak and fears the strong and takes in the corrupt little profit the person in disabled person parking space, people like him...... will not let obviously. 希尔是比较着急的,而且他先摁喇叭了,所以他不会让;而西装男……是个习惯于贪小便宜、插队、欺软怕硬、占用残疾人停车位的人,他这种人……显然也不会让。 Therefore, two car(riage)s came friction to make a mistake, then had one side tire to slide the road surface respectively, stopped totteringly. 于是,两辆车就来了个“摩擦相错”,然后各有一侧轮胎滑出了路面,跌跌撞撞地停了下来。 Is good in both pilots before will soon be happening hacks to rub got in the steering wheel and loosen the accelerator, otherwise both turns over has the possibility...... 好在两名驾驶员都在即将发生剐蹭前打了方向盘并松了油门,要不然双双翻车都有可能…… Hey! Bastards!” Hill walks toward the vehicle of opposite party, while roared, you were blind or deaf?” “嘿!混蛋!”希尔一边朝对方的车子走去,一边咆哮道,“你是瞎了还是聋了?” The suit male also got out at this time, turns around to look that said to the opposite party: I also want to ask you, how do you prepare to compensate me?” He beckoned with the hand to hint one to be blown the flower automobile body, knows how much money this scar can spend to fix?” 西装男这时也下了车,转身看向对方道:“我还想问你呢,你准备怎么赔偿我?”他摆手示意了一下被刮花的车身,“知道这伤痕得花多少钱才能修好吗?” Price I do not know, but I think that its wound should be good to be quicker than you.” Hill meets to say. “价钱我不知道,但我想它的伤应该会好得比你快。”希尔接道。 The suit male has not understood probably for a while opposite party saying meaning, he also asked: What is its wound should......” 西装男好像一时还没明白对方这话的意思,他还问道:“什么叫它的伤应该……” Bang- 嘭- Hill's fist interrupted the suit male words, the latter takes advantage of opportunity is knocked down. 希尔的拳头打断了西装男的话,后者顺势被打翻在地。 Oh!-” After suit male falls to the ground, covers the face to shout wildly, you...... your bastard! I must consider you to injure deliberately...... not! Is the murder!” “噢!啊-”西装男倒地后捂脸狂叫,“你……你这杂种!我要告你蓄意伤害……不!是谋杀!” Sounds you also to know a law? Snort?” When Hill asked this question, trampled two feet toward the suit male arm on. “听起来你还懂点儿法律是吗?哼?”希尔问这问题时,又朝西装男的胳膊上踹了两脚。 „When Ah! Ah! suit male called out pitifully, but also is threatening said, I warned you! I show the uncle, but attorney!” 啊!啊!”西装男惨叫之余,还在威吓道,“我警告你!我表姨夫可是律师!” Right?” Hill is saying, bends down to hold the hair of opposite party, approached the face said, that I showed the uncle to teach you for you...... me, if really gave to murder you, the local public prosecutor will sue my! Does not need your deceased person to come!” “是吗?”希尔说着,俯身抓住对方的头发,把脸凑近了言道,“那我替你表姨夫教教你……我要是真把你给谋杀了,地区检察官会起诉我的!不需要你一个死人来告!” Then, Hill uses to the one hand grasp the vehicle door in addition, puts up the suit male head, Bang! Bang! hit with vehicle door continually three. 说罢,希尔就用另一手抓住车门,把西装男的头架起来,用车门“砰砰砰”连撞了三下。 After hitting, the suit male fainted at the scene...... 撞完以后,西装男当场就晕过去了…… Hill very dispelled anger spat a saliva toward the opposite party, has turned around, the preparation returned to own car(riage). 希尔挺解恨地朝对方吐了口唾沫,转过身,准备回到自己的车里去。 Unexpectedly, in the meantime, the mutation lives steep! 不料,就在此时,异变陡生! Black light beam that in the sky of distant place, soars to the heavens for the first time presently together. 远方的天空中,乍现一道冲天的黑色光柱。 A share of even Hill can feel the invisible energy of that directional divergence came, to sweep across the entire land...... 一股连希尔都能感觉到的无形能量从那个方向扩散而来,席卷了整个大地…… ............ ………… 5 : 00 pm ten points, urban district edge, out some power plant. 下午 5 点十分,市区边缘,某发电厂门外。 Ruoyu and Xiao Ling just completed entire Side Quest complete following, takes Quest Reward to come out from the power plant, the result...... felt the impact of that energy. 若雨小灵刚好完成了一整条支线任务的全部后续,拿着任务奖励从发电厂里出来,结果……就感受到了那股能量的冲击。 Although in the physiology turned into little loli, but two people still had not been attacked easily overthrow, but staggers slightly, then stood firm the figure. 虽然生理上都变成了小萝莉,但两人依然没有被冲击轻易推倒,只是稍一踉跄,便稳住了身形。 I have a premonition......” Ruoyu to look at that black light beam of horizon, hesitates saying that „...... the matter of that side, is certainly related with Bujue.” “我有一种预感……”若雨望着天边的那道黑色光柱,沉吟道,“……那边发生的事情,一定和不觉有关。” We also received the Quest chain...... Xiao Ling to meet to say in any case, „...... had a look on the past.” “反正我们也收完了任务链……”小灵接道,“……就过去看看呗。” „...... Uses that.” Ruoyu nods to say. “啊……就用那个吧。”若雨点头应道。 In her mouth that, is that they were just rewarded- Magic broom * 2】 她口中的“那个”,就是她们刚刚获得的奖励-【魔法扫帚】 Name: Magic broom 名称:魔法扫帚】 Type: Other 【类型:其他】 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Special Effect: The cleaning dust or acts as vehicle 特效:清扫灰尘或是充当载具】 Can it be taken out of the scenario: No 是否可带出该剧本:否 Note: Generally speaking, no matter wears the skirt or the pants, we did not suggest that the ladies use the way of cross sitting to ride this/should vehicle, that is the behavior of non- virtuous young woman.】 【备注:一般而言,不管是穿着裙子还是裤子,我们都不建议女士们使用跨坐的方式骑乘该载具,那是很不淑女的行为。】 These two brooms, are that tea party the final reward of Quest line. 这两把扫帚,是那个“茶话会”任务线的最终奖励。 Ruoyu and Xiao Ling run up to the evening from the morning, in this period also encountered with the blade edge two people of fights, finally...... after Scenario starts the ninth hour, this ultra long Quest line running. 若雨小灵从早跑到晚,期间还遭遇了与刀锋二人的战斗,终于……在剧本开始后的第九个小时,把这条超长的任务线给跑完了。 But these two that they attain reward item, without doubt will take to their big advantages in following Scenario...... 而她们拿到的这两件奖励道具,无疑将在接下来的剧本中带给她们巨大的优势…… ............ ………… 5 : 12 pm, dark stream road, originally old room location. 下午 5 点12分,暗溪路,原“老屋”所在地。 At this moment, that old room has not existed, displacing...... is a gothic character full black castle. 此刻,那“老屋”已经不复存在,取而代之的……是一座哥特范儿十足的黑色城堡。 This is...... what's the matter......” Seven Kill looks ashen is looking at the present view, talked over one simple-hearted. “这是……怎么回事……”七杀面如土色地望着眼前的景致,木讷地念叨了一句。 Yes, Greedy Wolf, what’s going on?” Stood threw to another side Greedy Wolf in the middle Brother Long probably megaphone the issue equally. “是啊,贪狼,这是怎么回事?”站在中间的龙哥像是传声筒一样把问题又抛给了另一边的贪狼 Although I also want to return to your one you to ask me, whom I asked......” the Greedy Wolf expressions and that two similar, „, but considered that I am also the staff officer and current direction of team, I gave you an explicit reply......” he, „...... this was the special skill.” “虽然我也很想回你们一句‘你问我,我问谁’……”贪狼的表情和那两位差不多,“但考虑到我好歹也是队伍的参谋兼目前的指挥,我还是给你们个明确的回复好了……”他顿了顿,“……这都是特技。” Before a half minute, they are still advancing there the corridor of old room front door discretely. 半分钟前,他们仨还在老屋前门的走廊那儿谨慎地推进着。 Suddenly, a black turbulent flow does not know that raids from where, camouflaged their line of sight. Afterward, they felt earthquake swaying and next-door neighbor the repair noise. 突然,一股黑色的乱流不知从何处袭来,遮蔽了他们的视线。随后,他们就感受到了地震般的摇晃和隔壁邻居正在装修般的噪音。 After a half minute, when they restore the vision, discovered oneself stood in a front door of castle. Their behind, is partly is being hung by the chains a hanging bridge door, gate under also has a moat unexpectedly...... 半分钟后,当他们恢复视觉时,就发现自己站在了一座城堡的大门内。他们的身后,是一扇由锁链半吊着的吊桥门,门的下方居然还有条护城河…… But their dead ahead, is a leaf of arch, big double opens the wooden door, namely the interior door of castle. 而他们的正前方,则是一扇拱形的、高大的双开木门,即城堡的内门。 You might as well said that is the illusion.” Brother Long meets to say. “你还不如说是幻觉呢。”龙哥接道。 Said that in me the illusion I also letter/believed.” Seven Kill also complains. “说我中了镜花水月我也信啊。”七杀也吐了个槽。 Asked was also you, make complaints was also you......” Greedy Wolf empty focuses saying that keyboard hero you? Files a report to change professions to make five hair to consider as finished tomorrow.” “问的也是你们,吐槽的也是你们……”贪狼虚着眼道,“键盘侠么你们?打份报告明天转行去做五毛算了。” Staff officer, your low-key point......” Brother Long meets saying that this is the live broadcast, do not say easily can change professions to work as five hair like us, like this meets the hiring envy......” “参谋,您低调一点……”龙哥接道,“这可是现场直播,您不要说得像我们很容易就能转行当五毛一样,这样会招人嫉妒的……” less nonsense, front guides.” Greedy Wolf uses physique of ten -year-old child, took with the manner of battalion cadre, issued an order to Long Aomin. 少废话,前面带路去。”贪狼用十岁小孩的身板儿,拿了拿正营级干部的派头,给龙傲旻下达了一个命令。 All various professions......” Brother Long this meter seven big stature also can only act accordingly, who makes opposite party's in unit rank truly high. “行行……”龙哥这一米七的“大个儿”也只能照办,谁让对方在单位里的级别确实比自己高呢。 Made a long story short, under the leadership of Long Aomin, three people shoved open the heavy wooden door, entered the first room in castle. 长话短说,在龙傲旻的带领下,三人推开了沉重的木门,进入了城堡内的第一个房间。 Stands looks in the entrance, that is one height eight meters and wide more than ten meters and length more than hundred meters large rooms. This space four sides is cast by the bluish gray stone brick completely, the both sides walls are stave, always has the unclear light source ray to pass from the wall. 站在门口看去,那是一个高八米、宽十余米、长百余米的广阔空间。这个空间的四面完全由青灰色的石砖所铸,两侧的墙壁破碎斑驳,始终有不明光源的光线从墙里透进来。 Why moreover...... does not know, when blade edge these three step into the front door, near their ears resounded System Notification unexpectedly with one voice: Araki winding corridor. 另外……不知为何,当刀锋这三位踏入大门时,他们的耳边竟是齐声响起了一句系统提示:【荒城回廊】。 This prompts quite baffling, Brother Long they open the Game Menu examination, has not discovered Quest to renew, in the condition column and Item column have not changed. 这提示来得没头没尾,龙哥他们打开游戏菜单查看,也没有发现任务更新,状态栏和物品栏里也没变化。 Seemed like...... the system to report a here geographic name purely. 看起来……系统单纯是报了一下此处的地名而已。 This phenomenon, in any Scenario of past, they have not met, today...... was also first chapter. 这种现象,在以往的任何一个剧本里,他们都没有遇到过,今天……也算是头一回了。
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