TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#926: The Monster Squad ( 10 )

3 : 00 pm, on the parking lot outside community shopping center. 还是下午 3 点,社区购物中心外的停车场上。 At this time, is the rush hour of shopping, the vehicle in parking lot quite a lot, passes in and out the people of shopping center is also many. 此时,正是购物的高峰时段,停车场上的车子颇多,进出购物中心的人也不少。 But in this crowd, one one meter about seven, facial features resolute child, seems to be seeking for anything...... 而在这人群之中,有一位一米七左右,面容刚毅的“儿童”,似乎在寻找着什么…… Strange...... person?” Brother Long arrived at the attachment place on time, but he looks all around, has not seen the Seven Kill form, is because his was too short...... is looked to leak by me?” “奇怪……人呢?”龙哥按时来到了接头地点,但他环顾四周,并没有看到七杀的身影,“难道是因为他个子太矮……被我看漏了?” He talked over, while loafed and looks around on the parking lot. 他一边念叨,一边在停车场上游来荡去、东张西望。 Suddenly...... 忽然…… Hey! We here!” Some people pressed the throat to shout one to Long Aomin. “嘿!我们在这儿!”有人压着嗓子冲龙傲旻喊了一声。 Un?” The Brother Long hear this is the voice of teammate, but he turns the head to look, has not actually seen the person of speech. “嗯?”龙哥听出了这是队友的声音,但他转头望去,却没看见说话之人。 Here!” That sound repeated anxiously. “这儿呢!”那声音又急切地重复了一遍。 Brother Long then discovered, the speaking voice passes from a car(riage) bottom of car(riage). 龙哥这才发现,说话声是从一辆车的车底传出来的。 Therefore, Long Aomin arrives at that car(riage) to squat down, looks toward in: I said that...... your is playing to play hide-and-seek?” 于是,龙傲旻来到那辆车边蹲下,往里一看:“我说……你俩这是在玩儿捉迷藏呢?” In some sense......” Seven Kill empty focuses saying that right......” “某种意义上来说……”七杀虚着眼回道,“没错……” Lies also said in his Greedy Wolf: Naturally......, if we are really playing to play hide-and-seek, by your present physique, definitely working as ghost.” 趴在他身旁的贪狼也道:“当然了……假如我们真的是在玩捉迷藏,以你现在的体格,肯定是把把当鬼。” Although you have the sincerity to lie there talk nonsense very much with me, but I absolutely have no interest in accompanying you.” The Brother Long corners of the mouth twitch are returning said that „, therefore...... you can explain, present situation?” “虽然你们很有诚意地趴在那儿跟我扯淡,但我完全没有兴趣下来陪你们。”龙哥嘴角抽动着回道,“所以……你们能解释一下,现在的情况么?” Situation is not very obvious......” Greedy Wolf just about to starts to narrate, actually heard...... “情况不是很明显了吗……”贪狼刚要开始叙述,却听得…… Side Quest Progress Update System Notification made a sound. 支线任务进度更新系统提示响了起来。 The next second, three people all were the instinct opened Game Menu, looked at Quest Log, the discovery Tries to meet with your teammates This Quest ruled out by the horizontal line, under presented following: Enters the Dracula castle. 下一秒,三人皆是本能地打开了游戏菜单,看了眼任务栏,发现【设法与你的队友们会合】这条任务被横线划去了,下方出现了一条后续:【进入德古拉的城堡】。 „After......” two seconds, Greedy Wolf discussed that „, although our teams leader hung, but Hell Front also consumed Blood Corpse God this strong Summon lifeform ; Furthermore...... our Side Quest difficulties also reduced to reduce with the population, did not owe......” “也罢……”两秒后,贪狼念道,“虽说咱们的队长挂了,但地狱前线也消耗了血尸神这个超强的召唤生物;再者……我们这个支线任务的难度也随着人数减少而降低了,不亏……” I do not know that you were saying what......” Brother Long looks at him saying that you can come out from the car(riage), starts to say from the beginning?” “我都不知道你在说什么……”龙哥望着他道,“你能从车底下出来,从头开始讲么?” In the following five minutes, Greedy Wolf, Seven Kill and Long Aomin squat in side of this automobile, is exchanging stealthily. 在接下来的五分钟里,贪狼七杀龙傲旻就蹲在这辆汽车的旁边,鬼鬼祟祟地交流着。 Greedy Wolf previously the bitter experience of he and broken army said that after that...... Seven Kill then followed the explosive sound to arrive in the basketball court, met Greedy Wolf that died escaping. 贪狼将先前他和破军的遭遇讲了一下,那之后……七杀便循着爆炸声来到了篮球场中,遇见了死了逃生的贪狼 In summary......” Greedy Wolf said after a big section, summarized, we can know...... in this Scenario, even if Summon and ability of mechanics department will still be affected. These Summon lifeform seem like that had not been weakened, but their durations at least reduced half ; Moreover...... our weapon, Defensive Equipment, Item wait/etc, the produced effect will also fall short......” “综上所述……”贪狼说了一大段后,总结道,“我们可以知道……在这个剧本里,即使是召唤器械系的能力也会受到影响。那些召唤生物看似没有被削弱,但它们的持续时间至少缩短了一半;另外……我们的武器防具物品等等,产生的效果也会打折扣……” Un...... Summon lifeform I understand that......” Brother Long hears here, meets to say looking pensive, „, if not for the Blood Corpse God existence time limit reduces sharply, you should also hang......” him, „, but, how the ability of mechanics department, as well as Item will Special Effect be weakened...... you to see?” “嗯……召唤生物这点我明白……”龙哥听到这儿,若有所思地接道,“若不是血尸神的存在时限大幅缩短,你应该也已经挂了……”他顿了顿,“不过,器械系的能力、以及物品特效会被削弱……你又是怎么看出来的?” „Before encountering Blood Corpse God, I drank Health supplements of bottle of large doses. At that time, my blood returned as usual completely, therefore I have not cared.” Greedy Wolf almost answered without hesitation, „, but, the broken army threw Singular point grenade Time, I felt not a little right...... the action radius of grenade to be obviously smaller than in the past....... Then situation did not allow me to go to ponder over this matter thin.” He used to point at referred to oneself body acclivity cross Traveling Bag , „, but worked as after the fight, when I used special item restored Spiritual power, I confirmed...... the Item effect, came under the influence of Scenario setting.” “遭遇血尸神之前,我喝了瓶大剂量的生存值补充剂。那时,我的血照常回满了,因此我没在意。”贪狼几乎不假思索地解释道,“但是,破军扔【奇点手雷】的时候,我就感觉有点不对了……手雷的作用半径明显比往常小了一些。只是……当时的情况不允许我去细琢磨这事儿。”他用手指了指自己的身上斜跨的行囊,“而当战斗过后,当我使用特殊道具来恢复灵力时,我就确认了……就连物品的效果,也受到了剧本设定的影响。” „...... so that's how it is.” Long Aomin nods, silent moment, reorganized and digested a known information. “哦……原来如此。”龙傲旻点点头,沉默了片刻,重新整理和消化了一下已知的情报。 At this moment...... 就在这时…… Hey, do the little rascal, you do by my car(riage)?” Speaking voice of man resounds, thinks practical joke?” “嘿,小鬼们,你们在我的车旁边干什么呢?”一个男人的说话声响起,“想恶作剧吗?” Three people turn the head following the sound, saw one about 35 years old, the suit and dress shoes, hold the man of shopping bag. 三人循声转头,看到了一名三十五岁左右、西装革履、捧着购物袋的男子。 A bit faster go away, young bastard.” When the suit male's admits the back seat hand shopping bag, has been driving away the blade edge three people with the bad language. “快点儿滚开,小混蛋。”西装男将手中的购物袋放进车后座时,已在用脏话驱赶着刀锋的三人了。 Mister, here seems like the disabled person special-purpose berth.” Greedy Wolf raised the head to take a look at the opposite party, probed was saying one. “先生,这里好像是残疾人专用车位。”贪狼抬头打量着对方,试探着道了一句。 What's the big deal?” The suit male goes forward two steps, with shutting out the look, catching up with the fly hand signal is shouting out they, few his mother minds others' business to me, the father stops here, how can you?” “那又怎么样?”西装男上前两步,用嫌弃的眼神、赶苍蝇般的手势呼喝着他们,“少他妈给我多管闲事,老子就停这儿,你们能怎样?” He finishes barely the words, Long Aomin...... stood. 他话音未落,龙傲旻……站起来了。 Although the suit male height is also one meter seven over, to be higher than current Brother Long, but the deterrent force of Brother Long that face makes up for about 15 centimeters height disparity sufficiently. 虽然西装男的身高也有个一米七出头、比目前的龙哥要高一些,但龙哥那张脸的威慑力足以弥补十五公分左右的身高差距。 Does? The boys, I urged you not to go looking for trouble!” The suit male still bullies the weak by relying on powerful connections there, blows the nose to stare to threaten present three child. “干什么?小子,我劝你别自找麻烦!”西装男还在那儿狐假虎威,吹鼻子瞪眼地威吓着眼前的三个“孩子”。 Goes looking for trouble?” Long Aomin repeated these four characters with a meaningful tone, immediately exudes one to sneer, snort/hum...... sorry, I am police.” “自找麻烦?”龙傲旻用一种意味深长的语气将这四个字重复了一遍,随即发出一声冷笑,“哼……对不起,我是警察。” After 15 minutes,...... 十五分钟后…… Road of some strip to dark stream road. 某条通往暗溪路的公路上。 Volvo that more than ten years of loans have not paid off is going on this road. 一辆还有十几年贷款没还清的沃尔沃在这条路上行驶着。 Greedy Wolf and Seven Kill sit on the back seat of car(riage), is blowing the air conditioning satisfied, ate was also putting between -meal snack on shopping center shelf some time ago. 贪狼七杀坐在车的后座上,惬意地吹着空调,吃着不久前还摆在购物中心货架上的零食。 But Long Aomin, is sitting on the copilot seat, both hands hold the chest, serious visual front. 龙傲旻,正坐在副驾驶席上,双手抱胸,一脸严肃地目视前方。 I warned you, but my table uncle attorney......” suit on the driver seat male drove, while still controlled the aspect in the attempt with the language, you, if the present gets out, I can work as cross nothing happened, otherwise......” “我警告你们,我的表姨夫可是律师……”驾驶座上的西装男一边开车,一边还在尝试用语言去控制局面,“你们要是现在下车,我可以当什么都没发生过,要不然……” Listening , your waste.” Long Aomin waved the arms about a slap in the face in the past, did not return broke the opposite party, I also warned you...... our guys most repugnant was your degrade social conduct sediment. If you do not shut up, I will enable your next generation to use the disabled person parking space justifiablily.” “听着,你这人渣。”龙傲旻甩手一个耳光过去,头也不回地打断了对方,“我也警告你……我们哥儿几个最讨厌的就是你这种败坏社会风气的渣滓。你要是再不闭嘴,我就让你下辈子可以名正言顺地使用残疾人停车位。” ............ ………… 4 : 00 pm, community somewhere. 下午 4 点,社区某处。 Ha! May calculate that met you!” Just and four young boys walk Xiao Tan on street together, met with Xiao Ling and Ruoyu two people exactly. “哈!可算遇上你们了!”正和四个小男孩儿一同走在街上的小叹,恰好与小灵若雨二人相见了。 That four children, all are monster club the member, besides Sean and Horace, the other two is also over ten -year-old children. 那四位小朋友,全都是“怪物俱乐部”的成员,除了肖恩霍瑞斯之外,另外两人也都是十多岁的孩子。 Oh ~ ~ ~ two players had not answered that Sean their simultaneously has turned the head, came the consecutively three modal particles to Xiao Tan, attendants...... haven't you made a mistake? Do you want to play with the female students?” “喔~喔~喔~”两名玩家还没回话呢,肖恩他们就齐齐转过头去,给小叹来了连续三声语气助词,“伙计……你没搞错吧?你要和女生们一起玩吗?” Oh......” Xiao Tan is an honest and good-natured person, he had not thought that this has what improper, therefore returns said, „, we play frequently together.” 呃……”小叹是个老实人,他也没觉得这有什么不妥,故而回道,“是啊,我们经常一起玩啊。” What?” Boys immediately in great surprise. “什么?”男孩子们顿时大惊。 Good, it seems like here has a huge misunderstanding......” “好吧,看来这儿有个天大的误会……” Wang, I am sorry, I think you must leave our club.” “Wang,我很抱歉,我想你得离开我们的俱乐部了。” We may the disagreement/not with female student have to do, the child who also not and female student deals with these plays.” “我们可不和女生打交道,也不跟那些和女生打交道的孩子玩儿。” You doesn't notice there the entrance of tree room to write NO_GIRLS the inscription?” “难道你就没注意到树屋的入口那儿写着‘NO_GIRLS’的字样吗?” They are saying, and retroceded was being far away from Xiao Tan. 他们你一言我一语地说着,并后退着远离了小叹 Ha?” Xiao Tan sees that has not responded, after staring for several seconds, said the sound, „?” “哈?”小叹见状,还是没反应过来,愣了几秒后,又道了声,“哈?” Don't haha, even I know that...... most male students the attitude to the female student are are very unfriendly before the junior middle school.” At this time, Xiao Ling has arrived at Xiao Tan side, is shaking the head to talk over one. “别‘哈哈’的了,连我都知道……绝大多数男生在初中前对女生的态度都是很不友善的。”这时,小灵已走到了小叹的旁边,摇着头念叨了一句。 Has this matter?” A Xiao Tan face meets to say inexplicably. “有这种事吗?”小叹一脸莫名地接道。 „Don't you really know?” Xiao Ling doubts to say. “你真不知道?”小灵疑道。 Un......” Xiao Tan should say, what actually...... I in childhood and female and male students' relations not good...... only and I mixed quite well was......” “嗯……”小叹应道,“其实……我小时候和男女生的关系都不太好……唯一和我混得比较好的是……” You make friends carelessly, the childhood has destroyed, restrains grief.” Stood does not need he to say the words in another side Ruoyu, has given the conclusion that was unable to refute. “你交友不慎,童年已毁,节哀吧。”站在另一边的若雨都不用等他把话说完,就已经给出了一个无法反驳的结论。 Wang, it seems like you and some girls also many words must chat, we do not accompany.” Has fallen back on Sean several meters away to say. “Wang,看来你和女孩子们还有很多话要聊,我们就不奉陪了。”已经退到几米外的肖恩说道。 You and girls pretend non-involvement the relations, perhaps can also join our club.” Horace meets to say. “等你和姑娘们撇清关系,也许还能加入我们的俱乐部。”霍瑞斯接道。 That several said is saying, then bypasses three players, left. 那几位说叨着,便绕过三名玩家,自顾自地离开了。 When they walk away, Xiao Ling opens the mouth to ask: Good...... to return to the proper topic. This about six hours, what achievement do you have?” 待他们走远,小灵开口问道:“好了……言归正传。这将近六个小时的时间,你有什么成果吗?” Has.” Xiao Tan returns immediately said, I found the person to translate the Van Helsing diary......” saying that he took out a paper from Traveling Bag , I also incantation part copying down, being voiced target that Oh. his manner seemed quite self-satisfied, following, so long as we looked for a maiden, can complete in film title CG that ceremony.” Speaking of here, what he seemed thought, Eh? was right, are you now?” He feels the chin to discuss, „before properly speaking meets me, you are......, but...... may not reduce to ten -year-old words afterward again......” “有啊。”小叹当即回道,“我找人翻译了范海辛的日记……”说着,他就从行囊里取出了一张纸,“我还把‘咒文’的部分给抄下来了,带音标的那种哦。”他的神态显得颇为得意,“接下来,我们只要找个处女,就能完成片头CG里那个仪式了。”说到这儿,他好似想到了什么,“诶?对了,你现在算不算啊?”他摸着下巴念道,“按理说遇见我以前你是……但后来就不是了……可再缩小到十岁的话……” Bang- 砰- A gunshot, white light. 一声枪响,白光即起。 Xiao Ling draws a pistol, aiming and marksmanship...... the entire process to form a coherent whole. During one second, the bullet of pistol passed through the temples of Xiao Tan agily, a spear/gun explodes the head. 小灵拔枪、瞄准、射击……整个过程一气呵成。一秒之间,手枪的子弹就非常利落地贯穿了小叹的太阳穴,一枪爆头。 ~ ~ attained the incantation......” Xiao Ling with a face abdomen black expression, screened out the paper on corpse, also eliminated an idiot for the world conveniently, was really joyful.” “啊~啊~拿到咒文了呢……”小灵用一脸腹黑的表情,抽走了尸体手上的纸,“还顺手为世界清除了一个白痴,真是令人愉悦啊。” This scene, making all the audience who watched the competition fall into the brain after the condition of short circuit. 这一情景,让所有正在观看比赛的观众都陷入了脑经短路的状态。 Without a doubt, since this is Struggle For Power to Summit S2 starts, event that first deliberately kills the teammate...... 毫无疑问的,这是巅峰争霸S2开赛至今,第一起蓄意杀害队友的事件…… Although previously also had the instance of accidental injury and even manslaughter( many are no difference skill creates), the situation that but this type begins intentionally...... the motive of perpetrator is anything...... changes into others not to mention, even to do cannot achieve. 虽说此前也有过误伤乃至误杀的事例(多为无差别技能造成),但这种故意动手的情形……且不说行凶者的动机是什么……换成别人,就算想做也是做不到的。 The technology, Xiao Ling should unable to start right of premeditated attack to the teammate, but...... she earnestly achieved at this moment. 技术上来说,小灵应该是不能对队友发动蓄意攻击的才对,但是……此刻她切切实实地做到了。 The hypothesis that then...... according to the established facts, can come up with also only has two types: First, this opening fire person is not Xiao Ling, but is others pretends to be ; Second, Xiao Ling broke through in some method Ultra limit Domain, thus realized this time struck to kill...... 那么……根据既定事实,能做出的假设也只有两种:其一,这个开枪的人不是小灵,而是别人冒充的;其二,小灵以某种方法突破到了【超限界】领域,从而实现了这次击杀…… ............ ………… Meanwhile, in the tree room in monster club. 与此同时,怪物俱乐部的树屋之中。 That damn little bastard, when I make this chip, I want you attractively......” tramp Hill is hammering the entrance of tree room with the elbow, while is still cursing Jue Bro crassly. “那该死的小杂种,等我把这芯片弄出来,我一定要你好看……”流浪汉希尔一边用手肘锤击着树屋的入口,一边还在骂骂咧咧地诅咒着觉哥 Naturally, said turns over to say, he does not dare to neglect to the present matter, because before he leaves the old room of dark stream road, Feng Bujue to him said more than ten delay trigger word. 当然了,说归说,对眼前的事情他可一点都不敢怠慢,因为在他离开暗溪路的老屋前,封不觉对他说了十几个“延迟触发词”。 What is delay trigger word? The explanation of Jue Bro is- you hear will not have anything to respond, but after passing period of specific time, will trigger the glossary of chip effect. 什么是“延迟触发词”呢?觉哥的解释是-你听到的时候不会有什么反应,但过了一段特定的时间后就会触发芯片效果的词汇。 At first Hill has not believed high tech that” can have talks nonsense, but Feng Bujue indicates immediately: Actually before 20 minutes, I had said to you a delay glossary, calculated the time...... also almost this/should effect.” 起初希尔还不信会有这么扯淡的“高科技”,但是封不觉立刻表示:“其实在二十分钟前,我就已经对你说过一个延迟词汇了,算算时间……也差不多该出效果了。” Finally his words just said, Hill on such as fell to the ground by the electric shock and pain...... 结果他话刚说完,希尔就如遭电击、痛苦倒地…… Gets up after the ground, Hill also has to believe...... 从地上起来后,希尔也就不得不信了…… Afterward, Feng Bujue gave Hill some concrete clues, lets its seeks for the Van Helsing diary be, and told him: If you have not returned in four hours, following these delay glossaries will suffer you to the shock.” Then, he was saying more than ten dermatitis, said later, „, if you brought the diary to come back smoothly, I help you relieve the chip immediately.” 再后来,封不觉就给了希尔一些具体的线索,让其去寻找范海辛日记的所在,并告诉他:“如果你在四个小时内没有返回,以下这些延迟词汇会把你折磨至休克。”说罢,他就连着说了十几声“皮炎”,随后再道,“如果你顺利带着日记回来了,我立刻帮你把芯片解除。” ...... We saw of present thereupon. 于是乎……我们就看到了现在的这一幕。 Damn! Damn!” Hill elbow is striking the tree room entrance plank wickedly, seeming that block is the Feng Bujue's face is the same. “该死!该死!”希尔恶狠狠地肘击着树屋入口处的木板,好似那块板就是封不觉的脸一样。 When his arm starts to tingle with numbness, the entrance lock was collapsed finally. 当他的手臂开始发麻时,入口的锁终于被崩坏了。 Cut...... the tree room of kid...... also to lock...... Hill to fling the arm that solid, complained, climbed in the tree room on the probe head immediately. “切……小屁孩的树屋……还锁那么严实……”希尔甩了甩胳膊,抱怨了一句,随即就探头爬进了树屋中。 His luck is very good, at present, Van Helsing diary here. 他的运气很不错,眼下,范海辛的日记就在此处。 Because this book quite huge heavy/thick . Moreover the above German children are unable to understand directly, therefore they have not brought it along, was the imposition in the tree room. 由于这本书本身比较巨大厚重、而且上面的德文孩子们也无法直接看懂,所以他们并没有将其随身带着,还是安放在了树屋里。 According to description that Jue Bro gives, Hill soon found that diary on the short table of tree room corner. 根据觉哥给出的描述,希尔很快就在树屋角落的一张矮桌上找到了那本日记。 What gadget is?” Out of curiosity, Hill opened to look at it. “到底是什么玩意儿?”出于好奇,希尔将其打开看了看。 What a pity...... his children were inferior, actually day after day in writing is which country's of could not look...... can understand also only then some illustrations. 可惜……他连小孩子都不如,连日记里的文字究竟是哪国的都看不出来……能看懂的也只有一些插图了。 At sixes and sevens......” Hill lost the patience quickly, he whispered in a soft voice, was about to leave the tree room. “乱七八糟的……”希尔很快就失去了耐心,他轻声嘀咕一句,便准备离开树屋。 When however, his turning around, sly the thought flashed through his mind, making him have an idea...... 然,正当他的转身之际,一个“狡猾”的念头闪过了他的脑海,使其心生一计……
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