TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#925: The Monster Squad ( 9 )

3 : 00 pm, changes suddenly. 下午 3 点,风云突变。 In the morning that sunny sky, is the thunder clouds is faint at this time. 早晨那阳光明媚的天空,此时已是雷云隐隐。 The dignified dark clouds as if let arrive at night ahead of time, besides cuts the sky from time to time the lightning, almost could not have seen natural luminous. 凝重的阴云仿佛让黑夜提前降临,除了时而划破天空的闪电之外,几乎已看不到一丝自然的光亮。 Under such weather, an ambulance, appeared before the old room of dark stream road. 就在这样的天气下,一辆救护车,出现在了暗溪路的老屋前。 After the vehicle stop, went down five person's shadows from the vehicle one after another. 待车子停稳后,从车上陆陆续续走下了五道人影。 They respectively are Dracula, Frankenstein, werewolf and mummy, as well as Gillman. 他们分别是德古拉、弗兰肯斯坦、狼人、木乃伊、以及鳃人 These five monsters and freaks have a common ground, that is they rarely speaks. Even if in them is long looks like Dracula of person, is still a quiet man. 这五位牛鬼蛇神有个共同点,那就是他们都很少说话。即使是他们之中长得最像人的德古拉,也是个沉默寡言的男人。 It is precisely for this reason, this fellows act together time, strange atmosphere that total have guts could not say...... 也正因如此,这帮家伙一起行动的时候,总有种说不出的诡异氛围…… Un?” Before Dracula arrives at the old front door , when...... then discovered destroyed shutter, his complexion also immediately becomes somewhat ugly. “嗯?”德古拉走到老屋门前时……便发现了被破坏的门板,他的脸色也当即变得有些难看。 However, he has not said anything, but pushes the door silently, entered in the room. His behind four personal servants are also following the footsteps of master, files from the main entrance. 不过,他还是没有说什么,只是默默地推门,走进了屋内。他身后的四位跟班也是跟随着主人的脚步,从正门鱼贯而入。 On the wall of this old room has the wall lamps of many candlestick, because does not have the electric power, condition that these lamps cannot open. 这栋老屋的墙壁上有许多烛台形的壁灯,由于没有电力,这些灯都是不能打开的状态。 However......, when Dracula walks into this old room instantly, in the room all lamps shone instantaneously. 但是……当德古拉步入这老屋的刹那,屋子里所有的灯都瞬间亮了起来。 Un......” Dracula taking advantage of the light, looked down the footprint on floor, after hesitating, then the following footsteps continued. “嗯……”德古拉借着灯光,低头看了看地板上的脚印,沉吟一声后,便跟着脚步继续前行。 In this Laowuli, wants with no trace the action is quite difficult, because is accumulating a quite massive dust everywhere, even if were the past mouse, will leave behind a row of claw seal within certain amount of time. 在这个老屋里,想不留痕迹地行动是比较困难的,因为到处都积着一层相当厚实的灰尘,哪怕是过去一只耗子,也会在一定时间内留下一排爪印。 As if...... has the exorcist to come.” Dracula good to old room deep place, stopped before a wall statue, said, altogether two, one of them 's foot was very small, perhaps is a dwarf ; But another person...... has back and forth two rows of footprints, possibly has left the room.” He, they, as soon as enters the room to directly soar here, and......” “似乎……有驱魔人来过。”德古拉一路行到老屋深处,停在了一尊墙边的雕像前,说道,“一共有两人,其中一人的脚很小、或许是个侏儒;而另一人……有来回两排脚印,可能已经离开屋子了。”他顿了顿,“他们一进屋子就直奔此处,并且……” Saying, Dracula is extending one, entrained a right arm of statue. 说着,德古拉伸出一手,拽了一下雕像的右臂。 Wheezing- 呼噜噜- After one second, after that statue, sent out the stone and metal the sound of friction, the secret door opened together accordingly, revealed a dense say/way of downward delaying. 一秒后,那雕像后就发出了石头和金属的摩擦之声,一道暗门应声开启,露出了一条向下延展的密道。 And...... their probably very clear secret door is, draws the switch directly, entered assembly hall.” Dracula, turns head at this point, made a look to exchange with his four companions. “并且……他们好像很清楚暗门的所在,直接就拉动开关,进入了‘礼堂’中。”德古拉说到这里,回过头去,与他的四名同伴做了一次眼神交流。 After a strange silence, their five reached some agreement probably, later entered the secret door together. 在一阵诡异的沉默后,他们五个好像达成了某种共识,随后就一起进了暗门。 This dense say/way, connects row of stone steps, the steps is appearing the helix to extend downward. 这条密道,连接着一排石阶,阶梯呈螺旋形向下延伸。 Old room underground space is quite big, possibly is broad compared with the area of its floor part. But the end of that row of stone steps, is not another place...... in official Scenario film title CG, Van Helsing they conduct that assembly hall of ceremony. “老屋”地下的空间相当大,可能比起其地面部分的占地面积还要广阔。而那排石阶的尽头,不是他处……正式剧本片头CG中,范海辛他们进行仪式的那个礼堂。 You came finally.” “你终于来了。” When the monster walks into the assembly hall, an infant voice resounds immediately. 当怪物步入礼堂时,一个童音当即响起。 Dracula raises eyes looks, then saw wears the mini purple long suit, seemingly only has about ten -year-old children. 德古拉举目一望,便看到了一个身着迷你紫色长西装,看上去只有十岁左右的孩童。 At this moment, Jue Bro is sitting on a rock, is holding appreciatively „the charm amulet of Saint conveniently, and said to the monsters with the ease tone: I am about is not impatient.” 此刻,觉哥正坐在一块岩石上,随手把玩着“圣之护身符”,并用悠然的语气对怪物们道:“我都快等得不耐烦了。” You......” after seeing clearly the Feng Bujue's appearance, the Dracula facial expression obviously changes, „...... is the exorcist?” “你……”在看清了封不觉的样貌后,德古拉的神情明显一变,“……是驱魔人?” I can be......” Jue Bro give the answer that might be called under punches, „...... can also not be.” “我可以是……”觉哥给出了一个堪称欠揍的答复,“……也可以不是。” Also it seems like in the 20 th century compared with I imagine wanted crazily......” Dracula to look at the present child to discuss, children can become the exorcist.” “看来二十世纪比我想象中的还要疯狂……”德古拉望着眼前的孩子念道,“小孩都可以成为驱魔人了。” Although Feng Bujue has not responded to the issue of opposite party, but Dracula have made an inference. According to him in the past the experience, the ordinary child, and even the Sir, after seeing him and his behind four my dear friend...... did not cry, is called and perhaps faint at that time. 虽然封不觉没有回应对方的问题,但德古拉自己已经做出了一个推断。根据他以往的经验,普通小孩、乃至大人,在看到了他和他身后的四位仁兄后……不是哭、就是叫、没准当时就晕倒。 However, Feng Bujue is actually calm as before, even also built two words on own initiative. This performance...... makes Dracula believe firmly Jue Bro is an exorcist. 然而,封不觉却是淡定如故,甚至还主动搭了两句话。这种表现……让德古拉坚定地相信觉哥就是个驱魔人。 „Am I an exorcist, depends on your choice.” Feng Bujue said that you , if not cooperate, I am you have seen cruelly and most efficient and most unfeeling exorcist.” His a half second, shows an evil smile, „, but you , if willing to cooperate...... we are a person on one's own side.” “我是不是驱魔人,取决于你的选择。”封不觉道,“你要是不合作,那我就是你见过最残忍、最高效、最冷酷无情的驱魔人。”他微顿半秒,露出一个邪恶的笑容,“而你若是肯合作的话……咱们就是自己人。” Person on one's own side?” Dracula gawked, he spent for two seconds to reorganize a train of thought that said again, you know what you are saying? Child.” “自己人?”德古拉都愣了,他花了两秒整理了一下思绪,再道,“你知道自己在说什么吗?孩子。” Did not mean that I see likely the child, was really the child.” Feng Bujue is crooked, behind several toward Dracula hints to say with the look respectively, „, if everything can judge people solely on appearance, you are the trainers of the zoo supervisor or circus troupe?” “并不是说我看着像孩子,就真是孩子了。”封不觉歪过头,用眼神分别朝德古拉背后的几位示意道,“假如凡事都可以以貌取人的话,难道你是个动物园管理人或者马戏团的驯兽师吗?” „- Ran O-” werewolf listened to ironic significance in these words probably, immediately in first half step, roared toward Jue Bro. “啊-冉噢-”狼人好像是听出了这句话里的讽刺意味,当即就上前半步,朝觉哥吼了一声。 But Dracula lifted the arm to block the werewolf immediately, and look, sized up Jue Bro again, then also asked: „Is the cooperation that you refer to what......?” 德古拉立即就举臂拦住了狼人,并正了正神色,重新将觉哥打量了一番,然后又问道:“你指的合作……是什么?” „Very simple.” Feng Bujue returns said, I want to ask your several to assist me to get rid of several enemies.” He gave the condition very much straightforwardly, „after matter becomes, I pledged that...... will destroy the charm amulet of this Saint for everyone.” “很简单。”封不觉回道,“我想请你们几位协助我干掉几名敌人。”他很直白地给出了条件,“事成之后,我承诺……会替各位摧毁这圣之护身符。” If I don't comply?” When Dracula spoke this saying, has faced forward to move calmly several steps. “假如我不答应呢?”德古拉说这话时,已然不动声色地朝前挪了几步。 I use the charm amulet to kill off you now.” Feng Bujue meets to say very rampantly. “那我现在就用护身符杀光你们。”封不觉十分嚣张地接道。 „The matter that Van Helsing cannot achieve...... depends on your little rascal......” Dracula said while proceeds to approach, had arrived at the Jue Bro short distance shortly. 范海辛都没能做到的事情……就凭你一个小鬼……”德古拉边说边往前逼近,眼瞅着已到了觉哥五步之内。 Van Helsing may not have the thing on my hand.” Feng Bujue broke the opposite party, and took advantage of opportunity from Traveling Bag takes out YiDa. 范海辛可没有我手上的这个东西。”封不觉打断了对方,并顺势从行囊里取出了【燚龘】。 But sees his pair of small hand to buckle adeptly builds, was placed the charm amulet in the skin pocket of crossbow. Then, he takes advantage of opportunity raise hand, aimed at present Dracula with YiDa. 但见他那双小手娴熟地一扣一搭,就把护身符摆在了弹弓的皮兜里面。接着,他就顺势抬手,用燚龘瞄准了眼前的德古拉 Actually you...... that...... is that what?” Saw YiDa Dracula, seeming saw the cross is common, the instinct builds the arm to protect the face, but also latter was supine the upper body to remove several steps. “你……那……那究竟是什么?”看到了【燚龘】的德古拉,好似是看到了十字架一般,本能地架起胳膊护住脸,还后仰着上身撤了几步。 This Count Vampire after all is also the villain leader in this Scenario, regardless the strength, at least he also being able to judge the quality of goods- knows weapon that oneself face actually fearful. 这位吸血鬼伯爵毕竟也是这个剧本里的反派领军人物,撇开实力不谈,至少他还“识货”-知道自己面对的武器究竟有多可怕。 Very good.” Feng Bujue is very satisfied with the response of Dracula, he said with a smile, what consequence will look like you is very clear I to use the words of this crossbow launch charm amulet to cause, this also omitted my many argument.” “很好。”封不觉德古拉的反应很是满意,他笑道,“看来你很清楚我用这个弹弓发射护身符的话会造成什么样的后果,这也省去我不少口舌。” „Before making a long story short...... for a half hour, I have sent a personal servant to embark to look for the Van Helsing diary ; The charm amulet...... such as you see, in my hand.” Jue Bro is saying, has stood, is looking straight ahead the eyes of Count, works with me, Dracula, this is the pen win-win business.” Compared with Vampire, his manner and words seem have to mislead the strength, ‚the night of resurrecting initiative...... already during I grasp, you simply have not rejected my reason...... and capital.” “长话短说……半小时前,我已经派了一个跟班出发去找范海辛的日记了;护身符嘛……如你们所见,就在我手上。”觉哥说着,已站了起来,直视着伯爵的双眼,“跟我合作吧,德古拉,这是笔双赢的买卖。”比起吸血鬼,他的神态和话语好似更有蛊惑力,“‘复活之夜’的关键要素……都已在我掌握之中,你根本没有拒绝我的理由……以及资本。”
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