TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#924: The Monster Squad ( 8 )

The entire sewer both sides walls had serious collapsing to be broken, the continued vibration indicates the arrival of comprehensive avalanche. 整条下水道两侧的墙壁都发生了严重的塌碎,持续的震动预示着全面崩塌的到来。 At that moment, the broken army and Greedy Wolf first response is consistent- must run upward. 那一刻,破军和贪狼的第一反应是一致的-必须往上跑。 I come!” That second, but hears Pojun drinks one anxiously, when finishes barely the words, he has taken out a black oblate object from Traveling Bag , one flings toward the above. “我来!”那一秒,但闻破军急喝一声,话音未落时,他已从行囊中取出一块黑色的扁圆形物体,朝上方一甩。 - Buzz- 哔哔-嗡- After two buzzings, that black object was happen to thrown to rise the crown of sewer, immediately it changes into a sunspot, made one diameter about three meters, to continue two seconds of collapse domains. 两声蜂鸣后,那黑色物体正好被抛升到了下水道的顶部,随即它就化为一个黑点,制造了一个直径三米左右、持续两秒的塌缩领域。 After collapse, circular, the gap to lead to ground then appeared. 塌缩过后,一个圆形的、通向地面的缺口便出现了。 The broken army and Greedy Wolf are less to think, simultaneously the under foot treads, before that gap has not crashed closes up...... both jumped out of the sewer. 破军和贪狼不及多想,同时脚下一踏,在那缺口尚未崩塌合拢之前……双双跳出了下水道。 But, waits for their is actually...... 可是,等待他们的却是…… Really came out......” a low and deep male voice to spread to their ears immediately. “果然是出来了啊……”一个低沉的男声在第一时间传入了他们耳中。 blade edge these two are also not the ordinary people, in an instant, they have listened to...... the speech person Blood Corpse God. 刀锋这两位也都不是等闲之辈,刹那间,他们就已听出了……说话之“人”正是血尸神 Powder!” The next second, Greedy Wolf shouted one, and in in the air side spin figure. “散!”下一秒,贪狼就喊了一声,并在空中侧旋身形。 Broken military news word, coordinates the teammate to act immediately, two people in the in the air sole to the sole, with the strength, fled in about two directions mutually respectively. 破军闻言,也立即配合着队友行动,两人在空中脚底对脚底,互相借力,分别朝着左右两个方向窜了出去。 At this moment, their in it place, is an indoor basketball court. The eyesight institute and place, only has a Blood Corpse God person's shadow ; Without the clear hidden place has that the enemy players ambush, two people natural selection dispersion position, circuitous first. 此刻,他们的所在之地,是一个室内篮球场。目力所及之处,就只有血尸神一个人影;在不清楚暗处有没有敌方玩家埋伏的前提下,两人自然选择分散站位、迂回优先。 Considering my time are not many, but your fellows are unable to eat......” Blood Corpse God with finger flexure the chin, was discussing very much at will, „...... I did not accompany you to play.” “考虑到我的时间不多,而你们这些家伙又是无法食用的……”血尸神用手指挠着下巴,很随意地念道,“……我就不陪你们多玩了。” The word finishes, he then started Frightened Beam , Its force field covered the range of entire basketball hall instantaneously. 言毕,他便发动了【恐惧投射】,其力场瞬间就笼罩了整个篮球馆的范围。 The broken army and Greedy Wolf Terror Value will rise dramatically shortly about 70%, the sudden heart rate change also made there them the body of child feel the obvious illness, two people actions stagnated. 破军和贪狼惊吓值都在顷刻间飙升到了70%左右,急剧的心率变化也让他们那儿童的身躯感到了明显的不适,两人的行动都为之一滞。 Cuts......, although had the psychology to prepare to his ability early, but, no means......” the broken army were pale, flowed the cold sweat to discuss. “切……虽然对他的这个能力早有心理准备了,但中了以后还是没什么办法呢……”破军脸色苍白,流着冷汗念道。 i miscalculated...... fell into the opposite party to design in the good snare completely.” Greedy Wolf when the fear, is intertwining the previous mistake. 失算了啊……完全掉入了对方设计好的圈套里。”贪狼则是在恐惧之余,纠结着先前的失误。 At this moment, Greedy Wolf has lagged behind wants to understand...... previously the these demolition traps of bitter experience in sewer, actually is the bait. Because the layout method of each trap is different, and is quite exquisite, this then thinks that subconsciously these thing goals are killing, but actually...... is not. 事到如今,贪狼已经后知后觉地想明白了……先前他们在下水道里遭遇的那些爆破陷阱,其实全都是诱饵。由于每一个陷阱的布置方法都不同、且颇为精巧,这便让人下意识地认为这些东西的目的是“杀伤”,但实则……不是。 When Xiao Ling arranges these traps, wants to make attempts to kill the false appearance, and makes the enemy have one type trap instead exposed by the course of action of tracer the misconception, thus tempts the enemy deeply to pursue. 小灵布置那些陷阱时,就是想制造“企图杀伤”的假象,并让敌人产生一种“陷阱反而暴露了被追踪者的行动路线”的错觉,从而诱敌深追。 She can suppose this game...... to indicate her from the beginning the Greedy Wolf ideological mode calculating. If Xiao Ling only stays behind the trace that escapes all the way, does not keep any threat and hinders, Greedy Wolf will get suspicious inevitably, subsequently stops pursuing ; On the contrary, if she in the course of action stays behind exquisitely some, seems like that can the fatal installment, Greedy Wolf will instead feel that this is very normal, and neglects that further layout...... 她能设下此局……表明她从一开始就已经把贪狼的思维模式给计算进去了。如果小灵一路上只留下逃跑的痕迹,却不留任何威胁和阻滞的话,贪狼势必会起疑心,继而停止追击;相反,如果她在行动路线上留下一些精巧的、看似可以致命的装置,贪狼反而会感到这很正常,并忽略那进一步的布局…… Right, you fell into the snare.” Blood Corpse God continued Greedy Wolf, said that „, moreover knew late.” He used that caved in hole of finger among the floors to refer, planning of that small young girl, you thinks that must be much profounder. She already map seal of entire community in brain, even in underground, she still knows oneself exact position.” He, spread out both hands saying that she makes this start you specially ; first, because the branch road of this sewer are few ; second, because under this facility cement is thick enough, the synthesis comes to see...... you to have very high probability to be buried alive.” “没错,你们就是掉入了圈套。”血尸神接过贪狼的话头,说道,“而且知道得太晚了。”他用手指朝地板中间那个已经塌陷的窟窿指了指,“那个小丫头的算计,比你们想得要深远得多。她早已将整个社区的地图印在了脑子里,即使在地下,她也知道自己的确切方位。”他顿了顿,摊开双手道,“她特意把你们引到这一段下手,一是因为这段下水道的岔路较少,二是由于这个场馆底下的水泥够厚,综合来看……你们有很高的几率被活埋掉。” During the speeches, Blood Corpse God has flashed before the broken army like the ghosts and demons behind: Even if cannot take you to bury, I...... as last insurance.” 说话间,血尸神已如鬼魅般闪现到了破军身后:“即使没能把你们埋了,还有我……作为最后一道保险。” Bang- 嘭- The next second, along with a dull thumping sound, a night stick that broken military flings conveniently, the standard keeps off the hand blade that Blood Corpse God wielded. 下一秒,伴随着一声闷响,破军用顺手甩出的一根警棍,格挡了血尸神挥来的手刀。 Hears flip-flop the sound of a series of physique blasting open to get up. 紧接着,就听得“噼噼啪啪”一连串筋骨炸裂之声响起。 After the broken army accept a job offer, flew to go out when like the hit baseball...... also flew in the midair horizontally, his bone has cracked more than ten. 破军应招后,就像个被击中的棒球般飞了出去……还在半空横飞时,他身上的骨头就已经裂了十几根。 His Fighting Proficiency is A, properly speaking is insufficient to be hit such miserably by Blood Corpse God, but the physique of child truly is the embarrassed heavy burden, in addition Frightened Beam The influence, he can support by Instant kill has not really been good. 他的格斗专精是A,按理说不至于被血尸神打得这么惨,但儿童的体格确实是难堪重负,再加上【恐惧投射】的影响,他能撑住没有被秒杀确是不错了。 Hah! Greedy Wolf sees the team longevity in the twinkling, drinks one without hesitation lightly, puts forth the skill. 喝!贪狼见队长命在瞬息,毫不犹豫地轻喝一声,使出技能。 Name: Welling up of treatment 名称:治疗之涌】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: First Aid Healing 技能类别:医疗 Effect: Reply random role 40% volumes of blood( effective range 0-40 meters, time two seconds, cooling time five minutes, are unable to oneself release)】 【效果:回复任意一名角色40%的血量(有效距离0-40米,施法时间两秒,冷却时间五分钟,无法对自己释放)】 Consumption: Spirit Power 120 【消耗:灵力值120】 Learning Prerequisite: First Aid Healing Specialization A 学习条件:医疗专精A】 Note: When Shaman save others with their treatment abilities, who saves Shaman?】 【备注:当萨满们用他们的治疗能力去拯救他人的时候,谁又来拯救萨满呢?】 Generally speaking, putting this skill is to take two seconds recites, but Level S First Aid Healing Specialization Greedy Wolf does not take that two seconds, he can, in not recited under the condition instantaneous all magic arts class First Aid Healing was the skill. Therefore, when he drinks makes noise, a blue-green treatment energy has flashed before on the body of broken army. 一般而言,放这个技能是需要两秒吟唱的,但S级医疗专精贪狼不需要那两秒,他可以在无吟唱状态下瞬发所有“法术”类的医疗系技能。因此,在他喝出声时,一股青绿色的治疗能量就已经闪现在了破军的身上。 What a pity......, although he emitted the skill promptly, but because the skill effect reduces to be weaken with the body, can return to 40% blood Welling up of treatment, Only gives Health that the broken army returned to 20% not to arrive at present. 可惜……虽然他及时放出了技能,但由于技能效果随着身体缩小而减弱,原本能回40%血的【治疗之涌】,眼下只给破军回了20%不到的生存值 Moreover, after the volume of blood replies...... the broken army hit on the wall under stand immediately, received an impact damage. 而且,在血量回复后……破军立刻就撞到了看台下的墙壁上,又受了一次撞击损伤。 Under many unfavorable factors, the broken army cannot escape death. 在诸多不利因素之下,破军还是没能逃过一死。 Snort...... fighting of trapped/sleepy beast.” Blood Corpse God saw that a hominization vanishes for the white light, cold snort/hum, turns the head to be imminent to Greedy Wolf immediately. “哼……困兽之斗。”血尸神看到一人化为白光消失,冷哼一声,随即就转头向贪狼迫近。 Bad...... Terror Value...... the leg had not moved in the rise......” this flickered, the Greedy Wolf whole body is shivering freely ; He does calmly, in the brain thinks saying that strength and speed...... miss much with him, even/including Pojun by Instant kill, I definitely could not be shouldered to strike...... what to do...... what to do!” “糟了……惊吓值还在上升……腿都挪不动了……”这一瞬,贪狼全身都在不住地颤抖;他强作镇定,脑中思索道,“力量、速度……都和他差得太多,连破军都被秒杀了,我肯定扛不了一击的……怎么办……怎么办!” Blood Corpse God will be impolite with him, when with striking to kill the broken army, Blood Corpse God full speed rushed to front of Greedy Wolf, is being ten -year-old child's man comes a solid knee to hit to this semblance. 血尸神可不会跟他客气,跟击杀破军时一样,血尸神全速冲到了贪狼面前,对着这个外表是十岁孩子的男人来了一记结结实实的膝撞。 However! When Greedy Wolf have given up hoping, the mutation lives steep...... 然!正当贪狼自己都已放弃希望之际,异变陡生…… Among that electric light flint, sees only white glow one presently, the Blood Corpse God entire figure changes to the flowing light, flies to disperse. 那电光火石之间,只见白芒一现,血尸神的整个身形都化作流光,飞逝而散。 Sat because of the instinct pours the entire ten seconds had recovered in place Greedy Wolf, smiled two simple-hearted, and discussed: „...... Hehe...... so that's how it is...... the skill of Summon department will also receive affect......” 因本能而坐倒在地的贪狼过了整整十秒才回过神来,木讷地笑了两声,并念道:“呵……呵呵……原来如此……召唤系的技能也是会受到影响的……”
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