TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#923: The Monster Squad ( 7 )

1 : 00 pm, before Xiao Tan and two NPC arrived at northwest corner a community big room, together. 下午 1 点,小叹和两名NPC一同来到了社区西北角的一栋大屋前。 Three children arrive at outside this families' stockade shoulder to shoulder, then stopped the footsteps. 三个孩子并肩走到这户人家的栅栏外面,便停下了脚步。 Good...... I think that we truly could not find other anyone to translate this book......” Sean to say to Xiao Tan. “好吧……我想我们确实也找不到别的什么人来翻译这本书了……”肖恩小叹说道。 But...... must have a person to knock on a door is right?” Horace is saying, glanced glancing toward Xiao Tan on the look. “但……总得有个人去敲门对不对?”霍瑞斯说着,将眼神朝小叹身上瞟了瞟。 Do not worry, I go and that's the end.” Xiao Tan complied very much naturally, as an adult, he not like these children, because certain mechanical prejudices, but dreads some not familiar neighbor. “别担心,我去就是了。”小叹很大方地答应了,作为一个成年人,他可不会像这些孩子一样因为某些刻板偏见而去畏惧某个自己不熟悉的邻居。 You may result in want to be clear...... Wang, he very terrifying......” Horace exhibits a very earnest appearance, the reminder said that he is a German, perhaps he will not speak English.” “你可得想清楚了……Wang,他很恐怖的……”霍瑞斯摆出一副很认真的样子,提醒道,“他可是德国人,没准他根本不会说英语。” Un......” Sean thinks, meets saying that we must first go to German please don't kill us how to say?” “嗯……”肖恩想了想,也接道,“我们要不要先去查查德语里的‘请别杀我们’怎么说?” Bitte_toten_sie_Mich_nicht.” The next second, the sound conveys from their flank suddenly, said these words in the fluent German. “Bitte_toten_sie_Mich_nicht.”下一秒,忽有一个声音从他们侧方传来,用流利的德语说出了这句话。 Three people of hears word, is startled immediately, goes following the prestige neatly. 三人闻言,顿时一怔,齐刷刷地循声望去。 Enters their line of sight...... is an old person who wears the red check shirt and gray wool fabric coat. 进入他们视线的……是一位身着红色格子衬衣和灰色呢绒外套的老人。 After ten minutes, in room...... 十分钟后,屋内…… Young fellows, the time are not many.” The strange German male grasp a dagger, at the back of light/only, stands before the sofa, shows the stern-faced expression saying that this was you last chance...... is saying today, he bent down to cut open a fruit faction on tea table, personally...... tasted me to do, sent hot.” “小伙子们,时间不多了。”诡异德国男手持一把尖刀,背着光,站在沙发前,露出一脸严峻的表情说道,“这是你们今天最后的机会……”说着,他就俯身切开了茶几上的一块水果派,“……来品尝我亲手做的、热腾腾的派了。” He is saying, while will cut the good faction to hand opposite of the tea table together. 他一边说着,一边就将一块切好的派递到了茶几对面。 At this time, Xiao Tan, Horace and Sean have taken a seat on the sofa abreast in row. A Horace face laughed foolishly received the faction that the grandfather handed over, but also turned the head to look at two people, that expression seemed saying: Has not really thought that will also meet this type the matter.” 此时,小叹霍瑞斯肖恩已然并排在沙发上就坐。霍瑞斯一脸傻乐地接过了老爷爷递过来的派,还转头看了看身旁的二人,那表情仿佛在说:“真没想到还会遇上这种好事儿。” Ok, where we read to are coming.” The strange German male cut the faction, then returned to own seat, put on the presbyopic glasses. He faces the children, takes up the books saying that „,...... charm amulet's volume is not big here, above is carving the mysterious incantation......” translation hence, what he seemed discovered, immediately turned around the book, they said to Xiao Tan the page, „...... this thing appearance very strange not?” “好了,我们读到哪儿来着。”诡异德国男切完了派,便回到了自己的座位上,戴上了老花镜。他面向孩子们,拿起书本说道,“哦,在这儿……护身符本身的体积并不大,上面刻着玄奥的咒文……”翻译至此,他好似发现了什么,当即把书转过来,将书页面向小叹他们道,“……这东西的样子挺古怪的不是吗?” Xiao Tan fixes the eyes on to look, saw handpainted Jane/simple Bitu in the page. That design whole looks like...... is two mini dragons( contour is close to the big dragon in Western myth, rather than Eastern dragon), one on the left and other on the right and unsteady social climbing on together the unusual look giant stone of oval-shape. 小叹定睛望去,在书页上看到了一幅手绘的简笔图。那图案整体看来……就是两头迷你的龙(外形接近西方神话中的巨龙,而非东方龙),正一左一右、一高一低地攀附在一块椭圆形的异色巨石上。 Naturally......, if makes Feng Bujue observe, he may see what Van Helsing when drawing this chart uses is the feather pen rather than the fountain pen, when infers the opposite party to draw from the ink marks is hurried ; He may also infer the true outward appearance of charm amulet through this painter very bad chart. But...... this moment Jue Bro not here, no one will care about these details. 当然了……如果让封不觉来观察,他可能会看出范海辛在画这幅图时用的是羽毛笔而非钢笔,并从墨迹推断出对方画图时非常匆忙;他还有可能通过这幅画工挺差的图推断出护身符的真正外观。但……此刻觉哥不在这里,也没人会在意这些细节。 „Is this charm amulet?” Xiao Tan looks at that design to doubt to say. “这就是护身符吗?”小叹望着那图案疑道。 I want.” The strange German male return said. “我想是的。”诡异德国男回道。 Hey, attendants......” Horace lowered the sound, said to two little friends with the exciting tone, „the strange German male are quite fierce.” “嘿,伙计们……”霍瑞斯压低了声音,用兴奋的语气对身旁的两名小伙伴道,“诡异德国男好厉害啊。” Was called the strange German male old people to shoot a look at children one eyes, with a subtle expression: My name is Leonardo Cimino.” 被称为诡异德国男的老人瞥了孩子们一眼,用一个微妙的表情道:“我的名字是雷奥纳多.西米诺。” Oh...... Mr. Cimino.” Sean asked at this time, about balanced that part, can you explain in detail? I have not understood what is heard.” 呃…西米诺先生。”肖恩这时问道,“关于‘均衡’的那部分,您能详细解释一下吗?我没听明白。” Un.” Cimino complied with one, according to this book in said that...... good and evil strength, the contact increase and decrease, will alternate unceasingly mutually. But every 100 years, in some specific time point, these two strengths will achieve the perfect balance.” He stopped for two seconds, that charm amulet that but we discussed a moment ago, gathered good strength, is exorcising Saint, not only can resist evilly, but also...... it is cannot destroy.” He used to point at referred to the page, „...... used indestructible this word here, under also drew the horizontal line.” “嗯。”西米诺应了一声,“据这本书上所说……善与恶的力量,会不断地往来消长、相互更迭。而每隔100年,在某一个特定的时间点上,这两种力量会达到完美的平衡。”他停顿了两秒,“而我们刚才所谈论的那个护身符,聚集了‘善的力量’,是一件驱邪的圣器,不但能抵挡邪恶,而且……它是‘不可摧毁’的。”他用手指了指书页,“在这儿……用了indestructible这个词,底下还划了横线。” At this point, he turned one page, then discussed: However in every 100 years one time ‚the night of resurrecting, when the ding sounds at midnight, the charm amulet will become specially frail. These days, it will turn into can be destroyed the condition.” 说到这里,他翻了一页,接着念道:“而在每100年一次的‘复活之夜’,当午夜钟声敲响之时,护身符会变得特别脆弱。这段时间里,它将变成‘可以被摧毁’的状态。” How if the charm amulet were destroyed can?” Sean asked. “如果护身符被摧毁了会怎样?”肖恩问道。 Then the balance between good and evil will be broken.” Cimino returns said, evil...... will become the new order of this world.” He raised the head to take a fast look around children one eyes, „, but, our friend Mr. Van Helsing said that...... even in the night of resurrecting, at least a method, can prevent the dark forces......” “那么善恶间的平衡就将被打破。”西米诺回道,“邪恶……将会成为这个世界的新秩序。”他抬头扫视了孩子们一眼,“但是,我们的朋友范海辛先生说……即使是在复活之夜,至少还有一种方法,可以去阻止黑暗势力……” What is?” Xiao Tan hurried to closely examine one. “是什么?”小叹赶紧追问了一句。 If some people can snatch before the dark forces obtain the charm amulet, then can...... only be able to hold ceremony through a ceremony every 100 years a time, side opens the gate of prison.” Cimino returns said, that is similar to a fearful vortex and fierce dragon volume...... to be able the evil forces and all around swallows...... to maintain an entire century from this peace.” “假如有人能抢在黑暗势力之前得到护身符,便可以通过一个仪式……一个每100年只能举行一次的仪式,来打开边狱之门。”西米诺回道,“那就如同一个可怕的漩涡、凶猛的龙卷……能将邪恶势力和周遭的一切都吞噬进去……由此来维持一整个世纪的和平。” The child in Xiao Tan and two monster clubs is all listening to the narration of Cimino with total concentration, Horace also put down the faction in hand. 小叹和两名怪物俱乐部的孩子全都聚精会神地听着西米诺的叙述,就连霍瑞斯也放下了手中的派。 „Does he have the process of description ceremony?” Xiao Tan also asked quickly. “他有描述仪式的过程吗?”小叹很快又问道。 Having, moreover is very detailed.” Cimino returns said, this diary has continued to last day that he and dark forces struggles. What is interesting is that...... from the date, is less than 12 hours, was the mid-night...... we are away from that day is 100 years.” “有,而且很详细。”西米诺回道,“这本‘日记’一直持续到他和黑暗势力们斗争的最后一天。有趣的是……从日期来看,还有不到十二个小时,也就是午夜时分……我们距离那一天就正好是一百年了。” ............ ………… In the afternoon 1 o'clock, suburbs. 下午一点40,市郊。 Also does not know the star that this was similar in the 80's the US was what structure, in this from the city does not calculate that the far place, is situated unexpectedly a piece by the swampy ground that the thick mist covered. Although from the driving distance of urban district, only then 30 minutes, but here landform endures compared with the virgin forest simply. 也不知这个类似八十年代美国的星球是个什么结构,在这距离城市并不算远的地方,居然坐落着一片被浓稠的雾气所笼罩的沼泽地。虽然距离市区的车程只有三十分钟,但这儿的地貌简直堪比原始森林。 Nearby this, you could smell?” Dracula is stepping gracefully his, at a moderate pace step, is going through on the land of this mud. “就在这附近了,你闻得到吧?”德古拉迈着他那优雅的、不紧不慢的步伐,在这块泥泞的土地上穿行着。 "Ah?- ” the werewolf of a wear tattered jacket and jeans follows in Dracula behind, with several wolf non- wolves, resembling the orangutan is also not the roar response of orangutan said. “啊?啊-”一个穿着破烂夹克和牛仔裤的狼人跟在德古拉的身后,用几声似狼非狼,似猩猩又不是猩猩的吼声回应道。 fu- fu- 呋-呋- Their dialogues just ended, not far away transmitted some thing to tow line of sounds. 他们的对话刚完,不远处就传来了某种东西正在拖行的声音。 Dracula and werewolf turned away look, saw...... a mummy. 德古拉和狼人转脸一望,看到了……一具木乃伊。 „......” Dracula smiles, has not said anything. “呵……”德古拉微笑一声,没有说什么。 He also knows that with the mummy, that dry corpse is not good at exchanging nothing more to be said obviously. 他也知道跟木乃伊没什么好说的,那具干尸明显不怎么擅长交流。 In brief, the mummy and werewolf have tacitly approved themselves probably personal servant the status, logical followed in Dracula behind, but Dracula also led that two same places to lead the way deprecatingly. 总之,木乃伊和狼人好像都已默认了自己“跟班”的身份,顺理成章就跟在了德古拉的后面,而德古拉也不以为意地率领着那两位一起前行。 Is walking, before they arrived at a deep and general mire . 走着走着,他们就来到了一块深沉、广大的泥沼前。 Was here.” Dracula stands firm near the swamp, sinking sound said. “就是这儿了。”德古拉站定在沼泽边,沉声道了一句。 The word finishes, the static posthumous name arrives. 言毕,静谥降临。 After the moment, in that mire, was similar to boils general...... emerged the big piece mud bubble. 片刻后,那泥沼中间,就如同沸腾一般……涌现了大片的泥泡。 Hiss- rips- 嘶啦-撕啦- Several seconds pass by, along with one type have the rhythm, the weird sound of footsteps, a big wooden chest of rectangle emerged the moor surface. 数秒过去,伴随着一种有节奏的、怪诞的脚步声,一个矩形的大木箱子浮出了沼面。 A whole body bound the mud person's shadow also to appear. 紧接着,一个全身裹着泥浆的人影也出现了。 This person shadow is lifting up high that box with both hands, walked from the bottom of mire. 这个“人”影用双手高举着那个箱子,从泥沼的底部一路走了出来。 After stepping onto the shore, his muddy water also sheds as fast as possible completely, revealed the appearance/portrait. 走上岸后,他身上的泥水也尽速褪尽,露出了真容。 Overall...... he is a fish fine( according to «The Monster Squad» tail leader captions display, this monster named gillman, thinks personally can translate for Gillman), the face rushes about probably ba and ba wave rushes to( the two is " Journey to the West » small monster) the joint entity, the figure seems like with human is similar, and has the bright chest muscles and abdominal muscles ; And on the foot has the web and claw, the whole body is covering the alligator skin. 总体而言……他就是只鱼精(根据《降妖别动队》片尾字幕显示,这个怪物名为gillman,个人认为可以译为“鳃人”),脸部像是奔波儿灞和灞波儿奔(二者皆为《西游记》中的小妖)的结合体,身形看上去和人类相仿,而且有着鲜明的胸肌和腹肌;其手和脚上都有蹼和爪子,全身都覆盖着鳄鱼般的皮肤。 This is one light/only looks knows the monster that IQ balance insufficient, after he moves the big wooden chest comes ashore, not silently is looking at Dracula, appearance that a waiting eldest child instructs. 这又是一个光看就知道智商余额不足的怪物,他把大木箱子搬上岸后,就一言不发地望着德古拉,一副等待老大指示的模样。 At this time, the thick fog above sky, transmitted faint thunderous suddenly. 此时,浓雾上方的天空,忽地传来了隐隐的雷鸣。 Dracula squatted to sit in side of that big wooden chest once again attractive and charming, and gave own cane conveniently stood leans the rear mummy in him. 德古拉又一次深情款款地蹲坐在了那大木箱子的旁边,并随手将自己的手杖递给了站在他侧后方的木乃伊。 I have too for a long time waited for......” Dracula to put out a hand slowly, removed the cover of wooden crate, „...... too long......” “我已经等了太久……”德古拉缓缓伸出手去,揭开了木箱的盖子,“……太久了……” Looks at the condition of Count, what in ten people will have nine to guess...... in the wooden crate to lie down will be his old sweetheart. 看伯爵的这种状态,十个人里有九个会猜……木箱里躺着的是他的老情人。 However, after that cover opens, revealed is actually tall robust a man. 然而,那盖子打开后,显露出的却是一条高壮的汉子。 Compared with other that three monsters, that in the wooden crate lies down is also well-known- Frankenstein( Frankenstein, namely Frankenstein). 比起另外那三个怪物,木箱里躺的这位还算是有名有姓的-弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein,即科学怪人)。 Walking stick.” Dracula stared at Franken several seconds, then said one to the mummy. “手杖。”德古拉凝望了弗兰肯几秒,便回头对木乃伊说了一句。 The mummy must the command, extend the cane in hand immediately, stick body that was placed before Dracula. 木乃伊得令,立刻将手中的手杖伸了过去,把杖头摆在了德古拉的身前。 The stick head of this cane, is a bat carving of copper system, size similar apple, the contour is lifelike. 这支手杖的杖头,是一个铜制的蝙蝠雕刻,大小类似苹果,外形栩栩如生。 Dracula almost looked that did not look, used both hands to extract on stick two adeptly bat ear, and pressed on them two ears of Franken respectively. 德古拉几乎看都不看,就用双手娴熟地抽出了杖头上的两只“蝙蝠耳朵”,并把它们分别按到了弗兰肯的两只耳朵上。 Also does not know that after is who designs...... these two parts that is pulled to him, unexpectedly carried over two tall and slender copper wires, moreover these two bat ear it can treat as the clip to cause. 也不知道是谁给他设计的……这两个部件被扯出来以后,居然带出了两根细长的铜线,而且这两个“蝙蝠耳朵”本身可以当做夹子使。 Wakes up...... my old friend.” Dracula completes these, received the cane, and stands up, excited discussed, our time arrived!” “醒来吧……我的老朋友。”德古拉做完这些,就接过了手杖,并站起身来,一脸兴奋地念道,“我们的时代来到了!” Then, he raises up the stick tail of cane high, after pressing got down on stick some mechanism/organization, end that cane sprang a section of metal bar instantaneously, turned into one strange lightning rod that raises up...... 说罢,他就将手杖的杖尾高高竖起,在摁下了杖身上的某个机关后,那手杖尾端瞬间弹出了一截金属杆,变成了一根奇异的、竖起的避雷针…… ............ ………… On the other hand, community, in sewer. 另一方面,社区,下水道中。 Hell Front and blade edge four people to the war, had projected from the ground underground. 地狱前线刀锋的四人对战,已从地上打到了地下。 From one separates the sniping action that the street confronts, turned into one at the surprise attack war that under the specific environment launches. 从一场隔街对峙的狙击战,变成了一场在特定环境下展开的奇袭战。 Was the trap......” after encountering the sixth small scale directional blasting, Greedy Wolf Health fell finally below 20%, to provide against contingencies, he must drink Health supplements of one bottle of large doses. “又是陷阱吗……”在遭遇了第六次小规模定向爆破后,贪狼生存值终于降到了20%以下,为以防万一,他只得喝下了一瓶大剂量的生存值补充剂 Each places...... the Greedy Wolf heart to say with the different forms, „, although I also know that...... Hell Front has a Feng Bujue adviser incessantly......, but can achieve this degree, is really praiseworthy......” “每一个都用不同的形式去摆放吗……”贪狼心道,“虽然我也知道……地狱前线不止有封不觉一个谋士……但能够做到这种程度,着实让人钦佩啊……” Fed...... your six times, really all right?” Follows more than ten meters the broken army behind the teammates somewhat to worry asks, otherwise changes me to walk front?” “喂……你都中六次了,真没事吗?”跟在队友后方十余米的破军有些担忧地问道,“要不然换我走前面吧?” Do not crack a joke.” Greedy Wolf returns said, perhaps traded your words the six times is not issues...... had died six times.” “别开玩笑了。”贪狼回道,“换你的话就不是中六次的问题了……也许都已经死上六次了。” You also really dare to say.” The broken army curl the lip, should say with the tone of showing neither approval nor disapproval. “你还真敢说啊。”破军撇撇嘴,用不置可否的语气应道。 I am speak the truth......” Greedy Wolf to return very much seriously said, I have maintained the high concentrated force to go forward, in addition has specific Equipment and Level S First Aid Healing Specialization skill is going against, otherwise I also died several chapters.” “我是说实话……”贪狼很严肃地回道,“我可是一直保持着高度的集中力在前进着的,再加上有特定装备S级医疗专精的技能顶着,否则我也死了好几回了。” „Is Oh? only some traps is so troublesome?” Broken army strange say/way. 哦?只是一些陷阱就这么麻烦吗?”破军奇道。 Usual words possibly fortunately, but do not forget......” Greedy Wolf to return said, „...... our bodies were reduced. Under this premise, mechanics and Summon Specialization product can display a bigger effectiveness.” He, „, but these most typical example is...... the explosive material.” “平时的话可能还好,但你别忘了……”贪狼回道,“……我们的身体都被缩小了。在这种前提下,器械召唤专精的产物都会发挥更大的效用。”他顿了顿,“而这其中最典型的例子就是……爆炸物。” Must say that the words of explosive material, I have.” The broken army also said that „a side that since pursues is not so cost-effective, why can we also initiate an attack? We can also study them to be the same, arrange/cloth Xianjing, circuitous......” “要说爆炸物的话,我也有啊。”破军又道,“既然追击的一方这么不划算,我们为什么还要主动出击呢?我们也可以学她们一样,一路布陷阱、一路迂回……” We previously the advantage that made in the ground did not have?” Greedy Wolf said, depended on with great difficulty offensive obtained suppression to a certain extent, forcing them to run into underground......, if stopped pursuing, making them move out, to waste all previous efforts?” “那我们先前在地面上打出的优势不就没有了吗?”贪狼道,“好不容易靠着先手取得了一定程度上的压制,迫使她们逃入了地下……若是停止追击,让她们全身而退,岂不是前功尽弃?” Your calm point......” the broken army worthily by the man who Jue Bro favors, under this aspect, he considered that the issue instead must be more sane than Greedy Wolf this adviser, perhaps...... the opposite party is using your psychology, tempts you to continue to pursue...... expands the loss subsequently......” “你冷静一点……”破军不愧是被觉哥所看好的男人,在这种局面下,他考虑问题反而比贪狼这个谋士要更理智些,“……也许对方正是在利用你这种心理,引诱你继续追击……继而扩大损失……” Indicated after the team leader, Greedy Wolf is also suddenly enlighted: Wait...... you said right......” his complexion change, I probably in does not know that in Bujue fell into the gambler -type thought of......” 经队长一点拨,贪狼也恍然大悟:“等等……你说得对啊……”他面色微变,“我好像在不知不觉中就陷入了赌徒式的思维中……” The so-called gambler thought that comprised of many parts, but most typical two are: First, slightly wins is not wins, without all-win was equal to losing ; Second, more loses more must increase the chip, this can return to the itself/Ben. 所谓的赌徒式思维,由很多部分组成,而其中最典型的两块就是:一,小赢不算赢,没多赢就等于是输了;二,越输越要加大筹码,这样才能回本。 Right! Cannot pursue again......” at this moment, in the brain of Greedy Wolf an old man however sound, many pictures flash through in it at present, he hurries to say to the broken army, is not I wise, but is these demolition traps...... is the acrobatics of distractive! The opposite party true goal is......” “对!不能再追下去了……”这一刻,贪狼的脑中翁然一响,诸多画面在其眼前闪过,他赶紧对破军说道,“并不是我有多高明,而是那些爆破陷阱……本来就是分散注意力的把戏而已!对方真正的目的是……” Bang- 轰- This flickers. 这一瞬。 crack, broke his words. 一声爆鸣,打断了他的话语。 Shook greatly, disturbed their footsteps. 一阵巨震,干扰了他们的脚步。 But sees...... 但见……
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