TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#922: The Monster Squad ( 6 )

When near high noon, sets up in the room. 时近正午,树屋之中。 Oh ~ you imagine me are much fiercer, Wang......” Sean flexure the head, is looking at Xiao Tan saying that „before......, you were too modest, in my opinion, you simply are the expert in monster.” “喔~你比我想象中要厉害得多,Wang……”肖恩挠着脑袋,看着小叹道,“……之前你太谦虚了,依我看,你简直是怪物方面的专家。” „...... Xiao Tan somewhat complied with one fortunately absent-mindedly. “还好吧……”小叹有些心不在焉地应了一声。 At this moment, he has been accompanying Sean and Horace these two kids here chats was very long. That so-called monster test, is actually some related monsters knowledge questions and answers, these issues naturally do not have the difficulty when to Xiao Tan this mingling among Thriller Paradise are many player. 此刻,他已经在这儿陪着肖恩霍瑞斯这两个小屁孩闲聊了很久。那所谓的“怪物测试”,其实就是一些有关怪物的知识问答,对小叹这种混迹惊悚乐园多时的玩家来说这些问题自然是毫无难度的。 Said that...... I and these two little rascal chatted here, really can help the competition......”, because has not yielded any accurate income hence, has not obtained System Notification, in the Xiao Tan heart had been suspecting was the matter that oneself did not studious. “说起来……我在这儿和这两个小鬼闲扯,真的能对比赛有所帮助吗……”由于至此都没有获得任何确切的收益,也没有得到系统提示,小叹心中已在怀疑自己干的事情到底是不是无用功了。 I said right! Sean.” Horace meets to say in side, such Wang can join our club?” “我说的没错吧!肖恩。”霍瑞斯在旁接道,“这样Wang就可以加入我们的俱乐部了吧?” That natural.” Sean said, lets him, when our advisers are good.” “那当然。”肖恩道,“让他当我们的顾问都行啊。” Ha..... that is really the enthusiasm that good......” Xiao Tan not to attack the children, therefore forced oneself to look cheerful, immediately said, that anything...... I looked the time was also close at noon, I......” “哈哈……那真是太好了呢……”小叹不想打击孩子们的积极性,故而强颜欢笑了一下,随即说道,“那什么……我看时间也接近中午了,我……” While Xiao Tan planned that on the grounds of my mother shouted I go home to eat meal when sneaking off, Sean thought of anything suddenly, hits to block the way: Right! I have type of thing to you look.” 正当小叹打算以“我妈喊我回家吃饭”为由开溜时,肖恩忽地想到了什么,打断道:“对了!我有样东西要给你们看。” He is saying, while has crawled the corner of tree room, turns to look in one pile of junks. 他一边说着,一边已爬到了树屋的一角,在一堆杂物中翻找起来。 Sees this scene, Xiao Tan gives to swallow back the words that wants to speak, watches changes quietly. 见此情景,小叹把想说的话又给咽了回去,静观其变。 Oh, here.” Soon, Sean takes a book, crawled. “噢,在这儿呢。”不多时,肖恩就拿着一本书,爬了回来。 That is quite massive books, the outer layer is wrapping by the book cover of leather system, the whole is the tan, looked is has thing of year. 那是一本相当厚实的书籍,外层由皮革制的书皮包裹着,整体呈黄褐色,一看就是件颇有年份的东西 Couple of days ago, my mother went to Jane/simple. The garage sale meeting of Bergus family/home, bought this book for me conveniently.” Sean with a mysterious expression, the title page demonstration of book in the front of two little friends, who you looked at the author is.” “前两天,我妈去了简.博格斯家的车库拍卖会,顺手给我买了这本书。”肖恩用一副神秘兮兮的表情,将书的封面展示在了两名小伙伴的面前,“你们瞧作者是谁。” Un...... this was......” Xiao Tan just saw clearly the handwriting on title page. “嗯……这个是……”小叹刚看清封面上的字迹。 Nearby Horace had shouted loudly: Day! Is Van Helsing! Where Bergus do they get so far as?” 一旁的霍瑞斯已经大声喊了出来:“天呐!是范海辛!博格斯他们是从哪儿弄到的?” Listened to my mother saying that they seemed like that Laowuli on dark stream road to find.” Sean returns said. “听我妈说,他们好像是在暗溪路上的那栋老屋里找到的。”肖恩回道。 A Xiao Tan slightly thinking, mentioned: That can...... make me have a look?” 小叹略一思索,提道:“那个……能让我看看吗?” Naturally can......” Sean say before this , when half a word words, handed in the book the hand of Xiao Tan directly, then after said half a word, „...... the premise is you can understand.” “当然可以……”肖恩说这前半句话时,直接就把书递到了小叹的手中,然后才道出了后半句,“……前提是你能看懂。” Xiao Tan received the book, lowers the head looked, then blurted out: German?” 小叹接过书来,低头一看,然后脱口而出道:“德语?” Yes.” Sean shrugs saying that otherwise I will not throw the book do not visit it here.” “是啊。”肖恩耸肩道,“要不然我也不会把书丢在这里不去看它。” Un......” in the Xiao Tan heart discussed, German I do not understand...... . Moreover the translation function of system the writing on this book not translating, thus it can be seen......” “嗯……”小叹心中念道,“德语我不懂啊……而且系统的翻译功能并没有把这本书上的文字给译出来,由此可见……” Sean, Horace.” Xiao Tan thinks, asking, that you know that nearby this who speaks German?” 肖恩,霍瑞斯。”小叹又想了想,问道,“那你们知道这附近有谁是懂德语的吗?” Sean and Horace look at each other in blank dismay, after several seconds, Horace swallowed a saliva, returns said: Having has actually...... is only that person......” 肖恩霍瑞斯面面相觑,数秒后,霍瑞斯吞了口唾沫,回道:“有倒是有……只是那人……” What's wrong?” Xiao Tan doubts saying that that person is not quite friendly?” “怎么了?”小叹疑道,“那人不太友善?” We called him ‚the strange German male.” Sean continued saying that he seems like about 60 years old, a person lives in community northwest corner that unit, always no one sees him to have the room, no one sees the appearance in room......” his tone has seemed like describing a monster, rather than a person, it is said that he is the German spy, possibly is Vampire.” “我们叫他‘诡异德国男’。”肖恩接过话头道,“他看上去六十岁左右,一个人住在社区西北角那个单元,从来没人见他出过屋子,也没人见过屋里的样子……”他的口气像是在描述一个怪物,而不是一个人,“据说他是个德国间谍,也可能是吸血鬼。” How I thought that is only the lonely senior of foreign register......” Xiao Tan complains. “我怎么觉得只是个外国籍的空巢老人而已……”小叹不禁吐了个槽。 What did you say?” Sean and Horace do not have get to the meaning of these words probably. “你说什么?”肖恩霍瑞斯好像都没get到这句话的意思。 Hehe...... no.” Xiao Tan coursed the matter the topic rapidly, meets saying that „, if you do not mind, visits with me together that ‚the strange German male how?” “呵呵……没什么。”小叹迅速将话题引向了正事儿,接道,“如果你们不介意的话,跟我一起去拜访一下那个‘诡异德国男’怎么样?” ............ ………… When near at noon, on the alley in urban district, an ambulance is going on the road steadily. 时近中午,市区的一条小路上,一辆救护车正在路上平稳地行驶着。 The driver of driving, is 20-year-old blonde little brother. He wears a blue uniform/subdue, when drives also has an earphone, is listening to the slightly noisy music. 开车的司机,是一位20多岁的金发小哥。他穿着一身蓝色的制服,开车时还戴着一副耳机,听着略显吵闹的音乐。 Perhaps because runs these to transport the corpse, therefore on vehicle only then he alone. 或许因为跑这一趟只是为了运送尸体,所以车上就只有他一个人。 But at this time is lying down behind the ambulance in the compartment, in Police Department killed, that says werewolf man. 而此时正躺在救护车后方车厢里的,正是之前在警局中被击毙的、那个自称“狼人”的男子。 What does?” Blonde little brother arrives at the center-section of alley the car(riage), then the discovery front path looks at very worn-out brown Ford car(riage) blocking by one. “搞什么?”金发小哥把车开到小路的中段,便发现前方的道路被一辆看着很破旧的棕色福特车给挡住了。 Because this road is quite narrow, like the car(riage) in the road middle words, basically can horizontally two to the vehicles give to keep off. Only if the pilot is willing to brave the chassis to be rubbed the bad risk to arrive at the road shoulder to come up the car(riage), otherwise is unable to pass. 由于这条路比较窄,像这样把车横在路中间的话,基本就可以把两向的车辆都给挡下。除非驾驶员愿意冒着车底盘被蹭坏的风险把车开到路肩上去,否则就无法通过。 Hey! Is this is doing? attendants.” Blonde little brother stops the ambulance reluctantly, finds out outside the glass, roared toward that vehicle. “嘿!这是在干什么呢?伙计。”金发小哥无奈地将救护车停下,把头探出车窗外,朝那车子吼了一声。 The next second, by that blocking the way car(riage) driver seat window, then appeared a pale face...... 下一秒,那辆拦路车驾驶座旁的窗户里,便显现出了一张惨白的面孔…… ............ ………… On the other hand, some community forest ** on. 另一方面,社区某林**上。 „The opposite party is also two people, cannot be negligent......” Greedy Wolf to squat behind the greenbelt of roadside said. “对方也是两个人,不能大意啊……”贪狼蹲在路边的绿化带后面说道。 I may not have the general idea/careless.” The broken army big tree one meter away after the distance teammate are hiding, and should say, this meeting engagement, first is the skill probes with marksmanship likely is not the safest repertoire?” “我可没有大意。”破军则在距离队友一米外的一棵大树后藏着,并应道,“像这种遭遇战,先用射击系技能试探一下难道不是最稳妥的套路吗?” At this time, after forest ** an opposite low wall. 此时,在林**对面的一堵矮墙后。 „The player ability in this Scenario was limited...... Xiao Ling fortunately is processing wound on the arm, while talked over, „, otherwise that spear/gun was very possible to want my life a moment ago......” “还好这剧本里的玩家能力都被限制了……”小灵一边处理着自己手臂上的伤口,一边念叨,“否则刚才那一枪很可能要了我的命呢……” But......” stands in her Ruoyu takes advantage of opportunity to meet saying that „...... we had been seized the situation by the opposite party, then the attention cannot make the opposite party expand the advantage again.” “但……”站在她身旁的若雨顺势接道,“……我们已经被对方抢占了先机,接下来得注意不能让对方再扩大优势了。” All right.” Xiao Ling had recovered the wound at this time, and self-confident, murderous aura meets to say steaming, I do not believe that plays to ambush him also to play me?” “没事。”小灵这时已经将伤口复原,并自信满满、杀气腾腾地接道,“我就不信了,玩狙击他还能玩得过我?” ............ ………… Dark stream road, old room. 暗溪路,“老屋”。 This road situated in the suburb, all around is almost a barren mountains and wild hills scene. 这条路位于郊区,四周几乎是一派荒山野岭般的景象。 The dancing tree's shadow and extended several li (0.5 km) swamp old room to surround, making this old house add several points of strange feeling. 婆娑的树影和延绵数里的沼泽将“老屋”包围了起来,让这栋本就年代久远的房子更添了几分诡异之感。 That noon, before a deep compact car went slowly the old room,...... stopped. 这天中午,一辆深色的小汽车缓缓行驶到了老屋前……停了下来。 Quick, walks an adult male from the driver seat. 很快,从驾驶座上就走下来一名成年男子。 His seemingly 30-40 years old appearance, puts on one set not to calculate the good-fitting inexpensive suit, although he reorganized the hairstyle and beard diligently, but is of difficult the sloppy feeling covering the long hair and reckless dregs discloses. 他看上去三四十岁的样子,穿着一套并不算合身的廉价西装,虽然他努力地整理了发型和胡子,但还是难掩长发和胡渣所透露出的邋遢感。 Come, Mr. F, we arrived.” After Hill gets out, then turned around to arrive at that side the back seat, opened the vehicle door with the not happy attitude for Jue Bro. “来吧,F先生,我们到了。”希尔下车后,便转身走到了车后座那边,用十分不爽的态度替觉哥拉开了车门。 Hehe...... you are a qualified driver, Mr. Hill.” Feng Bujue did not mind the when attitude of opposite party, he gets out also cracks a joke with ease, I do not have the spare cash to pay you tip.” “呵呵……你是个合格的司机,希尔先生。”封不觉并不介意对方的态度,他下车时还轻松地开了个玩笑,“恕我没有闲钱来给你小费。” Snort...... that also is really regrettable.” Hill complied with one false smile, responded to the Jue Bro that joke provocatively with the satire. “哼……那还真是遗憾呢。”希尔皮笑肉不笑地应了一句,用讽刺来回应觉哥那挑衅般的玩笑。 „After good......” Feng Bujue to get out to stand firm, immediately issued an instruction to Hill, we continue to go forward.” The words to here, he raise hand referred to that old room more than ten meters away. “好了……”封不觉下车站定后,立即对希尔下达了一个指令,“咱们继续前进吧。”话至此处,他又抬手指了指十余米外的那栋老屋。 „Do you come to do to this place?” Hill looked at one toward that room, immediately discussed with a tone of doubt, this room has abandoned for many years, some hearsay said that is haunted.” “你到这地方来是想干嘛?”希尔朝那屋子望了一眼,随即用一种狐疑的口吻念道,“这屋子已经废弃好多年了,有传闻说里面闹鬼。” Hehe...... is haunted.” Feng Bujue repeated that two characters, said with a smile, made me give on you again a class, Mr. Hill......” he when the speech, has arrived at Hill's front, and gestures to hint the opposite party with coming, any house that declared being haunted, usually had one in following two characteristics- one, in this room was truly haunted ; Second, inside is hiding some significant secret, therefore some people must spread being haunted related the rumor, quite makes people keep at a respectful distance to this place.” “呵呵……闹鬼。”封不觉将那两个字重复了一遍,笑道,“让我再给你上一课,希尔先生……”他在说话之余,已经走到了希尔的前方,并打了个手势示意对方跟过来,“凡是宣称‘闹鬼’的房子,通常都具备以下两个特点中的一个-一,这屋子里确实闹鬼;二,里面藏着某种重大的秘密,所以才有人要散布有关‘闹鬼’的传言,好让人们对这块地方敬而远之。” Your meaning is......” Hill meets saying that this room is the second situation?” “你的意思是……”希尔接道,“这屋子就是属于第二种情况?” This......” Feng Bujue has turned the head, shrugs, „...... actually I think...... our present houses, is two situations has both at the same time.” “这个嘛……”封不觉转过头,耸了耸肩,“呵……其实我个人认为……咱们眼前的这栋宅子,是两种情况兼而有之的。” Your oneself go, I here you.” Hill should say immediately. “那你自己进去吧,我在这儿等你。”希尔立即应道。 Oyster.” The opposite party finish barely the words, the Feng Bujue's mouth jumped suddenly bewildered word. “牡蛎。”对方话音未落,封不觉的嘴里又突然蹦出了一个莫名其妙的词儿来。 „-”, but Hill hears the response of this word, when with hearing sweet potato could not miss many. “啊-”而希尔听到这个词的反应,和听到“芋头”时也差不了多少。 With the pitiful yell sound, Hill's body from the vest place starts to twitch, until this influence spreads to the whole body, is less than two seconds, but during these two seconds, he has also lain down because of the ache. 伴随着惨叫声,希尔的身体从背心处开始抽搐,直至这种影响扩散至全身,也不到两秒钟,而这两秒间,他也已经因疼痛而躺下了。 Why after............ said male......” Hill slow the attitude has come, wants to interrogate Feng Bujue what’s going on, but had words on the tip of the tongue he to realize...... best oyster two characters not saying was quite good. “为……为什么……说牡……”希尔缓过气儿来以后,就想质问封不觉这是怎么回事,但话到嘴边他又意识到了……自己最好还是不要把“牡蛎”二字给讲出来的比较好。 „...... You think that I will only establish a keyword?” Feng Bujue said, I told you, the word stock of this chip may be broad...... can make you noun that wanted the immortal to want have more than 40.” “呵……难道你以为我会只设定一个关键词吗?”封不觉道,“我告诉你,这芯片的词库可广着呢……能让你欲仙欲死的这种名词还有四十多个。” You simply is a devil!” Hill angrily and roared to Jue Bro unwillingly. “你简直就是个恶魔!”希尔愤怒且不甘地对觉哥咆哮道。 How to say as you like.” Feng Bujue complied with one impartially, then hit a sound to refer, and referred to the front gate, said that now, if you do not want to further understand that which lines will make you uncomfortable, that please come to open the door.” “随你怎么说吧。”封不觉不置可否地应了一句,然后打了个响指,并指了指前方的门,说道,“现在,如果你不想进一步了解有哪些台词会让你难受,那就请过来开门吧。” Facing the naked threat, Hill can only crawl fast from the ground, patted dust, then before took a step the line the gate of old room . 面对赤裸裸的恐吓,希尔只能快速从地上爬起来,拍了拍身上的尘土,接着就迈步行到了老屋的门前。 Hopes after this matter ended, you can abide by the commitment...... to take this damn chip.” When Hill arrives at the Feng Bujue side discussed. “希望这事儿完了以后你能信守承诺……把这该死的芯片取出来。”希尔走到封不觉身边时念道。 Relax, that gadget wanted the essence more expensive/noble than your life.” Jue Bro mentioned this coarse fact, brought a taunt the language sense. “放心吧,那玩意儿比你的命要精贵多了。”觉哥说起这种难听的事实来,自带一种嘲讽的语感。 Rumble- rumble- 咕噜噜-咕噜噜- Before the Hill of line to gate grasped the doorknob to make an effort to transfer several, turned the head to look that said to Jue Bro: Lock.” 行到门前的希尔握着门把用力转了几下,紧接着就转头看向觉哥道:“锁了。” What's the big deal?” Feng Bujue said, also wants me to teach you how to rush to the empty gate?” “那又怎么样?”封不觉道,“难道还要我教你怎么闯空门么?” He will have this one to ask, is because...... previously stole the car(riage)( to be very obvious, transportation vehicle that Feng Bujue and Hill ride steals) time, Hill displayed the qualities of various laymen, finally completed under the Feng Bujue's tender guidance. 他会有此一问,是因为……此前偷车(很显然,封不觉和希尔所乘坐的交通工具是偷来的)的时候,希尔就表现出了各种门外汉的素质,最后还是在封不觉的悉心指导下完成的。 I will not unlock!” But after listening to the Jue Bro rhetorical question, Hill shouts is returning said, how you also do want to let me? Dashes the shutter?” “我又不会开锁!”而听了觉哥的反问句后,希尔嚷嚷着回道,“你还想让我怎么样?把门板撞破么?” You can try.” Feng Bujue returns immediately said. “你可以试试啊。”封不觉当即回道。 I......” Shearburn want to talk back, but he soon detected that Jue Bro that on face that is staring the dead fish eye flashed through a impatient expression, well! I try, do not act unreasonably!” “我……”希尔本想顶嘴,但他很快察觉到了觉哥那张瞪着死鱼眼的脸上闪过了一丝不耐烦的表情,“好好!我试试,你别乱来!” The pain that the chip brings...... without doubt must make people be hard to accept compared with the shoulder dislocation or the bone fracture, therefore Hill can only manage according to the words of opposite party. 芯片所带来的痛苦……无疑要比肩膀脱臼或骨折还要让人难以接受,所以希尔只能照着对方的话去办。 Bang- 嘭- First hits, the shutter sent out a dull thumping sound. 第一下撞过去,门板发出了一记闷响。 Bang bang- bang bang bang...... 嘭嘭-嘭嘭嘭…… Then another made a sound continually, records Hill to start the frequency of attack to the shutter. 然后又一阵连响,记录了希尔对门板发动进攻的频率。 Then, after approximately hit more than ten next, finally...... 就这样,大约撞了十几下后,终于…… The position that click, Chille Shoulder aims, was dislodged a pinhole by him obstinately. 咔嚓”一声,希尔肩部对准的方位,愣是被他撞出了一个小洞。 Look, how this matter...... not trial you know that will be defeated?” Feng Bujue instructs the student tone to discuss with a life teacher. “瞧,这种事……不试一下你怎么知道会失败呢?”封不觉用一种人生导师指导学生般的口吻念道。 Hill cold snort/hum, has not met this thread of conversation, he puts in the hand the hole that dislodged silently, then the curving arm, opened the door lock from the interior. 希尔冷哼一声,没有接这话茬,他只是默默地将手伸进了那个自己撞出的窟窿里,然后弯曲手臂,从内部打开了门锁。 After several seconds, old room the gate...... opened. 数秒后,“老屋”的门……就这么打开了。 When that sliding door opens instantly, gloomy, the nondescriptive invisible pressure then flows out from the gate, frightened Shearburn to be able backward to draw back several steps. 当那扇门开启的刹那,一股阴森的、难以名状的无形威压便从门内流泻而出,吓得希尔本能地向后退了几步。 You determined that can go in?” Hill is returns to realize that under the broad daylight this type by the dark surround sense of fear, he is wanted to back down extremely. “你确定要进去吗?”希尔还是头回在光天化日之下体会到这种被黑暗包围般的恐惧感,他极度地想打退堂鼓。 Nonsense, otherwise do I do?” Feng Bujue but actually appears calm exceptionally ; During the speeches, he has put out from Traveling Bag Complex Type Anti Gravity Launch Device, And opened switch that searches the lamp, is not very good considering this room natural lighting, therefore...... a while you when front explores the way, I will help you illuminate, relax.” “废话,要不然我来干嘛的?”封不觉倒显得淡定异常;说话间,他已从行囊里拿出了【复合式反重力弹射器】,并打开了探灯的开关,“考虑到这栋屋子内部的采光很不好,所以……一会儿你在前面探路时,我会帮你照明的,放心吧。” Hears explorer these two word-time, Hill's back was cool, he swallowed a saliva, turns the head to look to Jue Bro, asked tremblingly: You determined that needs me to explore the way? I meant that......” he uses nearly the entreaty look to look at Jue Bro, „...... I felt you can definitely complete this matter......” 听见“探路”这两个字时,希尔的后脊梁都凉了,他吞了口唾沫,转头看向觉哥,颤颤巍巍地问道:“你确定需要我探路吗?我是说……”他用近乎哀求的眼神看着觉哥,“……我觉得你完全可以自己办妥这事儿的……” Yes, I can.” Feng Bujue returns callously said that „, but has a cannon fodder, why don't I use?” “是的,我可以。”封不觉冷酷地回道,“但是有个炮灰在,我又为何不用呢?”
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