TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#921: The Monster Squad ( 5 )

Oh, seems like everyone not.” After Horace the head searches the tree room, discovers in this little while room no one. “噢,看起来大家都不在啊。”霍瑞斯将脑袋探进树屋后,发现这会儿屋里没人。 However he led Xiao Tan to crawl from the entrance, and greeted opposite party to look for place to sit down. 不过他还是领着小叹从入口爬了进来,并招呼对方自己找地儿坐下。 Now also early, I think that everyone afternoon will come.” Horace is saying, has arrived at a tree room end table, took up a monster magazine conveniently. He demonstrated to Xiao Tan a title page, said that „, so long as you passed us monster test, can join the club.” “现在还早,我想大伙儿下午就会过来了。”霍瑞斯说着,已走到树屋一端的桌边,随手拿起了一本怪物杂志。他向小叹展示了一下封面,说道,“只要你通过了我们的‘怪物测试’,就可以加入俱乐部了。” Monster...... test?” Xiao Tan observes the surrounding thing, while is responding to the Horace words. “怪物……测试?”小叹一边观察周围的事物,一边回应着霍瑞斯的话。 You know......” Horace peak shoulder joint say/way, is tests your some related monsters the knowledge, looked that your enough qualifications join our club.” “你知道的……”霍瑞斯耸肩接道,“就是考你一些有关怪物的知识,看你够不够资格加入我们的俱乐部。” For example?” Xiao Tan probed was asking one. “比如?”小叹又试探着问了一句。 For example......” Horace pondered over, un...... kills the Vampire method.” “比如……”霍瑞斯琢磨了一下,“嗯……杀死吸血鬼的方法。” „......” Xiao Tan complied with one, later almost blurted out, „the thoroughest method is the insolation under the sunlight.” “哦……”小叹应了一声,随后几乎是脱口而出,“最彻底的方法是暴晒于阳光下吧。” Right.” Horace nods, also?” “对对。”霍瑞斯点头,“还有呢?” Un...... the wooden stake through is the classical method......” a Xiao Tan slightly ponder, said, also in some World Setting, must reduce their heads.” He, natural...... I had a friend to believe, entire throws into them shears the hay in the machine also good......” “嗯……木桩穿心算是经典手段……”小叹略一思考,又道,“还有些世界观里,得砍掉他们的头。”他顿了顿,“当然了……我有个朋友认为,把他们整个扔进割干草的机器里也不错……” Oh! Originally you know so many.” Horace exclaims. “哇喔!原来你知道那么多啊。”霍瑞斯惊叹道。 Hehe...... fortunately.” Xiao Tan hollow laugh two, actually he knew before also limitedly, but after playing a half year of Thriller Paradise, he has known from A to Z regarding the related knowledges of various classical demons and monsters. “呵呵……还好吧。”小叹干笑两声,其实他以前知道得也有限,但玩了半年的惊悚乐园后,他对于各种经典妖魔鬼怪的相关知识都已了如指掌。 Squeak- 吱- In they talked, suddenly, set up the entrance of room to be lifted,( tree room entrance from the floor in floor that side found out a small head generally). 就在他俩对话之际,忽然,树屋的入口又被人掀开了,从地板上(树屋入口一般在地板那一面)又探出一个小脑瓜来。 Hey, Horace, you come.” That maroon hair and young boy of wear red T-shirt greets with Horace, immediately looked to Xiao Tan, who was this child?” “嘿,霍瑞斯,你来啦。”那个栗色头发、穿着红色T恤的小男孩儿跟霍瑞斯打了声招呼,随即就看向了小叹,“这孩子是谁?” He is Wang, child who moves in newly.” Horace returns said, then also said to Xiao Tan, Wang, this is Sean, he is the founder in club, setting up the room is his father helps us construct.” “他是Wang,新搬来的孩子。”霍瑞斯回道,然后又对小叹道,“Wang,这是肖恩,他是俱乐部的创建者,树屋是他的爸爸帮着我们建的。” When he spoke this saying, Sean also climbed the tree room, and closed/pass the entrance conveniently. 他说这话时,肖恩也爬进了树屋,并顺手关好了入口。 Hello.” Xiao Tan notifies the opposite party. “你好。”小叹跟对方打了个招呼。 Hey, hello/you good.” Sean also meets to say politely. “嘿,你好。”肖恩也礼貌地接道。 Sean, I want to make Wang join our club.” Horace exhibited one strangely martial arts stance, said delightedly, he is ultra, today he used the Chinese Kungfu to help me expel E. J and Derek.” 肖恩,我想让Wang加入我们的俱乐部。”霍瑞斯摆出了一个古怪的“武术”架势,眉飞色舞地说道,“他超厉害的,今天他用中国功夫帮我打跑了E.J和德瑞克。” But here is the monster club, is not the time seminar.” Sean teased. “可我们这儿是怪物俱乐部,不是功夫研讨会。”肖恩调侃道。 Wang also knew about the monster very much, does not believe you to test him.” Horace returns immediately said. “Wang对妖怪也很了解,不信你可以考考他。”霍瑞斯立即回道。 „...... Xiao Tan said fortunately, „...... I truly know.” “还好吧……”小叹道,“……不过我确实知道一些。” Oh? Sean one also came the spirit, „...... tries our monster test, you can respond more than 50% issues to make you join.” 哦?肖恩一下也来了精神,“那么……试试我们的‘怪物测试’吧,你能答对一半以上的问题就让你加入。” ............ ………… On the other hand, urban district, police station reception hall. 另一方面,市区,警察局接待大厅。 With usually, this place almost every day, every time and each quarter is a busy scene. 和平时一样,这地方几乎每天、每时、每刻都是一副忙碌的景象。 Today, here came a strange man...... 今天,这里来了一名奇怪的男子…… Police officer, asked! Please close me!” He wears the green continually hat jacket and jeans, seems like about 30 years old ages, is shouting to several police officers unceasingly, I am a werewolf! Werewolves!” “警官,拜托了!请把我关起来!”他身着绿色连帽夹克和牛仔裤,看上去三十岁左右年纪,不断对着几名警员叫嚷着,“我是个狼人!狼人!” But that several is very been also worried by the police who he pesters, to be honest...... they will rarely hear the request that is put in prison on own initiative, had not heard I am werewolf this reason. 而那几名被他纠缠的警察也很苦恼,说实话……他们很少会听到主动入狱的要求,也从来没有听说过“我是狼人”这种理由。 On an evening, asked that tonight is the full moon!” “就一个晚上,拜托了,今天晚上是满月!” Do not be excited, Mister.” Please calm a little.” “别激动,先生。”“请你冷静一点儿。” You have not understood! You must get up my handcuffs! Shuts in me the basket!” “你们没明白!你们得把我铐起来!把我关进笼子里去!” The dialogue conducts here, the man who that says the werewolf holds with both hands excitedly shoulders of police officer, no matter how the opposite party struggles he not to drop. 对话进行到这里,那名自称狼人的男子已经激动地用双手抓住了其中一名警员的双肩,不管对方怎么挣扎他都不放手。 Oh! Right, attendants! Since you want to be grasped, that was good!” The police officers were given to annoy by him finally. “噢!是吗,伙计!既然你这么想被抓,那再好不过了!”警员们终于被他给惹毛了。 After two seconds, two policeman and a detective go forward together, three people cooperation strength backhand this man twist, prepare to him on the handcuffs. 两秒后,两名巡警和一名警探就一同上前,三人协力将这名男子反手一拧,准备给他上铐。 This fellow what's the matter?” “这家伙是怎么回事?” Who knows that...... relates the mental institution.” “谁知道……还是联系精神病院吧。” After hearing police officers' dialogue, that man became more excited: „, Day! You have not understood...... you......” 听到了警员们的对话后,那名男子变得更加激动了:“哦,天呐!你们还是没明白……你们得……” His words stop suddenly, because he was thinking of an idea suddenly. 他的话戛然而止,因为他在突然想到了一个主意。 The next second, this man aims at the opportunity, drew out is away from a oneself recent police officer waist with the spear/gun, and with one does not know the brute force where comes the periphery three people will shove open. 下一秒,这男子就瞅准机会,拔出了距离自己最近的一名警员腰间的配枪,并用一股不知从哪里来的蛮力将周围的三人推开。 Bang bang- 砰砰- He holds up the pistol, the top board fires two spears/guns without delay upwards continually, later loudly exclaimed: Closes me!” 他举起手枪,二话不说就朝天花板连开两枪,随后大吼道:“把我关起来!” Bang! Bang!- 砰砰砰- It finishes barely the words, three gunshots transmit. 其话音未落,又有三声枪响传来。 But this time, is not the spear/gun that he fires, but after is hears the sound of gunfire , the policeman who catches up with from the next door to open. 但这次,不是他开的枪,而是一名听到枪声后从隔壁赶来的巡警开的。 After sound of gunfire, man who that says is the werewolf, under glare of the public eye but actually...... 枪声过后,那名自称是狼人的男子,就在众目睽睽之下倒了下去…… In others opinion, this assault seizes the mental patient of spear/gun, as if like this by killing...... 在旁人看来,这名“袭警夺枪的精神病人”,似乎就这样被“击毙”了…… ............ ………… At the same time, town center, some museum. 同一时刻,市中心,某博物馆。 Good, I with you confirmed again one......” a black person detective who wears the windproof coat is seem to one with a helpless tone has been close to the retirement age museum peaceful said, here...... had 2000 mummy is right?” “好吧,我再跟你确认一遍……”一名身着风衣的黑人警探用一种无奈的口吻对着一位看上去已接近退休年龄的博物馆保安道,“这里……原本有个2000年的木乃伊对吧?” Yes, Police officer.” The security returns said. “是的,警官。”保安回道。 But he, does not disappear now, vanished, became the history.” The detectives meet to say in the RAP type spoken language of bringing. “但他现在不在了,不见了,消失了,成为历史了。”警探用自带的RAP式口语接道。 Yes, Police officer.” The security expressed the affirmation with a same reply. “是的,警官。”保安用一个相同的回答表示了肯定。 However you......” detective around the opposite party walks while said that „...... said oneself have not heard anybody to come in...... or leaves here, right?” “而你……”警探绕着对方边走边道,“……说自己没听见任何人进来……或是离开这里,对吗?” Uh-huh.” The security nod should say. “嗯哼。”保安点头应道。 At this moment can you hear me to speak? hello?” The detectives raised the sound annoyedly. “此刻你听得到我说话吗?hello?”警探恼火地提高了声音。 Naturally, I can hear clearly, Police officer.” The security Sir's response is that calm. “当然,我可以清楚地听到,警官。”保安大爷的回应还是那么淡定。 Therefore...... you mean no one goes in secretly that mummy?” The detectives meet to say. “所以……你的意思是没人进去偷过那个木乃伊?”警探接道。 Some words I will definitely hear, Police officer.” The security returns said. “有的话我肯定会听见的,警官。”保安回道。 Hehe......, you will certainly hear, I asked a stupid question.” The detectives are shaking the head to talk over one, immediately turns head suddenly, looks to peaceful said, „is that you takes?” “呵呵……是啊,你当然会听见,我真是问了个愚蠢的问题。”警探摇着头念叨了一句,随即又猛然回头,望向保安道,“那是不是你拿的?” „It is not, Police officer.” Security Sir replied from beginning to end is explicitly calm , but was also unhelpful to the case, this made the detective exceptionally choke with rage. “不是,警官。”保安大爷从头到尾的应答都冷静、明确、但又对案情毫无帮助,这让警探异常窝火。 Good, I also ask.” The black person detective lifts up high both hands, turns the head to look to own Caucasian partner, ok, I made contribution, this case was too difficult, attendants. I thought that we change professions to be the fire fighter.” “好吧,我也就是问问。”黑人警探高举双手,转头看向自己的白人搭档,“行了,我尽力了,这案子实在太难了,伙计。我觉得我们还是改行去做消防员吧。” I was very happy that you have the mood to crack a joke, Ritchie.” That Caucasian detective pulled a long face to meet one, then walked slowly and aimlessly toward the exhibition hall that the stolen mummy was at two steps, discussed, issue lay in...... a dry corpse that put in 2000, will not stand to leave.” “我很高兴你还有心情开玩笑,里奇。”那名白人警探绷着脸接了一句,然后朝着失窃木乃伊所在的展厅踱了两步,念道,“问题在于……一具放了两千年的干尸,是不会自己站起来走掉的。” ............ ………… „-” ** From now on, that from the stupor is waked by the tramp who Feng Bujue knocks down. “啊-”一声**过后,那个被封不觉打晕的流浪汉从昏迷中醒了过来。 When he opens eyes, discovered oneself are placing oneself in a ruined room, under the body is one does not draw several mattresses dirty. 当他睁开眼时,发现自己正置身在一间破败的屋子里,身下是一张脏不拉几的床垫。 Awakes very quickly.” The infant voice of children's version Feng Bujue that voice change had not spread to the ear of tramp quickly. “醒得挺快啊。”儿童版封不觉那未变声的童音很快传入了流浪汉的耳中。 Un?” The tramps turn the head suddenly, discovered that Jue Bro is sitting on a room another end small stool, looks easely to here. “嗯?”流浪汉猛然转头,发现觉哥正坐在房间另一端的一张小凳子上,悠然地望向这边。 You! Your this little bastard......” he sets out crassly, wants to go forward to make an arrest. “你!你这小杂种……”他骂骂咧咧地起身,欲上前抓人。 But Feng Bujue, but sits in calm same place, said a bewildered word: Sweet potato.” 封不觉,只是淡定地坐在原地,说了个莫名其妙的单词:“芋头。” This word exit|to speak, the tramp on pitiful yell one, turning over falls to the ground, the body also had the convulsion tremor in several seconds. 没想到,这个词儿一出口,那流浪汉就惨叫一声,翻身栽倒在地,身体还在数秒内发生了痉挛般的颤动。 Oh! My back!” After the tramps fall to the ground sways back and forth, wants to put out a hand enough own back, but seems like...... this movement to be to him difficult. “噢!我的背!”流浪汉倒地后打了个滚,想伸手去够自己的后背,但看上去……这个动作对他来说非常困难。 Do not try, you are impossible to take the chip by yourself.” Feng Bujue said. “别试了,你是不可能靠自己把芯片取出来的。”封不觉说道。 Wha...... what chip?” The tramps return said, you are saying anything, your small......” “什……什么芯片?”流浪汉回道,“你在说什么,你这小……” Sweet potato.” Feng Bujue before the next bad language of opposite party exits, hits to block the way directly. “芋头。”封不觉在对方的下一句脏话出口前,直接打断道。 Ah! tramp yelled once again, but this aching feeling came to go quickly also quickly, he breathed the attitude to come, to ask quickly, you...... made anything to me!” 啊!”流浪汉又一次大叫起来,不过这疼痛感来得快去得也快,他很快又喘上气儿来,问道,“你……到底对我做了什么!” Also no, I with a help of friend, posted your back a chip.” Feng Bujue said that „the scientific and technological standard that this chip contains goes far beyond your understanding and even the imagination category, I did not do introduced specifically, you need to know was, by got up at this moment, so long as my saying......” he, you understood...... was that word......” he refers to without doubt is sweet potato this word, „...... you will turn into a moment ago such.” “也没什么,我只是在一位朋友的帮助下,将一块芯片置入了你的背部。”封不觉道,“这块芯片所蕴含的科技水平远远超过你的理解乃至想象范畴,我就不做具体介绍了,你需要知道的就是,由此刻起,只要我一说……”他顿了顿,“你懂的……就是那个词……”他指得无疑是“芋头”这个单词,“……你就会变成刚才那样。” How utter nonsense...... is this possible?” The tramps easily will certainly not believe this saying. “一派胡言……这怎么可能?”流浪汉当然不会轻易相信这话。 Hasn't believed?” Feng Bujue said, that I said one again, cover......” “还不信吗?”封不觉道,“那我再说一遍好了,芋……” „...... Does not leave!” Then, the tramp instigated, „...... do not say again......” “不……别!”这下,流浪汉就怂了,“别……别再说了……” „......” Feng Bujue smiled, you should rejoice, Mr. Hill. The long-term excessive drinking and various unhealthy habits and customs have made your nerve slow and numb...... otherwise you to feel a brighter pain.” “呵……”封不觉笑了,“你应该庆幸,希尔先生。长期酗酒和各种不健康的生活习惯已经让你的神经变得迟钝、麻木……要不然你会感受到更加鲜明的痛苦。” What person are you......?” At this time, tramp Hill no longer regarded the common child to come to see Feng Bujue obviously, how will you know my name?” “你到底是……什么人?”此时,流浪汉希尔显然已不再把封不觉当成一般小孩来看了,“你怎么会知道我的名字?” In the pocket of your coat...... only a little thing of value was your driver's license, Mr. Hill.” Feng Bujue returns said, as for my status, you do not need to go into seriously. You can call me...... Mr. F.” “你那件上衣的口袋里……唯一有点价值的东西就是你的驾照了,希尔先生。”封不觉回道,“至于我的身份,你不用深究。你可以叫我……F先生。” Good...... F boy.” Hill asked that why do you want to give me on entire that...... Oh...... the chip?” “好吧……F小子。”希尔问道,“你为什么要给我整上那个……呃……芯片?” This was not obvious...... to certainly let you handles matters for me.” Feng Bujue returns with the natural tone said, after all I am a child, many matter Sirs act to be easier to do, draws back 10,000 steps to speak...... you at least to give me to be the driver.” “这不明摆着么……当然是为了让你替我去办事了。”封不觉用理所当然的语气回道,“毕竟我还是个孩子,很多事由大人出面更好办一些,退一万步讲……你至少能给我当司机。” „But why...... can elect me?” Hill asked. “可……为什么偏偏要选我呢?”希尔问道。 Is your oneself delivers, Mr. Hill.” Feng Bujue returns said, you try to take by force me, remembers?” He spreads out both hands saying that your behavior eliminated me to your complete guilty conscience, to/clashes your moral behavior, I can say an all day sweet potato.” “是你自己送上门来的,希尔先生。”封不觉回道,“你试图打劫我,记得吗?”他摊开双手道,“你的这种行为消除了我对你的全部负罪感,就冲你这人品,我可以说上一整天的芋头。” „-” Hill inexplicably lying down spear/gun one time. “啊-”希尔莫名又躺枪了一次。 Next, in view of your life condition, I feels...... you, even if ‚the permanent is missing suddenly, will not have the too tremendous impact on the society.” In Feng Bujue these words refers to missing, obviously in suggesting Death, „...... some people will not find in any case in a short time, this similarly is a very appropriate condition.” “其次,有鉴于你的生活状态,我觉得……你就算‘突然间永久性失踪’,也不会对社会产生太大的影响。”封不觉这句话中所指的“失踪”,明显是在暗示“死亡”了,“反正……短时间内是不会有人发现的,这同样是个很合适的条件。” Its three......” Jue Bro stops for two seconds , added that „and second point was similar, because you were the drunkard and tramp, your integrity will definitely receive the question of secular vision. For example...... why, no matter I force you to go to the illegal activity, even in the process of implementation is arrested with you together, I am very in the same old way safe. At the appointed time, so long as I pretend that cried not to have on anything ; But you...... you can attempt to say with the police oneself were controlled with the chip of ultra science and technology by a child, is forced the crime story, has a look to be what result.” “其三嘛……”觉哥停顿两秒,又补充道,“和第二点类似,由于你是个酒鬼兼流浪汉,你的诚信必然会受到世俗眼光的质疑。举例来说吧……不管我胁迫你去干什么违法行为,甚至在实施过程中与你一同被捕,我照样很安全。届时,我只要假装哭一下就什么事都没有了;而你……你可以尝试跟警方说自己被一个小孩用超科技的芯片所控制,被迫去犯罪的故事,看看会是个什么结果。” The words speaking of here, Hill are sit in the place stiffly, dumb as a wooden chicken. 话说到这儿,希尔已是僵坐在地,呆若木鸡。 Now, Mr. Hill. If you do not want to hear that word again, gives me to get up a bit faster, changes clothes.” Feng Bujue is saying, referred to near mattress one set of clean clothing, „before the sunset, some of my many things are busy......” “现在,希尔先生。你要是不想再听到那个单词了,就快点儿给我起来,换套衣服。”封不觉说着,指了指床垫边上的一套干净衣物,“日落前我还有很多事要忙呢……” ............ ………… Meanwhile, the urban fringe, does not calculate on the rugged mountain road. 与此同时,城市边缘,一条并不算崎岖的山路上。 Modeling very simple home hatchbacks drove the roadside slowly, stopped by the stockade. 一辆造型十分朴实的家用两厢车缓缓驶到了路边,在栅栏旁停了下来。 Then, a pale face appeared in the driver seat side glass, and separated the light membrane...... to look into one by the car window toward that city of distant place. 接着,一张惨白的脸出现在了驾驶座侧面的车窗内,透过车窗玻璃和隔光膜……朝远处的那座城市眺望了一眼。 No one knows where Dracula does this car(riage), no one knows why after he turns into the bat leaves the airplane , is not exposed to the sun by Sun. 没人知道德古拉是从哪里搞到这辆车的,也没人知道他变成蝙蝠离开飞机后为什么没被太阳晒死。 No one knows that...... has left world 100 years of Vampire as one, where he learns to drive...... 更没人知道……作为一个已经离开人间一百年的吸血鬼,他是从哪儿学会开车的…… In brief, Dracula in «The Monster Squad» this World Setting, is a man who is full of the riddle. 总之,在《降妖别动队》这个世界观中的德古拉,是一个充满谜团的男人。 Makes all start......” “让一切开始吧……” After the city outside glass is staring at the moment, Dracula with very two expressions thought aloud talked over such a, then after...... revealed a constipation for a long time, finally the unimpeded expression, and is mixing with the little exciting smiles. 对着车窗外的城市凝望片刻后,德古拉用十分中二的语气自言自语地念叨了这么一句,然后……露出了一种便秘许久后终于畅通的表情,并夹杂着几许兴奋的微笑。 But after making this horror film villain commonly used face skill of...... he start the automobile, drove to descend the mountain...... 而在使完这番恐怖片反派常用的颜艺后……他还是重新发动汽车,开车下山了……
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