TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#920: The Monster Squad ( 4 )

The pilots fought with the fists the bridge of the nose by Dracula, stuffy snort/hum, falls down backward. 飞行员被德古拉一拳打中鼻梁,闷哼一声,向后跌倒在地。 But Dracula still has not come up to attract the meaning of opposite party blood, but is staring in that rectangular box engine rooms, and squatted in its side slowly. 德古拉依然没有上去吸对方血的意思,只是紧盯着机舱中间的那个矩形箱子,并在其旁边慢慢蹲了下来。 Soon, was punched a pilot of fist on slow the attitude, he looks up immediately, discovered that Dracula is squatting on the ground, looks at that big wooden chest to be in a daze attractive and charming. 不多时,被揍了一拳的飞行员就缓过了气儿,他当即抬头望去,发现德古拉正蹲在地上、深情款款地望着那个大木箱子发呆。 Mentioned also skillfully, nearby position that the pilot dropped down, happen to operating lever, but this operating lever, can be used to turn on the floor engine rooms. 说来也巧,飞行员倒下的位置附近,正好有一根操作杆,而这根操作杆,可以用来打开机舱中间的地板。 In the preamble has mentioned, when this airplane was the second war bomber aircraft transformation, will therefore have this establishment...... at this time, the quick-witted pilot put out a hand and to draw that operating lever calmly decisively. 前文中提到过,这架飞机是二战时的轰炸机改造的,所以才会有这种设置……此时,机智的飞行员就不动声色地伸出手去、果断地拉动了那根操作杆。 The next second, only hears click. 下一秒,只听得“咔嚓”一声。 The floor of engine room opens suddenly, that rectangular wooden crate whiz-” one falls down. 机舱的地板霍然开启,那个矩形木箱“嗖-”一下就掉了下去。 However, Dracula has not actually dropped...... him to float with the box together instantaneously is spatial and vertical, looks to the pilot who the floor opens. 然,德古拉却没有随着箱子一同落下……他在地板打开的瞬间就浮空而立,望向了飞行员。 This scene, is the return to original state of «The Monster Squad» first edition movie, but I think that...... here has a point pole is not unreasonable, that is- airplane is a whole in the object of movement, when Dracula hovering in midair, his body and airplane are nothing contact, therefore , he should quick by the wall of engine room terminal running upon theoretically...... 这一场景,是《降妖别动队》原版电影的还原,但我个人认为……此处有一点极不合理,那就是-飞机是一个整体都在运动的物体,当德古拉悬停在半空时,他的身体和飞机是没有任何接触的,因此,理论上来说,他应该很快就会被机舱末端的墙壁给撞上…… But, this situation has not appeared...... 但,这种情况并没有出现…… Although we can say forcefully...... Dracula depended on some electrostatic force to have the repulsion or the friction force with the environment, can therefore under the premise and airplane cocurrent operation of body no contact ; However I thought that...... the 80's film should not be earnest with one explains well. 虽然我们可以强行解释说……德古拉靠着某种静电力场与周围环境产生了斥力或摩擦力,故而可以在身体毫无接触的前提下与飞机同向运行;不过我觉得……还是用一句“八十年代的片子别较真儿”来说明就好。 Returns to the proper topic, this BUG lens have not continued in any case too for a long time...... 言归正传,反正这个BUG镜头也没有持续太久…… Dracula floats the spatial moment, stared pilot a while, then on the incarnation is the bat, flew from the gap of floor, pursues the big wooden crate that crashes. 德古拉浮空片刻,瞪了飞行员一会儿,然后就化身为蝙蝠,从地板的缺口中飞了出去,直追那坠落的大木箱。 ............ ………… Meanwhile, Scenario another. 与此同时,剧本另一处。 Ha............ this boy...... ran quickly...... has not paid attention not to have shadow compared with the dog......” “哈啊……哈啊……这小子……跑得比狗还快……一个不留神就没影儿了……” ...... calculates that...... considered as finished...... do not pursue...... under this physical condition temporarily, Stamina drained well quick......” “呼……算……算了……暂时别追了……这个身体状况下,体能值流失好快……” In ran N strip streets after Feng Bujue, Seven Kill and Brother Long...... unexpectedly him with losing. 在跟着封不觉跑了N条街后,七杀龙哥……居然把他给跟丢了。 Two people are puffing, on the face boiled duck flew expression, is quite depressed. 两人喘着粗气,脸上一副“煮熟的鸭子飞了”的表情,颇为郁闷。 Ha...... the words...... words saying...... you are not a physical culture school?” After Seven Kill breathed a while, turns the head to say to Long Aomin, „. Moreover the boss is higher than so many us, that pair of big long leg should run fast is right?” “哈啊……话……话说……你不是体校的吗?”七杀喘了一会儿后,转头对龙傲旻道,“而且个头儿比我们高那么多,那双大长腿应该跑得飞快才对啊?” What cuts...... me mainly to practice in the physical culture school is the badminton...... is not the track and field......” Brother Long returns said, said again...... who told you stature to take a higher position to run quickly? According to you said plays the basketball should change practice the long-distance race.” “切……我在体校主要练的是羽毛球……又不是田径……”龙哥回道,“再说了……谁告诉你个子高就跑得快了?照你这么说打篮球的都该去改练长跑了。” Un...... this was also......” Seven Kill smiled. “嗯……这倒也是……”七杀不禁笑了起来。 Not.” Brother Long also smiled. “可不是吗。”龙哥也笑了。 These two characters are quite straight, is the comradeship, quick can adjust the good mood. 这两位的性格都比较直,又是战友关系,很快就能调整好情绪。 Actually afterward thinks...... the present matter also is really very funny, after all is not every day can see scene that Feng Bujue of children's version flees to the wilderness. 其实事后想想……眼前的事情还真是挺好笑的,毕竟不是每天都能看到儿童版的封不觉落荒而逃的场景。 Right, did you receive Side Quest?” After resting for about one minute, the breath of Brother Long has restored gently, therefore he opens the mouth to ask. “对了,你接到支线任务了吗?”休息了大约一分钟后,龙哥的呼吸已经恢复平缓,于是他开口问道。 „, Received, with teammate meeting?” Seven Kill should say. “啊,接到了,和队友会合是吧?”七杀应道。 Right.” Brother Long meets saying that in Quest Log display is teammates, looked that this meaning...... is the whole staff meets is good.” “没错。”龙哥接道,“任务栏显示是‘队友们’,看这意思……是得全员会合才行。” That......, or do we look separately?” Seven Kill proposed, then approximately a place did meet?” “那……要不我们还是分头去找?”七杀提议道,“然后约个地点会合?” Un...... Brother Long thinks , agreed that „the present also has no means to determine that the positions of others, separate the action the words...... to widen the hunting zone.” “嗯……可以啊。”龙哥想了想,也同意了,“眼下也没有什么办法去确定其他人的位置,分开行动的话……可以扩大搜索范围。” Therefore, two people discussed rapidly the time and place of meeting, rushed to thing immediately respectively. 于是,两人迅速商议好了会合的时间和地点,随即各奔东西 After they walk away, from them just now place of only five meters standing...... one is situated in near the lane entrance...... trash can...... the cover, was lifted from the interior. Then, top of the head banana skin, stares the child of dead fish eye to stand up from inside slowly. 待他们俩走远后,距离他们方才所站之处仅五米的……一个立于巷口边的……垃圾桶的……盖子,被人从内部掀开了。接着,一个头顶香蕉皮、瞪着死鱼眼的孩子从里面缓缓站起。 At this time, just the tramp who is pushing the handcart passed by, wants to turn the trash, in has not thought to see to emit a young boy unexpectedly. 此时,刚好有一个推着手推车的流浪汉路过,想要去翻垃圾,没想到竟看到里面冒出了一个小男孩儿来。 Hey, do you do in my refrigerator? Little rascal.” The tramp obviously is a drunkard, big morning is red on the double cheek, the liquor air/Qi soars to the heavens. “嘿,你在我的冰箱里干嘛呢?小鬼。”那流浪汉显然是个酒鬼,大上午的就双颊通红,酒气冲天。 Relax, I have not moved your food.” Feng Bujue responded, while had stepped from the trash can, and is whipping dirty thing on clothing with the hand. “放心,我没动你的‘食物’。”封不觉一边回应,一边已从垃圾桶里跨了出来,并用手拍打着衣物上的脏东西 „Do you have the pocket money? Little rascal.” The tramps are saying, pulled out a small beverage bottle from pocket, put to the mouth ni, simultaneously blocked the Jue Bro way with the body. “你有零钱吗?小鬼。”流浪汉说着,从衣兜儿里掏出了一个小酒瓶,搁到嘴边咪了一口,同时用身子挡住了觉哥的去路。 Pocket money?” Feng Bujue caught the eye to look at opposite party one eyes, then touches own clothes pocket pretentiously, „, had.” He returns to this, asked something already known, what matter had? Mister.” “零钱?”封不觉抬眼望了对方一眼,然后装模作样地摸了摸自己的衣服口袋,“哦,有啊。”他回完这句,又明知故问道,“有什么事儿吗?先生。” Gives me money.” When the tramps spoke, about the having a guilty conscience place looked around, seeing nearby passer-by were not many, no one noticed here situation, he then showed a fearful expression , the redundant say/way, gave me quickly!” “把钱给我。”那流浪汉说话时,做贼心虚地左右张望了一番,见附近路人不多,也没人注意到这里的情况,他便露出了一个可怕的表情,又重复道,“快给我!” Good, Gentlemen, no rush.” Feng Bujue returns lazily said, his both hands in Traveling Bag of towards oneself have also traced. “好的,先生,别着急。”封不觉懒洋洋地回道,其双手也已朝自己的行囊中摸去。 Hurry up! Do not rub gently!” The tramp is urging Jue Bro unceasingly sternly. He has not paid attention to at present this child movement, main attention in observing nearby pedestrian. “快点!别磨磨蹭蹭的!”那流浪汉不断地厉声催促着觉哥。他并没有太留意眼前这个“孩子”的动作,主要注意力都在观察附近的行人。 Good ~ after this gives you......” several seconds, Feng Bujue extracted WJQ-308 Military Shovel from Traveling Bag suddenly, when spoke these words, one shovel hit. “好了好了~这就给你……”数秒后,封不觉猛然从行囊里抽出了WJQ-308军铲,在说这句话的时候,就一铲子打了过去。 The reaction speed of intemperant was inferior to the average man, Feng Bujue can be said as easy that tramp striking dizzy. 酗酒者的反应速度本就不如常人,封不觉可说是轻而易举的把那流浪汉给击晕了。 Then, his one face threw on that tramp his handcart calm, thrust in the alley silently...... 接着,他就一脸淡定地将那流浪汉扔到了其自己的手推车上,默默地推入了小巷中…… ............ ………… On the other hand, some community residents backyard. 另一方面,社区某民宅后院。 Really cannot believe that I do this matter in Scenario of competition......” at this time, the broken army are taking a big raker, is blowing the fallen leaf of ground. “真不敢相信我在比赛的剧本里做这种事……”此时,破军正拿着个大耙子,刮着地上的落叶。 Turned into the setting of child you to take advantage of opportunity to accept......” Greedy Wolf to be the same with him, is doing the work of cleaning fallen leaf. “变成小孩的设定你就顺势接受了是吧……”贪狼和他一样,也在做着清扫落叶的工作。 blade edge these two Vice Captain, met when Scenario from the beginning, the child who because in the setting of this Scenario, they acts is the two brothers in same family. 刀锋的这两位正副队长,在剧本一开始时就会合了,因为在这个剧本的设定中,他们扮演的小孩是同一个家庭里的两兄弟。 Their guardians are strict, unexpectedly also makes the child do the housework in Halloween such day, moreover cleaning fallen leaf living. 只是,他们那家的家长非常严格,居然在万圣节这样的日子里还让小孩去干家务,而且还是清扫落叶这种活。 Although two people would rather not, but must certainly first comply orally. Has not thought after...... they complied, 【The fallen leaf in cleaning backyard, is smaller than 5% until the area of fallen leaf Was recorded on by Side Quest form in Quest Log. 虽然两人不太情愿,但口头上肯定还是要先答应下来的。没想到……他们应了以后,【清扫后院中的落叶,直到落叶的覆盖面积小于5%】就以支线任务的形式被记录在任务栏里了。 Looks in the face of reward, these two...... also really endured. 看在奖励的面子上,这两位……还真就忍了。 I anticipated actually very much after this Quest completes, will give us what reward.” The broken army also discussed. “我倒是很期待这个任务完成以后会给我们什么报酬。”破军又念道。 I feel that...... the possibility of Equipment or skill is not big to us.” The Greedy Wolf analysis said, rewards most likely is some type unexpected, but to borrowing potential in Scenario ‚’ has the been of help thing.” “我觉着吧……给我们装备或者技能的可能性不大。”贪狼分析道,“奖励八成是某种意想不到的,但是对在剧本中‘借势’有所助益的事物。” Un......” the broken army nodded to comply with one, immediately also discussed, does not know...... this little while Brother Long and Seven Kill how, they can also receive similar Quest.” “嗯……”破军点头应了一声,随即又念道,“不知……这会儿龙哥七杀怎么样了,他们会不会也接到了类似的任务。” Hehe......” Greedy Wolf plays to say with a smile, perhaps is handling similar matter, possibly is more miserable than us, for example is picking dog shit anything.” “呵呵……”贪狼玩笑道,“没准在做着类似的事情吧,可能比我们还惨呢,比方说在捡狗屎什么的。” ............ ………… Achoo!” At the same time, Seven Kill had returned previously with the place of Feng Bujue meet, and sneezes inexplicably. “阿嚏!”同一时刻,七杀已回到了此前与封不觉相遇之处,并莫名打了个喷嚏。 Ok, the dog dog, we then ran.” He found tied up that dog in fence by himself, solution string while discussed that who made me meet Quest......” “好了,狗狗,咱接着跑。”他找到了被自己拴在篱笆上的那条狗,一边解绳子一边念道,“谁让我接了任务呢……” Everyone noticed that here also understands...... Seven Kill will pull the dog to appear, actually is also because he there received corresponding Side Quest from guardian, but that Quest content is- Completes one time at least over two kilometers walking with dog behavior, and brings back to family/home dog. 想必各位看到这里也都明白了……七杀会牵着狗出现,其实也是因为他从“家长”那里接到了相应的支线任务,而那任务的内容是-【完成一次至少在两公里以上的遛狗行为,并将狗带回家】。 Eh? what taste?” Seven Kill unties the string time, smelled anything faintly, finally he lowers the head looked, I go to...... such big one lump......” 诶?什么味儿?”七杀解开绳子的时候,隐隐闻到了什么,结果他低头一看,“我去……这么大一坨……” This second, the Seven Kill innermost feelings launched a ferocious struggle. 这一秒,七杀的内心展开了一场激烈的斗争。 Although in Quest did not have to say explicitly the processing dog shit was part of walking with dog behavior, but Seven Kill pulled the dog came out really has from father there obtains a blade and hold/container paper towel, and a paper bag...... these three types of thing at this moment in his Traveling Bag . 虽然任务中没有明确说处理狗屎是遛狗行为的一部分,但七杀牵狗出来的时候确实有从“爸爸”那里得到一把小铲子、一包纸巾、和一个纸袋……这三样东西此刻都在他的行囊里面。 Does not tidy up the words...... not only in the morals cannot a little be justified, but may also cause Mission Failure......” Seven Kill to look at that lump of thing, what that but is this too also exaggerating...... this dog usually in ate? Babies?” “不收拾一下的话……不但道德上有点说不过去,而且有可能导致任务失败呢……”七杀望着那一坨东西,“但这也太夸张了吧……这狗平日里吃的什么呀?婴儿么?” Said turns over to say, the matter that should do must do...... 说归说,该干的事情还得干…… The audience who watches this competition also was really the value, they not only can see the children's versions of these professionals, but can also see that the picture that there these little rascal swept the fallen leaf, to pick the dog shit, to ride car anything...... is some are all inconceivable. 观看这场比赛的观众还真是值了,他们不但能看到那些职业选手们的儿童版,还能看到这些“小鬼”在那里扫落叶、捡狗屎、骑小车什么的……全是些难以想象的画面。 ............ ………… Looks at another end of this/should community again...... 再看该社区的另一端…… This boundary, must be rich neighbourhood. This house the houses compared with other community places is obviously upscaleer, regardless of decorates from the occupying land area and room/house Xing on looked that...... has been separated from the category of middle class, the whole disclosed thickly, the evil aura of capitalism. 这块地界,应当算是“富人区”了。这片儿的房屋显然比社区其他地方的房子更高档一些,无论从占地、房型还是装潢上看……都已经脱离了中产阶级的范畴,整体都透露出浓浓的、资本主义的罪恶气息。 But the player who in a house, two have not arrived is accepting the suffering. 而在这其中的一栋宅子中,还有两名尚未登场的玩家在接受着煎熬。 This simply is a purgatory.” Ruoyu is looking at a present short table unemotionally, from the heart said. “这简直就是炼狱。”若雨面无表情地望着眼前的一张矮桌,发自内心地言道。 At this time, in front of her on that short table chocked up fine, expensive tea set and tableware ; Side of table, but also sat in a circle person, besides Li Ruoyu, near the table also sits five about ten -year-old little girls, as well as six different model, manufacture excellent Barbie. 此时,她面前的那张矮桌上摆满了精致的、价格不菲的茶具和餐具;桌子的旁边,还围坐了一圈“人”,除了黎若雨外,桌边还坐着五个十岁左右的小女孩,以及六个造型各异的、制作精良的芭比娃娃。 We should rejoice that...... this Quest requests us to exchange lovable pink princess skirt anything......” Xiao Ling has not sat in cousin's side, holds the volume to meet to say. “我们应该庆幸……这任务没有要求我们换上可爱的粉色公主裙什么的……”小灵也坐在表姐的旁边,扶额接道。 Obviously, they also received Side Quest that makes one not know whether to laugh or cry- And the girls of neighbor family/home together, conduct one time at least at over 40 minutes Barbie tea party. 很显然,她们也接到了一个让人哭笑不得的支线任务-【和邻居家的女孩儿们一起,进行一次至少在四十分钟以上的芭比茶话会】。 Unlike two players, near table other little girls all play are carefree and content, drinks tea to chat with own Barbie happily, is discussing various life important matters. 与两名玩家不同,桌边的其他小女孩全都玩得悠然自得,纷纷和自己的芭比娃娃愉快地“喝茶聊天”,探讨着各种人生大事。 I think that I and John had ended, on him Month(s) held the hand of Barbara that cheap person unexpectedly.” “我想我和约翰已经完了,他上个月居然拉了芭芭拉那个贱人的手。” I later must marry Tony, he may be really graceful, we must have four children, a man and a woman and a twin.” “我以后要嫁给托尼,他可真帅,我们要生四个小孩,一男一女和一对双胞胎。” ~ I know that Derek is long also well, but his family/home has no money, I to do not hope, I earn him am more, you know my meaning.” “啊~我知道德瑞克长得还不错,可他家没什么钱,我可不希望以后我赚得比他多,你知道我的意思。” In a long time( actually also less than a half hour, but two players think that becomes a buddhist monk second such as year), the ear of Ruoyu and near Xiao Ling is lingering similar dialog, this to them without doubt is suffering. 在相当长的一段时间里(其实也就半小时不到,但两名玩家觉得度秒如年),若雨小灵的耳边都萦绕着类似的对白,这对她们来说无疑是一种折磨。 I once listened to such a few words......” Ruoyu to pinch my bridge of the nose, closes one's eyes to discuss, „...... ‚, when I am young people, I dislike young people.” She, at this moment I realized suddenly the mood of person who spoke these words, I must say...... ‚, when I am a little girl, I dislike little girl.” “我曾听过这么一句话……”若雨掐着自己的鼻梁,闭眼念道,“……‘当我还是个青少年的时候,我就讨厌青少年’。”她顿了顿,“此刻我忽然体会到了说这句话的人的心情,我得说……‘当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就讨厌小女孩’。” Oh......” Xiao Ling heaved a deep sigh, met saying that life no ridge of being able to pass...... we wanted strongly......” “唉……”小灵长叹一声,接道,“人生中没有什么过不去的坎儿……我们要坚强……” In they sigh woefully, sits another little girl near Ruoyu right hand talks suddenly with her: Hi, LI, your side how?” 就在他们哀叹之际,坐在若雨右手边的另一名小女孩忽然跟她搭话道:“嗨,LI,你那边怎么样了?” What how......” “什么怎么样……” „Did you have the boyfriend?” “你有男朋友了吗?” Un...... has.” “嗯……有的。” Oh? does he lead? In family/home rich? Do you have?” 哦?他帅吗?家里有钱吗?你们有亲亲过吗?” Ruoyu hears word, silent several seconds, then...... 若雨闻言,沉默了数秒,然后…… Bang- 嘭- Her forehead knocked layer on layer/heavily on the desktop: Suddenly feeling heart good tired......” 她的额头重重地磕在了桌面上:“突然感觉心好累……” ............ ………… The line of sight...... returns to Xiao Tan again. 视线……再回到小叹这边。 After accepting the invitation of Horace, Xiao Tan then followed that young fatty line in the woods in community edge. 接受了霍瑞斯的邀请后,小叹便跟着那小胖子一路行到了社区边缘的一片树林中。 This place is not very bleak, nearest residents also less than hundred meters distance. But this nearby trees many, and is overgrown with weeds, the creek that not far away is also connecting the sewer, felt on also has open country that atmosphere. 此地算不上很荒凉,距离最近的民宅也不过百米不到的距离。但这附近的树木很多、且杂草丛生,不远处还有一条连接着下水道的小河,感觉上还颇有“野外”的那种氛围。 Look, was here.” Horace brought Xiao Tan to go through a distance in the weed trees, later aimed at a big tree. “瞧,就是这儿了。”霍瑞斯带着小叹在杂草树木间穿行了一段距离,随后指向了一棵大树。 Xiao Tan looks up following the direction that the opposite party refers, quick saw in the high place one tree room that” was built by plank, iron sheet and other materials. 小叹顺着对方所指的方向抬头望去,很快就在高处看到了一栋由木板、铁片等材料搭建起来的“树屋”。 „Is here?” Xiao Tan is probing asking. “这里是?”小叹试探着问道。 Is our club!” Horace returned to one, and meets to say immediately, I and friend of mine are the experts who study the monster Demon Monster thing, is very cool?” “是我们的俱乐部!”霍瑞斯回了一句,并立即接道,“我和我的朋友都是研究妖魔怪物的专家,很酷吧?”
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