TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#919: The Monster Squad ( 3 )

Hah! Feng Bujue drinks one lightly, latter jumps one step, the both legs slightly tune, the standing firm figure, then, interlocks both hands in the chest front, said, eats my Great Spacium Beam!” 喝!封不觉轻喝一声,后跳一步,双腿微曲,立稳身形,然后,将双手交错在胸前,言道,“吃我大斯派修姆光线啦!” Nani!” Seven Kill hears word, is startled immediately. Their blade edge has naturally also investigated Hell Front some information before the game, but he had not heard Feng Bujue also has Spacium Beam this skill. 哪尼!”七杀闻言,当即一惊。他们刀锋在赛前自然也调查过地狱前线的一些情报,但他从来没听说过封不觉还有斯派修姆光线这个技能。 After two seconds, only hears...... 两秒后,只听得…… zi zi zi zi zi-” “嗞嗞嗞嗞嗞-” The above this sound is not the skill initiates, but is Feng Bujue dubs with the mouth. In his hand has not sent out any ray to come, but is placed there is shivering pretentiously. 以上这个声音并不是技能引发的,而是封不觉自己用嘴配音的。他的手上也没有发出任何光线来,只是摆在那里装模作样地颤抖着。 Why you...... look at the Feng Bujue's behavior in......” Seven Kill, the corners of the mouth twitch were reading one. “你……在干什么……”七杀看着封不觉的行为,嘴角抽动着念了一句。 Snort......” Feng Bujue cold snort/hum, clearly, I am making up wild stories the style to bluster.” “哼……”封不觉冷哼一声,“很明显,我在胡诌招式虚张声势啊。” This......” the Seven Kill not only corners of the mouth are pulling out, the eyelid also started cannot help but to jump, this degree I can also......” “这样啊……”七杀不但嘴角在抽,眼皮也开始不由自主地跳了,“这种程度我也会啊……” Saying, he then treads the previous step, the fist vigor bang sends: 114 types. The desolate bites!” 说着,他便踏前一步,拳劲轰发:“百拾四式.荒咬!” Feng Bujue is very clear, to...... did not say only then like oneself, Seven Kill really acted. 封不觉很清楚,对方可不像自己……只是说说而已的,七杀是真的出手了。 In the preamble has mentioned, 114 types. The desolate bites is Stamina consumption only 100 Hand-to-Hand combat techniques, its injury is not high, but...... this move of localization is actually the Level B skill, because only...... this is can link up several following skills gesture ; Once were hit by this move, during following hard is straight , likely carried off by one set of combo. 前文中提到过,百拾四式.荒咬是一个体能消耗仅100的格斗技,其伤害并不算高,但……这招的定位却是B级技能,只因为……这是一个可以衔接数个后续技能的“起手式”;一旦被这招打中,接下来的硬直期间就很可能被一套连招带走了。 Therefore, understood clearly this Jue Bro, is will not welcome this to strike decisively. 所以,洞悉了这点的觉哥,是断然不会去迎这一击的。 Ha! Too naive! I will make you catch this flaw!” Feng Bujue provokes the opponent, while flickered The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes, Emigrates toward the flank suddenly. “哈!太天真了!我会让你抓到这种破绽吗!”封不觉一边挑衅对手,一边瞬开了【灵识聚身术-改】,猛然朝侧方移出。 But he has not thought...... 可他万万没想到…… Flip-flop- 噼噼啪啪- Next second, Jue Bro body always doing nothing but line of sent out joint blasting open makes a sound continually, its form also stagnates suddenly. 下一秒,觉哥的身体竟自行发出了一阵骨节炸裂的连响,其体势也突然一滞。 What!” In Feng Bujue heart one startled, was bad! This body cannot bear the load of The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body......” “什么!”封不觉心中一惊,“糟了!这身体承受不了灵识聚身术的负荷……” He read and here, the fist of Seven Kill has killed: Snort......, although does not know the reason, but seemed like you are ready the proper mistake......” 他念及此处,七杀的拳头已然杀到:“哼……虽然不知道原因,但看起来你是妥妥儿地失误了啊……” Then, an experience and skill............ was not a small fist hits on the Feng Bujue's belly. 说罢,一记老拳……哦不……是一记小拳就打在了封不觉的肚子上。 Footsteps not steady Jue Bro by this fist one dozen, the whole person was floated emptied more than ten centimeters ; The dual damages that own skill and external force bring made his body enter nearly condition paralysis in a short time, could not move completely. 本就脚步不稳的觉哥被这拳一打,整个人浮空了十多公分;自身技能和外力带来的双重损伤让他的身体在短时间内进入了一种近乎麻痹的状态,完全动弹不得。 Simply is the ideal even/including technique sandbag......” Seven Kill discussed that after while has prepared move, that I was impolite!” “简直是理想的连技沙包啊……”七杀一边念道,一边已准备好了后招,“那我就不客气了!” Ping- 乒- In a twinkling, Seven Kill Battle Qi explodes, spins the body to follow up, drinks to incur the type: No shadow gust of wind heavy segment Jiao!” 说时迟那时快,七杀斗气一爆,旋身跟进,喝招起式:“【无影疾风重段脚】!” This move, aims at floats the spatial goal, its overall movement revolves and get away suddenly, kicks to start by an in the air 720 degrees three overlapping spin, joins continues several seconds of Ultra-high Speed shotgun treads to tread kicks. If the total hit, the goal in four seconds in the even/including 20-30 legs, the injury will be very astonishing. 此招,针对的就是浮空目标,其整体动作是猛然回旋、拔身而起,以一个空中七百二十度三段交叉旋踢开始,接上持续数秒的超高速霰弹枪式蹬踏直踢。如果全数命中的话,目标将在四秒内连中20-30腿,伤害十分惊人。 But present Feng Bujue......, just like Seven Kill said that the unexpected mistake that because a Scenario setting brings, turned into the sandbag general condition, simply does not have the means to react. 而眼下的封不觉……正如七杀所说,因为一个剧本设定所带来的意外失误,变成了沙包一般的状态,根本没有办法做出反应。 „It is not wonderful......” that flickers, even Feng Bujue also cannot help but wants saying that cannot do well because this mistake died here Ah! “不妙啊……”那一瞬,连封不觉也不由得想道,“搞不好就因为这个失误死在这里了啊! Was sorry, Brother Feng......” when the first two foot hits of skill, Seven Kill had made the victory manifesto self-confidently, looks like me to win...... Eh??-”, but his words cannot say, because after he kicks the third foot, the whole person has flown the Feng Bujue's top of the head...... the behind twenty feet failed completely. “抱歉了,封兄……”在技能的前两脚命中时,七杀已自信地做出了胜利宣言,“看来我赢……诶?啊?呀-”但是他的话没能说完,因为他踢完第三脚后,整个人就飞过了封不觉的头顶……以至于后面的二十几脚全部落空了。 Makes a mistake!” About after five seconds, Seven Kill fell to the ground, cannot bear cried out one. “有没有搞错!”大约五秒后,七杀落地,忍不住大声抱怨了一句。 When he then looks, Feng Bujue has recovered, and has swallowed Health supplements to return to completely the blood. 待他回头望时,封不觉早已缓过劲儿来,且已经吞了个生存值补充剂回满了血。 Ha..... seemed like the height rescues my life......” Feng Bujue to erase the blood of corners of the mouth with a smile, to the opponent, rallied the stance. 哈……看来是身高救了我一命呢……”封不觉笑着抹掉了嘴角的一丝鲜血,面向对手,重整了姿态。 Hateful...... I also turned into the child obviously, the proportion of height basically has not changed, properly speaking when will not have this situation......” Seven Kill to turn around discussed looking pensive. “可恶……我明明也变成了小孩,身高的比例基本没变,按理说不会出现这种情况啊……”七杀转身时若有所思地念道。 His these words, a little for oneself argument meaning, because made him somewhat awkward...... that be just like your to throw in midair that a moment ago, to be self-confident then the skill to a remnant blood enemy...... opposite of the result not dead simultaneously. 他这番话,有点儿为自己“辩解”的意思,因为刚才在半空那一幕让他有些尴尬……那就好比你对着一个残血的敌人将技能扔出、同时自信回头……结果对面没死。 Nonsense, the height proportion has not changed, but your body weight changed light......” Feng Bujue to meet saying that in childhood jumped toward the ground from the rib region also high altitude, almost no feeling ; The words of young people period, will feel that the foot hurts ; But if the adult, may be injured. In turn is also same......, even if the might and your physical quality of skill deferred to the proportion to weaken, when to used truly as a result of the changes of some physical quantities will cause the deviation in result.” “废话,身高比例是没变,但你的体重变轻了……”封不觉接道,“小时候从比自己肋部还高的高度往地上蹦,几乎没有什么感觉;青少年时期的话,就会感觉脚疼;而成年人若是如此,就有可能受伤。反过来也是一样的……即使技能的威力和你的身体素质都按照比例削弱了,到真正使用时还是会由于一些物理量的变化而导致结果上的偏差。” Clearly, above these words, is one type argument, Jue Bro taking advantage of responding to the question of opposite party, mistake also gave the explanation the that time. 很明显,以上的这段话,也是一种“辩解”,觉哥借着回应对方的疑问,把自己刚才的那次“失误”也给解释了。 Un...... so that's how it is.” Seven Kill nods to say, worthily is Brother Feng, analyzing is truly quick.” “嗯……原来如此。”七杀点头应道,“不愧是封兄,分析得确实挺快。” Overpraised ~ overpraised ~ Feng Bujue also slight nod. “过奖~过奖~”封不觉也微微点头。 Two people maintained composure and attract each other looked at one, mutual exchanged and flatters by this, looked for together under the stair. 两人不动声色、惺惺相惜地望了一眼,借由这番互相交流和吹捧,一起找个了台阶下。 „......”, since the face-saving project completed, that polite also stopped, to under a few words, Seven Kill then thread of conversation one revolution, you told me these information really?” “不过……”既然面子工程做完了,那客气也就到此为止了,到了下一句话,七杀便将话锋一转,“你把这些信息告诉我真的好吗?” Might as well.” Feng Bujue also traded the expression and tone, returns rampantly said, said with did not say...... too has not in a big way affected on my victory.” “无妨。”封不觉也换了表情和语气,嚣张地回道,“说与不说……对我的胜利没有太大影响。” The voice is backward, two people fell into silent confrontation again, the second round of confrontation...... is ready to be set off. 话音落后,两人再度陷入了沉默的对峙中,第二轮交锋……一触即发。 But at this moment , the person, joined the regiment. 而就在这时,又有一人,加入了战团。 Hehe...... two have gotten.” At this moment, the familiar sounds resound from Jue Bro suddenly behind. “呵呵……二位已经打上了啊。”这一刻,忽有一个熟悉的声音从觉哥身后响起。 Arrives along with that sound together, together shadow...... 伴随着那声音一同来到的,还有一块“阴影”…… Feng Bujue heard the sound turns the head, discovered oneself had been covered under speaker that big person's shadow. 封不觉闻声转头,发现自己已经被笼罩在了说话者那高大的人影之下。 Also is really you, Brother Feng.” Long Aomin is looking at present with the condescending look short Jue Bro of several heads, said with a smile, hehe...... did not look the clothes I possibly cannot recognize.” “还真是你啊,封兄。”龙傲旻用居高临下的眼神望着眼前比自己矮了好几个头的觉哥,笑着言道,“呵呵……不看衣服我可能都认不出来呢。” But I did not look that the clothes can also recognize you......” Feng Bujue to look at that to have one meter seven high, grew a Zhang San ten years old of male face child at present fully, complains from the sincerity. “但我不看衣服也能认出你……”封不觉望着眼前那足有一米七高、长了一张三十岁男人脸的“孩子”,发自真心地吐了个槽。 „...... I am quite precociously.” Brother Long returns with a smile said that since childhood on physical culture school, but also was treated as the highest quality people to train, what a pity afterward cannot become the free agent......” “啊……我是比较早熟一点。”龙哥笑着回道,“从小就上的体校,还被当做尖子培养呢,可惜后来没能当上职业运动员……” Feng Bujue this little while may not have the leisurely mood to listen to these, the opposite party words have not said, he from the Brother Long body side earth-boring auger in the past, started running away at once speedily, ran is also shouting: Cheats- heartless Ah! system shameless Ah! 封不觉这会儿可没闲心听这些,对方话还没说完,他就从龙哥的身侧一溜烟地钻了过去,拔腿就跑,边跑还边嚷嚷着:“作弊啊-丧尽天良啊!系统无耻啊! But sees this boy to rush on ahead to dash about wildly, anxiously like stray cur, anxious such as bosom thirsty deer, does not want the bicycle...... 但见这厮夺路狂奔,皇皇如丧家之犬,汲汲如怀渴之鹿,连自行车都不要了…… Approximately after staring for two seconds, Seven Kill and Long Aomin the simultaneous reaction, loudly shouted with one voice: Hey-” 大约愣了两秒后,七杀龙傲旻才同时反应过来,不禁齐声大呼:“喂-” They have not thought firmly, Feng Bujue will flee to the wilderness unexpectedly brazenly. When two people recover, then the turning around hot pursuit comes up immediately, pursues also shouted one unable to display the lines of function in 99% situations: You halt to me!” 他们确也是没想到,封不觉竟会厚着脸皮落荒而逃。待两人回过神来,便立刻转身猛追上去,边追还边喊着一句在99%的场合下都发挥不了作用的台词:“你给我站住!” Stands you bi-】 Ah! Feng Bujue about more than ten meters( due to the reason of physical quality, runs for two seconds not to make him spread out too many early) then to scold loudly, your he bi-】 Told me this is ten years old?...... Bought the smoke to buy the liquor to buy the dandies like you not to use the show papers!” “站你【哔-】啊!封不觉在十几米开外(由于身体素质的原因,早跑两秒也没让他拉开太多距离)回头高声骂道,“你他【哔-】的告诉我这是十岁?像你这样的……去买烟买酒买花花公子都不用出示证件了吧!” I grow you to manage early!” Brother Long and Jue Bro are very ripe, this degree of make complaints he has been used to it, can wrap up, have guts do not run!” “我发育早你管得着么!”龙哥觉哥很熟,这种程度的吐槽他早就习惯了,兜得住,“有种你别跑!” Who manages you? Does not run to die without doubt!” Feng Bujue meets saying that I warned you...... you pursued me to report to the police again Ah! “谁理你?不跑必死无疑!”封不觉接道,“我警告你……你再追我报警了啊! Snort...... warning?” Brother Long had not answered, Seven Kill sneers to say in side, „the child fight police also do manage?” “哼……报警?”龙哥还没回话,七杀就在旁冷笑道,“小孩打架警察也管吗?” Who saves a life Ah! to know, Feng Bujue starts to shout, broad daylight, ringing universe! Unexpectedly has the lackey who Pedophiles and he trains to catch me to go back bi-】 Ah! “救命啊!”谁知,封不觉紧接着就开始大喊,“光天化日、朗朗乾坤!居然有个恋童癖和他调教的爪牙要抓我回去【哔-】啊! WTF?” Brother Long and Seven Kill were startled at that time, they have also never seen the so impudent and shameless person in the fight. 卧槽?”龙哥七杀当时就惊了,他们还从未在战斗中见过如此厚颜无耻之人。 However...... Feng Bujue's yelled that has not aroused passer-by too many interests. First, the number of passer-by were not many ; Second, in any event, look like at least in these NPC, Brother Long is still child, most is the young people ; Third, they put on Halloween subject outlandish clothes, this makes the Jue Bro words unpersuasive. 不过……封不觉的大叫并没有引起路人太多的关注。其一,路人的数量本就不算多;其二,无论如何,至少在那些NPC看来,龙哥依然算是个“孩子”,最多是青少年吧;其三,他们仨都穿着“万圣节主题”的奇装异服,这使得觉哥的话毫无说服力。 Therefore, their three dash about wildly...... not to know that in the step profession of community in friendly competition when is a head. 于是,他们三个就这么你追我赶地在社区的步行道上狂奔起来……也不知何时才是个头。 ............ ………… At the same time, from player location beyond several hundred miles. 同一时刻,距离玩家所在地数百英里之外。 Above ten thousand meters upper air, on a fuselage prints the commercial cargo plane of BROWNING trademark to fly steadily. 万米高空之上,一架机身上印着BROWNING商标的商务货机正在平稳地飞行着。 In cab, a pilot who wears the shirt is complaining with his copilot: Really is a depressing assignment...... not? attendants.” 驾驶室中,一名身穿衬衫的飞行员正在跟他的副驾驶抱怨着:“真是个让人沮丧的差事……不是吗?伙计。” Ha?” The copilot seems somewhat inexplicable, how?” “哈?”副驾驶显得有些莫名,“怎么了?” What's wrong?” Pilots with teasing language gas welding say/way, we rubbish that uses the second war bomber aircraft to transform, is delivering one pile of wooden chests that think of the deceased person, should I hold a party to celebrate inadequate for this reason?” “怎么了?”飞行员用调侃的语气接道,“我们正在用二战轰炸机改造出的破烂货,运载着一堆装着死人的木箱子,难道我该为此开个派对庆祝一下不成?” Right?” The copilot shrugs saying that that you might as well do think...... us passenger complaint? Airsickness? Did they ask you to want the almond to eat?” “是吗?”副驾驶耸肩道,“那你不妨想想……我们的‘乘客’抱怨了吗?晕机了吗?他们找你要杏仁吃了吗?” The pilots listened to this, smiles: Un...... you said right, this work is really good, we should be for this reason happy.” 飞行员听了这句,会心一笑:“嗯……你说得对,这工作真不错,我们该为此高兴的。” Just like the interlude characters in most small cost horror films, the lines of these two fellows limited, moreover does not have the nutrition very much, simply the doubtable screenwriter when wrote these dialogs to sprinkle the coffee on own pants. However, the main purpose of this bridge section was achieved, that conveys some information to the audience. 和大部分小成本恐怖片中的过场人物一样,这两个家伙的台词有限、而且很没有营养,简直让人怀疑编剧在写这些对白的时候是不是把咖啡洒在了自己的裤子上。不过,这种桥段的主要目的还是达到了,那就是向观众们传达一些信息。 kong rumble- 硿隆隆- In two pilots talked, suddenly, the strange sounds transmitted from the rear engine room. 就在两名飞行员交谈之际,突然,有一阵怪响从后方的机舱中传来。 After heard the sound, two people ten sub-synchronous turn the head, look at each other in blank dismay, later looked to the rear cabin door. 闻声后,两人十分同步地转头,面面相觑,随后一齐看向了后方的舱门。 I also think that they died.” The pilots discussed half jokingly. “我还以为他们死了。”飞行员半开玩笑地念道。 Yes, they died.” The copilot responded. “是的,他们是死了。”副驾驶回应道。 After short silence, the pilot took off the earphone, stands up: „Behind I...... I must go to inspect.” 短暂的沉默后,飞行员摘下了耳机,站起身来:“我得……我得去后面检查一下。” Un......” copilot exhibits an impartial appearance, chews the chewing gum to return said, OK, I continue to stay here, manufacture strange sound.” “嗯……”副驾驶摆出一副不置可否的样子,嚼着口香糖回道,“OK,那我就继续留在这儿,制造点诡异的声音。” So far, these two are also in one type quite with ease, not the condition that in that sound is serious. 到目前为止,这两人还处于一种比较轻松的、不怎么把那声音当回事儿的状态中。 Naturally, this is also the consistent attitude of horror film character. They often to these tiny, the strange phenomenon shows the attitude of snorting at contemptuously, but not ignores its, no matter, must go to find out. 当然了,这也是恐怖片人物的一贯作风。他们往往会对那些细小的、诡异的现象表现出嗤之以鼻的态度,但同时又不会放任其不管,非要去一探究竟。 But this logically mutually contradictory behavior, is the primary cause that they get the lunch...... 而这种在逻辑上互相矛盾的行为,就是他们领便当的主要原因…… click- 咔嚓- As the gate of engine room was opened, the pilot marches into quickly. 随着机舱的门被打开,飞行员很快就步入其中。 The both sides of this engine room chocked up by the big box that the net bag covers, among also put a not fixed rectangular box. Why does not know, the light in cabin is the red, this makes the pilot to take a flashlight to inspect. 这机舱的两侧摆满了被网兜罩住的大箱子,正中间还放了一个没有被固定的长方形箱子。不知为何,舱里的灯光是红色的,这使得飞行员不得不拿着个手电筒才能进行检查。 In brief, he used the flashlight to sweep sweeping simply, has not discovered what unusuality. But when he prepares to go back, suddenly...... 总之,他用手电简单地扫了扫,并没有发现什么异常。但就在他准备回去的时候,突然…… squeak squeak- 吱吱- Bat severe howl flashing before, and swooped toward him. 一只蝙蝠厉啸着闪现,并朝他飞扑了过去。 The pilots see that the instinct was called one, squats the avoidance toward the flank under. After flashing through the attack, he also discussed crassly: Come, comes out, your domestic animal, you where?” 飞行员见状,本能地叫了一声,朝侧方下蹲躲避。闪过攻击之后,他还骂骂咧咧地念道:“来啊,出来啊,你这畜生,你在哪儿呢?” He scolded while turned around, tries to search the trail of bat , after he has turned around, heaving in sight...... was one wears the black evening dress, to throw over the man of black cape unexpectedly. 他边骂边转身,试图搜索蝙蝠的踪迹,没想到,当他转过身后,映入眼帘的……竟是一个身穿黑色晚礼服、披着黑斗篷的男人。 This person pale is scary, the face outline to be bright, canine appeared externally and also combed a long hair combed straight back. 此“人”脸色苍白骇人、面部轮廓鲜明、尖牙外露、还梳了个背头。 This Dracula classical modeling, has the appearances in many literatures and television work, basically has struck root in the hearts of the people. 这一德古拉的经典造型,在许多文学及影视作品中都有出现,基本上已经深入人心。 Generally speaking, we think that...... the Count will throw to bite the neck of pilot in the wink of an eye, its blood suck dry. 一般而言,我们都会认为……伯爵会在瞬息之间就扑上去咬住飞行员的脖子,将其身上的血吸干。 However, the Dracula in «The Monster Squad» world, is actually existence of ten points non- mainstream. 但是,《降妖别动队》世界中的这位德古拉,却是一个十分非主流的存在。 Bang- 嘭- Even pilot have not thought, the next second, oneself suffered a fist unexpectedly. 连飞行员自己也没想到,下一秒,自己竟然挨了一拳。 Yes, this Dracula has not gone to throw the person to hemophagia, has not started some type very to dazzle the ability that...... for example reads the power or the hypnosis and so on...... copes with the opposite party. 是的,这个德古拉没有去扑人吸血,也没有发动某种酷炫的能力……比如念动力或催眠之类的……去对付对方。 He does...... lifts one, punched an opposite party fist neatly...... 他做的……只是抬起一手,干净利落地揍了对方一拳……
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