TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#918: The Monster Squad ( 2 )

In a morning of glorious weather, the forms of two youngster appeared on the street in community. 在一个风和日丽的早晨,两名少年的身影出现在了社区的街道上。 And a person wears the blue short sleeve T-shirt, the dark brown hair burnt a small wave ; The gym suit that another person wears the black blue interaction, combs one brown to send slantingly. 其中一人身着蓝色短袖T恤,茶色的头发烫了个小波浪;另一人身着黑蓝相间的运动服,斜梳一头褐发。 They, respectively are E. J and Derek, this year is 12 years old, is campus feudal bully who we are named. 他们,分别是E.J和德瑞克,今年皆是十二岁,是我们俗称的校园恶霸。 These two youngster usually in hobby is looks for other schoolmates' stubbles. Regardless of you are small, ugly-looking, manner the build are strangely and obese, or...... pure is lower than 1-2 grades them, can become them to bully your reason. 这二位少年平日里的爱好就是去找其他同学的茬。无论你是个子矮小、长相难看、举止古怪、还是体形肥胖,或者……单纯只是比他们低1-2年级,都可以成为他们欺负你的理由。 Naturally, their behaviors have not been in the person god altogether indignant situation, nothing but was the tyrant ice of some practical joke degrees...... for example stumbles your tumble and to throw the ground, saying that your between-meal snack some trash words, or moved your hat wait/etc. 当然了,他们的行为也没到人神共愤的地步,无非就是一些恶作剧程度的霸凌而已……比如绊你一跤、把你的零食扔到地上、说些垃圾话、或者掀掉你的帽子等等。 On this day, E. J and Derek accompany very early in the morning in the community are taking a stroll aimless. 这天,E.J和德瑞克一大早就结伴在社区里漫无目的地溜达着。 With most life the 80's American children, in that network popular age, has not gone out looks for the entertaining fashion that the friend plays together is they most often chooses. 和大部分生活在八十年代的美国小孩一样,在那个网络远未普及的年代里,“出门找朋友一起玩”才是他们最常选择的娱乐方式。 Hey, you look, that isn't that the street opposite walks Horace?” “嘿,你瞧,街对面走过来的那个不是霍瑞斯吗?” Yes, the fatty is eating the shellac to put up.” “是啊,那胖子又在吃士力架了。” How do we come up fully he?” “我们上去整整他怎么样?” Suits me.” “正合我意。” Two people fit in easily, immediately went forward quickly, blocks in the Horace front. 两人一拍即合,当即快步上前,拦在了霍瑞斯的面前。 Good evening, the ladies gentlemen, welcome to listen to our shows.” The E. J stand in front of Horace, lifts the right hand, disguises oneself are taking a microphone, and said with the tone of broadcasting station host, tonight's issue is- is anything makes the overweight person so obese.” He looks at Horace, meets to say maliciously, overweight person, how you do see?” “晚上好,女士们先生们,欢迎收听我们的秀。”E.J站到霍瑞斯面前,抬起右手,假装自己正拿着一个话筒,并用电台主持的语气说道,“今晚的问题是-是什么让肥仔如此肥胖。”他看着霍瑞斯,恶意地接道,“肥仔,你怎么看?” Go away, E. J......” Horace returns ill-humoredly said. “走开吧,E.J……”霍瑞斯没好气地回道。 Un...... gets out of the way, E. J......” E. J ships out a manner looking pensive, repeated the words of opposite party, later said, „......, this is not a good answer, could not convince completely......” is saying, he will imagine that microphone to give Derek, the joining-up said, made us give street reporter Derek the microphone, listens to his idea.” “嗯……‘走开吧,E.J’……”E.J装出一副若有所思的神态,将对方的话重复了一遍,随后说道,“……不,这不是个好答案,完全说不通啊……”说着,他又将自己想象中的那个“话筒”递给了德瑞克,并接道,“还是让我们把话筒交给街头记者德瑞克,听听他的想法吧。” Hello, I am Derek.” Derek also coordinated to receive microphone very much, a face taunt said to Horace, I am located in one now because of existence of overweight person on the street of jamming.” His satire is not wise, but is quite unkind, „! Overweight people.” He raised the sound to say to Horace suddenly, you can not eat again?” “大家好,我是德瑞克。”德瑞克也很配合地接过了“话筒”,一脸嘲讽地对霍瑞斯道,“我现在正位于一条因肥仔的存在而堵塞的街上。”他的讽刺并不高明,但相当刻薄,“嘿!肥仔。”他突然提高了声音对霍瑞斯道,“你能别再吃了么?” When he spoke these words, E. J has put out a hand to knock down the shellac frame in Horace hand in the place, and ground ruthlessly several above with the shoe sole. 他说这句话时,E.J已伸手将霍瑞斯手中的士力架打落在地,并用鞋底在上面狠狠地碾了几下。 Listening, my gland secretion some issues, OK?” Although Horace seemingly simple and honest timid, but he has not submitted to these two bodgies, but rebutted with sarcasm, I...... the brain like certain people was not at least easy-to-use.” “听着,我的腺分泌方面有些问题,OK?”霍瑞斯虽然看上去憨厚胆小,但他并没有向这两个不良少年屈服,而是反唇相讥道,“至少我不像某些人那样……脑子不好使。” What did you say? Fools?” E. J listened to this saying, immediately raised the voice, pushed Horace, pays equal attention to the covered passageway, you said again!” “你说什么?蠢蛋?”E.J听了这话,顿时提高了嗓门儿,推了霍瑞斯一把,并重复道,“你再说一遍!” I did not call the fool, the name was Horace!” Horace returns straightforwardly said. “我不叫蠢蛋,的名字叫霍瑞斯!”霍瑞斯耿直地回道。 „...... **...... The buttocks......” Derek sneers immediately is reading forcefully crookedly the name of opposite party( here he separated and reads whore ... ass horase this word intentionally...). “呵……**……屁股……”德瑞克立即冷笑着把对方的名字强行念歪(此处他故意将horase这个单词分开并读成了whore...ass...)。 E. J is snatches in Horace another hand has taken the comic book, its one rips is two, threw the ground. E.J则是一把抢过了霍瑞斯另一只手上拿着的漫画书,将其一撕为二,扔到了地上。 Oh ~ was bad, I not careful gave to rip it.” E. J does these, but also with covers own face to say hypocritically single-handed, perhaps this is because my brain is not easy-to-use.” “噢~糟了,我不小心把它给撕了。”E.J干完这些,还假惺惺地用单手捂住自己的脸道,“或许这是因为我脑子不好使吧。” Horace looked down the ground shellac and comic book, whispered suffering a anything. 霍瑞斯低头看了看地上的士力架和漫画书,委屈地嘀咕了一句什么。 Although he said very lightly, but was heard by the opposite party. 虽然他说得很轻,但还是被对方听见了。 What did you say? Fools!” The E. J lines and were exactly the same a moment ago, as a rule, the brain of this kind of campus feudal bully is not quite indeed easy-to-use, therefore the vocabulary is also very limited, your have guts said again!” “你说什么?蠢蛋!”E.J的台词和刚才如出一辙,通常来讲,这类校园恶霸的脑子的确不太好使,所以词汇量也很有限,“你有种再说一遍!” Horace also indeed very have guts, this simple and honest fatty has the courage, with the opposite party hears the clear volume to repeat those words that he whispered a moment ago: I said that- both of you are really the bastards.” 霍瑞斯也的确挺有种的,这憨厚的胖子鼓起勇气,将他刚才嘀咕的那句话用对方听得清的音量重复了一遍:“我说-你们俩真是混蛋。” Finishes barely the words, E. J intended to push Horace, and threw to go forward, pressed to fall it to the ground. 话音未落,E.J就出手推了霍瑞斯一把,并扑上前去,将其摁倒在地。 Then, he rides on the belly of Horace, suppressed the young fatty with the height and build advantage, then to his face the tortoise fist that comes about one set to brandish. 接着,他就骑在霍瑞斯的肚子上,用身高和体型的优势压住了小胖子,然后对其脸部来了一套左右挥舞的王八拳。 But the response of Horace with all does not excel at fighting the child who to be the same, after falling into disadvantage, he uses both hands to protect the spot that the opposite party hit, and instinct closed the eye. 霍瑞斯的反应和所有不擅打架的孩子一样,在陷入劣势后,他用双手护住了对方击打的部位,并本能地闭上了眼睛。 Actually the E. J fight way is not wise, moreover when he knocks out the fist has not used the specially big strength, even if this fist will not keep off will not break the skin or leaves behind the silt to be blue. In the final analysis, this is only the child fights eventually, in their consciousness, does not have the intention that must offend somebody, wants to whip opposite party several, making the opposite party seek a bonus. 其实E.J的打架方式也不高明,而且他出拳时并没有用上特别大的力量,这种拳头哪怕不挡也不会打破皮肤或是留下淤青的。说到底,这终究只是小孩子打架罢了,在他们的意识中,本来也不存在着要伤人的意图,就是想拍打对方几下,让对方求个饶。 Lets loose that child!” “放开那个小孩!” However, in the meantime, drank to transmit severely, broke this tyrant ice. 然,就在此时,一声厉喝传来,打断了这场霸凌。 This drinks severely severe...... mainly lies in the tone, however the voice of speaker, sounds does not have the deterrent force, even it can be said that moe moe ...... 这“厉喝”的“厉”……主要在于语气,但是说话者的声音,听上去可是一点都没威慑力的,甚至可以说是萌萌哒…… Ha?” Is riding in Derek that Horace E. J and stands to cheer raised the head together following the sound, looks to immature form 56 meters away. “哈?”正骑在霍瑞斯身上的E.J和站在旁边助威的德瑞克一同循声抬头,看向了56米外的一个幼小身影。 This is a young boy who wears the complete set mini assassin to install, its attire is fine, the detail place of cup edge and clothes has border that embroiders the gold/metal, on the arm sheath, torso and the waist wrist/skill are used to install various item skin chest and throwing knife belt/bring, waistband wait/etc to have it all. Even if these 80's children have not seen or have listened to assassin creed this noun, but this dresses up dazzling the unclear sleep/felt to be very severe enough. 这是个身着全套迷你刺客装的小男孩,其身上的装束非常精致,罩帽边缘和衣服的细节处有着绣金的镶边,手腕上的臂鞘、躯干和腰上用来装各种道具的皮匣、飞刀带、腰带等等一应俱全。纵然这些八十年代的孩子还从来没见过或者听过“刺客信条”这个名词,但这身装扮本身的酷炫度已足够让人不明觉厉。 What's wrong? Do you want to mind others' business? Robin Hood.” Derek stared at Wang Tanzhi to look for several seconds, then returned to one with the tone of provocation, taunted a Xiao Tan modeling while convenient. “怎么?你想多管闲事吗?罗宾汉。”德瑞克盯着王叹之看了几秒,便用挑衅的语气回了一句,顺便挖苦了一下小叹的造型。 Because in the age was smaller than is three years old opposite party, the Xiao Tan build and E. J and Derek two people have the quite obvious disparity, therefore the latter saw him is also completely not empty. 由于年龄上比对方小了三岁,小叹的体型和E.J、德瑞克二人有着较为明显的差距,所以后者见了他也是完全不虚。 How don't you look for with a oneself boss same or the bigger person contest?” Xiao Tan asked an acting foolishly question. “你们怎么不去找个和自己个头儿一样或者更大的人较量?”小叹问出了一个冒着傻气的问题。 It is well known, bullying the weak and fearing the strong and bullies is the bodgie iron rule. In the population or the physique do not occupy under the superior premise, they will usually not take the initiative offensive. 众所周知,欺软怕硬和仗势欺人是不良少年界的铁则。在人数或体格不占优的前提下,他们通常是不会采取主动攻势的。 Hey, do you want to flaunt the hero? Boys.” E. J stood from the body of Horace, and approaches together toward Xiao Tan with Derek, I urged you to save the province, I do not want to notice that your a while cried to go home to ask mother to complain.” “嘿,你想逞英雄是吗?小子。”E.J从霍瑞斯的身上站了起来,并和德瑞克一起朝小叹逼近过去,“我劝你省省吧,我可不想看到你一会儿哭着回家去找妈妈告状。” „...... Xiao Tan does not draw back and you too, fearless and vertical( although be only one meter three), exhibits the attitude that accompanies momentarily. “彼此彼此……”小叹一步不退,昂然而立(虽然只有一米三),摆出一副随时奉陪的态度来。 How to say again, he is also an adult, even does not depend on the in-game skill and Item, only based on a disposition and experience of adult, he can still punch to lie that two children under the build disadvantageous premise. 再怎么说,他也是个成年人,即使不靠游戏中的技能和物品,仅凭一个成年人的心性和经验,他也能在体型不利的前提下揍趴那两个孩子。 Visits me to beat up you!” Derek and E. J throw, puts forth basic repertoire that the child fought- first overthrew said again. “看我揍扁你!”德瑞克和E.J一齐扑上,又使出了小孩打架的基本套路-先推倒再说。 This fight pattern, is they year to year with the habit that the physique bad child showdown forms, the method that these children after used body weight suppression usually unable to find to get rid, therefore bed sheet will hang to hit. 这种战斗模式,也是他们常年和体格比自己差的孩子对决所养成的习惯,那些小孩在被人用体重压制后通常都找不到摆脱的方法,于是就会被单方面吊打。 But...... Xiao Tan will not give the opposite party this opportunity. 但……小叹可是不会给对方这种机会的。 Facing height high about one head two youngster, are throwing shoulder to shoulder, his single-handed brace, came to take down three groups of being sideways treads to tread decisively. Suddenly, the sole board of his two small feet stepped on that two knee accurate. 面对身高比自己高了将近一个头的、正并肩扑来的两名少年,他果断地单手撑地,来了一记下三路的侧身蹬踏。眨眼间,他那两只小脚的脚底板精准地踩中了那两位的膝盖。 The next second, E. J and Derek both shouted one miserably, is holding own left knee and right knee respectively falls to the ground, then the expression swayed back and forth on the ground painfully. 下一秒,E.J和德里克就双双惨呼一声,分别抱着自己的左膝和右膝栽倒在地,然后表情痛苦地在地上打起滚来。 „...... After all is a child, this degree was solved.” When Xiao Tan rallying stance, in the heart discussed, these two fellows were also too exaggerating...... I almost not to make an effort......” “啊……毕竟都是小孩,这种程度就解决了。”小叹重整姿态时,心中念道,“不过这两个家伙也太夸张了吧……我几乎都没怎么用力呢……” In he thinks, the two have really stood from the ground, but after they get up, immediately chose ran toward the reversed direction lamely...... 就在他思索之际,那两人果然已经从地上站起来了,不过他们起来后立即选择了一瘸一拐地往反方向跑…… Hateful! You remember to me!” “可恶!你给我记住!” Ha............ wait/etc I......” “哈啊……哈啊……等等我……” After that two escape from dozens meters distressedly, Xiao Tan arrives at side Horace to ask: All right, child...... Oh...... attendants.” He nearly blurted out that said child such name. 待那二位狼狈地逃出几十米后,小叹走到霍瑞斯身旁问道:“没事吧,孩……呃…伙计。”他差点儿脱口而出说出了“孩子”这样的称呼。 All right, thank you.” Horace patted oneself dust, looks to ask excitedly, I said that...... you may be really fierce, can make that movement unexpectedly, what is that? Chinese Kungfu?” “没事,谢谢你。”霍瑞斯拍了拍自己身上的尘土,面露兴奋地问道,“我说……你可真厉害啊,竟然能做出那种动作,那是什么?中国功夫吗?” Un...... is.” Xiao Tan smiles embarrasedly, speaks thoughtlessly to say. “嗯……算是吧。”小叹讪讪一笑,随口回道。 Never expected that Horace even more is excited: Oh! That was too cool.” His a half second, meets saying that that...... I called Horace, what did you call?” 没想到霍瑞斯愈发激动起来:“噢!那太酷了。”他微顿半秒,接道,“那个……我叫霍瑞斯,你叫什么?” Wang Tanzhi.” Xiao Tan said own game Nickname directly, according to his experience, the system usually to calling the cultural difference of aspect deals with. 枉叹之。”小叹直接说出了自己的游戏昵称,根据他的经验,系统通常都会对称呼方面的文化差异进行处理。 „, Wang, knows you very much happily.” Really, the response of Horace appears no being out of sorts feeling. “哦,Wang,很高兴认识你。”果然,霍瑞斯的反应显得毫无违和感。 I am also, Horace.” Xiao Tan should say. The dialogue conducted here, Xiao Tan has actually wanted to look for a time to leave, although the group hero upheld justice is very important, but he also had Quest in the body. “我也是,霍瑞斯。”小叹应道。对话进行到此处,小叹其实已经想找个时机离开了,虽然行侠仗义很重要,但他还有任务在身。 Ah! was right!” But suddenly, what Horace seemed thought, he stared in a big way the eye saying that Wang, you were interested in joining our club?” 啊!对了!”可突然间,霍瑞斯好似想到了什么,他瞪大了眼睛道,“Wang,你有没有兴趣加入我们的俱乐部呢?” Club?” Xiao Tan had doubts for a half second, asked that what club?” “俱乐部?”小叹疑惑了半秒,问道,“什么俱乐部?” His issue that Horace has not answered immediately, but then asked: „Do you currently have the time? I lead you to see several people.” 霍瑞斯没有立即回答的他的问题,而是接着问道:“你现在有时间吗?我带你去见几个人。” ............ ………… Meanwhile, in same community, on another street. 与此同时,同一个社区中,另一条街道上。 Oh ~ isn't this Seven Kill brother?” Rides the Feng Bujue single foot on small bicycle to support, is looking at the person of present blocking the way, while eats the toast of mouth fast. “唷~这不是七杀兄吗?”骑在小自行车上的封不觉单脚撑地,一边望着眼前的拦路之人,一边把嘴里的吐司快速吃了下去。 Jue Bro and Seven Kill can each other give to recognize, definitely is not because they knew since childhood, two people mainly depend on the clothing to analyze whose the opposite party is. Clothes after on number, looks at the face again, will naturally discover some and grown version similarity. 觉哥七杀能把彼此给认出来,肯定不是因为他俩从小就认识,两人主要还是靠服装来判断对方是谁的。衣服对上号以后,再看脸,自然就会发现一些和成年版相似的地方。 Right, is I.” A Seven Kill happy expression returns wear a look of said. “没错,就是我。”七杀面带一丝笑意地回道。 „Is your...... comes out to walk with dog?” Feng Bujue sweeps an opposite party was pulling the big dog, is laughing and playing asking. “您这是……出来遛狗呢?”封不觉扫了一眼对方牵着的大狗,嬉笑着问道。 „Is your...... comes out to practice the car(riage)?” Seven Kill also swept a mount of Jue Bro crotch, retaliated one. “那您这是……出来练车呢?”七杀也扫了一眼觉哥胯下的坐骑,回敬了一句。 Hehe...... you are waiting, I first car lock.” Feng Bujue returns false smile said. “呵呵……你等着,我先把车锁了。”封不觉皮笑肉不笑地回道。 Hehe...... you are also waiting, I first dog hitch.” Seven Kill is also returns false smile said. “呵呵……你也等着,我先把狗栓了。”七杀也是皮笑肉不笑地回道。 Two people respectively completed oneself matter by the big tree and a stockade of roadside, later returned to the step profession of street. 两人分别在路边的一颗大树旁和一个栅栏边办妥了自己的事情,随后又回到了街边的步行道上。 „, Can fight with you quickly.” After standing firm, Seven Kill takes the lead to say. “没想到,这么快就能和你交手了。”站定后,还是七杀率先言道。 Yes ~ the life really has the pleasant surprise everywhere.” Feng Bujue returns said. “是啊~人生真是处处有惊喜啊。”封不觉回道。 Perhaps...... our present duel, will be direct about the result of entire competition.” Seven Kill also said. “或许……我们眼前的这场单挑,将直接左右整场比赛的胜负呢。”七杀又道。 That may not necessarily......” Feng Bujue say, our teammates also not weak...... not?” “那可未必……”封不觉道,“咱们的队友也都不弱……不是吗?” Snort...... this actually.” Seven Kill is smiling, has shown the stance of fight. “哼……这倒是。”七杀笑着,已然摆出了战斗的架势。 Feng Bujue was also sideways to oppose the enemy, prepared deal with changes. 封不觉亦是侧身对敌,做好了应变的准备。 Two people...... confronted for about one minute in the silence. During this, postman and two early morning running and police vehicles and nine passers- by patrol, as well as another three their side or the street of Little Devil under parental accompaniment from pass through. 两人在沉默中……对峙了将近一分钟。这期间,共有一名邮差、两名晨跑者、一辆巡逻的警车、九个路人、以及另外三个在父母陪同下的熊孩子从他们身边或街对面走过。 Basically...... no one, stays the line of sight on them over five seconds. 基本上……没有一个人,是将视线停留在他们身上超过五秒的。 „-” “呀-” „-” “啊-” Suddenly, two people used the respective infant voice to send out a long and loud cry with one voice, later the body moved, rush. 突然,两人用各自的童音齐声发出了一声长啸,随后身随声动,冲杀而出。 ...... 啪啪啪啪…… They use the physique of there child, put forth various magnificent fighting movements, launched the intense offensive and defensive operations on the street. 紧接着,他们就用那儿童的体格,使出了各种华丽的打斗动作,在街上展开了激烈的攻防战。 Meaning that although Jue Bro and Seven Kill have not turned on the water, but their strengths and speeds...... all have reduced one and very low level. This fighting scene incomparable...... lovable. 虽说觉哥七杀都没有放水的意思,但他们的力量、速度……皆已降低到了一个非常、非常低的水准。以至于这场打斗的场面无比的……可爱。 Does not have the collision of strength and strength, has not cut the energy of air, does not have the speed eyes cannot take it all. Some are only two figure vigorous elementary students, contests on the street with frequent contact. 没有力与力的碰撞,没有划破空气的能量,也没有令人目不暇接的速度。有的只是两个身形矫健的小学生,在街上你来我往地过招。 Fought for more than ten seconds, Feng Bujue realized an issue, moreover he still said this matter in the fighting process directly: I go to...... this not after the physical quality of Ah! both sides drops, your type will use the Hand-to-Hand combat technique fellow advantage very big Ah! 才战了十几秒,封不觉就意识到一个问题,而且他还在打斗过程中直接把这事儿说出来了:“我去……这不对啊!双方的身体素质都下降后,你这种会使用格斗技的家伙优势很大啊! This you may be unable to complain about me.” Seven Kill should say, everyone's body reduced, this point is fair. Your Hand-to-Hand combat technique, is not your own issue.” “这你可怨不得我。”七杀应道,“大家的身体都缩小了,这一点是公平的。你不会格斗技,是你自己的问题。” Cut......” Feng Bujue not to spit one quickly, in that our skill minute/share of victory and defeat!” The word finishes, he started...... “切……”封不觉不快地啐了一声,“那咱们就技能上分胜负吧!”言毕,他就发动了……
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