TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#917: The Monster Squad ( 1 )

This Scenario reorganization from 1987 movie «The Monster Squad» ( The_Monster_Squad ), and joined some hypotheses of «Castlevania» series, if there is an identicalness, is not the coincidence. 本篇剧本改编自1987年的影片《降妖别动队》(The_Monster_Squad),并加入了《恶魔城》系列的部分设定,如有雷同,不是巧合。 ............ ………… November 13 0 : 00, the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 semi-finals fifth round, is the third competition of the bottom entire competition- formally started. 十一月13日零点,巅峰争霸S2复赛第五轮,也是整个比赛的倒数第三场比赛-正式开始。 Shortly, final eight, will soon come out...... 不久后,最后八强,即将决出…… Feng Bujue, Level 50 疯不觉,等级50】 Wang Tanzhi, Level 50 枉叹之,等级50】 Like the Rain after Parting, Level 50 似雨若离,等级50】 Soulfully Sorrowful Smiling Skeleton, Level 50 悲灵笑骨,等级50】 On Stone Between Flowers, Level 50 石上花间,等级50】 Please select the game mode for your party.】 请选择队伍要加入的游戏模式。】 What you choose is Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four, please confirm.】 【您选择的是巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界,请确认。】 Had confirmed, please choose observing in this fight.】 【已确认,请选择本次战斗中的观战者。】 Had confirmed, your team has entered the formation, is waiting for your opponent to be ready.】 【已确认,您的队伍已进入队列,正在等待您的对手就绪。】 Match is completed, syncing mind link connection, generating scenario......】 【匹配完成,正在协调神经连接,剧本生成中……】 Loading, please wait a moment.】 载入开始,请稍等。】 Beacon decided the blood initially still flourishing, engaged in fierce battle to begin the person not to need. various Xing gathers four, outside a heroic feelings dynasty highest heaven.” “烽烟初定血犹殷,鏖战再起人不待。诸星汇聚四界中,豪情一朝九霄外。” Loading is complete, Welcome to Struggle For Power to Summit S2- engages in fierce battle four.】 载入已完成,欢迎来到巅峰争霸S2-鏖战四界。】 This pattern provides the Scenario synopsis, and has the probability to present branch / Hidden Quest and special World Setting.】 【本模式提供剧本简介,并有几率出现支线/隐藏任务及特殊世界观。】 Scenario successfully rewards: Enters the semifinal.】 剧本胜利奖励:晋级半决赛。】 Will soon broadcast the Scenario synopsis, after the broadcast completes, competes starts instantly.】 【即将播放剧本简介,播放完成后比赛即刻开始。】 When enters Scenario System Notification and previous several rounds no really sweeping changes, except for Scenario victory reward beyond the content, is basically consistent. 进入剧本时的系统提示与此前几轮的无甚大变化,除了“剧本胜利奖励”的内容外,基本是一致的。 After voice prompt, was film title CG. 语音提示过后,便是片头CG了。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… As startling thunderclap starts, the players present the CG first lens at present. 随着一声惊雷乍起,玩家们眼前出现了CG的第一个镜头。 Picture center, is a cross shape stone builds the tombstone ; Side of tombstone, is standing erect big, lifelike god of death stone carving...... that statue facial features, although was covered in the shadow, but each is watching the CG player and audience can feel that he is staring at himself probably. 画面的正中,是一个十字架形状的石砌墓碑;墓碑的旁边,矗立着一座高大的、栩栩如生的死神石雕……那雕像的面容虽被掩在阴影之中,但每一名正在观看CG的选手及观众都能感觉到他好像正在凝视着自己。 After framing for several seconds, the lens start to move toward the side slowly, a depressing, gloomy and weird background music also did for the occasion to make a sound. 定格了数秒后,镜头开始缓慢地朝侧面移动,一段压抑、阴森、怪诞的背景音乐也十分应景地响了起来。 In the following more than ten seconds, the players followed lens angle of view to pass through a piece of Lin Cao to grow thickly, the stockade ruined graveyard. Then, the focus of picture from far to near, aimed at a castle on distant place cliff. 在接下来的十余秒中,玩家们跟随着“镜头视角”一路穿过了一片林草丛生、栅栏破败的墓园。接着,画面的焦点就由远及近,对准了远处悬崖上的一座城堡。 100 years ago some evening, legendary exorcisming Van Helsing led one group of warriors to go into the Demon Lord Dracula castle.】 【一百年前的某个晚上,传奇驱魔者范海辛率领一行勇士闯入了魔王德古拉的城堡。】 The aside said that in the process of these words, in the lens broadcast one group of fast and smooth movement play editing. 旁白说这句话的过程中,镜头中播放了一组快速、流畅的动作戏剪辑。 But sees, wears white shirt black Sockpuppet , to keep the middle-aged handsome fellow of whiskers, as well as 35 the villagers face that grasps the flare and hunting rifle...... killed in the castle together. 但见,一位身着白衬衣黑马甲、留着络腮胡的中年帅哥,以及三五名手持火把和猎枪的村民脸……一同杀进了城堡之中。 The blasting explosive that they use to mine blasted out the front door of castle, killed all the monsters of being in the way with the sword and spear, arrived at an underground assembly hall with the help of film cutter rapidly. 他们用挖矿的炸药炸开了城堡的大门,用刀枪砍杀掉了所有挡路的怪物,在剪辑师的帮助下迅速来到了一座地下礼堂。 This time Dracula, obtains in the legend „the charm amulet of Saint, and wants to destroy it in „the night of resurrecting.】 【此时的德古拉,已然得到了传说中的“圣之护身符”,并欲在“复活之夜”将其摧毁。】 Once the charm amulet of Saint were destroyed, the balance in world good and evil will then be broken, the world will fall into grasping of dark forces.】 【一旦圣之护身符被毁,世间善与恶的平衡便会被打破,人间将堕入黑暗势力的掌握中。】 The words to here, Van Helsing had arrived in the assembly halls, stood before a contour smooth bridge rock. In the section of that rock, is mounting a palm of the hand size and quality of material like the crystal circular protective charm. 话至此处,范海辛已经来到了礼堂中间,站在了一块外形平滑的桥型岩石前。在那块岩石的截面上,镶嵌着一块巴掌大小的、质地如水晶般的圆形护符。 Van Helsing stared at that protective charm several seconds, then shouts: Right, is it, brings that girl quickly.” 范海辛凝视了那护符数秒,便回头嚷道:“对,就是它,快把那女孩儿带来。” When the voice falls, his companion gave extra a young girl to come from the assembly hall. 话音落时,他的一名同伴就从礼堂外带了一名少女进来。 Girl seemingly 16 or 17-year-old age, blond, the clothes are very simple. When enters the assembly hall, in her slightly immature facial features is hanging the obvious anxiety and timid, but can see that in her eye has one to be firm and brave. 那女孩看上去十六七岁年纪,金发碧眼,衣着打扮都很朴素。走进礼堂时,她那略显稚嫩的面容上挂着明显的不安和畏怯,不过还是可以看出她的眼中有着一丝坚定和勇敢。 Hopes us also with enough time.” Van Helsing sees the appearance of young girl, wiped not to know when was stained with on the blood to own face, worried that talked over one. “希望我们还来得及。”范海辛看到少女的模样,抹了抹不知何时沾到自己脸上的鲜血,担忧地念叨了一句。 To prevent all these, before Van Helsing arrived at the charm amulet, first started a ceremony.】 【为了阻止这一切,范海辛来到了护身符前,抢先发动了一个仪式。】 The aside inserts to chat, a lens revolution, this time young girl has grasped scroll, is facing the charm amulet, is reciting the incantation afraid to say a word. 旁白插叙,镜头一转,此时的少女已手持一张卷轴,面对着护身符,吞吞吐吐地在吟诵咒文。 But the charm amulet also had the response to the incantation, has the ray to jump to shoot from that crystalline lens unceasingly. 而护身符也对咒文产生了反应,不断有光芒从那水晶体中迸射出来。 Quickly! Again hurry up!” Nevertheless does seems somewhat unkind, but Van Helsing was urging in side unceasingly the trembling young girl, having made her speed up the language fast. “快!再快点儿!”尽管这样做显得有些刻薄,但范海辛还是不断在旁边催促着已然战战兢兢的少女,让她加快语速。 Bang- 砰- In the meantime, along with a loud sound, the glass and front door disintegration of assembly hall opens, the people ground also lived to shrug unexpectedly probably generally. 就在此时,伴随着一声巨响,礼堂的玻璃和大门都自行崩碎开,众人脚下的地面竟也像是活了一般耸动起来。 „-” “啊-” Help!” “救命!” Suddenly, stood sent out the pitiful yell in the rear several villagers faces. 突然,站在后方的几名村民脸发出了惨叫。 When the person then looks in the presence of everyone, discovered that they are entrained by the dry corpse that gushed out from the place bottom crack while still alive...... 当众人回头望时,发现他们已经被从地底裂缝中涌出的干尸活活拽了下去…… Read quickly!” Saw the young girl to be scared by present one, Van Helsing loudly shouted, „, otherwise our All Must Die!” “快念!”见少女被眼前的一幕吓呆了,范海辛大喝一声,“不然我们全得死!” The young girls his such a were drunk, recovers, continued to read anxiously. 少女被他这么一喝,也回过神来,紧张地继续念了下去。 In the night of resurrecting, read aloud the spell by a maiden before the charm amulet, side can open the prison( limbo, namely hell border) the gate, all around will swallow.】 【于复活之夜,由一名处女在护身符前朗读魔咒,便可打开边狱(limbo,即地狱边境)之门,将周遭的一切吞噬。】 Said that prison the prison opens, the aside has not read, the ray in that charm amulet has vanished suddenly, then...... such as the black hole of human eye size appeared on the protective charm, and expanded over five meters the diameter in several seconds. 说边狱边狱就开,旁白还没念完,那护身符上的光芒就已骤然消失,接着……一个如人眼大小的黑洞在护符上出现了,并在数秒间将直径扩大到了五米以上。 Oh! God!” “噢!上帝!” Run!” “快跑!” The teammates who Van Helsing looks for displayed startled, and started to escape......, because the suction of that black hole in five seconds reciting spell young girl's first attracted. 范海辛找来的队友们纷纷表现出了惊慌,并开始逃跑……因为那个黑洞的吸力在五秒内就把朗诵魔咒的少女第一个吸了进去。 However, this is obviously unproductive...... 然而,这显然都是徒劳的…… Quick, the gate of prison expanded the size that was inconceivable, the entire assembly hall, and even the space of entire castle because of its twisted. 很快,边狱之门就扩大到了难以想象的尺寸,整个礼堂、乃至整座城堡的空间都因其而扭曲起来。 No thing...... can get rid of its swallowing. 没有任何东西……可以摆脱它的吞噬。 Van Helsing......”, when Van Helsing is making final struggling outside the black hole, a sound spread to his ear, „is this your means? Side in order to prevent me...... you are willing yourself also to fall into the prison?” 范海辛……”当范海辛在黑洞外做着最后的挣扎时,一个声音传入了他的耳中,“这就是你的办法吗?为了阻止我……你甘愿自己也堕入边狱吗?” I was me should doing......” Van Helsing is responding to that sound loudly, „...... and I can do.” “我只是做了我该做的……”范海辛高声回应着那个声音,“……和我能做的。” Do not disguise the sage there!” That sound shouted, you could not save everyone! You even following you arrived at that several people unable to rescue together!” In his language showed the obvious anger, my life is eternal! Will happen one day, I will return to this world, but you...... will suffer hardships in the prison forever!” “别在那儿假装圣人了!”那声音喝道,“你救不了所有人!你甚至连跟随你一起来到那几个人都救不了!”他的语言中透出了明显的怒意,“我的生命是永恒的!终有一天,我会重返这个世界,而你……将永远在边狱受苦!” Snort......” Van Helsing mirthless smile, I thought...... to that day, but also some people will stand to prevent your.” “哼……”范海辛惨笑一声,“我想……到了那一天,还会有人站出来阻止你的。” Said that this, he was also swallowed by the black hole, vanishes without the trace...... 说罢这句,他也被黑洞吞噬了进去,消失无踪…… Scolding- 叱- Next second, picture one black, film title CG stops suddenly hence. 下一秒,画面一黑,片头CG至此戛然而止。 99 years later...... today......】 After the aside left behind this last few words, Scenario then formally started. 【九十九年后的……今天……】旁白留下了这最后一句话后,剧本便正式开始了。 Main Quest has triggered 主线任务已触发】 Strikes kill blade edge four members.】 【击杀“刀锋”的四名成员。】 The players enter Scenario, the Quest prompt was also direct. 玩家们一进剧本,任务提示也直接来了。 But their attention have not placed on this, the audience who all are watching the live broadcast...... have not focused on this. 但他们的注意力并没有放在这个上面,所有正在观看直播的观众们……也没有把注意力放在这点上。 hey hey...... is this must do?” When Feng Bujue restores the ability to act, discovered oneself are lying on a small bed. 喂喂……这是要干嘛?”封不觉恢复行动能力时,发现自己正躺在一张小床上。 The size of this bed does not prepare for the adult obviously, prints the bed sheet of cartoon character is not being......, but Feng Bujue at this moment lies on this bed appears no being out of sorts feeling, because...... he had turned into a child. 这张床的尺寸显然不是为成年人准备的,印着卡通人物的床单也不是……但此刻的封不觉躺在这张床上显得毫无违和感,因为……他已变成了一个小孩。 In this/should Scenario, your age is designated as ten years old.】 【在该剧本中,您的年龄被设定为十岁。】 Your appearance, the physical quality, skill, Item, Spiritual Energy Armament and title ability will have the corresponding change.】 【您的外貌、身体素质、技能、物品灵能武器、称号能力等都将产生相应的变化。】 After five seconds, near the ear of each player resounded such a prompt. 五秒后,每一名玩家的耳边都响起了这样一段提示。 Will very play......” Feng Bujue to lift the quilt, stood the ground, in competition played the setting really......” “挺会玩儿啊……”封不觉掀开被子,站到了地上,“比赛里玩设定真的好吗……” Actually, does not have nothing well, was all turned into the child to both sides of war in any case, theoretically is fair. 其实,也没什么不好的,反正对战的双方全都被变成小孩了,“理论上来说”还是公平的。 ...... in brief, I first took a look.” After Feng Bujue stands firm, first observes the room that were. “呼……总之,我先瞧瞧。”封不觉站定后,先是观察了一下自己所在的房间。 This is very typical, US Middle class family child's room. But...... its age definitely not in the 21 st century. Because in this room does not have the smartphone and tablet PC, does not have the desktop computer and palm machine. Feng Bujue looked carelessly, outside the light bulb...... in this room except for the electronic device that can find only has an electricity alarm clock and an old style radio. 这是个很典型的、美国中产阶级家庭孩子的房间。只不过……其所处的年代肯定不是在二十一世纪。因为这房间里既没有智能手机和平板电脑,也没有台式电脑和掌机。封不觉草草看了一圈,除了灯泡以外……这屋里能找到的电子设备就只有一个电闹钟和一个老式收音机了。 As for other matters...... basically is in the boy room the common gadget. The dirty clothes that tumbles everywhere, ugly the hat that has no way to wear, to look very inexpensive basketball, took off/escaped puts on does not need to be the athletic shoes and last century of 80-90 age popular youngster shoelace( Jue Bro turned to the toys and one pile of baseball star cards, discovered that the appearances and names of these star players he all heard something never heard of before, therefore he inferred here is some in main universe star that was similar Earth), is moistening the rug of dry meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce and between-meal snack detritus every inchs( only depending on visual observation on knowing the source of these food debris at least over six types), the embarrassed monster hand. Manages and poster wait wait/etc. etc.. 至于其他物事嘛……基本都是男孩子房间里常见的玩意儿。随处乱丢的脏衣服、丑得没法儿戴的帽子、一看就很廉价的篮球、脱穿都不需要系鞋带的球鞋、上世纪80-90年代流行的少年向玩具、一堆棒球明星卡(觉哥翻了一下,发现这些球星的外貌和名字他全都是闻所未闻,于是他推断这里是主宇宙中的某个类似地球的星球)、每一寸都沾着干涸的酱汁和零食碎屑的地毯(仅凭肉眼观察就知道这些食物残渣的来源至少在六种以上)、令人难堪的怪物手办以及海报等等等等。 Feng Bujue estimated that if oneself look carefully, perhaps can also turn under the bed to the taste is not very heavy( to him) the small pornography, but he not that dry/does and that's the end...... 封不觉估计,如果自己仔细地找一下,没准还能在床底下翻到口味并不算很重(对他来说)的小黄书,不过他并没有那么干就是了…… „After body reduces the later line of sight changes lowers......” Feng Bujue took a fast look around, before arrived at the closet, has somewhat not been familiar with.” “身体缩小之后视线变低了……”封不觉扫视完毕后,就走到了衣柜前,“还真有点不习惯呢。” Saying, him was opening the door of closet. 说着,他就打开了衣柜的门。 As expected, inside this type of console-model closet cabinet door is inlaying one entire and other mirrors of height. 不出所料的,这种落地式的衣柜柜门内侧嵌着一整块等身长的镜子。 Un......” Jue Bro looks in mirror, the heart said, worthily is the procedure/program of Woody development......, not only reduced the clothing and hairstyle of character in proportion, when returned to original state perfectly I ten -year-old appearances, build and height......” “嗯……”觉哥看着镜子里的自己,心道,“不愧是伍迪开发的程序……不但按比例缩小了人物的服装和发型,还完美还原了我十岁时的长相、体型和身高……” When he himself looks in a mirror the response is not very intense, audience but who at this moment, are watching the competition at this moment soon Le Feng...... 虽说他自己照镜子时的反应不是很强烈,但此刻此刻,正在观看比赛的观众们都快要乐疯了…… Hahahaha Ha..... this...... this this......” has incoherent. “哈哈哈哈哈……这……这这这……”有语无伦次型的。 That dead fish eye has not changed Ah! ha haha Ha.....” Has make complaints. “那死鱼眼一点都没变啊!哈哈哈哈……”有吐槽型的。 Haha Ha..... is not good! I must copy the resembles, then works as the expression package with his face!” Has evil intention full. “哈哈哈……不行了!我要去翻录像,然后拿他的脸当表情包!”有恶意满满型的。 Good to want the children of family/home also to make such a set of mini Joker attire to us, was too lovable.” Pays great attention to mistake related. “好想给我们家的小孩也弄这样一套迷你的小丑装啊,太可爱了。”有关注重点错误型的。 In brief, compared with Jue Bro that tepid attitude, the echo of audience is extremely intense. 总而言之,和觉哥那不温不火的态度相比,观众们的反响极其强烈。 Moreover...... everyone should also realize, besides Feng Bujue, other seven players in Scenario also turned into the child, their changes same are also the anticipation full...... 另外……各位应该也已经意识到了,除了封不觉之外,剧本中的其他七名玩家也都变成了小孩,他们的变化一样也是看点十足…… Thereupon, in following in five to 30 minutes, the news of related this competition travelled in the live broadcast platform like the virus, attracts lots of audience to come with admiration...... 于是乎,在接下来五到三十分钟内,有关这场比赛的消息如病毒般在直播平台上传开,吸引了大量的观众慕名而来…… Hears children's edition that can see the players, most audience...... even are some Studio intelligence reconnaissance teams...... cannot help surrounding. 一听到可以看到选手们的儿童版本,绝大多数观众……甚至是一些工作室的情报侦察团队……都忍不住要过来围观一下。 Side Quest has triggered 支线任务已触发】 Completed the search of room when Feng Bujue, prepares to open the door, System Notification resounded once again. 就在封不觉完成了房间的搜查,准备开门出去之际,系统提示又一次响起了。 He opens Game Menu, swept content in the Quest Log, what seen is- Tries to meet with your teammates. 他打开游戏菜单,扫了眼任务栏里的内容,看到的是-【设法与你的队友们会合】。 „Is Oh? this also Quest?” Feng Bujue talked over one impartially, in Scenario of this automatically move separation, with teammate meeting is the basic repertoire......” 哦?这也算个任务吗?”封不觉不置可否地念叨了一句,“在这种传送点分立的剧本中,与队友会合是基本套路吧……” Eh? read and here, what he seemed thought , the look changed, is it possible that...... this can Quest...... meeting trigger some following plot after the suggestion?” 诶?”念及此处,他好似想到了什么,眼神微变,“莫非……这任务是在暗示……会合之后就能触发某种后续的剧情?” Feng Bujue is thinking, while went out of the room. That room is located in the end of two buildings, after Jue Bro passed through several meters corridor, follows the staircase to go to a living room in building. 封不觉一边想着,一边走出了房间。那个房间位于二楼的尽头,觉哥穿过了数米长的走廊后,就顺着楼梯来到了一楼的客厅。 Hey ~ did my small pumpkin, how look at you...... very early in the morning exchanging the clothes?” One over 30 years old, kept the golden wave volume young mother to have the warm smile to greet him. “嘿~我的小南瓜,瞧你……怎么一大早就把衣服给换上了?”一位三十多岁,留着金色波浪卷儿的年轻母亲带着温暖的笑容迎接了他。 „...... That is because I am impatient......” Feng Bujue with the children's unique sprouting/moe sound, coordinated his worn out tone, as well as you special is teasing me the expression of type...... to mention this lines. “啊……那是因为我已经迫不及待了呢……”封不觉用儿童特有的萌音,配合他那有气无力的口吻、以及“你特么在逗我”式的表情……讲出了这句台词。 Upturns the ward inspections in the building, Feng Bujue saw that the calendar on wall labels today is being Halloween ; The system used a very good way to make him wear the outlandish clothes incident becomes logical. 在楼上翻查房间时,封不觉就看到墙上的日历标注着今天是万圣节;系统用了一个很好的方式让他身着奇装异服一事变得顺理成章。 „...... My kid LaBelle, you were really lovable.” That mother walked to pinch the small cheek of Jue Bro with both hands, and kissed on his forehead, ok, mother must prepare to go out, the breakfast on the table, remembers that must finish eating went out again Oh. “呵……我的小宝贝儿,你真是太可爱了。”那位“妈妈”走过来用双手捏了捏觉哥的小脸蛋,并在他额头上亲了一下,“好了,妈妈要准备出门了,早饭在桌上,记得要吃完了再出去哦。 Good.” When Feng Bujue response is suspending a face not happy appearance, when that woman goes upstairs, he shakes the head reluctantly, walks toward the kitchen. “好的。”封不觉回应时摆着一脸不爽的样子,待那位女士上了楼,他才无奈地摇了摇头,朝厨房走去。 After five minutes, Jue Bro then wears the security helmet and kneepad, is riding a small bicycle of belt/bring assistance wheel, presented in the community roadside. In the...... also held in the mouth one to roast mJ toast. 五分钟后,觉哥便戴着安全头盔和护膝、踩着一辆带辅助轮的小自行车,出现在了小区的路边。其口中……还叼了一块烤得微焦的吐司。 Is seizes the television station to be good, when the broadcasting station is good......” he to ride a bicycle, is mainly pondering such an issue. “是去占领电视台好呢,还是广播电台好呢……”他骑车时,主要在思考着这样一个问题。 However, suddenly appeared in the road middle person's shadow together interrupted his train of thought. 不过,一道突然出现在路中间的人影打断了他的思绪。 Snort...... Feng Bujue!” But sees, height one meter about three youngster...... is pulling the strip big dog, blocked in the Jue Bro front, opened the mouth then saying that also was really chance encounter Ah! “哼……封不觉!”但见,一名身高一米三左右的少年……牵着条大狗,拦在了觉哥的面前,开口便言道,“还真是巧遇啊!
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