TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#916: Powerful enemies

Comes back?” “回来啦?” 4 : 30 am, Feng Bujue entered the room to hear such a. 凌晨 4 点半,封不觉一进屋就听到了这么一句。 „After the Eh? competition ended , didn't you return to the room to sleep?” Jue Bro changes the shoes, while the response said. 诶?比赛结束后你不是回房睡觉了吗?”觉哥一边换鞋,一边回应道。 At this time, Ruoyu is carrying one bowl of instant noodles, is binding the sleeping robe, sits watches the horror film on the sofa of living room. 此时,若雨正端着一碗泡面,裹着睡袍,坐在客厅的沙发上看恐怖片。 „Before you go out the sound awakened me, hiss-” Ruoyu is saying, sipped noodles, then I could not fall asleep.” “你出门前的动静把我惊醒了,嘶-”若雨说着,啜了口面条,“然后我就睡不着了。” Hehe......” Feng Bujue changed the shoes, smiled is walking into the living room, „, since were worried about me so much, why not with?” “呵呵……”封不觉换好了鞋,微笑着走入客厅,“既然这么担心我,为什么不跟出来呢?” If you want to make me follow, a person will not run late at night stealthily.” Ruoyu returns said, why I have a joke backfire.” “如果你想让我跟着,就不会三更半夜一个人鬼鬼祟祟地跑出去了。”若雨回道,“我又何必自讨没趣呢。” How this saying...... listens to seem like acting difficult with Jue Bro, but this...... will also make the Feng Bujue's inexpensive strength rise a human shortly not the unimaginable altitude. 她这话……怎么听都像是在跟觉哥闹别扭,而这……也让封不觉的贱力在顷刻间上升到了一个人类所无法想象的高度。 Note: The inexpensive strength, is one type unique, invisible, is used to weigh lifeform inexpensive degree value. You have not thought mistakenly, this setting is I am striking this line of word-time duang one to invent. 注:贱力,是一种独特的、无形的、用来衡量生物“贱的程度”的数值。你没想错,这个设定是我在敲打这行字时duang一下发明出来的。 Short ~ oil ~ next second, Jue Bro immediately with one type ** cruises the tone came two modal particles, the joining-up saying that this was sets at the air/Qi with whom ~ “矮~油~”下一秒,觉哥立马用一种**揽客般的口吻来了俩语气助词,并接道,“这是跟谁置气呢~” Ruoyu listened, empty eye, then said: You with that tone said again a character......” she discussed very much seriously, I hit you.” 若雨听了,虚起眼,回头说道:“你再用那种口气说一个字……”她很严肃地念道,“我就打你。” Her such saying, Feng Bujue also really shut up. 她这么一说,封不觉还真就闭嘴了。 He fears is actually hit, but thought opposite party's response was really lovable, because the Ruoyu lines seemingly will be below eight children will use. 他倒不是怕被打,而是觉得对方的回应着实是太可爱了,因为若雨的台词貌似是八岁以下的孩子才会使用的。 Ok ~ I was wrong.” After silent several seconds, Feng Bujue as the man, naturally first apologized, next time I call you together.” “行~我错了。”沉默了几秒后,封不觉身为男人,自然还是先道歉了,“下回我叫上你一起。” Does not need.” Ruoyu actually should say immediately. “不必了。”若雨却立刻应道。 What doesn't need?” Jue Bro doubts to say. “不必什么?”觉哥疑道。 You do not need to apologize, because you have not made the any mistake.” Ruoyu returns said, will really have the next time, you do not need to call me to go together, because I will actually also be disinclined.” She has turned the head, then eats the instant noodles, hiss- I know that you work have the reason, to have the discretion...... are only you hide the truth from me to let my a little not happy stealthily.” “你不必道歉,因为你并没有做错什么。”若雨回道,“真有下回,你也不必叫上我一起去,因为我其实也懒得去。”她又转过头去,接着吃泡面,“嘶-我知道你做什么事都自有理由、也有分寸……只是你鬼鬼祟祟地瞒着我让我有点不爽。” Un......” Feng Bujue hears word, thinks, „after having many things...... me, will tell you slowly, but now...... is also not the time.” “嗯……”封不觉闻言,想了想,“有很多事……我以后会慢慢告诉你的,但现在……还不是时候。” Might as well.” Ruoyu returns tranquilly said, I can wait.” “无妨。”若雨平静地回道,“我可以等。” It finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue has bypassed the sofa, arrived by her to sit. 其话音未落,封不觉已绕过沙发,走到她旁边坐了下来。 His look is very firm, but he does not have to look straight ahead her face: Felt relieved that...... I will not make you and others too long.” 他的眼神很坚定,但他没有去直视她的脸:“放心……我不会让你等太久的。” ............ ………… On November 12, high noon, in Feng Bujue's Conference room. 十一月12日,正午,封不觉的会议室中。 From 8 : 00 am, Jue Bro treated here. By the time scale conversion of non-sleep mode, has eight hours of...... 从早上 8 点起,觉哥就待在这儿了。以非睡眠模式的时间比例换算,已有八个小时之久…… In these eight hours, he has used eight times fast( brain fast far supernormal person of Jue Bro in game world, after skilled, he in this days looked that time of video recording use fast is also getting higher and higher) is watching next the video recording of competition opponent. 这八个小时里,他一直用八倍速(觉哥在游戏世界的脑速远超常人,熟练了以后,他在这段日子里看录像使用的倍速也越来越高)观看着下一场比赛对手的录像。 Obviously, this time opponent no small matter...... 很显然,这次的对手非同小可…… But the name of this team is- blade edge. 而这支队伍的名字就是-【刀锋】。 Although we know that they are actually nine branches place in the survey team of game world, but their foreign images are Game Studio. 虽然我们都知道他们其实是“九科”安插在游戏世界的调查团队,但他们对外的形象还是一个游戏工作室 Therefore, matter that Studio must handle, they basically must do. Like Struggle For Power to Summit this competition......, regardless in view of Studio from their labors of duty, cannot miss. 因此,工作室要做的事情,他们基本都得做。像巅峰争霸这种比赛……无论从工作室的角度出发还是从他们的本职工作来讲,都是不能错过的。 Naturally, because does business is only a pretence, blade edge this Society does in many aspects makes one unable to understand...... 当然了,由于做生意只是个幌子,刀锋这个社团在很多方面都搞得让人看不懂…… First, their official sites did very simply, simply to the crude situation...... 首先,他们的官网做得非常简单,简单到了简陋的地步…… Many players did not understand, they obviously are quite substantive Studio in the strength ranking, but why the official site does compares these third-class must miss. 很多玩家都不理解,他们明明是个在实力排行榜上颇有分量的一线工作室,但为什么官网做得比那些三流的还要差。 Looks over the blade edge official site, the information that can check are miserable. What their business address that column fills is one in some S City E-Commerce Center ; Their contact methods only have a mailbox, even the telephone does not have ; But the basic information of Studio player, only then game ID, age, sex and other materials...... the picture uses is not oneself, but is the persona in game. 纵观刀锋的官网,能查到的信息少得可怜。他们办公地址那栏填的是S市某电子商务中心里的某一层;他们的联系方式只有一个邮箱,连电话都没有;而工作室玩家的基本信息,就只有游戏ID、年龄、性别等资料……连照片用的都不是本人的,而是游戏内的人物形象。 Entire official site also few hyperlinks good, turns over back and forth selects thing. This is a website in enterprise, rather some probably learn/study page making the test piece of beginner. 整个官网也没有几个超链接好点,翻来翻去就那么点东西。与其说这是一个企业的网站,不如说像是某个学习网页制作的初学者的试验品。 Next, blade edge Studio this section does not recruit the full-time players...... never. 其次,刀锋工作室本部是不招收全职玩家的……从来不。 No one knows how this Studio recruitment mechanism is, on the website has written this company mailbox not to accept any seeking employment resume in any case. 没有人知道这个工作室的招聘机制是怎样的,反正网站上是一直有写“本公司邮箱不接受任何求职简历”。 However, blade edge professional players also and many. When they were asked by the bystander in in-game how to enter the company, everyone caliber consistent- friend introduction ; When others requests them also to help introduce, they very much resolutely will indicate that- our unit personnel were saturated. 但是,刀锋的职业玩家人数也并不少。当他们在游戏中被外人问起是怎么进公司时,所有人都口径一致-“朋友介绍”;而当其他人要求他们也帮着介绍介绍时,他们都会很坚决地表明-“咱们单位人员饱和了”。 However......, although blade edge does not recruit in the personnel who in the real world are on duty, but the Society member in game they welcome, regarding these peripheral member of society, their attitudes and other Studio is quite consistent. 不过呢……虽然刀锋不招收在现实世界里坐班的人员,但游戏内的社团成员他们还是欢迎的,对于那些“外围社员”,他们的态度和其他工作室还是比较一致的。 As for these day-to-day business that other Studio perform, they have are doing.( Attention is belt/bring rather than generation) practices like what belt/bring, sells virtual Item, peddles the peripheral commodity wait/etc....... blade edge when making these business, always to the person one type is not careful the feeling. 至于其他工作室所承办的那些日常业务,他们也有在做。像什么带(注意是“带”而不是“代”)练,出售虚拟物品,兜售周边商品等等。只是……刀锋在做这些买卖时,总给人一种“不怎么上心”的感觉。 Also cannot say they do not good...... sell service or sell commodity, blade edge thing can be called is the reasonable price and resources are well used, but...... is gathering business aspect, they have one type you to like not being able to come faintly, not comes me to be relaxed point attitude. 也不能说他们做的不好……无论是出售服务还是出售商品,刀锋东西都称得上是价格公道、物有所值,但……在招揽生意这方面,他们隐隐都有一种“你爱来不来,不来我还轻松点”的态度。 Perhaps...... this is the special characteristics of official. 或许……这算是公务员的特质吧。 In brief, blade edge is operating this to have many strange questionable points, is good has not aroused peers many interests because of...... these questionable points. 简而言之,刀锋在运营这块有很多诡异的疑点,好在……这些疑点也并没有引起同行们过多的关注。 Because the peers from blade edge could not see Studio that completely any competitive spirit...... network sailors did not invite, never stole away of business the quarrelling out of jealousy head with the peer. Such rare and beautiful flowers Studio, others naturally have no reason to provoke them on own initiative...... 因为同行们从刀锋身上完全看不到任何竞争意识……一个连网络水军都不请的工作室,也从来不跟同行抢生意争风头。这么一个奇葩工作室,别人自然也没理由来主动招惹他们…… Above, about this operation of secret service that is hitting the Game Studio given name, namely the situation in reality. 以上,就是关于这个打着游戏工作室名号的特务机关的运营情况,即现实中的情况。 Then, should say the situation in game...... 那么接下来,该说说游戏里的情况了…… This Struggle For Power to Summit S2, blade edge Only sent out a team to participate. The four major teams of this team are as follows: Long Aomin, Seven Kill, Broken army, Greedy Wolf. 这次巅峰争霸S2,【刀锋】只派出了一支队伍来参赛。这支队伍的四名主力队员分别是:【龙傲旻】,【七杀】,【破军】,【贪狼】。 In the middle of four people, besides the broken army, another three people and Hell Front members has arranged team Scenario together. Brother Long is Jue Bro and Xiao Tan in first of Thriller Paradise China , Canada Buddies, perhaps if not for the duty in the body, he joined Hell Front initially. 四人当中,除了破军之外,另外三人都和地狱前线的成员们一起排过团队剧本龙哥更是觉哥小叹惊悚乐园中加的第一位“好友”,若不是职务在身,也许他当初就加入地狱前线了。 Although Brother Long in this article had not arrived for a long time, in some Scenario that but in I have not written, he will often go a row of itself/Ben with the Hell Front members together. 虽说在本文之中龙哥好久没登场了,但在我所没有写出的一些剧本中,他确是时常会跟地狱前线的成员们一起去排本的。 Therefore, regarding the Long Aomin strength, Feng Bujue understands...... 因此,对于龙傲旻的实力,封不觉是非常了解的…… If makes Jue Bro give a localization, that should Be Thriller Paradise the first fierce gentleman. 如果让觉哥给个定位,那应该是-惊悚乐园第一猛士。 Perhaps his strength the steady fight style that pays great attention to defend is not magnificent, ranking in player strength ranking is not very high. However...... everyone do not forget, Brother Long the positive/direct anus in the middle of S1 turned pulled out drinks the hot man. 或许他那力量型的、注重防御的稳健战斗风格并不华丽,在玩家实力排行榜上的排名也不算特别高。但是……各位不要忘了,龙哥可是在S1当中正面肛翻了抽喝烫的男人。 Takes a broad view at entire Thriller Paradise, can win the The Altar Of A Nightmare person to be few in duel, but Brother Long is one of them. Although has the factor that the fight style repels one another , but if does not have the adequate strength support, the restraint is also only a theory. 放眼整个惊悚乐园,能在单挑中打赢梦惊禅的人屈指可数,而龙哥就是其中之一。虽说这其中有战斗风格相克的因素在,但若没有足够的实力支持,克制也只是一种理论而已。 Thus it can be seen, the Long Aomin strength is ready proper trump card Level. 由此可见,龙傲旻的实力是妥妥儿的“王牌”等级 But remaining kills broken wolf, popularity above Long Aomin. Besides the ID eye-catching, these three people of abilities also all are outstanding...... 而剩下的“杀破狼”,知名度更在龙傲旻之上。除了ID拉风之外,这三人的能力也皆是出类拔萃…… Seven Kill, Hand-to-Hand combat madman. In Thriller Paradise practices Level A and Level S one of the several people Fighting Proficiency earliest, in the cloak contest nearly having Feng Bujue of Soul Intent advantage is defeated. His oneself am skilled in many Fighting Technique in the reality, and has utilized in-game these assaulting skills, issued a make the blood boil boundary in the powerful physical quality support of game character. 七杀】,格斗狂人。惊悚乐园中最早将格斗专精练到A级S级的几人之一,披风争夺战中险些把拥有魂意优势的封不觉打败。其本人在现实中就精通多种格斗术,并已将这些搏击技巧运用到了游戏中,在游戏人物的强大身体素质支持下达到了一种令人发指的境界。 According to the observation of Jue Bro, now this goods is a Hand-to-Hand combat masterstroke/divine skill, initiative passive has, is primarily the style in KOF ; When fight various magnificent even/including techniques can project on to want the immortal to want the opponent, to stop but cannot. 觉哥的观察,如今这货已是一身格斗神技,主动被动都有,以KOF中的招式为主;战斗时各种华丽连技可以把对手打到欲仙欲死、欲罢不能。 Broken army, marksmanship, Hand-to-Hand combat and Spirit Art...... three A strong people, blade edge Society Captain, some hearsay said that he has encountered and defeated Jiang Hu in the match of some Slaughter Game Laughing at Heaven, But does not know that is really the false. 【破军】,射击格斗灵术……三A强人,刀锋社团团长,有小道消息称他在某次杀戮游戏的匹配中遭遇并击败过江湖的【笑问苍天】,但不知是真是假。 Jue Bro is...... the extremely difficult to deal with solid strength, no obvious weakness and psychological quality is perfect to his appraisal, strategy also above average levels, in any event must pay the opponent who certain price can defeat. 觉哥对他的评价是……极难对付的坚实战力、无明显弱点、心理素质过硬、智谋亦在平均水准之上,无论如何都得付出一定代价才能击败的对手。 Greedy Wolf, Concentrates on the First Aid Healing Specialization battlefield staff officer. The blade edge Society political commissar character, the overall perception is clear, excelling at causes the open intrigue, taking advantage of opportunity, but is. Unlike other most First Aid Healing Specialization players, Greedy Wolf while practicing this type assists Specialization purely, does not take seriously the promotion of second Specialization ( usual to practice the First Aid Healing player to meet minor marksmanship and Spirit Art, or mechanics, a few will practice Hand-to-Hand combat, in brief must have Level B vice- Specialization , otherwise individual operational capacity will be seriously limited very), perhaps is also becoming in-game first to practice the Level S player because of so...... him when less than 40 levels First Aid Healing Specialization . 贪狼】,专注医疗专精的战场参谋。刀锋社团的政委式人物,大局观清晰,擅使阳谋,顺势而为。与其他大部分医疗专精的玩家不同,贪狼在练这种纯辅助专精的同时,并不重视第二专精的提升(通常来说练医疗的玩家会辅修射击灵术、或器械,少数会练格斗,总之必须有个B级的副专精,否则单兵作战能力会受到很大限制),或许也正因如此……他在不到四十级时就成为了游戏中第一个把医疗专精练到S级的玩家。 But regarding this person, Feng Bujue also quite dreaded. When Fierce Ghost Electricity Company meets, two people not many exchanges, but then Jue Bro has observed the character attribute of opposite party through the data angle of view, is not seriously weak. Today looked at him after the strategy in competition, felt that this person is quite hard to deal with...... 而对于此人,封不觉也颇为忌惮。在“猛鬼电力公司”中相遇时,两人并没有过多的交流,但当时的觉哥已经通过数据视角观察过对方的人物属性,当真不弱。今天看了他在比赛中的谋略后,更是感到此人相当难缠…… In summary...... blade edge, is very strong. 综上所述……刀锋,很强。 Since they should be S2 starts, is placed in front of Hell Front most difficult a ridge. 他们应该是S2开赛至今,摆在地狱前线面前最难的一道坎儿。 Defeats them, can be eight, entering semifinal( finals are four teams) ; But if could not win them, that then failed when success seemed within reach. 战胜他们,便可位列八强,进入半决赛(决赛是四支队伍);但若是赢不了他们,那便功败垂成。 ............ ………… ...... looked that somewhat was for a long time tired.” About when 12 : 30, Feng Bujue stretches oneself, stood from the table, un...... crushes Equipment, prepared offline to eat meal.” “呼……看久了还真有点累呢。”将近十二点半时,封不觉伸了个懒腰,从桌边站了起来,“嗯……去粉碎个装备,准备下线吃饭了。” He is talking over, while moved toward the Conference room front door. 他一边念叨着,一边走向了会议室的大门。 After several seconds, he went out of Conference room, entered in the Login Space elevator. When the elevator door is closed completely, he pressed a Storage room button. Crossed for two seconds, the elevator door opens, Storage room then appears in Jue Bro at present. 数秒后,他就走出了会议室,进入了登陆空间的电梯中。待电梯门完全关闭,他又摁了一下储藏室的按钮。过了两秒,电梯门重新开启,储藏室便出现在了觉哥眼前。 After the door, he moved toward directly Type Zero Magic Crusher, Arrived at the half-way to put in Traveling Bag to pull out thing the hand. 穿过门扉后,他径直走向了【零式魔导粉碎机】,走到半道就已把手伸进行囊在掏东西了。 Item that this time he must destroy, is his previous reward that goes to some ordinary difficulty single Scenario to obtain. Although he arranges that this main purpose is to contact Illusory Demon Church to wrap/sets of to the order, but after getting through the matter, he was fast Level cleared. 这次他要销毁的物品,是他上次去某个普通难度的单人剧本所获得的奖励。虽然他排那个本的主要目的是为了去联络幻魔教会给秩序下套,但办完了事情后他还是快速通关了。 What a pity after his Level cleared , the reward that random arrives is not much, is only attribute quite mediocre Superior Grade Equipment. According to the present market quotation, if puts this Equipment in the auction room, the initial price high being able to sell out, the initial price lowered might as well sold the shop directly. Because some of your initial price also not necessarily people buy lowly, cannot sell out consecutively for several cycles, the handling charge calculates that is not cost-effective. 可惜他通关随机到的奖励不咋地,只是一件属性比较平庸的精良级装备而已。按照现在的市场行情,若是把这种装备搁在拍卖行里,开价高了卖不掉,开价低了还不如直接卖店。因为你开价低也未必有人买,连续几个周期卖不掉,手续费算下来也不划算。 But regarding Feng Bujue this type can the player who weak Equipment digestion falls, did not use in this issue does many puzzled...... 而对于封不觉这种可以自己把鸡肋装备“消化”掉的玩家来说,就不用在这种问题上做过多纠结了…… Squeak creak- 吱嘎嘎- After that Item investment grinder, and drew the rocking bar, that noisy equipment then starts to revolve. 将那物品投入粉碎机、并拉动了摇杆后,那吵闹的设备便开始运转起来。 Stands discussed in this moment in conveyor belt end Jue Bro: Eh? said that...... this Type Zero Magic Crusher...... and SCP-914 has the similarity.” He feels the chin, curling the lip, un...... this is to pile up Item and moral behavior comes random production thing, but 914 are quite safe processing thing.” 站在输送带尽头的觉哥在这一刻不禁念道:“诶?说起来……这个零式魔导粉碎机……和SCP-914有相似之处啊。”他摸着下巴,撇了撇嘴,“嗯……不过这个是堆积物品和人品来随机‘生成’东西,而914是比较稳妥的‘加工’东西。” When thinking, the work of grinder has been completed. 思索之际,粉碎机的作业已经完成。 That flickers, even Feng Bujue a little cannot believe that...... the machine had/left Equipment unexpectedly. 那一瞬,连封不觉自己都有点不敢相信……机器居然出装备了。 Hou ~ Jue Bro looks the conveyor belt that stops gradually, as well as calmly lies down in that Equipment that the transportation takes...... not, should say that gadget, immediately showed a complex expression. “嚯~”觉哥看着渐渐停下的输送带、以及静静躺在输送带上的那件装备……不,应该说那个“玩意儿”,当即就露出了一种复杂的表情。 His mood at this moment...... we can quote the piece of some famous black person talk show star to describe- „, if you are a black person, the US gives your feeling is...... your rich uncle, he disburses money to go to college for you, but he harasses you.” 他此刻的心情……我们可以引用某位著名黑人脱口秀明星的段子来形容-“如果你是黑人,美国给你的感觉就是……你的一位有钱的叔叔,他出钱供你上大学,但同时他又对你进行骚扰。” Un...... , since previous time had/left Equipment, fills in thing that is not many toward, this thinks that also meets could for a long time have Equipment......” Feng Bujue to look the machine thought aloud, is it possible that...... this grinder installed the probability to be related with the Item quality? Because I have thrown in this cycle Hug of Artemis This powerful Equipment goes, promoted the probability?” “嗯……自从上次出了装备后,往里面填的东西不多,本以为还会过很久才能出装备的……”封不觉看着机器自言自语道,“莫非……这粉碎机的出装概率和物品质量有关?因为我在这个周期扔过【阿尔忒弥斯的拥抱】这种强力装备进去,就提升了几率?” During the speeches, he has taken up that thing, meets saying: „But actually is this gadget...... what ghost?” 说话间,他已拿起了那件东西,接道:“但这个玩意儿……究竟是什么鬼?”
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