TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#915: After the game summarizes, champion gambling house

November 11 , 2 : 00 am. 十一月11日凌晨 2 点。 Engaged in fierce battle four fourth round to finish, Struggle For Power to Summit S2 16 strong came out freshly. 鏖战四界第四轮结束,巅峰争霸S2的十六强新鲜出炉。 After the live broadcast ended, the video recording of various competitions also appeared in the broadcasting platforms of major non- nerve connected systems rapidly. 直播结束后,各场比赛的录像也迅速出现在了各大非神经连接系统的播出平台上。 Many have looked at the audience of live broadcast to withdraw from the nerve connecting mode in abundance, immediately watches other competitions that oneself miss. Naturally...... also had that type to brush has the feeling, runs looking especially the competition looks again, and keeps in the barrage the play in the person who passes existing...... 许多已经看了直播的观众纷纷退出神经连接模式,立即去观看自己错过的其他比赛。当然了……也有那种为了刷存在感,特地跑去把看过的比赛再看一遍,并且不停地在弹幕里剧透的人存在…… On the other hand, at the game forum is also a fiery scene, the players were discussing excitedly just ended soon that several victories and defeats. 另一方面,游戏论坛上也是一派火热的景象,玩家们都在兴奋地讨论着刚刚结束不久的那几场胜负。 First, used for ten minutes...... to renovate them on the Hell Front team of conclusion competition the localization merely once again in people heart. 首先,仅仅用了十分钟就结束比赛的地狱前线队……又一次刷新了他们在人们心中的定位。 In the semi-finals stage, they always give people one type full power the feeling, moreover to this fourth till round, they have not died in the competition the person. 复赛阶段,他们始终给人一种“未出全力”的感觉,而且至这第四轮为止,他们还没在比赛中死过人。 The opponents who if they run into are not much, that two said. But looks over these four rounds...... Corpse Blade one and two teams, is the Deities two teams, including that double roaming team that is led by individual professional player...... is the indisputable crack force. 若是他们遇到的对手都不咋地,那就两说了。但纵观这四轮……无论是尸刀的一、二番队,还是诸神二队,包括那支由个人职业玩家领衔的双游队……皆是无可争议的劲旅。 This makes Hell Front this zero died in battle the record appear incomparably sharp......, if calculates according to the same minute/share ranking rule of preliminary contest, till epicycle, they should rank first in 16 teams. 这就使得地狱前线这个“零阵亡”的纪录显得无比犀利……假如按照预赛的同分排名规则来计算,到本轮为止,他们应该在十六支队伍中排第一位。 Then, we look at of Ice Emperor to order again. 然后,我们再看冰帝对秩序的这场。 Now we have been able to call Order Team One directly are order, because their Studio other teams had said goodbye to the competition. 如今我们已经可以直接称呼秩序一队为“秩序”了,因为他们工作室的其他队伍都已告别了比赛。 With consistency that everyone anticipates, the order seemed like becomes a chapter of place to be promoted smoothly. But...... this is only from the result. 和大家预期的一致,秩序似乎是顺利成章地晋级了。但……这只是从结果上来说。 From the process, their being promoted are not relaxed. 从过程来看,他们的晋级并不轻松。 In fact, in competition center-section, even once some people think that the order will lose this contest...... 事实上,在比赛中段,甚至一度有人认为秩序会输掉这场较量…… No one knows how Ice Emperor found King Ditch and big shot of Samodeer this rank helps, no one thinks that they can under unexpectedly the arrange/cloth the skillful bureau, makes into three pairs of aspects with the order. 没人知道冰帝是怎么找到奠寉王萨摩迪尔这种级别的大佬来帮忙的,也没人想到他们竟能布下巧局,和秩序打成三对一的局面。 In the past competition, the order had not been made two people above disparities, no time made into only remains a situation. 在以往的比赛中,秩序可是从来没有被人打出过两人以上的差距来,更没有一次被打成仅剩一员的情况。 Vertical in the preliminary contest met full status( medicine addition) Team One Corpse Blade, they also lost two people. Moreover...... that is in Daring Devil brushes under the BOSS premise to happen only. When Daring Devil returns to the battlefield, Drunk and Lying Down Feeling encountered the suicide attack, Sashimi one is hung by two dozens ; Moreover that side Corpse Blade had also lost two people similarly( from exploding, was exploded by Brother Meditation). 纵是在预赛中遇上了满状态(药物加成)的尸刀一番队,他们也就损失了两个人而已。而且……那还是在鬼骁去单刷BOSS的前提下发生的。当鬼骁回到战场时,醉卧怅然遭遇了自杀式袭击,生鱼片则是被二打一才挂的;而且尸刀那边同样也已损失了两个人(一个自爆,一个被禅哥完爆)。 Furthermore, that is only the first competition of preliminary contest, in other words, order that powerful analysis team basically could not have provided quite exhaustive intelligence support at that time. If this competition happened in ten rounds...... not, after five rounds,...... that Team One Corpse Blade perhaps also by the result that zero seals. 再者,那只是预赛的第一场比赛,也就是说,当时秩序那强大的分析团队基本还提供不了比较详尽的情报支持。若这场比赛发生在十轮……不,五轮之后……那尸刀一番队恐怕也是被零封的结局。 However, Ice Emperor, actually once compelled in the crisis that bordered on to suffer defeat...... to say that the order why the order can also win finally, that reason only has four Characters Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil. 然而,冰帝,却一度将秩序逼到了濒临败北的危局中……要说秩序为什么最后还能赢,那理由只有四个字-吞天鬼骁 He without using Summon lifeform, repelled two unique data that is next to Four Pillar Gods, and gets rid of the naming difficult three people of groups that was almost at the full condition in the shortly after meeting engagement. 他在不使用召唤生物的前提下,先后击退了两个仅次于四柱神的唯一性数据,并在之后不久的遭遇战中干掉了几乎都处于满状态的取名难三人组。 It can be said that...... this competition, is significant, it made people see hope that defeated order team, Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil This ID pushed up the shrine again. 可以说……这场比赛,是意义非凡的,它既让人们看到了战胜秩序这支队伍的希望,同时也把【吞天鬼骁】这个ID再次推上了神坛。 After S1 finished, once had that some time, many people had the question to the Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil strength. Because he was always limited stubbornly by Root in the competition, and until also has no performance of going against heaven's will finally, even can say that was hit a little miserably...... 在S1结束后,一度有那么一段时间,有很多人都对吞天鬼骁的实力产生了质疑。因为他在比赛中始终被鲁特限制得死死的,且直到最后也没有什么逆天的表现,甚至可以说被打得有点惨…… But through this event, Daring Devil planted the terrifying in people heart once again. Goes forth to battle shock that personally preys on to bring and directs the vision and psychological impact that the Summon lifeform hits to bring is entirely different. 但经此一役,鬼骁又一次在人们心中种下了恐怖。亲自上阵搏杀带来的震撼和指挥召唤生物去打所能带来的视觉及心理冲击是大不相同的。 The present stage...... besides some sinister novelist, no one thought that own team meets Daring Devil to win...... including Deities one team. 现阶段而言……除了某个阴险的小说家以外,没有人觉得自己的队伍遇上鬼骁能赢……包括诸神一队在内。 Their psychology also really with Ruoyu make complaints such: Pray do not meet him before the finals......” 他们的心理还真就和若雨吐槽的那样:“祈祷在决赛前不要遇上他……” Then, said third again, the stars to the Warring States. 接着,再说说第三场,星辰对战国。 This should be in four focus wars most does not have one of the suspense. 这应该算是四场焦点战里最没有悬念的一场了。 Although most players have certain prejudice and psychological repugnance to external Studio, moreover people did not know about the concrete information of Warring States, but the pre-game forecast will still favor the Warring States will win. 虽然大部分玩家们都对“外来工作室”持有一定的偏见和心理上的反感,而且人们对战国的具体情报也不甚了解,但赛前的预测依然是更倾向于战国会赢。 Although the stars strength is not bad, and there is a S1 champion to assume personal command, but several other players beside young Brother Ma all are the uniform rookie players. Obviously, that side Studio wants to make these stars of future beam with joy through the competition, later can selling a good price. 星辰的实力虽也不差,且有S1的冠军坐镇,但小马哥以外的另外几名选手全都是清一色的新人玩家。很显然,工作室那边是想让这些未来之星通过比赛多露露脸,以后能“卖”个好价钱。 Such team...... outwardly the strength is good, but has two irreparable flaws: First, lacks the tacit understanding and cohesive force ; Second, besides Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies, others lack the competition experience completely. 这样的队伍……明面战力是不错,但却有两个无法弥补的缺陷:其一,缺乏默契和凝聚力;其二,除天马行空外,其他人全部都缺乏比赛经验。 In the final analysis...... this is issue in the idea. 说到底……这就是个理念上的问题。 No matter player and coach how to think at heart, stars the hope of management to champion is not in any case intense, they only need to attain one also to be able the position satisfied. 不管选手和教练的心里怎么想,反正星辰的管理层对冠军的渴望并没有那么强烈,他们只需要拿到一个“还可以”的名次就满足了。 But is this position can? Basically so long as satisfies does not miss these to need certain position to have the competition of qualifications participate and guarantee exposure rate/lead these two points on the line. 而这名次怎样才算“可以”呢?基本上只要满足“不错过那些需要一定名次才有资格参加的比赛”、“保证曝光率”这两点就行。 Therefore, the stars will put a S1 champion to add on three rising stars in one team of lineups. Aura of one team of title and champion guaranteed their paid attention degrees, the competition can make them accumulate the experience, to increase the exposure rate/lead. Cannot win the champion...... It does not matter, so long as the sale prices of these players can rise through the competition on the line. 因此,星辰才会在一队阵容里放上一个S1的冠军加上三个新秀。一队的头衔和冠军的光环保证了他们受关注的程度,比赛本身可以让他们累积经验、增加曝光率。拿不到冠军……无所谓,只要这些选手的身价能通过比赛而上涨就行。 Reviewed here the Warring States, was obviously ambitious, exerts its utmost. 反观战国这边,明显是野心勃勃,势在必得。 In brief, these two teams...... idea and struggle crown of Studio ** missed were too many, the losing surface of stars is big under the premise that the strength was close, let alone Warring States one team originally them...... , and strength was immeasurably deep. 简而言之,这两队……无论是工作室的理念和争冠的**都差了太多,在实力接近的前提下星辰的输面都较大,更别说战国一队本就比他们强……且实力深不可测。 PS: Sees here, if you felt faintly I in some black FA Premier League team, or you are the fan of that team, please tell yourself, this is only an misconception...... an misconception...... the misconception...... thinks...... PS:看到此处,如果你隐隐感觉到我在黑某支英超球队,或者你就是那支球队的球迷,请告诉自己,这只是一种错觉……种错觉……错觉……觉…… Then finally, comes to see fourth again, Red Cherry one team of VS order two teams. 那么最后,再来看第四场,红樱一队VS秩序二队。 If Hell Front that MVP is Blood Corpse God, that Red Cherry this MVP must be Xu Huaishang. 如果说地狱前线那场的MVP是血尸神,那红樱这场的MVP必须是絮怀殇了。 This competition quite had the suspense, the order two teams of overall level are quite good, must say that disparity that is their trump card Bar code Compared with the trump card of enemy side Xu Huaishang Incoming messengers. 这场比赛本来还是颇有悬念的,秩序二队的整体水平相当不错,要说差距那就是他们的王牌【条形码】比起敌方的王牌【絮怀殇】来差了一些。 In queen as female occupations player existence, the Xu Huaishang ability at least with Drunken Dreams is the same rank, but the level of bar code, must lower half scale. 作为女性职业玩家中“女王”般的存在,絮怀殇的能力至少与“醉生梦死”是同一级别的,而条形码的水平,明显要低了半个档次。 Let alone, Yin Tianchou he...... Oh...... I meant that the bar code he before the competition has not entered the final stage on the misfortune by the opposite party two non- trump card team members replacing. 更何况,尹天仇他……呃……我是说条形码他在比赛还未进入最后阶段前就不幸被对方两名非王牌队员给换掉了。 In that final fight, Xu Huaishang also plays the trump card proper role. When she uses one move Cherry. The moon/month breaks After striking killed Brave invincible, Fearless Brave One understands that...... this was the confession. 在那最后的战斗中,絮怀殇也起到了王牌应有的作用。当她用一招【樱.月断】击杀了勇者无敌后,勇者无惧就明白……这场算是交代了。 In a while, was drained the Stamina fearless elder brother by the skill became treated butchers the lamb ; But he dies, the order two teams added on IQ to seize the anxious heavy snow person on remaining First Aid Healing Specialization A Sheet Of Paper. This combination copes Blood wild rose Person of bad, Xu Huaishang in addition...... the result is obvious. 没过多久,被技能抽干了体能值的无惧哥就成了待宰羔羊;而他一死,秩序二队就剩下个医疗专精叶纸加上个智商捉急的大雪人了。这个组合就是对付【血蔷薇】一人都不济,加上的絮怀殇……结果不言自明。 In summary, fourth round of semi-finals, some people cherish hatred to eliminate, some people night of to become God. 综上所述,第四轮的复赛,有些人饮恨淘汰、有些人一夜成神。 Competition video recording in the web platform has not finished, various group of forum big gods and keyboard chivalrous and specialized sailors the collective have sent out, starts the predictive parsing, the direction landscape and create public opinion impatiently...... 网络平台上的比赛录像还没播完,各路论坛大神、键盘豪侠、专业水军就已集体出动,迫不及待地开始预测分析、指点江山、制造舆论…… But beyond network, in reality. 而在网络之外,现实之中。 The person, has been planning other matter...... 有一个人,已在谋划别的事情了…… ............ ………… 3 : 00 am, in the suburbs of S City, some intersection. 凌晨 3 点,S市郊区,某十字路口。 This place is situated remotely, said that is the wilderness is not overrated ; Although the roadside has several street lights, but camera and so on equipment surely does not have. 此地地处偏僻,说是荒郊野外也不为过;路边虽有几盏路灯,但摄像头之类的设备肯定是没有的。 At this time, wears the black even/including Maowei clothes, puts on the thin form of trunk to stand in the roads, in the mouth mumbled is saying anything. 此时,有一个身着黑色连帽卫衣,穿着条运动裤的消瘦身影正站在路中间,口中念念有词地说着什么。 The ground before his body, with, diameter about two meters law that the chalk draws. The law middle put a metal small basin, in the basin was filled with red, the liquid of doubtful blood, as well as at sixes and sevens unclear material. But in that law in several symmetrical points, but also set up the red candles of several ignitions respectively. 在他身前的地上,有一个用粉笔画出的、直径大约两米的法阵。法阵的中间放了一个金属小盆,盆里盛满了红色的、疑似鲜血的液体,以及许多乱七八糟的不明材料。而那法阵中几个对称的点上,还分别立了几根点燃的红蜡烛。 In_Namen_Satans , dem _ Herrscher _ der _ Erde , dem _ Konig _ der _ Welt ; befehle_ich_den_Kraften_der_Finsternis......” “In_Namen_Satans,dem_Herrscher_der_Erde,dem_Konig_der_Welt;befehle_ich_den_Kraften_der_Finsternis……” That person of god god talked on endlessly fast talked over a while in the quite quick language, later, in time point that in a Month(s) light was camouflaged by the dark cloud, suddenly...... 那人神神叨叨地用颇快的语速念叨了一会儿,随后,在一个月光被乌云遮蔽起来的时间点上,忽然…… - 呼- Strange wind high-rising blew out the candle. 一阵怪风兀地吹灭了蜡烛。 His all street lights all around start to glitter unexpectedly simultaneously, seems is the electric circuit bad contact appearance. 紧接着,他周遭的所有路灯竟同时开始闪烁,好似是电路接触不良的样子。 In such several short instantly, this full crossroad fell into the completely jet black condition. 在那么几个短暂的刹那,这个十足路口陷入了完全漆黑的状态。 After several seconds, moon revealed after the cloud layer, the surrounding street light also regained the stable bright condition. 数秒过后,月亮又从云层后露了出来,周围的路灯也都恢复了稳定的明亮状态。 But that intersection place, had had a person's shadow...... 而那十字路口处,已然多出了一个人影…… Hehehe...... you can always give the person to be pleasantly surprised, Feng Bujue.” 嘿嘿嘿……你总是能给人惊喜呢,封不觉。” Hears this Hehehe laughter, everyone has also known that who by a law calling person was. Since he arrives the first lines, that wear black even/including Maowei clothes and greater part of the night play the person who summons the demon here...... are Jue Bro. 听到这“嘿嘿嘿”的笑声,想必各位也已经知道被法阵召来的人是谁了。而从他登场后的第一句台词来看,那个穿着黑色连帽卫衣、大半夜地在这儿玩召魔的人……就是觉哥 „...... You was quite surprised by my Summon?” Feng Bujue is also the be with smile on the face said/tunnel. “被我召唤……你感到很意外吗?”封不觉也是面带微笑地道。 Hehehe......” Woody that signboard -type dreadful laughter really cannot change, is not accidental/surprised, is the pleasant surprise.” 嘿嘿嘿……”伍迪那招牌式的猥琐笑声实在是改不掉,“不是意外,是惊喜。” Good, casual......” Feng Bujue does not want then to play this word game with the opposite party, therefore spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, met saying that I do not know how long you can be here, I said directly with emphasis......” he, we...... bet one game.” “好吧,随便了……”封不觉不想和对方接着玩这个文字游戏,于是随口应了一声,接道,“我不知道你能在这儿待多久,我直接说重点了……”他顿了顿,“我们……来赌一局吧。” Un?” Woody hears word, is startled slightly, immediately showed nearly abnormal smile, hehe...... Hehehe hey......” “嗯?”伍迪闻言,微微一怔,随即露出了近乎变态的笑容,“呵呵……嘿嘿嘿嘿……” He smiled one demented, then pushed on the bridge of the nose that to exude the white light eyeglasses with the middle finger, met saying: Hehe...... Feng Bujue, before I replied gambling or does not bet, I asked that......” his tone changes, you really believe that between you and me has equality to gambling possibility?” 他癫狂地笑了一阵,然后用中指推了推鼻梁上那泛着白光的眼镜,接道:“嘿嘿……封不觉,在我回答‘赌’或‘不赌’之前,我就问一句……”他的语气微变,“你真的认为,你我之间存在‘平等对赌’的可能吗?” Does not exist.” The Feng Bujue's response is also very simple, by four big essential factors of gambling, is you occupies superiorly.” “不存在。”封不觉的回应也很干脆,“以赌博的四大要素而言,全都是你占优。” „Does Oh? have unexpectedly gambles four big essential factors this theory?” Woody returns said, how I have not heard.” 哦?居然还有‘赌博四大要素’这种理论?”伍迪回道,“我怎么没听说过呢。” Because that is I summarizes.” Feng Bujue returns said. “因为那是我自己总结的。”封不觉回道。 Right? Hehehe...... that I am interested in listening actually very much.” Woody meets to say. “是吗?嘿嘿嘿……那我倒是很有兴趣听一听。”伍迪接道。 Feng Bujue shrugs, said directly: Its one, completes cheat and sees through cheat technology ; Second, absolutely are calm and foolproof plan psychology ; Third, the courage and faith called transported potential ; Fourth, preserve oneself or gather the chip military force after the gambling stake breakthrough boundary sufficiently.” 封不觉耸耸肩,直接说道:“其一,完成出千和识破出千的‘技术’;其二,绝对冷静和算无遗策的‘心理’;其三,勇气与信念召来的‘运势’;其四,在赌注突破界限后足以保全自己或收取筹码的‘武力’。” Hehehe...... summarizes very well.” Woody said with a smile, most gambling depended truly was cheat, this does not know, moreover did not have the fish intestinal fat that the ability saw through is loses loses everything is not worth sympathizing ; But is unable gambling of cheat, to be main by the wisdom war, the manner, language and movement...... the skill of performance and observation decided the victory and defeat ; Again gambling that comes...... even/including Zhizhan not to use, for example a slot machine kind, must by transporting the potential. This is also thing that the gambler most needs- care of heaven.” His a half second, „, but beyond these decisive factors, military force is the final insurance. It is not able winning the benefit is living carrying off, cannot say that is the winner.” 嘿嘿嘿……总结得很不错嘛。”伍迪笑道,“大部分赌博靠的确实就是出千,连这点都不知道而且也没有能力去识破的鱼腩就是输得倾家荡产也不值得同情;而在无法出千的赌博中,主要得靠智战,神态、语言、动作……表演和观察的技巧决定了胜负;再来……连智战都用不上的赌博,比如老虎机一类的,就得靠运势。这也是赌徒最需要的东西-上天的眷顾。”他微顿半秒,“而在这些决定性的因素之外,‘武力’则是最后的保险。无法将赢来的利益活着带走,称不上是赢家。” After meeting these words, Woody both hands insert the bag, shook the shoulder to smile several: Hehe...... these truth you understand......, but do you want to bet with me?” He seems thought that this issue was still not very intense, added after one second, I must emphasize...... I am a devil, I was not that type disdain in cheating or for the face I will not repudiate a debt the type.” 接完这段话后,伍迪双手插袋,抖着肩膀笑了几声:“嘿嘿……这些道理你都懂……但你还是要跟我赌吗?”他好似觉得这个问题仍不够尖锐,在一秒后又补充道,“我得强调一下……我是魔鬼,我可不是那种‘不屑于作弊’或者‘为了面子我也不会赖账’的类型。” These I naturally understand.” Feng Bujue continues to be with the smile, what's the big deal?” “这些我自然都明白。”封不觉继续报以微笑,“那又如何呢?” These words, making the smile on Woody face vanish. 这句话,让伍迪脸上的笑容消失了。 „After snort/hum......” silent several seconds, Woody cold snort/hum, meets saying that Feng Bujue, you may really make me love and hate......” “哼……”沉默了几秒后,伍迪冷哼一声,接道,“封不觉,你可真是让我又爱又恨啊……” Liked not needing, I had the girlfriend.” Jue Bro make complaints said immediately, you hate me...... with love compared with, hate is one type the emotion that is easy to undertake. As far as I know...... hates my person to be many, I live same well.” He is crooked, smiles ridiculing, if, but likes my person being too many, I will be very tired.” “爱就不必了,我有女朋友了。”觉哥随即吐槽道,“你还是恨我吧……与‘爱’相比,‘恨’是一种很容易承担的情感。据我所知……恨我的人很多,我还是一样活得好好的。”他歪过头,戏谑地一笑,“但若是爱我的人太多,我会很累的。” Hehehe...... I also analogy, I may have no emotion.” Woody meets saying that in brief...... bets on the gambling......” he spreads out both hands, what do you want to bet?” 嘿嘿嘿……我也只是比喻一下而已,我可没有什么‘情感’。”伍迪接道,“总之……赌就赌吧……”他摊开双手,“你想赌什么?” I use this candidate to play Stage 2 champion......”, when Jue Bro said that five word-time, the Woody facial expression had the quite obvious change, „...... bet the Li Ruoyu love.” “我用这‘候选者游戏’第二阶段的冠军……”当觉哥说出那五个字时,伍迪的神情有了相当明显的变化,“……来赌黎若雨的爱。”
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