TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#914: Cherry- moon/month breaks

The voice stops, blade intent raises. 话音止,刀意扬。 Xu Huaishang the move, her two opponents had also taken the defensive ahead of time. 絮怀殇还未出招,她的两名对手就已提前采取了守势。 They are very clear...... to notice that the style makes the response again, likely already late. 他们都很清楚……等看到招式再做反应,很可能就已经晚了。 Two after seconds, the Xu Huaishang figure sinks, after the center of gravity moves, in the double blade the hand interlocks prerequisite, instant then emits one move North day of cross phoenix. 两秒后,絮怀殇身形一沉,重心后移,将手中双刀交错前置,瞬时便放出一招【北天十字凰】。 This move, is an evolution technique, by the Level C Hand-to-Hand combat technique North day of cross bird The change comes. 这一招,是一个进化技,是由C级格斗技【北天十字雀】变化而来。 The similar change, in the preamble had once mentioned many times. For example...... Feng Bujue's Sloppy Maintenance, Turned afterward Not that Sloppy Maintenance ; Yet Weary Dreams( Corpse Blade is King) Turn Winds Clouds Thousand Heavy, Turned Turns cloud Langwan heavily ; But Li Ruoyu Seven Clear Frostcold With Flaming Sky Flying Snow Then combines, turned Two Extreme Fight Play ; In addition has the resembles Wild Ball Fist, Bright Jade Power This kind of its bringing promotion attribute merit law wait/etc. 类似这样的变化,前文中曾多次提到过。比如……封不觉的草率的维修】,后来变成了【不那么草率的维修】;倦梦还(尸刀为王)的【翻云浪千重】,变成了【翻云浪万重】;而黎若雨的【七晴霜寒】和【炎天飞雪】则是合二为一,变成了【双极奏杀】;另外还有像【野球拳】、【明玉功】这类本身就自带升级属性的功法等等。 Like the above this phenomenon, is called skill evolution generally. 像上述这种现象,一般被称为“技能进化”。 In fact, any skill has the possibility of evolution. But the turning point of skill evolution commonly uses this/should skill frequently and proficiently, or...... some Specialization breaks through Level S. 事实上,任何一个技能都有进化的可能。而技能进化的契机通常就是频繁、熟练地去使用该技能,或者……某项专精突破到S级 In Thriller Paradise, when Level of player practices fully, after main force Specialization also arrives at Level S, the dominant data basically did not have the space of promotion. However...... also many recessive data can promote. For example- self-created skill. 惊悚乐园中,当玩家的等级练满,主力专精也到S级以后,显性的数据就基本没有提升的空间了。但是……还有很多隐性的数据是可以提升的。比方说-“自创技能”。 The player who the present stage, can contact this domain is it can be said that extremely rare. For example Feng Bujue regarding the utilization of Rankyaku, Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies regarding the control of Pegasus meteor fist...... already steps on „the self-created skill the threshold. So long as they proceed again one step, can step into a stretch of broad new world. 现阶段而言,能接触到这个领域的玩家可说是凤毛麟角。比如封不觉对于岚脚的运用,还有天马行空对于天马流星拳的掌控……就已经踩到了“自创技能”的门槛。只要他们再往前一步,就可以踏入一片广阔的新天地。 Naturally, wants the self-created skill, Level S Specialization is indispensable. This absolute requirement, it can be said that watershed between expert and average person. 当然了,想要自创技能,S级专精是不可或缺的。这一硬指标,也可说是高手和普通人之间的分水岭。 But Xu Huaishang, without doubt is expert- expert extremely. Her ability, consciousness and psychological quality...... and any top male player compares also least inferior and even better. When present she, far ratio „the war of butterfly that opening Soul is near Condition stronger...... 絮怀殇,无疑是一名高手-绝顶的高手。她的能力、意识、心理素质……和任何一名顶尖的男性玩家相比也毫不逊色、甚至更胜一筹。如今的她,远比“蝶之战”时那个开启【魂临】状态的自己更强…… - 咻- But in a twinkling, sees the cruciform blade glow to split together from the Xu Huaishang knife point, charged into Fearless Brave One and Brave invincible. 说时迟那时快,但见一道十字型的刀芒从絮怀殇的刀尖绽出,冲向了勇者无惧勇者无敌 These two speeds are not quick, but the attack and defense and reaction capacity are very strong. Since they are prepared ahead of time, naturally is chooses defense that skill. 这两位的速度都不是很快,不过攻防和反应能力很强。既然他们已提前有了准备,自然是选择去“防御”那个技能。 Blazing red cutting to strike facing that the Fearless Brave One spear/gun selects the frontline, Battle Qi manifest ; The Brave invincible double fist appears together, strength sinking dantian. 面对那炽红的斩击,勇者无惧枪挑一线,斗气外放;勇者无敌双拳交并,力沉丹田。 Quick, that cross about both sides of blade glow hit these two players. That flickered...... in their ears to hear a fearful phoenix cry faintly. They felt that oneself body was given surrounding by a chill in the air...... 很快,那“十字”刀芒的左右两端就击中了这两名玩家。那一瞬……他们的耳中隐隐听到了一声慑人的凤鸣。紧接着,他们就感觉自己的身体被一股寒意给包围了…… Although the temperature above this icy peak was very low, but till a moment ago, the invincible elder brother and fearless elder brother had not been affected by the coldness. Because 50 levels of players have very high resistance and adaptiveness to the ambient temperature, even 40 degrees or about 20 degrees below zero the environment in zero, they will therefore not lose Health ; But, and extra consumption of Stamina becomes effective regarding the cold hot body feeling and uncomfortableness as usual. 虽然这冰峰之上的温度本来就很低,但直到刚才为止,无敌哥和无惧哥也都没有被寒冷所影响。因为五十级的玩家已对环境温度有了很高的抗性和适应能力,即使是在零上四十度或者零下二十度左右的环境中,他们也不会因此而损失生存值了;只不过对于冷热的体感、不适感、以及体能值的额外消耗还是照常生效的。 However...... is contacting North day of cross phoenix After the energy, the two felt unexpectedly simultaneously the body one stiff, is hard to move. 然而……在接触到【北天十字凰】的能量后,那两人竟同时感到身体一僵、难以动弹。 They almost in same second of responded...... Special Effect that although this skill seemed like such as the flame of combustion, but that flame the essence was actually the extremely cold strength. 他们俩几乎在同一秒反应过来……虽然这个技能的特效看上去如燃烧的火焰,但那“火焰”的本质却是极寒之力。 Light looked after the video recording the words......” the Xu Huaishang round incurs, immediately bullies the body to kill, and says, „...... thinks certainly this move is the flame attribute attack?” “光看录像的话……”絮怀殇发招后,立即欺身杀上,并开口说道,“……一定会以为这招是炎属性攻击吧?” Snort......” Brave invincible fished out one bottle with the extremely quick speed from Traveling Bag Anti-icing fluid Relieved own freezing condition, protects the teammate body before immediately, the joining-up said, some truly accidents/surprises...... the early knowledge is the Ice Attribute skill, we will not meet hardly.” “哼……”勇者无敌用极快的速度从行囊中摸出了一瓶【防冻液】解除了自身的“冰冻”状态,随即护到队友身前,并接道,“确实有些意外啊……早知是冰属性的技能,我们也不会硬接了。” shiny- shiny- 锃-锃- It finishes barely the words, the Xu Huaishang double blade has truncated cuts in the wrist/skill of Brave invincible. 其话音未落,絮怀殇的双刀已削砍在了勇者无敌的手腕上。 -” the latter delayed the movement because of the previous freezing condition, at present keeps off to incur hastily, the form is not steady, immediately was repelled the zhang (3.33 m), stuffy snort/hum. Was counted the previous skill injury, Brave invincible altogether had fallen 32% Health. “唔-”后者因先前的冰冻状态而延误了动作,眼下仓促挡招,体势不稳,当即就被击退丈许,闷哼一声。算上先前的技能伤害,勇者无敌总共已掉了32%的生存值 In just now fight, I had detected that......” Xu Huaishang is unforgiving, while the Brave invincible repelled gap, has not been being one fiercely attacks to Fearless Brave One of coming to a stop figure, hits the opposite party to retreat in defeat again and again, you excessively rely on regarding the pre-game intelligence analysis...... seem pre-battle had estimated that in what style should meet and what style should ‚ broken to hide,’ and what style this/should ’......” her a half second, the movement suddenly changes, with one light and lively, exquisite, may be called the exquisite movement, cut a type body side to divide, attacks to the opponent rib region. The dead angle, this tactic, under the power balance or the advantage is really reasonable and efficient. However......, once meets the experience to enrich and opponent who excel at being on site machine changes, will become to cut to your double-edged swords.” “适才的战斗中,我已察觉到……”絮怀殇不依不饶,趁着勇者无敌被击退的间隙,对着尚未站稳身形的勇者无惧又是一阵猛攻,打得对方节节败退,“你们对于赛前的情报分析过分依赖……好似在战斗前就已预想好了‘什么招式该接’、‘什么招式该躲、’、‘什么招式该破’……”她微顿半秒,身法忽变,用一个轻灵的、精妙的、堪称优美的动作,斩出一式倒身侧劈,攻向了对手肋部的死角,“这种战术,在均势或者优势下确是合理且高效的。但是……一旦遇上经验丰富、擅长临场机变的对手,就会成为一把斩向你们自己的双刃剑。” During the speeches, under the Fearless Brave One rib had been cut the wound by Xu Huaishang......, but this, merely is a start. 说话间,勇者无惧的肋下已然被絮怀殇斩伤……而这,仅仅是个开始。 The fearless elder brother and invincible elder brother are different, what because uses is long spear/gun type of long weapon, he is longer after the time of losing the form requiring, therefore first Brave invincible of rallying stance can come to shield him a moment ago. What a pity...... the invincible elder brother did not have HOLD several seconds to be repelled, this then made Xu Huaishang obtain struck to kill the Fearless Brave One golden opportunity...... 无惧哥和无敌哥不同,由于用的是长枪这种长兵器,他在失去体势后所需的调整时间更长,所以刚才先一步重整姿态的勇者无敌才会过来掩护他。可惜……无敌哥也没HOLD几秒就被击退了,这便使絮怀殇获得了击杀勇者无惧的绝佳机会…… Like this in fight that uses the weapon, there is a very essential base element, is within gathers. The expert showdown, often first penetrates advantageously to oneself by the situation of defense within gathers starts. 像这种使用兵器的战斗中,有个很关键的基本要素,就是“间合”。高手对决,往往都是以防守的态势先突入对自身有利的“间合”开始的。 As a rule, within gathers can be understood as- both sides attack the distance and time, psychologically the space of actual situation. 通常来说,“间合”可以被理解为-双方打击所需要的距离、时间、心理上虚实的空间。 Cites several popular points examples...... for example you to use the Guan's broadsword to cut the person, your within gathers at least in one meter over two ; You use the watermelon blade to cut the person, ideal within is 2/3 of your arm length adds about 30 centimeters at earliest convenience again ; But if you with truncating the pocket knife of Pingguo cut the person, that cut the person to be similar to own hand blade with you at earliest convenience...... 举几个通俗点的例子……比如你用关刀去砍人,那你的间合起码在一米二以上;你用西瓜刀去砍人,理想的间合就是你手臂长度的三分之二再加三十公分左右;而你要是拿把削平果的小折刀去砍人,那间合就跟你用自己的手刀去砍人差不多了…… In brief, each weapon has most suitable own within to gather, if when the fight distance surpassed itself to gather, then can only defend and is unable attack ; But is away from , if smaller than own within to gather, the display of might and user of weapon will be limited. 总之,每一种兵器都有最适合自己的间合,战斗时的距离若是超过了自身间合,便只能防守、无法进攻;而距离若是小于自身的间合,兵器的威力和使用者的发挥都会受到限制。 At this moment, snatches Xu Huaishang before Fearless Brave One body, closed to have the overwhelming advantage in the middle, used Fearless Brave One of long spear/gun unable to attack when this distance, defense also appeared timid and hesitant, is surrounded by perils. Furthermore...... the Xu Huaishang strength strove to excel compared with Fearless Brave One, under swift and fierce fast attacks, fearless elder brother's Health rubs to fall downward, cutting edge is also increasing at the visible speed. 此刻,抢到勇者无惧身前的絮怀殇,就在间合上占据了压倒性的优势,使用长枪的勇者无惧在这种距离下根本无法攻击,防守时也显得束手束脚、险象环生。再者……絮怀殇的实力本就比勇者无惧要强,在一阵凌厉的速攻之下,无惧哥的生存值蹭蹭地往下掉,身上的刀口也是以肉眼可见的速度增加着。 „When is not wonderful......” Fearless Brave One resists, in the heart anxiously the secretly thought, „...... two dozens one is also instead killed, isn't my teases?” “不妙啊……”勇者无惧招架之余,心中急切地暗道,“……二打一还被反杀,我这不是逗么?” Originally, the fearless elder brother wants to force Xu Huaishang to assault with the language, then he and teammate can depend on the information advantage to come to wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, the defensive counter-attack. Has not thought that...... opposite party assaults, they have not shouldered unexpectedly. 本来,无惧哥是想用语言迫使絮怀殇抢攻,然后他和队友就可以靠着情报优势来个以逸待劳、防守反击了。没想到……对方一个抢攻,他俩竟是没扛住。 This not good......, if died, the face could not hang, bonus unable to detain...... can only spell at this moment!” “这样不行……要是这么死了,面子挂不住、奖金也留不住……事到如今只能拼了!” Seeing the aspect must collapse, Fearless Brave One sets firm resolve finally, prepares to show the card in hand, at least puts together to perish together with the opposite party. 眼瞅着局面要崩,勇者无惧终于是下定决心,准备亮出底牌,至少和对方拼个同归于尽。 „-” Next second, the fearless elder brother exuded one to kill pig yelling. “啊-”下一秒,无惧哥发出了一声杀猪般的大叫。 After all is the teammate, from several meters Brave invincible one hear of this that kills the support know that...... I do not use anxiously on. 毕竟是队友,正从数米杀回来支援的勇者无敌一听这声儿就知道……我已经不用急着上了。 Really, Fearless Brave One after is eating two blades hardly, shakes, however stands, lifts up high the long spear/gun, put forth his title ability...... 果然,勇者无惧在硬吃两刀后,撼然而立,高举长枪,使出了他的称号能力…… Name: Flour dim sum master tornado 名称:面点师龙卷风】 Special Ability Type: Initiative 特殊能力类型:主动】 Consumption: When starts immediately consumes the Stamina 1000 points, after that consumes 300 points every second ; Once opens the skill, before player Stamina enulls is unable to stop.】 【消耗:发动时立刻消耗体能值1000点,此后每秒消耗300点;一旦开启技能,在玩家体能值归零前便无法停止。】 Effect: Has lifted up high the top of the head weapon, uses the strength of both arms its maneuver, makes like tornado general regional kills continually( cooling time 80 minutes, action radius regards environment to decide, needs long weapon to start only then)】 【效果:将武器高举过头顶,利用双臂的力量将其回旋,制造如同龙卷风一般的范围性持续杀伤(冷却时间80分钟,作用半径视环境而定,需长兵器方可发动)】 Note: This move by being called „the mainland strongest male a potential surface master creates, is from Shanxi his excelling at to cause a big steel stick, not only makes a good meal, but also the skill in Wushu excels. Besides creates many two ingredients, he also created the famous 7749 groups of Xie stick laws, with the same period Big Dipper blade Rennes and name blade stick outstanding in both fields.】 【备注:此招由人称“大陆最强之男”的一位面点师所创,来自山西的他擅使一条大钢棍,不但做得一手好菜,而且武艺高强。除了创造出许多中二的料理之外,他还创出了著名的七七四十九路解家棍法,与同时期的七星刀雷恩并称刀棍双绝。】 whistling- 呼呼呼- In a twinkling, the long spear/gun has rotated in the Fearless Brave One top of the head, the broken wind sound/rumor that raises gradually raises the intermittent invisible crazy mist toward all around. 霎时间,长枪已在勇者无惧的头顶回转起来,渐渐扬起的破风声朝四周掀出阵阵无形的狂岚。 The Xu Huaishang offensive...... is blocked by this circumstances unexpectedly forcefully, is unable to continue. 絮怀殇的攻势……竟是硬生生被这风势所阻,无法持续。 ............ ………… crap...... this anything style, very has the imposing manner.” 我勒个去……这什么招式,挺有气势啊。” „Can he fly, then puts the machinegun with the mouth?” “他会不会就这么飞起来,然后用嘴来放机关炮啊?” You were too naive! Before this skill me, looks at him to let off, seems like in same place revolutions spear/gun, in fact consumes and might is very big.” “你们都太天真了!这技能我以前看他放过,看上去只是原地转枪而已,实际上消耗和威力都是很大的。” ............ ………… Outside audience noticed that some people enlarge incur are very excited, but the player in field may be not so relaxed. 场外的观众们看到有人放大招还是挺激动的,但场内的玩家可就不那么轻松了。 This move , the Xu Huaishang look obviously changes. 此招一出,絮怀殇的神色明显一变。 Although this title technique quite slotted, but the actual role is really quite fierce...... the user does not need to move completely, can the surrounding 360 degrees including the in the air enemy conducts no dead angle, an attack and defense body attack. 虽然这称号技颇有槽点,但实际作用确是相当厉害……使用者完全不用移动,就能对周围三百六十度包括空中的敌人进行毫无死角的、攻防一体的打击。 And, this Flour dim sum master tornado Has a very strange attack determination. Will feel the repulsion, to leave him to cross to use technique excessively near person to feel involves the strength. In brief......, no matter wants to flee the skill range, wants to approach the user, will intensify the loss of Health. Using the long-distance method attacks him is very difficult, because might insufficient flight item blowing to fly by this tornado. 而且,这【面点师龙卷风】有着一种非常诡异的攻击判定。离施术者过近的人会感受到斥力、而离他过远又会感觉到牵扯力。总之……不管是想逃离技能范围,还是想靠近使用者,都会加剧生存值的损失。使用远程手段去攻击他也很困难,因为威力不够的飞行道具会被这龙卷风给吹飞。 Therefore, Xu Huaishang also can only support by hard and stubborn effort in the gusty area, waits for the skill of opposite party to stop. 因此,絮怀殇也只能在风口里硬撑着,等待对方的技能停下。 But at the same time, the threat of Brave invincible actually approached...... 但与此同时,勇者无敌的威胁却又逼近了…… , The invincible elder brother was also involved in the effective scope of tornado without a doubt, but this skill is not no difference injury technique, therefore, invincible elder brother, although will also receive pulling of wind power, but will actually not lose Health. 毫无疑问的,无敌哥也被卷入了龙卷风的作用范围,但这个技能并不是“无差别伤害技”,所以,无敌哥虽也会受到风力的拉扯,但却不会损失生存值 Under this premise, if Brave invincible looks for Xu Huaishang to fight, that latter's situation may quite not be wonderful. 在这种前提下,若是勇者无敌去找絮怀殇对打,那后者的情况可就相当不妙了。 Escapes......, everyone in eye of wind, so long as maintains the movement, no one can pursue anyone. But the movement means the rejection defense, the outflow of Health will also speed up. 逃跑……可以,大家都在风眼里,只要保持移动,谁也追不到谁。但移动就意味着舍弃防御,生存值的流失也会加快。 Clings to tenaciously......, but resists the attack of Brave invincible, while resists the injury of tornado, falling the blood is not definitely slow. 死守……也可以,但一边抵挡勇者无敌的攻击,一边抵挡龙卷风的伤害,掉血肯定也不慢。 But a last choice- attack...... does not seem like, because felt that will do this will withstand the injury sum totals of above two choices, but will be dies the quickest one approach. 而最后一种选择-对攻……似乎是不可以的,因为感觉这样做会承受以上两种选择的伤害总和,可算是死得最快的一种做法。 However, when Xu Huaishang, actually...... chose the attack in Brave invincible close. 然,絮怀殇,却在勇者无敌靠近时……选择了对攻。 Perhaps some people think that...... this is the performance that spur-of-the-moment, and even is deliberately bad, but the fact is not such. 或许有人会认为……这是一时冲动、乃至自暴自弃的表现,但事实并非如此。 When Xu Huaishang is one not easily about( and Jue Bro showdown by the mood exception) the player, in the mosts of the time, her judgment is calm and accurate. 絮怀殇是一名不会轻易被情绪左右(和觉哥对决时例外)的选手,在大部分时候,她的判断都是冷静而准确的。 She will do this , because she in that seems like that in the most disadvantageous choice...... saw the reversal situation opportunity. 她会这样做,是因为她在那看似最为不利的选择中……看到了逆转形势的机会。 Cotton wool team leader, the victory and defeat the minute/share...... has been sorry!” When Brave invincible withstands the wind power moves to Xu Huaishang two meters, he self-confidently said the victory manifesto. “絮队长,胜负已分……抱歉了!”当勇者无敌顶住风力挪动到絮怀殇身旁两米时,他自信满满地说出了胜利宣言。 Yes...... the victory and defeat the minute/share......” Xu Huaishang has turned the head, in the eye killing intent shakes presently, „, but I do not know that you have anything to be good to be sorry.” “是啊……胜负已分……”絮怀殇转过头来,眼中杀意抖现,“但我不知道你有什么好抱歉的。” In an instant, Brave invincible Terror Value increases suddenly. The intuition, making him feel an unprecedented danger. 刹那间,勇者无敌惊吓值陡然攀升。直觉,让他感觉到了一种前所未有的危险。 But...... when at that time carved, he is impossible to do again circuitously, can only brace oneself to face directly the murderous intention of opponent. 可是……在当时当刻,他已不可能再做迂回,只能硬着头皮直面对手的杀机。 -” to embolden also well, to threaten, that second, Brave invincible calls out one, reported style to make struck, Sovereign extremely heaven shaking fist!” “喝-”为了壮胆也好,为了威吓也罢,那一秒,勇者无敌暴喝一声,报着招式名打出了一击,“【皇极惊天拳】!” In this wind with the fist, is a faulty stroke in handwriting.” In this time, some Xu Huaishang also ample forces pointed out unexpectedly the mistake of opposite party, „the strength and manifest of attack fist wind changes because of the wind power lightly changes slow, when is hard controls......” speaks this saying, she unexpectedly dropped the blade on left hand, threw into on it the fist road of opposite party lightly. “在这风里用拳,是一个败笔。”在这种时刻,絮怀殇竟还有余力指出了对方的失误,“打击的力量和外放的拳风都会因风力变轻变缓、且难以控制……”说这话时,她竟是弃掉了左手上的刀,将其轻抛到了对方的拳路上。 pang- 嗙- With a strange sound, the fist of Brave invincible has touched in the tool face. Although that short sword is struck to fly immediately, but his fist road also therefore had the distortion. 伴随着一声怪响,勇者无敌的拳头已触在了刀面上。那短刀虽是立刻被击飞,但他的拳路也因此发生了偏斜。 Was selected to disturb slightly, will turn into this.” Xu Huaishang is saying, is the arrow step broken wind, bent down to flash through the attack of opposite party, and started the skill with the single tool of right hand, in this environment, the best forms of defensive action was...... receives the entity in weaponry to cut to strike the energy completely.” “稍微受点干扰,就会变成这样。”絮怀殇说着,已是箭步破风,俯身闪过了对方的攻击,并用右手的单刀发动了技能,“在这种环境中,最好的攻击方式是……将能量完全收在兵刃中的实体斩击。” The word finishes, the blade gets up, the shadow is wrong, the body breaks. 言毕,刀起,影错,身断。 A move Cherry. The moon/month breaks, Was the innumerable audience performed textbook cutting in two at the waist. 一招【樱.月断】,为无数观众表演了一次教科书般的腰斩。
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