TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#913: Duel war, battle of attrition

Tenaciously to moving situation......” “顽强到令人感动的地步啊……” Never expected that he can support that for a long time......” “没想到他能撑那么久呢……” After all is the S1 champion......, although is only a fool.” “毕竟是S1的冠军……虽然只是个笨蛋而已。” Said these words time, Warring States one team of team members have looked that Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies and Oda Love fought for enough five minutes. 说这些话的时候,战国一队的队员们已经看着天马行空织田爱打斗了足足五分钟。 In the daily life, five minutes are not long. Soaks a surface, to brush a tooth, a trash, to shave...... does anything casually, almost must spend this time. 在日常生活中,五分钟并不算长。泡个面、刷个牙、倒个垃圾、刮个胡子……随便干点儿什么,差不多也要花去这点时间。 But in the game world, in the fight of ultra high rhythm, five minutes...... has made two players fight 100 sufficiently back and forth. 但在游戏世界里,在超高节奏的战斗中,五分钟……已足以让两名玩家大战一百个来回了。 „- Made the person fire big more and more.” At this time, on the face of Oda Love has the obvious anger, cockroach who your fellow cannot kill really!” “啊-越来越让人火大了。”此时,织田爱的脸上已有了明显的怒意,“你这家伙真是打不死的小强吗!” Snort......” the Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies both legs shiver, to support the body to stand reluctantly, confronts to say with the opposite party, our team only had my one, my carrying/sustaining all partners expected how could...... easily to drop down!” “哼……”天马行空双腿颤抖着、支撑着身体勉强立住,与对方对峙道,“咱们队只剩下我一个了,我承载了所有伙伴们期望……岂能轻易倒下!” Where did hey hey...... see easily?” Takeda Knowledge listened to the young Brother Ma's words really to be able help in side complaining, which angle, regardless of came to see you to drop down well?” 喂喂……哪里看出‘轻易’了啊?”武田智听了小马哥的话实在是忍不住要在旁吐个槽,“无论从哪个角度来看你都早就应该倒下了好吧?” Truly...... I a little want to refuel for him.” A Uesugi Benevolence face said earnestly. “确实……我都有点想为他加油了。”上杉仁一脸认真地言道。 Oh? heard black length to speak frankly this, Akechi Integrity also revealed wipes the smile, originally did you like this type?” 哦?”听到身旁的黑长直说了这一句,明智信也不禁露出一抹微笑,“原来你喜欢这种类型吗?” No.” The Uesugi Benevolence facial expression changes, returns straightforwardly said, I thought the earnest person is worth encouraging.” She a half second, met saying that „, although...... he is a fool.” “不。”上杉仁神情微变,耿直地回道,“我只是觉得认真的人是值得鼓励的。”她顿了半秒,接道,“虽然……他是个笨蛋。” Yes......” Takeda Knowledge and Akechi Integrity shake the head to discuss immediately with one voice, „is really a fool......” “是啊……”武田智明智信随即异口同声地摇头念道,“真是个笨蛋呢……” „- After” several seconds, Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies is a long and loud cry, Battle Qi blazing to rise. “啊-”数秒后,天马行空又是一声长啸,斗气炽升。 Fights to at this moment, although young Brother Ma has been scarred, vestment was hit incompletely, but...... cannot see slight timid and exhausted from his eye, in that pair of pupil high fighting spirit and hot blooded. 战至此刻,小马哥虽然已是伤痕累累,就连身上的圣衣都被打得残缺不全了,但是……从他的眼中看不到丝毫的畏怯和疲惫,那双眸子里的只有高昂的斗志和热血。 ...... really irritates me......” to review Oda Love, this little while her the breath actually became loud, shook the hand of katana also to start to shiver slightly, has said me to take a person to rout such lines him, actually could not end the fight...... also too to be rather ugly.” “呼……真是气死我了……”反观织田爱,这会儿她的呼吸倒是变得粗重起来,握着武士刀的手也已开始微微颤抖,“已经说出了‘我要一个人把他击溃’这样的台词,却迟迟结束不了战斗……未免也太难看了。” At present, occupied Oda Love of advantage to become a side worrying on the contrary. Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies that unthinkable brave and firmness, are she have never seen in any showdown. In fact, before today, she thinks that young Brother Ma this person does not exist in the real world likely, stresses one big in the cartoon actually...... 眼下,占据优势的织田爱反倒成了着急的一方。天马行空那令人匪夷所思的勇敢和坚定,是她从未在任何对决中见过的。事实上,在今天以前,她以为像小马哥这种人在现实世界里根本是不存在的,在漫画里倒是一抓一大把…… Decision!” Suddenly, Oda Love drinks loudly, the stance of holding the blade also takes advantage of opportunity changes, unexpectedly dares to harm me so rude...... to look I use magnificently draws on to cut to kill you!” “决定了!”突然,织田爱高声一喝,持刀的架势也顺势一变,“居然敢害我如此失态……看我用最华丽的一招来斩杀你!” Such remarks, the audience who watch the live broadcast all are an excitement. However...... the Oda Love three teammates actually changed the look. 此言一出,观看直播的观众们皆是一阵激动。不过……织田爱的三名队友却都变了神色。 Love, do not impulse.” Akechi Integrity reminded in the rear area loudly, that move is to retain is being used to cope......” “爱,不要冲动。”明智信在后方高声提醒道,“那招是要保留着用来对付……” Team leader!” Oda Love broke the opposite party, and has turned the head slightly, making the teammate see the fierce color on his half face, please do not say again......” “队长!”织田爱打断了对方,并略微转过头去,让队友看到其半张脸上的狰狞之色,“请别再说了……” The next second, her teammates were then silent. 下一秒,她的队友们便沉默了。 When they see the Oda Love facial expression, has given up advising against her thought again. They rather make Oda Love give to use up that skill in this willfully, is not willing to take lets her rampage the risk to further anger her. 当她们看到织田爱的神情时,就已放弃了再去劝阻她的念头。她们宁可让织田爱在此任性地把“那个技能”给用掉,也不愿冒着让她“暴走”的风险进一步去惹怒她。 Snort!” Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies sees opposite party's response, drinks one severely, the response said, had the skill to attack!” Then, his figure show/unfolds, draws out the fist to incur, Pegasus meteor fist!” “哼!”天马行空看到对方的反应,也是厉喝一声,回应道,“有本事就攻过来好了!”说罢,他身形一展,又起拳招,“天马流星拳!” Do not look at Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies to be used with only then a move, but his actual combat skill certainly has not looked that simple. 别看天马行空用来用去就只有一招,但他的实战技巧绝没有看上去那么简单。 Possibly many people forgot, when S1 starts, young Brother Ma has been situated in 20 th of player battle efficiency ranking. Moreover, he did not invite the player, he depended on oneself strength to kill the finals from the preliminary contest. If young Brother Ma is really only one no brain release star fist the fellow, had definitely been given to eliminate...... 可能很多人都忘了,在S1开赛时,小马哥就已位居玩家战斗力排行榜的第二十位了。而且,他并非是特邀玩家,他可是靠着自己的实力从预赛一路杀进决赛的。假如小马哥真的只是一个“无脑放流星拳”的家伙,肯定早就被人给淘汰了…… Sees things in others'shoes...... only to use Active Skill from beginning to end, can actually with the players of these high levels the player who competes not to drop the wind, even if cannot say that is talent, that at least is still peculiar genius. 换位思考一下……一个自始至终都只用一个主动技能,却能和那些高水准的玩家同台竞技而不落下风的选手,就算称不上是“天才”,那至少也是个“怪才”吧。 The magnificent feat that this type may be called the miracle...... not the excellent fight intuition and fight IQ cannot achieve. 这种堪称奇迹的壮举……没有过人的战斗直觉和战斗智商是做不到的。 At present, Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies was understands clearly the opposite party to put forth an flaw before trump card, launched another round of attack decisively. 眼下,天马行空就是洞悉到了对方使出杀手锏前的一丝破绽,果断地发动了又一轮攻击。 Pegasus meteor fist If this skill changes others to use, sends to be similar each time. However the meteor fist of Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies...... each round and each fist, can achieve the slightly magnitude control. 天马流星拳】这个技能要是换别人来用,每次发出来都是差不多的。但是天马行空的流星拳……每一轮、每一拳,都能做到微量级的控制。 At this moment with the draws on saying that...... on 80% fist curtains that made only added on skill's foundation injury, but 20% fist glow bring strong Battle Qi that had the penetrating power, but these 20% fist glow...... under the cover of massive fist curtain, simultaneously flew to each flaw place in Oda Love stance. 就拿此刻打出的这一招来说……百分之八十的拳幕上都只加上了技能本身的基础伤害,但还有百分之二十的拳芒带着极具穿透力的超强斗气,而这20%拳芒……在大量的拳幕掩护下,齐齐飞向了织田爱架势中的各个破绽处。 „When hateful......” Oda Love gathers incurs, experiences personally to hit hard, does not need to look that she also knows oneself Health is dropping suddenly, underestimated him......” this to flicker, in her heart besides the anger, actually added an admiration, can display the pinnacle simple thing...... looks like incessantly is a fool......” “可恶……”织田爱蓄招之际,身受重击,不用看她也知道自己的生存值在急剧下降着,“太小看他了……”这一瞬,她的心中除了愤怒之外,却又平添了一份敬佩,“能把简单的东西发挥到极致……看来不止是个笨蛋而已啊……” This respect, made her state of mind restore several points of pure brightness quickly, made the stance that her shivered slightly stable. 这份敬意,很快让她的心绪恢复了几分清明,也让她那微微颤抖的架势变得稳定。 Originally, Oda Love may be unable to put smoothly the skill, but after restoring to be calm,...... her successfully withstood the attack of meteor fist, started killing move! 本来,织田爱可能已无法顺利将技能放出来了,但恢复冷静后……她成功地强顶住了流星拳的攻击,发动了杀招 Name: A blade class/flow. Cuhap. Lion song song 名称:一刀流.居合.狮子歌歌】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, after using one time, vanishes 技能卡属性:主动技能,使用一次后消失】 Skill Category: Hand-to-Hand combat 技能类别:格斗 Effect: Draw blades, cuts the enemy( use receives long blade or long sword in sheath starts only then)】 【效果:拔刀,斩敌(使用收在鞘中的长刀或长剑方可发动)】 Consumption: 40% of Stamina upper limit 【消耗:体能值上限的40%】 Learning Prerequisite: Level 45, Fighting Proficiency A 学习条件:等级45,格斗专精A】 Note: The cuhap masterstroke/divine skill of perception extremely high swordsman comprehension, incurs only then now if quickly the electric light and eyesight difficult, cut iron like mud and strike guarantee murder.】 【备注:悟性极高的剑士方可领悟的居合神技,招现时快若电光、目力难及、削铁如泥、一击必杀。】 But sees...... 但见…… The form makes a mistake, the blade glow flashes. 身影相错,刀芒一闪。 All, only in the wink of an eye. 一切,仅发生在瞬息之间。 Victory and defeat, has branched out. 胜负,也已在此间分出。 - 噗- Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies dropped down, before his bloodstain spreads, he has then changed into the white light to disappear. 天马行空倒下了,在他的血迹蔓延开以前,他便已化为白光消失。 I...... won......” the Oda Love vision to talk over one absent-minded. “我……赢了吗……”织田爱目光恍惚地念叨了一句。 After two seconds, she seems detected that anything, looked down to own left chest place, actually saw a blood hole...... 两秒后,她好似察觉到了什么,低头看向了自己的左胸处,却看到了一个血洞…… „...... so that's how it is......” Oda Love mirthless smile, is flickered the change fist road that I cut, instead injures my fist...... she to shake the head by my advance strength, lets the fool who the person is speechless......” “呵……原来如此……”织田爱惨笑一声,“在被我砍到的一瞬改变拳路,借由我的突进力反伤我一拳……”她摇了摇头,“让人无话可说的笨蛋啊……” Saying, her, was also changing to the white light but actually...... 如是说着,她也倒了下去,化作了白光…… ............ ………… Again look, in another Scenario...... 再看,另一个剧本中…… Red Cherry one team VS Order two teams The competition was still held. 红樱一队】VS【秩序二队】的比赛仍在进行着。 At this time, that side Order Team One and Ice Emperor had decided the victory and defeat, finally with the Feng Bujue forecast same...... Order Team One won finally. But Hell Front and Warring States one team also gained the victory respectively, therefore...... this to the war, becomes the focus war that this morning last had not ended at present. 此时,秩序一队冰帝那边已经分出了胜负,结果和封不觉预测的一样……秩序一队最终还是赢了。而地狱前线和战国一队也各自取得了胜利,于是……眼前这场对战,成了今天凌晨最后一场尚未结束的焦点战。 And look, above great peak that in solid ice casts, a tangled warfare of six world is launching. 且看,在一座坚冰所铸的巨峰之上,一场六人间的混战正在展开。 Fearless Brave One Grasps a long spear/gun, with wearing gauntlet/glove Brave invincible Two people with joint forces, right Xu Huaishang Is conducting fiercely attacking. 勇者无惧】手持一杆长枪,与佩戴拳套的【勇者无敌】二人合力,对【絮怀殇】进行着猛攻。 Although to work as two, but the Xu Huaishang double blade in the hand, the movement lightly, just like fights does not drop the wind. 虽然是以一当二,但絮怀殇双刀在手,身法翩然,俨然是战得不落下风。 Another side, Red Cherry Blood wild rose Treads above a great eagle, from the sky pursues is raiding the order A Sheet Of Paper, The latter is retreats fighting, and against and evades, leeway that has almost not counterattacked. 另一边,红樱的【血蔷薇】踏在一只巨鹰之上,在空中追袭着秩序的【叶纸】,后者是且战且退、且防且避,几乎没有还击的余地。 Is good because, „the sixth person is shielding her...... 好在,还有“第六个人”在掩护她…… In particular, that is not person, but is a long hair snowman. This NPC naturally was A Sheet Of Paper in „the potential of” in Scenario obtaining, was equivalent to one not to limit the time the free Summon lifeform. 确切地说,那也并不是“人”,而是一个长毛雪人。这名NPC自然是叶纸剧本中获得的“势”了,就相当于一个不限时间的免费召唤生物。 In previous Scenario, this long hair snowman has taken to order two teams of considerably large advantages. At present they can make into three pairs of two aspects , because this snowman plays the role of surprise-attack forces in the initial meeting engagement. 在先前的剧本中,这个长毛雪人已经带给了秩序二队相当大的优势。眼下他们能打成三对二的局面,就是因为这个雪人在最初的遭遇战中起到了奇兵的作用。 However...... only remains two people Red Cherry, has not actually been in an inferior position. 不过……只剩两人的红樱,却并没有处于劣势。 Although Red Cherry died in battle one person compared with the opposite, but was struck that two that kills is the support players, individual operational capacity Fairly Strong Xu Huaishang and blood wild rose returned safe and sound to live. Furthermore, the Red Cherry team also borrowed potential, but this potential is not the Summon lifeform, but is a BUFF class, invisible resources. 虽然红樱这边是比对面多阵亡一人,但被击杀的那两位都是支援型的玩家,单兵作战能力较强絮怀殇和血蔷薇都毫发无伤地活了下来。再者,红樱队也是借到了“势”的,只是这“势”并非是召唤生物,而是一种BUFF类的、无形的资源。 Reviews the order two teams, although their also three team members add a long hair snowman again, but got rid of that...... is the main force of team, and has most marksmanship in entire Order Studio is the name of player Bar code. 反观秩序二队这边,虽然他们还有三名队员再加一只长毛雪人,但是被干掉的那个……正好是队伍的主力,而且是在整个秩序工作室中有最射击系玩家之称的【条形码】。 If put in the old times, Bar code Such expert can be selected in one team completely, but the Order Team One lineup is extremely magnificent this year, even Drunken Dreams these four people have one to go, when substitutes, therefore the bar code also can only step down two teams. 若是搁在往年,【条形码】这样的高手完全是可以入选一队的,但今年秩序一队的阵容太过华丽,连醉生梦死这四人都有一个得去当替补,于是条形码也只能退居二队了。 Must by the strength, he also enter 50 strong men in the S1 period, naturally...... he no opportunity of performance in the finals was also turned into the corpse by Root. But in any event, in other three people compared with team, the level of bar code without doubt is quite best. 要论实力,他也是在S1时期杀入五十强的男人,当然了……他在决赛中还没什么表现的机会就被鲁特变成了尸体。但无论如何,比起队伍里的其他三人,条形码的水准无疑是比较拔尖的。 What a pity...... the bitter experience of his little while with is the same in S1, but also without arriving got the lunch, does not have including lines, might be considered as the Yin Tianchou general treatment. 可惜……他这会儿的遭遇和在S1里一样,还没登场就领了便当,连一句台词都没有,堪称是尹天仇一般的待遇。 Moreover, but must say that long hair snowman...... this NPC intelligence is very low, even can say that is lower than the Summon lifeform. Because of the Summon lifeform of low intelligence...... for example the dog, bat, wolf and turkey...... this kind of thing, at least can also controls by the will or the instruction of Summon, but this snowman actually not good...... 另外,还得说回那个长毛雪人……这个NPC的智能是很低的,甚至可以说比召唤生物还低。因为低智能的召唤生物……比如狗、蝙蝠、狼、火鸡……这类东西,至少还可以由召唤者本人的意志或指令来操控,但这个雪人却不行…… This long hair snowman does not have the communication skill of advanced species completely, does not obey somebody's order. Because it was discovered by A Sheet Of Paper, therefore its action pattern is follows and protects A Sheet Of Paper probably, other things it does not manage totally. 这个长毛雪人完全不具备高等生物的沟通能力,也不听从某个人的命令。由于它是被叶纸所发现的,因此它的行动模式大概就是“跟随并保护叶纸”,其他事情它一概不管。 Thereupon, presented above that...... 于是乎,就出现了上述的那一幕…… Even if the population occupies superiorly, but lost marksmanship is the support of player, the order two teams are unable wild rose manufacture effective the pressure on Xu Huaishang and blood. 纵然人数占优,但失去了射击系玩家的支持,秩序二队无法对絮怀殇和血蔷薇制造有效的压力。 Under Specialization similar premise, a Xu Huaishang apex copes with two first-class issues is not big. 专精类似的前提下,絮怀殇一个顶尖对付两个一流问题也不大。 But the blood wild rose is fixes the eyes on First Aid Healing Specialization of enemy not to put very quick-wittedly, does this......, on the one hand can keep A Sheet Of Paper from supporting the team member, on the other hand, diverted that long hair snowman in disguised form. This monster attacks tall blood thick in any case, the ground-to-air ability and IQ basically do not have, how wants to dawdle how to dawdle. 而血蔷薇则是十分机智地紧盯着敌人的医疗专精者不放,这样做……一方面可以让叶纸无法去支援队员,另一方面,也变相地牵制住了那个长毛雪人。反正这怪物只是攻高血厚而已,对空能力和智商基本没有,想怎么遛就怎么遛。 Invincible, no rush.” After the fight enters the seesaw battle, Fearless Brave One hits to the team rules of friendship, stands firm, does not expose weaknesses on the line.” “无敌,别着急。”当战斗进入拉锯战后,勇者无惧边打边对队友道,“稳住,不露破绽就行。” Brave invincible understands the meaning of teammate completely, hits should say: Relax, yes.” 勇者无敌完全明白队友的意思,也是边打边应道:“放心,明白。” Snort...... wants to consume my physical strength......” Xu Huaishang also in opening to incur, joined in two's dialogue calm. “哼……想要消耗我的体力是吗……”絮怀殇也在拆招之余,淡定地加入了那两人的对话中。 Right, plans.” Fearless Brave One acknowledged very much frankly, since he dares to be in front of opposite party saying that explained that this tactic and does not have any to conceal, he does not have the ample force to conceal...... “没错,就是这么打算的。”勇者无惧很坦率地承认了,他既然敢当着对方的面讲出来,就说明这战术并没有什么好掩饰的,他也没有余力去掩饰…… Even if you can obtain the power balance in a pair of two situation, but this power balance is impossible maintains.” The thread of conversation that Brave invincible received the teammate, said to Xu Huaishang, we have two people, in the fight always has the moment of alternately temporarily resting ; Are also more loose in skill choice, fault-tolerant rate/lead and other aspects.” He, „, but you...... are actually cannot be lax.” “就算你能在一对二的情况下取得均势,但这种均势是不可能一直保持下去的。”勇者无敌接过队友的话头,对絮怀殇说道,“我们有两个人,战斗中总有交替暂歇的片刻;在技能选择、容错率等方面也都更宽松。”他顿了顿,“但你……却是一刻都不能松懈的。” Fearless Brave One wields spear/gun one dozen, meets saying: Briefly...... in this fight, your Stamina consumption definitely be quicker than us. Keeps the status quo, is favorable for us absolutely.” 勇者无惧挥枪一打,又接道:“简单地说……在这场战斗中,你的体能值消耗必然要比我们快。保持现状,对我们绝对有利。” „......” Brave invincible smiled, cotton wool team leader, I, if you , attack on the rejection defense now full power, perhaps can also replace one person.” He is saying, is the side moves several steps, attacks three fists, „when otherwise...... your Stamina bottoms, the opportunity of counter-attacking did not have.” “呵……”勇者无敌笑了,“絮队长,我要是你的话,现在就舍弃防守、全力出击,没准还能换掉一人。”他说着,又是侧移几步,攻出三拳,“要不然……等你体能见底时,就连反扑的机会都没有了。” These two sang a duet, although some meaning that tempted the enemy, but majority honest remark. 这两位一唱一和,虽然有诱敌的意味,但大部分还是实在话。 ...... These words, Xu Huaishang fans listen in these watch the live broadcast, that is really quite grating. 只是……这些话语在那些观看直播的、絮怀殇粉丝们听来,那真是相当刺耳。 Despicable fellow! Unexpectedly with battle of attrition!” “卑鄙的家伙!竟然用消耗战!” Having skill and Shangshang duel Ah! two dozens one is what real man!” “有本事和殇殇单挑啊!二打一算什么好汉!” Population occupies should superiorly you on first! Too hateful!” “人数占优应该你们先上吧!太可恶了!” Clearly, the above these are the barrage or the commentary that the fans publish. In the competition utilizes any tactic to be indisputable, the players of order to not let the fans satisfaction of opposite party will choose obviously to the disadvantageous tactical rules. 很明显,以上这些都是脑残粉们发表的弹幕或评论。比赛中运用任何战术都是无可厚非的,秩序的选手们可不会为了让对方的粉丝满意而选择明显对自己不利的战法。 But this point...... Xu Huaishang is also very clear. 而这一点……絮怀殇也很清楚。 Two suggestions...... truly are good.” Also fought for dozens seconds, or...... pondered dozens seconds, Xu Huaishang is opens the mouth to say unexpectedly, continues to delay, will only increase the probability that I am defeated.” “二位的建议……确实是不错。”又战了数十秒,或者说……思考了数十秒,絮怀殇竟是开口回道,“继续拖延,也只会增加我落败的几率而已。” Such remarks, two formidable look changes, two people tightened the nerve immediately, prepares to greet a round of storm. 此言一出,二位“勇者”神色一变,两人当即就绷紧了神经,准备迎接一轮强攻。 Then......” Xu Huaishang has not made them and others too long, „...... I am impolite.” “那么……”絮怀殇也没让他们等太久,“……我就不客气了。”
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