TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#912: A sinister military strategist, with a fool

After ten minutes, in Hell Front Conference room. 十分钟后,地狱前线会议室中。 Un...... collected very interesting data.” Feng Bujue sits at the board, looks that the present projection screen discussed. “嗯……收集到了很有趣的数据呢。”封不觉坐在会议桌旁,看着眼前的投影屏幕念道。 At this time, his four teammates also sit in a circle in the nearby of board, watches the competition that is interested on the respective projection screen respectively. 此时,他的四名队友也都围坐在会议桌的边上,分别在各自的投影屏上看着感兴趣的比赛。 What's wrong? Competition of order and Ice Emperor?” Ruoyu hears the Jue Bro words, then turned the head to ask one. “怎么?秩序和冰帝的比赛完了?”若雨听到觉哥的话,便转头问了一句。 Although has not decided the final victory and defeat, but the aspect is basically clear.” Feng Bujue returns said, Sashimi to be levelled by the naming difficult three people of groups ; Ji Bu does not beat Drunk and Lying Down Feeling ; Drunk and Lying Down Feeling and Wisdom of Death were defeated by King Ditch one by one ; But Samodeer was injured to flee......” he by Daring Devil to think slightly, said again, I estimated...... King Ditch again and Daring Devil dogfight must run some time. After that was Daring Devil and victory and defeat of naming difficult three people of group.” “虽然还没有分出最终的胜负,不过局面基本上已经明朗了。”封不觉回道,“生鱼片被取名难三人组摆平;迹部不敌醉卧怅然;醉卧怅然悟死参玄又被奠寉王逐一击破;而萨摩迪尔则被鬼骁打伤遁走……”他稍微想了想,再道,“我估计……奠寉王再和鬼骁缠斗一段时间也得跑。在那之后就是鬼骁和取名难三人组的胜负了。” Then......” Ruoyu a half second, asked that how did you feel the result to be able?” “那么……”若雨微顿半秒,问道,“你觉得结果会如何?” „......” Feng Bujue chuckle one, that is Order Team One will certainly win.” “呵……”封不觉轻笑一声,“那当然是秩序一队会赢咯。” I said that......” one hear of this saying, nearby Flowers Between cannot bear turn the head to interrupt, you do use this natural tone really? Do you help for what that before the game Ice Emperor juggles?” “我说……”一听这话,旁边的花间也忍不住转过头来插嘴道,“你用这种理所当然的语气真的好吗?那你赛前帮冰帝忙里忙外的到底是为了什么啊?” I may not have to be Ice Emperor make anything specially.” Feng Bujue denied the view of Flowers Between, my layout...... mainly serves for me. Ice Emperor...... was only just right rode a bandwagon. They neatly in the competition obtained powerful potential, but I also rely on their strengths, obtains thing that I want......” he, „...... information.” “我可没有特意为冰帝去做什么。”封不觉否定了花间的说法,“我的布局……主要是为我个人服务的。冰帝嘛……只是正好‘搭了一趟顺风车’而已。他们不费吹灰之力地在比赛中得到了强大的‘势’,而我也借助他们的力量,获得我想要的东西……”他顿了顿,“……情报。” Therefore...... you had not thought from the beginning Ice Emperor will win?” Xiao Ling also joined the talk. “所以说……你从一开始就没觉得冰帝会赢?”小灵也加入了谈话。 Right.” Feng Bujue should say confidently, in fact......, let alone was Ice Emperor, even if caught up with the team of my bandwagon is Deities, I do not think that they had the opportunity to win.” “对。”封不觉坦然应道,“事实上……别说是冰帝了,就算赶上我这趟顺风车的队伍是诸神,我也不认为他们有机会打赢。” hey hey......” sits in Jue Bro opposite Wang Tanzhi also meets saying that that was also too exaggerating? According to you said, Order Team One wasn't invincible?” 喂喂……”坐在觉哥对面的王叹之也接道,“那也太夸张了吧?照你这么说,秩序一队不是无敌了啊?” Non- also ~ Feng Bujue should say self-effacingly, Order Team One is not invincible, but...... by the individual battle efficiency of player, Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil, Basically can regard as is invincible.” “非也非也~”封不觉摇头晃脑地应道,“秩序一队不是无敌的,但……以玩家的个体战斗力而言,【吞天鬼骁】,基本可以视为是无敌的。” Illuminated you saying that our other team opportunities didn't have?” Ruoyu said, everyone was praying together do not meet Order Team One before the finals, then struggles second?” “照你这么说,那我们其他的队伍岂不是一点机会都没有了?”若雨说道,“大家就一起祈祷着在决赛前不要遇到秩序一队,然后争个第二?” I may not have to say.” Feng Bujue returns said, in my opinion, no one is...... including me who is unable to be defeated. Naturally, copes with the Daring Devil that Level monster, needs some plans and preparations. The bureau of today, is part of preparatory work.” “我可没这么说。”封不觉回道,“在我看来,没有什么人是无法打败的……包括我自己。当然了,对付鬼骁那种等级的怪物,需要一些计划和准备。今日之局,就是准备工作的一部分。” Got it.” The Xiao Ling nod meets saying that you do want to compel his limit in this Scenario?” “明白了。”小灵点头接道,“你是想在这个剧本里逼出他的极限是吧?” „It is not.” Feng Bujue's replied that almost blurted out. “不是。”封不觉的回答几乎脱口而出。 Isn't?” Xiao Ling stared in a big way the eye to doubt to say. “不是?”小灵瞪大了眼睛疑道。 „It is not.” Feng Bujue repeated the answer, and answered, wanted to compel the Daring Devil limit, must have a strength of Four Pillar Gods rank to be good. Ability when this rank...... for example the officer, juror and Undead Nine Chief wait/etc, at least must come four to be good.” He puts the elbow on the table, rests one's chin in one's hands single-handed said, as for the player...... Drunken Dreams that level, collects seven to eight possibly to have the opportunity.” “不是。”封不觉又将答案重复了一遍,并解释道,“想要逼出鬼骁的极限,必须得有一个四柱神级别的战力才行。能力在这个级别之下的……比如时官、陪审员、死灵九魁等等,就至少得来四个才行了。”他将手肘搁在桌上,单手托腮道,“至于玩家嘛……醉生梦死那个水准的,凑七到八个可能有机会。” He stopped for several seconds, then said: In brief, by Ice Emperor that four, in addition King Ditch and Samodeer...... wants to compel the Daring Devil limit is unlikely, only if...... Order Team One other three people do not help busily, looks that their six hit Daring Devil one.” 他停顿了几秒,接着道:“总而言之,靠冰帝那四位,再加上奠寉王萨摩迪尔……想要逼出鬼骁的极限是不太可能的,除非……秩序一队的其他三人一点忙都不帮,看着他们六个打鬼骁一个。” Eh? Xiao Tan does not understand, these relative strengths that you said...... take the Daring Devil most flourishing condition as the reference foundation? But today doesn't he in law under arrange/cloth in Illusory Demon Church hit beforehand? Should unable to display the complete strength is right.” 诶?小叹又不懂了,“你说的这些实力对比……都是以鬼骁的全盛状态为参照基础的吧?但今天他不是在幻魔教会事先布下的法阵里打吗?应该发挥不出全部的实力才对啊。” That law dies in battle you to think that fiercely.” Feng Bujue returns said that I let that Samodeer they establish...... its leading role am to weaken the player Summon is skill as well as Spiritual Energy Armament .” He is tilting the head discussed, is these two abilities is only restricted, the effect on Daring Devil is not big. Moreover...... according to my observations, came in King Ditch a short time ago, Daring Devil has discovered a law effect, therefore so far, he simply did not have to use that two abilities.” “那法阵没你想得那么厉害。”封不觉回道,“我让萨摩迪尔他们设置的阵……其主要作用是削弱玩家的‘召唤系技能’以及‘灵能武器’。”他歪着头念道,“仅是这两项能力受限,对鬼骁的影响并没有那么大。另外……据我观察,在奠寉王现身前不久,鬼骁就已经发现了法阵的效果,所以到目前为止,他也根本没去使用那两种能力。” Your significance of this test where?” Flowers Between meets saying that your true goal is pit Ice Emperor?” “那你这测试的意义到底何在啊?”花间接道,“难道你的真正目的是坑冰帝?” How possibly......” Feng Bujue referred to screen before the body, „, if no me to instigate in secret, at present Ice Emperor can only die under a Ji Bu person of aspect to make Order Team One lose three people?” “怎么可能……”封不觉指了指自己身前的屏幕,“要是没我在暗中策动,眼下冰帝能在只死了迹部一人的局面下让秩序一队损失三人?” Jue Bro, put on the elbows of two arms the table at this point, immediately ten fingers of overlapping, in the person both hands horizontal: As for my test the significance...... wasn't that very transparent?” He is putting on the signboard stance of ding commander, said with a smile, I was to have a look at Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil basically, am a strongest Ability Fighting Proficiency .” 觉哥说到此处,把两条胳膊的手肘都放到了桌上,随即十指交叉,将双手横置在人中处:“至于我这个‘测试’的意义……那不是很明了了吗?”他摆着碇司令的招牌架势,笑道,“我就是要看看吞天鬼骁最基本的、也是最强的一项能力-格斗专精。” Un......” heard after the word, several seconds, Xiao Tan nods to say looking pensive, after your such saying, I realized suddenly...... Daring Devil in the previous competition, probably is basically depending on the Summon lifeform fight.” “嗯……”闻言后数秒,小叹若有所思地点头应道,“经你这么一说,我忽然意识到……鬼骁在此前的比赛里,好像基本都在靠召唤生物战斗呢。” Yes.” Xiao Ling also meets saying that looked only he in the competition video recording that S2 hits, is completely Summon is the appearance of player.” “是啊。”小灵也接道,“单看他在S2打的比赛录像,完全就是个召唤系玩家的样子。” Snort......” Jue Bro cold snort/hum one, that is because this boy could not have found the opponent who is worth him making a move in Hand-to-Hand combat this aspect.” He licked the lip, I believe, in the S1 period, canon Daring Devil with the participant who contend altogether only have five Seven Kill inHand-to-Hand combat, The Altar Of A Nightmare, Drunk and Lying Down Feeling and Laughing at Heaven, as well as Xiao Tan.” “哼……”觉哥冷哼一声,“那是因为这小子在格斗这方面早已找不到值得他出手的对手了。”他舔了舔嘴唇,“我个人认为,在S1时期,能在‘格斗’上与鬼骁一较高下的参赛者一共只有五个-七杀梦惊禅醉卧怅然笑问苍天、以及小叹。” Ha?” Wang Tanzhi one hear, on startled made noise at that time, unexpectedly has me?” He stopped for one second, „, and has me not to have you?” “哈?”王叹之一听,当时就惊出声来,“居然有我?”他停顿了一秒,“而且有我没你?” This is very normal.” Feng Bujue returns tranquilly said, fights this matter, speaks the talent, very obviously the talent in my not this aspect.” He sat straight the body, spread out both hands saying that „, even if now, my Fighting Proficiency has arrived at Level S, but this did not represent me is Hand-to-Hand combat expert.” He is saying, looked at Ruoyu one, later looks to Xiao Tan, under the premise of physical quality closely coincide, grasps same weapon or conducts the showdown unarmed...... I am not you and Ruoyu opponent.” “这很正常。”封不觉平静地回道,“打斗这种事,也是讲天赋的,很显然我并没有这方面的天赋。”他坐直了身子,摊开双手道,“即使是现在,我的格斗专精已经到达S级,但这也并不代表我就是个格斗高手了。”他说着,看了若雨一眼,随后再望向小叹,“在身体素质完全相等的前提下,手持相同的武器或者赤手空拳地进行对决……我绝不是你和若雨的对手。” „......” Xiao Tan feels the chin to discuss, calculates.” “哦……”小叹摸着下巴念道,“是这么算的啊。” Right.” Feng Bujue meets saying: „What is very unfortunate, in five people that I enumerate, two are the Daring Devil teammates, but the Laughing at Heaven ability must miss compared with your other four people some, therefore......” he used the index finger to knock the desktop gently, nowadays, in these five people can on fighting and Daring Devil vies with each other, only then you and Seven Kill.” The words to here, he spread horizontally the finger saying that naturally, this is without is Ruoyu, is counted her to have three people.” “对。”封不觉接道:“但很不幸的是,我列举的五人中,有两人是鬼骁的队友,而笑问苍天的才能比起你们其余四人又要差了些许,因此……”他用食指轻轻敲了敲桌面,“现如今,这五人中能在打斗上和鬼骁一争长短的,也就只有你和七杀了。”话至此处,他又横摆手指道,“当然了,这是在不算若雨的情况下,算上她就有三人。” I was understood what is heard......” at this time, silent for a long time Ruoyu opened the mouth and look askance to look at Jue Bro again saying that „the goal of today's this layout, your plan...... I roughly guessed correctly.” “我算是听明白了……”这时,沉默许久的若雨再度开口、侧目看着觉哥说道,“今天这布局的目的,还有你的计划……我大致都猜到了。” Hee hee...... I also guessed correctly.” Xiao Ling also meets to say quickly. “嘻嘻……我也猜到了。”小灵也很快接道。 But Xiao Tan and Flowers Between have not understood, two people puzzled asked: What is?” 小叹花间还没明白过来,两人一脸疑惑地问道:“是什么呀?” Feng Bujue returns with a smile said: That is......” 封不觉笑着回道:“那就是……” ............ ………… Meanwhile, in another Scenario. 与此同时,另一个剧本中。 Bang- 轰- After a loud sound, a big building collapses accordingly. 一声巨响过后,一座高大的楼宇应声坍塌。 If then findable from the distant place observation, this over 40 tall building was been slanting from the middle is cutting off. 若是从远处观察便可发现,这幢逾四十层的高楼是从中间被斜着斩断的。 The section of that fracture is straight smoothly,...... in initial several seconds of collapse scene that presented „the first half building overall side-slipping. 那断口的切面非常笔直、平整……以至于在倒塌发生的最初几秒出现了“上半栋楼”整体侧滑的景象。 Coughs............” soon, in the thick smoke of that ruins, spread several coughs. “呃咳……咳咳……”不多时,在那废墟的浓烟中,传出了几声咳嗽。 Then, the person of that cough jumps to leap, then jumped more than ten meters altitudes, fell on rooftop of nearby building. 接着,那咳嗽之人纵身一跃,便跳起了十余米的高度,落在了旁边一栋建筑的天台上。 ~ probably did has to ignite.” After standing firm, Oda Love receives the blade to sheathe, thought aloud that talked over one. “啊啊~好像做得有点过火了呢。”站定后,织田爱收刀入鞘,自言自语地念叨了一句。 When the voice falls, but heard clatter and clatter and clatter three...... three lithe person's shadows to fall her behind several meters place. 话音落时,但闻得“嗒”、“嗒”、“嗒”三声……三道轻盈的人影先后落到了她身后数米的地方。 Said made you control the strength.” The Uesugi Benevolence first opens the mouth said that each time this.” “都说了让你控制一下力道了。”上杉仁第一个开口道,“每次都这样。” I was disinclined make complaints......” Takeda Knowledge to meet to say immediately, „your strange strength female......” “我都懒得吐槽了……”武田智随即接道,“你这怪力女……” Your this...... Oda Love has not turned head in make complaints, suspended the dead fish eye to figure petite Takeda Knowledge. “你这不是已经在吐槽了吗……”织田爱回过头去,对身形娇小的武田智摆了个死鱼眼。 Cuts......” Takeda Knowledge also to refuse to admit being inferior, pulled the facial skin to retaliate an ugly face with both hands. “切……”武田智也不甘示弱,用双手扯着脸皮回敬了一个鬼脸。 Ok, is competing, no joking.” In four people individuality calmest Akechi Integrity opened the mouth to say at this time, love, you later truly want the limelight. Ignores the combat environment to act unreasonably like you, is equal to the opportunity...... making it run away taking advantage of the smog to the opposite party.” “好了,正比赛呢,别闹了。”四人中个性最为沉稳的明智信这时开口道,“爱,你以后确实要注意点。像你这样不顾战斗环境地乱来,等于是给对方机会……让其借着烟雾逃走。” „Is......” Takeda Knowledge responds immediately, opposite the present was only left over a person, under this aspect he will definitely escape, looked troublesome?” “就是就是……”武田智立即响应道,“现在对面只剩下一个人了,这种局面下他肯定会逃跑的,找起来多麻烦啊?” This you do not need to be worried.” Oda Love is saying, then moved back in the vision the mist and dust of under foot, „, although I am not ripe with this, but I know that...... he will not escape absolutely.” “这你们就不必担心了。”织田爱说着,便将目光重新移回了脚下的烟尘中,“虽然我和这位不熟,但我知道……他绝对不会逃跑。” Ha?” Takeda Knowledge gawked, immediately laughs several, „! What are you thinking?” She goes into the rooftop edge, puts out a hand to point below that pile to be said by the ruins that the dust covers up, will have that type to know perfectly well the teammate had died in battle completely, but also wants the upfront to exist by enemy four fools?” “哈?”武田智愣了一下,随即大笑几声,“哈!你在想什么呢?”她跑到天台边缘,伸手指着下方那堆被尘土掩住的废墟道,“难道会有那种明知队友已经全部阵亡,还要正面以一敌四的傻瓜存在吗?” Bang- 嘭- She finishes barely the words, in the mist and dust then transmits a dull thumping sound. Treads, but the form then flies air-splitting. 她话音未落,烟尘中便传来一声闷响。紧接着,一个踏地而起的身影便破空飞来。 After two seconds, that person's shadow fell on the parapet of rooftop edge steadily, and threw out the chest to raise the head, fearless and vertical on that iron rod. 两秒后,那人影稳稳地落在了天台边缘的栏杆上,并且在那根铁杆上挺胸抬头、昂然而立。 But sees, this person of white Pegasus Cloth, the heavy features, the imposing manner compels the person, said only its has the feeling...... to give people simply the feeling of bringing BGM. 但见,此人一身白色天马座圣衣,浓眉大眼,气势迫人,单说其存在感……简直给人一种自带BGM的感觉。 HEE- Takeda Knowledge saw this to be about to roll the eyes, her throat instinct sent out strange chanting in a low voice, the joining-up said, this fellow did anything!” “HEE-”武田智见了这一幕都快翻白眼了,她的喉咙本能地发出了一声古怪的低吟,并接道,“这家伙搞什么呀!” Quite calm Akechi Integrity and Uesugi Benevolence changed the look because of surprised, two people discussed in the heart respectively...... 就连比较冷静的明智信上杉仁都因惊讶而变了神色,两人各自在心中念道…… What's the matter? Hasn't detected us here?” “怎么回事?是没有察觉到我们在这儿吗?” „Does he want to do? Does he have trump card that what perishes together?” “他想干什么?难道他有什么同归于尽的杀手锏?” Ha haha Ha..... of red hair, you do well!” Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies is both hands intersect when the chest front condition, the speeches, he wields arm one finger/refers, looks at Oda Love to say uninhibitedly, then should be one's turn me!” “哈哈哈哈……红发的那个,你干得不错嘛!”天马行空本是双手交叉在胸前的状态,说话时,他就挥臂一指,旁若无人地望着织田爱道,“接下来该轮到我了吧!” You think that this is the round system plays......” stands immediately complains to his recent Takeda Knowledge, raise hand wants to brandish him with weapon. “你以为这是回合制游戏吗……”站得离他最近的武田智当即吐了个槽,抬手就想拿武器抡他。 Good Ah! who to know, Oda Love of not far away also responded unexpectedly immediately loudly, anyone of you do not act, I took a person to rout him!” “好啊!”谁知,不远处的织田爱竟也是立即高声回应道,“你们谁也别出手,我要一个人把他击溃!” Hey...... you also to follow this fool to play dumb together?” Takeda Knowledge is then exclaiming to the teammate suddenly, fool Ah! that this is jumps to the opposite party four people in front of exhibits one not to garrison the appearance that prepares to fight to the death “喂……你也跟着这傻瓜一起犯傻啊?”武田智猛然回头对着队友吼道,“这可是个独自一人跳到对方四个人面前摆出一副不设防的样子准备决一死战的笨蛋啊! Takeda Knowledge spits this trough time, obviously has to plan that must attack young Brother Ma. But the next second...... she saw suddenly Akechi Integrity of distant place shakes the head toward her slightly, and signals with the eyes. 武田智吐这个槽的时候,显然还是有打算要攻击小马哥的。但下一秒……她忽然看到了远处的明智信朝她微微摇头,并使了个眼色。 That flickers, Takeda Knowledge slightly pondered over, probably understood anything, then, she then no longer spoke, fell back on the one side. 那一瞬,武田智略一思忖,好像明白了什么,然后,她便不再说话,退到了一旁。 „Don't we really help?” After two seconds, Uesugi Benevolence lowered the sound to say to Akechi Integrity. “我们真的不帮忙吗?”两秒后,上杉仁压低了声音对身旁的明智信道。 This is a good opportunity, benevolent.” Akechi Integrity also with saying the intimate conversation general volume returned said, do not forget, but opposite party Struggle For Power to Summit S1 champion......” “这是个好机会啊,仁。”明智信也用说悄悄话一般的音量回道,“你别忘了,对方可是巅峰争霸S1的冠军……” Uesugi Benevolence hears word, the facial expression changes: so that's how it is......” she comprehends the meaning of teammate immediately, let the trump card of our Warring States, ’ defeated the S1 champion induel......” 上杉仁闻言,神情微变:“原来如此……”她立刻领会了队友的意思,“让我们战国的王牌,在‘单挑’中战胜S1的冠军吗……” Right.” Akechi Integrity meets saying that „, although Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies is not the recognized strength strongest player, but the title of champion not empty. Strikes to kill him under besieging, with defeats him...... the significance to be entirely different in duel.” “没错。”明智信接道,“虽然天马行空并不是公认的实力最强的玩家,但冠军的头衔非虚。在围攻下击杀他,和在单挑中战胜他……意义大不相同。” When they talked, another side fight has also started. 她们对话之际,另一边的战斗也已经打响。 watch out!” Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies in line with his consistent attitude, must first inform opposite party one before making a move, then must send out style. 看招!”天马行空本着他的一贯作风,在出手之前还要先通知对方一声,然后还要报出招式名来。 Then, fellow audience, you have also guessed correctly, skill that young Brother Ma can put, naturally is that...... 那么,各位观众,想必你们也已经猜到了,小马哥会放的技能,自然就是那个…… Pegasus meteor fist!” 天马流星拳!” the sound to get up, the fist shadow is vigorous. 喝声起,拳影疾。 The Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies double fist gearing, the silver-white fist glow then such as the torrential rough seas, come, raided to Oda Love. 天马行空双拳连动,银白色的拳芒便如滔滔大浪,汹涌而来,尽数袭向了织田爱 „When your fellow......” Oda Love speech, his right hand has gripped left Yaochu the warrior hilt, in the competition video recording............ was used with a moment ago only then this move!” “你这家伙……”织田爱说话时,其右手已经握住了左腰处的武士刀柄,“无论是比赛录像中……还是刚才……用来用去就只有这一招吗!” Speaking of the final two word-time, her tone had turned into roaring. 说到最后两个字时,她的语气已变成了咆哮。 But the katana in her hand...... also came out of the sheath. 而她手中的武士刀……也出鞘了。
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