TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#911: Ices the mirror of wall corner

Finishes barely the words, in the forest then resounds rumble the sound. 话音未落,林中便响起隆隆之声。 Soon, the huge form line, entered the line of sight of people together gradually. 不多时,一道庞然身影缓步行出,进入了众人的视线。 But sees that monster height two meters, a on the back grows pair of giant bat wing, canine sharp claws and beast hoof lion tail. The intense existence feeling and arrogant imposing manner, without doubt is manifestations of unique data. 但见那怪物身高两米有余,背生一对巨型蝠翼,尖牙利爪、兽蹄狮尾。其身上强烈的存在感和凌人的气势,无疑都是唯一性数据的体现。 Samodeer?” After two seconds, Wisdom of Death recognized the future, because he had also met this BOSS in beforehand some Scenario, but has not had the positive/direct conflict. 萨摩迪尔?”两秒后,悟死参玄就把来者认了出来,因为他也曾经在以前的某个剧本中遇上过这个BOSS,只是并没有发生正面的冲突。 What's the matter?” Daring Devil turns around to look, in eye light class/flow present, „when you obviously are not officer to......” “怎么回事?”鬼骁转身回望,眼中光流又现,“你明明不是时官才对……” Is before very long, not.” Samodeer meets saying that „, but I have the means to make you feel that’ I am.” “很久以前就不是了。”萨摩迪尔接道,“但我有办法让你‘觉得’我是。” Daring Devil understands the opposite party saying meaning immediately: „When you make intentionally ‚the boundary of officer, and lets my sensation, with the aim of directing me hence......” 鬼骁立刻就明白了对方这话的意思:“你故意制造出‘时官之境’,并让我感知到,以便引我至此……” Very good.” Samodeer coldly said, you can speculate, omits my many argument.” “很好。”萨摩迪尔冷冷道,“你能自己推测出来,省去我不少口舌。” Hey...... Daring Devil, at present this aspect how?” After another BOSS Level monster arrives, has suspended fight stance Drunk and Lying Down Feeling to feel faintly was not a little right, therefore he is excessive, asked teammate one in a low voice. “喂……鬼骁,眼下这局面到底如何啊?”又一个BOSS级的怪物登场后,已经摆好了战斗架势的醉卧怅然隐隐感觉到了有点不对,所以他偏过头,低声问了队友一句。 Aspect......” the Daring Devil look discussed dignifiedly, you and team leader will be killed quickly......” “局面啊……”鬼骁神色凝重地念道,“你和队长很快就会被干掉吧……” „......” The Drunk and Lying Down Feeling corners of the mouth twitched were smiling, this......” “呵……”醉卧怅然嘴角抽动着笑了一下,“这样啊……” Saying, him has then been turning the head, signals with the eyes toward Wisdom of Death. Is the vision touches, Wisdom of Death comprehended the intention of teammate. 说着,他便转过头去,朝悟死参玄使了个眼色。仅仅是目光一触,悟死参玄就领会了队友的意图。 The next second, they almost run out with the same speed arrow step, stick out suddenly launch an attack, but their goals are consistent Ji Bu. 下一秒,他们俩几乎用相同的速度箭步冲出,暴起发难,而他们的目标是一致的-迹部 The audience who are watching the competition have a dream has not thought, today can in the live broadcast witness unexpectedly two Order Team One superstars go to a converging attack Ji Bu such unimportant person with the method of approximate sneak attack. 正在观看比赛的观众们做梦也没想到,今天竟能在直播中目睹两位秩序一队的超级明星用近似偷袭的手段去夹击迹部这样一个小人物。 But, this truly happened, moreover...... is fair. 但,这一幕确实是发生了,而且……合情合理。 Because...... said killing from Daring Devil two characters to Drunk and Lying Down Feeling and in a Wisdom of Death exchange meaningful glance this short less than five seconds of time, these two occupation big gods have considered as finished a account in the brain: 因为……从鬼骁说出“干掉”二字到醉卧怅然悟死参玄交换眼色这短短五秒不到的时间里,这两名职业大神就已经在脑中算完了一笔账: First, although the Daring Devil words sound unbelievable, but he is not cracking a joke obviously. Considering this boy's forecast rate of accuracy to the fight result is 100%, basically can determine that King Ditch and Samodeer strength jointly can the steamroll sprawl drunk and become aware two people. 首先,虽然鬼骁的话听上去难以置信,但他明显不是在开玩笑的。考虑到这小子对战斗结果的预测准确率是100%,基本可以确定奠寉王萨摩迪尔联手的实力能碾压醉卧和悟死二人。 Next, Daring Devil only said you and team leader quick will get the lunch, but did not have to say oneself will hang, thus it can be seen......, even if under premise that in the team members died in battle, he to saving oneself life quite had confidence. 其次,鬼骁只说了“你和队长”很快会领便当,但没说自己会挂,由此可见……即使在队员们阵亡的前提下,他对保住自己的性命还是颇有把握的。 Unified above two, Drunk and Lying Down Feeling and Wisdom of Death thought......, since our anus positive/direct results definitely died, that might as well made a contribution before dying for the team. But what that „is contribution? Naturally gets rid of Ji Bu. 结合以上两条,醉卧怅然悟死参玄就想到了……既然咱们肛正面的结果肯定是死,那不妨就在死前为队伍做点贡献吧。而那“贡献”是什么呢?自然就是干掉迹部了。 To put it bluntly...... they spent for five seconds shortly after accepts oneself assigned/life fact, in what I can also do to select at this moment at this matter to reach agreement- we do present two BOSS, collaborates second not to fall your Ji Bu? 说白了……他们就是花了五秒钟的时间接受了自己命不久矣的事实,并在“此时此刻我还能做点什么”这件事上达成了共识-咱俩干不过眼前的两个BOSS,难道联起手来还秒不掉你迹部么? So thinking, to be sprawling drunk and become aware then to act together with all might and main. 如此想着,醉卧和悟死便一同竭尽全力地出手了。 In a twinkling, before two people have killed the Ji Bu body, suddenly...... Drunk and Lying Down Feeling came straight to the point, emitted the strongest fist type in Skill bar directly- Dragon Fist- eruption ; But Wisdom of Death is also unrestrained/no trace of politeness, put forth one to control a big move with a pair of painting pot- Doodle domain. 说时迟那时快,两人眨眼间已杀到迹部身前……醉卧怅然单刀直入,直接就放出了技能栏中的最强拳式-【龙拳-爆发】;而悟死参玄也是毫不客气,用一对喷漆罐使出了一个控场大招-【涂鸦领域】。 These two moves, one move is sufficiently absolute killing move of Instant kill high against player ; Another move unified reduced attacks and decelerates, against and other broken the strong control skills of a series of negative effect. 这两招,一招是足以秒杀高防玩家的绝对杀招;另一招则是结合了减攻、减速、破防等一系列负面效果的超强控制技能。 May be called the combination attack of terrifying facing this, let alone was Ji Bu, was changes into Shiva here, was equally more unfortunate than fortunate. 面对这堪称恐怖的组合攻击,别说是迹部了,就是换成湿婆在这儿,一样凶多吉少。 However...... 然…… The matter that then has, let sprawl drunk and become aware the dead shock. 接下来发生的事情,却让醉卧和悟死震惊了。 Incessantly is they, besides Ji Bu oneself, each litigant on the scene, as well as each audience who watches the live broadcast, all was startled dumbfoundedly by Ji Bu following dealing. 不止是他们,除了迹部本人以外,在场的每一名当事人,以及每一位正在观看直播的观众,全都被迹部接下来的应对惊得目瞪口呆。 ............ ………… On November 10, late 9 0:30, in Feng Bujue's Conference room. 十一月 10 日,晚九点30,封不觉的会议室中。 Almost these, did you remember?” Jue Bro sits down exhausted lazy on the seat of honor of board, completed a quite long narration. “差不多就这些了,你都记下了吧?”觉哥慵懒地瘫坐在会议桌的主座上,完成了一段颇为漫长的叙述。 Naturally, you think that who this few is?” Ji Bu is both hands intersects in the chest front, sits respectfully on the Jue Bro left hand chair, returns with the natural tone said that „, let alone is 12 plans, is 20 sets is also a cinch.” “当然了,你以为本少是谁啊?”迹部则是双手交叉在胸前,在觉哥左手边的靠背椅上正襟危坐,用理所当然的语气回道,“别说是十二套方案,就是二十套也不在话下。” That was good......” Jue Bro to comply with one, immediately remembered anything to resemble suddenly, a thread of conversation road for grain shipment, „...... was right, had a matter I to remind your.” “那就好……”觉哥应了一句,随即忽又想起了什么似的,话锋一转道,“哦……对了,有个事儿我得提醒你一下。” What also has?” Ji Bu asked. “还有什么?”迹部问道。 Suggestions in the tactical details, hope that you can accept.” Feng Bujue, asked that you have only to use skill a time, called Mirror of wall ice corner Right?” “有一个战术细节上的建议,希望你能采纳。”封不觉顿了顿,问道,“你有个只能使用一次的技能,叫【冰棱之镜壁】对吧?” WTF?” Ji Bu hears does word, look changing suddenly, how you know?” He asked after this issue, probably oneself made up an answer on the brain, „did you place spy in my Studio?” 卧槽?”迹部闻言,神色陡变,“你怎么知道的?”他问完这个问题后,好像自己就脑补了一个答案,“难道你在我的工作室里安插了卧底?” You think that makes the gangster movie?” Feng Bujue empty focuses saying that where in real life comes so many spy...... your Studio to dispatch the value that spy goes not to mention, said that I...... I am not the professional player, does not have the nickel conflicts of interest with you, sends spy to do toward your side? To do the base with you?” “你以为拍警匪片呢?”封不觉虚着眼回道,“现实生活中哪儿来那么多卧底……且不说你那工作室有没有派遣卧底进去的价值,就说我吧……我又不是什么职业玩家,跟你也没半毛钱的利益冲突,往你身边派卧底干嘛?难道是为了跟你搞基么?” Un......” Ji Bu also empty eye, returns with a look of doubt looks at Jue Bro, silent. “嗯……”迹部也虚起眼,用一种狐疑的神色回看觉哥,沉默不语。 Oh......” Jue Bro looks at his response, sighed, met saying that my finally that was the rhetorical question is not the interrogative sentence.” “唉……”觉哥看着他的反应,叹了口气,接道,“我最后那句是反问句不是疑问句。” „......” Ji Bu relaxes, frightened me to jump......” him two seconds, then the previous issue said, how that you explained you did know my skill the matter? I have the matter of this skill, only then our Studio internal person knows that even if these peripheral members of Society new recruitment do not know.” “哦……”迹部松了口气,“吓我一跳……”他顿了两秒,接着先前的问题道,“那你怎么解释你知道我技能的事?我拥有这个技能的事情只有我们工作室内部的人知道啊,就算是社团新招收的那些外围成员都不知道的。” This......” Feng Bujue considered slightly several seconds, return said that un...... told you also to might as well.” He asked suddenly, „have you looked at «Matrix»?” “这个嘛……”封不觉稍稍考虑了几秒,回道,“嗯……告诉你也无妨。”他忽然问道,“你看过《黑客帝国》吧?” Has looked, such classical film I have certainly looked.” Ji Bu returns said, Eh? you asked this does do? Thinks the changed topic?” “看过啊,这么经典的片子我当然看过了。”迹部回道,“诶?你问这干嘛?想转移话题啊?” Feng Bujue has not managed him, meets saying: Briefly...... the I and movie lead are same, in the game world, I have seeing through matrix code the ability.” 封不觉没理他,自顾自地接道:“简单地说……我和电影中的主角一样,在游戏世界里,我具备着看穿‘矩阵代码’的能力。” Ha!” Ji Bu laughs to make noise immediately, ha haha Ha.....” Moreover smiles very false, how you did not say do oneself have the superpower in the real world?” “哈!”迹部当即大笑出声,“哈哈哈哈……”而且笑得很假,“你怎么不说自己在现实世界里有超能力呢?” I have.” On the Feng Bujue face the expression invariably, returns tranquilly said, is only I have not completely grasped the usage.” “我有啊。”封不觉脸上表情不变,平静地回道,“只是我还没有完全掌握用法而已。” „......” Ji Bu nods, is studying the Jue Bro appearance, serious returns said, said really...... I suggested you look for the family/home good point hospital, hangs a neurology department to have a look.” “哦……”迹部点点头,学着觉哥的样子,一脸严肃地回道,“说真的……我建议你去找家好点的医院,挂个精神科看看。” Who knows, Feng Bujue still responded calm: „The words of neurology department, my elementary school fifth grade time has looked, at that time I looked for two to have the adult of handle in my hand to pretend to be my parents, went to the hospital to take the comprehensive inspection and test.” Speaking of here, he used both hands to make the hand signal of quotation mark, result they gave me normally one all inspection report.” 谁知,封不觉依然淡定地回应道:“精神科的话,我小学五年级的时候就去看过了,当时我找了两个有把柄在我手上的成年人冒充我的父母,去医院接受了全面的检查和测试。”说到这儿,他用双手打了个引号的手势,“结果他们给了我一份‘一切正常’的鉴定报告。” After stopping for two seconds, Feng Bujue chuckle two: Hehe......, I knew recently, actually at that time, I by a mysterious authority monitoring. Therefore now I cannot determine the report that...... I obtained at that time had been processed.” 停了两秒后,封不觉轻笑两声:“呵呵……不过嘛,我最近得知,其实在那个时候,我就已经被一个神秘的政府部门给监控起来了。所以现在我也不能确定……当时我得到的报告是不是已‘被处理过’了。” All various professions...... calculate that you ruthless......” Ji Bu holds the volume single-handed, shakes the head saying that you are novelist, I pull you...... I not to ask the line, when you are......” he also raised the head, stretched out the index finger and middle finger of both hands made movement that expressed the quotation mark, „...... can see through matrix code ok.” Then, he brought back to the right track the topic, in brief, I indeed have Mirror of wall ice corner This skill, but it also indeed is the consumption technique that uses to vanish one time, therefore?” “行行……算你狠……”迹部单手扶额,摇头道,“你是小说家,我扯不过你……我不问了行吧,就当你是……”他也抬起头,伸出双手的食指和中指做了个表示引号的动作,“……‘能看穿矩阵代码’好了。”说罢,他就将话题带回了正轨,“总之,我的确有【冰棱之镜壁】这个技能,而它也的确是一个使用一次就会消失的消耗技,所以呢?” I want to tell you......” Feng Bujue to return said that „, regardless in Scenario which plan you selected, once I suppose bureau becomes effective, You Ji Bu...... will face directly two to three Order Team One players accompanied by two NPC. One person definitely is Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil, but other two people......, no matter they are, so long as they discovered that conclusion facing oneself disadvantageous, is very likely to spare nothing to start to you fiercely attacks.” He spreads out both hands, meets saying that when this happened, even without any analyzes you also to understand...... is drunk and lives, dream and dying in these four people willfully two people combination, has Instant kill your ability.” “我只是想告诉你……”封不觉回道,“无论在剧本中你选用了哪一套方案,一旦我设下的‘局’生效,你-迹部……就会在两名NPC的陪同下直面二到三名秩序一队的玩家。这其中,有一人肯定是吞天鬼骁,而另外的两人……不管他们是谁,只要他们发现了局面对自己不利,就极有可能不惜一切代价地对你发动猛攻。”他摊开双手,接道,“当这种情况发生时,即使不用任何分析你也该明白……‘醉、生、梦、死’这四人中任意两人的组合,都有着秒杀你的能力。” Your meaning is, at that moment arrival......” Ji Bu is following close on the Jue Bro mentality, thinking while should say, „...... I use decisively Mirror of wall ice corner Counter-attacks them?” “你的意思就是,当那一刻到来时……”迹部紧跟着觉哥的思路,一边思索一边应道,“……我就果断地用出【冰棱之镜壁】对他们进行反击?” No.” The Feng Bujue denial said. “不。”封不觉否定道。 Ha?” Ji Bu gawked, not?” “哈?”迹部都愣了,“不?” Feng Bujue shows an evil smile instantly: „When works as at that moment the arrival, you should......” 封不觉即刻露出了一个邪恶的笑容:“当那一刻到来时,你应该……” ............ ………… The time, returns to the present. 时间,回到现在。 Doodle domain With Dragon Fist- eruption Raids instantly, Ji Bu has also been ready. 【涂鸦领域】和【龙拳-爆发】袭来的刹那,迹部也早已做好了准备。 Sees only his both hands to hold up, whole body Spiritual Energy splits steep, with launch of skill, together the silver-white color and translucent giant Lingbi impressively appears. 只见他双手擎地,周身灵气陡绽,随着技能的发动,一道银白色、半透明的巨型灵壁赫然现出。 Name: Ices mirror of wall corner 名称:冰棱之镜壁】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, after using one time, vanishes 技能卡属性:主动技能,使用一次后消失】 Skill Category: Spirit Art 技能类别:灵术 Effect: Makes one to maintain mirror of wall five seconds of ice corner. All attacks that the mirror wall withstands will be absorbed and transformed by it for the pure energy ; In the random target of will bang to 30 meters these energies may act according to the user. After five seconds, not the released energy will explode the powder with disappearance of mirror wall same place.】 【效果:制造一堵可维持五秒的冰棱之镜壁。镜壁所承受的一切攻击都将被其吸收并转化为纯能量;这些能量可根据使用者的意志轰向三十米内的任意目标。五秒后未被释放的能量将随着镜壁的消失而原地爆散。】 Consumption: Biggest Stamina and Spirit Power 50% 【消耗:最大体能值灵力值的50%】 Learning Prerequisite: Level 50, Spirit Art Specialization B, Fighting Proficiency B 学习条件:等级50,灵术专精B,格斗专精B】 Note: Spirit Art of ice is created by some nameless expert, has the absolute defense capability to all Level S following skills, when comes under the Level S skill attack may also absorb its 70% might.】 【备注:由某位无名高手所创的冰之灵术,对所有S级以下的技能具备绝对的防御能力,受到S级技能攻击时亦可吸收其70%的威力。】 This skill, if changes into Permanent edition, that proper is Level S. However Ji Bu " consumption versionin the effect with the permanent version is the same, but Learning Prerequisite reduced. 这个技能,如果换成“永久掌握”的版本,那妥妥儿地是S级。不过迹部的这个“消耗版”在效果上和永久版还是一样的,只是学习条件降低了而已。 When Ji Bu round of incurring that flickers, King Ditch and Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil have seen Special Effect of skill are anything, they also think that Ji Bu will counter-attack Drunk and Lying Down Feeling and Wisdom of Death with this move. 迹部发招的那一瞬,奠寉王吞天鬼骁已经看出了技能的特效是什么,他们也都以为迹部会用这招去反击醉卧怅然悟死参玄 However...... Ji Bu has not done that. 但是……迹部并没有这么做。 After twinkling, the skill effect and Drunk and Lying Down Feeling of Wisdom of Death blowout fist front simultaneously fell above the mirror wall. Then, in that translucent mirror wall poured into one group of color motley energies as well as big dragons that is flashing the golden light. 瞬息过后,悟死参玄喷出的技能效果和醉卧怅然的拳锋齐齐落在了镜壁之上。接着,那半透明的镜壁之中就被注入了一团色彩斑驳的能量以及一条闪着金光的巨龙。 Two strengths blend the maneuver in the mirror wall, leads to strength that quite the same as one group of lusters refute mixed rapidly, is ice-breaking, the bang approached directly Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil. 两股力量在镜壁中交融回旋,迅速酿成一团色泽杂驳的浑然之力,然后破冰而出,径直轰向了-吞天鬼骁 Cuts...... does well......” “切……干得不错嘛……” Gives the devil his due, Daring Devil is unexpected to Ji Bu this unexpected counter-attacking, he also few displayed flurriedly some. 平心而论,鬼骁迹部这出其不意的反攻是始料未及的,他也鲜有地表现出了些许慌乱。 However, that is all...... 不过,也仅此而已了…… But is useless to me!” Facing, has charged into the face giant energy ball that is unable to move aside, Daring Devil drinks one lightly, was sideways to lift the right arm, 【The right hand of veto!” “但对我是没用的!”面对已经无法躲闪的、冲向自己面门的巨大能量球,鬼骁轻喝一声,侧身抬起了右臂,“【否决之右手】!” The audience do not know this 【The right hand of veto Is what skill, in fact, if the Daring Devil two places have not come out the skill name report very much, their is the skill is unable to determine. 观众们并不知道这【否决之右手】是一个什么样的技能,事实上,如果鬼骁没有很中二地把技能名字报出来,他们连这是不是技能都无法确定。 But the effect of this skill, people can see...... 但这个技能的效果,人们还是可以看到的…… Actually sees Daring Devil that entire arm when putting forth the skill is covered by a white class/flow light/only, then, he with oneself right hand palm, catches the energy ball that flew...... 却见鬼骁那整条胳膊在使出技能之时被一股白色的光流覆盖起来,接着,他就用自己的右手手掌,生生接住了飞来的能量球…… This boy............” sees this scene, observes the Samodeer look that to change suddenly in side, in the heart the secretly thought, hateful............ he should not want to murder with a borrowed knife to the pit by Feng Bujue probably, gives to be me......” “这小子……难道……”见此情景,在旁观战的萨摩迪尔神色骤变,心中暗道,“可恶……好像又被疯不觉给坑了啊……他该不会是想借刀杀人,把我给做掉吧……” „When so that's how it is...... he must hunt and kill no wonder officer......” another side, King Ditch is thinking other matters, „, since had obtained right hand, that indicated he including left hand the secret also knew. If made him collect in full ‚the strength of 12 officer when Ragnarök, the aspect may not be good to control......” 原来如此……难怪他要去猎杀时官……”另一边,奠寉王则在想着另一些事,“既然已经获得了‘右手’,那就表明他连‘左手’的秘密也知道了。若是在诸神黄昏之前让他收齐了‘十二时官之力’,局面可就不好控制了……” Scolds to click the tongue...... 叱叱叱…… After several seconds of deadlock, that energy ball was roasted the ice cream ball that roasts to dissolve under the spray gun like generally flows out, shortly will unravel. 数秒的僵持过后,那能量球就像个在喷枪下被炙烤的冰激凌球一般化散流泻,顷刻间灰飞烟灭。 „After shouting......” breathed the one breath, Daring Devil that haughty chuckle appears on the face, „before Ji Bu......, has thought the Ice Emperor team leader was a parallel import, now looks like is actually quite competent.” “呼……”喘上一口气后,鬼骁那狂傲的轻笑又浮现在了脸上,“迹部是吧……以前一直以为冰帝的队长是个水货,如今看来却是相当能干啊。” This fellow was strong too oddly......” Ji Bu, although in the surface is still shipping out the calm appearance strongly, but the innermost feelings in the collapse edge, Drunk and Lying Down Feeling have been used to hit my style to be Dragon Fist- eruption Unmistakable, because is the Level S skill, I also ate 30% injuries hardly, this 30% also made my Health fall half......, but that goods with kept off unexpectedly single-handed Mirror of wall ice corner The double skill energy after refraction, moreover an appearance calmly......” “这家伙是不是强得太离谱了啊……”迹部这边,虽然表面上还在竭力装出镇定的模样,但内心已在崩溃边缘了,“醉卧怅然用来打我的招式应该是【龙拳-爆发】无误,由于是S级技能,我还硬吃了30%伤害,就这30%也让我的生存值掉了一半……但那货竟用单手挡掉了【冰棱之镜壁】折射后的双技能能量,而且还一副若无其事的样子……” Ok, warming up was also similar.” The Daring Devil speaking voice resounds quickly, his vision also transferred to the body of Samodeer, here counts you high, since you started......” “好了,热身也差不多了。”鬼骁的说话声很快又响起,他的目光也随之移到了萨摩迪尔的身上,“这里数你长得最高,就从你开始好了……”
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