TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#910: Around layout

And said that Names Are Really Difficult to Choose dashes about wildly, did not know Bujue good 78 minutes. 且说那名字真难取一路狂奔,不知不觉已行了七八分钟。 In process that in removing escapes, he has not forgotten to utilize various special ammunitions to destroy terrain all around, makes every effort to delay pursuit the footsteps. 在撤逃的过程中,他还不忘运用各类特种弹药去破坏周遭的地形,力求拖延追击者的脚步。 However, his effort...... cannot win the too much time for oneself. Finally, Sashimi pursued nearly to him in ten minutes behind 30 meters place. 然而,他的努力……并没能为自己争取到太多的时间。最终,生鱼片还是在十分钟内就追近到了他身后三十米处。 nickname is very clear, so long as the distance pulls closer several meters again, the opposite party might start to put the skill. If he is turning away from the enemy again, sooner or later will be made first move and gotten control. 小名很清楚,只要距离再拉近个几米,对方就有可能开始放技能了。他要是再这么背对着敌人,迟早会被先发制人的。 Therefore, he in one thinks the good time, suddenly pulled out a smoke shell from Traveling Bag , throws toward the ground suddenly...... 因此,他在一个自认为恰当的时机,突然从行囊里掏出了一枚烟雾弹,朝地上猛然一掷…… But sees that grey thick smoke broadminded vine to open, shortly will cover the radius more than ten meters scopes, and is still expanding unceasingly. 但见那灰色的浓烟豁然蔓开,顷刻间就覆盖了半径十余米的范围,且还在不断扩大着。 This is decided that fought...... Sashimi to see that me, actually did not stagnate broke in the smog, and discussed in the heart, „, but smoke shell this type of gadget, to my effect basically was zero......” “这是决定跟我拼了吗……”生鱼片见状,却是毫不停滞地冲入了烟雾中,并在心中念道,“但‘烟雾弹’这种玩意儿,对我的效果基本是零啊……” Name: Low register 名称:低音区】 Skill Card Attribute: Passive Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:被动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: Spirit Art 技能类别:灵术 Effect: When Equipment this/should skill, is centered on player, the radius 7.4 meters sphere range will be regarded as low register ; The effective scope of low register may( e.g. wall, ground, ceiling wait/etc.) be limited by the solid state wall ; Enters the non- solid state attack and negative effect in low register( e.g. flame, cold current, light beam, noxious gas wait/etc) will receive the cushion and elimination, only if its might surpassed the withstanding limit of low register.】 【效果:装备该技能时,以玩家自身为中心、半径7.4米的球形范围将被视为“低音区”;低音区的作用范围可被固态的墙体(如墙壁、地面、天花板等)所限制;进入低音区内的非固态攻击及负面效果(如火焰、寒流、光束、有毒气体等等)都将受到缓冲和消除,除非其威力超越了低音区的承受极限。】 Learning Prerequisite: Spirit Art Specialization A 学习条件:灵术专精A】 Note: Probably is several years ago, some weekend evening, I go to the super heroic bar to drink. Heard the wineshop attendant saying that on Earth had a fellow named Flash, can escape from frozen through the high-frequency vibration body. At that time I made a bet with him, if changed into me, even the cement can break. Afterward matter, you also knew. Right, I because of the cement am poisoned the vibration hero, but the whole body becomes gray, my unique skill low register even the cement shakes broken Oh. 【备注:大概是几年前吧,某个周末的晚上,我去超级英雄酒吧喝酒。无意间听到酒保说,地球上有个叫闪电侠的家伙,可以通过高频率地震动身体从冰封中逃脱。当时我就跟他打赌,若是换成我的话,连水泥都可以震碎。后来的事情,你们也都知道了。没错,我就是因水泥中毒而全身发灰的震动侠,我的绝技“低音区”连水泥都震得碎哦。 Although the note of this skill as if described a quite sad story, but that is not the key point...... 虽说这个技能的备注似乎描述了一个比较悲伤的故事,但那不是重点…… The key point is, depends on Low register Special Effect, Sashimi then can without wearing breathing mask goes through in the smog freely. In addition the ability of his hear of explaining away positions, the barrier on vision almost does not have the significance. 重点是,靠着【低音区】的特效,生鱼片便可以在不戴呼吸面具的情况下在烟雾中自由穿行。再加上他那听声辩位的能力,视觉上的障碍几乎也毫无意义。 „After really...... jumps went...... for two seconds to the space, Sashimi stopped the footsteps, because he already judged that through the treading the broken wind sound/rumor of earthquake sounds and body of nickname sole its trend, he was the plan with the smog strove for several seconds, then from in the air started range and might considerably large no difference attack a time......” “果然……跳到天上去了吗……”两秒后,生鱼片就停下了脚步,因为他已通过小名脚底的踏地声和身体的破风声判断出了其动向,“他是打算用烟雾来争取几秒钟的时间,然后从空中发动一次范围和威力都相当大的无差别攻击吧……” Thinks slightly a half second, in the brain of Sashimi jumped in the analysis report read noun- Ice crystal detonation. 稍稍想了半秒,生鱼片的脑中就蹦出了一个在分析报告中读到过的名词-【冰晶爆轰】。 Idea good......” Sashimi secretly thought, „, even if this move of second does not fall me, can still give me the enclosed deceleration DEBUFF, for following fight receiving in exchange certain advantage.” Read and here, his standing firm figure, did not lift holds up directional sky, was a pity that...... you did not have the opportunity to cause this move......” “想法不错……”生鱼片暗道,“就算这招秒不掉我,也可以给我附上减速的DEBUFF,为接下来的战斗换取一定的优势。”念及此处,他立稳身形,头也不抬地举起一手指向天空,“可惜啊……你是没机会把这招使出来了……” Buzz- 嗡- The next second, an invisible strength then emits from the fingertip of Sashimi, air-splitting however. 下一秒,一道无形之力便从生鱼片的指尖放出,破空而起。 Although had not confirmed with the vision, but his Referring to of infrasonic wave Hit the torso of Names Are Really Difficult to Choose accurate unmistakably, will be gathering nickname that incurs to dig the mouth to spit the blood, to turn over/to stand up to crash. 虽然没有用视觉确认,但他这道【次声波之指】还是精准无误地击中了名字真难取的躯干,将正在蓄招的小名打得口吐鲜血、翻身坠落。 Soon, the smog diverges. Sees only Names Are Really Difficult to Choose to knee down, is thrown into confusion is processing own wound ; But beyond ten meters, Sashimi is returns safe and sound stands there, is looking at the opposite party with his consistent tranquil look, opens sighed lightly seasoned: Oh......, although your level has been first-class, but your Studio logistics level was too times.” He swung oneself pot cover head, with regretting the mouth kiss bonding said, looked your response knows, your pre-game intelligence collection work and us is not completely coordinated.” 不多时,烟雾散去。只见名字真难取单膝跪地,正在手忙脚乱地处理着自己的伤口;而十米之外,生鱼片则是毫发无伤地站在那里,用他一贯的平静眼神望着对方,开口轻叹道:“唉……虽然你个人的水平已属一流,但你们工作室的后勤水平还是太次了。”他摇了摇自己的锅盖头,用惋惜的口吻接道,“看你的反应就知道,你们的赛前情报收集工作和我们这边完全不对等。” During the speeches, Sashimi had taken out a silver hand from Traveling Bag with the type exponential horn, and before carrying the mouth : Was sorry that...... had another chance to meet.” 说话间,生鱼片已从行囊里取出了一个银色的手携式扩音喇叭,并端到了嘴前:“抱歉……后会有期了。” This...... without doubt is Sashimi guarantee murder manifesto. 这……无疑已是生鱼片的“必杀宣言”了。 Finishes speaking, his opens the mouth drinks, passes special weapon in hand Broken throat, Started a sound wave attack technique- When enemy life is less than 14 points roaring that can be ready to make trouble. 话音刚落,他就张口一喝,通过手中的特殊武器【破喉咙】,发动了一个声波攻击技-【当敌人生命少于十四点时就会蠢蠢欲动的咆哮】。 However, this move, does not have such as in the estimate the same as end the nickname life. 然,这一招,却没有如预想中一样终结小名的生命。 Because...... 因为…… You not think about it!” Suddenly, shouted loudly transmits, together person's shadow also but, kept off in the path of Sashimi that skill bombardment. “你想都别想!”突然,一声高呼传来,一道人影也随声而至,挡在了生鱼片那技能轰击的轨迹上。 Among that electric light flint, the future has successfully shouldered the Sashimi skill with a big shield, and has not drawn back, calm and composed. 那电光火石之间,来者已成功地用一块大盾扛下了生鱼片的技能,而且一步未退、气定神闲 How possibly......” to see that on Sashimi that routine wooden face the surprised color, in his heart discusses for the first time presently, this is...... shoulders such superficially with the Level A skill that the special Equipment addition crosses?” “怎么可能……”见状,生鱼片那习惯性木然的脸上乍现惊疑之色,其心中不禁念道,“这可是用特殊装备加成过的A级技能……扛得这么轻描淡写?” Scolding- 叱- In a twinkling, in Sashimi is still shaken, there is a person's shadow together to kill suddenly, is a staggering blow wields toward his back of the head. 说时迟那时快,就在生鱼片惊魂未定时,又有一道人影骤然杀出,朝着他的后脑勺就是一闷棍挥下。 Sashimi is sideways to flash immediately, but because responded is slightly late, the stick swept his arm sharp, blew a bruise outside his arm. 生鱼片当即侧身一闪,但由于反应稍迟,棍尖还是扫到了他的胳膊,生生在其手臂外侧刮出了一道挫伤。 „...... Is one of the Drunken Dreams, this can also avoid......” that to hold the person of stick to sneak attack to fail, pours not to drive off, but looks at the Sashimi illness/quick to plunder, but the figure talked over one. “啧……到底是醉生梦死之一啊,这还能躲开……”那持棍之人偷袭落空,倒也没有追打过来,只是望着生鱼片疾掠而出的身形念叨了一句。 „After you......” several seconds, Sashimi has dodged to more than ten about meters, after he stands firm, looks that three Human Dao, when...... approaches?” “你们……”数秒后,生鱼片已闪到十余米开外,他重新站定后回望那三人道,“……是什么时候靠近过来的?” Ha haha Ha.....” Grasps the big shield Choosing Names is Really Difficult Stood the body, laughs several, meets saying that „, since you asked sincerely......” “哈哈哈哈……”手持大盾的【取名真是难】站直了身子,大笑几声,接道,“既然你诚心诚意地问了……” We show mercy reply you!” Really Difficult to Choose Names The stick toward a ground pestle, takes advantage of opportunity to meet to say. “我们就大发慈悲地回答你!”【真难取名字】将棍子朝地上一杵,顺势接道。 To prevent the world was destroyed.” “为了防止世界被破坏。” To safeguard the peace in the world.” “为了维护世界的和平。” They talked about here, then stopped, turned the head to look at Names Are Really Difficult to Choose. 他俩你一言我一语地讲到这里,然后停了下来,转头去看了看名字真难取 nickname has not actually met their words, but asked with a quite strange expression: hey hey...... I also want to ask that you here? Weren't you and Ji Bu ambush the other team members of order together?” 小名却是没有接他们的话,而是用一个颇为古怪的表情问道:“喂喂……我也想问呢,你们怎么会在这儿啊?你们不是和迹部一起去伏击秩序的其他队员了吗?” That is deceives your.” The old recaption said. “那是骗你的。”老取回道。 True plan is......” really the elder brother meets saying that works as the bait with you, sets a Sashimi ambush.” “真正的计划是……”真哥接道,“用你当诱饵,打生鱼片一个埋伏。” Ha?” nickname heard after the word, was startled, he gawked the entire five seconds to meet saying that worked as the bait my It does not matter, but you notified actually beforehand Ah! me “哈?”小名闻言后都惊了,他愣了整整五秒才接道,“当诱饵我无所谓啊,但你们倒是事先跟我打声招呼啊! Beforehand informs your words......” always to take to shrug to say, will have certain risk.” “事先通知你的话……”老取耸肩应道,“会有一定的风险。” The real elder brother also nods saying: „The Sashimi Investigation ability allows him listening to arrive at extremely the speaking voice of distant place, if you exposed our plan in thinking aloud, that troubled.” 真哥也点头说道:“生鱼片侦查能力使他可以‘听’到极远处的说话声,万一你在无意间的自言自语暴露了我们的计划,那就麻烦了。” Even if you have not exposed weaknesses when the language, knows oneself are bait and does not know oneself will be bait the performance will definitely still be different.” Always took and said that for safety's sake, before has deceived the enemy has first deceived person on one's own side the strategy is quite appropriate.” “就算你没有在语言上露出破绽,‘知道自己是诱饵’和‘不知道自己是诱饵’时的表现肯定也会有所不同。”老取又道,“为了保险起见,还是用‘骗过敌人之前先骗过自己人’的策略比较妥当。” I scratch the kind......” nickname more to listen more startled, what situation? When your several did plan such sinister plan?” “我擦类……”小名是越听越惊,“什么情况?你们几个什么时候谋划出了这么阴险的计划啊?” In fact...... our anything has not planned.” The old recaption said. “事实上……我们什么也没谋划。”老取回道。 The real elder brother meets saying: „After we also entered Scenario, knows...... , from competition also three hours, Feng Bujue once approximately went out our teams leader, filled a lot of dirty tricks to him......” 真哥接道:“我们也是进了剧本后才知道的……在距离比赛还有三个小时的时候,疯不觉曾经把咱们的队长约出去,给他灌了一肚子坏水……” ............ ………… On the other hand, in scarlet Jing lingo. 另一方面,赤荆林谷中。 Your issues...... lie in excessively self-confident.” The Ji Bu correct use quite self-satisfied tone said to order that three, since preliminary contest, you knew perfectly well that your each competition has the video recording record, has not actually made any behavior confusing in the competition.” He looked to Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil, on for example you...... when Scenario, so long as, you will certainly hunt and kill at the first opportunity officer ; But to the semi-finals stage, the competition map produced in the main universe completely, your behavior pattern also appeared more obvious......” “你们的问题……在于过分自信。”迹部正用颇为得意的语气对秩序那三位说道,“从预赛至今,你们明知自己的每一场比赛都有录像记录,却没有在比赛中做出任何迷惑性的行为。”他看向了吞天鬼骁,“就比如你……在剧本中,只要一有机会,你就一定会去猎杀‘时官’;而到了复赛阶段,比赛地图全部在主宇宙中生成,你的这种行为模式也就显得更加明显了……” Snort...... what's the big deal?” Daring Devil cold snort/hum, in eye completely present clamour crazy color, „, let alone was the action regular......, even if were placed my data in front of everyone completely publicly, who can win me?” “哼……那又如何?”鬼骁冷哼一声,眼中尽现嚣狂之色,“别说是行动规律了……就算把我的数据完全公开地摆在所有人面前,又有谁能赢得了我呢?” Snort......” Ji Bu is also cold snort/hum one, disregards those words of opposite party, then said, because of your obvious behavior pattern, is letting your teammates and you falls into a trap together.” “哼……”迹部也是冷哼一声,无视对方的那句话,接着说道,“正因为你这种显而易见的行为模式,让你的队友们和你一起落入了陷阱。” Do not look that Jin Fugui this little while said rationally, in fact...... his most dialogs are repeating the Jue Bro original words. 别看金富贵这会儿说得头头是道,实际上……他的大部分对白都是在复述觉哥的原话。 Obviously, before this competition starts is very long, Jue Bro the arrange/cloth inside and outside Scenario had gotten down a general situation- 很显然,早在这场比赛开始前很久,觉哥就已在剧本内外布下了一个大局- First, when he through Billy( «Ultimate Rescue» Scenario conclusion) related already Zhuan Jiezun and King Ditch that and were in cahoots( «Terrifying Nursery rhymes» ending they have reached agreement), enabling these two to be able willfully the big shot of shuttle when the main universe, when he had the need was ready. 首先,他通过比利(《终极营救》剧本结束时)联系到了早已和自己狼狈为奸的篆颉尊奠寉王(《恐怖童谣》结尾处他们已达成共识),让这两位可以在主宇宙中任意穿梭的大佬在他有需要时做好准备。 Then, he uses the Illusory Demon Church influence, in many place cloths of main universe got down similarly with this place regional law, is ready to be used momentarily. Because this law specifically is used to cope with outsider, therefore local indigenous even discovered cannot go to manage. 然后,他利用幻魔教会的势力,在主宇宙的许多地方布下了与此地相似的“区域型法阵”,随时待用。由于这种法阵是专门用来对付“异界旅客”的,所以当地的土著即使发现了也不太会去管。 Then, waits, waits for Order Team One to meet a strength strong team in the elimination series stage. 接着,就是等待,等待秩序一队在淘汰赛阶段遇上一支实力坚挺的强队。 Result...... he and others the team is Ice Emperor. 结果……他等来的队伍是冰帝 This is also the fate, relations of Jue Bro and Jin Fugui actually also good, compared with other big Studio, he is really is willing to hold Ice Emperor. 这也算是缘分吧,觉哥金富贵的关系其实还不错,比起其他大工作室,他确是更愿意去扶冰帝一把。 Therefore, Feng Bujue in the semi-finals fourth round the day before single line several ordinary difficulty single humanities, successfully , in Scenario that takes the main universe as the background had the contact with own lackeys, high and low arranges one...... 于是,封不觉就在复赛第四轮的前一天单排了数个普通难度的单人本,成功地在一个以主宇宙为背景的剧本里和自己的爪牙们取得了联系,上下打点一番…… Next day, Jue Bro makes an appointment with Ji Bu, told the opposite party...... elder brother under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net in the main universe to lead a cheer for you, and gave Ice Emperor the detailed information of various Order Team One members, but also in supplementary 12 sets of mature dealing plan. After entering Scenario, Ji Bu only needs to choose one set of execution according to the actual situation then...... 第二天,觉哥约见迹部,告诉对方……“哥已在主宇宙中布下天罗地网为你助阵”,并且把秩序一队各成员的详细情报给了冰帝,还附带上十二套成熟的应对计划。进入剧本后,迹部只需要根据实际情况选择一套执行即可…… After a consideration, Ji Bu accepted the help of Jue Bro. Present he, already six months beginning when enters the game was maturer. As a Boss Studio and team leader, he can definitely put down oneself that obstinate self-respect for the benefit of team. 经过一番考虑,迹部还是接受了觉哥的帮忙。如今的他,已经比半年前初入游戏时成熟多了。作为一个工作室老板、兼一队之长,他完全可以为了队伍的利益放下自己那份执拗的自尊。 Naturally, regarding this matter, Ji Bu is also some lingering fear...... because of Feng Bujue these 12 plans, not only display had/left him to do the thorough research to Order Team One, but also display had/left his information to the Ice Emperor also to know from A to Z...... 当然了,对于这件事儿,迹部也是有些后怕的……因为封不觉这十二套方案,不但显示出他对秩序一队做了透彻的研究,还显示出他对冰帝的信息也是了如指掌…… Made a long story short, after two teams of players entered Scenario, King Ditch obtained the contact with the Ice Emperor team members immediately, informed them the trend of order. But Ji Bu also according to the dividing forces situation of order, chose one corresponding plan ; When was opened by after bait nickname, he informed really the elder brother the true plan as well as Sashimi various weakness and always takes. 长话短说,两队玩家进入剧本后,奠寉王立即与冰帝的队员们取得了联络,将秩序的动向告知了他们。而迹部也根据秩序的分兵情况,选择了一套相应的方案;待作为诱饵的小名被支开后,他就把真正的计划以及生鱼片的各种弱点告知了真哥和老取。 Again then, had some time ago that...... 再然后,就有了不久前那一幕…… Actually, always took with the elder brother had been really awaiting orders in secret, they understand, Sashimi in opening macrozonality Day listens When is unlikely to be ambushed, once he detected that the enemy side has three people to exist, will retreat immediately. Therefore, always takes with really the elder brother holds troops in the distant place, starts to escape after nickname, they exploringly sent out some sounds. 其实,老取和真哥早就已经在暗中待命了,他们都明白,生鱼片在开启广域性的【天听】时是不太可能被伏击的,一旦他察觉到敌方有三个人存在,就会立即撤退。所以,老取和真哥就在远处按兵不动,直到小名开始逃跑后,他们才试探性地发出了一些动静。 About after five minutes, they then determined...... Sashimi completely already Day listens The ability locked on the body of nickname. When Sashimi, he will reduce regarding the captures of surrounding other sounds to the general level in so doing. At this time, always took with really the elder brother has the opportunity of being close...... to depend on together the sound absorption steel ( vibranium ) material quality shield, in addition the population advantage, took Sashimi to consider ninety percent sure. 大约五分钟后,他们便完全确定了……生鱼片已将【天听】能力锁定在了小名的身上。而当生鱼片这样做时,他对于周围其他声音的捕捉就会降低到一般水平。此时,老取和真哥就得到了接近的机会……靠着一块吸音钢(vibranium)材质的盾牌,加上人数优势,拿下生鱼片自当是十拿九稳。 „, Your Vice Captain will be struck to kill if as expected quickly.” “不出意外的话,你们那位副队长很快就会被击杀。” In the lingo, the Ji Bu words are still continuing: This competition...... was first won a city by our Ice Emperor immodestly.” 林谷中,迹部的话还在继续:“这场比赛……就由我们冰帝不客气地先拿下一城了。” ~ casual......” at this time, Drunk and Lying Down Feeling rubbed own nape, I, no matter you are doing something, is disinclined to ponder over these traps, test and so on broken matter......” he tucks in the sleeve, raise hand made please the movement, in brief, wants to win, the light talked is incorrect.” His manner, what shown is confident and free and easy of expert, comes, look will be we will die here, you will be given to kill by us.” “啊~随便了……”这时,醉卧怅然揉了揉自己的后颈,“我不管你们在搞什么名堂,也懒得去琢磨这些陷阱啊、测试啊之类的破事儿……”他撩起袖子,抬手做了个“请”的动作,“总之,想赢的话,光动嘴是不行的。”他的神态,透出的是一份高手的坦然和洒脱,“来吧,看看是我们会死在这里,还是你们会被我们给打死。” Snort...... wants?” King Ditch sneers to make noise, and shot a look at Ji Bu one, „, even if this boy does not act, probability that you live still minimal......” “哼……想多了吧?”奠寉王冷笑出声,并瞥了迹部一眼,“就算这小子不出手,你们活下来的几率也微乎其微……” Absurd.” When Wisdom of Death spoke this saying, had taken out own main force weapon from Traveling Bag - two painting pots, you think that you are Four Pillar Gods?” “荒谬。”悟死参玄说这话时,也已从行囊中取出了自己的主力武器-两个喷漆罐,“你以为自己是四柱神吗?” Perhaps I do not have Four Pillar Gods is so strong.” King Ditch said that „, but is in ‚’ you, perhaps did not have like that fiercely...... him who you thought, what matter also had...... you to forget?” “或许我没有四柱神那么强。”奠寉王道,“但身在‘阵’中的你们,恐怕也没有你们自己想的那般厉害了……”他顿了顿,“还有……你们是不是忘记什么事了?” Such remarks, the three people of facial expressions of order change. 此言一出,秩序的三人神情一变。 Yes......” next second , the strange sounds float from the lingo, „when you not comes to here to kill my officer? How can give to forget me?” “是啊……”下一秒,又有一个陌生的声音从林谷中飘来,“你们不是来这儿杀我这个‘时官’的吗?怎么能把我给忘了呢?”
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