TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#909: Deceptive battle array

November 11 0 : 00, engaged in fierce battle the four fourth round, made war on time. 十一月11日零点,鏖战四界第四轮,准时开战。 32 teams by automatically move to 16 Scenario, were seized respectively to launching to slaughter. 三十二支队伍分别被传送到了十六个剧本中,捉对展开厮杀。 Does not leave accidentally/surprisingly, online audience many four competitions, are that four focus campaigns that in the preamble mentioned. 不出意外的,在线观众人数最多的四场比赛,就是前文中提到的那四场焦点战役。 However, has such 1/4 audience, after the competition starts was less than ten minutes( game time) on the changed position. Because...... Hell Front only spent for nine minutes/shares 15 seconds, expels the conclusion the Deities two teams. 不过,有那么四分之一的观众,在比赛开始后不到十分钟(游戏时间)就转移阵地了。因为……地狱前线只花了九分十五秒,就把诸神二队赶出了局。 This matter sounds is a little as if inconceivable, but was really happened. Reasons for this include, mainly on one Scenario the map is too small. 这事儿听上去似乎有点不可思议,但确是发生了。究其原因,主要就一个-剧本地图太小。 Actually then...... this chart is small to what degree? Said that Name of this map is called DUST2 ; To be more exact, is DUST2 in night. This is a reorganization from some game chart of classics FPS game, area approximately also less than 40,000 square meters of entire map. 那么……这图究竟小到什么程度呢?这么说吧,这张地图的名称叫做“DUST2”;更确切地说,是“黑夜中的DUST2”。这是一张改编自某经典FPS游戏的游戏图,整个地图的面积大约也就四万平米不到。 Moreover, the basic setting of this Scenario is as follows: First, the map( i.e. ground, wall surface, gate, box and other facilities) are unable to be destroyed ; Second, map boundary( i.e. composition map frame square space) insurmountable ; Third, the altitude that the player may arrive in may also not surpass this map highest wall surface the top edge. 另外,这个剧本的基本设定如下:一,地图本身(即地面、墙面、门、箱子等设施)无法被破坏;二,地图边界(即组成地图框架的正方形空间)不可逾越;三,玩家可抵达的高度亦不可超过本地图最高墙面的顶边。 Summarizing is...... this is similar cage fights the night street fighting. both sides must in limited, in the specific terrain environment decides the victory and defeat. 总结一下就是……这是一场类似“笼斗”的黑夜巷战。双方必须在有限的、特定的地形环境内分出胜负。 But under such circumstance, was needless saying that also knows who MVP of this competition was...... 而在这样的情势下,不用说也知道这场比赛的MVP是谁了…… Therefore, Feng Bujue before the game analysis and transmission, various information of related Deities two teams of team members...... the result all became not studious. On this only 40,000 square meters map, has Frightened Beam And Blood Corpse God of perception capability dominates in strategic of all tactics attacks weapon. At the suggestion of Xiao Ling, the Hell Front team „the strongest sixth person invited this immediately, and won rapidly. 于是,封不觉在赛前分析和传达的、有关诸神二队队员们的各种情报……结果全都成了无用功。在这区区四万平米的地图上,拥有【恐惧投射】以及感知能力的血尸神可谓是凌驾于一切战术的战略性打击武器。在小灵的建议下,地狱前线队在第一时间就把这位“最强第六人”请了出来,并迅速获得了胜利。 ............ ………… Words weight head...... 话分两头…… When „the Hell Front lightning eliminates the Deities two teams when the news has started to spread, another focus war, just now is in the probe stage. 当“地狱前线闪电淘汰诸神二队”的消息已开始流传时,另一场焦点战,方才进入试探阶段。 Courage is big......” Names Are Really Difficult to Choose Is carrying the sniper's rifle, looks at the person's shadow of distant place to discuss, „a person in this open area takes a walk is walking, when my deceased person......” “胆子不小嘛……”【名字真难取】端着狙击枪,望着远处的一道人影念道,“一个人在这种开阔地带遛弯儿似的走着,当我死人呢……” At this time, nickname is hiding in one on the cliff, giant bird nest. His Quest, is under the surveillance that length and breadth, red prairie. But in his mouth that in the open area takes a walk the fellow, is not others...... Order Team One Vice Captain- Sashimi. 此时,小名正藏身于一个位于峭壁上的、巨大的鸟巢里面。他的任务,是监视下方那片广袤的、赤色的草原。而他口中那个“在开阔地带遛弯儿”的家伙,不是旁人……正是秩序一队副队长-【生鱼片】。 „...... Original conceals in that place......”, although in the Sashimi surface exhibits a strolling appearance, but spiritually but the time is tying tight condition. He will come in this open area , because he wants to probe the position of enemy side. “哦……原来藏在那种地方吗……”虽然生鱼片表面上摆出一副闲庭信步的模样,但精神上可是时刻紧绷着的状态。他之所以会独自一人在这种开阔地带现身,就是因为他想试探敌方的位置。 Hears this sound...... to be Names Are Really Difficult to Choose......” Uses own Day listens After the ability locked the position of enemy, Sashimi continues calmly, and ponders to say in the heart secretly, „ ambush quite safe hiding that because place, thought aloud that subconsciously...... this was also common bad be used. “听这声音……应该是【名字真难取】吧……”利用自己的【天听】能力锁定了敌人的方位后,生鱼片继续不动声色地前行着,并在心中暗忖道,“因为自己身处的狙击点比较安全隐蔽,就下意识地自言自语……这也算是常见的坏习惯了。 Bang- 砰- In he thinks, gunshot. 就在他思索之际,枪响了。 The bullet, comes quickly compared with the sound. 子弹,比声音来得更快。 But has protection Sashimi early, avoided this spear/gun with ease. 但早有防备的生鱼片,轻松地避开了这一枪。 This is Unbounded ambush......” Lightens several meters Sashimi then to look instantaneously to the bullet hole of ground, recalls, how in analysis report to say comes...... to disregard the wind power and firing distance and until the hit, Level A marksmanship skill that the speed and might will not weaken.” “这是【无界狙击】吧……”瞬间闪出数米的生鱼片回头看向地上的弹孔,回忆道,“分析报告上怎么说的来着……无视风力和射程、直至命中为止,速度和威力都不会衰减的A级射击技能。” Bang! Bang! bang bang- 砰砰砰砰砰- Next second, hears five almost to overlap in same place sound continually transmits, was announcing the nickname second wave of offensive has killed. 下一秒,又听得五声几乎重叠在一起的连响传来,宣告着小名的第二波攻势已然杀到。 This time, Sashimi used up named very much decisively Accelerates scroll Item, and made the circumvention movement full power. 这次,生鱼片很果断地用掉了一件名为【加速卷轴】的物品,并全力做出了规避动作。 Really...... unbounded ambush Later immediately meets own title ability Wild firepower......” Sashimi, although used disposable item, but hides somewhat distressedly, „the marksmanship gap of firearms becomes 0.01 in 1.5 seconds, and triggers previous marksmanship is the skill, making it enter wild firepower condition......” he is only thinks that some lingering fear, un...... I am prepared fortunately early......” “果然……【无界狙击】之后立刻接了自己的称号能力【狂暴火力】……”生鱼片虽是使用了一次性道具,但还是躲得有些狼狈,“于1.5秒内将枪械的射击间隔变为0.01,并重新触发前一个射击系技能,使其进入‘狂暴火力’状态……”他光是想想都有些后怕,“嗯……还好我早有准备……” Obviously, Sashimi is very familiar with the Names Are Really Difficult to Choose skill. Otherwise even if that he has a mind to guard, was still very difficult not to have the wound to evade a moment ago that two moves. 很显然,生鱼片名字真难取的技能十分熟悉。否则就算那他有心提防,也很难无伤地避过刚才那两招。 But is Sashimi establishes this advantage, without doubt was order that powerful secret secondary roles...... 而为生鱼片建立起这份优势的,无疑就是秩序那强大的幕后班底了…… Before each competition starts, in the hand of each order team member, will attain a detailed enemy team member analysis report. The content of report obtains in light of the Optical Brain computation by the special personnel completely, even if cannot say 100% accurately, but will not have the too big deviation. But these are unable to calculate the deduction and rate of accuracy below 65% information, will label specially. 每场比赛开打之前,每一名秩序队员的手上,都会拿到一份详细的敌队成员分析报告。报告的内容全部是由专门的人员结合光脑计算得出的,即使不能说百分之百准确,但也不会有太大的偏差。而那些无法计算推演的、准确率在65%以下的信息,都会特别标注出来。 This...... is the real income that pre-game intelligence warfare brings. 这……就是“赛前情报战”带来的实际收益。 Perhaps many people will snort contemptuously to this approach, because athletics is not a math, the essence of athletics lies in the unpredictability of its process and result. But what is undeniable, these pre-game preparatory work, really have the result that the possible impact competes. So long as these behaviors in the rule permits in the range, that is indisputable. Even can say, this is also a part of strength. 也许很多人会对这种做法嗤之以鼻,因为竞技并不是数学,竞技的精髓就在于其过程和结果的不可预测性。但不可否认的是,这些赛前的准备工作,确有可能影响比赛的结果。只要这些行为是在规则允许范围内的,那就无可厚非。甚至可以说,这也是实力的一部分。 Naturally, on the Struggle For Power to Summit competition pattern, the pre-game intelligence does again well, when to real starting is also not necessarily able to apply. Gave an example...... to want the luck of your team is good enough( possibly because of Jue Bro not in relations) with that competition of Hell Front some time ago, random to one to the team extremely advantageous map, that did not need the support of what information level just in time...... 当然了,就巅峰争霸的比赛模式来看,赛前情报工作做得再好,到真正开打时也未必能派上用场。就拿不久前地狱前线的那场比赛来举例……只要你们队的运气足够好(可能是因为觉哥不在的关系),正巧随机到一张对本队极为有利的地图,那也就不需要什么情报层面的支持了…… „After shouting...... the good and evil is to hide......” Sashimi avoided the second round continually ball, slightly relaxes, then I felt relieved......” “呼……好歹是躲过去了……”生鱼片躲开第二轮连弹后,稍稍松了口气,“这下我就放心了……” Like his very steady player, will say felt relieved that” this word, naturally has the reason. 像他这种非常稳健的选手,会说出“放心”这种词儿,自然是有原因的。 Actually...... Sashimi regarding the Names Are Really Difficult to Choose scruples, merely lay in that two skills a moment ago. Because Unbounded ambush The might because of not hindering to produce weakens, therefore this move of he cannot go to shouldering ; Likewise, can strengthen and trigger the unbounded ambush Wild firepower Also must with dodging to process. 其实……生鱼片对于名字真难取的顾忌,仅仅就在于刚才那两个技能上。由于【无界狙击】的威力不会因阻滞而产生衰减,所以这招他是不能去“扛”的;同理,能加强并重新触发无界狙击的【狂暴火力】也必须用闪避来处理。 After these two moves one and is in the cooling period, Sashimi stopped at nothing...... 而当这两招一并进入冷却阶段后,生鱼片就无所顾忌了…… Because...... his main ability is sound, this ability besides can provide the Investigation method that various types may be called go against heaven's will, another remarkable effectiveness can provide extremely strong long-distance defense capability. 因为……他的主要能力就是“声音”,这个能力除了能提供各种堪称逆天的侦查手段外,另一个显著的效用就是可以提供极强的远程防御能力。 If changes into today is Jue Bro here, he looked that knows...... this Order Team One Vice Captain only depends on Strong effect sonic barrier With Low register These two Passive Skill can disregard below most Level A long-distance attacks ;...... Simply to is to him different as for the ordinary gunshot, in ten meters eats RPG hardly. 如果今天换成是觉哥在这里,那他看一眼就会知道……这位秩序一队副队长仅凭【强效音障】和【低音区】这两个被动技能就能无视掉绝大多数A级以下的远程攻击了;至于普通的枪击……对他来说简直跟没有一样,十米内硬吃RPG都可以。 Hateful...... the second has not fallen......” Names Are Really Difficult to Choose changes the magazine the time, at heart is quite annoyed. “可恶……没秒掉啊……”名字真难取换弹匣的时候,心里已是颇为恼火。 Is the player, or embarks from an angle of sniper by marksmanship...... in this excellent ambush point, hits goal on an open field, but also...... that definitely exerted its utmost with own two moves of guarantee murder combination techniques. Even if can't the opposite party to the second, at least still should make a damage? But at present this flying back without any results result, embarrasses him somewhat. 以一个射击系玩家、或者说以一个狙击者的角度出发……在这种绝好的狙击点上,打一个开阔地上的目标,还用上了自己的两招必杀组合技……那肯定是势在必得的。就算没能把对方给秒了,至少也该打出点损伤吧?而眼下这种无功而返的结果,着实让他有些难堪。 Ok, calms down...... wants again...... anything!” Changed the magazine when nickname, again aiming, he discovered with amazement, the opposite party and oneself distance had reduced half unexpectedly. “算了,沉住气……只要再……什么!”就在小名换好了弹匣,重新瞄准之际,他惊讶地发现,对方与自己的距离竟已缩短了一半。 „When I go...... comes quickly......” nickname to exclaim in surprise, had not forgotten beginning, makes a mistake!” “我去……来得这么快……”小名惊叹之余,也没忘了动手,“有没有搞错!” Bang- 砰- He complains, takes advantage of opportunity also touched off the trigger, what this time making is a round of special ammunition- Combustion bombs. 他吐了个槽,顺势也扣动了扳机,这次打出的是一发特种弹药-【燃烧爆弹】。 However, this marksmanship that does not have the skill addition, it seems like exists in name only in Sashimi...... 然,这种没有技能加成的射击,在生鱼片看来形同虚设…… But sees, when that round of bullet in flying to the Sashimi top of the head about ten meters range, seemed plunges in some type of density extremely high liquid to be the same suddenly, almost stagnated, and happened by the might of low limit from exploding. The spark of that explosion has not burnt through, the Sashimi form has been separated from the range of explosion. 但见,那发子弹在飞至生鱼片头顶十米左右的范围时,就好似突然浸入了某种密度极高的液体中一样,几乎完全停滞下来,并以最小限度的威力发生了自爆。那爆炸的火花还没燃尽,生鱼片的身影就已经脱离了爆炸的范围。 Witnessed this Names Are Really Difficult to Choose, immediately made a very correct judgment- runs. 目睹了这一幕的名字真难取,当即做出了一个非常正确的判断-跑。 That three attacks, have made nickname realize anything just now faintly......, although his little while does not have the time to be thorough the matter, the intuition that but fights has whipped on him to react. 适才那三次攻击,已经让小名隐隐意识到了什么……虽然他这会儿没时间把事情想透彻,但战斗的直觉已驱策他做出了反应。 Worthily is the Ice Emperor person( the present Ice Emperor reputation is today we are no longer as we have been, was naming difficult three people of groups quite famous period has passed merely „)...... before falling into the hopeless situation made quite dealing of Akechi.” Sashimi quickens pace to flush away toward the opposite party, while the heart said, „...... also delayed slightly by the time that I catch up with......” “不愧是冰帝的人(如今冰帝的口碑已是今非昔比,仅仅是“取名难三人组”比较有名的时期已经过去了)……在陷入绝境之前做出了相当明智的应对。”生鱼片一边加快步伐朝对方冲去,一边心道,“不过……也只是稍稍延缓了被我追上的时间罢了……” Indeed, wants to escape under tracing of Sashimi, is almost a impossible matter. If had not been discovered by him from the beginning but actually , but once by the he radar to localization, that is desires to fly high is also difficult to escape...... 的确,想要在生鱼片的追踪下逃脱,几乎是一件不可能的事情。若是一开始就没被他发现倒也罢了,可一旦被他这人型雷达给“定位”了,那就是插翅也难逃…… Sashimi at this moment, already Day listens The center of gravity locked on the body of nickname ; The speaking voice, sound of footsteps, breathing and heartbeat opposite party...... are all difficult to escape his aural acuity localization. Only if nickname can cast off the opposite party over two kilometers distance in the extreme time, otherwise Sashimi can pursue him to arrive at the ends of the earth. 此刻的生鱼片,就已经将【天听】的重心锁定在了小名的身上;对方的说话声、脚步声、呼吸声、心跳声……全都难逃他的耳力定位。除非小名能在极端的时间内甩开对方两公里以上的距离,要不然生鱼片能追他到天涯海角。 However, something Sashimi do not know that was...... already fell into trap. 但是,有件事生鱼片并不知道,那就是……自己已经中计了。 Moreover, in him is a quite wise plan. 而且,他中得还是个颇为高明的计划。 ............ ………… At the same time, Scenario another, scarlet Jing lingo. 同一时刻,剧本另一处,“赤荆林谷”中。 Team leader, drunk elder brother, matter is not right.” After arriving at this lingo center, Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil Then detected that anything, its facial expression is gradually dignified. “队长,醉哥,事情不对。”来到这林谷腹地之后,【吞天鬼骁】便察觉到了什么,其神情逐渐凝重起来。 Since S2 competition, this is the first time that he showed this expression. S2比赛至今,这还是他第一次露出这种表情。 What's wrong?” Is built on not far away Wisdom of Death Turns the head to ask hastily. “怎么了?”立于不远处的【悟死参玄】连忙转头问道。 This place...... should say that was this entire lingo......” Daring Devil is saying, looked all around, the vision drifted from place to place, all was at one ‚’, moreover...... this ‚’ was one specifically aims at the player without a doubt the trap under arrange/cloth.” “这块地方……不……应该说是这整个林谷……”鬼骁说着,环顾四周,目光飘忽不定,“全都处在一个‘阵’中,而且……这个‘阵’毫无疑问是一个专门针对玩家所布下的陷阱。” Trap?” Stands another side of him Drunk and Lying Down Feeling Meets saying that whose arrange/cloth?” “陷阱?”站在他另一侧的【醉卧怅然】接道,“谁布的?” Naturally is the NPC arrange/cloth.” Daring Devil returns said, our three just entered Scenario not to stay directly soars this place, even automatically move of Ice Emperor team here, they were impossible under the arrange/cloth to have big of this might in 20 minutes......” he, how, moreover...... they know that we will certainly come to here?” “当然是NPC布的。”鬼骁回道,“我们三个刚进剧本就毫不停留地直奔此地了,就算冰帝队的传送点在这儿,他们也不可能在20分钟内布下具备这种威力的大阵吧……”他顿了顿,“况且……他们又怎么知道我们一定会来这儿?” Simple doesn't such matter think clearly?” Suddenly, leans in the rear waterfall from three players, spread speaking voice. “这么简单的事情都想不明白吗?”忽然,从三名玩家侧后方的瀑布中,传出了一句说话声。 That speech person has not made an appearance, has made the players be suspicious, because that voice sounds seems like an infant voice of boy unexpectedly. 那说话之“人”还没露面,就已让玩家们心生狐疑,因为那嗓音听上去竟像是一个男孩的童音。 After several seconds, that waterfall is the water screen is raised is two, then, lacks from its rear mountain, went out of a thin and small form slowly. 数秒后,那瀑布似是水帘般被一掀为二,接着,从其后方的山缺中,缓缓走出了一条瘦小的身影。 That flickers, in the eye of Daring Devil light/only flows flashes, then, he lowered the sound immediately to two team rules of friendship: Careful...... be not deceived by the semblance of this fellow, he is the from head to tail monster......” 那一瞬,鬼骁的眼中光流一闪,接着,他就立即压低了声音对两名队友道:“小心……别被这家伙的外表骗了,他可是彻头彻尾的怪物……” Can see through ‚the truth sequence......” that young boy to hear the Daring Devil words obviously, he responded, while trod the water the line, faced forward, „...... you were that Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil right?” “能看穿‘真理序列’是吗……”那小男孩显然是听到了鬼骁的话,他一边回应,一边踏水而行,朝前走来,“如此说来……你就是那个‘吞天鬼骁’了对吧?” „.” Daring Devil met one neither arrogant nor servile, immediately said on the probe, „, but does not know that you are which? What meaning were your words......?” “正是。”鬼骁不卑不亢地接了一句,随即就试探道,“但不知你是哪位?你刚才的话……又是什么意思?” The young boy looks to sneer, opens the mouth saying: My meaning is......” 小男孩面露冷笑,开口回道:“我的意思就是……” His words begin , the sound resounds suddenly, first said: What he meant was that is......” the person's shadow leaps together swiftly from the waterfall along with the words, falls while said that our Ice Emperor, but also really knows that your several will come to here!” 他的话才起了个头,又有一个声音忽然响起,抢先道:“他的意思是就是……”一道人影伴随着话语从瀑布上倏然跃下,边落边道,“我们冰帝,还真就知道你们几个会来这儿!” The voice stops, the person also falls. 话音止,人亦落。 But sees a person white bottom bush light blue uniform/subdue, the chest front ices on Mei badge to print Ice Emperor impressively two characters. Looks at that supple makings, the hairstyle that the volume curls upwards, is not Young Master Ji Bu Who is also? 但见来人一身白底衬浅蓝的制服,胸前冰玫徽章上赫然印着“冰帝”二字。看那阴柔的气质,卷翘的发型,不是【迹部少爷】又是何人? Hou ~ Drunk and Lying Down Feeling selects the eyebrow, what situation was this...... we also really ambushes?” “嚯~”醉卧怅然一挑眉毛,“这是什么情况……我们还真中埋伏了?” „But how...... is this possible?” The Wisdom of Death sinking sound doubts to say. “但……这怎么可能呢?”悟死参玄沉声疑道。 „Very simple.” The young boy launches the both arms, looks that order that three people meet saying that I...... had gotten down this in this arrange/cloth, only waits for you to walk into a trap.” His a half second, some time ago, when your two groups of people arrive at this star, I immediately and Ji Bu they obtained the contact, therefore they also came.” “很简单。”小男孩展开双臂,看着秩序那三人接道,“我……早已在此布下了此阵,只等你们自投罗网。”他微顿半秒,“不久前,当你们两批人来到这个星球时,我就立刻和迹部他们取得了联络,所以他们也来了。” „...... This I could not understand.” The Drunk and Lying Down Feeling faint smile should say, how you know we will certainly come here? Who...... are you?” “呵……这我就更听不懂了。”醉卧怅然似笑非笑地应道,“你又是怎么知道我们一定会来到这儿的呢?还有……你到底是谁啊?” I...... Named King Ditch.” When King Ditch spoke this saying, faced forward to walk slowly and aimlessly several steps, with his being far away, it the separated waterfall gathered behind slowly. “吾……名为-奠寉王。”奠寉王说这话时,又朝前踱了几步,随着他的远离,其身后分开的瀑布则缓缓并拢起来。 You and other today the bureau......” during speeches, the line of sight of King Ditch has swept Order Team One that three face, „...... actually somebody to your test.” “尔等今日所涉之局……”说话间,奠寉王的视线扫过了秩序一队那三位的脸,“……实为某人对你们的‘测试’。”
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