TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#908: The fourth round of focus war

On the morning of November 9, engaged in fierce battle the four third round of combat reports to issue, Struggle For Power to Summit S2 32 also settled down. 十一月 9 日上午,鏖战四界第三轮的战报已发布,巅峰争霸S2的三十二强亦尘埃落定。 The epicycle finishes, three matters are worth mentioning. 本轮战罢,有三件事值得一提。 First, in the other 32 teams, team of non- Studio operation only then Hell Front With Community Two teams. Considering Community Four main forces all are the professional player...... Hell Front, Becoming amateur corps that in the competition only saves. 其一,在余下的三十二支队伍中,非工作室运营的队伍就只有【地狱前线】和【废柴联盟】两队了。考虑到【废柴联盟】的四名主力皆是职业玩家……【地狱前线】,就此成为了比赛中仅存的一支非职业战队。 Second, till epicycle, Corpse Blade Studio all teams had all been eliminated. The participating team quantity that although they send out is in all large-scale Studio are most, but first 32 strong...... their seat has not occupied. 其二,至本轮为止,尸刀工作室的所有队伍皆已被淘汰。虽然他们派出的参赛队数量是所有大型工作室中最多的,但前三十二强当中……他们连一个席位都没有占到。 Third, after semi-finals third round finished the morning, Dream Corporation published an unexpected news in the official site suddenly. 其三,就在复赛第三轮结束后的这个上午,梦公司突然在官网上公布了一条出人意料的消息。 Before this announced is emitted, individual who including Feng Bujue, most attention competitions or the group thinks the finals of Struggle For Power to Summit S2 after the semi-finals team eliminates to two teams launched. However, this speculation...... with acting overthrew by Dream Corporation in that morning overall. 在这条公告被放出之前,包括封不觉在内的,绝大多数关注比赛的个人或团体都认为巅峰争霸S2的决赛将会在复赛队伍淘汰至两队后展开。然而,这个推测……在这天上午被梦公司用行动全盘推翻了。 According to information that the official gives, this Struggle For Power to Summit S2 semi-finals- Engages in fierce battle four, After coming out four strongly came to an end. But final finals- Ragnarök, Is by the tangled warfare of four team together participation. 根据官方给出的信息,本次巅峰争霸S2的复赛-【鏖战四界】,将在决出“四强”之后宣告结束。而最后的决赛-【诸神黄昏】,将是一场由四支队伍共同参与的混战。 This news, it may be said that a stone aroused thousand overlapping waves...... the major Studio competition strategies to be disrupted instantaneously. Originally needs to win the finals that four rounds can enter again, so long as at present wins three rounds to enter again. But various uncertainties in finals, is doubled and re-doubled the growth. Thereupon, the work of a series of collection, computation, deduction and adjustment...... braved baseless. 这条新闻一出,可谓一石激起千层浪……各大工作室的比赛策略瞬间就被打乱了。本来需要再赢四轮才能晋级的决赛,眼下只要再赢三轮就能进入。而决赛中的各种不确定因素,也是成倍增涨。于是乎,一系列收集、计算、推演、调整的工作……就这么凭空冒了出来。 Naturally, regarding Feng Bujue and Honghu these two, the pressure that this situation creates is not instead big. Because their back does not have the support of Studio resources, in other words...... did not have many to adjust the space. No matter the following athletic competition system and they estimated that difference many, they can do pre-game trimming that also only then acts according to circumstances. 当然了,对于封不觉鸿鹄这两位来说,这种突发情况带来的压力反而不大。因为他们的背后并没有工作室资源的支持,也就是说……本就没有多少可调整空间。不管接下来的赛制和他们预想中的差多少,他们能做的也只有见机行事的赛前微调而已。 ............ ………… On November 10, 8 : 00 am, the semi-finals fourth round to fighting list announcement. 十一月 10 日,早晨 8 时,复赛第四轮的对战列表公布。 In this round 16 showdowns, four, may can be called is focus campaign- 这一轮的十六场对决中,共有四场,可称得上是焦点战役- First, Hell Front VS Deities two teams. 第一场,地狱前线VS诸神二队。 This competition can become the reason of focus to be very simple, because now all and Hell Front related thing will become the focus. 这场比赛会成为焦点的理由很简单,因为如今所有和“地狱前线”有关的东西都会成为焦点。 Because the low-key performance in preliminary contest, Jue Bro the eruption in semi-finals seems especially dazzling. Three semi-finals each win the opponent by the potential of steamroll, such score enough has made them the recognized number-one dark horse. 由于在预赛中的低调表现,觉哥他们在复赛中的爆发显得格外耀眼。三场复赛每场都是以碾压之势完胜对手,这样的战绩已足够让他们成为公认的头号黑马。 Moreover, the strength, character and face/color price/value team members wait/etc, was the Hell Front team won the quite high popularity. Even if in this popularity mixes harbors the cults follower psychology, the Feng Bujue adorer...... 另外,队员们的实力、性格、颜值等等,也为地狱前线队博得了相当高的人气。即使这份人气中混有许多怀着邪教信徒心理的、疯不觉的崇拜者…… - -- Looked at second again, Warring States one team of VS stars one teams. 再看第二场,战国一队VS星辰一队。 These two teams become the reason of focus, is mainly because has the collection value related to their information very much. 这两支队伍成为焦点的原因,主要是因为有关他们的情报很有收集价值。 In the preamble has mentioned, Warring States Studio joined external Studio of game after S1. The player as well as Studio in local are not really familiar with their various aspect situations, besides the main force member total is the Japanese players, the present stage can determine is...... Warring States one team This is also promoted by the perfect record all the way with ease, the strength is very perfect. 前文中提到过,战国工作室是在S1之后才加入游戏的外来工作室。本土的玩家以及工作室对于他们的各方面情况都不甚熟悉,除了主力成员全数为日本玩家外,现阶段能确定的就是……【战国一队】这一路上也是以全胜战绩轻松晋级的,实力十分过硬。 But their opponents Stars one team, That not uses to say...... weapon factory the competition, even if the player did not look generally, each Studio must look. Perhaps current main force in others team, later became your family's main force. 而他们的对手【星辰一队】,那就不用多说了……“兵工厂”的比赛,就算一般玩家不看,各个工作室也是要看一看的。没准人家队伍里的现任主力,以后就成了你家的主力。 Also, Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies This S1 champion also in team. About him in mysterious prize that” in S1 obtains, was still had wide divided opinions......, although Jue Bro and other small numbers of people have known thing that he took cannot use in the game, but this matter not public...... 还有,【天马行空】这个S1冠军也在队伍里。关于他在S1中所获得的“神秘奖品”,至今仍是众说纷纭……虽然觉哥等少数人已知道他拿的东西根本不能在游戏里用,但这事儿并没有公开…… Therefore, many Studio investigators still in the reward that dreading the young Brother Ma previous competition is attaining, and is paying close attention to his every action and every movement ; As if young Brother Ma does not put out 1-2 nuclear bombs and so on Item or puts several Yuan gas bomb ranks not normally the skills same...... 因此,有很多工作室的调查人员仍然在忌惮着小马哥上次比赛中拿到的奖励,并密切地关注着他的一举一动;就仿佛小马哥不拿出1-2核弹之类的物品或者放几个元气弹级别的技能就不正常一样…… - -- Again then, is third, Ice Emperor VS Order Team One. 再接下来,是第三场,冰帝VS秩序一队 No matter you do believe that from the outside, Ice Emperor is one is capable of defeating the Order Team One crack force hopefully and. From the score, two teams are the preliminary contest total victory are all promoted, the semi-finals stage is also maintaining one type the full power appearance. 不管你们信不信,在外界看来,冰帝是一支有希望、也有能力战胜秩序一队的劲旅。从战绩上来说,两队全都是预赛全胜晋级,复赛阶段也都保持着一种未出全力的样子。 Although most people think the Order Team One chance is bigger, but they do not think that Ice Emperor had no opportunity. As long as has watched the audience of both sides competition live broadcast or video recording, thought that the process of this competition is quite the rubber, at least is not the one-sided situation. 虽然绝大多数人还是认为秩序一队的赢面更大,但他们也并不认为冰帝就没有任何机会了。但凡看过双方比赛直播或者录像的观众,都觉得这场比赛的过程将会是颇为胶着的,至少不会是一边倒的情况。 - -- Finally, is fourth, Red Cherry one team of VS order two teams. 最后,便是第四场,红樱一队VS秩序二队。 In some sense, Red Cherry one team All competitions are the focus campaigns. The Xu Huaishang individual strong popularity has not needed to give unnecessary detail again much, is her three teammates is also the level extremely high beautiful woman players. Such team, is will not naturally lack the audience. 某种意义上来说,【红樱一队】的所有比赛都算是焦点战役。絮怀殇个人的超强人气已无须再多赘述,就是她那三位队友也都是水准极高的美女玩家。这样的队伍,自然是场场都不会缺观众的。 But this round they meet Order two teams, Without doubt is a powerful enemy. 而这一轮她们遇上的【秩序二队】,无疑是一个强敌。 In entering semi-finals all professional corps, is regarded as has including two teams the winning strength, only then orders and Deities these two. This...... is industry in apex background. No matter Red Cherry whether acknowledged that others two teams with their one team of too obvious disparities, at least have not been the same levels. 在进入复赛的所有职业战队中,连“二队”都被视为具备夺冠实力的,也就只有秩序和诸神这两家了。这……就是“业内顶尖”的底蕴。不管红樱这边是否承认,人家的二队和他们的一队并没有太明显的差距,最起码也是同一水准。 Therefore, this competition, is very likely to become Xu Huaishang in the answering a curtain call performance of S2...... 因此,这场比赛,也很可能成为絮怀殇在S2的谢幕演出…… ............ ………… On November 10, late 11.5 15, Hell Front Conference room. 十一月 10 日,晚十一点五十五分,地狱前线会议室 Ok, this deployment...... understood.” Feng Bujue sits on the seat of honor of board, is chewing the potato chips, while said to the teammates with a lazy facial expression. “好了,这场的部署……都明白了吧。”封不觉坐在会议桌的主座上,一边嚼着薯片,一边用一副慵懒的神情对队友们说道。 In the 20 minutes, he with the teammates had confessed all main points that in the following that competition needs to pay attention to detail, but the reason that he does that only has one- this he decides to substitute. 在刚才的二十分钟里,他已详细地将接下来那场比赛中需要注意的所有要点都跟队友们交代了一遍,而他这么做的原因只有一个-这场他决定替补。 Understands that is understands......” Eldest Miss An first should say, was only...... this already semi-finals fourth round, did you also make me go to battle really?” “明白是明白……”安大小姐第一个应道,“只是……这都已经复赛第四轮了,你还让我出战真的好吗?” Relax, my arrangement has its reasonable place.” Feng Bujue smiles is returning said that „, although your Specialization Level and character Level somewhat come apart slightly, but the strength is very strong, is not necessary to improperly belittle oneself.” He shrugs, furthermore...... withdraws with great difficulty from Corpse Blade these broken matters, should you also vent appropriately suddenly not?” “放心,我的安排自有其合理之处。”封不觉微笑着回道,“虽然你的专精等级和人物等级稍有些脱节,但实力还是很强的,大可不必妄自菲薄。”他耸耸肩,“再者……好不容易从尸刀的那些破事儿里脱身出来,你也应该适当发泄一下不是吗?” „Can I also thank you?” An Yueqin empty focuses to meet saying that „, but, you have not told how we...... you handle that matter......” her, said that what illegal deal really...... you indeed did do?” “那我还得谢谢你了咯?”安月琴虚着眼接道,“不过,你还是没告诉我们……你到底是怎么搞定那件事的……”她顿了顿,“说真的……你的确是干了什么违法的勾当吧?” Yes, I did.” After two seconds, Feng Bujue returned to one with the tranquil tone unexpectedly. “是的,我干了。”两秒后,封不觉竟用平静的口吻回了一句。 Ha?” An Yueqin also gawked, unexpectedly acknowledged......” “哈?”安月琴也是愣了,“居然承认了啊……” Recognized recognizes.” Feng Bujue returns said that „, even if I do not recognize, your still thinks at heart?” “认就认了呗。”封不觉回道,“即使我不认,你们的心里也都是这么想的吧?” Un.” Xiao Tan nodded to comply with one immediately very much straightforwardly. “嗯。”小叹立即很耿直地点头应了一声。 Ruoyu and Xiao Ling are remain silent, have no comment. 若雨小灵则是保持沉默、不予置评。 In the eyes of their these Spiritual Energy strength, law the authority is really limited. In fact, let alone was their these has the person of supernatural force, even if Jiang Daode such person, regarded the angle of law still and common people are far. 在她们这些灵能力者的眼中,“法律”的权威性着实是有限的。事实上,别说是她们这些拥有超自然力量的人了,即使是“蒋道德”那样的人,看待法律的角度也和一般的老百姓相差甚远。 But looks like Feng Bujue this type...... , before meeting with Woody fellow who the anti-social has a little favored, now obviously is a more unscrupulous condition. 而像封不觉这种……在和伍迪相遇以前就已经有点反社会倾向的家伙,如今显然已是一种更为肆无忌惮的状态了。 That cannot.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “那不就得了吗。”封不觉接道。 What was results in......” An Yueqin somewhat to worry that looks at Jue Bro, I did not hope my responsible author when the company propagandized was placed under criminal arrest.” “什么叫‘得了’……”安月琴有些担忧地看着觉哥,“我可不希望我负责的作者在公司宣传期间被刑事拘留。” This you felt relieved.” Jue Bro said, I am impossible to be grasped.” “这你放心好了。”觉哥道,“我是不可能被抓的。” Where you come self-confident?” An Yueqin said. “你哪儿来的自信啊?”安月琴道。 Goes home to ask that your great-grandfather goes.” Feng Bujue both hands are resting the head on the head, returns very much at will said. “回家问你的太公去。”封不觉双手枕着头,很随意地回道。 Hey! I am worried about you, your what attitude?” An Yueqin somewhat meets to say angrily. 喂!我是担心你诶,你什么态度?”安月琴有些恼怒地接道。 I am earnest.” But Jue Bro actually returns said, you can go home, asked that your paternal great-grandfather...... will be Si Rui Group founder Professor Aines...... he to you will explain why...... I will have this self-confidence.” “我是认真的。”而觉哥却回道,“你可以回家,问你的曾祖父……即思睿集团的创始人安斯教授……他会跟你解释……我为什么会有这种自信。”
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