TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#907: Using misconception

Blood Fiend ties, six and in ancient temple. 血煞结界下,六和古寺中。 The descendants shouted variation, to previous six ominous spirit. 胤呼异种,对上六道凶灵。 This is the wicked and wicked conflict, is the strong and strong collision. 这是恶与恶的争端,亦是强与强的碰撞。 Two's mortal body powerful degree is reaches the pinnacle, then has to destroy strength of mountain Lieshi the ; But they are fighting the style that uses also all are reach a high degree of proficiency, has reached the boundary of greatly skillful non- labor. 二者的肉身强悍程度都属登峰造极,举手投足间便有摧山裂石之力;而他们在打斗中所用的招式也皆是炉火纯青,已臻大巧不工之境。 Properly speaking, the fight of this level, others are very difficult to meddle the leeway. 按理说,这种层面的战斗,旁人是很难有插手余地的。 But, the Hell Front team members, all can keep up with this fight the rhythm, moreover...... can also control the result of fighting. 但,地狱前线的队员们,全都可以跟上这战斗的节奏,而且……还可以左右战斗的结果。 Bang- 砰- Suddenly, a gunshot, air-splitting however comes. 乍然间,一声枪响,破空而来。 Is dodging the ray bullet in the darkness, in a best time and from the most appropriate angle, center Xuan great chest front six whole mirrors. 一枚在黑暗中闪着光芒的子弹,在一个最恰当的时机、从最恰当的角度,正中了铉宏胸前的六阖镜。 Sacred arbitration This has the skills of 200% injuries to the Evil Spirit lifeform without doubt is Xiao Ling first choice at this moment, she seized the opportunity to touch off the trigger without hesitation. 【神圣仲裁】这个对恶灵生物具备200%伤害的技能无疑是小灵此刻的首选,她看准机会就毫不犹豫地扣动了扳机。 However, after Xuan great is hit the response, makes people be startled. 然,铉宏中枪后的反应,却让人大吃一惊。 Buzz humming sound- 嗡嗡嗡- After bullet hit, only hears a buzzing to resound, then, the mirror surface white lights of six whole mirrors one full. 子弹命中后,只听得一阵蜂鸣响起,接着,六阖镜的镜面白光一盈。 Next second, Xuan great, not only returns safe and sound, the enormous and powerful air/Qi of its whole body...... unexpectedly was also abundant several points. 下一秒,那铉宏非但毫发无伤,其周身的浩荡之气……竟是又盛了几分。 What's the matter?” Xiao Ling line of sight after telescopic sights puts aside, the doubts looked to Xuan under tower great. “怎么回事?”小灵将视线从瞄准镜后移开,疑惑地望向了塔下的铉宏。 Will really add to the chaos...... Blood Corpse God to talk over one to me, immediately raised the voice, hits while shouts, with do not attack again similarly! This fellow is the demon sacred body unites, all may accept Weiji use with the Saint demon two strength!” “真会给我添乱……”血尸神念叨了一句,随即提高了嗓门儿,边打边喊道,“不要再用类似的攻击了!这家伙是魔器圣体合一,遇圣魔二力皆可纳为己用!” Cut...... said early......” Xiao Ling whispered, the convenience changed a type of ammunition, that I with science and technology to the ammunition hit......” “切……早说呢……”小灵嘀咕了一句,顺手就换了种弹药,“那我就用科技向的弹药来打……” On the other hand, tower next two people...... 另一方面,塔下二人…… „The Saint of strength Xuanyuan sword far exceeded to the degree of absorption, on weapon you do not need scruples anything only then.” Before joining the regiment, Jue Bro looked after Ruoyu several specially, „, but, your skill was still tying the influence, goes into action carefully for on, if a while thought that has the danger...... the retreat is.” “轩辕剑之圣力远超对方可吸收的程度,武器上你就不必顾忌什么了。”加入战团前,觉哥特意关照了若雨几句,“不过,你的技能仍在受结界影响,行动起来还是小心为上,一会儿若觉得有危险……后退便是。” Understood.” Ruoyu complied with one simply. In this quite urgent situation, Ruoyu usually obeys the Jue Bro command unconditionally, because her absolute trust latter's judgment. “明白。”若雨简单地应了一句。在这种比较紧迫的情形下,若雨通常都是无条件服从觉哥指挥的,因为她绝对信赖后者的判断。 Good ~ with me on!” Feng Bujue said the sound is good, then takes the blade to bend down, the arrow step rushes. “好嘞~跟我上!”封不觉道了声好,接着就抄刀俯身,箭步冲上。 Ruoyu sees that moves on the potential, the sharp sword comes out of the sheath, closely associated. 若雨见状,应势而动,利剑出鞘,如影随形。 Two people disperse one on the left and other on the right, lightens from Blood Corpse God respectively behind plunders, dances a fierce combat. 两人一左一右散开,分别从血尸神身后闪出掠阵,舞出一片刀光剑影。 Originally...... Xuan great has not paid attention to surroundings that several appearance strange human, but he has not thought that...... comes these two and even stronger existence in the fighting aspect and Blood Corpse God same level. 本来……铉宏并没有把周围那几个打扮古怪的人类放在眼里,可他万万没想到……来得这两个都是在打斗方面和血尸神同一水准乃至更强的存在。 Suddenly, the sword shines on each other, Battle Qi leaps. 一时间,刀剑交辉,斗气腾动。 After ten moves, Xuan great was pressed leeward ; After 30 moves, he has resisted gradually difficultly, starts injured unceasingly, but can supports by the volume of blood and resiliency reluctantly ; But after 50 moves,...... is the loss already presently, again the difficult great power. 十招过后,铉宏就生生被压到了下风;三十招过后,他已渐难招架,开始不断受伤,但还是能靠血量和恢复力勉强支持;而五十招后……则是败势已现,再难回天。 „When...... such weaponry is seriously once in a thousand years......” is close to the defeat, Xuan's great vision, respectively swept Ruoyu and Feng Bujue, sneers to make noise, „, Saint sword. Evil, the insanity......” he duplicate/restores looked at Blood Corpse God, also has not to know where braves innate variation...... ha haha Ha.....” “呵……这样的阵仗当真是千载难逢啊……”濒败之际,铉宏的目光,分别扫了眼若雨封不觉,冷笑出声,“道者,圣剑。邪者,疯魔……”他复又看了看血尸神,“还有个不知哪里冒出来的先天异种……哈哈哈哈……” During fights and during spoken language, Xuan smiles greatly. 打斗之中、言语之间,铉宏大笑。 In moment that this nearly victory and defeat will decide, in its suddenly presently the color of renouncing: It seems like the old buddhist monk is doomed today!” 在这近乎胜负将定的一刻,其眼中忽现决绝之色:“看来老衲今日是在劫难逃了!” A language falls to the ground, Xuan great both arms with raising, a big sleeve swayed. In a twinkling, a copious strength divulges from the mirror of its chest front. 一语落地,铉宏双臂同扬,大袖一摆。霎时间,一股沛然之力从其胸前的镜中宣泄而出。 This flickers, Blood Corpse God, Feng Bujue and Li Ruoyu...... made the same response as if by prior agreement. Three people do not draw back instead enter, withstands that strength forcefully the pressure, fight tooth and nail attacked one move. 这一瞬,血尸神封不觉黎若雨……不约而同地做出了同一个反应。三人不退反进,强行顶住那股力量的威压,搏命般地攻出了一招。 Ping- 乒- Blood Corpse God straight punch, bang on six whole mirrors. 血尸神的直拳,轰在了六阖镜上。 Scolding- 叱- The Li Ruoyu Xuanyuan sword, cut off Xuan's great neck. 黎若雨的轩辕剑,斩断了铉宏的脖子。 Ka- 咔- Feng Bujue's Must Break The Blade, stamp crushing Xuan's great knee. 封不觉的必须破防之刃,捣碎了铉宏的膝盖。 After these three types hit, three people of difficult enemy's close strength impacts, were also shot to fly. 这三式命中之后,三人也难敌近在咫尺的力量冲击,纷纷被弹飞了出去。 Obviously, Xuan great wants to come a round of jade entirely burn -type suicide attack a moment ago, but his intention was seen through by the present three people instantaneously, and strangles promptly. 很显然,刚才铉宏是想来一发玉石俱焚式的自杀式攻击,但他的意图被眼前的三人瞬间识破、并及时地予以扼杀了。 Bang- 砰- Next second, the sound of gunfire of sniper's rifle loud. 下一秒,狙击枪的枪声又响了。 In pagoda six Xiao Ling to grasp the good custom of stamping out the source of trouble, to already flies in the midair, Xuan's great head, came a round of demolition bomb, its bang meat sauce. 身在宝塔六层的小灵秉持着斩草除根的良好习惯,对着已飞到半空中的、铉宏的头部,来了一发爆破弹,将其轰成了肉酱。 „After bah......” several seconds, the Feng Bujue first standing firm figure, spat a bloody foam, said that little guy...... wants from exploding unexpectedly......” “呸……”数秒后,封不觉第一个站定身形,吐掉了一口血沫子,言道,“小样儿……居然想自爆……” Has not made him put luckily the style.” After Ruoyu stops draws back the potential, on the fair cheeks also floats to wipe to blush, it seems like it is in the chest the vitality has not put down. “幸好没让他把招式放出来。”若雨止住退势后,白皙的脸颊上也浮上一抹红晕,看来是胸中气血未平。 Damn...... hurt me......” Blood Corpse God is last stops, moreover after stopping, kneed down, I must gnaw entirely cleanly you!” He talked over two wickedly, then the expression changes, lowered the head to vomit a big beach/pool blood toward the ground. “该死的……疼死我了……”血尸神是最后一个停下来的,而且停下后单膝跪地了,“我要把你连皮带骨啃得一干二净!”他恶狠狠地念叨了两句,然后表情一变,低头朝地上呕出了一大滩鲜血。 As a result of the build and position reason, most might of that impact were just now undertaken by a Blood Corpse God person. If not for his mortal body is tyrannical, resiliency is astonishing, perhaps this little while already lying down ground. 由于体型和站位的原因,方才那次冲击的大部分威力都被血尸神一个人承担掉了。若不是他肉身强横、恢复力惊人,恐怕这会儿已经躺地上了。 I urged you not to pass......” suddenly, speaking voice transmitted from the entrance of stone institute, good play just now starts.” “我劝你还是别过去……”忽然,一个说话声从石院的入口处传来,“好戏才刚开始呢。” The people turn the head to look, then saw Ainke that is approaching. 众人转头望去,便看到了正在走近的奥因克 What's wrong? Do you also want to help me boil thoroughly him? Chefs.” Blood Corpse God breathed slightly two tones, stood like being all right person. “怎么?你还想帮我把他煮熟吗?厨子。”血尸神稍稍喘了两口气,就像没事儿人一样又站了起来。 „......” Ainke had not answered, Feng Bujue first meets saying that he said good play, should refer to......” is saying, he hinted Xuan's great body with the look. “不……”奥因克还没回话,封不觉就先接道,“他说的‘好戏’,应该是指……”说着,他就用眼神示意了一下铉宏的尸体。 At this moment, corpse, although is sprawled falls down, moreover did not have including, but...... the surfaces of six whole mirrors were actually still changing. 此刻,那尸身虽已是四仰八叉地倒在了地上,而且连头都没有了,可是……六阖镜的表面却仍在发生着变化。 But sees, in the mirror the red glow fluctuates, screens the numerous red whorls ; That mirror surface resembles a blood deep pool to different dimension suddenly, is inspiring the resonance of some energy. 但见,镜中红芒浮动,映出重重红涡;那镜面就恍似一个通往异次元的血渊,正在引动着某种能量的共鸣。 Oh? Blood Corpse God shot a look there one, at once looks up the sky, this is......” 哦?血尸神瞥了那儿一眼,旋即又抬头看了看天空,“这难道是……” Saint demon common origin, Blood Fiend normalizing.” The Ainke sinking sound meets saying that last insurance that Xuan great leaves behind, is his own Dharmakaya. But now this Dharmakaya was broken by you, his last wisp of Yuan god also diverges.” His a half second, smiles to make noise, „...... at present, has no thing to suppress the demonic nature of six whole mirrors. Its self-awareness has started to absorb Blood Fiend to tie the strength that as well as its interior accumulates, the desire will transform is one type toper life body.” “圣魔同源,血煞归一。”奥因克沉声接道,“铉宏留下的最后一道保险,就是他自己的法身。而现在这法身被你们破了,他的最后一缕元神也随之散去。”他微顿半秒,笑出声来,“呵……眼下,已没有任何东西可以去压制六阖镜的魔性了。它的‘自我意识’已开始吸收血煞结界以及其自身内部所累积的力量,欲将自己转变为一种更为高位的‘生命体’。” How hadn't you said this matter a moment ago?” Blood Corpse God stares immediately to Ainke, is tilting the head, the manner asks with a hooligan finds fault. “你刚才怎么没说这事儿?”血尸神立刻瞪向了奥因克,歪着头,用一种流氓找茬儿般的神态质问道。 Here must explain, previously when Feng Bujue listened in the kitchen Ainke confesses the plot, once quietly Blood Corpse God Tomoe from Traveling Bag took, quite makes Blood Corpse God share some information( preamble to mention, Blood Corpse God in tomoe can hear sound), therefore this little while Blood Corpse God will have this one to ask. It is precisely for this reason, he saw Ainke to call the opposite party a moment ago chef. 此处得说明一下,先前封不觉在厨房里听奥因克交代剧情时,曾悄悄地把血尸神的勾玉行囊里取出来,好让血尸神分享一些情报(前文提到过,勾玉中的血尸神可以听到外界的声音),所以这会儿血尸神才会有此一问。也正因如此,刚才他一见奥因克就能叫对方一声“厨子”。 Snort...... isn't clear?” Feng Bujue snatched once again before Ainke opened the mouth, we were given to rinse by him.” “哼……还不明白吗?”封不觉又一次抢在奥因克之前开口了,“我们被他给涮了啊。” Said rinsing...... rather some word incompatible realities.” Ainke looks to Feng Bujue, coldly saying that we are use each other...... not?” “说‘涮’……未免有些言不符实吧。”奥因克看向封不觉,冷冷回道,“咱们是互相利用……不是吗?” Hehe...... also right.” Feng Bujue said, you truly helped our big busy, but...... alsoon deceived us atcertain things.” “呵呵……也对。”封不觉道,“你确实帮了我们不小的忙,但同时……也在‘某些事情’上骗了我们。” It seems like you have also known that was which matters.” Ainke said. “看来你也已经知道是哪些事了。”奥因克道。 „...... Jue Bro received weapon probably, shook the head to say with a smile, first, you at all were not Beast Dao ominous spirit?” “大概吧……”觉哥收起了武器,摇头笑道,“首先,你根本不是‘畜生道’的凶灵吧?” Right, I am not.” At this moment, Ainke does not need to conceal anything again, true that Beast Dao, before I meet Unvoiced as King had been processed by me.” “对,我不是。”事到如今,奥因克也没必要再隐瞒什么了,“真正的那个‘畜生道’,早在我遇见非口为王之前就已经被我处理掉了。” Un......” Feng Bujue hesitates saying that next, from you to the small town and this temple, and understanding degree of this demon...... this blood sacrifice, is you facilitates at present radically single-handedly?” “嗯……”封不觉沉吟道,“其次,从你对个小镇、这座寺庙、以及这个魔器的了解程度来看……眼前这场血祭,根本就是你一手促成的吧?” Right.” Ainke returns said, Miao Xuzi, red hawk and Lu Bufu back is also responsible for the chief instigator who plans and supports them act, that is...... I.” “没错。”奥因克回道,“妙胥子、红莺和鲁不服的背后还有一个负责策划和支持他们行动的主谋,那就是……我。” But you why don't begin?” At this time, nearby Ruoyu asked that by your strength, in the temple in the Buddhist priest and tower the seal was not the issue is all right.” “可你为什么不自己动手呢?”这时,一旁的若雨问道,“以你的实力,寺中僧人和塔中封印全都不是问题才对。” Issue lies in the mirror.” Ainke returns said, you also discovered...... the direct contact the fellows of six whole mirrors had basically come under its influence, Xuan's great Dharmakaya was controlled...... him to swing the pig head by it finally, I do not want to take risk.” “问题在于镜子本身。”奥因克回道,“你们也发现了吧……直接接触过六阖镜的家伙基本都受到了它的影响,就连铉宏的法身最终都被它控制了……”他摇了摇猪头,“我可不想冒那个险。” However our these outsider, is helps you eradicate that last insurance the optiman.” Feng Bujue continued Ainke, shrugs saying that its one, we are only projection, the mirror cannot have what permanent influence on us. The two...... we are also enough.” “而我们这些‘异界旅客’,就是帮你破除那‘最后一道保险’的最佳人选。”封不觉接过奥因克的话头,耸肩言道,“其一,我们只是‘投影’,镜子不会对我们产生什么永久性影响。其二……我们也足够强。” The Ainke also peak under the shoulder, met saying: From the beginning I want to use that Unvoiced as King to come, what a pity...... after the short observation, I discovered that the guts and wisdom of that boy a little seize anxiously.” 奥因克也耸了下肩,接道:“一开始我是想利用那个非口为王来着,可惜……经过短暂的观察,我发现那小子的胆量和智慧都有点捉急。” Was good because of several of us appeared afterward?” These words, were Xiao Ling said that she had also arrived in the ground at this moment. “好在后来我们几个出现了是吧?”这句话,是小灵说的,此刻她也已经来到了地面上。 „......” Ainke hollow laugh, in any case......, when I see Feng Bujue that moment, I then know that...... the important matter decides.” “呵……”奥因克干笑一声,“反正……当我看到疯不觉的那一刻,我便知道……大事定矣。” In they said that in the processes of these words, covers knot in sky is also having the drastic change, that does not calculate the bright moonlight appears even more concentrates gloomily muddy. 在他们说这些话的过程中,笼罩在天空中的结界亦在发生剧变,那本就不算明亮的月光显得愈发晦暗凝浊。 Since I helped you be so busy, you might as well answered me again two issues.” After silent moment, Feng Bujue also said to Ainke. “既然我帮了你那么大忙,你不妨再回答我两个问题吧。”沉默片刻后,封不觉又对奥因克道。 You asked.” Ainke both hands intersect in the chest front, „, but I may not answer.” “你问吧。”奥因克双手交叉在胸前,“但我不一定会答。” Ok ~ Feng Bujue asks instantly, „the first issue, why can you facilitate the mutations of six whole mirrors?” “行~”封不觉即刻发问,“第一个问题,你为什么要促成六阖镜的异变?” No comment.” Ainke almost decided without hesitation did not answer this issue. “无可奉告。”奥因克几乎不假思索地决定不答这个问题。 Ha!” The Feng Bujue's corners of the mouth exude a smile, „is really and Ragnarök is related......” “哈!”封不觉的嘴角泛起一个笑容,“果然是和诸神黄昏有关吗……” Finishes barely the words, on the face of Ainke flashed through one not the expression change that is easy to detect, but he conceals well, confessed that had not been looked by the opposite party: „Is this your second issue?” After one second, he maintained the tranquil tone to ask one. 话音未落,奥因克的脸上就闪过了一丝不易察觉的表情变化,不过他掩饰得不错,自认没被对方看出来:“这算是你的第二个问题吗?”一秒后,他保持平静的口吻反问了一句。 No.” Jue Bro smiled, he purposely responds to Ainke with the smile that an intent has referred , the joining-up said that „the second issue...... a while mirror the incarnation comes out......, no matter what thing...... in brief, it to us threatening?” “不。”觉哥笑了,他有意识地用一个意有所指的笑容回应了奥因克,并接道,“第二个问题……一会儿这镜子所化身出来的……不管是什么东西……总之,它对我们有威胁吗?” Has, moreover threatened...... Ainke very in a big way , added that in fact, I arrived here, to remind your matters. The words I have delivered, then...... excuse my not attending.” “有,而且威胁很大……”奥因克顿了顿,又补充道,“事实上,我来到这儿,就是为了提醒你们这件事的。话我已经送到,接下来……恕不奉陪了。” Then, Ainke vanishes on such as the instantaneous movement in the people at present, has not wielded the sleeves, has not carried off clouds. 说罢,奥因克就如瞬间移动般消失在了众人眼前,没有挥衣袖,也没带走一片云彩。 Un...... this pig is grasping the motion technique law of some ultra high performance probably......” Blood Corpse God look vacillation, very has real skill......” “嗯……这猪头好像掌握着某种超高性能的移动术法……”血尸神眼神游移,“挺有两下子的嘛……” His move of I have seen through, the slow point explained to you.” Feng Bujue is saying, then shot a look at the eye six whole mirrors. “他那招我已经识破了,慢点跟你们解释。”封不觉说着,回头瞥了眼六阖镜。 At this time, the entity of that mirror had vanished, displacing...... is expanding unceasingly, just like the glossy distortion blood deep pool. Everyone on the scene( and Blood Corpse God) can obviously feel that blood deep pool is absorbing energy all around, its interior also has the strength to well up unceasingly. 此时,那镜子的实体已经消失了,取而代之的……是一个不断扩大着的、恍如镜面般的扭曲血渊。在场的所有人(和血尸神)都能明显感觉到那个血渊正在吸收着周遭的能量,其内部也不断有力量涌出来。 That anything...... I thought that...... your several first removed.” Jue Bro said while has turned around, moved toward six whole mirrors, „, Xiao Tan can finish Scenario if as expected quickly. But to provide against contingencies, we avoid the whole staff violating the danger by the body as far as possible.” “那什么……我觉得……你们几个就先撤了吧。”觉哥边说边转过身,走向了六阖镜,“不出意外的话,小叹很快就能结束剧本。但为了以防万一,咱们还是尽量避免全员都以身犯险。” You......” Ruoyu want to ask that what you must make, but she thinks quickly another type asked the law, „...... can jump?” “你……”若雨本想问一句“你要做什么”,不过她很快就想到了另一种问法,“……要跳进去吗?” „......” Feng Bujue turns head, shows a smile to her, felt relieved that I am all right.” “呵……”封不觉回头,冲她露出一个微笑,“放心吧,我没事儿的。” ............ ………… The time, returns to the present. 时间,回到现在。 Northeast Tsukimori somewhere, another life and death fight, is point of no return. 荷月镇东北某处,另一场生死一线的战斗,已是箭在弦上。 Ha! Hahahaha Ha.....” Originally has thought oneself must defeat Also First for King without doubt, when gathering move due-out, actually suddenly the look changes, laughs to make noise, „...... is really the day helps me!” “哈!哈哈哈哈哈……”本来已经认为自己必败无疑的先也为王,在蓄招待发之际,却忽然神色一变,大笑出声,“……真是天助我也!” He will speak these words , because he in transporting incurs, discovered pleasantly surprised own skill limit had been relieved. 他会说这句话,是因为他在运招之间,惊喜地发现自己的技能限制已经被解除了。 You probably......”, but Wang Tanzhi this time expression actually seems very callous, „...... renewed the hope of victory.” “你好像……”而王叹之此时的表情却显得很是冷酷,“……又燃起了胜利的希望。” Snort......” Also First for King raises hand the blade, does not ignite the hope......, but is confident!” “哼……”先也为王扬了扬手中的刀,“不是燃起希望……而是成竹在胸!” What so self-confident......” Xiao Tan realized very much keenly, was......” he shot a look at sky one fast, bore did the limit effect vanish?” “这般自信……”小叹很敏锐地意识到了什么,“难道是……”他快速瞥了天空一眼,“结界的限制效果消失了吗?” Guessed right!” Also First for King drank one, suddenly gets away on. “猜对了!”先也为王喝了一声,突然拔身而上。 Regained his confidence of complete strength to explode increases, powerful, confessed that Xiao Tan was not the rival. 恢复了全部战力的他信心爆增,气势如虹,自认小叹绝非是自己敌手。 That...... how......” Wang Tanzhi look quenching, burnt black flame Spiritual Energy Armament to appear above his right wrist, but his form, will blur shortly. “那又……怎么样呢……”王叹之眼神骤冷,燃着黑炎的灵能武器已然出现在了他的右腕之上,而他的身影,也在顷刻间模糊起来。 Scolding- 叱- - 呼- The next second, the wind sound/rumor starts. 下一秒,风声乍起。 Person's shadow, staggered. 人影,交错。 But the sword, has not actually offended. 可刀剑,却未曾相撄。 Tyrant Daoxie the strength, the air current explodes splits. 霸刀泄力,气流爆绽。 Conceals a sword in the sleeve declares Feng, the black flame strokes to extinguish. 袖剑宣锋,黑炎拂灭。 This should the evenly matched two moves, actually unable to have a mutually wounded result. Only because of that to incurring two people, one is blade, but another...... is an assassin. 这本应势均力敌的两招,却没能产生一个两败俱伤的结果。只因那对招的两人,一个是刀者,而另一个……是刺客。 Also First for King that „...... impossible......” figure not to reappear, lowers the head, the shocking place looks on own left chest the black flame by the hole that burns, the whole body is shivered freely. “不……不可能……”身形重现的先也为王,低着头,震惊地看着自己左胸上被黑炎灼出的窟窿,浑身不住地颤抖。 I do not know why after you will produce skill replies, I can win at present this person misconception.” Wang Tanzhi turns away from the opponent, does not return said that „, but I think that...... I had proven with the action, you are wrong.” “我不知道你为什么会产生‘技能回复以后,我就能赢眼前这个人’的错觉。”王叹之背对对手,头也不回地言道,“但我想……我已用行动证明了,你是错的。” After Xiao Tan said the lines that this quite very dazzled, Also First for King Health also drained away. 小叹说出这句颇为酷炫的台词后,先也为王生存值也流尽了。 This Team One Corpse Blade team leader...... falls to the ground dejected, changed into the white light rapidly. 这位尸刀一番队的队长……颓然倒地,迅速化为了白光。 Current Quest has completed, Main Quest has been completed 【当前任务已完成,主线任务已全部完成 You have completed this Scenario, after 180 seconds, automatic automatically move 您已完成该剧本,180秒后自动传送 System Notification announced the termination of Quest and Scenario, announced the result of competition. 系统提示宣告了任务剧本的完结,也宣告了比赛的结果。 At that time perhaps also no one thinks, Also First for King this but actually,...... will be regarded as a symbol in the near future. 当时恐怕还没有人会想到,先也为王这一倒,在不久的将来……将被视为一种象征。 In this, dropping down incessantly is a Corpse Blade player, incessantly is a team, but is entire Corpse Blade Studio, as well as its related many industries. 在这一幕中,倒下的不止是一名尸刀的玩家、更不止是一支队伍,而是整个尸刀工作室、以及其相关的诸多产业。 After on this day, they not only from the Struggle For Power to Summit S2 stage low-spirited to field, but also faded out the line of sight of people gradually, becomes the history...... 这一天后,他们不仅从巅峰争霸S2的舞台上黯然离场,还渐渐淡出了人们的视线,成为了历史……
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