TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#906: Sneak attack, plan

The dim light of night is strong, fog flickering. 夜色浓,雾憧憧。 At this moment, started from the competition already over the past two hours. 此刻,距离比赛开始已过去两个多小时。 In the sky, that the gloomy unclear moonlight, does not know...... was also why low-spirited several points. 天空中,那本就晦暗不明的月光,不知为何……又黯然了几分。 Team leader, did you feel...... periphery probably suddenly the tarnish?” Is sitting Last Raid that rests by the pigsty, is pinching own nose, while the jar sound jar air/Qi asked. “队长,你有没有觉得……周围好像忽然变暗了?”正坐在猪圈旁休息的最终强袭,一边捏着自己的鼻子,一边瓮声瓮气地问道。 It is estimated that was Hell Front that fellows triggered some plot.” Squats in nearby Also First for King is also the similar condition, he looked up a sky, discussed, according to my estimation...... the moonlight should not change, what changed was ties.” “估计是地狱前线那帮家伙触发了某种剧情吧。”蹲在一旁的先也为王也是差不多的状态,他抬头望了眼天空,念道,“据我推测……月光应该是不会变的,变的是‘结界’吧。” „......” Last Raid nods, immediately said, that hopes they trigger several Death FLAG, best voluntarily casualties 2-3 people......” “哦……”最终强袭点点头,随即说道,“那希望他们多触发几个死亡FLAG,最好自行伤亡个2-3人……” According to this Scenario difficulty, this possibility really has.” Also First for King meets saying that naturally, no matter how the opposite party situation, we...... first returned to say loss Stamina and Health according to own step again.” He shouted the tone, shouted...... us to get rid of the ghost to capture in any case, at least also stopped the expansion of disadvantage.” “按照这个剧本的难度,这种可能性确实是有的。”先也为王接道,“当然了,不管对方情况如何,我们还是按照自己的步调……先把损失的体能值生存值回上来再说。”他呼了口气,“呼……反正我们已经摆脱了鬼魂追捕,至少也停止了劣势的扩大。” Yes......” Last Raid said, „when was paid price a little that anything that......” he speaks this saying, the dislike expression on face can be seen in speech and appearance. “是啊……”最终强袭道,“就是付出的代价有点那啥……”他说这话时,脸上的厌恶表情溢于言表。 Obviously, sways back and forth in the pigsty is not a very comfortable matter, is not a very honored matter......, but, the Also First for King idea indeed was effective, they successfully covered the whole body with one type compared with the smell of blood strong flavor, thus got rid of these monsters. 很显然,在猪圈里打滚并不是一件很舒服的事,更不是一件很光彩的事……不过,先也为王的点子的确是奏效了,他们成功地用一种比血腥味更加浓厚的味道覆盖了全身,从而摆脱那些怪物。 Do not complain, we are professional, this degree of price is nothing.” Also First for King meets saying that you think......, if changes into Feng Bujue, perhaps even the latrine pit can jump without hesitation.” “别抱怨了,我们可是职业的,这种程度的‘代价’算不了什么。”先也为王接道,“你想想……要是换成疯不觉,没准连粪坑都能毫不犹豫地跳下去。” hey hey...... we can not compare...... Last Raid empty to focus with the lunatic, complains decisively. 喂喂……咱能别跟疯子比么……”最终强袭虚着眼,果断地吐了个槽。 When these two people chatted, suddenly! 正当这二人闲聊之际,突然! Un?” The Last Raid look changes, stood fiercely, team leader! Did you feel?” “嗯?”最终强袭神色一变,猛地站了起来,“队长!你感觉到了吗?” What feels?” Also First for King looks to doubt the color, seems like him not to know that what the teammate is saying, but he had realized the situation has different, you how?” “感觉到什么?”先也为王面露疑色,看起来他并不知道队友在说什么,但他已经意识到了情况有异,“你怎么了?” I did not talk clearly......” the frontal eminence of Last Raid to flow off wisp of cold sweat, Terror Value was also increasing faintly, that feeling on...... in...... had an eye to stare at my back probably somewhere.” “我也说不清楚……”最终强袭的额角流下了一缕冷汗,惊吓值也在隐隐攀升,“那感觉就好像……在某处……有一双眼睛盯着我的后脊梁。” „......” Also First for King had also stood at this time, and poor its eyesight looks all around, „did some people put the mental disturbance class skill to you?” “难道……”先也为王这时也已站了起来,并穷其目力地环顾四周,“有人对你放了精神干扰类的技能?” In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! Corpse Blade that two have not clarified the condition, the vigorous shadow has broken the wind together. 尸刀那二位还没弄清楚状况,一道疾影已然破风而来。 If that person's shadow quickly lightning, static if the customs handed down from past generation, had rushed to the near from darkness about 50 meters away suddenly. 那人影快若闪电,静若流风,眨眼间已从将近50米外的黑暗中冲到了近前。 In that electric light flint flickers...... 就在那电光火石的一瞬…… Snort...... wants to sneak attack?” Also First for King after all is the top player, even if the skill is restricted, its body technique and reaction capacity also already enough powerful, he cold snort/hum, draws a sword to welcome immediately, first passed my pass/test!” “哼……想偷袭?”先也为王毕竟是顶尖好手,纵然技能受限,其体术和反应能力也已足够强悍,他当即冷哼一声,抽刀相迎,“先过了我这关吧!” Next second, his sneering on stiff on face, he that self-confident...... will also crush shortly. 下一秒,他的冷笑就僵在了脸上,他内心那份自信……也在顷刻间粉碎。 Because, Wang Tanzhi also really on „” his pass/test. And after the past, a blade took the Last Raid life. 因为,王叹之还真就“过了”他这关。并在过去之后,一刀就取走了最终强袭的性命。 This is impossible!” Also First for King turns head panic-stricken, sees the head/number of people of teammate to fly, blood whirlwind to shoot by chance. “这不可能!”先也为王惊恐地回过头去,恰巧看见队友的人头飞起、鲜血飚射。 These blood drops sprinkle on the face of Also First for King, making his expression seemingly more incomparable much. 那些血滴洒落在先也为王的脸上,让他的表情看上去无比得凄凉。 Regarding has happened in the present fact, said is impossible such appraisal is meaningless.” After two seconds, the Wang Tanzhi form appears behind corpse, in Last Raid that had not dropped down. Speed surprisingly quick that because he that struck a moment ago, he is used to complete the assassination Altaïr's Touch Even the blood has not stained. “对于已经发生在眼前的事实,说出‘不可能’这样的评价是毫无意义的。”两秒后,王叹之的身影出现在了最终强袭那尚未倒下的尸身后方。由于他刚才那一击的速度奇快,以至于他用来完成刺杀的【阿泰尔之触】连血都没沾上。 You......” Also First for King hold the blade to stand, in this dangerous situation, in his brain flashed through a miraculous glow, „...... can you use the skill unzoned?” “你……”先也为王持刀而立,在这危情之中,他的脑中闪过了一道灵光,“……你能不受限制地使用技能?” Worthily professional, immediately makes reasonably, moreover is the correct speculation.” Xiao Tan responded frankly. “不愧是职业的,立刻做出了合理的、而且是正确的推测。”小叹坦率地回应道。 Indeed, a moment ago that if cannot accomplish in the skill restricted situation absolutely...... 的确,刚才那一幕,如果是在技能受限的场合下是绝对办不到的…… First, Xiao Tan before launching the attack discharged to Last Raid Picture fork fork cursed you Promotes the injury ; Next, what he rushes ahead to come to depend is enhanced the might by the shadow of death knell Intimidated shadow pursues soul ; Moreover, he must use Intimidated shadow pursues soul The process approaches to goal, alternates one move Devil Bat Shadow Ghost Passes through impediment of Also First for King. 首先,小叹在发动攻击前就对最终强袭施放了【画个叉叉诅咒你】来提升伤害;其次,他冲杀而来靠的是被丧钟之影提升过威力的【怖影追魂】;另外,他还得在使用【怖影追魂】接近目标的过程中,穿插一招【恶魔蝙蝠鬼影】来穿越先也为王的阻挡。 In summary...... this seemingly short, simple strikes, is actually the extremely very difficult work. Not only needs three skill coordination with each other, but also needs extremely accurate sentences with the instantaneous reaction capacity of strange its technique in advance. 综上所述……这看似短暂的、简单的一击,实则是极其高难度的作业。不但需要三个技能相互配合,还需要极其精准的预判和神乎其技的瞬间反应能力。 Gives the devil his due, like the surprise attack, even if in the player and enemy have not been restricted under the premise, may still realize Instant kill very much. 平心而论,像这样的突袭,就算是在敌我双方都没有受到限制的前提下,也很有可能实现秒杀 Only depending on this strikes, is watching the occupation or the amateur player of this competition is then certain...... Wang Tanzhi Belongs to Thriller Paradise absolutely top assassin. 仅凭这一击,所有正在观看这场比赛的职业或非职业玩家便可以肯定……【枉叹之】绝对属于惊悚乐园中顶尖刺客的行列。 „...... You are planned evidently a person solves our......”, in confronted for several seconds after Xiao Tan, Also First for King basically determined periphery did not have the second enemy, therefore probed was saying. “看样子……你是打算一个人来解决我们的……”在与小叹对峙了几秒后,先也为王基本确定了周围也没有第二个敌人了,故而试探着说道。 Right.” Wang Tanzhi is not the good youth who likes lying, the necessity that under the present circumstance, he has not lied, „...... I must remind your, has no you, now only then you a person.” “没错。”王叹之是个不爱说谎的好青年,眼前的情势下,他也没有说谎的必要,“不过……我得提醒你一下,已经没有什么‘你们’了,现在只有‘你’一个人而已了。” His words do for the occasion very much, because while he said these words, the Last Raid corpse changed into the white light to diverge. 他的话很应景,因为就在他说这句话的同时,最终强袭的尸体化为白光散去了。 Good......” the Also First for King single arm to lift the blade, the knife point opposes the enemy, things have gotten to this point, I have no many said...... under our hands to see the true facts!” “好……”先也为王单臂举刀,刀尖对敌,“事已至此,我也没什么好多说的了……咱们手底下见真章吧!” ............ ………… Before ten minutes, six and in temple stone Yuan. 十分钟前,六和寺石院中。 Bang- 轰- A loud sound, howling broken nighttime sky. 一声巨响,啸破夜空。 That flickers, pagoda six stone wall collapse correct/however explode, two shadows wrestle in the same place, drops from the midair. 那一瞬,宝塔六层的石壁崩然一爆,两道黑影扭打在一起,从半空直直跌落。 Stands Ruoyu under tower raises eyes to regard, rapid distinguished of Blood Corpse God that two. 站在塔下的若雨举目而视,迅速就分辨出了那二者之一正是血尸神 But with the Blood Corpse God dogfight in the together that person's shadow...... is the strange person lifeform. 而和血尸神缠斗在一起的那个人影……则是个陌生的人型生物。 I said after......” about two seconds, gap of Feng Bujue from tower pokes head, said to Ruoyu loudly, most ten minutes, you can help.” Then, he takes advantage of opportunity leaps, follows to jump down. “我说的吧……”大约两秒后,封不觉从塔上的缺口探出头来,高声对若雨言道,“最多十分钟,你就可以帮上忙了。”说罢,他顺势一跃,也跟着跳了下来。 The Xiao Ling form appeared in that gap place. However she has not jumped down, but carries the sniper's rifle, the choice stayed in the high spot to conduct the firepower support. 紧接着,小灵的身影出现在了那个缺口处。不过她并没有跳下来,而是端出了狙击枪,选择留在高点进行火力支援。 Another side, Blood Corpse God and that lifeform Before Shumiao have fallen down. When these two BOSS Level monsters fall down shook a surrounding area hundred meters ground to tremble trembled, and dislodged a big pit on the ground. But after...... one second, they stood calmly, then hits. 另一边,血尸神和那个生物已于数秒前坠地。这两个BOSS级的怪物坠地时震得方圆百米的地面都颤了一颤,并且在地上撞出了一个大凹坑。但……一秒后,他们就若无其事地站了起来,接着打。 Soon, that as sincere then resounds in the stone institute as the meat and foot foot to the collision sound of bone disorderly. 不多时,那拳拳到肉、脚脚至骨的碰撞声便在石院中凌乱地响起。 „When snort/hum...... this Multi-Universe also is really interesting......” Blood Corpse God fights, but also accomplishes a task with ease is speaking, unexpectedly makes me meet can disregard me frightened Beam the fellow......” “哼……这多元宇宙还真是有趣啊……”血尸神打斗之际,还游刃有余地说着话,“居然又让我遇见一个可以无视我‘恐惧投射’的家伙……” That unidentified lifeform also refuses to admit being inferior, shouts harsh to respond: Ha! Cannot think that your trivial evildoer/monstrous talent, have real skill unexpectedly.” 那不明生物也不甘示弱,扯着破锣嗓子回应道:“哈!想不到你这区区妖孽,竟也有两下子。” After they flattered one mutually, seemed reached some agreement, then...... started earnestly. 他俩互相吹捧了一句后,好似是达成了某种共识,然后……就开始认真了。 When the voice falls, the strength and speed that these two person acts will promote a scale shortly. 话音落时,这两“人”出手的力道和速度都在顷刻间提升了一个档次。 But beyond more than ten meters...... 而在十几米之外…… What background?” Ruoyu looks Jue Bro that just fell to the ground asked. “什么来头?”若雨看着刚刚落地的觉哥问道。 Obtaining enlightenment eminent monk, name in religion Xuan great.” Feng Bujue returns said. “得道高僧,法号铉宏。”封不觉回道。 Initially put to death of Daoist wizard?” The thought of Ruoyu is very quick. “当初诛杀妖道的那个?”若雨的思维很是敏捷。 Right, is he.” Jue Bro returned to one, shifting to a new subject, was a pity, the present was only one by the ominous spirit of demon parasitic.” He is saying, Xuan who raise hand aimed at with the Blood Corpse God fierce struggle great, you look at his chest.” “对,就是他。”觉哥回了一句,话锋一转,“可惜,现在只是一个被魔器寄生的凶灵而已了。”他说着,抬手指向了正在和血尸神激斗的铉宏,“你看他的胸口。” „, I discovered from the beginning.” Ruoyu spoke thoughtlessly to say, that was six whole mirrors?” “啊,一开始我就发现了。”若雨随口应道,“那就是六阖镜吗?” „.” Feng Bujue returns said. “正是。”封不觉回道。 Therefore......” Ruoyu looks to him, asked that „...... was your plan?” “所以……”若雨又看向他,问道,“……你的计划是?” „Very simple.” Feng Bujue is saying, had pulled out Must Break The Blade from Traveling Bag , within ten minutes handle him, then...... the mirror digs out, is studied by me, the remaining parts work as the midnight snack to Blood Corpse God.” “很简单。”封不觉说着,已从行囊中掏出了必须破防之刃,“十分钟之内把他搞定,然后……镜子抠下来,由我来研究,剩下的部分给血尸神当夜宵。”
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