TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#905: Among fifth

The words weight head, looks at Wang Tanzhi again...... 话分两头,再看王叹之这边…… In the information and strength both aspects occupy under the premise of overwhelming superiority, when Xiao Tan action almost does not have any extra worries. Therefore, he traced Also First for King and Last Raid trail quickly, and observed closely two people by far. 在情报和实力两方面都占据绝对优势的前提下,小叹行动时几乎没有任何后顾之忧。因此,他很快就追踪到了先也为王最终强袭的踪迹,并远远地盯住了二人。 Although that two are also maintaining vigilant, but their Investigation Specialization are quite ordinary, in addition periphery has the ghost to create the disturbance unceasingly imminently, this makes them discover that the Xiao Tan possibility is almost zero. 虽然那两位也一直保持着警惕,但他俩的侦查专精都比较一般,再加上周围不断有鬼魂迫近造成干扰,这使得他们发现小叹的可能性几乎为零。 „After these two fellows...... want to run up to outside the town/subdues......” followed closely for 56 minutes, Wang Tanzhi saw the intention of opposite party. “这两个家伙……难道是想跑到镇外去吗……”盯梢了五六分钟后,王叹之就看出了对方的意图。 He also truly guesses right...... Also First for King and Last Raid is thinks that flees from Tsukimori. 他猜得也确实没错……先也为王最终强袭就是想“逃离荷月镇”。 Even if Corpse Blade these two team members have not obtained too many information, but they after all are also the professional players, must infer ties the matter is not difficult. After first decodes plot attempt die young, the reserve plan that Also First for King first thinks is to escape to give a written guarantee. 纵然尸刀这两位队员并没有得到太多的情报,但他们毕竟也是职业玩家,要推理出“结界”的事情并不算难。在“抢先破解剧情”的企图夭折后,先也为王首先想到的后备方案就是“逃出结界”。 According to first also the tentative plan of team leader......, if he and teammate can go out of Tsukimori smoothly, will then at least have three advantage: First, the ghost chases down will stop ; Second, the skill limit can relieve ; Third, in a short time should not encounter the Hell Front person. 根据先也队长的设想……假如他和队友能顺利地走出荷月镇,那么至少会有三个好处:一,鬼魂追杀会停止;二,技能限制会解除;三,短时间内应该不会遭遇地狱前线的人了。 Briefly, he prepares with time and distance reduces the current disadvantage, after drawing in the protracted war, seeks the chance. 简单地说,他是准备用“时间”和“距离”来缩小目前的劣势,拖入持久战后再觅胜机。 Pitifully only...... his these plan, response...... not same in somebody forecasts beside. 只可惜……他的这些谋划、反应……没有一样是在某人预测之外的。 In fact, since Also First for King, was presented by the Feng Bujue's folk song attraction when the latter front, he was equal to falling into the palm of opposite party, cannot fly again...... 事实上,自从先也为王封不觉的山歌吸引、出现在后者面前时起,他就等于是落入了对方的掌中,再也没能飞出去…… Here, we might as well review first also the team leader to meet the Jue Bro later experience...... 此处,我们不妨来回顾一下先也队长在遇到觉哥以后的经历…… He was first injured and tracked by Jue Bro, acted as a chapter of white mouse ; Afterward, after dozens minutes of fleeing, he met with the teammate finally, but has not gotten rid of the surveillance...... 他先是被觉哥打伤并跟踪,充当了一回小白鼠;随后,经过了几十分钟的奔逃,他终于和队友会合,但还是没有摆脱监视…… When Feng Bujue goes to that side Ainke to help Xiao Tan and Xiao Ling, arranges Ruoyu in secret to follow Also First for King and Last Raid, to guarantee that they can live some time. Therefore, presented Ruoyu to stop Miao Xuzi that. 封不觉奥因克那边帮助小叹小灵时,又安排了若雨去暗中跟随先也为王最终强袭,以确保他俩能多活一段时间。于是,就出现了若雨阻拦妙胥子的那一幕。 Again then, arrived immediately, they by Xiao Tan observing closely. 再然后,就到了当下,他俩又被小叹给盯住了。 In summary...... Corpse Blade this team leader has not basically slid out of the line of sight of Hell Front team, the life of he and teammate is also a momentarily possibly gathered condition. 综上所述……尸刀这位队长基本就没有脱离过地狱前线队的视线,他和队友的性命也都是一种随时可能被收取的状态。 If some people analyze this competition through the video recording, that should draw such a conclusion- after this competition opening, ten minutes, Team One Corpse Blade has actually lost. 如果有人通过录像去分析这场比赛,那应该会得出这样一个结论-这场比赛开局后十分钟,尸刀一番队其实就已经输了。 Because in that ten minutes, have contacted with Feng Bujue two people die wounded, balance that broke the aspect, board game piece that another becomes the opposite party consolidated advantage...... 因为在那十分钟里,和封不觉接触过的两人一死一伤,一个打破了局面的平衡,另一个成为了对方巩固优势的棋子…… Eh? also really can see boundary.” Also with several minutes, Xiao Tan saw the dusky barrier of distant place. 诶?还真能看到‘边界’啊。”又跟了数分钟,小叹望见了远处的一层灰蒙蒙的屏障。 That barrier is a translucent energy force field, in this moonlight dim night, looked is not easy to detect. But slightly is nearer the view to look, can see refraction similarly light shadow effect. 那屏障似是一种半透明的能量力场,在这月色朦胧的黑夜中,远看自是不易察觉的。但稍近一些观瞧,便可看出类似“折射”的光影效果。 Was not wonderful...... to proceed again on no house, the crops in farmland were also withering......” Xiao Tan traced, while talked to oneself in a soft voice, even the eyesight of opposite party was ordinary, but absolutely is without open areas of other bunkers, only shielded...... me to expose by one crowd of translucent ghosts.” “不妙啊……再往前走就没什么屋舍了,农田里的庄稼也都是枯萎的……”小叹一边追踪,一边轻声自语道,“就算对方的目力一般,但在完全没有其他掩体的开阔地带,只靠一群半透明的鬼魂来掩护……我还是会暴露的吧。” Be that as it may, but he is impossible to look at the two to leave oneself line of sight helplessly. Really is not good, he also can only come, at the worst is direct to beat the opponent, always compared with losing being stronger. 话虽如此,但他也不可能眼睁睁看着那两人离开自己的视线。实在不行,他也只能现身了,大不了直接上去干掉对手,总比跟丢了要强。 Is good as if not need to do because of...... him. 好在……他似乎没必要那么做。 Because the line arrived at Also First for King and Last Raid of boundary...... stopped. 因为行到边界的先也为王最终强袭……自己就停了下来。 Hateful...... I know that is not easy.” Feels at present ties wall, Also First for King discussed depressed. “可恶……我就知道没那么容易。”摸着眼前的“结界壁”,先也为王郁闷地念道。 Buzz humming sound- 嗡嗡嗡- His Last Raid made a fist to knock that invisible wall barrier immediately, but that feeling...... seemed wields in half solidification shape cement the fist, could not make an effort completely. 他身旁的最终强袭当即握拳敲了敲那无形的壁障,但那感觉……就好似是把拳头挥进了半凝固状的水泥之中,完全使不上力。 This...... must result in the intensity quite high energy technique may cause the gap.” Last Raid said immediately. “这个……必须得用强度相当高的能量技才有可能弄出缺口吧。”最终强袭随即说道。 Yes......” Also First for King is heaving a deep sigh, may the present the skill be restricted, has no way to make very intensive energy attack.” “是啊……”先也为王摇头叹息着,“可眼下我们的技能都受到了限制,根本没法儿打出高强度的能量攻击。” Therefore......” Last Raid swallowed a saliva, then looked at eye behind small town, „can only go back......” “所以……”最终强袭吞了口唾沫,回头望了眼身后的小镇,“只能回去了吗……” It seems like had no alternative.” Also First for King accepted the present fact quickly, thinks that the next step action, we turned back return to the town/subdues, first solves smell of blood......” he to turn around, meets saying that these ghosts were really troublesome, wanted to avoid them, must move...... this seriously to affect the restoration of Stamina at certain speed continually ; Moreover...... they will also expose our positions in disguised form, making Hell Front that fellows very easy to trace us.” “看来是别无选择了。”先也为王很快就接受了眼前的事实,想好了下一步的行动,“我们还是折返回镇里,先解决掉身上的血腥味吧……”他转过身来,接道,“那些鬼魂实在是太麻烦了,想要避开他们,就必须以一定的速度持续移动……这严重影响体能值的恢复;而且……他们还会变相地暴露我们的方位,让地狱前线那帮家伙很容易就能追踪到我们。” But the issue is......” Last Raid said that „, even if stopped the wound blood, the smell of blood on clothing same will make...... him spread out both hands strangely, meets to say reluctantly, so far, we have seen the river and well are dry, simply does not have the water to clean up the clothing to us, but we impossible to take off to discard the clothing......” “可问题是……”最终强袭道,“即使将伤口的血止住了,衣物上的血腥味一样会引怪啊……”他摊开双手,无奈地接道,“目前为止,我们所见过的河和井都是枯的,根本没水给我们清理衣物,而我们也不可能把服装脱下来扔掉……” I know.” Also First for King suspended starting, broke the teammate, I will say, naturally is because I have thought of the means.” “我知道。”先也为王摆了下手,打断了队友,“我会提出来,自然是因为我已经想到办法了。” Oh? Last Raid hears word, two shine immediately asks, what means?” 哦?最终强袭闻言,立刻两眼放光地问道,“什么办法?” Since we are unable to be thorough cleaning up to fall the smell of blood......” Also First for King to return said, that we can test a stronger smell coverto get up smell of blood ‚.” “既然我们无法彻底‘清理’掉血腥味……”先也为王回道,“那我们可以试着用更浓烈的气味把血腥味‘掩盖’起来。” Last Raid is suddenly enlighted to Ah!, makes sense Ah! “对啊!最终强袭恍然大悟,“有道理啊! Un......” first also the team leader nods to him, in brief, the road on has considered this situation with I came...... actually me, therefore I noticed northeast corner of a village pigsty beforehand......” “嗯……”先也队长冲他点点头,“总之,跟我来吧……其实我在来的路上已经考虑到了这种情况,所以我事先留意到了村子东北角的一个猪圈……” ............ ………… On the other hand, looks at six again and in the temple...... 另一方面,再看六和寺中…… After solving the acute hearing tomorrow's plot, Jue Bro and Xiao Ling were on fifth of pagoda. 解决了聪明儿的剧情后,觉哥小灵便登上了宝塔的第五层。 In this levels, float a ghost of human form. His face by the scattered in disorder long hair camouflage, was hard to distinguish. The whole body is binding one yellowish pink armor, the armor surface is also proliferating the texture of distortion. 这一层的层间中,悬浮着一个人形的鬼影。他的脸被散乱的长发遮蔽,难以分辨。其全身上下都裹着一层肉色的“铠甲”,铠甲表面还遍布着扭曲的纹理。 Fellow who the average people see this modeling from afar, many will a little feel timid, but Feng Bujue actually walked toward the opposite party without hesitation. 一般人远远看见这种造型的家伙,多少都会有点犯怵的,但封不觉却是毫不犹豫地朝对方走了过去。 Quick, Jue Bro discovers...... on the opposite party simply not to put on armor, these yellowish pink, the massive material...... is the body. 很快,觉哥就发现……对方身上根本没穿“铠甲”,那些肉色的、厚实的物质……都是皮肉。 „Are you Zhang Ke?” Feng Bujue opens the mouth to ask without hesitation. “你是张恪?”封不觉不假思索地开口问道。 But the opposite party has not responded to him, or...... has not responded to him with language. 但对方没有回应他,或者说……没有用“语言”去回应他。 „- After” two seconds, Zhang Ke exudes one **, lifted the head suddenly. “呃-”两秒后,张恪发出一声**,猛然地抬起了头。 Jue Bro took advantage of opportunity to hold up to search the lamp, the photo approached the face of opposite party. 觉哥顺势举起探灯,照向了对方的脸。 That is one covers entirely the distortion texture, extremely painful face. Besides the eye, the outlines of other facial features were hard to distinguish, but eyes that may distinguish only , was only left over the white of the eye. 那是一张布满扭曲纹理的、极度痛苦的脸。除了眼睛以外,其他五官的轮廓都难以分辨了,而那唯一可辨的双眼,也只剩下了眼白。 Ah! face by a white light photo, Zhang Ke was been immediately wild, he loudly shouted immediately, opened the both arms. “啊-啊!”脸被白光一照,张恪立即就狂暴起来,他当即大喝一声,张开了双臂。 At this moment, in the entire levels was covered by a depressing resentment, splits the present invisible spirit pressure on let Jue Bro and Xiao Ling suddenly suddenly feels the shoulder to sink, as if the body was pressed several times in carrying a heavy load of own body weight. 这一刻,整个层间都被一股压抑的怨气所笼罩,骤然绽现的无形灵压让觉哥小灵顿觉肩头一沉,仿佛身上被压了数倍于自己体重的负重。 This response......” facing the mutation, Jue Bro discussed calmly, that I work as am.” “这种反应吗……”面对异变,觉哥从容念道,“那我就当‘是’吧。” Feng Bujue is very clear, at present this Zhang Ke...... obviously is not this Scenario final BOSS, in fact, he should be in six ominous spirits strikes to kill difficulty lowest one. 封不觉很清楚,眼前这个张恪……显然不是这个剧本的最终BOSS,事实上,他应该算是六道凶灵中击杀难度最低的一个。 40 years ago, Zhang Ke built a key of stone institute depending on own craftsmanship secretly, submerged in the pagoda. As an average person, he naturally does not have the ability to decode in the tower these to ban seal. Therefore, after one bumps into, he did not have on to two, defended incantation law wounding. 四十年前,张恪凭自己的手艺偷偷打造了一把石院的钥匙,潜入了宝塔之中。作为一个普通人,他自然是没有能力去破解塔内那些禁印的。因此,在一番误打误撞之后,他还没上到二层,就被防御的咒法给击伤了。 Afterward, during is startled, the blood of Zhang Ke...... dropped on the floor. This drop of blood, if drop outside tower, but in this tower...... belongs to „the interior of seal ; Therefore...... six whole mirror hears blood move, gave to attract the top layers Zhang Ke three immortal souls and seven mortal forms directly. 随后,在一阵惊慌之中,张恪的血……滴落在了地板上。这滴血,若是滴在塔外也就罢了,但这塔内……属于“封印的内部”;于是……六阖镜闻血而动,直接将张恪的三魂七魄都给吸到了顶层去。 In the following 40 years, this poor man's in these resentment by the mirror was being suffered spirit repeatedly, tastes completely the pain of without a gap purgatory, on him these meat armor...... actually in that innumerable suffers the scabs of unceasingly piling up. 在接下来的40年中,这个可怜人被镜中那些怨灵反复折磨着,尝尽无间炼狱之苦,他身上的那些“肉甲”……其实就是在那无数次折磨中不断堆积起来的伤疤。 Afterward, when Miao Xuzi they untied the seal of mirror, Zhang Ke as last by the resentful spirit that the mirror integrated, the carrying/sustaining Hell Dao the complaint, appeared in the tower. According to the description of Ainke- „the soul of this person is been more oppressive much the shape, let alone is sane...... the knowledge reads not necessarily also has, he is ominous spirit, rather was a carrying/sustaining the meat group of strength.” 后来,当妙胥子他们解开镜子的封印时,张恪作为最后一个被镜子纳入的怨灵,承载了“地狱道”的怨念,出现在了塔内。根据奥因克的描述-“这个人的灵魂早已被虐得不成形状,别说是理智……识念都未必还有,与其说他是个凶灵,不如说是个承载了力量的肉团。” Naturally, even does not have the intelligence, the strength has. System this Hell Dao the ominous spirit swayed here, is equivalent suspends tested hard strength the benchmark. Copes with him not to need what tactic, but must use might to end the fight in the certain level above attack a time. 当然了,就算没有智力,实力还是有一些的。系统将这个“地狱道”的凶灵摆在这里,相当于摆了一个“测试硬实力”的标杆。对付他并不需要什么战术,但必须用一次威力在一定水准以上的攻击来结束战斗。 In summary, can pass here person, nothing but two types. The first type, has decoded the plot, and has drunk the Ainke meat stew person ; The second type, arrives in the situation of powerful being able in the skill drains Health restricted and unceasingly kills, and gets rid of the Zhang Ke person. 综上所述,能通过这里的人,无非两种。第一种,已破解剧情,且喝过奥因克肉汤的人;第二种,实力强大到可以在技能受限、不断流失生存值的情况下一路杀上来、并干掉张恪的人。 Feng Bujue and Gu Xiaoling, is a previous person without doubt......, but Corpse Blade that two, to be honest, even if they really seized the key from Miao Xuzi there, after entering tower , was still more unfortunate than fortunate...... 封不觉古小灵,无疑都属于前一种人……而尸刀那两位,说句实话,就算他们真的从妙胥子那里夺到了钥匙,进塔后也是凶多吉少…… „After that...... lets I helped you extricate......” waited slightly for two seconds, Feng Bujue then puts down to search the lamp, both hands raises, a move 【The Evil King flame kills purgatory burnt Immediately rumbles. “那就……让我帮你解脱吧……”稍稍等了两秒后,封不觉便放下探灯,双手一扬,一招【邪王炎杀炼狱焦】登时轰出。 For safety's sake, Jue Bro when putting this skill also flickered The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes Increases the might, needs to strike the solution. 为了保险起见,觉哥在放这个技能时还瞬开了【灵识聚身术-改】来增加威力,务求一击解决。 Bear flaming- 熊熊熊- In a twinkling, but sees the fist shadow to plunder, the black flame wreaks havoc. When the flame moves, carries over wells up the cry intermittently. 霎时间,但见拳影掠动,黑炎肆虐。焰动之际,带出阵阵涌鸣。 After several seconds, in levels pressure one light, announced dying in battle that this guards the door BOSS. 数秒后,层间中压力一轻,宣告了这个看门BOSS的阵亡。 OK...... then may have the good play to look.” The present flesh lump has not dissipated completely, Feng Bujue then talked over one to Xiao Ling, and...... convenient took out from Traveling Bag Blood Corpse God Tomoe. “OK……接下来可有好戏看了。”眼前的肉块还没完全消散,封不觉就回头对小灵念叨了一句,并且……顺手从行囊中取出了【血尸神的勾玉】。
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